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Name : Nesti Puji Astuti

Npm : 5117011

Study Program: DIV TLM

Toefl and Academic Writing

25 Paragraph with the theme “Work of a TLM DIV in the Hospital and Laboratory"

The professional standard of the Indonesian Medical Laboratory Technology Expert is

a standard for the profession of medical laboratory technology expert in Indonesia in carrying
out their professional duties to play an active, directed and integrated role for Indonesia's
national development. These professional standards include work competency standards that
must be owned and ethical codes that must be implemented. These healthcare professionals
are highly skilled who perform and evaluate laboratory procedures utilizing resources.

Medical Laboratory Technologist is a profession that carries out inspection,

measurement, determination and testing services for materials of human origin or or even
non-human origin. This health facility is in the form of a health laboratory such as the
Clinical Pathology laboratory.

A medical laboratory technology expert is needed to confirm a diagnosis of existing

diseases. Their skills in determining the type of disease, causes of disease and health
conditions can be useful for doctors and other medical personnel to diagnose a disease.
Therefore, this ATLM worker is rarely known by the public because he works behind the

Medical Laboratory Technology graduates can work in government and private

Hospital Hospital laboratories, clinical laboratories, health laboratory centers, BPOM, etc.
Graduates of this study program can also work as technical personnel in health laboratory
services. In addition, he could also be a researcher in the field of health laboratories and an
extension in the field of health laboratories.

Health laboratory technology experts consisting of health analysts and other

laboratory practitioners must always develop themselves in responding to the community's
need for quality assurance of laboratory test results.Health laboratory technology pays
attention to all laboratory and analytical aspects of human body fluids and tissues.
The main task of a Health Laboratory Technologist is to carry out health laboratory
services covering the fields of Hematology, Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Immunology-
Serology, Toxicology, Environmental Chemistry, Anatomical Pathology, Biology and
Physics. In addition to the main duties, Health Laboratory Technologists have the following
functions / obligations:

1. Develop procedures for collecting and processing specimens.

2. Carry out analytical tests on reagents and specimens.
3. Operate and maintain laboratory equipment / instruments.
4. Plan, organize, implement and evaluate laboratory activities.
5. Designing and carrying out research in the field of health laboratories.

In carrying out its main duties and functions / obligations, a Health Laboratory
Technologist must have the following competencies:

1. Mastering science related to main tasks and functions in health laboratories.

2. Able to plan / design processes related to the main tasks and functions in the health
laboratory according to their level.
3. Have the skills to carry out technical operational processes for laboratory services.
4. Be able to provide analytical assessments of laboratory test results, etc.

PATELKI as an organization that houses Indonesian health laboratory technology experts

has established a Professional Certification Institute known as the Indonesian Testing
Laboratory Professional Certification Institute (LSP-TELAPI). This institution is independent
in nature, established by notarial deed in March 2003. LPS-TELAPI already has a list of
competency units which are the Indonesian National Competency Standards.

In carrying out their main duties and functions or obligations, the Health Laboratory
Technologist must have the following attitudes and personalities:

1. Thorough and nimble

2. Honest and trustworthy
3. High sense of responsibility
4. Able to communicate effectively
5. Discipline
6. Have a spirit of service
A complete description of the code of ethics for Health Laboratory Technology Experts is
contained in the Decree of MUNAS V PATELKI Number 06 / MUNAS-V / 05-2006
concerning the establishment of PATELKI code of ethics.

This professional standard is prepared as a reference in carrying out and developing

activities related to the main tasks and functions of the Health Laboratory Technologist with
reference to the provisions of the National Conference V of 2006.This professional standard
is prepared in a format agreed by the Indonesian Health Professional Organization
Communication Forum, will be updated. in accordance with the development of professional
organizations as well as applicable guidelines.

The authority of Medical Laboratory Technologists in carrying out their duties and
professions is principally regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 42 of 2015 concerning Licensing and Implementation of
Laboratory Technological Expert Practices This Ministerial Regulation is a technical
regulation mandated by Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health and Law. -Law Number
36 of 2014 concerning Health Workers

ATLM in Indonesia has Diploma III and Diploma IV / Applied Bachelor education
qualifications with different respective authorities. The authority possessed by an ATLM will
have implications for legal responsibility if they carry out their professional practice.

Certificate of Registration of Medical Laboratory Technologists, hereinafter abbreviated

as STR-ATLM, is written evidence provided by a health worker council to a registered
Medical Laboratory Technologist. With this STR, the Clinical Laboratory has the right to
refuse other than ATLM graduates not to work in the Clinical Laboratory.

In law No. 36 of 2014 (health workers), the regulations for health workers include:

 Workforce: Health workers and assistants for health workers

 Health Personnel Minimum D3\
 Health worker assistants do not have the authority to perform work independently.
 Health Worker Assistant (6 years tolerance for those who have worked as health

Associate Expert in Medical Laboratory Technology in conducting or practicing in the

field of health services in laboratories at Health Service Facilities has the authority to:
Prepare patients for laboratory examinations, collect and handle blood specimens and handle
fluids and other body tissues, prepare, select and test quality materials / reagents, prepare,
select, use, maintain, calibrate, and simply handle laboratory equipment, select and use
examination methods; etc.

The Applied Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology is authorized to: prepare

patients for specialized and sophisticated laboratory examinations, carry out collection,
handling and assess the quality of laboratory specimens for special and sophisticated
examinations, early detection of irregularities in the examination process in the laboratory,
assessing the test results of equipment feasibility, methods , and materials / reagents (existing
and new), etc.

Regulation of the Rights of Medical Laboratory Technologists: obtaining legal protection

as long as carrying out duties in accordance with Professional Standards, Professional Service
Standards and Standard Operating Procedures, obtaining complete and correct information
from Health Service Recipients or their families, receiving compensation for services and / or
allowances in accordance with statutory provisions invitation, obtain protection for
occupational safety and health, treat according to human dignity, morals, morals and religious
values, get the opportunity to develop his profession, etc.

Obligations of Medical Laboratory Technologists: providing health services in

accordance with Professional Standards, Professional Service Standards, Standard Operating
Procedures and professional ethics as well as health needs of health service recipients,
obtaining approval from health service recipients or their families for the actions to be given,
maintaining the confidentiality of health service recipients health, etc.

In carrying out its role, an ATLM must be able to work according to competency
standards, continue to upgrade science and technology in the laboratory field, comply with
the authorities according to the Minister of Health Regulation No. 42 of 2015 which
generally includes pre-analytical, analytic and post-analytic aspects.

Pre-analytic aspects include patient preparation, sampling preparation, specimen

collection and handling, quality of materials and reagents, preparation of laboratory
equipment. Analytical aspects include work procedures, methods, control, implementation of
examinations, early detection of laboratory process deviations, assessing test results
(feasibility of tools, methods, results), carrying out broader laboratory parameters. Post-
analytical aspects include reports on examination results (process verification, process
validation, strengthening laboratory quality, normal values, occupational safety and health /
K3) and documentation.

ATLM is also required to be able to communicate well with patients, doctors, nurses and
other health professionals to obtain information that might affect the test results. This
communication is important in addition to establishing relationships between professions as
well as in order to obtain relevant information according to laboratory requests, for example
drug intake that may affect test results, specimen collection and others.

ATLM as a member of the profession has the obligation to maintain, uphold and respect
the profession, colleagues and other professions, patients / service users, society, and
themselves as regulated in the professional code of ethics.

One of the important health workers in the era of the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19)
pandemic is a health analyst or now known as a Medical Laboratory Technology Expert
(ATLM). How could it not be, ATLM has a key role in diagnosing COVID-19 through its
role in analyzing the patient's body fluids either through a swab from the patient's throat or
blood samples.

- Available [online]
- Professional Ethics and Health Law, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia, From

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