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Iriga City
School of Graduate Studies and Research


Professor: DR. Helen Cornelio
Subject: ED. 318 – Management of Pre School
Reporter: Antonette O. Ollado – Verde
Topic: Observing and Assessing Young Children

1. Assessment is viewed as an important component of the educational

process because it measures how teachers manage to deliver their teaching
to their pupils. Assessment is an integral part of teaching – learning
process. It can diagnose the condition of the learners before they receive
the wider scope of learning. During the learning activities, assessment tells
how the pupils cope up with the teachers’ strategies. Therefore, it is the
tool of the teacher in continuing her teaching with the right speed
according to the learning ability of each child.
At the end of the teaching – learning moments assessment will give
the teacher the clue whether she should proceed to the next level or stay
with the same points considering the result of each pupil.
Assessment is like a compass that leads the teacher and pupils to the
right path of their educational journey.

2. Assessment is very important to the school in the preparation of the

curriculum to be implemented. It identifies the type of curriculum being
followed in a particular institution. It provides the data of their educational

3. Assessment is a very important part of teachers’ teaching because it is a

compass or signal on what to teach or where to start for her pupils. It will
tell her if her teaching style, strategies and methods are suited to the class.
Assessment measures and show the effectiveness of the teachers’
preparation of the lessons, materials, and the activities.
4. Assessment is important for the learners because it tells whether they
understand the lessons and how deep they get the activities presented by
their teachers. Assessment measures the intellectual ability of each learner
in understanding the lesson presented by the teacher. It is the tools that
identifies who knows the lesson and who does not get the right
understanding. Assessment identifies how learning happens to a particular

5. Assessment is important to a family so that adjustment would be adopted.

In all activities of the family, assessment should be realized. The
performance of their children in every activity at home should be
considered especially after they do a certain work. Each member of the
family should assess how it is done. The financial condition should also be
given assessment so that they will do the limits of the spending and
The work status of the workers in the family should be assessed to
know if they are working well and satisfied or it is no longer healthy.
Assessment is very important in the family for their healthy

6. The general principles of assessment are:

 Practicality
 Reliability
 Validity
 Authenticity
 Washback

7. We need to communicate to the parents of our pupils assess our

assessment to them so that they will know the performance of their
children. It is always our duty to inform the parents of how our pupils act,
speak, participate and perform in school. Whatever the status of the pupils
in and out of our campus would be shared to their parents. But sharing this
information should always be in the right time and in the right place.

8. We need to observe children because they need us as their parents,

guardians, protectors and mentors. If we observe them, we will know their
cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and physical development. We can
easily identify their interest and wants.
We can prepare appropriate activities suited to their needs and
Abilities. We can determine their progress and development. It is easy for
us to share to their parents how their children perform in school because
we observed them. Our information is reliable and believable because we
know these children.
9. Indicators of Effective assessment
 Ethical principles guide assessment practices
 Assessment evidence is used to understand and improve learning.
 Assessment evidence is gathered from realistic setting and situation that
reflect children’s actual performance.
 Screening is always linked to follow-up.
 Use of individually administered, normed – reference test is limited
 Staff and families are knowledgeable about assessment.

10. Issues of Assessment

 Standardized test is used to make important decision about children.
Standardized test helps educators to place a particular student to the
course he is suited. Like for example, the entrance test is given in
university identifies the course that the examinee would take. Even he
doesn’t like the course, just because he passed to the test, he will be in
that field. Vice versa, whether you really like to take your preferred
course but you failed to reach the passing qualification, the standard
tells you.
 Standardized test deprives some students for the opportunity to take
the studies they want to.
 Some standardized tests, though studied, prepared, and analyzed by
expert educators, do not always show the real needs of the pupils.
 Assessments does not always suit to the ability of all the learners.

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