Strom-Olsen and Mujtaba, Rise and Fall of Nokia (2014) PDF

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The Extraordinary Rise

and Rather Undistinguished

Decline of


February 2014
Solely for distribution to:
Critical Perspectives on Management

A Briefing by Rolf Strom-Olsen and Serena Mujtaba

Do not redistribute without permission

The Rise & Decline of Nokia

The Finnish Company
that built a Global
In 1990, Nokia was a storied, but fairly obscure
firm known to few outside of Europe. By the end
of the decade, it had become the dominant global
brand in mobile telephony, an example of how a
company could transform itself in the
Information Revolution. After the architect of
this remarkable transformation, Jorma Ollila,
stepped down in 2005, his successor, Olli-Pekka
Kallasvuo, at first seem poised to build on this
success. But in 2010, with its market share, stock
price, and earnings all in sharp decline,
Kallasvuo abruptly departed the company. In
short order, the new CEO, Stephen Elop,
announced a major and dramatic shift in focus
to renew Nokia’s presence in the market amidst
widespread sentiment that the company was in
major decline. The strategy failed, and in 2013
the company sold its mobile device business to
Microsoft at a fraction of its former value.

What happened?

1865-1920 1980-Today
The Forestry 1920-1980 Mobile
Global Focus
Era Information

Let’s wait for the Revised Edition…

Nokia’s Success
“As Nokia’s success indicates, it is vital to embrace change and
Strategy adapt to the future, even when it requires a thorough
transformation. … When CEO Jorma Ollila and CFO Olli-
Throughout its existence, Nokia has Pekka Kallasvuo opted for Nokia’s global focus strategy in
established itself as a key competitor 1992, they bet the future on new emerging industries and
in a diverse range of industries, markets and began to divest all noncore properties. Most bold
whilst still maintaining its founding strategic decisions encompass both constructive creation and
values. Nokia’s success was based creative destruction. The lesson? Acknowledge the facts and
upon developing strategic never shun bold strategic decisions. The bolder the decision is,
capabilities gained from competitive the greater are the potential rewards. Risk comes with the
advantages in its previous business territory.
endeavors and applying them to new
- Dan Steinbock, Winning across global markets: how Nokia creates strategic
fields: adaptability, strategic advantage in a fast-changing world (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010), p. 36.
flexibility and customer focus.

1865-1920 – The Forestry Era

During the 1860s Finland experienced a tremendous boom in the lumber industry. In 1865, Fredrik
Idestram, an engineer, and Leo Mechelin, a leading parliamentarian, seeking to exploit its
commercial potential, established a small forestry company. Funded by private investors, the
company took its name from the local Nokia River, close to where the first lumber mill was built.
Over the next 30 years, Nokia expanded to include a large lumber mill, a pulp factory, a large paper
factory, an electrical power generator as well as multiple other facilities. Nokia’s diversification
strategy dates back to the very origins of the company.

Balanced Market
1920s-1960s – Global Focus
Nokia evolved from a family-owned business into a
public company after the end of World War One.
This development allowed Nokia to focus both on A trade agreement was established between
opening new markets and the expansion of old ones. Finland and the Soviet Union in the 1960’s.
One of these expansions was in its electrical power This agreement encouraged Nokia to export
generation line. much of its product line to the Soviet Union,
and enjoy benefits against competing
Nokia merged with two independent companies, ‘The companies. The acting managing directing
Finnish Rubber Works’ and ‘The Finnish Cable of the time, Bjorn Westerland, stated that it
Works’ in 1967 to form the Nokia Corporation, ‘Oy would be an unwise move and strategic
Nokia Ab’. This merger was both practical and mistake to depend on the Soviet Union
strategic and allowed for the new corporation to being their sole customer. Hence, Nokia
focus on four major business divisions: forestry, insisted that any sales made to the Soviet
rubber, cable and electronics. Union had to be balanced by the sales of
goods seen across Europe, Asia, and Africa,
as well as the domestic market.

1970s-1980s – Acquisition Spree

Finland was gaining a reputation of being the “Nordic Japan”, aided by its rapidly developing
telecommunications industry, including Nokia. During this period, Nokia appointed a new managing
director, Kari Kairamo, who had a new idea’s about how to transform Nokia: rapid expansion. Nokia had
yet to reach broadly into international markets, and Kairamo believed that mobilizing Nokia’s key strategic
assets – its technologies, accumulated customer information, brand name, reputation and culture – would
be the way forward.

Nokia decided to increase its research into electronics as well as acquire operations across Europe, which
resulted in a revenue base of $2.7 billion with 27,600 employees and a market capitalization of more than
$1 billion. Amongst the companies acquired were Scandinavia’s largest television manufacturer Salora Oy,
Ericsson Group’s Data Division and Finland’s largest electrical wholesaler. Nokia also became the third
largest television manufacturer in Europe.

At this point in the history of Nokia, the corporation had become large enough to gain international
recognition, but not strong enough to dominate its competitors. Nokia refocused its efforts to develop the
strength of its brand image through the different market niches in which it enjoyed significant presence.
This was to be the start of “its willingness to listen to the customer – a great competitive asset that would
become legendary a decade later.” (Dan Steinbock, 2010).

1980s to today – Mobile

The Nokia Insight

Information Nokia is widely credited for having

been the first company to recognize
that cellular telephony was becoming a
The rapid expansion of Nokia led to a 65% debt-to-equity ratio and staple consumer good, and to adjust its
position towards each domestic market
an internally sprawling organisation. By the mid-1980s the
company consisted of eleven industrial groups, each with its own
vision for the future. By 1986, Nokia owed $2.6 billion of debt, and
was in need of a major restructuring. A new CEO was appointed -
Simo Vuorilehto. Vuorilehto deemed it imperative to maintain Strategy for
Nokia’s core focus; his primary step was to divest all of Nokia’s
non-strategic businesses. Despite its earlier growth, the later Success in 2000
1980s were a challenging period for Nokia. It witnessed sharp falls 1. Concentrate on fewer business
in its revenues and share price after a national recession and the areas, but expand worldwide.
collapse of the Soviet Union, which had been an important market.
2. Encourage managers to act locally
In 1992, Vuorilehto stepped down as CEO and was replaced by in foreign markets, and to develop
Jorma Ollila, previously the head of the company’s fledgling understanding of local needs and
mobile phones division. Shortly after his appointment, Ollila made consumer preferences.
a critical decision that would end up transforming Nokia from a
diverse industrial European conglomerate into the main global 3. Learn how to best market products
and establish brand image in small
player in the fast-growing mobile telephony market. Helped by the
and fragmented niche markets.
early adoption of cellular infrastructure in Finland, which was
leading to rapid penetration of mobile telephony in the local 4. Focus exclusively on the wireless
consumer market, Ollila saw that mobile telephony was on the marketplace, particularly in high-
threshold of a major shift, moving from a high-end good to mass- growth areas of terminals
consumer item, much like, for instance, the automotive market in (handsets) and infrastructures
the 1920s or the television market in the 1950s. (base stations and switches).

Ollila decided to refocus Nokia around its mobile handset division 5. Leverage financial and managerial
and over several years the company divested itself of most of the resources to gain a foothold in key
emerging markets, such as China.
assets that did not correspond to this new ‘core.’ Ollila stressed
three attributes he considered key to Nokia’s success: product
innovation, flexibility and rapid responsiveness. At the same time
(the mid 1990s), he divested Nokia of almost all its remaining non-
core assets to focus on building value behind the ‘Nokia’ brand in A Deregulated Market:
order to establish itself as a leading player in the burgeoning
consumer wireless handset industry. This important - and risky - • During the late 1990s, the
Telecommunications market was
strategic decision coincided with the worldwide deregulation of the
deregulated worldwide.
telecommunications industry.
• Nokia make a quick and key
strategic decision to establish
business relations with
telecommunication start-ups
The Vision of
Nokia to • This strategic move was in
2000 keeping with the Company’s
entrepreneurial mindset of
placing its shareholders interests
at the forefront of future
Wireless Telecom - High Value expansion opportunities.
Focus Global Brand Oriented Added
• This allowed for a significant, but
also destabilising growth.
Nokia’s Restructuring:
As early as 1997, Nokia realized that the future of mobile
Nokia Networks
telephony would lie in its integration with the Internet. Ollila’s
Nokia 2000
vision for Nokia was that of becoming a pioneer in Internet-
enabled telephony, whilst maintaining Nokia’s current position
Nokia Mobile Phones as the growing global giant of mobile handsets. Ollila’s move
was seen as bold, and one that could jeopardize Nokia’s stance
as a global leader in cellular communications. Nonetheless,
Ollila believed the company’s goal of expanding global market
Nokia Communication share was dependent on manufacturing what he felt consumers
Porducts would increasingly demand: a mobile phone combined with
Internet capability. This made the move into an unpredictable
and increasingly competitive technological market
Nokia Ventures unavoidable. It would also make Nokia the early dominant
Organization player in a market segment that would come to be called

Nokia Research Centre Pre 1997, Nokia’s business strategy was one that focused upon
globalisation, which proved successful in the creation of a
strong brand name, recognizable in both international and
domestic markets. Nokia had become a household name from
the US and Germany to China and Brazil. Nonetheless, a growth model based upon
establishing a brand name rather than the development of new technology was unsustainable.
Nokia recognised this and restructured its growth plan accordingly, centering its future
strategy around two fundamental features of the information revolution: the internet, and
consumer demand for greater levels of mobility.

Nokia’s New Business Framework: 1997 onwards

A move into the mobile digital economy would be no easy task for the cellular communications leaders; it called for a
cash-rich company willing to increase significantly their R&D expenditures to service a market that was constantly and
rapidly changing, and one that was becoming increasingly more competitive. Nokia decided to concentrate on two key
areas’ that they believed to be the most crucial advances of the Internet age:
1. The development of a 3G Cellular System
2. The mainstream implementation of the wireless applications protocol (WAP)

A 3G Cellular System: Wireless Applications Protocol:

3G was intended to be a harmonized Nokia was one of the founding members of the wireless
worldwide frequency spectrum allowing for applications protocol (WAP), an open standard that allowed for
cellular devices to handle not only voice data Internet-based services to be used by mobile phones and other
and telecommunications, but also the transfer wireless terminals. WAP coincided with the introduction of
of information and computing through the Bluetooth; an open standard for short-range communications
internet, from mobile or fixed locations. In amongst equipped electronic devices. These features both featured
essence this cellular system was to be the 3rd into, what was at the time, Nokia’s most high-tech Internet-
generation of a mobile phone. If successful, enabled phone: the Communicator. With a best-of-industry device,
analysts’ forecasts showed 3G having more worldwide brand recognition and a 33% market dominance,
than 2 billion users worldwide by 2010. technological companies were keen to develop strategic coalitions
Nokia’s intent was to establish a first-mover with Nokia.
advantage by establishing strategic coalitions
and alliances in an industry, which had yet to The business potential of the technological industry was reflected
really exist. Given the extensive delays in in the rapid rise of Nokia’s share price: in late 1999, Nokia’s
rolling out 3G networks, this did not prove to market capitalization was $160 billion. By July 2000, it has almost
be a successful strategy in the long run. doubled in value to more than $250 billion.
Nokia share price, 1995-2000
The Rise to Market Dominance $35
By 1999 the strategic vision of Nokia’s CEO was $30
producing extraordinary results. Ollila was widely
hailed as a visionary of the information revolution and $25
Nokia entered the business lexicon as an outstanding
example of how a company could undertake
successfully to re-engineer itself. $15
In less than a decade, Nokia had become the global $10
leader in mobile telephony. Between 1995 and 1999, as
the market for mobile handsets grew exponentially, $5
Nokia enjoyed an outsized growth in both sales and
profits. It was expanding rapidly from its European Apr-91 Apr-92 Apr-93 Apr-94 Apr-95
market base into both North American and developing
As the company prepared to cross Nokia’s balance sheet, 1995 - 1999
the threshold into the 2000s,
Nokia overwhelmed its
nearest competitors and
seemed poised for continued,
unimpeded expansion.
Looking to the new
millennium, top executives at
Nokia started to articulate a
vision for the company, which
only a few years before would
have seemed unimaginable: a
40% global market share.

Global market share of

mobile handsets, on the
eve of the new millennium

Investors had reason to cheer:

a US$10,000 investment in
Nokia in mid-1995 would have
been worth over $160,000 US
by 1999. Unlike many darlings
of the tech boom, Nokia’s rising share price was buttressed by substantial increases in their bottom line.
With its substantial investment in R&D and new manufacturing facilities, the pattern of growth seemed

“The key challenge of technology companies today is how we renew ourselves. The technological
cycles are shorter. We must build on our discontinuities and turn them into our favour.”
-Nokia CEO, Jorma Ollila, talking at Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2001.
Nokia in the New Millennium – “We have gained global
handset market share in

unsustainable expectations? 2002, bringing us even

closer to our target of 40 %.”
– Jorma Ollilia

Between 2000 and 2007, Nokia

continued its ascendancy as the world’s Nokia - Global Handset Market Share
dominant mobile handset manufacturer,
but not without some bumps along the 40%
way. By 2002, 1 out of every 3 phones
sold around the globe was a Nokia 35%
handset. Its traditional dominance in the
Western European market had now gone
global; despite intensifying competitive 25%
pressures from Asian manufacturers, it
had become the number one brand in 20%
every major market. By 2002, the
architect of Nokia success, Ollila,
predicted that within a year, Nokia would 10%
cross the 40% threshold of global market
share. 5%

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Even as Ollila was predicting greater
dominance for his company, Nokia was
showing signs of strain. First, its rapid In August 2005, Nokia announced a change in
growth had challenged its traditional leadership. Although the company was poised to post
corporate structure clouding the strong sales and earnings numbers, there were clearly
effectiveness of its internal decision challenges. The share price had been languishing for
making, and creating problems of almost four years and, in 2004, the company had
internal organization. Up until 2002 its stumbled as a result of the internal restructuring, an
massive US$21 billion mobile telephone increasingly competitive marketplace, and a slumping
business was a single unit in the
telecom industry in general.
company. Second, despite considerable
investment in R&D, Nokia was being
increasingly pressured by growing “Nokia’s market share went from roughly 38% worldwide in
competitive forces in the market place. 2003 to 30% in the first nine months of [2004]. In Europe… the
Companies like Sony Ericsson, Motorola deterioration was even more dramatic, with market share
and Samsung were squeezing Nokia both plunging from 51% in 2002 to 32.6% in 2004. … Its stock has
in terms of market share and profit dropped 14% over the past 18 months … [and] Wall Street is
margins through innovations such as now deeply divided about Nokia's future, and some analysts
colour screens, CDMA Technology and are convinced the company will share Motorola's fate as
cameras. Mobile telephones were another faded tech star.”
becoming ‘feature-rich’ and more costly Has Nokia Lost It?”, Fortune, January 24, 2005
to make, even as prices were falling.
Furthermore, Nokia’s investment in 3G
Technology was stymied by its slow With Olilla’s target of a 40% global market share now
adoption by major carriers in the USA more elusive than ever, the architect of Nokia’s
and Europe. extraordinary rise to global prominence gave up the top

2006: A new CEO

In keeping with the tradition of promoting Finns steeped in the corporate culture, Nokia named Olli-Pekka
Kallasvuo as the new President and (in 2006) CEO. As Nokia’s CFO, Kallasvuo had worked at Ollila’s side
from the beginning, and had gone on to help boost the company’s presence in the North American market.
With deep knowledge of both the company’s internal operations and the larger handset market, he seemed
the perfect choice to help the company reinvigorate itself and get back on track.

Early results were promising. A number of operational improvements and better market focus, helped
propel Nokia forward after its 2004 stumble. Through the first half of 2006, Nokia’s global market share
rebounded to more than 35%. The bottom line (already robust) grew impressively and the company
handed out generous bonuses to its burgeoning workforce, almost one in three of whom worked in
research and development.

When Nokia released its final year results for 2006, it could show (and boast about) sales up 20%, net
profit up 19% and earnings per share up 28%. Lurking behind the figures, however, were some signs of the
future for Nokia. Sales increased most significantly in developing markets: China (Nokia’s largest market),
India, Indonesia and Brazil. In Western Europe, and especially America, sales were largely flat. The
lucrative North American market constituted just 8% of sales; Europe, always Nokia’s biggest market, fell
from 42% to 38%. The shift could be seen in the profit margins from the company’s handset division. As
high as 23% at the end of the 1990s, margins had fallen in 2005 to 17. 3%. In 2006, they fell again, to
16.6%. The developing market was rich ground for Nokia, but there was not as much money to be made.

Nokia results, 2006

Nokia markets, 2006

A Sudden Market Shift As the iPhone continued to gain momentum, Nokia’s
response was “been there, done that, bought the t-
shirt”. Many of the novelties introduced by Apple were
The landscape for mobile telephony shifted literally
already, in fact, part of the Nokia stable. As early as
overnight in January 2007 when Steve Jobs unveiled
2004, the company had rolled out platforms to support
the first iPhone at the Macworld Expo.
online music and gaming through its phones. In early
2007, these were consolidated into Ovi, Nokia’s own
“Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes online environment (equivalent to the App Store); it
along that changes everything… we are calling it acquired the digital map provider Navteq a few months
iPhone… a leapfrog product that is way smarter than later to offer location-based services.
any mobile device has ever been.” – Steve Jobs
As for the ballyhooed “multi-touch” technology, which
At these words, the partisan crowd cheered loudly. allowed the iPhone to dispense with everything but a
Nokia executives did not share their enthusiasm. When screen, Kallasvuo sounded a note of particular ennui:
it launched in June 2007, more than a quarter of a “The touch screen as such is of course not owned by
million iPhones were sold in two days and Steve Jobs’ anybody. We brought it to market five to seven years
lofty rhetoric from January was about to become a ago, and we will have touch screens on our S60
reality; this was a revolution. But at Nokia, the new [Symbian] phones next year."*
product seemed barely to register:
“A mobile executive who visited Nokia
late in 2007 … suggested that the *“Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo: Nokia: The most global company there is.”
The Independent, September 9, 2007.
iPhone was doing something
remarkable to the market. “Look,” he
said, “I can even give it to my three-
year-old and he knows how to use it.”
One Nokia engineer, Horace Dediu, did see the iPhone
“We don’t make smart phones for as a threat and worried that Nokia would be caught flat-
three-year-olds,” Kallasvuo shot back footed. After watching Jobs’ Macworld presentation, he
contemptuously. [Microsoft was jotted down a remarkably prescient timeline of Nokia’s
similarly unperturbed, Steve Ballmer response to what he saw as a competitive threat. Not
dismissively calling the iPhone “the until 2014, Dediu predicted, would Nokia have a
most expensive phone in the world! response to the iPhone.
And it doesn’t appeal to business
customers, because it doesn’t have a
keyboard”] The visitor left convinced Horace Dediu’s Timeline: Nokia’s response to the iPhone
that Nokia now had a serious problem:
not only was its rival grabbing its
potential market, but it didn’t realize
how dangerous that rival was.”* •  No response … no perceived threat of any kind. Apple is not
considered a competitor.
*Arthur, Charles. 2012. Digital wars: Apple, Google, Microsoft and
the battle for the Internet. London: Kogan Page., pp. 163, 171)
•  Plans made to respond with press releases… Apple
considered a competitor only in high end multimedia.
•  Product development teams asked to begin roadmapping
some of the hardware features that would keep Nokia
ostensibly competitive. Apple not considered a competitor
2009 except in high end converged devices.

•  Realization that iPhone is a threat from new dimensions (user

experience). Planning begins on reshaping the software base
as a market-driven (not technology-driven) asset. Apple
2010 begins to be evaluated as a competitor in devices and services.

•  Realization that the iPhone competes as a platform. Planning

begins on repositioning Symbian/Ovi. [In fact, Nokia
2011 abandons Symbian altogether.]


The Smartphone Revolution

Meanwhile, the Smartphone revolution Composition of R&D Spending on Devices

predicted by Steve Jobs intensified,
especially after the introduction of
and Services – Nokia 2010
Google’s Android OS, which rapidly
became the market leader. With
smartphones now being driven by
operating systems as much, or more,
than the hardware, the pressure to
improve Nokia’s internal OS, Symbian,
increased. The company dumped huge
amounts of money into updating its OS.
In 2010, the company committed more
than €1 billion to Symbian, an effort
that involved over 6,000 developers.
Yet despite these efforts to improve its
native OS to launch a compelling
alternative top-tier device, Nokia - Source: Bernstein Estimates & Analysis
proved unable to penetrate the
smartphone market. The din from
analysts, commentators, journalists and Symbian’s declining dominance: 2009-2014
even Nokia insiders grew deafening.

Yet even as Nokia was trying to find the

right formula for a compelling top-tier
Smartphone, its continued expansion
was larger drawn from developing
markets, which centred on mass volume
and low price points. This allowed the
company to maintain its leading market
share of the worldwide mobile
operating system (OS). Measured by
market share, Nokia continued to
increase its presence through 2008.

By the end of 2010, Nokia had

experienced an important shift. For the
first time in its history, the largest
concentration of employees was found
outside of Finland – in India and China. “ The Worldwide mobile OS market is
Moreover, sales to those two markets dominated by four players: Symbian,
accounted for almost a quarter of the Android Research In Motion and – Roberta Cozza,
company’s total revenues. But the IOS…Launches of updated operating principal research
systems – such as Apple iOS 4, analyst, Gartner
highly competitive market environment
Blackberry OS 6, Symbian 3 and
meant that margins were being
Symbian 4, and Windows Phone 7 – will
squeezed. help maintain strong growth in
smartphone in 2010 and 2011 and spur
“Accelerated Innovation”: Nokia’s
response to iPhone & Android The burning platform:
In 2005, coming out of a difficult year, Nokia had Microsoft
reported operating profit of €4,64 billion on net
sales of €34,2 billion and its largest markets (by
sales) were China, the US and the UK. By 2010, it Stephen Elop, his successor, moved quickly to
eked out an operating profit of €2,07 billion on reposition Nokia. In February of 2011, he sent a
revenue of €42,4 billion, and its largest markets were memo around to all Nokia employees:
now China, India and Germany. The message for There is a pertinent story about a man who was
Nokia’s (unhappy) investors, employees, and the working on an oil platform in the North Sea. He woke
Board of Directors was clear: the company’s sales up one night from a loud explosion, which suddenly
were increasingly concentrating in markets where set his entire oil platform on fire. In mere moments, he
handsets had been commoditised. A major internal was surrounded by flames. Through the smoke and
restructuring of the company announced in early heat, he barely made his way out of the chaos to the
2010 was intended to help the company move a rival platform’s edge. When he looked down over the edge,
Smartphone more quickly to market, or as Kallasvuo all he could see were the dark, cold, foreboding
put it: “speed up execution and accelerate Atlantic waters.
innovation.” As the fire approached him, the man had mere seconds
to react. He could stand on the platform, and
It didn’t work. The result of the company’s inevitably be consumed by the burning flames. Or, he
“accelerated innovation” was the N8, its flagship could plunge 30 meters in to the freezing waters. The
product for 2010. Built around its newly revamped man was standing upon a “burning platform,” and he
Symbian 3 OS, the device brimmed with the kind of needed to make a choice.
high-end features that a company like Nokia could
afford to introduce, but it lacked much of the new He decided to jump. It was unexpected. In ordinary
functionality that were now standard in top-tier circumstances, the man would never consider
Smartphones. Where Apple and Google had fostered plunging into icy waters. But these were not ordinary
times – his platform was on fire. The man survived the
a development network to offer consumers a host of
fall and the waters. After he was rescued, he noted that
third party applications, Nokia was contending with a “burning platform” caused a radical change in his
forward-compatibility from its legacy Symbian behaviour.
environment. In the words of one exhaustive (and
largely sympathetic) review, “to call Symbian's third- We too, are standing on a “burning platform,” and we
party app ecosystem ‘primitive’ would be an must decide how we are going to change our
understatement.” Consumers were demanding a behaviour.
high-end functionality that was simply not in Nokia’s
development stable. Even before the product had This, it turned out, was part of a one-two punch.
launched, Kallasvuo had stepped down after losing Two days later, Nokia announced that it had
the confidence of Nokia’s Board. The N8 was to be signed a strategic agreement with Microsoft to
his last failure. license exclusively that company’s mobile
platform. Symbian and Meego, the platform that
had absorbed billions of euros of R&D
investment, were to be phased out of the
company’s smartphones and Nokia would instead
become the hardware provider for what was, in
essence, a Microsoft-driven ecosystem. Reaction
was swift and severe. Nokia’s shares dropped 14%
the same day and upwards of a 1,000 Nokia
employees registered their dismay through an
To replace Kallasvuo the board tapped Canadian-born
Stephen Elop, the first non-Finn to be appointed to the
impromptu wildcat strike.
top job at the decidedly Finnish company. A Nokia
outsider, Elop had spent the most recent part of his
career as a member of Microsoft’s senior leadership
team, and headed the business division responsible for
the release of Microsoft Office 2010. Olli Pekka-Kallasvi,
right hand man of Ollila, longtime Nokia insider and
ardent company loyalist, had held the job for only 4

A closer look: Nokia 2011 Second, Nokia may have been blindsided by
Apple, but it is worth looking at how the
The argument company was trying to position itself with respect
to the segment before the Apple announcement.
After the sudden and dramatic events of February
2011, Nokia’s fall from grace was much discussed. In As early as 2006, Nokia had recognised that its
media and analyst reports, it was often remarked that strategy going forward would require the
Nokia was blindsided by Apple and the meteoric rise company to meet head-on the challenges from
of feature-rich Smartphones at the top end of the competitors like Apple. “Comparison with our
market. Under this reading of the company’s fate, own industry is not adequate any more,”
Nokia was either unable or unwilling to recognise the Kallasvuo told the Economist in the spring of
threat posed by Apple (and later Google) to the 2006, more than a year before the launch of the
Smartphone market. As a result, the company was first iPhone. “We need to look at this in a much
forced into desperate measures to compete in the new wider way. The convergence of Internet and
ecology triggered by the iPhone and Android. media content is happening in the way everyone
predicted four or five years ago. We are more and
more competing against other people, against
Does this argument hold up? new types of competitors. We are all
converging.” [Emphasis added.] As the
Note the quotation above from Charles Arthur’s Economist put it, “rather than just comparing
Digital Wars: “not only was [Apple] grabbing its itself with rival handset-makers such as Motorola
potential market, but it didn’t realize how dangerous or Samsung, Nokia now considers its competitors
that rival was.” The key word here is potential. The to be Apple, Sony, Canon and other consumer-
widespread impression that Nokia ended up bleeding electronics firms.”
market share as a result of Apple’s dramatic intrusion
-“More, more, more: Nokia's new chief wants to lead the mobile-
into the top-tier segment is simply wrong. Nokia had phone giant into new markets,” The Economist, May 25th 2006
never had much of a presence in this market. By the
time the Apple and Android had started to take hold of The company had reacted to the rise of consumer
the US market in 2008, Nokia’s North American sales interest in Smartphones by introducing a range
were already in steep decline. So neither Apple nor of top-tier handsets designed for the European
Android handsets usurped Nokia’s market, as much as and North American markets. The company’s N-
they made it yet more difficult for the company to series, launched in 2006, included a feature-rich
expand into this lucrative space. operating environment. The N73 allowed users
easily to upload pictures taken from their phone
to the Internet. The N91 was essentially a music-
player combined with a phone. And the company
Lost investment? even brought out the now largely forgotten N770,
one of the first Internet tablets. However, despite
MeeGo & Symbian this raft of high-end products, Nokia continued
to struggle in the top-tier segment (best
MeeGo: measured by US sales where adoption rates were
the highest).
Under the new strategy, MeeGo becomes an open-source,
mobile operating system project. MeeGo will place
increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of
next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia, North American sales,
With Nokia’s planned move to Windows Phone as its 4500
primary smartphone platform, Symbian becomes a 4000
franchise platform, leveraging previous investments to

harvest additional value. This strategy recognizes the

opportunity to retain and transition the installed base of 3000
200 million Symbian owners. Nokia expects to sell 2500
approximately 150 million more Symbian devices in the 2000
years to come. 1500
Source: Nokia Press Release February 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
So even before the introduction of the
iPhone, the Smartphone market was
Not just a nice phone! proving infertile ground for the pioneer.
Business customers were flocking in
Blackberry Subscribers (global), 2003-2008 increasing numbers to the Blackberry
device, with its secure push-email platform.
And in the personal consumer market,
there were more choices than ever. Nokia
made nice phones, but they were never a
Subscribers (m)

20 dominant player in the top-tier Smartphone

market after 2003. Although the company
14 recognised the need to compete in this
segment, they were looking increasingly
10 8 like a mass-market OEM. As the Economist
5 noted: “Nokia may strive to emulate Apple
5 2.51 [i.e. iPod] with its most expensive phones,
0 but the core of its business, with its efficient
0 logistics and huge volumes, has more in
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 common with Dell.” Ouch.

As Nokia was slipping further down the top- Nokia Workforce (yearly average)
tier ladder, it intensified its efforts to gain a
significant foothold in the segment by
investing heavily in R&D. Between 2006 and 140000
2010, Nokia doubled its workforce, including 120000
a large number of software engineers and
developers charged with devising new 100000
products and services for the top market
segment. Products like the N-series (e.g. N95
released in 2006) brought a raft of top 60000
services to the Smartphone environment,
including GPS-aided navigation and 40000
increasingly high-resolution cameras. But as 20000
the market for Smartphones was expanding
in its former core markets, the Nokia brand 0
appeared to be holding increasingly smaller
traction for the top-tier consumer.

In 2008, Nokia finally achieved the long-sought goal of Jorma Ollila: it ended up the year holding an almost
40% global market share. But it was a pyrrhic achievement; while revenues that year held stable, the
company’s profits plunged by (a poetically ironic) 40%. The trend was never reversed. In 2011, Nokia’s
revenues and share price were both depressed; it essentially abandoned its Symbian OS; and it reached
outside its corporate culture in the hope of finding someone who could engineer a turnaround.
Questions, past & future Nokia, Global Handset
Market Share
So the story that Nokia fell from grace because it failed to
anticipate changes in the top-tier Smartphone ecosystem does not 40%
appear to be supported by the facts. Well before the arrival of
Apple and Android, Nokia was losing share in both US and 30%
European markets. And even though the company was criticised
for failing to deliver what the consumer wanted, it was not for
want of recognition. It was a pioneer in developing third party 10%
applications for its phones, location-based services and satellite
navigation, and a feature rich environment that combined music, 0%
video, internet and voice in a single device. Even before the iPhone 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
was announced, Nokia had identified the strong brands in
consumer electronic devices as its principal competitors, including Apple. And it committed heavily to R&D
in its efforts to bring a line of top-tier Smartphones to market. Yet for all of these efforts, Nokia never
managed to turn that potential market into a real one. Instead, the company’s sales became more and more
driven by developing markets like China and India.

The challenges facing Nokia is made vivid in a quick review of the mobile market at the close of 2011. The
profit landscape has shifted dramatically: Apple, with less than 10% market share in 2011, managed to
capture almost half of the revenues and a staggering 80% of the profits generated by the mobile industry.
Nokia may still be the leader in terms of global market penetration, but it has not been able to maintain the
profitability of that position.

What can we learn from this? Here are the

key questions to ask:

• When did Nokia’s decline begin?

• What were the problems it faced?
• How effective was it in recognising and
reacting to those problems?
• Had it made provision for changes to
the marketplace?
• Could it have known?

Nielsen estimates of global top-tier smartphone

sales by OS in 2011 (January 2012)

Rolf Strom-Olsen is Professor of Humanities at IE Business School in Madrid.

Serena Mujtaba is pursuing a Bachelors in Business Administration of IE University

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