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You love to work hard even for small things, you give all of your effort just to make it perfect and
ensures that it will benefit not only for you but also to those people surrounds you. You are also a
compassionate and a visionary or a person who keeps thinking about the future with your own
imagination and realistic ideas. Be attentive to your environment and don’t trust others easily
because not all people see the world as you do.

Assignment #2: Make your own drabble shot based on your experience about bullying.

The bell sounded throughout the corridors as Lane walk to his classroom and there he saw his
classmates near at the door, having fun chatting to each other. While him? Friendless he only has
Mariae on his side. Every time his classmates are having some fun, they always left him alone which
made him feel rejected as well as getting bullied by them because of his height.

“Look what we have here? Isn’t it the friendless dwarf kid?” Kenneth said. Here we go again, as always
every time they will see me, talking to himself but he just ignores them and continue to walk and sit to
his chair at the back.

“Hey, Lane.” Mariae greets him with a smile as he sat beside him. She is his best friend since the day he
enters the school.

“Hello, Mariae.” He replied with a smile too. When Mariae was about to reply all of their classmates
were laughing and they didn’t know what’s the reason behind it but one thing for sure is that they are
laughing while looking at Lane.

“Let them be, Lane. They are just out of their mind.” Mariae said, tapping his shoulders that made him
feel safe and protected by his only friend.

“Thank you and don’t mind me because I am immune to this situation like this!” He replied, laughing but
deep inside he feels like he will cry anytime but he can’t, not because he does not want Mariae to see
him cry but because of his classmates. He is afraid that they will have another new nickname for him like
a ‘Crybaby’ or maybe ‘Crying dwarfy’ and he does not want that to happen.
“Go back to your seats!” Their homeroom teacher shouted, making the students to sit on their seats.

“Mr. Lane?” The homeroom teacher asked the whole class.

“Yes, Ma’am?” He replied as he stands up and he saw his classmates stopping their selves to laugh.

“Since you were absent last Wednesday which Is your exam day in Speech, you need to go in the faculty
and take the exam now.” She said and he just nod at her as he leaves the room and go to the faculty
room. He didn’t know that his mother contacted his teacher regarding to his classmates that keeps
bullying him and told the teacher that if she didn’t make an action about it she will talk to the Principal.
That’s why the homeroom teacher sent Lane to the faculty room not just to take an exam but also for
her to have a serious talk to the whole class and told them what Lane’s mother said about the
consequences if they don’t stop bullying him.

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