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Factory dynamics:
 Productivity
 Work station
 Raw material
 Routing
 Job
 Throughput
 Capacity
 Raw material inventory (rmi)
 Finished goods inventory (fgi)
 WIP (work in process)
 Cycle time
 Lead time
 Bottle neck
 SMV(standard minute value)

Productivity=output/input x100

Work station:
The work station is a collection of one or more or manual
station that perform identical or same.

Routing describes the sequence of work station pass
through by a part .routing start at a raw materials & end
at finished goods inventory.
A job refers to a se of physical matter that traverse a
routing.routing is going to during that material that is
called job.

Average output of a production process per unit time this
is the throughput.

Capacity is the upper limit of the throughput.
120 pcs/hour
140 pcs/hour throughput is the average production.
160 pcs/hour capacity.

Cutting RMI(stock point) sewing.
The stock point before start of the production or sewing
this is called RMI.
Inventory at the end of the production.

The inventory between the start & end pointof a product
routing this called WIP.


Fraying-being out of yarn.

From cutting to after finishing how times are need this is
called cycle time.
CT=3-4 days non washable garments.

Lead time :
Upto delivery from order.

Bottle neck:
140 pcs/hour productivity
60 pcs/hour→bottle neck
80 pcs/hour productivity.

Production is defined as a process or procedure to
transform a set of input into output having the desired
utility & quality.production process is a value addition

input→ transformation process→output(goods & service)

information money
Productivity is the ratio of output & input.
ERP=enterprise resource planning.

Assemble operation:
To joint a all part of the garments part to part by


The following data were given for one sample day:

Output=250 pcs
Sewer present=40 workers
Sewer absent=5 workers
Non-sewer present=8 workers
Non-sewer absent=4 workers
Normal working hour=8 hours
Actual working hour=10 hours
Material required=1800 yds
Energy consumption=$400 per day.
Calculate all productivity index?

Labor productivity:

Direct labor productivity=volume of output/direct labor

=volume of output/direct labor input x W.D x W.H
=250/40 x 1 x 10
=0.625 pcs/mn-hour
indirect labor productivity=volume of output/indirect
labor input x W.D x W.H
=3.125 pcs/mn-hour

total labor productivity=volume of output/total labor

=250/(40+8) x 1 x 10
=0.521 pcs/mn-hour

machine productivity=volume of output/machine input

=0.555 pcs/mn-hour

energy productivity=volume of output/energy input

=0.625 pcs/$

material productivity=volume of output/mtl input

=0.148 pcs/yds

=109.5m x 1.0936=………yds
=109.5 x 39.37/36=……….yds.
 1000 micro meter=1 mm
 10 mm=1 cm
 100cm=1 m
 2.54 cm=1 inch
 36inch=1 yds
 91.44 cm=1 yds
 1760 yds=1 mile
 453.6 gm=1 lb
 1 kg=2.204 lb
 840 yds=1 hank
 120 yds=1 lea
 39.37 inch=1 m
 1 cone=500 m yarns
 1 cone=18000 inch yarns
 knit=110-520 gsm

Line balancing(cuff make):-

Capacity=no of operator x absentism factor x W.H x 60 x


Absentism factor=100-% of absent/100

Line target=capacity/ttl smv

T.W.S(theoretical work station)=line target/individuak
A.W.S(actual work station)

%of balancing loss= €(A.W.S-T.W.S)/ € T.W.S x 100

individual target=60/individual smv

remark=T.W.S/A.W.S x 100
cuff make:
S.L no operator Smv
01 Cuff rolling .12 min
02 Cuff run st .45
03 Cuff twining .1
04 Cuff forming .13
05 Cuff top st .38

Total SMV=1.18 min,% of absent=10%,line

efficiency=80%,layout the m/c.,balancing the
time,calculate time balancing.
Capacity=10 x 100-10/100 x 1 x 60 x 80/100 min
=432 min
line target=432/1.18
=366 pcs/hr

SL operato sm Individual T.W.S A.W.s Aws- Remark

no r v target tws
1 .12 500 .732 1 .268 73.2
2 .45 133 2.751 3 .249 91.7
3 .1 600 .61 1 .39 61
4 .13 461 .793 1 .207 79.3
5 .38 158 2.316 2 -.31 115.8
Fig:line balancing sheet.

Individual target=60/.12
For cuff rolling=500 pcs/hr

% of balancing loss=.268+.249+.39+.207/7.202 x 100

remark=tws/aws x 100

SMV calculation:
Time study sheet:
No Sel1 EL1 SEL2 EL2 SEL3 EL3 SEL4 EL4
of sec
1 0 3 3 30 33 3 36 3
2 39 3 42 22 64 3 67 3
3 70 2 72 23 95 2 97 -

BT=ot x rating factor
M/A=machine allowance
R/A=relaxation allowance
Individual target=60/individual smv

Rating factor=obs rating/100

M/a=9% of BT
BT for machine operation=OT for m/c operation x rating
R/A=15% of BT
OT per cycle=€EL1/no of obs+€EL2/no of obs+€EL3/no
of obs+€EL4/no of obs
=33.34 sec
say rating=80

BT=ot x rating factor

=ot x obs rating/100
=26.67 sec
m/a calculation-

BT for m/c operation =25 x 80/100

=20 sec
for single needle lockst m/c allowance=9%

M/a =9/100 x 20=1.8 sec

R/A =15/100 x 26.67
=4.004 sec
=32.474 sec
=32.474/60 min=0.541 min
individual target=60/0.541
=111 pcs/hr


Monthly payment=G.S+O.T hour x O.T rate +incentive

Incentive=1/2 (€earned hour-available hour) x basic rate

Earned hour=SMV x ttl production/60 hr

Available hr=monthly working hr

Gross salary of a worker is=2200(including basic,house

rent,medical=150,house rent 40% of basic)his monthly
over time=48 hr,production =25000 pcs,smv of the
operator is=.65 min,ttl working day is 26
Calculate his monthly payment?

Incentive calculation:

Basic rate calculation-

G.S =basic+house rent+medical
2200 =basic+hr+150
basic+hr =2200-150
basic +hr =2050
basic + 40% of basic=2050
basic+40/100 basic =2050
basic =2050 x 100/140
basic =1464.28
basic rate =basic/W.D x W.H
=1464.28/26 x 8
=7.04 tk/hr
OT rate =2 x basic
=14.08 tk/hr
earned hr =.65 x 25000/60
=271 hr
available hr=W.D xW.H +ot rate
=26 x 8 +48
=256 hr
incentive =1/2 x 150.6
monthly payment=2200+48 x 14.08 +52.8
monthly payment=2928.64

The end

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