Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Introduction to Media and Information Literacy
Name of Learner: ____________________________________
Grade Level: ____________________________________
Strand/Track: ____________________________________
Section: ____________________________________
Date: October 19-24,2020

A. Background Information for Learners

In this fast-paced, technology- driven time, we are bombarded with various information here and
there, in the convenience of a click, right in the comforts of our very own homes. Being a Senior
High School student, you are expected to be literate, not just in numbers and letters, but to be
able to fully grasp up to what extent information may be used and distributed.
B. Learning Competency with code
The learner describes how communication is influenced by media and information.
The learner identifies the similarities and differences between and among media literacy,
information literacy, and technology literacy. MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2
The learner discusses the responsible use of media and information. MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3
C. Directions/ Instructions
Before starting this lesson, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying
the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit.
Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this kit.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning that is
important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks.
4. Perform all the provided activities in this learning kit. Finish the task at hand before proceeding
to the next.
5. Enjoy studying!
* If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks, do not hesitate to consult your
subject teacher. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
D. Discussion
Communication is the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or
exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else. It is the
exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding.

How is communication affected by media and information?

There is no doubt that social media really changed the way we communicate with each
other. Social media reduced the barriers in communication, making it easier for everyone to
express their thoughts to the world. Social media also helps widen the knowledge of an
individual. Social media- sourced information is now more handy making everyone involved and
active in society.
Social media has also made it easier to connect with friends and families more than ever.
Communicating online us now the latest trend in communication, there is an app or program
where a person is allowed to see the face of the person he is talking to, giving the vibe that they
are talking personally. With this, a study was conducted to discover the effects of social media in
friendships, and it shows that social media helps 30% of the respondents to feel closer with their
friends, while 26% said that social media help them have more friends.

Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City

(043)722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662

CRN 44 100 18 93 0045

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Even if social media improve the way we communicate, it also has its downsides, a study
showed that one out four people is more active in socializing online than in person, and 11% of
people prefer to communicate through their devices, even though there’s a chance to see a
person face-to-face. Also, the interpersonal communication skills of an individual are being
affected in the process. If an individual will practice online conversations more often, it will be
hard for him to express his thoughts and ideas clearly especially in a face-to-face conversation
with someone.
Social media also made a person unmindful of the consequences of their posts. Social
media made everyone feel that they are allowed to say whatever comes to their mind, making
them say things that they would not normally say on personal encounters, thus fueling up
bullying. Social media allows everyone to gain virtual friends, and it can be potentially used to
harm another person since social networking sites cannot assure user identity.
The positive aspects of social media outdo its negative effects, but it is still needed to be
used with great deal of caution. Everyone should be mindful of using social media as it can have
great effects on users’ personal lives with risks associated in its exploitation.


The ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms

The ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, effectively use and
Information communicate information in its various forms

The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks to locate, evaluate, use and create
Technology Literacy

A set of competencies that empowers citizens to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate and use, to create as
Media and
well as share information and media content in all formats, using various tools, in a critical, ethical and
Information effective way, in order to participate and engage in personal, professional and societal activities.

E. Exercises / Activities
Activity 1
Media Interaction Log
Directions: Try to think of your media consumption during the past week. In the table below,
record your use and interaction in media and information providers (such as internet, social
media, TV, radio, newspaper, etc. ) and indicate how many hours were spent with each one. your
answer on a yellow paper.

Weekly Interaction Log with Information Providers

Media and Information Provider Number of hours in a week
Example: Radio 3 Hours
1. Which media did you spend the most time?
2. What are its features?
3. Why do you prefer to use or interact with this kind of medium?
4. What purposes do you use with this medium?
5. What roles does media play in our lives?

Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City

(043)722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662

CRN 44 100 18 93 0045

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

6. Do you consider yourself knowledgeable or literate in the medium? Explain Why.


Directions: Analyze the following articles and answer the given questions below on a sheet of


QUEZON CITY, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Quezon City Bureau) – Karen Davila, news
anchor for the now defunct ABS-CBN Broadcasting network, likes to think of herself as the
Philippines’ female version of BBC’s Stephen Sackur, always ready with her hard-hitting questions of
her guests. She has interviewed top politicians, celebrities and controversial personalities, among
them Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo, Pasig Mayor Vico Sotto and Senator and
champion boxer Manny Pacquiao. But now, Davila is being accused of political bias after she
interviewed Vilma Santos, Representative for the Lone District of Lipa, Batangas regarding her
Congressional vote to grant ABS-CBN a new franchise. Critics reminded Davila that she should
always present both sides of any news story or controversy which she failed to do when she gave
Santos air time (via Internet) to explain her vote.
Davila received a strongly-worded protest-letter from the Noranians, demanding that their idol and
Vilma Santos’ onscreen nemesis — Nora Aunor — be given equal time on her program. The Adobo
Chronicles caught up with Davila at the parking lot of ABS-CBN’s Mother Ignacia compound and we
asked her for her reaction to the letter. She said she already sent a text to Aunor inviting her to a
guest on one of her future shows.
Guide Questions:
1. Did you believe these news items were true? How did you know they were true/false?
2. Are all news and information on the internet true? Why or why not?
3. Who gets to post news items online? Expound your answer.

Activity 3
Case Analysis
Directions: Given below are situations that depict a specific literacy that an individual exhibit. Identify if it
is Media Literacy, Information Literacy, Technology (Digital) Literacy, or Media and Information Literacy.
The first one is done for you. Write your answer on a yellow paper.
Situation Literacy
1. Ashley, a Grade 12 student of Buhaynasapa National High School, is proficient in Technology
using her i7 processor laptop with so much ease and comfort. In fact, she is ( Digital)
accustomed to use it to create powerful Powerpoint presentations during graded Literacy
class reporting.
2. In order to add related literature to his Practical Research project, Donnie
accesses Google Scholar, and reads through various journals and studies that may
help him in his research.
3. One of the Performance Task for the Midterms of the Grade 12 Home Economics
class of Buhaynasapa National High School is to create a short film highlighting
their advocacy on Human Trafficking. The class used the Quik ™ app to edit their
4. The Grade 12- Patience class of Ms. Apolonio have registered themselves to an
online portal called Edmodo, in order to connect themselves periodically, share
assignments, and even collaboratively work on a project, without meeting face to
5. Sybil constantly purchases load credits for her mobile phone in order to send
emails and messages to her teacher in Media and Information Literacy.
6. As part of the various social media activities of David, a Grade 12 HUMSS
student, he periodically shares news bits from credible online sources, then tag his
friends who may be interested with the information.

Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City

(043)722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662

CRN 44 100 18 93 0045

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

7. Mr. Dingal requires his Grade 11 students to prepare PowerPoint Presentation or

other presentation tools when doing graded class reporting.
8. In order to convey his stand on various social issues involving his peers, Marla
uses her Twitter and Facebook accounts to air her sentiments and opinions.

Activity 4
Draw What You’ve Got!
Directions: Using a long bond paper, create a poster that shows the importance of being a media and
information literate individual to our everyday lives.
Activity 5
Compare and Contrast
Directions: Using the Venn Diagram below, compare and contrast Media Literacy, Information Literacy,
and Technology Literacy. Give at least three (3) similarities and differences.



Image source:

Activity 6: “HOW I UNDERSTAND”

Directions: With a minimum of five sentences, answer the following questions. Write your
answer on a yellow paper.
1. Do you think it is essential as a student to become a competent and empowered producer of
media and information? Why or why not?
2. What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information literacy? Give at
least three examples.
3. In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?
4. How do you think media and information literacy can be useful in dealing with the fake news
happening in the cyberspace?
5. How would you relate media with the current issue of Corona Virus-19?

F. Reflection
As a Senior High School student, learning about media and information literacy is necessary

Prepared by:


MIL Teacher

Address: Provincial Sports Complex, Bolbok, 4200 Batangas City

(043)722-1840 / 722-1796 / 722-1437 / 722-2675 / 722-1662

CRN 44 100 18 93 0045

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