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Roll No.

__________________ 09 August, 2018

Sarhad University, Peshawar

(Distance Education)

Paper : Electric Machines - II-ELC315 Examination: Final, Spring-2018

Time Allowed : 3 hours Total Marks: 70, Passing Marks (35)
NOTE: Question No.1 is Compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the rest. All questions carry equal marks.
Phones and other Electronic Gadgets are not allowed.

Q.1 a) chose the correct answer

i. A single phase induction motor employs ……………… rotor
ii. Squirrel cage b) wound c) both d) none
iii. An alternator is sometimes called …………………. Generator
iv. Synchronous b) asynchronous c) either a & b d) none
v. The field winding of an alternator is ……………………. excited
vi. a) D.C b) A.C c) Both a & b d) None
vii. The Frequency of an EMF generated in an 8-pole alternator running at 900 RPM is …………………
viii. a) 50 Hz b) 60 Hz c) 120 Hz d) 100 Hz
ix. When a 3-Phase induction motor is at no load the slip is ………………….
x. a) 1 b) 0.5 c) 0 d) Maximum

b) Fill in the blanks

i. The stator of a 3 phase induction motor produces ……………..Magnetic field.
ii. The primary and secondary of a transformer are ……………………….Coupled.
iii. A transformer is a efficient device because it is ……………………..
iv. 3-phase wound motors are also called ……………………..motor.
v. Most of the single phase induction motor are ………………….pole machine.

Q.2 Discuss the characteristics and application of synchronous motors.

Q.3 Draw equivalent circuit of transformer on no load, and its phasor diagram.

Q.4 Derive formula for induction motor torque i.e. shaft torque and rotor torque?

Q.5 Explain synchronous impedance method of an alternator.

Q.6 Explain universal motor in detail (construction, operation & characteristics).

Q.7 Explain the operation of 3 phase induction motor and the effect of load on the motor.

Q.8 Write short notes on any TWO

i. Stepper motor
ii. Write four conditions for parallel operation
iii. Voltage regulation of Alternator.

Electric Machines - II-ELC315-Spring-2018 Page 1 of 1

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