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List of common Adverb + Verb

Collocations. Verb and Verb Collocations

Badly damage
Can’t afford
Deeply rooted (in)
Can’t help
Never knew
Can’t stand
Quite agree
Come to expect
Strongly argue
Cut and paste
Strongly condemn
Copy and paste
Strongly deny
Come close (to)
Strongly dislike
Strongly object
Strongly recommend
Strongly suggest
Strongly support

List of Common Adverb + Adverb

Collocations. Verb and Adverb
All alone
All along
Act naturally
All over
Act suspiciously
Almost certainly
Agree wholeheartedly
Any more
Apologize profusely
Dead ahead
Arrive on time
Not necessarily (so)
Become increasingly
Nowhere near
Behave properly
Only just
Bleed profusely
Pretty well
Come alive
Quite a lot
Come along nicely
Quite enough
Come first
Quite often
Come last
Right away
Complain bitterly
Right now
Cook smt specially
Deal directly
Distribute widely
Dive headfirst
Divide equally
Do badly
Do well
Drive safely
Eat quickly
Exercise regularly
Fail miserably
Fall sharply
Fare poorly
Fight hard
Figure prominently
Fit sb perfectly
Fluctuate wildly
Fold neatly
Get off lightly
Get up early
Go astray
Go badly
Go far
Go first
Go smoothly
Go upstairs
Guess correctly
Hit hard
Judge harshly
Know well
Laugh hysterically
Listen carefully
Love dearly
Made sth quickly
Mean well
Need badly
Overlook completely
Pass quickly
Pay extra
Perform live
Placed gently
Play brilliant
Prove conclusively
Publish widely
Rain hard
Rain heavily
Recommend highly
Rely heavily on
Remember rightly
Resume shortly
Run fast
Run quickly
Running late
Shout loudly
Sleep soundly
Solve easily
Speak clearly
Speak softly
Spell correctly
Stare blankly
Start off slowly
Test thoroughly
Think aloud
Think critically
Travel overseas
Treat well
Try hard
Value highly
Walk briskly
Wave frantically
Whispered softly
Work continuously
Work perfectly

List of common adverb + adjective List of Noun + Noun Collocations in

collocations. English.
Absolutely necessary A pang of nostalgia
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) A sense of pride
alone A surge of anger
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Absentee ballot
amazed Abuse of power
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Account executive
appalled Accounting firm
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Accounting system
beautiful Action movie
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Advertising agency
convinced Air attack
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Air gun
devastated Air raid
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Altar boy
fantastic Anthropology department
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Antitrust case
furious Antitrust law
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Arms buildup
impossible Army unit
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Asbestos abatement
miserable Assault rifle
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Auction house
ridiculous Auto maker
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Auto manufacturer
stupid Bank draft
Absolutely/utterly(quite, really) Bank rate
wrong Bars of soap
Actively involved Battle group
Badly hurt Beauty industry
Barely able (to do something) Beauty parlor
Blissfully unaware Beauty salon
Bitterly cold Beauty shop
Bitterly complain Bed-and-breakfast
Bitterly criticise Bench warrant
Bitterly disappointed Bid price
Bitterly regret Birth certificate
Bitterly resent Block grant
Blissfully ignorant Block of flats
Completely amazed Board game
Completely different Body armor
Completely fantastic Body double
Completely strong Booby trap
Dead tired Boot camp
Deeply affected Border security
Deeply ashamed Brand name
Deeply care Brokerage firm
Deeply committed Budget cut
Deeply competitive Budget deficit
Deeply concerned Budgie smuggler
Deeply divided Building code
Deeply hurt Building permit
Deeply moved Bull market
Deeply offended Bully pulpit
Deeply regret Business activity
Deeply religious Business enterprise
Deeply shocked Business organization
Deeply unhappy Business sector
Deeply worried Cable car
Drop-dead gorgeous Call center
Fiercely competitive Call option
Fully aware Capital gain
Happily married Car manufacturer
Highly controversial Car park
Highly effective Case law
Highly probable Case study
Highly profitable Cash cow
Highly recommended Catchment
Highly successful Catchment area
Highly unlikely Cattle drive
Highly unusual Cause celebre
Openly gay Ceasefire agreement
Painfully shy Centre of attention
Painfully slow Charge card
Painfully thin Charter school
Perfectly normal Chattel mortgage
Pretty good Cheese cake
Quietly confident Child care
Quite good Class action
Quite right Combat mission
Quite sure Combat zone
Readily available Comfort food
Reasonably happy Commodity brokerage
Reasonably priced Communications technology
Reasonably well Computer business
Ridiculously cheap Contact details
Ridiculously early Conviction politician
Ridiculously easy Core values
Ridiculously long Corporate finance
Ridiculously small Cottage industry
Ruggedly handsome Creation science
Scared stiff Credit bureau
Strongly argue Credit union
Strongly believe Cross-hair
Strongly condemn Cruise missile
Strongly deny Custody battle
Strongly dislike Date rape
Strongly feel Day shift
Strongly influence Death camp
Strongly object Death tax
Strongly oppose Death wish
Strongly recommend Debit card
Strongly suggest Defense contractor
Strongly support Defense lawyer
Very, extremely, incredibly, Departure time
terribly, awfully, fairly, a bit(+ quite, Desk job
really)+ weak/good/surprised/angry Desk officer
Desktop publishing
Detention basin
Detention centre
Development status
Discount rate
Discount store
Divorce lawyer
Dollar diplomacy
Drainage basin
Driving licence
Duct tape
Eating disorder
Election fraud
Electronics industry
Energy security
Enterprise zone
Entertainment industry
Estate agent
Estate tax
Excise tax
Expert witness
Factory farming
Finance company
Flexibility instrument
Flight deck
Foot soldier
Freedom fighter
Fringe benefit
Futures contract
Gag order
Gender equality
Gold mine
Government agency
Government office
Government security
Grandfather clause
Ground attack
Group dynamics
Group therapy
Growth industry
Gunboat diplomacy
Hand grenade
Head teacher
Health club
Hen weekend
Highway system
History department
Hit list
Hit man
Identity crisis
Index fund
Insurance broker
Intelligence operation
Interest group
Iron maiden
Jail cell
Junk bond
Jury system
Keyhole surgery
Kitchen cabinet
Knowledge base
Labor camp
Law officer
Lead time
Learning disability
Liberation theology
Lie detector
Line item
Liquor license
Mail fraud
Management consulting
Market economy
Market gardening
Master sergeant
Money order
Motor vehicle
Murder charge
Murder conviction
Music department
Music school
Muzzle loader
News organization
News show
Null and void
Ocean current
Office block
Office hours
Office job
Old-growth forest
Opinion poll
Opposition party
Order book
Pack of cards
Package holiday
Pair work
Panic attack
Parking ticket
Pay increase
Peace and quiet
Peer group
Personality disorder
Personnel carrier
Piece of advice
Piece of equipment
Piece of information
Piece of music
Piece of paper
Pipe bomb
Point of view
Pork barrel
Position paper
Post office
Power politics
Pressure group
Price competition
Probation officer
Production cost
Production line
Profit margin
Property right
Quality of life
Rap sheet
Rate of return
Release candidate
Rental income
Report card
Return address
Return flight
Return ticket
Road rage
Road safety
Room for improvement
Root cause
Root crop
Rubber check
Sausage party
Savings bond
School day
Search warrant
Security blanket
Sense of direction
Service charge
Service industry
Sex crime
Sex offender
Shock therapy
Shop floor
Shorthand typist
Shoulder strap
Single entry
Small-town girl
Soup kitchen
Speed limit
Sports car
Stag night
Stock option
Street name
Study hall
Stun gun
Suicide bombing
Summit meeting
Surround sound
Tax break
Tax shelter
Tea leaf
Television reporter
Term paper
Testing ground
Trade route
Trading floor
Transfer agent
Trial court
Trial lawyer
Voting booth
Voting machine
Voting right
Vulture capitalist
War crime
War game
Water cannon
Word blindness
Word deafness
Word salad
Security forces

List of Useful Adjective + Noun

Absolute agony
Absolute despair
Active ingredient
Alphabetical order
Alternative energy
Alternative medicine
Artificial limb
Back pay
Back road
Back street
Back taxes
Bad breath
Bad diet
Bad habit
Bad loser
Bad mood
Bad temper
Balanced diet
Bare essentials
Basic right
Best friends
Big brother | big sister
Big deal
Big decision
Big decision
Big disappointment
Big dreamer
Big drinker
Big eater
Big improvement
Big mistake
Big money
Big surprise
Big talker
Blind faith
Blind loyalty
Blind obedience
Blond hair
Brief chat
Bright color
Bright future
Bright idea
Broken home
Casual clothes
Casual relationship
Certain amount
Chilly day / night / wind chilly
Chilly reception
Clear message
Clear understanding
Clean energy
Common knowledge
Common language
Complete agreement
Complete idiot
Daily life
Dead body
Dead end
Dead-end job
Deadly weapon
Deafening silence
Deep depression
Deep devotion
Deep feeling
Deep pockets
Deep sleep
Deep thought
Deep trouble
Detailed description
Direct flight
Direct quote
Dirty joke
Dirty laundry
Dirty player
Distant relative
Dual nationality
Early days
Early night
Early riser
Early start
Easy answer
Easy money
Easy question
Economic growth
Educational game
Empty promises
Empty words
Entry-level job
Equal rights
Essential services
Ethical investment
Ethical standards
Ethnic minority
Ethnic tensions
Even number
Excruciating pain
Express bus/coach/train
Express service / mail
Express wish / aim / purpose
Fair deal
False impression
False teeth
Familiar face
Fatal accident
Fatal mistake
Flat battery
Flat tyre
Foreign policy
Free speech
Free spirit
Front door
Front page
Front row
Front seat
Good cause
Good chance
Good company
Good deal
Good luck
Good time
Great admiration
Great anger
Great deal of
Great detail
Great disappointment
Great enjoyment
Great excitement
Great failure
Great fun
Great happiness
Great joy
Great length
Great number
Great power
Great pride
Great quantity
Great sensitivity
Great skill
Great strength
Great understanding
Great wealth
Growing number (of)
Guilty conscience
Guilty party
Happy ending
Happy hour
Hard day
Hard exam
Hard job
Hard life / evidence / drugs
Hard work
Healthy diet
Heavy book / bag / suitcase / load
Heavy coat / sweater
Heavy drinker
Heavy drinker
Heavy features
Heavy losses
Heavy meal
Heavy rain
Heavy schedule
Heavy sleeper
Heavy smoker/drinker
Heavy snow
Heavy traffic
Heavy traffic / rain / snow
Heavy week
Heavy workload
Hidden extras
High level
High quality
High standard
High/low cost
High/low density
High/low energy
High/low esteem
High/low expectation (of)
High/low level (of)
High/low opinion
High/low pressure
High/low price
High/low quality
High/low speed
Honest mistake
Human cost
Human error
Human life
Icy wind
Ill effects
Ill health
Immediate action
Immediate family
Immediate future
Innocent victim
Inside information
Intense pressure
Internal injury
Internal organ
Irreparable damage
Joint account
Joint effort
Joint owners
Just cause
Key issue
Key role
Large amount
Large number (of)
Large population
Large proportion
Large quantity
Large scale
Late night
Legal advice
Level playing-field
Level teaspoon
Liquid refreshments
Little brother/ little sister
Live music
Living things
Long time
Long way
Loved one
Maiden voyage
Main course
Main road
Main thing
Major problem
Married couple
Mass market
Medical care
Medical history
Mental illness
Missing in action
Mixed feelings
Moral obligation
Mysterious circumstances
Nasty habit
Nasty shock
Native country
Native speaker
Natural causes
Natural disaster
Natural resources
Negative attitude
Nervous wreck
Net profit
Net result
Net worth
New generation
New job
Next time
Next-door neighbors
Nice time
Non-stop flight
Occupational hazard
Odd number
Odd socks
Old age
Old friend
Opening hours
Optional extras
Organic farming
Overall effect
Painful memory
Painful reminder
Personal belongings
Political prisoner
Poor eyesight
Poor health
Popular belief
Private life
Public opinion
Quick fix
Quick reply
Quiet life
Quiet night
Racial discrimination
Radical reform
Rainy day
Rave review
Real life
Real wages
Reasonable explanation
Regular exercise
Rhetorical question
Rich colors / sounds / smells / tastes
Rich history / culture / vocabulary
Rich person
Rich sauce / cake
Rough draft
Rough estimate
Rough idea
Round number
Runny nose
Safe distance
Serious accident
Serious illness
Serious injury
Severe penalty
Severe pressure
Severe rain/shortage
Severe weather/winter
Speedy recovery
Steady job
Steady relationship
Stiff competition
Strong accent
Strong coffee / cheese
Strong criticism
Strong denial
Strong influence
Strong person / animal / wind /
Strong smell / taste / colour /
Strong supporter / opponent
Strong view
Tight grip
Tight schedule
Total bliss
Total ecstasy
Total madness
Ulterior motive
Uncertain future
Unfair dismissal
Urban sprawl
Utter catastrophe
Utter loathing
Vague idea
Vague memory
Valid point
Valid reason
Valuable contribution
Valuable information
Valuable lesson
Violent movie
Visiting hours
Vital organs
Vital role
Weak point
Wear and tear
Welcome change

List of useful adjective and adjective

Best possible
Neat and tidy
Real live
Safe and sound

List of adjective and adverb collocations.

Best ever
Close together
Good enough

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