The Physical Fitness Program: Part 1: The Food Guide Pyramid For A Healthy Life

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The Physical Fitness Program every day.

It includes servings of foods from

different food groups in the Food Guide
Physical fitness is the primary specific objective
in physical education that considers a
combination of medical fitness (body This guide suggests that we consume:
soundness) and dynamic fitness (capacity for
action). A physically fit person is free from  Food from fats, oil, and sweet group
disease and can move and perform efficiently. sparingly.
Neither good health nor physical proficiency  At least one glass a day of milk products
alone constitutes physical fitness, which group.
combines both qualities. Another factor is the  For meat, poultry, dry beans, eggs, and
emotional factor. This factor is readily apparent nut groups there must be two servings
in an athletic contest, where performance daily.
requires self-discipline, effective teamwork, and  For teenagers, at least 1 egg every day.
the ability to remain calm under stress.  For teenagers, three servings of food
from the vegetable group daily.
Physical fitness means the ability to carry one’s  Three servings of fruits daily.
workload without staggering and to participate
in recreation with ease and enjoyment and still The greatest number of serving is from bread,
have a reservoir of endurance to meet the cereal, rice, root crops, and noodles, which is a
emergencies of life. In other words, it is the minimum of 6 serving and a maximum of 8
capability of the body systems carrying out their servings.
daily activities satisfactory and still have enough
For you to grow and develop to the fullest and
energy to enjoy the leisure and to meet
to improve your nutritional status, it is
unforeseen emergencies. Physical fitness is a
important to follow healthy eating guidelines
condition whereby; the system of the body can
such as:
function at its optimal efficiency.
 Eat a variety of foods daily.
 Maintain a healthy weight.
 Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated
The Food Guide Pyramid will guide you on how fat, and cholesterol.
many recommended servings from each food  To lower the risk of heart diseases,
group daily. avoid too much cholesterol in your diet.
 Consume milk, milk products, and other
There are six food groups in the Food Guide calcium-rich foods, such as small fish &
Pyramid. The serving requirements of each dark green leafy vegetables daily.
individual depends on age, sex, size, and activity  Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, root
level. Each day, we need to eat at least the crops, and grain products.
lowest serving from each of the food groups.
 Use sugar in moderation. Eating too
To meet the daily requirements of vitamins, many sweet foods contributes to tooth
minerals, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates of decay.
an individual, we all need to eat a balanced diet
 Eat clean and safe food, cook food in  Two tablespoons (Tbsp.) is about Two
edible/cooking oil. times the size of the tip of your thumb
 Use iodized salt but avoid excessive (from the last crease).
intake of salty foods. Too much salt in  One tablespoon (Tbsp.) is about the size
the diet may increase the risk of having of the tip of your thumb (from the last
high blood pressure. crease).
 One teaspoon (tsp) is about the size of
Remember, healthy eating will reduce your risk
the tip of your little finger (from the last
of suffering from fatal diseases, such as cancer,
heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Eating
healthy foods is important for proper growth Daily Servings for a Teen’s Diet
and development. It can also prevent health
problems, such as obesity, dental caries, iron The table below is a food guide for adolescents.
deficiency, and osteoporosis. Women are prone Adolescents can achieve their energy and
to osteoporosis, so teenage girls should eat nutrient requirements by eating a variety of
enough foods rich in calcium. It will help build foods daily. This guide may be used to ensure
strong bones to protect them from osteoporosis variety in foods eaten.
later in life. Eating a wide variety of foods in
moderation daily is a good practice. Following
the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutritional
guidelines for Filipinos will make it easier for
anyone to have a balanced, healthy diet daily.

How Many Servings Do You Need as an


A serving is the size of food after it is cook. Do

you know that three ounces of cooked meat are
about the size of a deck of cards? 

The serving sizes below will guide you in

measuring the amount of food and liquid you
take daily.

 1-1/2 cups (12 ounces) of liquid is the

size of a soda-pop can.
 One cup (8 ounces) of food is the size of
a large handful.
 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of food is about half
of a large handful.
 One ounce of cheese is about the size
of a 1-inch cube.

Breads / · 2 slices bread 5 to 10

Starches: · 1/2 cup cooked cereal, pasta, potatoes, or rice Serving/s
· 1 ounce or 3/4 cup dry cereal
· 4 pcs. pan de sal
· 1 small size root crop
· 1 pack instant noodle

Fruits · 1/2 cup canned fruit or fruit juice 2 to 3

· 1-piece fresh fruit, such as an apple, orange, banana Serving/s
· 15 to 20 grapes
· 1-1/2 cups fresh melon

Meat /Meats · 1/2 cup cottage cheese 3 to 5

Substitute · 3/4 to 1 cup cooked dried beans or legumes Serving/s
· 1 egg
· 1 ounce low-fat or regular cheese
· 2 to 3 ounces’ meat, fish, or poultry
· 2 to 3 Tbsps. peanut butter
· 1/2 cup nuts

Milk or Yogurt 1 cup low-fat milk or yogurt 4 to 5

· one ounce of cheese serving
· 1/2 cup of cottage cheese

Vegetables · 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw vegetable 2 to 3 servings

· 2 cups salad greens
· 1 cup vegetable or tomato juice

Fats · 10 peanuts 2 to 4 Serving s

· 2 Tbsps. cream cheese, avocado, or low-calorie
salad dressing
· 1 tsp oil, margarine,
mayonnaise, or butter
· 1 Tbsp. salad dressing

Sweets and Desserts · 1/8 of a pie 1 to 3 Serving/s per week

· 1/2 cup ice cream
· 3-inch pastry
· 1/2 cup pudding,
· 2 small cookies.
Too much sweets and dessert can aggravate skin
problems, like

Water and Beverages 6-8 (240 ml each)

PART 2: Physical Fitness person’s weight in kilograms and m2 is
their height in meters squared.
Physical fitness is a personal responsibility. Few
individuals other than athletes and military Step 1: Weigh first your kilograms
personnel are required to participate in
Step 2: Determine your Height and convert it
organized fitness programs. Most people are
into meters
physically unfit simply because they do not get
enough exercises and others try to stay fit with Step 3: Using the blank table compute your
only light, infrequent activity. BMI.

Importance of Physical Fitness Step 4: Classify your BMI

Physical activity and exercise are basic needs for Proceed to the activity sheet to compute your
everyone. Children, adolescents, and adults of BMI before moving to the next section
all ages need regular physical activity.
Understanding the benefits of physical fitness
Physical activity promotes good health and will and knowing how active you should be can help
let you stay active throughout all stages of your you maintain good health and improve your
life regardless of your body type or Body Mass overall quality of life. Here are a few benefits of
Index (BMI). regular physical activity that demonstrate the
importance of physical fitness
Now what is a BMI?
Through regular exercises, physical fitness helps
 Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s
the individual:
weight in kilograms divided by the
square of height in meters. A high BMI  In the proper growth of young bones
can be an indicator of high body and muscles
fatness. BMI can be used to screen for  Improve the ability to avoid and recover
weight categories that may lead to from illnesses and accidents
health problems but it is not diagnostic  Improve posture and appearance by
of the body fatness or health of an strengthening muscles that support the
individual. body
 Minimize stress response
How can you compute your BMI?
 Maintain proper body weight and
 Body Mass Index is a simple calculation prevent heart ailment
using a person’s height and weight. The  Improve organic functions
formula is BMI = kg/m2where kg is a
 Delay the aging process and helps you upper extremities in between your legs and
feel good and younger as a human then reach as much as you can.  Record how
being many seconds had you accomplished your
 Experience joy of participation in any flexibility.
recreational or sports activities
4. Body Composition

One of the newest attributes in physical fitness

THE COMPONENTS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS components. It refers to the relative
distribution of lean and fat body tissues.
The Components of Physical Fitness may be
thought in two different forms. It can be a Example: Somehow after applying the different
health related or skill related. components of Health-related physical fitness
components, there can be changes in your
physical appearance, but it will not appear in a
HEALTH RELATED shortened time. It will take some time to see
the changes in your body. Get a tape measure
1. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance and determine your waist line.

   The heart and lungs can function efficiently SKILL RELATED

and effectively over a prolonged time.
1.  Balance
 Example: Run in place for a prolonged time and
then breathe. That way you can see the   It involves vision, reflexes, and the skeletal and
cardiorespiratory endurance. Record how many muscular system which, provides the
seconds have you accomplished your maintenance of equilibrium.
endurance.   Find an open place then stand with only one
2. Muscular Strength foot. Record the time you had to consume while
Ability to continue selected muscle group
movements or a prolonged period of time. 2. Coordination

Example: Lay your body down on the floor and It is the ability to integrate the senses with
then demonstrate at least 5 push-ups that’s an muscles so as to produce accurate, smooth, and
example of muscular strength. Record the push harmonious body movement.
ups you have demonstrated.

3. Flexibility   

    The Functional capacity of a joint to move

through a normal range of motion. The
muscular system is also involved.

Example: Sit on an open area, widely open your

both feet as much as you can, then bend your
    Go into an open space where you can jog. muscles and the speed contraction of your
Start jogging while swinging your arms like the hand.
wings of a butterfly. Observe that two parts of
6. Reaction Time
your body are moving in different directions.
That is an example of Body coordination. The The time required to respond or initiate a
activity used only for two body parts, but it is movement as a result of a given stimulus.
your discretion how many parts of your body
can move at the same time and also moves in      Example: Find a partner where you can play,
different directions.    find a basketball ball where you can tackle with
him/her to seize the ball, set a target time to
   3. Agility have the ball, record the time you had used
     It is the capacity to change the direction of seizing the ball.
the body quickly and effectively.

   Stand in an open area, open both your feet

where you can move freely, hop side to side
while moving your                        hands upward  
and downward as quickly as possible. Record
your time of agility.

4. Speed

Ability to move one’s body from one point to

another in the shortest possible time.

     Find a room where you can run freely. Stand  

with one wall, set a timer to determine how fast
you will reach the other wall.  Firmly do
a running position, then run until you reach the
other wall. That’s an example of Agility.

5. Power
            Power is sometimes confused with
strength. Speed contraction is the ingredient,  
which is when combined with thestrength, it
provides an explosive type of movement.

 Find a safe area. Position yourself, imagine an

imaginary punching bag where you can punch.
Punch at least three times and record the time
interval of every punch that you are hitting.
Punching is the best example of power because
you are applying two aspects, the force of your

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