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.Lutherans In Stone 607 ENROLL :: Council Finds Bora

Narberth Nine Vanquished HUNDREDS TO ATTEND
\\ jth tine \\'('ather toda\' . i: The schuols llf the
Borough i
Short of Funds
the ba"chall c:ame \1 ill nu clOll]J; L aylng I "l,elll'd :'1'llllla\' with a hea\'y
by Bala-Cynwyd I,L' a b,lIa ;)cca ... i( ,n, as Bala-
Cyn"'yd i" said to ha\'e arrang-
________________ 1 ('tJrollmenL
:Church lVotables SiletZ f<l /1t
,'\t the
,.;chnul .\\'ednesday GO: pupils
close of
1'mdy Payment 0/ Taxes
I j-" <4 had reglstere(l. This figure will
ed for a delegatiun runnin" into
Play 0./1' Series fOr I-Jca!ZlIc Tlt/e Beu/Jls ,o., the hundred" and there is ~\'er\' I the CCrCIJJOll)' he augmented h\' a consider- is Ci'ven as Cause
I ahle numher wIll)' \\'ill return to
rea.;un \\.j, \' ~ arberth citizelis
I their sttldies later. :\11 mem-
T'orlay--ll rill 'l~ili(Jht GafllC ,o.,
shlluld tur~ uut en ma,.;se. The
nnllllJer ui \\,olllen who ha\'e
I The II, ,Iy Trinity E\ angelical her,.; IIf the teaching force were
,The borough go\'ernment uf
\ arberth will ha\'e tu be rUII un
jllineu the cllrps uf ruuters is i Lutheran c'()ngregatiun with their on hand" ith the exception of borr.owed funds fur a periud of
'j'he ,]Jack\\,a,.;h from, the hleach-\ I:,'],])ie (;ij,~".n '\I'a' 11,'t there
of interest. I pa"tor, I'e\', :'1. E. .\lcLinn, of- :'[i,.;~ France,.; E, Fluck, \\'ho is a slightly o\,er two '\'eeb. The
er, "as not the least o! the \,arIety . Illne~,.; lt1 hl' tall1\h· had called 1" t' I' I I reco\'erin,l" from an operation. borough is almost "broke" as far
I,f rea"f,ns "'hich "1)('lt ~arllerth·,.; him tll the ,..h'lrl', "'he team had
":'lickn·" I:urtls will IInce lla III~. aI' t le cllrner"tune of "
again he 'behil1d th(' plate for 1" a" illlmediate funds are concerned
defeat in the .game (Ill th~ II' ,me I l'"lInted "11 IIim, .\11 till' pbns thl·ir n('11 church building with i111-
the ~arhites in the afternoon's EPWORTH LEAGUE and neeus money to pay salaries
...:1"lln(\"'Ia,t ::':Itllrday, "'hleh \\a,.. Ilnl' n1:\de IlitII Ilil1l in milld, I:il[
cakul~ted til ci.nch ,the chal1lpi,~n-1 h:alll' lI'a" Ibl"~ ill the en1l'rgency,
pennan t play-nfL
pl'l,,,,jl e and in,.;piring cerell1Unie,.. :1Il'!
uther contingent expenses.
la"t :-;unda\' at ;l.;lU I'. :'1. Gets Off to Flying Start. 1 hIs. was re\'ealed at monthly
,..hlp ot the :'la1l1 Line League llll' It \\'a~ tlIe hr,..t time he had The report indicates a nUIll- Th.e ,'('r~monies began \\'itll:>n " '1'1 le rl',pworth League of the meetlllg of the Council held in the
the I3o!'<)1tgh hoys. It was not al- pitched thi,.; \('ar, It wa,.; a stiff bel' of baseball notables will be lIpentn~' prayer, oft'ered bv Re\'. :'[ethodist Church gIlt lIff on a Bo;ough II all, :Ylonday night,
\\'ays thus in thi,.; to\\'n. Thfllugh- ,'rdcr fill' the ~ea~' Ill',.; higge,..t fra\', un hand at the home grounds II. l:- ~hind[e, a retired -pastor, flying start this fall. ~even l'areworn cuuncilmen
(lUt t!le years our Jucal ,teall,l'" h:.l\'e ',I'ile mell !,ehind hilll "'ere hop~­ this aiternoon, as the l\'arberth- w[w IS a memher of the congrega- The officers electe(1 at the end to "olve perplexing ques~
acqUIred a reputation 1(,1' hghtlng lUI. hut could not I)e sure. That Bala game i,.; a subject of wide-
tl"n, and the Flll,t\'-,..ixth Psalm of last "'pring, before the league ttons Im:ldental to running a town
to the last ditch, clean and dear, lir,..t illnill:': ,..hll\\ cd the\' \\'ere on spread interest. 1\ a,.. :e:l<1 by l~e\'. :\. C. Kan,.;ing- clo,.;ed for the summer, \\'ere as go\'ernlllent in economical fashion
:l11d ne\'(T ha,.; it 1>een recllrded edge. Th1:,'e nm~ caml' :,\,cr, That n, ot :-it. I'aul s Lutheran Church. fol.lows: C. Roy Smith, IJresident; were gi\'en this additional prob~
11:at they played into the, hand,.; IPut the .game "n ice fill' I:ala-Cyn' JUNIORS PLAN FOR YEAR .\rd11111re,
,, l'a. :'IISS :'1, Aletha Lamh, first \'ice kill to worry them, and taxes
ot the el~emy, nor COI:I~I\'Cd to, 11,1 d, \ariJertII ,..imply cOllld l1"t
schet1le theIr game,.; all'ay. 1 he pre"1 n·colTr. [lit ... II"uld nllt CIIIl](' To Start Membership Drive Soon.
, J he principa[
addre,.;s uf the
l)l'e~I' .I ' .
ent: ,11 ISS C. Fern Reger,
a erll()"11 Ila~ made b\' l\e\'. ,\, ~l'Cllnd \'ice president: :'Ii",s \'iolet cau,..e ui the ne\I' dilemma,
they \1 cre infurmed \\'l'IT the
• tige oj the genl'1'ation~. ho\\,e\·,'I'.! wlH'n they \1 e1'(' needed, (llll" , IC- .\ IIl"cting Ilf the Executi\'e ",dJ1mall, I), ])" oi Tel~lJlle 1.lltll- ,\1 , I'>!)I\'man, t Ilirel \'ice president: Bilb iur the prupert\' taxes due
\I'aS apparcntly of little a\'ail on this" a,illnalh' I\';I~ IlIere a Ih"h ,;i tlIe 11,';tr<1 "i thl' ]unillr l'IImmullit\' ('1';111 CIlllrl'h, I'hiladelphia, who,..c :'Ii~,.; C, Eleallllr \\';11'11. fourth
on Uctober J, \\'ere se'nt out long
o\'casion. as it \\';1"; "l)\'iou ... that a ,']d-timl' '"tutT. III the S('C'Ol111 ,,'e
('Illh I\a' c.tl1l';1 hy the I'rc"idcn~, I11l'",..age \1 a,.; deli\'('rcd ill hi.; u"'llal I'icc president: :'Ir. Edward F. agu, but the re"pun,..e of the tax-
drcp-seated ,:on\'ietion posse"sed the: II'l'l1t "lIt \I'itII tlIree "n 1>a~('. In ' 1 i"I'l'l'illl 111;111 11 er. Till' Cl'l'cmunl j'urrl'11,", .~eCI'('t,~r\',' II,~I"ll(1 I .. payers has been slow. So dila-
crowd that ~arherth \\,a,.; not OUI to: the i"l1rth \\'(' \\ lTl' kit with two ,\1 arg;l1'l't I',yre, at WI' hll1lle, Sep- I\,a' l"'llljlktcd \I'ith "" 111 l' \1·UI'lr',.. Rciss. ,., linancial " 'c,ecl'et,~l'\', " .
all(1 tury have they be~n in paying
\\'in and that a diabolical plall h~d I ',n 1';I,..e, 'lick ( )di"rne p"pped a te-mher ~I, "Ian.; ,,'ere di,;cII,..sed 'd ellc"llr;l:.,:cn1l'nt and in,.;piratilln Ilan,Jd S, Konp, treaSI11'fT'- ~ " that hardly enllugh tund;; to Illeet
11een h~tchec1 to :J,.;sure the neces ... ny ,,..hek one til slIort CClltre ,\'hich i, 'I' the ,', >111illg ,I car 1.1" '111 Ill'. S" D, ,Dan,cohlTt:" , . 1 ,":ll!l('I" (1 n '.\[ on' I ay. ' \ ugu,..t Iii, 10:21, cllntingellt expen,..(',.. ha\'e I'cen
of playll1g th:eeyat1les \\'Ith the e=,' I",,].;ed gll'HI. 1'11t it \I',IS gollb1cd
The tir,..t 1I1el'ting i" plallned fllr IlItclldellt III :.[ l'si"ll~ "f thc Ea~t, I), '1" Ithy Chalfant . . \!rtha Laml,. c' ,Ile,·tl'd alld the mllll(,\' Oil hand
tra re\'enue lI1C1dental.thereto. ;\11 'up, In the tiith "'C \\'ere n'tired
I let, dwr :, 'I'll(' plal'l' \\'ill bl' an- ,,1'11 "ellll,..: !1';l11i;1 S\ 11')(1. I\'ho, ill J':dith :'Taltb\,. Edward rllrrin"'. illr "uch pnrpu'e~ ha,.; "een
quer~II01~" al1d cont~ntlll;~s chatt,'r.: "11 strike-out,.;, That man \'ockel
and tar Jr, 'Ill that kInd (1\ a square Iput 1'! down tlIat ",a\'. Charlie n"t1IlCC',j Liter, III tIll' 111ealltime his Ilt1il'iaJ l'apaCil\','"rgalli;,cd tlll' Fcrn Rcgcr, iTan,Jd Reiss and C.
practically exhau"ted. Therciure,
deal til \\'hlch the lads \I'll<> ha\ e '1'011 l1'en,J c'111tril'utl','l ~'-l p'r II l' ;IIT g"il1~ ..
c"ng-l'l':.,:;lli()11 htl' ill 1!1·!1. all,I R ". I '1'11'
t" h;l\'l' ;1 11)('1111)('1'- I I' ""y ,1I11t 1 wellt to ,\ I crs\'lllc, at the llIeetin!:,; .\1'JIlda\·. the L'"II11-
h;'ld liur el1lhlcm hic:h ;11'C' entitle,],: ,'('nL "i :Il<' Slll11-t"t;J1. Ilc ,,:~Il I'. III ;1,·t", ;1" Ih lla't"r tlntll 1;111- ";1., an<l attelldcd the Epworth cil \\'as fal'ed 1\ itll th~ tl\'O ul1de-
':111' drill', '" II y''!1 kl1<II.I· "f any 1'.1,';11'.,1, I~I'!::, II'hl,'1I 1~,l'I'. ,\1"",111',1 , ] ,caC:'ue T IIstttUtl',
' '1'1 ley \\'eIT j"ill- ,..iral>le alternalil e" oj prollabI\'
! hc ,111"b phtlllsn,phy. ;IS It ~IIIpped i had his SCI Ic~~ 1\ ith him, \\'hen
11"\1 ':irl, ill to\\1I :,:('t 11\ tou,'h,,,"dll\,'d Ih(' dlllil" '>\ tl1(' pa,\"r- cd "n Tl1l\r,.;da\'. ,\u~ust 21. b\' nut paying it, cxpenses for th'e
n~('lt o,:'er the Ileld, had Ih llat- :1 111all'" been ied 11]' "'ith horiz'lIl s " e;ln, 11' \\' an I', 1'1 lC IUStltUt"
Illth l,i;li:11I (·"1I11,t"n. \\"lll1l('l' ale, 1'1 . , ' lIext tl\',) II L'eJ..:~ Ill' e["e burrll\l-
ural ettect on the pbyn"., alld and ,..l1ch Jikl' tlIin:.,:' i, ,1' a ,,('ek.
~ilip l'j,;,irl11;lIl, "1' ii \'''11 arc 'J I \ ,h, ,rt addl'l'" I'. as deJilTred ('I",cd tile f<Jll<J\\'ing .\Ionda\', the ing m, ,ney tu do s, '.
th;lt. , added t" the other handlc;,p,,;, It l'lkc'~ , ' Ill")'!', '11'111 ,'1 t' l'l\' Ilour,.;
'tran~'-r \IT IIIInld 1)e ~lad to ~Cl"!.I· I'l'\'. C I', SII:\l\k. I), I) .. oi ·!,-,tll. .\ftlT thi,.; \\'cck of spiritu:t1 \'ariuu~ ways and mcans of
II'l\1ch he~~'t the tl'am. jlr<"I11ced, 1" 11l;lke hilll .'l'l' ;1111 Ihin~ :1'" 'mall
11111 ;It thc tir,..t l11eetiug all<l 1\1ake! \1('111111'11. ;11\ ('dit"r "f the "!.l\t11· ill'1p ;I.' "'ell a,.; a ,,'rrk of fun the 'meetil1~ the l,nll'rgCl1l'\' I\'erl' di,.;-
a brand (ll ha,..e1>all 1\1111'11, \\;1,..\ ;1'" ;111 in,..h""t, \\';I[l'11 hill1 ..., \lare
,1"\11' ;Il',[I1;lil\tanl'C. ,\ I'ery :,:o,,<ll' 1':ln ('II\lrch "i J'hiladelphi;1, [[i, 1<-a:,:ne hel(1 a peach ic~ti\'al, \\'hich cll,,:,ed at length Inlt fil~alh' a reso·
;I\\'a\' bel,,\\' "nr \I"'\1;t!l'ar.
. '\e\ er-I hims(,lt' till's 1'I',r...... .~l<o
.· ·ltlll·,l· t \ ' , () nIt" 1 ce
pr0C:I:a1l1 i~ prlll1li,.;ed i"r thc tir,..t 1111l''''a:,:(' ,', 11I1in:.,:· ir"1ll II Ill' del'ply \\'a" a :.,:rrat succcss. c\'cn'one ha\'- lutiun fur a temporary 'Io;,n IIi
• , . t

theless, \\'e arc g,<l1tlt;: t'l "'In th:lt' .:.,:iih hoth pitcher" lIT rc: c \'l'n , 'I'he
pennant I, .. 'l1l'('(ll\g'. ~" \11l'1111 IeI'''' COltle ont Iln1e1'(',<I In ;t sil11ilar hnil<lin<T i!lg a t.::?CH! time as well;s getting SI (lUll was pas,.;ed. The money
, Iand ~ thI-- . :-i:l:\1rd:I\'
.. \1'1111
. I ditlelTIlCl'
t \1 ' 'I' tll'lt j'ill
t , t l 11l' g ~l \ ' l'
;l11d 1>1'111.:': ;1 pr,,'!w,'tiu' l11(1111)('1'. pr"jl'ct wa... cspccialh' ti111Ch:~ ttlled 1\'lth good icc cream, peaches II ill be secured from the :'1 erio;l
1I'llljC,.., t le tlr~t oj t""J '.ll't"rte,.. i hi, al\,;ly ill <,1'l,'l'~. Thl'\' 'Clist
()II '\'\1("<\;11', ()('t"I'l'r 1 I. the! 1":"1', .I"I!11 \';11\ \"'~~, "i the l'l'l:~' ;l11d h"nll',:I1:lde cake. I.ast SUll- Title anJ Tru"t CUl1li'any.
"hll'h \\:1' need t" accllll1l'll'h that ;1, lea"t "Ill' 1'1111, III tIle nillth it
. 111'i"r, ;ll'l' illlitl',j t" ;\tteud the: 1,\t'Ti;11\ l·hurch. l"ll'lld('d th,' day, the :tll. the 1ea:,:ue helel their
\ ('ry tl11Il;":. 1.(:1 ClTryl""I:; phn I '\:ll'1l,d t" 1""k like a g-arri""J11 CuUnCill1lell \\'ere at loss to ac-
til 1,l' 1,,11 1hand ;Illd th\1' l\1akl' the 11;l1i,h (I\1C 1'\ 111 \,. . t ' "'.'lIll':lt;"1\ "i .llllli"r Cluh, ;tt lh"i,·"rdial ""I\:.,:r;'\l1bti"us ;Illd f.:'"ld fir,t dr\'nti"l\al111c('tiu:..: ni the fall COUllt for the unpre('edented ,..1, 11\'
1 1. , " "I'" 111. 1111 out. \~'II' ('t'lllllr\, t'Iu1" "hiladclphia,i'\I,h(" "j tIl<' 'lther l'r"tc'tant ~e;lS,'I\, It \\'as \\TII ;'\ttendeclll\'
at11e11',e l' '.11'I1'a ,1l' \\. 11l'h l~ S'l: ,1\1d :1 111;\11 ,1\1 ,..l'C(!l1d alld third. rate at which taxes were bein a
\'('1'\, tl1\1ch In (lnkr. ! , . . I )1I111l'1' I', ill 1)(' 'e1'\'c<l at Sl.~'-' per i ,'hurcll<" ,)f \'arl>l'l'th, 1: 'If the leaguers and th('(1' paid. Csualh' there i~ a Ileal ~
, (l,mI111l1l'd on :-ccond Page)
plal<', '1'11<'1'(' II ill ;t!,.., , 1)(' music \ .\11 an;,:ull'nted chiliI' IIi tift\ iri"l1d~. The tnl;ic f"r the e\'ening payment earl)' in the month l;i
aud a c"l1il'l'enC'l' ill "'hich the'. IIice.; in ch;I!'.gr "i :'[r~. T. S. CC·I:- 1\'aS tIl(' "Findillg-.;'· of Institute, September. 'fhi,; I\'as taken intu
• BIG DOINGS FOR FAIR MAIN LINE ORCHESTRA ,'Iul>~ \\ ill participatl'. S ev C r ?1.(lard and c(1I1ductecl l>\' i h. ~. 1\ Taking ill (lutline furtl1 what e<tell accuunt ill appropriating funds ior
, To Rehearse Next Week. \arl'l'1't!l :,:irls arc tn take "art il~\r-('Ih,;nl~"a'ti Ffl1i,;r IIf the "Lnth: 1cag'lll' should <I" and ha\'(' dllrin£' tile rUI1I1I11:-: of the IH1rou<>h dur-
'Tis Rumored Be
America" May I\,' . '
" otlce I.S 1>e.l1lg sent to member" t."I1.1111~1(,;1 l ' I pre ,g-ra111., ' \ l1y ..:":11' IS I" ~,:;,tll,
I " ITllf 1lTC' 1 m, ',"': c.tTert i\'cly, t Ile year. C. Hoy Smith reported
1'" the :'lall1 Litle ()rl,llCstra fill' the 111,hll~g til C:" 1" the dll1l1er kll1,]\YI.,,[,l1,' ~]e;I\'.CI1~,:\rc I clhng" [n'm Oil the lcag-u'e lnlsine,.;s ati'airs, iai[l'll tl) cume in as rapidly :b ex-
" ing this nlllnth, and whe~l taxes

\II\\' that the elate" 11a\'(' ',cen ,Iir"t rehearsal "f the sea"ul1 til he "'~'I:~] lll. l1a111e ~l :'T;lr:.,:ar('t !.h",lreatlllll (Ila~'dl1) and :'Ii~" :\letha !.<!.mh told the relluirc- pected the usual shorta<> eo,',
fixed al1d the I'rince n(ltiticd ()j held ill ~t. :.l:tn'',.; Church, Arcl- l.~ I r IH [fIll (lctol)('r ,. .I! ,In .\l1en, a well-known COI1- ~llent,.; 01 tl1:st department, which curred. b

them. il1ten',..t nll\\' turn,.; tll the l1](1re. ')\1 Thnscl:~y night, ~eptenl- ()cto])('r ·!1. tl)(: clull \\'il1 ha\'el~I:;I1t,). sal1;C:- "!,Tow LIl\'ely :\re I"; the cle\'lltlOnal department. The Citizcns arc urged to pay their
"'~cond ,11' "tewardship and mis- taxes promptly, l1ut only because
Yhi~ i"llll~'ing- ~IOI1
uther \'aried attractions that will l'c;.I:-:. . all "pen nIt'etm:,: 1"1' the womcl1 "i 111\' Dwelhn"s,
I' .I 1. I I I he :'Ialtl Line Urche,.;tra ,\,.;_ lhe..t c•' \\'n, \\'ill he known as 'i'he articles l\'l're department ,,·a,.; outlined h\' of the fact that the 10;lger they
Je In el'l! ence t 11"; year an' nee( - s"ciati"n ha~ ,..tated that "lime \'a- a CItIzenshIp ,party, with pnlitical placed in the cornerstone: a hi,,- Fern HC~'er, third department or take tl) pay, the larger an interest
. .' less ~o sa» there wil~ !)e ma.ny ne~\' l'ancies exis't in the urchestra and ~pee,chc,.;. :\ atch ."Our 1\1\vn" tf,ry uf the congregatiun, prepared citi7enship and communitv sen'- 11'i11 the borough have to pay for
and :,tartl1l1g (Jne,.;. 1he pnzes arc t~Il'Se \\'111 he filled a,.; "(Jon a,.; pus- lor lurther mformatlon. hy the ,..ecretan·, II, E. :\[etius' icc was outlineei hv Doroth'\, Chal- Its bOl'1'owed capital, but also be-
a surpri,.;e in thcmseh:es. The club, ,I!,Je hy per,.;onal applicatilln. :\n\'-
praye:s hy the' pastor and
t~'l~ fnnt, fourth department o(recrea- ~'al~";t'
t' 1 1 I
penalty of fi\'C per cent.
in its desire to make each fair "l1e WI"; ling to play in the orches- "',uperIntenl ent of the Sunday \on ant nl ture c epartment was IS 111 thcteei on taxes that remain
better than the last, has decided Ira ,and "'ho has had musica[ ex- The rhllirmaster at :\11 Saints' ~cho"I, John C. \'an :\'ewkirk: a outlined hy Eleanor \Yard. Tunior ul1j'aid after October 1 the end
this year to put up ten grand penence ,.; 1lOU Id appear at the fir,.;t 1'. E. Church, \\'vIlne\\'oo(1 ' '\'1'11 "'Ille 1Jy t lel ' . 111(' tl1O( IS were reportell..t on '
by of the fiscal year. '
'I assIstant supenntend-
prizes, headed by a wonderful rel}e,arsa1. .ready to play, he at the parish Tuesday, ent, :'[iss Georgiana G, Hoffsten: Edith :'TaltbY, E\,ervone left with The borough tax bills were sent
SelJtemher 1 Il, fronl :' P, '. I. tl11 t'l'I a l-lll~ll ' I
radio ,.;et \'alued at S7;)0 guaran- II le 0 I )J~ct 0 f t Ile :\ I ain Line ,',\'
t f 1
.. CIa repor 0 t le c Hlrc 1 b\'
I 1 tll(' . 1 th t' tl
\( ea a
.k . '
le wee' at II1stltute out weeks ago. Thev include in
teed to get the Pacific Coast any ()rchestr.a 15 the. de\'elopment of ,i,:W. and will be glad to have an\' :'1. R. :'[ackell, treasurer: mate- was indeed well spent. Last Fri- addition to the boroilgh tax the
time the switch is turned on. This coml1lul'1lty mUSIcal appreciation applicants for the choir for thi's rials the church pre- day e\'ening the league hiked out ,.;chool tax. Coun tv taxes were
alone would be worth trying for ratl~er than professionalism, for 'cason. ~lared by \'anous officers, inc1ud- in the countr\' and held a corn Ilot hi lied as they are paid
but there are nine other awards to whIch rea,.;on, membership is Thr hoys are paid' a nominal 1I1g :\1iss :\nna Klenk, ),[rs. P. 1\, roast which was well attended and ,..cpartely to ~orristown.
be made. :\11 particulars in re- Ilased o.n the ability to play a o;um for thrir ser\'ices in the Krout, :\lrs. Ida Char.lble\', :'-Trs. e\'eryone haying a good time. Further discussion arose in the
gard to these can be got from any nee~led Instrument and a serio11s cl,111rch .s~r\'ic~ and, receive splen- J. D, Rentschler and l\liss Ruth B. WOOD-HARSCH Council when problem of ash and
mem )er a the club.
v I f.
(Ie1"1~~I r e tt a UplO I I(I t Ile J(
~ f '
. Iea Is 0 f the'~
dId t raI111n.l" In \'olce IJlacement. 1Ioff~ten
The ad\'antages boys acquire in medal
.~, : a I .u tl leI' an1l1"ersar\'
g' I G
TIle Illarrl'age of 1\11'ss E.II'zalleth r~lLbish collectiOI1 was brought up.
!" .has no public dump with-
."ext WIll be the surprises On 0 c le,.; ra ..• 0 ee. IS attac led til 1 . . I\'en )y ,eorge I tam- Dorotllea l-1arscll, daugllter of 1\lr,
I l I t lelr expe!'1t:>nces as choristers is "'on an I I . f I ' ,
the booths, many new articles I1lCI1l .lers lip nor IS t lere remu- ' { a so copIes 0 t le Phila- and Mrs, Carl C. Elltennlalln, of 111 Its 11I11Its and consequently made
)emg. can sicIered, including the ner a t
IO~t 0l ~e (en\,e( I '
Irom f 'It.
line worth
\,our 1e
1 d f while, 1 as can he readily
or)y singers who ha\'e enn
- delphi a u P )
I "0
1r ICI ..d
e gel', t Ile L ut I1- NarlJertll, to M' r. James DOllal(1 arrangements some time ago to dis-
" .
Imost won erful line of tOY hattle- n (Iscussmg uturc pans, :'11'. profited hv the same, ' aIH ur own, conta1l1ing- IvaI' Wood, son of General and pose of its rubbish in a Lower Mer-
ships that the kids ha\'e e~'er seen :\dolph Vogel. conductor, stated
d Phone 'for appointment. announcements of the cornerstone 1\1rs. John P, Wood, of 234 \Valnut Ion Township dump located near
made specially for the Country' that fn?m present indications this. 1 I ;-\'ar- laying, and contributed by Louis avenue, '\'as solenll11'zed I'll St. \ Vest Manayunk.
. all( I not sold anywhere on the the tl lIreI year 0 f t h e arc Ilestra, lrrtl 221l1. ~Ir. Spratt.
all' Frank ' . Paul's Church, Ardmore, Satur- The distance of this dump makes
F day afternoon, at -1- o'clock, in the the usual hauling by horse and
market. These battleships are would be the most stlccessful it
complete in e\'erv detail ancl exact has yet had. An enlarged and
replicas of Cncl~ Sam's best. The more experienced personnel makes
T a ke S F ·19h t to C ourt
tore presence of a large circle of reb-
tives and friends. Rev. Albert C. SI\'('.
,,?gon both. inefficient and expen-
Ilauhng by truck was de-
kids are being considered in many it possible for him ~o present pro- ... Kanzinger performed the ceremonv. cided at a. previous meeting as the
other wavs hut announcement of grams for the comlllg concerts of Harsch, who was given in only s.olutlOn to the problem and
these at this time would be rather greater musical interest, including
premature and must he left over a movement from a symphony at
Legality of Zontnrr Law .:<5:...-
Ma1J be 1 eS"'ed
1 n,larrlage by her hrother, Mr. \Vi.l- a<h'ertlsements were ordered for
/.__ ham F. Harsch, was gowned III bids for first the rental of a truck
for another week. each one. ivory satin, trimmed with pearls. and then the purchase of one,
Arrangements are also being T~le lon.g fight of the borough Though the writ was issued a Her veil was held in place witll Five bids on renting were sub~
made for dancing, so the old hays Albert J. Becker Appointed> offiCIals WIth the American Stores week ago, no notice of it has yet orange blossoms and she carried a mi,tted Monday and four on the
who fancy themselves will have Albert J. Becker, 212 Forrest Company to prevent erection of a been served upon Messrs. Noel and shower bouquet of bride's roses and pnce of a truck. The Autocar, the
the opportunity of getting into avenue, Narberth, Pa., has heen chain grocery on the corner of Nar- Darlington, Until officially notified lilies of the valley. Mack and the White truck people
step for the winter frolics. appointed a member of the Advi- berth and Sabine avenues, in the Burgess Carl B. Metzger and Presi- Miss Mildred Mann acted as submitted bids for new trucks
It is also being rumored that sory Committee in charrre of the heart of the residential district will dent of Council W, R. D, Hall re- maid of honor and wore a dress of :?nging from $ to $6000:
";Vliss America" will be present Knights of Columbus Reception. be carried into Court as the ;esult fuse to comment on the latest'mo\'e yellow taffeta, with a brown tul1e .1 hree bids on re-built trucks, rang-
hut the Sphinx has nothirig on the to b.e given in the Academy of of a writ of mandamus secured by of the chain company, hat trimmed with flowers, She mg f 1'0111 $1500 to $2000 were re-
club offiCials when questioned on MUSIC On the of October the company against Building In, The scrap of the borough officials carried yellow roses and del- ceived and rental bids ,~ent from
the subject, though it cari be defi~ 13 in celebration of the fOUf hun- spector H, Taylor Darlington and with the stores company dates back phiniums. $90 to $100 a week.
nitely stated .that something is dred and thirty-second antliver- Fire Chief Charles D, Noel in Nor- half a year when it first became The bridesmaids were Miss Final decision on whether the
brewing and the best guess is that sary of the discovery of America, ristown last Wednesday. known that·the firm intended build- Dorothy Mildred Bough, of. Nor- purchasing of a new trock or an
the aforementioned beauty will James E, Dougherty, of Haver- T.he new zoning law, passed last ing a store in the heart of the resi- wood. and Miss Mildred Adele old one, or whether rental would be
look the fair over. By the way, ford, has been appoi"nted a mern- Sprmg, will also be given its first dential district. The matter was Strunk, of Bangor. They wore the cheapest was left to Council-
why not a Miss Narberth next bel' of the Floor Committee. legal test, as this law forbids the first taken up by infuriated neigh- blue taffeta, with hats the same as man Walton M. Wentz, head of the
yea!"? Doc Howard thinks any A feature of this year's ce1ebra- erection of a store in a neighbor- bars with Mr, Robinson, of Merion, the maid of honor and carried yel- Highway' Committee, and his asso-
one of many could beat the field, tion will be a musical and dra- hood such as the one in which the head of American Stores chain. but low roses, arranged with orange ciates, consisting of Mr. H. \Y.
and: he ought to be a judge. not matic pageant, "Columbus." in American people are trying to 10- the refused to interfere, flowers. Brown and Mr. Daniel Leitch'. Mr.
havtt\g missed a pageant yet, which GOO costumed characters catTe' ' A petition was then circulated by Mr, \\rood was attended by his William J. Henderson waS added
'The SI'de sows h WI'II b e mare va- WI'11 re-enact t 1le principal e v e netwnt
h s ' was granted in response the Narberth Civic Association and b roth er, 1\.~ mI'. Ralph V, H, Wood, t~ the committee to give special ad-
ned than ever. Duck, the DaITc- of the dis,covery. .lohn J, Clark, to apetitton' filed. by Attorneys 00 'd ' d I ' who acted as best man, "'hl'le vIce all trucks,
.. . tIle
~ :'~
. ' D'k . •. ' d
"olf' . .. .pra......g"daUy ....d gagea,;" 'roolor,. is eoodueling r.., behalf nl.the A_kan Stores .Cam- a 'ta'eo,.nt vigorou,)y coodemo-
Larzelere, Wright and Larzelere in 7 resl ents slgne t lelr names to
~ h
era were Mr. Peoman Wood. J. Chairman \Ventz reported for the writing that,
many. emtntne hearts will be pit- earsa s each evening, A choir pany commanding the fire chief and ing ,the" project, .,'rhis' was pre- . ,r."Robert,A. Wood, brothers of
a-patttng the moment they see of 200 vokes will provide music b 'ld· • sented to the Borough Council. the bridegromn; Mr, . Fred' hIS H~ department IS practically
tl1is''Yonder. Some will be lucky typical of the fif~ee~th ce,.ntury,
d u 111g !nfispe.ctor to act upon plans which acceded to the request of the Harsch, brother of the bride, Mr, through with its street improvement
to be invited to be 'his
an speC! cations for the projected petitioners and instructed its build- Charles E. Alexander, Mr, Alexan- work. One stretch of street
store which the complainant declares cler Schultz and Mr, John H. .,','' N ar-

ease renew promptly. they failed to d o . ' (Continued on Second Page) Scherr. (Continued on Second Page)

: ' ...



BASEBALL , HOlSt:HOLJ) HOODS FOR SALE-I ,...--------------1 fl:::r:;;r~r.,1::r.:l:r..l:::::rT'1·-rT:r::::!::::::r.:r::r:!::::::::::::!::::::r :::::::::!::::::r:r:::::r::r:r::r:i:::::::::::::r.:::::::::m::.::::::!:rn
A Co-operative Community Journal (Continuc,l irom I'agc Onc) l'1l~" IIl1d d"'k. :!H E""l'x ,""'11111'.
e )lit' lantl' wllllI~1t :·ddpbo:II't!: O!}t' lIlnho~-
/III\' Iwd. fIlii ~IZt·d; onl' c-omblIH·d hook-


The ~arhl'rth CivIl' ..-\~Ho('\lltlon. Owners. nllt

1'111111' Atlee L1~lngslon,
\ ",,,,d clliut I\uuld ha\e tied the 1J1'l'11J.
l'ubll"h,'<1 ('\'t'I'S Slllurday al l'arbl'rlh, I'll .. sCl~'e, Inll, ala~ alld alack, it did
'·lillll'. Ilaney Ilul1Jphnl"
had g' 'Ill' t" hed i, ,I' a I\':ek I~d, 'IT
NO, 233
108 Chestnut Avenue


Why Bake Cake? 11
Edilor n'HI Publlsber, AN ORDINANCE
,T. IUdJlulIlid ~1;1I':llll."', ..-\('IIIIg- E~ ~, ,,'clli,'k just tll he III 1l11e,Il'ttle,
~dlnMook t.. f
St'!ls,'HII'TIO:\ 1'1:1<'1':. 1111" 1',,1/:11' nlll}
alld the he,;t he ;':lIt liut III It all t·r«·neh "011,·
~ !
Fifty C't'lIt~ Ill'r )"t'.H )11 ;111\';11]1'" \\ a,; tll Ill' tIHee-qllarler,; 11(,l11e I'lIk t:
\\ hell the curtain I\ellt d()1\ 11 . .Il1hll t"T

~ I Jickie I\a,.. the unly lillC "i uur
tril'l' tu g"t t\\'li hits.
Will bring samples to you, ~~
),hont" ::::01 !
El'l'er \'liI\TII',; tl\U tlut~ I\'ere !

. ,
h, ,th splendid catches, (,etlrge
I::eck's \\'lIrk hehind the hat I\'a,;
I l
[lip-nlikh and I>il'k ()di"me ~\?S
\\'ide a\\'ake e\'lTY, I11lnute., I h~
All correspondence and remittances Sl'l'('tacular ,tup III <..!uallc s, (>\ COOK BROS. ~ .. ,

should be sent to Post Office Box 9~6, I\ala-l'\nl\'\d, ~a\'e a thnl1 tu the
or mal' be left at the office, the Log Cabm,
lInlli"k~'rs. 'I t \\as tIll' kind that
'piJOllf'~: ;\al'lH'rth :!;)-I:-i or ~2f)1. ROOFING
Our Town is on sale at the dl'p,~t
makes hi'lliry. .... i!
news-stands, ancl at the s!l'rl' of I-f. I~. The SClire: Jobbing promptly attended to. t··t
1)a \'is, 11,\ 1..\.1' y:,\ \\' YI I n

Entt>TPcl n~ !,,1'('1)[)II'('lHSS mnlll'T, .01'lol)('r

H, II. I I, ,\. ~lght I'honf', :'\nrbl"rth «1.~1 t.. ~
t II II I Ihl~' l'holH', ~llrl)f'rth
1:it1l, 11114, nt till" IIOMt orric'!' at ="arl~.·rl!L C}11:1 ill', :.!iJ 1:·1
Pf'uo8\"l\'auiu, \lllll"r lilt' lld of ~lnr( h .1, IIeI.'. J f. .r 1 ., II o ,·t
187U. '
------ \Yag-IlPI". ~~. ,., " 1 When you can buy as good a Cake made from pure, it
1:\1 PORT:\l'-:T l'HO~E CALLS
~tl'plll'Il~(lIl. 1b, , II Ii II ,, ,
. wholesome ingredients and light as a feather for

1:1 (J

Fire, 350,
II. \1""11:"', "..
L"hlllllr. :\h.
less money than you can bake it, to say nothing of
Police, Ardmore 20,
"Our Tuwn," :\'arberth 2545,
~:Ila I'll". d.
\". \1"~'III1I1. rf ..

(J Should be planted in September
We offer stron~ 3-year-old clumps,

the work you save-why bake Cake?
"",·k,,\. 1'. II
mix~d colors, selected from nam,ed ,";j
COUNCIL MEETING ,.. ' ..·-..--·7-----;:;-;;---~ ,I'I::I;U':!'\ ;\111:1.. "arieties, at $1.00 each, the p~le.e r~t
:'\,\lWEHTII ~1"'I"'1 :11'\'. usuall)' charg-ed for small dIYI- i,'j
(Cllntinucd from I'agc One)
IJl·rt aH'llue, up the hill frOI11 I.IaY-
erionl ;1 \.,'1111 l' til the ral.] rna( I I)r!( I ge
"':""'. I'.
~"·,,,"d. rf .... II1



.\pll!'I'\'!·" "':11 l:r :,,'pl .. 1~1~4
,'.IHI. 1\. \lETZ( •. II:

NO. 234
As we have only 100 such clumps
to sell. 'phone or mail your ?rder
~ i
! ,
White's Sweet Shop rl

' . 1 I'
is being gi\'Cll a rough surface of
\\'ill Ill' tlnls le( 111 a Il'\\' (ays.
I It \'. 1"1", k. d. '"
1I11111\1"l'i,". ::" ..
Y""l'il. If.

II 0
Ai O::'\CE; we will make dell"ery
the week of September 22,
mIS ROOTS are ready now, We
219 Haverford Avenue Narberth 1705 I]II
,1"IIC \\'hich \yill he hou1lll and fin- )1:I\'i', 1". 1 0 I; I
IITII''':IZI\,;.\;\ 1-:1.1-:"'1'111;\ 11;\ '1'111.:
I·'.·I",,! (,fY \\'ith tar. The stones will offer 8 different "arieties for only r"i
!lid;i", -', II - U ,}I'LSTlO\ 1 'W 1;\"1:.1-:.\":1.";, :rlll': 'f' :. : .. ::: : : ::: .:::..: . :' :.: :: : .. :": : . : . : '. • • - : .• ::::: :.: : : . : , : : .. : , : , : •• : •.: . : .. : .. : . ; .. :, :. : .. : :,: :.:' :,. : ,:,:1:I:.I::l::r:I::I:
' I;. FI""k, ". II 1;1 ".1".:1> 1;\ I ".:11'1'1':1>;\ I·.ss III· 1111. 81.00.
II IIIIi;II' I;): III' ;\,\HI:t,:wrll .. ~III\T(;'I~'.
II 1 ·1 Ii
],c allu\\'l'd to l,rotrl1de ill (,rder to II II .. II

gi\'l' Clr,; goillg l1Jl t 111' I11 a ll'ttcr

'll I Ildi" ... I'·. :CiJ. 1':1;\ '·III·\TY. 1'1':\.\":1'1.\',1\1.\ /'\ IIII'.
11,,!,1 ( '11 .",Iill,\· ;111d ,;Iill!ler.\' \\'cather

.. Ii "1
1\1111 \'1' 'W li\I.: III ;\)lI:LI' '1'11"'
:.:, s \\1' 1'"1.1. Ilts I-'IIIt '1'111·: l'II:I'IISI:
11'1: 1':I:lfrl;\', ,1'\1' II I:\ISII/,\,; ,\
I, "-\"''1>'11'1'. II ,\1"'"'.11' 1'1 1:1.11 I:' 11.1'/'\', l'IIIt ';1'\1.1: II ,
The Little Flower Garden
:\1 a il Add.ress
',\ deed de( I"ICltlllg
. \.-'1'lIr Iey
."" roa, I 11I."I1',I.'"","'.:,
I' StllH'k (llIt
' H\ '"Ill'''''!. 1:!. 1:(ll:ltll;11 1'11:1'1 1.. . ':....:. 1 I'll' 1111 1'1 I: I
' I I" 1'1 ",;);,,, '\I' /'\ S,\II' IlllHIII ',II, 207 FOREST A VENUE
tIl tI le BOrOl1L'l I \\'as rl'lTI\'l" I f rom, I.'.' [""": II " n:j'i'''' fill hall . . -l)ft '111'1\1'1.I .\"1'
' I ;".1.' I p\II'I.I:TI\c; "1111: 101:.\111\1,'
Not much left of Washday when you use our
"'."'. ~" 1"lllllll'I' ... --Illlllklll"': .111 [ .\\.1' 1.',1\ 11'\11 ~I
11 I I '\111 )'11:1.11 ::'\arherth ECONOMY SERVICE.
tlIl' I,r"!'erty 1I\\'ller,;,o f 11;1 ,10. l' -, "',,
II 1"""',1 1'1..\1";1:11' \',
'1'11011 ..·: 'nrlwrth :~ .•.,-".
i \\111:1:1:.\" :l". 1~"rPI ;..:11 1"1111. il l,r 11"'1
1I111.,'hi;II'l'. 11 \\'a, rl'lern'( tll;-U 1le- 11""."._." "I . .,\",1, :III. .\1"","",", ',I ,'""",.'
No Tub-all the washing is done.
.~ I I \ TE ~T.\:'\IH:\I;
it or Fletl'her \\'. :-;tite,; fill' appro\'al \1.\1:'\ 1.1:\1': . ':. \';'. I.. 1'1' .';:.','.':~,:,''':I~':,ili''!t'.,;" '::>I',:";',',":',',:~:::.""d':';,:
a~ to fllflll and incorporation into an 1"'11.".('.11'1\.1',1.' .'j~' 11111111,<,1 i',d •. llll."]JI ..... til :--;1;.1 ill lit. HlIrllll~lJ No Clothes Line--everything returned dry,
. 1ey .~II!1l til 1111'1111""01 ':I4III";I!I" t~1tIlI.IlIHII'
()rdilldlll'C of acceptance. :\:Il"hl'rth 7
-I .t;:;l; d,dl:,r ..
!}ll' 1111 1'1,'1:-'1- Ilf 4'r.. t'l:II:.r
j"l" Furniture Moved and starched where needed.
road \\';l~ flr~t a part llf ~l pri\'ate \y 1\ .." :till lIJl"l1l~hi:I.:': ;1 1'11111:,' hllildiltJ.! for ;':4'11"1':';
J'l·:t1ty dl'\Tlopl11enl, ],ut ,,'as .opene( I H"I'II,Il'
I. Ill' •••••.•..•.
,." n .-11)'\
., .,,,,,,1
11111'1"1"'":-- 111"'11 1)l<'. 11111111. yl:I,\
,II'" Hauling of all kinds
I" 11""","1, I", """'1' ,""," No Flat-work to Iron-that is beautifully
this ,..llllliller all( I sur f an'( I 111 pe -
r P:ltdi () .-11111 ;':l':I,lirl:':
"'''''''"''1. ;lIJ1J "'!lIipltll'IJl of ;1111 1,"ld;,: SABlE CENSORE
11 ',all<.'11t fortH. C);lkllllllit ,
7 ';''''
\II\\" TIIEJ:rl"()I~E la: IT ItI:II.\I~EII.
done for you.

1:111:1 :1 i ... II' r"I,,\" IIrd:lilwoI. 11t;11.",," ;1.lJd ~\i!h

241 Hampden Ave.
'1' "'u I' :llf·' ;IIJlhol";!~' .(If ,tll' 1~C1l'ltllg-h I 1I11111'11,ot 1111 The hardest part of washday is MISSING,
' urll11al1ces c L g. tl1e re ~
I) 11'1'11 Narb h 3' M L T' e
ert".. 19 rs,.
HlI!"II.1g:1 Ill' :'\;Il'I.,'i'lh, ~loIll;:':"I1I'-/'Y
e 011111.\ Phone 177:3-\\' Narberth, Va,
'Iuest ui the Council fo. r authority
I1 I
\ ' 'I "tl () its hst t"'i-li"'!Jt
. ell )ll I \\.11 . ' ( - . ~
I', ",,,,\.;,,, "',,. " ,.,,101;,'. "I, ,.,;""
1:-. h"I""I,.'" jlll·lll,;I!.,'.! ,llId tI,,·,'/·fl.d I,.
... ;1/1\,'
I".' """ II" and this Service is so low priced that it's an
to illl'rt'a,e the honded 111( e Jte( ness "'lnJe 1,\' dell'atln;.:· :\Ialn L1lle I". I...:" ,,', ,!". I"'"',h ".,,\ "I' ,\,,", ,,,I,,., ECONOMY as well as a convenience.
Ill' tlll' Borough to $100.000, on the

l,;J1:uts illr next election day, No-

-' , " I 1
'l'icJ'<'r:--:: t(l II. (I. I-leek t.O()\: t It'
.', I ' , \' ,I . tl . 1 I 11"ld the
\ I> 11'~1 I,,""""" :1 ... ,,,,,,,_ "I ".".,.
;,';']p"k .\ . .\1, jilid "c\"I, .. '"1,,,1';'1'. 'I. :1:
,I,,· "'",,1..'
"":i,,, .. ;',.,(. I";";' "'. 1'/.'''' I .. ,
HARRY B. WALL Our Economy Service is 12c per lb.
d llle .UIH lUl • • ll H.Jr 1 .l1( '- IJtl:dill:.! 1I111IJi"jl':Ii li,q'o!I:.:1
\TIllI,er --I, \\'ere pa,sed on third an Ti"·l'r.:; to iuur hits and struck ·(Iut

f"r II", 1""'1""" "I ,01",,:,,1,," III" ,.'.''' ".''':

h'dlll!!'" ;11 0,;;110[
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
final reading. The tirst of these asks .-' ,, . I I ' , "I' ,"" "h"'''I'' ,,1 '1',,( I", .. "",,!> I" '" .11 Our Family Service (everything float-
ll\·t.' hatt('r~, luck 1)]C 1('( tor ,'n'a~" illtl,'I)I,'dlll'~" III' and Heating
'\1'1'1·0\"11 for a bon<1 j..;~tte to cover
IIII' !Ioll,h'd
I ..,. I " ' t tll'I,,",! 1"'1'
\\.I~ (, . '

ill rll" :1]I\llllll! l,r 11]11'
11111]111",l ironed) is 141;2c per lb.
11l1'll1,IIII1" " J,"I,~I,:
" , .' " tll' \'lslt'l1' all( ,1",,,'1"'" oI,,'I"r_ 1'", ,", I'"''
street 1I11pnl\'CnWl1h, j hc other ,'"ht saieties. j,J!ll1 lJi .. kll' I'at-' 1'''''' "I' "",','11"" :Ill" ::'\ ARBEHTH, P A,
:--'l'l';\~ ;-;.allctl()ll of a loan of $25. 000 ll,.... hllildill,l! luI' ~"III'I'rl1 jtlll'O11 l.:I: PIlI'I"'''''''"r-''

11)11111 tli,' I'IJI.lh· pLI.\l.!rllllll/l III "'; }:,';.

Phone, Narberth 1602-J Our Damp \Vash Service IS 30 Ibs. for $1.00.
fIJr the purpose (If rreetillg a hor- :> "";.:h ",,01 1'", ""1"1,(,.,1"", 'I... """"''';': " .. ; I
"'11"11 11111'1,11'll lT Oil the :\arherth Ilia)'· \:Irherth . II II . II II 1-:1 "'1"'1"""'" "I' ,,,101 1',,1:'1,· I'.".'""'."'''''. . ,. , ,
[,,'1',"\111(1,.' ',In,\' for thc !!radin!! and \1. L. 'J' . " . () () (l () II (I~n " ,.Til,'
1'1'1l1"'!' :rllf.lI I'i1: ..... 0:. '-';11I1 n ll I'1I1 1.:'::;
I"·,,,·'·, ,,"'Il" .. ,z"01 ,,,,,I 0111""",01 I" ""', ,- N R PEACOCK ' , 'Phone Ardmore 175 or send postal to
e1luij11llellt ~
ui the playground. " ""I,'"LII'."f' "liol 1,,"011,' "',.,:;"" '" ""'IIIII',"~'
1,-, , • • ,,
Classified Advertisements 1'\s":I·:)I ,," "I S'I'I, 1I'~4, ,


(Continued fro111 Page Ond
Two Cents a Word In Advance

"'E:\I AI.E HELl' WA~TEn I{.,

,\'1' '1'1'>''1':
I ·I:.IS. r. ;\111,:1..
\\' H
11 l,f1111.1..
'Interior and

:, Exterior Painting ,:
ing inspector and lire chid to r.cfuse
fi""d ."1111 JIg lad,' 11:-:11,,1':'. 0\'1'1' 1li ~'f';II'~
I'" 1'1 1;1111', :11-0 filII tilllf'. rllll'lIal1)
~t'l'r\'! ;11'\'.
\pprn""d 'fll ~d' ~I'I'I, 1:1:':,1
,'.1 Ill. 1\. \I1':TZ,; II:.
,, Kitd~en,.; and Bathrooms made
, Ardmore, Pa.
pll':I"':I1Jl 1'11\·it'IIf1I1lPII1. Cjood hOllr"" (II' ('lIt"f HlIl"J.!I'~:--
to issue the l'tlslu1llary prrl1lIls to , A ttraetive, Bright and Clean ,
the qorc cOlllpany \\'hen they made
application for them, , .
11l1 1'11I1Iity
IH't \\"4'I'n . ulld .J. 7
adnlllC't'IlH'nt, ,\pl'li"lIlioll"
"lid n
1', ~l ~'ll ,\romore IB:I-J :' Will lie "tllO to t;.(imale :, I. _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. -,
\111 ill ( 'tllllpauy . ,\1'01 ,
The temporary actIon was 1'('111· Illllt·"
!.ill" •\
Th"" I"",
III 11 ""'Ill I'll 1
.\1'11111111 1'.0
VERL PUGH : 407 ESSEX AVENUE : t "As You Rip, So Shall We Sew" t
forced bter in th" spring \\'hen a
UEPAIREn -' ~pwin~ :\1 "dti Ill". 11'1 Electrical Contractor : Phom', ::'\arberth 1611-W : t t
zoning 1;[\\· spl'cilically forl,idcling
s((lre,; ill a residential section W;I,
fIll' ~in~PI·.
Lil1l'l'nl nlillWatH'1' 011 "ld tIl1H'hilll'
'Plln1H' : :'\"I'1'''''lh W:t!I,.J ,
:11 4
":It·('trlcnl &rlJRfrfoi And .\IJllll11n('('H .." ,." " f t HEWIT'S t
put through the Borough Council ------- .. - (ira"'lIn,Jr ..\,..... !'" ('rl.'k.. t A'·....

This last ,;tel' makes the Court :tC'

tion oi till' ,\ nwricall :-;tore, pl'''1,ll
( .,ljH'sitp ~('hllll!.
'plinlll': :\,,, 1"
E-ospx ~llrlJf"rth. Pu, .-\rdmor". I'n..
::·::::)::.~;~St; :;~:~~:~;~ t Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers t
onc of (,,,tr(,ll1l' illlpllrtanl'l·. l\csi
1",,·th Ii:l!'· \\'. DOli'! forgc'! "}'e Oddi!lI Shoppe"
WM. NEWBORG & co. t t
dents :Irc kl'l'nl\' illl('n'sted in kilO,,' FOR 1'ALE-III'''II1<f",t "'"t. l"hl" alit!
(·ltnil'~. llIi~~iotl
Card Prizes and Tally Cards
LUCY & NASH Painting and Decorating t 234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone. Narberth ]254 t
ing ii the zonil'lg la\\' is \\'ater-ti.e:h t twCl Fllltr-llil'('!' 1011'1:-"
and proof againq Il'g;rl att:I:·]'; 0 1
wlwtlH'r it \\·ill be declared ll1ega 1
as was dOlle in :\utkl', :\, J" \\·hel i
:-:1'1 : tWII 1""Th nIC']';:4'r:-: allll
:\'01 1'11I'I'Ih 17W-.T.

t"Olt SALE-Waillut IJI'd I'UOIll

g'Ht'dl'll hfl~4'.

l"' 11 i t.
104 Forest Avenue
~12 Woodbine Ave., Narbertk, Pa.

We Call for and Deliver !
thai select suhnrh "ttempted to ('n
force a zoning la\\'.
In vie\\' oi the organized 1110\'r
I11cnt on foot to introduce zoning i n
Lower :\!ct'ion tll\\'nship. Ihe out
:\'lIrhl'l'l h Wli:\· W.
II lit! Illith ; hull, t ,\,)lIlt~ I $S;;.OIl. 10:1
('hl'~t IIl11 U'·f'llllf'. :\'I1I'1)1'l'th.
:\'1I1'1!l'l'th W-:-!·:\l.
'l'holll :
HOOT". :t 1'11(1111:--


Miss Zentmayer's
t t
cOl11e is also of \\'idrspread intercs't SEWI~G :\'A('HI~R-III l",dPI,t
outside of the borough, ,1ilion, $:;.00,
Apply :l:!.' (~OIlWH."

Opens October 1st, 1924
125 Windsor Avenue, Narberth

To g('ut1emun. '}llJuIU· : :\'111'1)('l'th ~70·IL
~----' ---~.
t t
M. E. M. Linn, Pastor.
t t
HI 2,-L
Regular sen'ices Septe111 her ], I.

Sundav School.
PreacJiinl! SC'n'ice-ll A. :\\,
FOR SALE-)-;lIulll('!t',1 huhy en I'l'iu):f'.
ill good condition. ( '"II :\'''I'hl'"th B:!:l.
LAIl\' will {'Ut'P for ('hilllt'l'll b.I' th('
hOIl\,. 'PholH' :\'lll'b('l'th 1717·\\". Baseball Today It Copies of the Constitution of the United
States of America will be found at a cOl1veni-
ent place in the lobbies of the home o~ce,
EYening' \\'nrship and preacJ 1- FOR SALE-I.urJ:'(' 1'011101' dl'~I( lind
ing-R p, :\I.
:\lorning subjcrt-"Jesu5 \Vc 1-
rl'\'oll'inl:- chuir. :\'11 rb('l'th 2,,10, I
t. Narberth office and Cynwyd office. These t
romes the Coil1er,"
FOR SALE-Irol'd tOlll'in/:- pur; ~l'lf,
.-tII rtl'r ; ,1l'll1onntllbll' rhn",. Ex(','II('nl t booklets have been prepared for general dis- t ..
Eycning suhject-"Ahraham ('Olll)it inn lind 1l111"1 8('11. 'Phonl'. :\'1\1'.
t t , .•...

It tribution in this locality and it is hoped that

1ll'l't h HH·H,
:\II are welcome to these sen -
\\'e want a good attendanc e,
Begin right.
Letters of Administration on
NARBERTH as many as possible will avail tbemselves of
them as every American Citizen should know
the above Estate have been grantl'd to
On last Sunday the cornerston e
laying of the new church. was a
Ihl' nndersigned, who requests nil persons
hoving elnillls or demnnds nltliinst the versus • the Constitution of his country. t :ca.
Estate of the decedent to m.nke known

pronpunced success; the cer e- .'."
many of placing the stone in i ts the sallll,', lind nil perllOIlll indebted to the
dl'cedent to make pn~'ment, without de- t
box, the fine singing, the stron g )ny. to
----- t '" '

speaking, the splendid attendanc e,

the large offering and the chara c-
Or his Attorne~',
Narbl'rth. Pu, BALA •CYNWYD t t

acter of the assembly all gav e
promise of the very best futu re 211 Esselt Ave.,
for the Lutheran Church of Na r- Narbertb, Po. THE MERION TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY
berth: and it needs only the fait h-
fulness and.zeal o'f the congreg a-
Estate of THOMAS J, FL£lIflNO, oecensed.
Letters testementary 011 the abovo::,estnte hn\'11I1l'
Home Grounds
tibn to realiie it.
, ...'._" _. ~
been llntnted to the undersllllled. atlperson5 in-
debted tb-the iliJ,ld'·ell1n.tenrereQuestect tl)'mnke
I·: , ' .. : ' •• _.'
Ardmore, Pa.
pnyment, nnd"thoSlt.hnvhill' CtnimB to.preSent.the

Mr and Mrs. Robert Ferguso n, Mme, wltliout delay; to Mary A. Fiemlnll'. conteI'
Sr" and ~aughter.have returned of Hnverford and Montgomery avenues. Narberth
Po" or to her nttome)',
home from a month's stay atOce an
501 LInco11l B\ir"Phlladelphln, Po. Everybody Out

....... ,". '.' ~'
';, .
,.-.-- ~.-t:• ...,.J'" - ...


The FIRESIDE Ke\\' York City, She expects to 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'1111111111111111111111111
enter the Teachers' College at Co- ~ =
~- The Open Fireplace -
~ Tholllas Edward Manning i~ month,
lumbia L'ni\'t'r~ity later in the ~ Keey Dry-use our RED CEDAR SHINGLES. I
, - ~pending three weeks at Cape :\Iay, e
: The charm of a home is greatly enhanced by a properly equipped : :\. J. Tom exped~ to ellter the Protect Your Car with our No.1 GARAGE DOORS. e
:\1 r. alld :\Irs, II O\l'a I'd 11 amer an: e
, fireplace. . ' L'niyersity of I'ennsylyania this fall. receiving' congratulations upon the
We have on display the famous Peerless line of fireplace fixtures,
which combine beauty and utility.
Andirons Fire Tool Sets
, birth of a Ibughter in the Bryn
The :\1 isse~ lean and Eleanor Fit- :\lal\T Hospital on Tuesday, Sep-
: tipoldi, of :\le~iol1 ayellue. spent last tember (), The baby is a grand-
Tie Your Dog to our CEDAR POSTS.



:, Fire Baskets Spark Guar d s :' II'eek-end at \\'ashingtun, D. C. daughter lJi :\Ir~, II. T. Ilamer, of
;, Coal Vases : :\1 r~. (;eorge Cook and her t I\"O 2.'-' .\ \'on road.
There will be several designs of each to select from, finished in
black or swedish, at attractive prices.
' dal1ghter~ are ~J>endillg the month
, at (Jcean City, :\. J,
:\Irs, \\', I:urtoll !'ier:-;ol and ;;
! CYNWYD 662
SUIl, (;elJrge hal'{: returncd frlllll a ;.UIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIUIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlIIIIIIIIlIIIIUIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111'11111111111111111111111111111111'11111111"
; Oak and Hickory Cord Wood .. ,$19.00 : three llloJllh~' l'acatilJn at Huoth:-;-
, , :\Ir~,), B. :\Iach:enzic and family. Ilay J larlJor, :\Iaine,
; Kindling Wood 16.50 : Ili :\arl;rook road. arc ~pending till' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'4a

t .
: Cannell Coal . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 : l1lonth oi ~eptel1llJcr in .\ lIentu\\'n.
:\Irs, lames B. Smith entertain-
ed her 'mothl'l', :\1 r~. Iialinun, of t t
- - :\Iiss Crace E. Chandlee. of llrooklyn, :\. '1'., during the t t
\ \"a~hington, I). C, i~ a guest at the week. '

t t

!- home oi :\Ir~. \\', H.. Horyer, on
:\Il'rion avel1ue, .\1 i~~ Cr;Il'(' 11"\l~t'll1 ha" re-
lurned fr"m Crotull. Long Puint,
BolJhie Collill~, Ir., ~on oi :\1 r. and Conn,. where she spent the sum-
:\1 r~, Hohert Co·lIill~. of Chestnut mer. ()n her Il'ay hUl11e she ,-pent
t $J PEA, 0.50 2240 STOVE, $J 4.50
a n·I1tH:' , celehrated his sixth hirth- :-;e\'eral days in :\e\\" York city.
da v this week, Eighteen f rielld~
tt $J NUT, 4.50
c. o.D. EGG, $' 4.25
l\"t:re present at his party. .\1 is~ DUl'l ltl1\' ~herman. a grad-
uate "i l.uI\:er :\Ierion "Iigh
• ¥ "" ¥ "" . . . ¥ ." ... ¥. tOt ¥ .... ¥ ~ . . . . . . . . . "'."..tOt
:\Irs. (;eorge :\Ioore and familv ~chu(>! la~t Junt'. plans tu enter
are ~pendillg t\\'o \\'eeks at Chari- the \\"('~t Che"ter :\urmaJ SchUL>!
~ t
Supreme:in Purity & Quality
1110l1t, 2\lass,

:\11', and :\Ir~, .lames llagnty. of

Il'hen it Ilpens on Tuesday.

:\1 i,,~ :\I;lri"n II t1nl('~. Ilhu 'pent

:\!erion an'I1I1l'. han' retumed from thl' ~l1mnll'r \I'ith hn famill' at
;1 t11'0 11"('I'k" yi~it to J'ittslJllrgh. J'a, Ill(' "hllrl·. ha~ ret urnl'd til r'';l1l11e

hl'!' ~tudic" at J.uller :\Il'riun ,

I W. F. Kempf I
t Office and Yard Main Office t
Delivering milk. "Fresher By a Day" is a remarkable
:\11', all,J :\Ir~, F, TaI111/l'li~t halT II igh, In the ah"ellce ui her hlll-
rcttlf11l'd frolll their h(ll1](, in :\lar~h­ ill, she i~ sta ling with ,\1 is" 1':1iza- , 52nd and Jefferson Streets 930 North Mar1me Streets: t
Scott-Powell achievement. Our fleet of glass-lined won- licld, :\Ia~~" \\"hl'l'l' they ~pellt the J,;,th Englan;1. ' t Belmont 8556 Belmont 54/ t
der trucks bring the milk from the farms to the city in
just FOUR HOURS-enabling us to pasteurize, bottle

:\11', and :\Ir~, II, C, !\C('ll" and

"Just Phone 01' Send a Posta I" t
and deliver the finest quality milk produced .\11'" II, :\1, Bl'rl"\, of :\arlJro(lk thcir d:llH..:htn. Sl1"an, han' n'-
1'<1;,,1. and ialllih' ;Irt: ~pl'l1dillg ~(l111e tnrll('d il'l ,'nl a 111"t"r trip tl11'''11.gll
:1111l' in :\ Ia inl', ' the Cabkilb and :\CII' ElI.gbnd,
:\11',-, C. :\1. :\lcCr;lck('n and hl'l' Ill', CLtr('lll'l' S;trie". IIi :\ar-
11\11 d;lughtl'l'~. ,\1111;1 alld IlelL-n. 1,('rtl1 alld \\ill/I"or al('lllle, ha" An Unusual Opportunity for the
kl\T ITtllrJll'd frol1l their hllllle ill rl't\11'lled and 1'(''''umed hi~ I'r:1C- Ambitious High School Graduate
Illdialla COUlltl'. I ';I" \yhere they tilT h('re afkr a ~umJller ill
";lICd dllril1g 'tl1(' ~UlIlJl1('r, Fa-toll.1\le. The Co-operative student earns a good part of his
" FRESHER BY A DA Y " -,-.
:\11'. ,\. F. \\ llhlert IS atlt'II1 lI1g
\. I
:\11'. alld :\Irs, la1l1l'~ .\, SClltt
expenses while in College,
He learns the principles of successful business in the
'I Illlr"l'l'Ylllell's rUIl\'Clltioll ill ~{:\\' hal"(' rcturned fr,)'lJl a Jllotor trip most direct and logical way, working alternately in college
j'urk this \\'eek. thruu;..:-h :\ew Fnglanrl. They and in the modern business office.

SCOTT POWELL DAIRIES Ilill Ol'CUpy their ne\\' hOt11c Oil

:\1 i,,~ (;l'rtrudl' I\os~. of Elm a\'e- \\'lllllbide ;I\'CI11le Oil :\IOlld;11'.
mIl', has been appointed secretary
During the past twenty years more than eighteen uni-
versities and colleges have adopted Co-operative Educa-
45th & PARRISH STS. til To\\"n~hip ~uperintendent of :\11', \\'altun :\1. \\'cntz \\'a,.:
~chools ~, E, Dl)\\"ns. ::\1 iss H.oss all'a\' "\'cr tLl' II'cck-end "n a IJl1:-;i- Drexel is serving the Philadelphia territory with fast
PHO~ES 'ra,Ju;lll'd frolll .\11. Holyoke last n('~~' trip. Ill' went til \\"a:-;hing- increasing success by concentrating on this distinctive type
PRESTON 1924 WEST 1733 June. of training.
tllll. Il. C. thcn tIl \\'inch('~ter.
.. :\1 i~~ 1,:thl'1 E, ~ha\\' is visiting in
\'in-.:inia. and then up the Cumher-
hill! \':tlley til Chamhcr~l)ur).:.
A Standard College Degree Course
1111I'f(' he I':"itl'd J. \\'. 17 air and School of Business Administration
;'alllily, f"rlllcrly IIi :\;Irherth.
• • :\1 i"s I! elcn Priest h', ui :\ ar-
I'l'!'th. and :\11', Franci~' Brodhead.
"i h: imhl'rt"n. \\"l're granted ;t
marriage liccnse in :\"orristo\\'n
bst \\"ednesday. Philadelphia
.. '

:\ris~ Eleanur :\IcKeo\\'n. of

Write K. G. Matheson. LL.D., Sc. D., President

:\arherth. and :\11'. \\'illiam I.
~herrv. of ll:i!l South Fifth strec't.
I 'hila;lelphia. \\"cre gTanted a mar-
ria,gl' licen:-;e ill Philadelphia un
• l'\ otary Public Real Estate

:.\Ionday. Office; Narberth 1733

----- Home; Narberth 1687
I\c\', John \'an :\ess, :\Iinister.
:\lcctings fIll' tuIHurro\\,:
I),-t:; .\. :\!.-Hihle School. J\ AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE
place and a \\'elcomc fur all.
11.00 .\. :\/.-:\Iorning \\'orship, Over the Bank
In l'IJI1!ll'Ctioll with the celelJration
Iii "Defense Day," ::\11'. \'an :\es~
or, Iyill preac;1 011' the theme: "The
:\1t.hiJiz:ltiun of :\Ioral Forces for ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""'~~,~"~,~,~~~""~~"~,~~,~~~
the 1lefense of Our Country."
/·4S P. :\1.-EYenin~ Worship
Serml 'n theme: "The Compensa 2
tillll oi I )i';l'iple~h ip."
1\1 id-\\'eek prayer meeting- next
With lots of hot \Vate,- \\' ednesdav at :-; 1'.:\f. Suhject
for c()nsid~'ratiun: "The :.\linistry
of Angles."

dishwashing is!u,,!
At a recent business meeting of
the :\Ien's Bible Class plans were
made for an outing to Yalley
Forge for the members of the class
and their friends on Saturday
next, September 20. 1t was als~
OW is the time to get your School

decided to hold the session of the Supplies. We have a full line of

N OTHING like HOT water to
cut grease. Make it HOT
and sudsy enough, and the dishes
I class, beginning on September 21,
immediatel\' after the morning
worship. "This will enable the Pencils, Tablets, Ink, Fountain Pens-
class to use the large lecture room
almost wash themselves. And and give many advantages over everything for the Fall Student.
the cramped quarters now oc-
the HOT ,rinse makes them dry cupied, All men of the com-
so quickly. HOT-, not luke- munity not attached, to other
classes are invited to attend this
warm. HOT-the way the water progressive Bible Class. The
comes from a SANDS AUTOMATIC meeting tomorrow, September 14,
is at 9,45 A, M.; on September

The price of a SANDS is now about

21. at about 12,20 noon. The
\Vomen's Bible Class will hold an
important business meeting next
Narberth Variety Store
half, of what you would have paid Thursday, at 3 P. M., at the home
of the president, Mrs. ]. R. Aiken, 232 HAVERFORD AVENUE
formerly. Sold on 12-monthly-payments 123 Elmwood avenue.
...•... :,
plan.' Call,or send for a rept~entative.
, .... , ..• _ - ' . ,-' •• , . '". J _ .• ' . . . . . . ,~ _~ •. , ... _ ,':, ." :,.:;.:.. ,_. __ .. , ' , .... :. "'. ',: _ •

, NARBERTH 'WEATHERflEPORT Thone,Narberth 2210

For Week Ending September 6.
'The Counties Gas & 'Electric Co.
. ' ' ...., ' . - . " , ',' .. ,. .'. .' . . -, .
SANDS No. 30
By the Co-operative Observer.
A:.-dmore17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 $130.QO Connected
Barometer " 30.04 29.66
Temperature ,.. 93 43
YetlT to Pay
Precipitation, .68 of an inch.
"," -. "", ';. ,. • - ..;... .:. I .. ;' ;. .~', ~ ':'" /" "... ~;
. ,,,_,..:';" .. " • :·t:.~·:"
~. ',"'''', t, ~

OURrfoWN "


D. c., I'h. c.
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE n,-II Phon~. !'prurr 3.'1.00 n nel 3'1·07
Kf';ratone 1»)lOnt-, RnC't' 70-54
p"lnwr Chiropractor (;ru.duate
Suite 4 and 6
Rev. J. M. Wilbur, D. D., Acting GARAnteed Roofs Ardmore Theatre Bldg.
Pastor. X-Ray Laboratory
~l'n ices ~\1\1day, Sl'!,tl'I111Jl'!" 1,1, Night ),hone:
] :t·! I : For Permanent rh()nf.~:Ardmore
1011-U :-;Ilrberth Otl7'-J ~
:1.1;. ,\. \1.-I:il>1(' Sd1111'1. Classes Hours 9 to 11 A. M. ':D RADIO-Pay as You Hear!
I-IIr l'\'l'ry "nl' a\1d illr all ages. Satisfaction 2 to 4 P. M. 7 to 8.30 P. M. ~
1\1111.\. \1.---\lorni\1g- \\lIrship.
The Fall Radio Season is almost here.
,\ctin~ ]'a~t()r. .I. \1. \\-illJur, BUY A r
We are now in a position to offer you a fine
I). D .. II'ill prl'al·h. ";]
=:= ~ Radio outfit on terms.
~ .lill]'. \1.-FIl'nin~ \\"rsl1ip.
,\cting- \'ast"r, ""- \1. \\·il1lur. Smedley ;;= :::: : 2 :: : ;: : =... :
orrle~ (·bone. r\arbertb 1071
:: =:;; ~
;] A very large selection of outfits to fit any
I). I) .. \\i11 preach. Rt"Htdrn4".e rhone, Narbertb ~:::i6 ~
purse-all guaranteed.
\\. cdnl'~l1ay e\'l'nin~, ~cI'tl'111ber
1:. I !1:!4:
Built Home Edward J. Hartzell

"'.1 iI I I'. \1.-1 'ra\'l'r Praise an,]
.\Il'l'ting-. l.l':;,]cr, .\l·tin~ ]' as - WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY Real Estate % Narberth Electric Shop
1"1'. J .\1. \\'ill'llr, D. n
-because water, in freezing, ex-
\\·c \I'CIc"l11C a\1\' t" thc"c ~en'­ pands more than the pipe which FOR TAXI SERVICE
w. G. CASE, Mgr.
iel'" a\1,] l'spn'ially 'th,,"c \lhll ha\'c contains it. Therefore it bursts the 226 Haverford Avenue
pipe to get more room. A painful Call Narberth 672 or 2215 W
\111 church h"n1e ill \:arlll'1'th.
Th\1rsday e\'enin~, September situation! But MAIN LINE GARAGE 226 Haverford Avenue Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings
I~. 1~1'!1, the \lc\1'" ,\,,"ociatiun ~ Aspirin 'Walter Roser NARBERTH,PA. I
\I'ill ll1ect at the h('1ll(, ui lal11es C. Tablets 100 Essex Avenue, Narberth, Pa. hoc: c: ::: ::':";::: : :::;;:: : ::' I ~ . ~m'25i~m3<~U5~~i"25252S2!i25i2522i25ii!522!i25i!§
Sill1p~"I1, :!;~:! E""l''' a\ ~'I1\1l', .\ quickly stops pain because they Hauling of all kinds Storage
)..:l't-tllgetht:r meetil1g-. C, '111e an,]
1J1'111,~ a 1l1e:;:--age.
break up easily and start their re-
lief work instantly.
Absolutely true aspirin, tablets
MISSION LUNCHEON so skilfully made that their bene-

Genasco Latite Shingles

ficial action beh ins in 15 second~. REPAIRED IN NARBERTH
.\ CI ,\t:re,]-di"h 1\111l'hl" ':1 \I'ill l,l' Highest purity, never irritate or Quick Sen-ice
~iH'11 1,\' tl:(' 11"l11e \\ i,,-i"lwn' burn.
So"ict\· ;,i Ihe \:;Iri,(·rth \Idh"di:t On(' of 200 Pun'te,t preparation, ARCADE SHOE REPAIR SHOP
F!,i~",',pal l'hurch ill thl' church for health and hygiene, En'r" item 215 Hanrford Avenue
I,n '1']1111'-,]:1\. Sel't\'11l1'\'r I"'. al I t1](' best that s'kill and ca;e can

Weather all Weather

"·c],,ck. .\11 Ihc hdie" "i the
,']lllrch are ill\ited til I'e prc-l'l1\. C. H. CRANE School Supplies
CHURCHMEN TO GO TO VALLEY '71te ~e-xa.U Drug S/orr1 on Sale at
. . . . . . . ,'._ ••••.• _ . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . ' . , • • • _._ • . • _ • • • _ • . • _._ • . 0'
The 111<'11 "i Ih,' "r,·,I,\II'rial1 ~._ • • _•••.• '.:. - .' • • • _ .... ,e • • • -• • • • • I' 0 A V IS' II Geoasco Quality The Sealbac
1'11\,r,'h ;111.1 1\Il'ir 111a1c iri":1'd- \\'ill Green Lantern Candies t~ t: _ The famous "Sealbac" feature origi-
h,']<1 their ;l11n\1:d 1I11ti11~ "n S:\t- :: 105 Essex A ,"enue ;~ ~~~"1-..~~'!-~.;.:.;..,,~v,;',:ji.,'i«j~~
... I A trade .name in itself has little or no nated by this company is incorporated
11 rrh \' S"]'li'lll' ,,-r ':1), l' a 1'- ;111<1 :. ;. ~ ;; ,yalue. It IS the company and the prod- in Genasco Latite Shingles.
j-'.,r,i" II i\l k:,"" Ihe "hlr"h :'\
:: D\'l;cio~:~~l~~~c-:.\Jade =: ~ Thos. A. Kerrigan & Son ~i Iuct hack of a name that g-ivc a name
':', I'. \1. .\ heavy coating of asphalt is placed
The 11111 in~ \I ill ;:l,'!tI.]e :\ \ rip .: •.._....•-'.-.-•....•-..._._._._._._._.0•./;....~ BUI'ldl'ng and ContI"a"tI'nO'~.f.~: significance.
• • e.e • • . • • • . • . • • • . • • • • • •_....... ' •••.• ' e. \,. I on the under side of the shingles. This
\" \':11],,\ ]-'.'1"" \\ i\11 1,1"l1t\' IIi
-l,,,rt- i'-'r :,11 ~ 11,1 a h"'\ -'1'1']'1'1'
H01lle~ For Sale or Rent ~ I Behind Genasco--the name for as- not only assists in the closer adhesion
",1'\ 1',] ill Ihe ,'!-"'11 \':\1'" \\·;11 111(','t Plans &. Estimates ~ phaltic protective products-stands of the layers of shingles, but protects'
Ih· \1';lill' :11 \';,]k\- r, 'r~:e an<1 Furnishe,1 For ~ The Barber Asphalt Company, founder the body of the shingle from the effects
P.elz\I·()lld i"r th,,~l' ~"i\1~ L\ tra;l1. AlteratIOns &. Hepairing ; of the modern asphalt street paving in- . of condensation underneath.
I'ka-l' 11' ,lii\· 1111' ,,', ;'It:I1'\-: (1.11. WRITE, 'PJIO;";E. CALL dustry and the world's largest miner,
(;1':I\·,,-.I,y l,h'.I:" I]L,\ \ " 1 \,;111". refiner and distributor of natin~ lake CE:"l'ASCO LATITE SHINGLES
t 111'1"'.
asphalts. RESIST FIRE
~ ~
NARBERTH M. E. CHURCH MIL K AND CREAM ~j'A.'~,:y.;.~,.':i'-..":',~~!A..<?oy.,~~~~ Their slate surface cannot be ignited
!\.l'\·. 'X, Shenlla11 1)a'.\-II:1.
758 LAN CASTER AVE. hy sparks or falling embers. Heat from
:\1 jl1i~I"r. <intl'riGr f1res only tends to soften the
~t1nl ~:l\·. ~t'~ It. l.t BRYN MAWR. GEORGE W. BOTTOMS
'1-1.; -\. \r.':""'1\il,!t- S,'h,,,,]
~hing-l('s and make them adhere to each
11.()() _\. \r.--.\I"rtl;:lC': \\·"r-hi]'· Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 -Contractor and Builder- rt /-of.'r. excluding all air and causing
:111,] Clllll111\l11illll Sen ii',· 'l'h,' 1,;1-;' them to act as a blanket to smother the
tor \lill lICC\1,'\- Illl' l'\111,it. Cl11,ir HOWARD C. FRITSCH flames.
:1111\11'111. "lc~\1- 1.111'1'1' lIi \[ \. SO\1I."
\Iorri,,-ol;, (~1l~1,('1 <1\1:\1'\('\1 ..: "(~r:\Cl Justice of the Peace
(;rea! ..r Thall (1m Sill," '!'1I\\'Cr. REAL ESTATE
;-.-1~ 1'. .\1 ,--En'ninC': \\'(I1'~hip Fire Insurance-Best Companies
Locks 00 and Can't Curl
,\1llhl'!11. "]{()\'k oi .\~l'"," HtKk Phone 1749-W-215 Haverford Ave. By the simple, patent key device, which is in reality just a straight piece
Quartette. "(Jur (',re;]'t S;\\iour·"I _ of metal at the shingle butt, Genasco Latite Shingles lock to each other and
6.-+~ 1'. \1.- Ep\\'orth Lcaguc, LIGHT HAULING ~~~II;~. form an interlocking, locked-on-roof. No amount of wind or weather can
meeting, local or out of town pry them apart. No amount of temperature changes can make them warp or
\\·ednc~day. Scplemher 17. ~ P. Quick and Efficient Service curl. The wind can't blow them up-they are locked on.
:.\r.. Prayer ant! Prai~c Sen·icc.
P. J. DUFFY They lay tight and stay tight.
Genasco Latite Shingles are made with Trinidad Lake Asphalt Cement.
ST. MARGARET'S CATHOLIC 335 Dudley A venue Trinidad Lake Asphalt is Nature's greatest wear, weather and water resist-
CHURCH I)hon(", ~Brb("rth lOt7-J
Sunday \Tass at 7 o'clock an,llo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ant-made by Nature.
o'clock. 'On first and third Sundays Sets Made to Order Repairing
the late :'[ass is a High :'Tass, fol-
lowed bv henediction.
Daily '\Iass at ~ :\. :'1. C. ROY SMITH Hexagonal in shape,
Architectural beauty
First Church of Christ, Scientist, of
ABOUT IT the finished honey-
Nal'berth 1683-W is only one of the im-
Ardmore, Pa. comb design of a Gen-
310 Essex Ave. Narberth, Pa. portant and inherent
\\"oman's Cluh Building, .\nl- asco Latite Shingle
'Qualities of the Gen-
more ,\venue. FANNY H. LOVE roof is similar to Innny
Sumla \' School sen'ices at I I asco Latite Shingle.
Piano Teacher other forms of shin-
:\. :'1. . The double thick
Studio Moved to gles, but costs about
\Yec1nesday (,l'enil1~ testimonial butts of Genasco La-
meeting at ~ o·clock. 417 Haverford Avenue one-half as much. In
Reading Room. 19 \Yest Lancas- Telephone 316-J tite Shingles give to addition, the color of
ter al'Clltlc. daily 12 to ,LW P. :'1. the completed roof a G e n a s c a Latite is
The subject of the Bihle lesson depth of texture which brighter and more ar-
sermon for Septemher q is "Suste- tistic. The surface is
entirely dispels the
granulated nat u r a I
nance. " flat appearance of the red, green or blue-
ordinal'y asphalt shin-
THE OLD MERiON FRIENDS' black slate, which will
gle roof. This depth
MEETING HOUSE not fade or change its
forms what architects
:'\Iontgomery pike. Narberth, was color.
established 1682. Here William
. . . tOt .....
...... ..... v ........... . , . " , ... ~ ............ ..... % •• • %,. ... " " ..... -. ... :rt"4' ., call the shadow line.
OP~D SUllday E"enlnll's Ii to 7 MARTIN A. LANG, Prop.
Penn worshiped, as well as many
other noted Friends. One of the MARLAN FOR RE-SURFACING OLD ROOFS
historical spots of America is open First-Clas8
for worship every Firstday (Sun- Genasco Latite Shingles can be laid They transform an unattractive, ap-
day) morning at I I o'clock. DELICATESSEN directly over a roof of old, worn out parently run down home into one that
radiates comfort and attractiveness.
ft",,,,.... . tOt, ", . . r: ............ .... Milk and Cream
OpposIte Ray WeIss' Go.rage
Burk Products
wooden shingles.
There is no need to rip off the crack- The saving to the owner of the build-
Narbe..thBeauty and ing is considerable, since the cost of
-- ed, twisted shingles; no necessity of

Gift Shop labor is greatly reduced. .
i-----.-~-~-~---------- littering the lawn and walks with splin-

. Permanent Waving
. Gifts'
_oh... !~. Esse~.~ve?u~ ... UM
l For FaD Touring
ters and· broken miils. .
Because of their distinctive design
and the Key, Genasco Latite shingles
Leaving the old roof in place not ol}.llY-
protects the house from storms WhICh
may occur while the new roof is being
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . t The Chrysler Car and. the good Maxwell have lock as securely into. place on top of old applied, but it makes a warmer house in'
~. C. C. RIPLEY ~ t been creating nation-wide comment. tt shingles as they do on a new, smooth winter and a cooler house in summer.
roof surf~ce. The double thick butts, It checks the filtering of dust into the
Cor. Windsor & Grayling Aves. :
t Our sales in this region are another proof of t with their pleasing shadow line, con- upper story of the house during the
beauty and value.
ceal the irregularities of the surface. operation. .
r OSTEOPATHIC r Let Us Demonstrate,
.Let .Us-Give You .an" Estimate.
.. ;. J
;'. 'Phone: Narberth
' t . Mon...,Wed;-Thurs.;.Sat.
..~. NarbertbAve., ~OpPOsite'Garage),N ...berth, Pa- PENMAN J.WOOD
t....... EvelllngsbyAPPointmentl . Phone8:N..-berth 1633 or t203·W
~~_:-~_ .... ~.,' ..., ....... ,~ ... ~.~ .. ~...: ... .-.,.~',~..-.~.-::'IIiIl!-~~~~~...-.......~--. ..... ~..-.
Phone, W~~e 642;.;W.

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