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Physical Education came from the Latin words “Physica” meaning physics and “Educatio” meaning
education, which means that Physical Education refers to the training of the bodily organs and power with
a view to the promotion of hearts and vigor. Physical Education is an integral part of general education
which aims to develop the physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and the mental traits of man through
physical activities. World Health Organization (WHO) stated that, to have a sound body, one must have a
sound mind, which means to say that health as state of complete physical,
mental, social wellness and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Physical Education (PE) has been a big part of the educational system as it impacts the mental, emotional,
and social wellness of a human being. A research by Schaefer and Wasyliw, (2018) mentioned that
healthier students make better learners. The term quality physical education is used to describe programs
that are catered to a student’s age, skill level, culture, and unique needs. When we say PE, we can easily
think about the recreational activities done by using our human body such as Dancing, Playing, and
engaging into outdoor activities but that is not the only focus of Physical Education. Tuliao (2008)
mentioned that physical education in college students like you reduce risk of premature death, reduce the
risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease, reduce the risk of high blood etc. This means that
physical education is also focusing on the healthy lifestyle of a person with the application of recreational
or extracurricular activities.

Functions and Objectives of Physical Education

These deals with the connection of how healthy a human being is while executing recreational activities
under physical education.

Functions of Physical Education

The function of Physical Education is to help the students acquire skills, develop an affection in their
activities, and develop physical skill competence The individual growth of each student and the
development of the total body movement are guided w/ safety precautions when it comes to physical

The rationale behind this is that learning through health and wellbeing enables children and young people
● make informed decisions to improve their mental, emotional, social and physical well being;
● experience challenge and enjoyment;
● experience positive aspects of healthy living and activity for themselves;
● apply their mental, emotional, and social skills to pursue a healthy lifestyle;
● make a successful move to the next stage of education or work.
● establish a pattern of health and well being that will retain into adult life, and which will help to
promote the health and wellbeing of the next generation.

Objectives of Physical Education

The primary aims of physical education vary historically, based on the needs of the time and place. Most
modern school systems claim they intend to equip students with the knowledge, skills, capacities, and
values along with the use of enthusiasm to maintain a healthy lifestyle into adulthood.
Activities included in the program are designed to physical fitness, to develop motor skills, to instill
knowledge and understanding of rules, concepts, strategies, and to teach students to work as part of a
team, or as individuals, in a wide variety of competitive activities

Physical Development
Through carefully selected physical education activities, an individual who participates actively will
develop and maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness. The acquisition of physical skills
can motivate an individual to participate further in physical activities: hence, the healthy growth and
development of each learner will improve.
For Example: Engaging in different physical activities in PE can help develop your physical aspects. Just
like having a jog for at least 1 hour a day can build strong bones, strengthen your different muscles, and
improves your cardiovascular fitness. This can maintain a healthy weight and can be your weight bearing

This Development is merely focusing on the bodily aspect of a person how they
can do the activities and how motivated they are to participate.

Social Development
Participation in Physical Education activities provides opportunities for the acquisition and practice of
desirable social traits necessary for adjustment to happy living and the social life in general.
Some traits are:
● Friendliness
Forming a good relationship with your physical education classmates can lead to a good outcome. You
can communicate with them easily. Since you will be dealing with your classmate with dual or group
activities you are expected to deal and mingle with them the whole semester.
● Cooperation
To be able to meet your goals, regardless if it’s winning in a sports competition, a successful group
pyramid building, camping or etc. you will be expected to work with other people. Working with a
diverse group of people helps you understand and perform various roles making you more versatile,
inclusive and innovative.
● Good Sportsmanship
The basic things to consider in attaining and developing sportsmanship in Physical Education includes
winning without gloating, respecting one's opponents, and being able to lose gracefully. Mentioned below
are the things to consider for attaining and developing Sportsmanship in Physical Education.
● If you lose, don't make up excuses.
● If you win, don't rub it in.
● Learn from mistakes and get back in the game.
● Always do your best.
● If someone else makes a mistake, remain encouraging and avoid criticizing.
● Show respect for yourself, your team, and the officials of the game or activity.
● Good Leadership and followership
Leadership skills can come naturally; student learn things along the way that significantly impacts them
later in life. The right words at the right time can make all the difference. I have here some tips to develop
yourself as a good leader and a follower in Physical Education.
1. 1. Be a good example.
2. Participate in Group Activities.
3. Emphasize perseverance.
4. Good negotiation skills.
5. Hone decision-making.
6. Practice confident communication.
7. Encourage members for an excellent work.
● Honesty in Group Competition
Group competitions in physical education are the most popular type of assessment used by a physical
education instructor. Fooling around in your group activities implies that you're also fooling yourself.
Just like other people say, honesty is the best policy, and it begins with yourself.

Emotional Development
The informal nature of physical education offers opportunities for the
development of expression and emotional traits needed for emotional
mastery like:

In P.E., conducting yourself as a proactive person

can easily acquire these things.

● Self Confidence
During Physical Education activities, as you learn the different rules and objectives of a game or activity
you can develop self-confidence by slowly opening up your natural talents. Many college student is too
shy to show their real talents and real potentials because of many reasons, one aspect that I can consider is
your growing maturity, but as you engage yourself with other people and adjust your personality in a
given task you can slowly develop your self confidence in physical education.

● Self – Control(?)
Self-control is defined as the ability to manage your actions, behavior and emotion. To develop self –
control in PE you must equip your personality with the word patience. Plenty of things can happen during
your physical education class or in any physical activity in general. You also do not expect to win all the
time nor do you expect things go along your way. Your experiences in physical activities can help you to
become more tolerant and patient with any change that happens especially when they are inevitable.

● Self-Reliance
Unlike other activities where you can ask others for help, the success of any physical education activities
greatly lies in your own skill and willpower. You do not expect anyone to do the exercise for you to
become physically fit. J

● Courage
Many activities in Physical Education requires an act of great courage just like performance in dance,
playing different sports, and participating in recreational activities.

● Determination
Every goal requires determination. “Since life is never smooth, many of us fall off when we come across
obstacles. But with determination, we can overcome any type of obstacle (Sama, 2010)” Similar case
happens in P.E. activities, success of any activity will be dependent on your persistence to achieve or
complete a task despite the number of challenges you will have to encounter.

● Personal Discipline
For Example, you can develop personal discipline in physical education by giving yourself a wide range
of understanding. Applying attention, good behavior, being proactive and being humble college student in
Physical Education can to develop personal discipline.

Mental/Cognitive Development
In Physical Education activities, the individual develops his mental capacities as he learns the
mechanical principles of underlying movement. As the students acquire knowledge and underlying rules
and strategies of games and sports as wells as dance instructions, he or she discovers ways of improving
his movement in gymnastics and dance, and the ability to analyze and give comments.

Mental Development in P.E. refers to the gathering the information and how to properly apply
and improve it in your recreational activities and sports.

A good example to develop cognitive process in Physical Education is to know how can you
apply the rules of a game/activity and make a creative way of techniques for it. One thing also to include
is know the proper terms and keywords in PE that way you will be guided to be more creative in a critical
thinking situations. For instance, in basketball, you can develop your mental process by knowing first the
rule of the game, engaging yourself to play in a real basketball game and pursuing yourself to give your
best to win a points on your opponents. Now, how can you apply critical thinking in this type of games?
Think first a strategy on your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses, after that apply your knowledge of
the game, that includes rules, terms, technique, equipment, proper calls and etc. then apply your best shot
and apply all the strength of your body, physically and mentally. that way you can achieve the goal and

Physical fitness means the ability to carry one’s workload without staggering and to participate in
recreation with ease and enjoyment and still have a reservoir of endurance to meet the emergencies of
life. In other words, it is the capability of the body systems carrying out their daily activities satisfactory
and still have enough energy to enjoy the leisure and to meet unforeseen emergencies. Physical fitness is
a condition whereby; the system of the body can function at its optimal efficiency.


The Food Guide Pyramid will guide you on how many recommended servings from each food group
There are six food groups in the Food Guide Pyramid. The serving requirements of each individual
depends on age, sex, size, and activity level. Each day, we need to eat at least the lowest serving from
each of the food groups.
To meet the daily requirements of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates of an individual,
we all need to eat a balanced diet every day. It includes servings of foods from different food groups in
the Food Guide Pyramid.
This guide suggests that we consume:
● Food from fats, oil, and sweet group sparingly.
● At least one glass a day of milk products group.
● For meat, poultry, dry beans, eggs, and nut groups there must be two servings daily.
● For teenagers, at least 1 egg every day.
● For teenagers, three servings of food from the vegetable group daily.
● Three servings of fruits daily.
The greatest number of serving is from bread, cereal, rice, root crops, and noodles, which is a minimum
of 6 serving and a maximum of 8 servings.
For you to grow and develop to the fullest and to improve your nutritional status, it is important to follow
healthy eating guidelines such as:
● Eat a variety of foods daily.
● Maintain a healthy weight.
● Eat foods that are low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
● To lower the risk of heart diseases, avoid too much cholesterol in your diet.
● Consume milk, milk products, and other calcium-rich foods, such as small fish & dark green
leafy vegetables daily.
● Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, root crops, and grain products.
● Use sugar in moderation. Eating too many sweet foods contributes to tooth decay.
● Eat clean and safe food, cook food in edible/cooking oil.
● Use iodized salt but avoid excessive intake of salty foods. Too much salt in the diet may increase
the risk of having high blood pressure.
Remember, healthy eating will reduce your risk of suffering from fatal diseases, such as cancer, heart
disease, stroke, and diabetes. Eating healthy foods is important for proper growth and development. It can
also prevent health problems, such as obesity, dental caries, iron deficiency, and osteoporosis. Women are
prone to osteoporosis, so teenage girls should eat enough foods rich in calcium. It will help build strong
bones to protect them from osteoporosis later in life. Eating a wide variety of foods in moderation daily is
a good practice. Following the Food Guide Pyramid and the Nutritional guidelines for Filipinos will make
it easier for anyone to have a balanced, healthy diet daily.

How Many Servings Do You Need as an Adolescent?

A serving is the size of food after it is cook. Do you know that three ounces of cooked meat are about the
size of a deck of cards?

The serving sizes below will guide you in measuring the amount of food
and liquid you take daily.

● 1-1/2 cups (12 ounces) of liquid is the size of a soda-pop can.

● One cup (8 ounces) of food is the size of a large handful.
● 1/2 cup (4 ounces) of food is about half of a large handful.
● One ounce of cheese is about the size of a 1-inch cube.
● Two tablespoons (Tbsp.) is about Two times the size of the tip of your thumb (from the last
● One tablespoon (Tbsp.) is about the size of the tip of your thumb (from the last crease).
● One teaspoon (tsp) is about the size of the tip of your little finger (from the last crease).

Daily Servings for a Teen’s Diet

The table below is a food guide for adolescents. Adolescents can achieve their energy and nutrient
requirements by eating a variety of foods daily. This guide may be used to ensure variety in foods eaten.

· 2 slices bread
· 1/2 cup cooked cereal, pasta,
potatoes, or rice
Breads / 5 to 10
· 1 ounce or 3/4 cup dry cereal
Starches: Serving/s
· 4 pcs. pan de sal
· 1 small size root crop
· 1 pack instant noodle

· 1/2 cup canned fruit or fruit juice

· 1-piece fresh fruit, such as an apple,
2 to 3
Fruits orange, banana
· 15 to 20 grapes
· 1-1/2 cups fresh melon

· 1/2 cup cottage cheese

· 3/4 to 1 cup cooked dried beans or
Meat /Meats · 1 egg 3 to 5
Substitute · 1 ounce low-fat or regular cheese Serving/s
· 2 to 3 ounces’ meat, fish, or poultry
· 2 to 3 Tbsps. peanut butter
· 1/2 cup nuts

1 cup low-fat milk or yogurt 4 to 5

Milk or Yogurt · one ounce of cheese serving
· 1/2 cup of cottage cheese

· 1/2 cup cooked or 1 cup raw

Vegetables 2 to 3 servings
· 2 cups salad greens
· 1 cup vegetable or tomato juice
· 10 peanuts
· 2 Tbsps. cream cheese, avocado, or
low-calorie salad dressing
Fats 2 to 4 Serving s
· 1 tsp oil, margarine,
mayonnaise, or butter
· 1 Tbsp. salad dressing

· 1/8 of a pie
· 1/2 cup ice cream
· 3-inch pastry
· 1/2 cup pudding,
Sweets and Desserts 1 to 3 Serving/s per week
· 2 small cookies.
Too much sweets and dessert can
aggravate skin problems, like

Water and Beverages 6 – 8 glasses (240 ml each)

PART 2: Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is a personal responsibility. Few individuals other than athletes and military personnel are
required to participate in organized fitness programs. Most people are physically unfit simply because
they do not get enough exercises and others try to stay fit with only light, infrequent activity.
A person’s physical fitness is determined by factors such as age, heredity, and behavior. Although many
people cannot control their age or heredity, their behavior can help them become physically fit and stay
that way. Individuals vary greatly in their capacity for physical fitness, but almost anyone can improve by
exercising regularly.

Importance of Physical Fitness

Physical activity and exercise are basic needs for everyone. Children, adolescents, and adults of all ages
need regular physical activity.
Physical activity promotes good health and will let you stay active throughout all stages of your life
regardless of your body type or Body Mass Index (BMI).
Now what is a BMI?
● Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in
meters. A high BMI can be an indicator of high body fatness. BMI can be used to screen for
weight categories that may lead to health problems but it is not diagnostic of the body fatness or
health of an individual.
How can you compute your BMI?
● Body Mass Index is a simple calculation using a person’s height and weight. The formula is BMI
= kg/m2where kg is a person’s weight in kilograms and m 2 is their height in meters squared.
Step 1: Weigh first your kilograms
Step 2: Determine your Height and convert it into meters
Step 3: Using the blank table compute your BMI.
Step 4: Classify your BMI

Understanding the benefits of physical fitness and knowing how active you should be can help you
maintain good health and improve your overall quality of life. Here are a few benefits of regular physical
activity that demonstrate the importance of physical fitness
Through regular exercises, physical fitness helps the individual:
● In the proper growth of young bones and muscles
● Improve the ability to avoid and recover from illnesses and accidents
● Improve posture and appearance by strengthening muscles that support the body
● Minimize stress response
● Maintain proper body weight and prevent heart ailment
● Improve organic functions
● Delay the aging process and helps you feel good and younger as a human being
● Experience joy of participation in any recreational or sports activities


The Components of Physical Fitness may be thought in two different forms. It can be a health related or
skill related.


Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
- The heart and lungs can function efficiently and effectively over a prolonged time.
- Example: Run in place for a prolonged time and then breathe. that way you can see the
cardiorespiratory endurance. Record how many seconds have you accomplished your endurance.

Muscular Strength
- Ability to continue selected muscle group movements or a prolonged period of time.
- Example: Lay your body down on the floor and then demonstrate at least 5 push-ups that’s an
example of muscular strength. Record the push ups you have demonstrated.

- The Functional capacity of a joint to move through a normal range of
motion. The muscular system is also involved.
- Example: Sit on an open area, widely open your both feet as much as you can, then bend your
upper extremities in between your legs and then reach as much as you can. Record how many
seconds had you accomplished your flexibility.

Body Composition
- One of the newest attributes in physical fitness components. It refers to the relative distribution of
lean and fat body tissues.
- Example: Somehow after applying the different components of Health-related physical fitness
components, there can be changes in your physical appearance, but it will not appear in a
shortened time. It will take some time to see the changes in your body. Get a tape measure and
determine your waist line.


- It involves vision, reflexes, and the skeletal and muscular system which, provides the
maintenance of equilibrium.
- Find an open place then stand with only one foot. Record the time you had to consume while

- It is the ability to integrate the senses with muscles so as to produce accurate, smooth, and
harmonious body movement.
- Go into an open space where you can jog. Start jogging while swinging your arms like the wings
of a butterfly. Observe that two parts of your body are moving in different directions. That is an
example of Body coordination. The activity used only for two body parts, but it is your discretion
how many parts of your body can move at the same time and also moves in different directions.

- It is the capacity to change the direction of the body quickly and effectively.
- Stand in an open area, open both your feet where you can move freely, hop side to side while
moving your hands upward and downward as quickly as possible. Record your time of agility.

- Ability to move one’s body from one point to another in the shortest possible time.
- Find a room where you can run freely. Stand with one wall, set a timer to determine how fast you
will reach the other wall. Firmly do a running position, then run until you reach the other wall.
That’s an example of Agility.

- Power is sometimes confused with strength. Speed contraction is the ingredient, which is when
combined with the strength, it provides an explosive type of movement.
- Find a safe area. Position yourself, imagine an imaginary punching bag where you can punch.
Punch at least three times and record the time interval of every punch that you are hitting.
Punching is the best example of power because you are applying two aspects, the force of your
muscles and the speed contraction of your hand.

Reaction Time
- The time required to respond or initiate a movement as a result of a given stimulus.
- Example: Find a partner where you can play, find a basketball ball where you can tackle with
him/her to seize the ball, set a target time to have the ball, record the time you had used seizing
the ball.

1. Development in pe is
a. Physical skill competence and good habits
2. Physical Education refers to the training of the bodily ______and power with a view to the
promotion of hearts and vigor.
a. organs
3. NOT to develop emotional development
a. self-reliance(?)
4. Food group that provides fiber
a. Nuts, bananas, and coconuts
5. Food group of yogurt, milk and cheese
a. Dairy
6. Most need in food pyramid as college
a. Breads and starches
7. Cardio respiratory endurance aka
a. Optimal health
8. Primary advantage of health related physical fitness
a. Decreased risk of deceased
9. Acquiring info of a game falls under what development
a. Cognitive/Mental development
10. What does this imply “Physical fitness is a condition for the system of the body can function at
their optimal efficiency”
a. Physical fitness achieves a certain fitness goal
11. Essay about importance of physical fitness
a. Everyone needs to do physical activities. It helps people to be active and stay healthy
even young or old. This gives anyone the strength, balance and many more that they can
use in their day to day lives.

Lesson 2: Application Software

Not long ago, trained specialists were required to perform many of the operations you can now do with a
microcomputer. Competent end-users need to understand the capabilities of basic application software
including, Word processors, Spreadsheets, Database management systems, Presentation programs, and
many others. Application Software consists of programs designed to make users more productive
and/or assist them with personal tasks.
Application software is available in a variety of forms: packaged, custom, Web application, open-source,
shareware, freeware, and public domain.

- Packaged software is mass-produced, copyrighted retail software that meets the needs of a wide
variety of users, not just a single user or company. Packaged software is available in retail stores or on the

- Custom software performs functions specific to a business or industry. Sometimes a company cannot
find packaged software that meets its unique requirements. In this case, the company may use
programmers to develop tailor-made custom software.

- A Web application is a Web site that allows users to access and interact with software from any
computer or device that is connected to the Internet. Types of Web applications include e-mail, word
processing, and game programs.

- Open-source software is software provided for use, modification, and redistribution. This software has
no restrictions from the copyright holder regarding the modification of the software’s internal instructions
and its redistribution. Open-source software usually can be downloaded from the Internet, often at no

- Shareware is copyrighted software that is distributed at no cost for a trial period. To use a shareware
program beyond that period, you send payment to the program developer.

- Freeware is copyrighted software provided at no cost to a user by an individual or a company that

retains all rights to the software.
- Public-domain software has been donated for public use and has no copyright restrictions. Anyone can
copy or distribute public-domain software to others at no cost.

Although there will be another Module for System software, please take note of the overview of the
Role of the System Software.

The Role of System Software

System software serves as the interface between the user, the application software, and the computer’s
hardware. To use application software, such as a word processing program, your computer must be
running system software — specifically, an operating system. Three popular personal computer operating
systems are Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

*RAM or random access memory is involved more in processing than in storage

Utility Programs.

A utility program is a type of system software that assists users with controlling or maintaining
the operation of a computer, its devices, or its software. Utility programs typically offer features that
provide an environment conducive to the successful use of application software.

Working with Application Software

The desktop is an on-screen work area that has a graphical user interface

An icon is a small image displayed on the screen that represents a program, a document, or some
other object
A button is a graphical element that you activate to cause a specific action to occur

To click a button on the screen requires moving the pointer to the button and then pressing and
releasing a button on the mouse (usually the left mouse button).

The pointer is a small symbol displayed on the screen that moves as you interact with the mouse
or other pointing device.

A command is an instruction that causes a program to perform a specific action

A window is a rectangular area of the screen that displays data and information.

The top of a window has a title bar, which is a horizontal space that contains the window’s

A file is a named collection of stored data, instructions, or information.

Business Software
Business software is application software that assists people in becoming more effective and
efficient while performing their daily business activities.

Word processing software sometimes called a word processor, allows users to create and
manipulate documents containing mostly text and sometimes graphics.
Spreadsheet Software

Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform
calculations on the data. These rows and columns collectively are called a worksheet

Spreadsheet Organization A spreadsheet file is similar to a notebook that can contain more than
1,000 related individual worksheets. Data is organized vertically in columns and horizontally in rows on
each worksheet.
Calculations Many of the worksheet cells shown in the Figure contain a number, called a value that can
be used in a calculation.

Recalculation One of the more powerful features of spreadsheet software is its capability of recalculating
the rest of the worksheet when data in worksheet changes.

Charting Another standard feature of spreadsheet software is charting, which depicts the data in
graphical form. Three popular chart types are line charts, column charts, and pie charts.
Database Software

A database is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of
that data. In a manual database, you might record data on paper and store it in a filing cabinet. With a
computerized database, the computer stores the data in an electronic format on a storage medium such as
a hard disk.

Database software is application software that allows users to create, access, and manage a
database. Using database software, you can add, change, and delete data in a database; sort and retrieve
data from the database; and create forms and reports using the data in the database.
Presentation Software

Presentation software is application software that allows users to create visual aids for
presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other information to a group. The presentations can be
viewed as slides, sometimes called a slide show, that is displayed on a large monitor or on a projection

Note Taking Software

Note-taking software is application software that enables users to enter typed text, handwritten
comments, drawings, or sketches anywhere on a page and then save the page as part of a notebook. Users
also can include audio recordings as part of their notes.

Business Software Suite

A software suite is a collection of individual programs available together as a unit. Business
software suites typically include, at a minimum, the following programs: word processing, spreadsheet,
presentation, and e-mail. Popular software suites are Microsoft Office, Apple iWork, Corel WordPerfect
Office, and Google Docs.

Project Management Software

Project management software allows a user to plan, schedule, track, and analyze the events,
resources, and costs of a project.

Personal Information Manager Software

A personal information manager (PIM) is an application software that includes an appointment

calendar, address book, notepad, and other features to help users organize personal information. In mobile
devices such as smartphones and PDAs include with PIM functionality, you can synchronize, or
coordinate, information so that both the mobile device and your personal computer and/or organization’s
server have the latest version of any updated information.

Business Software for Phones

Some software is preloaded on the phone, while other programs can be downloaded or accessed
on memory cards. Business software for phones enables users to create documents and worksheets,
manage databases and lists, create slide shows, take notes, manage budgets and finances, view and edit
photos, read electronic books, plan travel routes, compose and read e-mail messages, send instant
messages, send text and picture messages, view maps and directions, read the latest news articles, and
browse the Web.

Accounting Software

Accounting software helps companies record and report their financial transactions. With
accounting software, business users perform accounting activities related to the general ledger, accounts
receivable, accounts payable, purchasing, invoicing, and payroll functions. Accounting software also
enables business users to write and print checks, track checking account activity, and update and reconcile
balances on demand.

Document Management Software

Document management software provides a means for sharing, distributing, and searching
through documents by converting them into a format that can be viewed by any user.

Graphics and Multimedia Software

Computer-Aided Design

Computer-aided design (CAD) software is a sophisticated type of application software that

assists a professional user in creating engineering, architectural, and scientific designs.

Desktop Publishing Software (for the Professional)

Desktop publishing (DTP) software enables professional designers to create sophisticated

documents that contain text, graphics, and many colors.
Paint/Image Editing Software (for the Professional)

Paint software, also called illustration software, allows users to draw pictures, shapes, and other
graphical images with various on-screen tools such as a pen, brush, eyedropper, and paint bucket. Image
editing software provides the capabilities of paint software and also includes the capability to enhance and
modify existing pictures and images.

Professional photo editing software is a type of image editing software that allows photographers,
videographers, engineers, scientists, and other high-volume digital photo users to edit and customize
digital photos.
Video and Audio Editing Software (for the Professional)

Video editing software allows professionals to modify a segment of a video, called a clip. For
example, users can reduce the length of a video clip, reorder a series of clips, or add special effects such
as words that move horizontally across the screen.
Audio editing software lets users modify audio clips, produce studio-quality soundtracks, and
add audio to video clips.

Multimedia Authoring Software

Multimedia authoring software allows users to combine text, graphics, audio, video, and
animation in an interactive application. With this software, users control the placement.
Web Page Authoring Software

Web page authoring software helps users of all skill levels create Web pages that include
graphical images, video, audio, animation, and special effects with interactive content.

Software for Home, Personal, and Educational Use

Personal Finance Software

Personal finance software is a simplified accounting program that helps home users and small
office/home office users balance their checkbooks, pay bills, track personal income and expenses, track
investments, and evaluate financial plans.

Legal Software

Legal software assists in the preparation of legal documents and provides legal information to
individuals, families, and small businesses.

Tax Preparation Software

Tax preparation software, which is available both as packaged software and Web applications,
can guide individuals, families, and small businesses through the process of filing federal taxes.

Desktop Publishing Software (for Personal Use)

Personal DTP software helps home and small business users create newsletters, brochures,
flyers, advertisements, postcards, greeting cards, letterhead, business cards, banners, calendars, logos, and
Web pages.
Paint/Image Editing Software (for Personal Use

Personal paint/image editing software provides an easy-to-use interface; includes various

simplified tools that allow you to draw pictures, shapes, and other images; and provides the capability of
modifying existing graphics and photos.

Personal photo editing software, a popular type of image editing software available both as
packaged software and as Web applications, allows users to edit digital photos by removing red-eye,
erasing blemishes, restoring aged photos, adding special effects, enhancing image quality, or creating
electronic photo albums.

Clip Art/Image Gallery

Application software often includes a clip art/image gallery, which is a collection of clip art and

Video and Audio Editing Software (for Personal Use)

Many home users work with easy-to-use video and audio editing software, which is much simpler
to use than its professional counterpart, for small-scale movie-making projects.

Home Design/Landscaping Software

Homeowners or potential homeowners can use home design/landscaping software to assist them
with the design, remodeling, or improvement of a home, deck, or landscape.

Travel and Mapping Software

Travel and mapping software enables users to view maps, determine route directions, and
locate points of interest. Using travel and mapping software, which is available both as packaged software
and as Web applications, you can display maps by searching for an address, postal code, telephone
number, or point of interest (such as airports, lodging, and historical sites).

Reference and Educational Software

Reference software provides valuable and thorough information for all individuals. Popular
reference software includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, and health/medical guides.

Educational software teaches a particular skill. Educational software exists for just about any
subject, from learning how to type, to learning how to cook, to preparing for college entrance exams.
Educational software often includes games and other content to make the learning experience more fun.

Entertainment Software

Entertainment software for personal computers includes interactive games, videos, and other
programs designed to support a hobby or provide amusement and enjoyment.
Web Applications

A Web application, or Web app, is a Web site that allows users to access and interact with software from
any computer or device that is connected to the Internet.

Application Software for Communications

One of the main reasons people use computers is to communicate and share information with others.
Some communications software is considered system software because it works with hardware and
transmission media.
Learning Tools for Application Software

Learning how to use application software effectively involves time and practice. Online Help is
the electronic equivalent of a user manual. When working with a program, you can use online Help to ask
a question or access the Help topics in the subject or alphabetical order.
Web-Based Training

Web-based training (WBT) is a type of CBT (computer-based training) that uses Internet
technology and consists of application software on the Web. Similar to CBT, WBT typically consists of
self-directed, self-paced instruction about a topic. WBT is popular in business, industry, and schools for
teaching new skills or enhancing existing skills of employees, teachers, or students.

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