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Philippine Constitution

→ Contains fundamental Laws and Principles. → It contains fundamental politics and;

→Establishes the structure, procedures, powers, and duties of a government.

The Constitution of the Philippines

• The supreme Law of Philippines • Enacted in 1987, during President Corazon Aquino •Also
known as "The 1987 Constitution"

The (3) Previous Constitution

• 1935 Constitution (Commonwealth Constitution) - It was written in 1934 - Approved and

adopted May 14, 1935-1946

• 1973 Constitution (Martial Law Constitution) - Promulgated after Marcos declaration of

Martial Law. - It introduced Parliamentary style government. - Enacted January 17, 1973

• 1987 Constitution (Freedom Constitution) - Issued by President Corazon Aquino. -

Proclamation number 3 as a Provisional Constitution. - Enacted February 2, 1987 -Two
objectives 1. Reorganize the Government 2. To Draft a New Constitution

Nature and Purpose of Constitution 1. It serves as the Supreme or Fundamental Law. 2. It

establishes basic Frameworks and underlying Principles of Government.

Constitutional Law - Country's written constitution. It lays down and guides:

1. Duties and powers of the government

2. Duties and right of its citizens and residents.

18 Articles of 1987 Philippine Constitution (Freedom Constitution)

Article I - National Territory -The Philippine Archepilago

Article II - Declaration of Principles and State -The peoples duty to defend the state

Article III - Bill of Rights -declaration and enumeration of a persons rights and privilages

Article IV - Citizenship -it is between individual and state

Article V - Suffrage -right to vote in political elections

Article VI - Legislative Department -authorize to make law. dividid in to two ( The senate of
house represintative)
Article VII - Executive Department -it carries out law compose of president and vice president

Article VIII - Judicial Department -interpret the meaning of law

Article IX - Constitutional Commission -amending the constitution

Article X - Local Government -public administration of towns, citys, and municipal

Article XI - Accountability of Public Officers -it serves wuth outmost responsibilty, integrity,
loyalty and ifecien

Article XII - National Economy and Patrimony -refers to the entires structors of economic life
and refers primarly to the natural resources of the country

Article XIII - Social Justice and Human Rights -shall introde the comitment to create economic
opportunity basenon freedom

Article XIV - Education, Science and Technology, Arts, Culture and Sports -the state shall
promote education and encourage sport program and amatures sports

Article XV - The Family -recognise the filipino family as the foundation of donation

Article XVI - General Provisions -to promote of the ideas of good governance

Article XVII - Amendments or Revisions -implays continuence of the general ones and porpuse
of the law

Article XVIII - Transitory Provisions -regulates the process that starts before amendments

Duties and Obligations Of Citizen 1. To be loyal to the Republic -to have faith, confidence, love
and devotion to the country 2. To defend the state -considering the fact that our country is our
hope 3. To contibute to the development and welfare of the state -directly receive the benefits
from government in the form of infastructor peace and order 4. To uphold the Constitution and
obey the Laws -it is our obligation to uphold the constitution and obey the laws 5. To cooperate
with duty constituted authorities -their is a leader to manage the affairs of constituent 6. To
exercise right responsibility and with due regard for the right of others -no man is an island we
have to live with others 7. To engage in gainful work -if we want to eat we have to work 8. To
register and to Vote -it is our prime duty as a citizen of the philippines to register and to vote

How can we become a Good Citizen 1. Faith in God 2. Unity, patriotism 3. Work 4. Respect for
life 5. Respect for law, government 6. Truth 7. Justice 8. Freedom 9. Love 10. Equality Good 11.
Peace 12. Promotion of the common 13. Concern for the family and future generation 14.
Concern fo the environment 15. Order

The Philippine Preamble We, the sovereign filipino people, imploring the aid of almighty Gid, in
order to build a ust and human society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals
and aspirations,promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony and secure to
ourselves and our posterity the blessing of independence and democracy under the rule of law
and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love , equality, and peace, do ordain ang promulgate this

- it is a prolong of the constitution

The purpose and value 1.It set down the origin and purposes of the constitution 2. It serve as an
aid in its interpretation

-katangian at kaugalian


-Strong family


-Is an active member who fulfills his/her duties and responsibilities for the welfare of
everyone.(tuparin ang kanyang tungkulin at responsibilidad para sa kapakanan ng lahat)
- someone who lives in accordance with the good citizens values which is lifted from
preamble 1987 constitution.

4Basic values of the Filipinos

makakalikasan at

-faith in God
-respect for life
-concern for the family and future generation
-ultimate source to meet our needs

-sensitive to individual social and cultural

-concern for life and environment
-(L) green the land
-(A) clean the air
-(W) freshen water
-the value of being maka-kalikasan

-unity as one
-show pride of being a Filipino

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