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“Like A Time Capsule In A Bottle”…

New Stem Cell Breakthrough Doesn’t Just Pause the

Aging Process, It Rewinds It.
Imagine going back in time to when you were the healthiest, sharpest, most radiant version of
yourself…then staying that way for the rest of your life.

It’s not science fiction, it’s the power Stem Cell Science.

Keep reading this report to see why experts believe this is the closest we’ll ever get to a real-life
Fountain of Youth…

Plus the remarkable story of how 22 Nobel Prize Winning Scientists came together to get this
discovery to the public…

And why even though A-List Celebrities and Pro Athletes have been paying $100,000 per year
for this youth-preserving breakthrough…

You can try it today for pennies.

Dear Friend,
Did you ever bury a time capsule as a kid?

If you were to dig it up today…

You’d find a snapshot of what your life was like when you were young.

Well what I want to tell you about today…

Is being referred to by many health experts as a “time capsule in a bottle”…

Because it represents the latest breakthrough in Ethical Stem Cell Science…

Something that comes in the form of a single, tiny, and easy-to-swallow pill…

And each time you take one of these little “time capsules”…

It sends your body on a journey back in time…

So that you start to look and feel like you did when you were young.

In fact right now, even as you read this…

People across the world are tapping into the newest advances in Stem Cell Science…

And they’re surprised to discover that…

✔ Aching, screaming joints are suddenly soothed and calmed – as the pain they’ve dealt
with for years vanishes before their eyes…

✔ Physically, they become the very picture of youth – with dewy, radiant, permanently
glowing skin…

✔ They often experience the elimination of wrinkles around their eyes, under their chin,
on the sides of their mouth…

✔ They see new hair sprouting from their head with a full, glossy sheen (sometimes they
even need to change their shampoo and conditioner)…

✔ And they find that their nails grow faster, thicker, and healthier than at any point in
their life.

And while these changes to their physical appearance may seem astounding…

They barely scratch the surface of what the latest advances in Stem Cell Science can do.

You see: The reason why Stem Cells are considered the most important anti-aging
breakthrough in all of science and medicine…

Is because these miraculous little cells are a “blank slate”…

They can travel virtually anywhere in your body where there’s been damage…

Then immediately start to help repair that damage...

And the most beautiful thing about Stem Cells…

Is that they don’t care how or why that damaged happened in the first place:

✔ They don’t care if your heart is weak due to a lifetime of bad habits like an unhealthy
diet or smoking…
✔ Or if your skin is wrinkled and covered with dark spots because you never wore
sunscreen as a kid…

✔ Or if old age has worn your joints to the bone, with no cartilage left…

✔ Or if your high blood sugar, or failing kidneys are something genetic that you were
unlucky enough to be born with.

Stem Cells don’t care about anything except making you better…

And once your body is flooded with an endless ocean of powerful, healing Stem Cells…

You can begin to undo decades of damage in the time it takes to snap your fingers …

Physically rejuvenate every organ inside your body – including your heart, your brain, your
kidneys, your liver, your colon, and more…

And refresh virtually every cell that makes up your skin, your joints, and your cartilage too.

What all of this means…

Is that each time you take one of these “time capsules in a bottle”…

You don’t just do your looks a big favor...

The cells inside your body become physically younger too...

Which is why in the past decade…

Hollywood A-Listers, World-Famous Athletes, and Silicon Valley

Billionaires Have All Become Obsessed With Stem Cell Therapy…
So that they don’t just continue to grow richer…

They grow younger too.

And while the Ultra-Rich have been shelling out $100,000 or more for Stem Cell Treatments…

Which is a price they are glad to pay – since it’s as close as you can get to drinking from the
real-life fountain of youth…

Today, inside this highly controversial report…

I’m going to share how an accidental discovery by six University of South Florida Scientists…

That happened nearly 13 years ago to the day…

Has made it possible for ANYONE to finally enjoy the youth-restoring benefits of Ethical Stem
Cell science...

For just pennies on the dollar.

I keep saying “Ethical” Stem Cell Science because what I’ll be sharing with you today has
nothing to do with embryos or abortions…

But instead, with something called Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Which are already inside of your body right now…

Just waiting to be activated and multiplied so they can go to work healing you…

And I’ll show you exactly how to activate and increase your body’s natural supply of Adult
Repair Stem Cells right inside this letter.

Now If All of This Sounds Wildly Sensational…

I agree.

This IS sensational…

In fact, it’s mind boggling.

Yet just because something is sensational, doesn’t mean it’s not true…

And as you’re going to see in the next five minutes…

The Stem Cell Breakthrough I’m sharing With You Is Backed By An

Unprecedented Group Of 22 Nobel-Prize-Winning Scientists…
A diverse group of geniuses who are so stubborn in their opinions they often have trouble
agreeing on what the temperature is outside…

But who joined forces in a desperate effort to get the newest advancements in Stem Cell
Science to the American Public.
✔ You’ll hear more about these Nobel Prize Winners and their heroic efforts in just a few
moments from now…

✔ Plus you’ll also see how a new Stem Cell Therapy helped one of the most famous NHL
Players of all time recover from a severe stroke…and extend his life by years…

✔ Along with how the most winning PGA Golfer of all time used the miracle of Stem Cells
to heal his back pain at the age of 86…even though he’d suffered since he was 19…

(It’s a story he shared at the Vatican last year, to an audience that included Tony Robbins, Katy
Perry, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and the Pope himself) .

All of this -- and more -- in just a few moments from now…

But before I tell you exactly what this “Time Capsule in a Bottle” is and how it works…

It’s important that I do warn you:

There Are MANY in the Scientific Community Who HATE ME For

Sharing the Information Inside This Report.
I don’t make that statement to be dramatic or self-important or anything like that…

It’s the stone-cold truth…

And the reason why is because if you’re one of the MILLIONS of Americans who is 55+ and
whose body and mind is starting to break down…

This newest advancement in Stem Cell Science won’t just allow you to opt-out of the aging

It could also save you thousands, if not tens-of-thousands of dollars per year in healthcare
costs too.

That means billions of dollars in lost money to health insurers, drug companies, for-profit
medicine, nursing homes, funeral parlors, and everyone else who planned on getting rich off
your old age…

Which is why I’m making a lot of enemies by publishing this information online…

And why, if you’re ready to not just pause the aging process, but to actually rewind it, too …
It’s crucial you read this entire report in its entirety right now, while it’s still available on the

Why I’m Risking My Neck To Bring

The Public This Urgent Message
- Lee Headshot-

My name is Lee Euler. I’m the Executive Director of the Alternative Cancer Research Institute, a
best-selling author, and a frequent contributor to numerous health and wellness publications.

I’ve been a successful publisher of health periodicals and books for more than 20+ years…

I produced the hit documentary series Awakening from Alzheimer’s…

And I’ve worked with numerous renowned doctors and medical institutions like Julian
Whitaker, David Williams, William Campbell Douglass, and the Health Sciences Institute.

I can honestly say that thousands of people have reversed and even completely rid themselves
of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases thanks to what they learned from my publications.

It’s fair to say that I’ve dedicated much of my adult life to scientific research…

And specifically, to the field of anti-aging...

And for me, this obsession with understanding the aging process, and how to stop it…

Well, it’s personal.

You see, several years ago…

I Watched As My Mother Spent Her So-Called “Golden Years”

In A Dark Red Hell of Age-Related Decline.
Like many older Americans…

My mother’s mind and body were growing weaker with each passing year...

And it wasn’t long until Mom was unable to care for herself...

She couldn’t complete even simple tasks on her own…

And she was a shell of her former self - both mentally and physically.

Every doctor my Mom saw said the same thing…

That my mother was old, that her decline was a fact of life…

And that there was nothing we could do.

Eventually, mom died…

But if I’m being honest, she’d been dead inside long-before her last breath…

A victim of old age, someone who had become bitter, unhappy, and in pain.

After my mom’s death, I went through a period of intense reflection and soul-searching…

I was already a successful publisher at this point, I had some money, I was well respected – I
could even say renowned – as a writer. . . …

Yet what good was the money, the respect, or the fame…

If I was still powerless to help protect the people I loved the most?

And So I Began to Put All Of My Money, Time, and Resources

Towards One Goal and One Goal Only…

To help advance the field of Anti-Aging as much as humanly possible.

You see…

While it was too late for me to do something for my Mom …

I was determined to help others avoid her fate…

By restoring their quality of life and adding years back to their lives.

With my new mission in hand…

I began investigating every single anti-aging breakthrough that surfaced…

From antioxidants…
To telomeres - which are tiny little chains inside each of our cells that have been linked to anti-

The research I did on telomeres has reached over 150,000 folks world-wide…

And for a long while, I thought that telomeres were actually “the answer” to our aging problem.

Over time however, I started realizing that telomeres were just one piece of the solution...

And that if I wanted to truly understand the aging process…

I needed to look at the entire cell…not just one part of it.

Which Is Why Two Years Ago,

I Became Obsessed With Stem Cells.
“Breakthrough stem cell study offers new clues to reversing aging”
- Report on Albert Einstein College of Medicine study

“The findings represent a “breakthrough” in aging research”

- Harvard Medical School

“…treated groups had ‘remarkable improvements’”

- Journal of Gerontology.

Now you’ve probably heard about Stem Cells already…

Especially since today…

There is almost universal consensus in the scientific community that Stem Cells are the future
of medicine...

And for the handful of folks lucky enough to have been treated with Stem Cell Therapies

The results are nothing short of a miracle.

“New Stem Cell Treatment Had ‘Striking’ Anti-Aging Results…the research team found the
improvements to be remarkable.”
- Futurism
But What Exactly Are Stem Cells?
And why are they considered the single most important key to living a longer, healthier, and
more energized life?

Well you see…

While there are roughly 300 trillion cells in the human body…

Almost all of them are “stuck” performing a single role.

So for example…

You have heart cells, brain cells, blood cells, bone cells, kidney cells, and so on…

And once a cell has been assigned a role, it can never do anything else.

In other words…

A “heart cell” can never become a “brain cell”…

And a “bone cell” can never become a “colon cell”…

It just doesn’t work this way.

But Adult Repair Stem Cells Are Different…

Each of us is born with a precious stockpile of these miraculous little cells…

And unlike most of your cells, which are “stuck” performing one role only…

Your Adult Repair Stem Cells are able to transform into almost any type of cell that your body

Now why is this ability to transform so important?

Because every time your body experiences trauma…

Whether it’s a broken bone, a cut, a burn…

Or breathing polluted air, drinking tap water, or getting UV damage from the sun…

This trauma causes damage to your cells...

And over time, ongoing damage to your cells can have serious health consequences:

✔ Damaged Heart Cells Can Lead To A Heart Attack or Stroke

✔ Damaged Brain Cells Can Lead to Alzheimer’s or Dementia
✔ Damaged Bone and Joint Cells Can Lead to Osteoporosis or Arthritis
✔ Damaged Kidney Cells Can Lead to Kidney Disease
✔ Damaged Skin Cells Can Lead To Premature Aging, Wrinkles, And Lines

The list goes on and on.

Now when you’re young…

Your body is able to reverse most of this damage…

And it’s thanks to the precious stockpile of miraculous Adult Repair Stem Cells that are inside of

Think About a Heart Attack For Example…

It’s virtually unheard of for a young person to have a Heart Attack.


Because if your heart cells experience damage when you’re young…

Your body simply activates some of your stockpiled Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Then they travel to your heart…

Where they’re transformed into new, healthy heart cells…

That replace your damaged cells.

So this God-gifted supply of Adult Repair Stem Cells inside each of us…

It’s like your body’s insurance against premature aging…

It’s what keeps your skin, your joints, your brain, your bladder, your lungs….

Really your entire body…

In pristine, excellent health during the days of your youth...

✔ It’s one of the biggest reasons why you don’t hear about 13-year-olds having heart

✔ Or see 9-year-olds with deep wrinkles around their eyes…

✔ Or read about 30-year-olds having Alzheimer’s disease…

Because as long as your body is filled with special, anti-aging Adult Repair Stem Cells…

You heal very quickly, you’re filled with boundless energy, and life is good.

Now Here’s The Problem:

As We Age, Our Stem Cells Age Too..
“Stem cell aging and exhaustion are considered important drives of organismal aging.
Understanding the mechanisms underlying these changes will likely reveal novel therapeutic
targets for…prolonging human healthspan.”
- Journal of Cell Metabolism, 20171

And what scientists are now realizing…

Is that “old age” and “old stem cells” are really just the same thing.

In other words…

The reason your skin begins to wrinkle and sag…

That your energy saps and drains…

That your joints creak and ache…

And that your vision grows blurry and weak…

It’s all due to the same single culprit: Your Adult Repair Stem Cells are getting old!

Why Are Aging Adult Repair Stem Cells A Problem?

There are two main reasons why your tired old Stem Cells are putting your body into decline…

And we’re going to quickly cover both of them inside this report…

Because once you understand why aging Adult Repair Stem Cells are so dangerous to your

You’ll also be able to understand exactly what’s needed to fix this problem…

So that you can ensure you live the longest, healthiest, and most energy-filled life possible.

Reason #1: Your Adult Repair Stem Cells Grow Dysfunctional As They
Up until a few years ago…

It was thought that Adult Repair Stem Cells don’t change.

But in 2014, Dr. Helen Blau and her colleagues at the Stanford University School of Medicine
made a startling discovery2…

They began comparing samples of Adult Stem Cells taken from young subjects…

With samples of Adult Stem Cells taken from older subjects…

And what they found in their study…

Was that a staggering 75% of the older Adult Repair Stem Cells were dysfunctional!

In other words – these older Adult Repair Stem Cells no longer worked like they were supposed

So they couldn’t provide the healing, rejuvenating benefits that the body needs in old age.

Reason #2: Over Time, Your Body Loses Its Ability to Release Adult
Repair Stem Cells
According to Dr. Monte Slater, M.D….

A Double Board-Certified doctor and Navy Medical Doctor who’s spent decades at the forefront
of Stem Cell Research…

While you have 100% of your Adult Repair Stem Cells available at birth…

● By the time you’re 35 years old – the number of Adult Repair Stem Cells available to
your body drops by 45%...

● By the time you’re 50 years old - the number of Adult Repair Stem Cells available to
your body drops by 50%...

● And by the time you’ve reached 65 years of age - the number of Adult Repair Stem
Cells available to your body drops by a staggering 90%.

This is terrible news for people like me who are entering our Golden Years…

Because it means that right when we need those Adult Repair Stem Cells the most…

We only have a fraction of them available.

In fact, we’ve got only one-tenth as many as we had when we were young! Yikes!

This Doesn’t Just Explains Why the Body Heals Slower as We Age…
It Explains Why We Age, PERIOD!

Adult Repair Stem Cells exist in your body for one purpose only…

To heal your skin, your bones, your cartilage, your organs, and everything else…

So that you can keep living a healthy, happy life.

Once you get into your 60s and beyond…

And you’re left with nothing but a dwindling number of old, tired, dysfunctional Stem Cells…

That’s when “aging” happens…

And it can happen strikingly fast.

Have You Ever Been Shocked By How A Friend Or Loved-One

Seemed To Just “Grow Old” Overnight?
That’s how it was for my mother…

It seemed like one year she was her chatty, happy, energetic self…

And in the wink of an eye, she was falling apart…

With constant visits to the doctor…

A laundry list of medications…

Joints that shouted “bloody murder” every time she bent down or unscrewed a jar…

And a fog-wrapped brain that just wasn’t all there.

It was horrible to watch…

Yet I bet you know someone who has experienced the same thing…

And watching the people you love dearly fall apart right in front of you…

It’s a gut-wrenching experience that none of us should have to suffer through.

So Is It Any Wonder That Doctors And Celebrities

Alike Are So Obsessed With Stem Cells?

These folks all realize the same thing:

✔ If we can STOP our Adult Repair Stem Cells from growing dysfunctional with old age…
✔ And START getting our bodies to produce more healthy Adult Repair Stem Cells later in

✔ Then it could also mean expanding the human healthspan by decades…

✔ Or even spell the end for disease as we know it.

In other words…

What both celebrities and scientists know (and that the rest of us might not realize)…

Is that the promise of Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Is the promise of never again needing to say “goodbye” to the ones you love. Or at least putting
it off for MANY decades.

Stem Cells Are the Holy Grail Of Youthful Aging

Which Is Why Scientists Have Spent Decades Studying Them
At first they focused on Embryonic Stem Cells...

But because those types of stem cells come from unborn embryos…

The idea of embryonic stem cells is immoral and sickening to a great number of Americans.

So in the 1990s and early 2000s…

Scientists began turning their attention towards Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Like the ones I’ve been telling you about today.

Initially, scientists didn’t think that Adult Repair Stem Cells would be as promising as embryonic

But as more research was done…

Experts were shocked to find that Adult Repair Stem Cells can be just as exciting as embryonic

And can heal much of our body…

Including our kidneys, brain, heart, bone, bone marrow, periodontal ligaments (mouth),
cartilage, joints, and more!
The discovery that Adult Repair Stem cells are so powerful sent shockwaves across the
scientific community…

And in 2004…

22 Nobel-Prize-Winning Scientists Joined Forces

With Hundreds Of A-List Celebrities…
With the goal of getting Californians to approve billions of dollars in Stem Cell Therapy

✔ Brad Pitt, Michael J Fox, Dustin Hoffman, Larry King, Dick Van Dyke…

✔ Former first lady Nancy Reagan…

✔ Famed Movie Produce Jerry Zucker…

✔ Along with those 22 Nobel Prize-Winning Scientists…

They all campaigned around the clock…

And ultimately their efforts paid off.

In 2004, California passed what’s known as Prop 71, which set aside $3 Billion for Stem Cell

And while progress was initially slowed down by lawsuits and government red tape…

In the past 15 years since Prop 71 was approved…

This Miracle We Call Stem Cell Science

Has Come A Remarkably Long Way
✔ At UCLA, doctors are using stem cells to cure a rare immune deficiency disease

✔ At Stanford, studies are showing that stem cells deposited into the brain could restore
movement and speech to people devastated by stroke

✔ In San Francisco, cardiologist Deepak Srivastava is developing a Stem Cell Therapy that
he hopes will soon reverse the effects of a heart attack…
✔ At UC Irvine, scientist Henry Klassen’s laboratory is conducting clinical stem trials testing
a stem cell therapy for blindness. His research has already shown success in humans.

✔ After a woman named Rosie Barrero underwent a Stem Cell therapy for blindness in
2016, she could soon pick out colors and shapes she hadn’t seen in years. Before she was
so blind she couldn’t tell her daughters apart, now it’s easy for her.

✔ In 2016, 24-year-old Lucas Lindner was in an auto accident that left him paralyzed from
the neck down. One year later, after undergoing Stem Cell Therapy at the Wisconsin
Froedtert Hospital, he throws out the first pitch at the Milwaukee Brewers game.

And while wealthy Californians may have provided the initial spark…

In the past decade, both public and private institutions all over the U.S. have poured BILLIONS
of dollars into new stem cell research.

It’s like the snowball rolling downhill that turns into an avalanche…

Every time a new breakthrough happens, more money pours into Stem Cell Research…

Which leads to even more breakthroughs.

The Rich and Famous Are Ecstatic!

(Since They’re the Ones Benefiting from All of This)
It may not be fair, but it’s true…

We’re living in a new Golden Age of Stem Cell Science…

And it’s great – if you’re one of the lucky few who’s holding all of the gold.

That’s because right now…

The only folks who are really benefiting from the lightning-fast advances in Stem Cell Research…

Are the rich and famous, who don’t mind shelling out $100,000 for a single Stem Cell

As early as 2014 Sports Illustrated reported that “hundreds-yes,

hundreds – of NFL players have invested in the promise of stem cells in
the past few years.”
Stem Cell Therapy helped Golfer Jack Nicklaus’ back pain to vanish.
When someone recently asked him how long he plans to continue
golfing, his reply was:
“As long as my stem cells allow me.”

Hockey Player Gordie Howe’s family called his Stem Cell Therapy “A
Miracle” that allowed him to recover from a severe stroke and live an
extra two years in great health…
Many experts credit Peyton Manning’s choice to undergo Stem Cell
Therapy with revitalizing his career…

Suzanne Somers credits an experimental stem cell therapy with

helping to “regrow” her breast tissue after struggling with cancer…

Silicon Valley Aubrey De Grey – who holds a Ph.D. in biology from the
University of Cambridge – is on record saying that someone alive
today will live to be 1,000
Former Presidential Candidate and current U.S. Secretary of Energy
Rick Perry credits Stem Cell Therapy with repairing his damaged

The list goes on and on…

Yet while the possibilities of Adult Repair Stem Cells are thrilling…

It’s also hard not to read all of this and wonder…

Is The Future Of Stem Cell Therapy

Off Limits To Folks Like Us?
Because while the rich are fine with paying $100,000 a year for Stem Cell Therapies that will
keep them mobile, energized, and sharp-as-a-tack…

For most of us “normal” people…

The ones who have spent our whole lives working hard to put food on the table for our

Who go to church, who honor our neighbors, who live life by the Good Book…

I think we’re just as deserving of these miracles of Stem Cell Science as the ultra-rich are…
And yet up until now, the price tag has just made the promise of Stem Cells out of our reach.

“There Has To Be An Easier Way For People To Experience

The Healing Power of Adult Repair Stem Cells”
That’s the thought that kept crossing my mind.

Ever since my Mom died, I’d devoted my life to researching anti-aging breakthroughs like Adult
Repair Stem Cells...

I was utterly convinced of their promise…

But I was also utterly frustrated that they were only available to the wealthy elite.

I thought about my Mom’s final years…

The ones she spent suffering in the Dark Red Hell of age-related decline…

And it just didn’t seem fair.

I felt like there had to be another choice...

A better approach to Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Something that could fundamentally change the way we experience the golden years of our

And that could even take the average human lifespan from double to triple digits…

Without asking for our life-savings in return.

The Long-Ignored South Florida Study That Could

Expand Your Lifespan By Decades…
So when I came across a rarely-discussed scientific study from the University of South Florida 3…

Showing that anyone can dramatically boost their levels of healthy Adult Repair Stem Cells…

In just a few short weeks…

Without a single doctor’s visit or needing to write a single check…

And no matter what your age or current level of health…

I was both very excited and highly skeptical.

It’s probably obvious why I was excited…

But why was I so skeptical?

I was skeptical because even though this study was performed by six of the top Stem Cell
Scientists in the world…

Even though it was published in the prestigious journal Stem Cells and Development…

And even though it was filled with proof that you can naturally increase your body’s levels of
Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Virtually nobody in the scientific community was talking about it.

It just didn’t make sense…

Adult Repair Stem Cells are the Holy Grail of aging backwards…

And these scientists had found a way to get the body to produce a flood of brand new, fully
functional Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Which is like saying that they’d found a way to hit the “pause” button on aging…

Except “pause” isn’t the right word – since new Stem Cells are basically like a rewind button for
your body.

So Why Wasn’t Their Discovery on the Front Page

Of Every Newspaper in America?

I felt like I was missing something obvious here…

And then one beautiful sunny day in late April, while I was out shopping for groceries…

It all suddenly clicked…

And I just had to laugh out loud.

You see…

Here’s What I Finally Realized…

Inside this study I’ve been telling you about…

The six scientists examined dozens of natural ingredients to see if any of them helped the body
to produce more stem cells…

And when I say “natural ingredients”…

I’m talking about those so-called superfoods we often hear about…

Some of which are quite common, while others are only found in exotic locations overseas.

What the six scientists found is that…

X While many superfoods didn’t have any effect on our Stem Cells at all…

✔ There were a small handful that did…

And it wasn’t just some tiny effect either…

The scientists found that with the right combination of superfoods, in the right amounts…

It was possible to increase your body’s production of Adult Repair Stem Cells dramatically.

“So Of Course This Research Is Being Ignored,”

I Laughed to Myself…

It proves that if you want to infuse your body with healthy, healing Adult Repair Stem Cells…

You don’t need to spend $100,000

Or $5,000

Or heck, even $500 to do it.


You simply need to add a select handful of superfoods into your diet each day…
And in a matter of just WEEKS…

✔ You could be refreshing the cells in your eyes, your gums, your joints, your bone, your
skin, your heart, your brain – virtually every part of your body…

✔ Quite literally generating the building-blocks needed to make yourself “brand new”…

✔ And trading in your worn-down, declining body…

✔ For a body that is becoming physically younger, stronger, and healthier every single day.

It sounds amazing, right?

And it is…

Unless you’re in Stem Cell Industry…

Which is rapidly growing and expected to reach $476 Billion in the next six years….

Or you do ANYTHING else related to senior citizens…

In which case, it’s the worst news imaginable.

An (Incomplete) List Of People Who Do

NOT Want You To Know About This Discovery…

▪ Research Labs Don’t Want You To Know About This – Since they get billions of dollars
in government funding. What happens if it slips that you can increase your body’s
natural supply of stem cells by adding a few simple ingredients to your diet?

▪ Most Doctors Don’t Want You To Know About This - Since they know nothing about
Stem Cell Therapy and that scares them. They don’t want to be on the outside-
looking-in, especially when it could threaten their credibility and paychecks!

▪ Big Pharma Companies Don’t Want You To Know About This – Since they make
hundreds of billions of dollars each year selling you drugs. This discovery could
legitimately cost them trillions of dollars in lost profits over the next ten years.

▪ Nursing Homes Don’t Want You To Know About This – Since they’re a $130 Billion
industry. Imagine if suddenly nobody grew old anymore…how many of these places
would go bankrupt in the next year?
▪ Undertakers Don’t Want You To Know About This – Since they’d see their business tank
big time.

▪ Pretty Much Nobody Wants You To Know About This – Since they’ve been planning on
squeezing every penny from you until the day you die.

Now of course, you’re probably wondering…

Can Flooding Your Body With Pristine, Brand-New

Adult Repair Stem Cells Really Be This Simple?
I’ll admit it, that’s the question I was asking too.

So after I’d reviewed the University of South Florida Study…

I directed my team to see if there was any additional research that backed up these findings.

I think we were all pretty skeptical as we started digging into the research…

Yet to my surprise…

My Team Ultimately Came Back With A

List of Over 100 Additional Studies…

That were published in some of the most prestigious, respected, peer-reviewed medical
journals on Earth…

Proving that with the right mix of special, natural ingredients…

It’s not just possible to get your body producing an endless ocean of brand-new Adult Repair
Stem Cells…

It can even be easy.

We were also surprised to find that, while the ingredients listed in that 2006 South Florida
Study were good…

In the 13 years since that study came out…

Researchers have found several ingredients that are even more powerful than those
originally studied…

Including one special ingredient I’ll be telling you more about in a moment…

That was shown in a major study to increase your body’s Adult Repair Stem Cell levels by a
whopping 500%.

So At This Point We Knew

What We Needed To Do…
We made a list of every single natural ingredient that’s been shown to help support the body’s
production of Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Then we examined the science behind each of those ingredients with extreme skepticism.

We started with a list of over 100 ingredients…

Then we ruthlessly cut ANY ingredient that wasn’t supported by multiple peer-reviewed,
published scientific studies…

Until ultimately, we were left with just 5 Special Ingredients…

Ingredients we consider to be the cream-of-the-crop when it comes to natural Stem Cell


Once we had these 5 ingredients…

We went to work creating an advanced nutrient delivery system…

✔ In the form of a uniquely designed nutritional capsule…

✔ Something that contains each of those five Stem Cell Activating Ingredients…

✔ In dosage that was supported by scientific studies on them.

It’s Called…
Stem Cell Restore
-6 Bottle Graphic-

And it represents the next generation in Stem Cell Science.

Stem Cell Restore is the breakthrough that finally makes the miracle of Adult Repair Stem
Cells available to anyone…

And inside every single capsule you will find the 5 Most Proven Ingredients known to science…

Ingredients that can activate your body’s internal production of Adult Repair Stem Cells…

So that you don’t just look and feel like you did when you were young…

You heal like you did when you were young as well.

Each Capsule is Like a Tiny Time-Machine In Your Hand…

Modern science is hot on the trail of a breakthrough that gives your body the power to
regenerate itself, from the inside out…

The rich and famous are all over the stem cell breakthrough, paying $25,000 to $100,000 a

And now these tiny capsules are your first chance to get in on the action – at practically no cost

So that you can…

✔ STOP worrying about getting old…

✔ STOP obsessing over what will happen to your family after you’re gone…

✔ STOP regretting all of the things you never got to do in life…

✔ And START living in a brand-new body every single day.

Imagine what it would feel like to suddenly realize you have more time left on this earth than
you ever thought possible…

And having an endless source of energy that propels you headfirst into those decades to come.

That’s what Stem Cell Restore was designed to help you do…

There are absolutely no fillers, no soy, and no artificial colors…

And every single bottle is manufactured right here in the United States…
In a state-of-the-art facility that follows all GMP safety standards.

Stem Cells Were Once Considered the Future Of Medicine…

Now They’re Available As A Bottle In Your Medicine Cabinet.
Just one single, easy-to-swallow capsule per day is all it takes…

You can take it in the morning, with a glass of water…at lunch…in the afternoon…or right before

It doesn’t matter when you take Stem Cell Restore, just make sure you TAKE IT…

Because once you have this little Stem Cell-Activating-Miracle in your hands…

It’s like watching your body’s internal clock start ticking in reverse…

You grow younger and more energized with every second, every minute, and every single

And it keeps going this way for the rest of your long, healthy life.

There are already thousands of people across the U.S. right now who swear by Stem Cell

And you’re going to hear from them in just a moment…

But first…

Let me go ahead and share the 5 Stem-Cell-Activating Ingredients inside Stem Cell Restore…

That way you can see exactly why this formula is so revolutionary…

And what makes it so incredibly unique.

-Supplement Facts Label-

Stem Cell Restore’s Breakthrough Ingredient #1: Icariin

Icariin is also sometimes known as Bishops Hat because of the shape of its delicate, purple

It’s been used in Eastern Medicine for thousands of years…

And overseas they’ve long claimed that it can support your kidneys, your bones, your
hormones, your bladder, your sexual vitality, and more.

Yet while there have been folk-stories about Icariin’s amazing properties for centuries…

It’s only recently that science has actually turned a serious eye to this wonderous herb…

And what we’ve found is astounding.

There are now over 60 Scientific Studies showing that Icariin increases
the production of Adult Repair Stem Cells…
And every month that number is going up.

Before long, I’m positive Icariin will be a household name…

And when you look at the incredible science behind this Stem Cell-Activating Super Ingredient…

It’s easy to see why…

Icariin Repairs Damaged Kidneys in Live Animal Study And Increases

Stem Cells By An Amazing 500%
In a model of kidney failure in animals…

Those subjects given Icariin for 8 weeks saw total recovery of kidney function.

More staggeringly…

It was found that Icariin had increased the production of Adult Repair Kidney Stem Cells by a
staggering 500%.4

In A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Human Study,

Icariin Prevents Bone Loss in Women
A study published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research followed a group of healthy
postmenopausal women for 24 months.

One group took 60 mgs of Icariin daily, which is the same dosage of Icariin you’ll get in Stem
Cell Restore.

The other group took a placebo sugar pill.

After 12 and 24 months, the placebo group experienced significant bone loss…

But The icariin group experienced ZERO bone loss at both 12 and 24 months. It was as if time
had stood still for them5.

Icariin Increases Human Bone Marrow Stem Cells By 230%

And Turns Stem Cells into Mineralized Bone Cells.
Scientists have long known that Adult Repair Stem Cells love to gather in our bone marrow…

What we didn’t know though…

Was just how easy it is to generate MORE of these powerful repair cells…

At least when we add icariin to the human diet.

In a major study published in the prestigious medical journal Molecules…

Scientists extracted bone marrow stem cells from humans…

Then divided them into two groups.

✔ The first group of human bone marrow stem cells was treated with icariin…

X While the second group was not.

The scientists then observed both groups…

And they were shocked to find that within just 4 to 8 hours…

The Stem Cells treated with icariin were beginning to multiply rapidly…

✔ After 5 days, you could really notice the difference…

✔ And in just 10 days, the number of Adult Repair Stem Cells had increased by a staggering

What’s more…

The researchers then examined the new bone cells…

And discovered that they had much healthier mineral deposits.

In other words, the bone cells were younger and stronger too 6.

A picture of Adult Repair Stem Cells from Bone Marrow.

Image “A” shows the stem cells 1 day after adding Icariin
Image “B” shows the stem cells on 5 days after adding Icariin
Image “C” shows the stem cells just 10 days after adding Icariin.

Imagine what it would be like if you could flood your body with a tidal-wave of brand new, healthy stem cells just
like this!

Icariin Increases Cartilage Stem Cells By 200%

And Builds 8 Times More Cartilage
In a major study published in a peer-reviewed medical journal…

When icariin was added to lab cultures of healthy cartilage cells…

They were startled to see that after just 21 days…

There were EIGHT times more healthy cartilage cells7.

Just think of what this would mean for your joints, your mobility, and your everyday quality of

Icariin Provides the Brain With The Crucial Stem Cells

That Keep You Sharp and Young
This one is a really huge deal.

Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine recently discovered that there are special
Adult Repair Stem Cells in the human brain…

They’re called “neural stem cells”…

And they’re not just responsible for how well our brain functions…

They also control how fast our entire body ages.

Now this discovery is obviously very scientifically important…

But what’s even more exciting…

Is that in a major paper published in the prestigious Journal of Ethnopharmacology…

Scientists found that Icariin “markedly” activates these “neural stem cells” 8…

Which suggests that with the right daily dosage of icariin (like you get inside Stem Cell Restore)

Age-associated memory loss could soon become a thing of the past!

Researchers Find That Icariin Helps

Create Healthy Young Heart Cells
In a 2010 study published in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry…


Scientists wanted to know if stem cells extracted from fat cells could help grow healthy, new
heart cells.

On paper it made sense, since Adult Repair Stem Cells can transform into almost any type of
specialized cell…

But still, a fat cell that becomes a heart cell?

It was hard to imagine it could work…

And yet, after adding icariin to the extracted fat cells…

That’s exactly what happened9...

Which opens the door to transform modern medicine, and the way we look at heart-health,

Icariin Found to Be One Of The Few Ingredients Ever

Proven to Extend Lifespan and Healthspan In Mammals
We often hear how “this-or-that” ingredient is good for us…

But it’s actually very rare for an ingredient to be scientifically proven to extend the health and

Icariin is one of those rare exceptions…

Because in a 2015 study that was published in the journal Experimental Gerontology…

Researchers found that when mammals were given Icariin over an extended period of time…

They not only lived longer…

But they also showed less inflammation, less oxidative stress, stronger DNA, and even increased
density of healthy bones10.

It sounds fantastical…


But considering the dozens of studies proving that Icariin can boost the body’s internal supply
of healthy Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Is it really any wonder that the Icariin that’s inside Stem Cell Restore could increase our

And while it’s crazy to think about…

Each of the studies I just mentioned barely scratches the surface…

Icariin, Which is the #1 Ingredient Inside Stem Cell Restore,

Has Also Been Shown To…
✔ Help heal shoulders and tendons following surgery – leading to healthier, younger, and
stronger joints11…

✔ Increase the number of healthy periodontal (gum) stem cells – which means stronger
gums and a healthier mouth12…

✔ Regrow healthy bone throughout the body – in just one example, a 2015 study with
human subjects. Icariin was found to rebuild bone stem cells in people with damaged

✔ And so much more.

Stem Cell Restore’s Breakthrough Ingredient #2: Resveratrol

You’ve probably heard that drinking one glass of red wine per day is healthy…

And that’s thanks to Resveratrol.

Resveratrol is a special ingredient that’s found in dark-skinned grapes that are used to make red



And researchers have long known that it’s loaded in antioxidants that are good for your heart. 14

What we didn’t know until recently though…

Is that Resveratrol is like rocket-fuel for your Adult Repair Stem Cells…

At least when you add it to your diet in a clinically relevant dosage like the one found in Stem
Cell Restore.

A Prestigious Journal Bombshell –

Resveratrol Increases Brain Stem Cells
(But Only At Low Doses).
In a study published in the journal Nature…

Which is one of the most credible scientific periodicals in the world…

Researchers found that when animals were given a LOW dosage of Resveratrol…

It significantly increased the production of brand new, pristine brain stem cells…

And it also increased the survival rate of healthy stem cells that were already present in the

These results are remarkable…

But what’s even more head-turning…

Is the fact that both the increase in new stem cells…

And the protection of existing stem cells…

ONLY happened with a LOW dosage of Resveratrol, not a HIGH dosage.

This probably explains why one glass of red wine is so good for you, but two is so terrible…


And it also suggests that most Resveratrol supplements you see in stores could be a big waste
of money…

Because they simply don’t get the dosage right.

Now here’s the good news…

Stem Cell Restore does get the dosage right…

It contains the same amount of Resveratrol as in this breakthrough study…

Which means now…

It’s possible to help your brain experience the true power of Adult Repair Stem Cells…

No matter if you’re in your 60s, 70s, 80s, or beyond.

A Landmark New Study Finds That Resveratrol Increases Adult Repair

Stem Cells By Over 200%
This in vitro study was published in the journal Advances in Biomedicine and Pharmacy in

And it shows that not only did Resveratrol help to generate a large amount of new Adult Repair
Stem Cells…

But that these cells were then able to be transformed into blood cells, endothelial cells, liver
cells, heart cells, smooth muscle cells, and even bone cells 16…

Which means they go to work in the places your body needs them the most…

And keep you protected year-after-year.

Study Finds That Resveratrol Protects Brain Cells From Stroke

In an important 2015 study published in the journal Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry…

Scientists found that supplementing with Resveratrol could help inhibit (protect against) a

This is a big deal…

Plus in that same study…

It was also found that supplementing with Resveratrol after a stroke dramatically increased the
survival rate of healthy Adult Repair Stem Cells…

And it stimulated the production of new repair stem cells too17…

Which could lead to brand new and exciting therapies for those unlucky enough to be impacted
by a terrible stroke.

Plus, just like Icariin…

Because Resveratrol is such a powerful stem cell stimulator…

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that in numerous double-blind, randomized, and
placebo-controlled studies…

Resveratrol, the #2 Ingredient in Stem Cell Restore, Has Also Been

Shown To:
✔ Help support healthy cholesterol levels that will have your doctor smiling from ear to

✔ Support a healthy cellular inflammatory response, one of the most critical secrets to
staying vibrantly healthy as you age19…

✔ Support healthy C-Reactive Protein (CRP) markers. CRP is a measure of inflammation

and heart health20.




✔ Lower blood sugar levels, help control insulin spikes, and increase insulin sensitivity 21.

✔ Support the endothelium (lining) of your arteries22…

✔ And so much more.

Facts like this make Resveratrol an absolutely perfect addition to Stem Cell Restore…

But there’s still so MUCH more in this breakthrough formula…

Stem Cell Restore’s Breakthrough Ingredient #3: Grape Seed Extract

After grapes are crushed for wine or juice, you’re left with the seeds…

And most of the time, manufacturers simply throw these seeds out in the trash.

It turns out...

That’s a lot like keeping the oyster but throwing out the pearl…

Because new research is finding that one of the main compounds inside Grape Seeds, called

Can Increase Stem Cell Production in Human Bone Marrow By

Remember: human bone marrow is one of the body’s “hotspots” for both storing and
producing Adult Repair stem cells…

So an increase of nearly 35% is nothing to sneeze at…

But it’s still just the start.

Grape Seed Extract Helps Rid Your Body of Bad Stem Cells Too



Whenever your body calls for Adult Repair Stem Cells to help repair damage in your body…

Those stem cells are sent to the scene of the crime…

Where they multiply over-and-over again.

That’s a good thing when those Adult Repair Stem Cells are healthy…

But considering that up to 75% of stem cells grow dysfunctional during old age…

The LAST thing you want is for damaged cells to be multiplying over-and-over-again.

That’s one of the very hallmarks of disease!

Well fortunately, in an important study that was published in 2016…

When Grape Seed Extract Was Combined With Resveratrol…

It BLOCKED The Growth Of Bad, Dysfunctional Stem Cells24.

Resveratrol is the #2 Ingredient inside Stem Cell Restore…

While Grape Seed Extract is the #3 Ingredient…

And since this study found that…

Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract together STOPPED bad cells from replicating and causing
damage to your body…

That should be all the motivation you need to ensure Stem Cell Restore becomes a part of your
daily routine IMMEDIATELY.

The “Before” image on the left shows the replication of “bad” stem cells.

The “After” image on the right shows what happened after those “bad” stem cells came into contact
with the #2 and #3 ingredients inside Stem Cell Restore, Resveratrol and Grape Seed Extract.

So Are You Starting to See What Makes Stem Cell Restore’s

Formula So Unique?
✔ Not only is it filled with powerful, proven ingredients that can help grow new, healthy
Adult Repair Stem Cells…

✔ And not only does it contain the RIGHT dosages of these ingredients – dosages that are
backed by clinical research and science

✔ But it also has ingredients to help STOP the spread of bad, dysfunctional stem cells too.

It’s the ultimate 1-2-3 knockout punch…

And Stem Cell Restore still two more remarkable ingredients for me to share with you…

Stem Cell Restore’s Breakthrough Ingredients #4 and #5:

The Black Currant Cocktail That Keeps Your Bones Stronger for Longer
The original 2006 Study I saw from the University of South Florida looked at both Vitamin D3
and Blueberries…

And found that when they were combined together…

They were able to increase healthy Bone Stem Cells by up to 40%.

It’s exciting research, no doubt…

But I told my team to take the data a step further…

And replace blueberries with Black Currant…

Since black currants have been shown to have 8x the healthy antioxidants of blueberries…

And 37x MORE vitamin C too.

Black Currant (The #4 Ingredient Inside Stem Cell Restore) Has Also
Been Shown To…

✔ Help kill off “bad” and dysfunctional stem cells 25…

✔ And protect your healthy Adult Repair Stem Cells26…

While The Right Dosage of Vitamin D3 (The #5 Ingredient Inside Stem

Cell Restore) Has Been Found To…
✔ Help your Adult Repair Stem Cells transform into new, healthy muscle cells (giving you
more strength)27…
✔ Activate Stem Cells in the Myelin Sheath (the protective shield that wraps our brain cells
and keeps them sharp)28
✔ And stimulate the growth of new bone cells in the elderly29…





The Future Of Antiaging In The Palm Of Your Hand.
So at this point you’re probably asking how you can get your hands on Stem Cell Restore for

Along with how often you need to take it for best results?

To be honest…

I wish it was easier for folks to gain access to this breakthrough…

Because as I’ve mentioned repeatedly throughout this report…

My goal is to make Stem Cell Restore available to every American possible…

Especially those who are 50 years of age or older…

And whose natural supply of stem cells are dwindling and becoming dysfunctional.

Yet while that’s my goal…

The truth is that because every single bottle of Stem Cell Restore needs to be produced in a
pristine, state-of-the-art facility…

Then kept fresh through a special, proprietary encapsulation process…

Which only a few manufacturing facilities in the world are able to do…

It Can Take A Very Long Time to Produce

Every Single Bottle of Stem Cell Restore

And because Stem Cell Restore truly is like a “time capsule in a bottle”…

Something that takes your body and mind back to the way it was when you were young…

While helping to refresh the cells in virtually all of your organs, your tissue, and your skin…

Pretty much everyone who tries Stem Cell Restore keeps asking for more of the stuff…
Because they never again want to worry about “growing old,” or feeling sore, or having a foggy

Stem Cell Restore is also becoming extremely popular with many in the health profession…

Which is amazing, but it puts even more of a strain on production…

Especially since it takes up to 3 months to custom-create each batch.

And as a result of the fact that Stem Cell Restore is expensive to manufacture, takes up to 3
months to produce a single batch, and keeps selling out…

I Frequently Don’t Have Any Stem Cell Restore

Available for The Public
But that being said…

I also don’t want ANYONE to stay awake each night, worrying about what will happen if their
bodies and their minds continue to fall apart…

Which is why in the next few moments…

I’ll share how you can get your hands on a brand new bottle of Stem Cell Restore…

And how you can try it risk-free as part of our breakthrough new Pilot Program.

But first, let me answer that other question:

How Much Stem Cell Restore Do You Need to Take?

That’s simple…

Just take 1 capsule each day, for at least 30 days.

The reason it’s important that you take Stem Cell Restore for at least 30 days is very

While the 5 Stem Cell-Activating ingredients inside go to work pretty much immediately…

What all of those clinical studies have shown us…

Is that the longer you take each of the ingredients inside Stem Cell Restore…
The more your body can benefit.

For example…

As you saw in one study…

Taking Icariin, #1 ingredient inside Stem Cell Restore, increased bone marrow stem cells but a
staggering 230%...

But you also saw that in another major study…

Taking icariin for a full 12 months was shown to increase the lifespan and healthspan of

I think all of us would like to live a longer, healthier, more energized life for years to come…

So It Just Makes Sense To Keep Taking Stem Cell Restore

Day-After-Day and Month-After-Month…
Especially since unlike those $100,000+ Stem Cell Treatments used by the Super Rich…

The most Stem Cell Restore costs is a few pennies per day (more on that in a second).

✔ And this is why so many health experts recommend that you choose at least 3 bottles of
Stem Cell Restore at a time…

✔ And 5 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

✔ Then take it for a period of at least 90 days…

That way you can absolutely guarantee that you’ve done everything you can to restore your
body’s most vital organs and tissues…

Places that include your heart, your kidneys, your colon, your liver, your joints, and your brain.

Across the U.S., people who were once worried about ending up in a nursing home…

Who could barely walk without suffering from debilitating pain…

Who were terrified that their brain was growing more forgetful…

They’re calling Stem Cell Restore a “Gift From God”…

And today, this is your golden opportunity to join them.

“I bicycle and kayak more, enjoy my part-time job and seeing my friends!”
-Linda K, A.Z.

“I’m 75 years old and I’m an organic farmer. I work long hours in the field doing a lot of physical
work. I notice I have more stamina. My energy is really solid.

I don’t need to take a nap. On a long drive, I didn’t feel tired like I usually do. I had plenty of
energy and I didn’t get drowsy and start nodding off. Plus, I notice I’m not withdrawing as much
into my computer. I’m participating in life more. I’m more present.

My life isn’t over yet and after taking Stem Cell Restore, I feel like showing up for it. I’m going to
keep taking it!”

- James M, Cottonwood, AZ

We Surveyed Real-Life Stem Cell Restore Users And Here’s What They Had To Say…

“I have more energy.”

“I have a sense of well being, more energy, am sleeping better, and some of my stomach issues
are improving.”

“I feel more alert and in control of my emotions.”

“First time I am feeling more energy and I am more sharp. Thank you!”

“Overall feeling better. More Physical Energy.”

“I feel a lot better and hopefully will continue to get better.”

“Helped my walking and breathing.”

“I am feeling pretty good for age 91!”

Those testimonials you just heard are only a few of the hundreds I’m receiving each month
about Stem Cell Restore…

And you should know that this Stem Cell Activating breakthrough is only available on this
While there are supplies in stock and I’m able to keep this report online.

The truth is…

There Are Many in Big Medicine Who HATE What I’m Doing…
They planned on making TRILLIONS (yes, trillions) of dollars off people like us as we grow old…

And they view Stem Cell Restore as an existential threat…

Something that could take away their private jets, their yachts, their exotic beach homes…

That could make them find a new career path all together.

I’m trying to fight these people (and their lawyers) off…

But it’s an uphill battle…

Which is why, if you’re here right now and there are bottles of Stem Cell Restore in stock…

It’s vital that you don’t put this decision off.

Using Stem Cell Restore Really Can Feel Like You’ve Just Hit the
Rewind Button On Your Life…
Something that lets you travel back in time, to make up for lost opportunities, to get a second

Every day you take your single capsule of Stem Cell Restore…

It’s another day of living life without regret…

Because you’ve taken a huge, important step to make sure you have both the physical and
mental energy needed to get out there and be the strongest, healthiest, and happiest version of

And when you consider that Stem Cell Restore really can do all of this for you…

You can probably understand why my Board of Directors was adamant that I set the price of
this breakthrough at $249 per bottle…

Which honestly, I think is extremely fair…

Especially considering that the Rich pay up to $100,000 for one course of Stem Cell Therapy

And yet, while I know that we could charge $249 for a bottle of Stem Cell Restore and I’d still
sleep soundly at night…

This Isn’t About Making A Profit for Me Or My Team.

Instead, it’s about fulfilling a promise I made to myself years ago…

After I lost my mother.

I know what it’s like to see the people you love grow old in front of your eyes…

The pain you feel inside because it seems like there’s nothing that can be done…

That aging is just a fact of life that we have to accept.

I Already Lost My Mother,

I Don’t Want to Lose You Too.
Which is why if you decide to take action right now…

And say “YES” to the scientific miracle that is Stem Cell Restore…

You won’t need to spend $249 for a bottle…or Even $149…

And why instead, by taking action today...

You can order Stem Cell Restore for just $249 $67 per bottle.

And That’s Actually Just the Start

You see…

Because so many of the studies show that the longer you take the ingredients inside Stem Cell

The more you could benefit from them…

And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of Stem Cell Restore at a

That way they can share them with their family and friends as well…

Me and my team have created an even deeper discount program where…

Right Now When You Stock Up On 5 Bottles of Stem Cell Restore…

✔ Not only will you save $100…

✔ And not only will you get free shipping (a $9.85 value)…

✔ But I’ll send you an extra bottle for FREE – which is another $67 value at no
cost to you.

-Start My Order Button-

-90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee Logo/Icon-

Plus that’s still not all…

Because When You Take Advantage Of Our 5-Bottle Best Deal Today…
You’ll Also Get 3 Exclusive Bonuses, Valued at $44.85…
Absolutely Free.

Free Gift #1: How to Triple Your Chance to Live to Age 100 ($14.95
-Cover Graphic-

Hint: It’s not a pill…

It’s not a special diet…

It’s NOT an exercise plan…

And it’s not work.

The truth is, living longer can be FUN…

And I’ll show you exactly how to do it inside this groundbreaking guide…

Which includes the one-simple at-home routine that can help you to feel profoundly more
relaxed, alert, and rested.

In one study, this DIY routine was even proven to cut your risk of dying from heart disease in

Plus it’s proven to help repair every cell in your body from the inside out…

Which means you’ll not only live longer, you’ll live younger and happier too.

Free Gift #2: How To Make Your Cells GENETICALLY 10 Years Younger
($14.95 Value).
-Cover Graphic-

Inside Free Gift #2 you’ll be shown the simple habit that not only helps you live longer…

It also slashes your risk for cancer, protects your heart, boost brainpower, and so much more.

All it takes is a few minutes two or three times a week…

Yet this one easy habit will transform your life in ways you never imagined possible…

And you can find out exactly how it works when you choose the 5 bottle, Best Deal today.

Free Gift #3: The NEW Science of Regenerative Medicine ($14.95

-Cover Graphic-

Regenerative medicine is THE hottest and most promising trend in medical history…


Because it opens the door to almost impossible healing WITHOUT a drug or a scalpel.

This free report will give you a detailed breakdown of all the latest discoveries in Regenerative
Many of which don’t cost a dime…

So that you can harness the power of Regenerative Healing in your life starting TODAY.

So Just to Sum Up What You’re Getting With the 5 Bottle Best Deal

It includes:
✔ 5 Bottles of Stem Cell Restore at a $100 Savings…
✔ An additional 30-Day Supply of Stem Cell Restore (A $67 Value)
✔ Your Three Bonus Reports (A $44.85 Value)
✔ FREE Shipping (An $8.95 Value)…

For a total of $220.90 in savings and gifts.

But this special 5 Bottle Deal Is ONLY Available while supplies of Stem Cell
Restore are in Stock…

Which means no matter if you’re going to order 1 bottle, 3 bottles, or the special
5 Bottle Deal Today…

You MUST click the button below to place your order right away.

-Start My Order Button-

-90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee Logo/Icon-

All Orders Of Stem Cell Restore Also Come With

My 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee
-Guarantee Graphic-

This is really important, and here’s why:

Every day I hear from folks all over the U.S. who say that taking Stem Cell Restore is like
sipping from the cool blue waters of the fountain of youth…

And while I’m absolutely certain that you’ll feel the same way once you try this scientific
I also know that in today’s society of big promises and over-the-top-hype.

Talk is cheap.

That’s why I want to put my money where my mouth is…

By offering you the opportunity to try Stem Cell Restore for yourself for the next 3 months…

With absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.

It Works Like This…

Simply click the button you see below that says “Start My Order”...…

And order your own supply of Stem Cell Restore right now.

Then, when your order arrives in just a few business days from now…

I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start using Stem Cell Restore every
single day.

I’m positive that once you do this, you’ll feel AND see the difference Stem Cell Restore makes
right away…

And that after you’ve taken Stem Cell Restore for the next few months…

You’ll never want to go another day without this Stem Cell Activating breakthrough.

But if for any reason I’m wrong…

If you aren’t head-over-heels in LOVE your experience with Stem Cell Restore…

Then you don’t pay a dime.

Simply call or email my U.S. based, Award Winning Customer Service Team…and we’ll refund
your purchase with no questions asked.

That’s every single penny back to you (less shipping)…

And the only reason I’m able to offer such a bold guarantee...
Is because I’m confident you will be blown away by what life feels like using Stem Cell Restore…

And that you’ll become a loyal, rabid customer for life.

Still though, isn’t it nice knowing that you have nothing to lose?

You’ve seen the science, you’ve seen the studies, you’ve heard from everyday folks who have
restored their health thanks to the power of Stem Cells…

Yet you still get a full 90 Days to decide if Stem Cell Restore is right for you.

So Go Ahead and Click The Button You See Below Right Now…
And Choose Your Package of Stem Cell Restore While There Are Still
Supplies In Stock.

-Start My Order Button-

-90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee Logo/Icon-

You’ve Reached A Fork In The Road,

And Which Path You Take Is Up To You
This report is now ending, and ultimately the choice is yours…

You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…

The incredible studies showing that the ingredients in Stem Cell Restore can increase Adult
Repair Stem Cell Production by up to 500%...

The inarguable truth that right now, as you read this, people all over the world are using Stem
Cells to achieve remarkable feats of health…

The fact that this is your opportunity to join thousands of folks just like you…

To level the playing field on the Rich and the Famous…

To “opt-out” of the normal aging process, and to age younger and healthier instead.

If that’s the choice you make – to not take action today…

Then there’s no hard feelings, and I wish you all of the best…
But just think about what life will be in a few months, or even a few years from now…

Imagine the next time it’s late at night, and you’re awake in bed, staring at the ceiling…

With the fears and anxieties of old-age racing through your mind.

Won’t you think back to this moment…

When you had the chance to claim your very own supply of Stem Cell Restore at a huge

While there were supplies in stock…

And feel just a little bit of regret that you didn’t try this breakthrough risk-free today?

If the answer is even a “maybe”…

Then I would strongly urge you to take that second, smarter path…

Which is to say “YES” to Stem Cell Restore right now…

To click the button that says “Start My Order” and claim your supply of this cutting edge

While it is available to the public, and while I do have bottles on hand.

Your decision today is covered by a full 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So you truly have nothing to lose…

And an entirely new body to gain.

Ultimately the decision is yours..

But I trust you’ll make the right choice.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today…

And I look forward to hearing about your success using Stem Cell Restore.

God Bless,
Lee Euler

-Start My Order Button-

-90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee Logo/Icon-

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Are Adult Repair Stem Cells And Why Are They Important?

There are roughly 300 trillion cells in the human body…

And almost all of them are “stuck” performing a single role.

Once a cell has been assigned a role, it can never do anything else.

In other words:

A “heart cell” will always be a heart cell…

It can never become a “brain cell” or a “colon cell” or something else.

Adult Repair Stem Cells are different…

Each of us is born with a precious stockpile of these miraculous little cells…

And unlike most of your cells, which are “stuck” performing one role only…

Your Adult Repair Stem Cells are able to transform into almost any type of cell that your body

Every time there is trauma to your body…

Adult Repair Stem Cells get activated…

And they go to the site of the trauma…

Where they replace damaged cells and help keep you safe and young.

So for example, Adult Repair Stem Cells can help refresh the cells in your heart, your brain, your
colon, your liver, your skin, your joints, your cartilage and more…

Which makes them an incredible natural healer that’s already inside your body.
2. How Are My Adult Repair Stem Cells Affected By Aging?

Stanford scientists found that up to 75% of Adult Repair Stem Cells grow dysfunctional in old

Plus, researchers have also discovered that we produce up to 90% fewer Adult Repair Stem
Cells after the age of 65.

What this means is that as we enter our Golden Years…

Not only do we have fewer Adult Repair Stems available to protect and heal our bodies…

But the ones that ARE available may be dysfunctional as well…

Which is both scary and dangerous!

3. How Does Stem Cell Restore Help Support The Health and Function of my Adult Repair
Stem Cells?

Stem Cell Restore contains 5 ingredients that have been shown in studies to help support the
body’s production of Adult Repair Stem Cells…

Plus, these ingredients have also been shown to protect the healthy Adult Repair Stem Cells you
already have…

And to “kill off” the unhealthy and dysfunctional ones that could put your health at risk.

These 5 Ingredients Are:

#1 Icariin
#2 Resveratrol
#3 Grape Seed Extract
#4 Black Currant
#5 Vitamin D3

And we’ve included each ingredient inside Stem Cell Restore at clinically supported dosages…

Which is a big deal, because studies show that both too much or too little of these ingredients
may be less beneficial than having an amount that’s “just right.”
4. What Else Can You Tell Me About Stem Cell Restore?

Stem Cell Restore is made right here in the United States, in a facility that follows all Good
Manufacturing Practice guidelines.

It’s also contains no fillers, no soy, and no artificial colors…

Making this an incredibly pure yet highly effective breakthrough in Stem Cell Science.

5. Does This Have Anything To Do With Embryos Or Unborn Children?


Stem Cell Restore contains natural ingredients that are shown to support the production and
function of healthy, Adult Repair Stem Cells…

It has nothing to do with embryonic stem cells…

Which means you can now enjoy the age-defying benefits of stem cells without sacrificing your

6. How Long Will Stem Cell Restore Be Available To The Public?

It’s hard to say.

My goal is to get this breakthrough in Stem Cell Science to as many Americans as possible…

Especially since Stem Cell Restore represents such a revolution…

It takes something that was previously only available to the ultra rich…

And makes it available to every American for just pennies a day.

Yet while that’s my goal…

There are a LOT of powerful people out there who hate what I’m doing…

And I know they’d love nothing more to shut me up…

By getting this website taken off the Internet.

So between the fact that I’m making a ton of enemies…

And that each bottle of Stem Cell Restore can take up to 3 months to manufacture…

I simply cannot guarantee how long this site will remain online or we’ll have bottles in stock…

Which is why if you’re ready to experience the incredible benefits of Stem Cell Restore…

It’s important that you do take action today by ordering your supply.

7. How Does the Guarantee Work Again?

When you click the button at the bottom of this page that says “Start Your Order” and get your
supply of Stem Cell Restore today...

You’re covered by a full 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

This means that if you change your mind about Stem Cell Restore for any reason over the next
three months…

Just call or email my U.S. Based Customer Service Team…

And we’ll refund your entire investment in Stem Cell Restore, less shipping, quickly, and with no
questions asked.

So there’s no risk for you whatsoever!

8. Okay I’m Ready To Order Stem Cell Restore. What Now?

It’s easy…

Just click the button you see at the bottom of this page right now and place your order.

Our 5 Bottle Package is by far the most popular option because of all the added savings you

But no matter which package you choose…

The moment you place your order…

We’ll begin rushing Stem Cell Restore out to you.

Then, once you’ve received your order in a few short days from now…
Simply start taking this little “time capsule in a bottle” each day…

And I’m confident you’ll be amazed by just how different you look and feel.

Plus as I just mentioned, this is all covered by that 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

So go ahead and place your order now…

So you can experience the power of Stem Cell Restore for yourself right away!

-Start My Order Button-

-90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee Logo/Icon-

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