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Hola chicos: espero se encuentren bien. Les enviamos el tercer trabajo, Prof.

Ramorini Valeria
(tarde) – Prof.Fredi Alessandrini Victoria (mañana)
1. Put the verb from bracket in Present Simple. (completer en presente simple)

- I usually ……………………….. (watch) TV after dinner.

- She ………………………… (not go) to school every day.
- We …………………………. (eat) breakfast every day at 7 o’clock.
- ……………….. she ………………………. (play) the guitar?
- You never ………………………….. (wash) your hands after using bathroom.
- His dog ………………………………. (bark) at everyone.
- ……….......…. you ………………………. (like) pizza?
- They always ………………………………. (not play) soccer on Mondays.
- He rarely ………………………….. (borrow) books from a library.
- Students always ………………………. (leave) doing their homework for the last moment.
- Lisa ………………………….. (run) every day after school.
- …………………….. they ……………………… (drink) coffee every morning?
- Tom …………………………………………. (not cry) every day.
- What ………………… Tom ………………….. (read) every Sunday?
- We ……………………… (love) drinking orange juice.

2. Put the verb from bracket in Present Continuous.(completer en presente continuo)

- We ……………………………………………… (read) Harry Potter now.

- She …………………………………………… (not jump) at the moment.
- ……………… they …………………………… (paint) the room now?
- He ………………………………………… (drive) to work now.
- Jessica and John …………………………………………. (blow) the candles.
- ……………. you ……………………. (buy) this or not.
- Look! The squirrel ……………………………………. (hide) a hazelnut in the ground.
- Who ………………………………………… (listen) to the radio now?
- ………….. Kate ……………………………. (draw) with her friends at the moment?
- Teachers ………………………………….. (not give) any homework today.
- You ……………………………………. (not keep) the dog Tom!
- I can’t talk right now, because I ……………………………………. (mow) the lawn.
- …………………… you ……………………………. (clean) your room Pete?
- We ………………………………………… (not wear) capes.
- Allison ……………………………………… (not sing) her favorite song at the moment.

3. Put the verb from bracket in Past Simple. (completar en pasado simple)

- I …………………………….. (not break) the rules!

- She …………………………………….. (answer) all the questions during yesterday’s test.
- ……………………… Tommy ………….. (be) hungry an hour ago?
- We ………………………………………………….. (sleep) in our parent’s bed last night.
- They ……………………………………………….. (not stand) straight.
- ………………………….. you ……………………………. (forget) something?
- Wade and Mandy …………………………………….. (swim) in the pool a lot last summer.
- You ……………………………………. (not pay) for the cereal last week.
- The prince ……………………………… (ask) the princess to marry him last Sunday.
- When ……………… they……………………… (buy) that house?
- My mum …………………………………………. (not let) the cat to go outside.
- ………........ Samantha ………………………. (catch) the rabbit last night?
- I ……………………………………. (win) tennis tournament last weekend.
- Emily ………………………………………. (get) the scholarship.
- Who …………………… you ………………… (meet) yesterday?

4- Select the correct present or past tense verb.(elegir la opcion correcta)

1. I ______ my car every week.



2. Marian ______ her car last week.



3. Alberto always ______ to work.



4. Katherine ______ to work three days last week.



5. She ______ her medicine once a day.



6. He ______ his medicine yesterday.



7. My friends ______ to the beach every summer.



8. They ______ to the beach last summer.



9. We ______ ice cream on Sunday.



10. I ______ ice cream every Sunday.



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