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REG. NO.T-6195

Mystery shopping or mystery consumer is a tool used by
market research companies to measure quality of retail
service or gather specific information about products and
Person hired by a market research firm or manufacturer to
visit retail stores, posing as a casual shopper to collect
information about the stores display, prices, quality of
their sales staff.
The purpose of mystery shopping is to assess the
standards of service provided to customers. We call
mystery shops 'assignments' and they may involve you
making a telephone call or visiting a location to evaluate
the service provided. Sometimes these assignments may
ask you to use and assess websites and even home
delivery services

 I enjoyed a lot during whole of the session of my
 All of the content in this book is done practically and
what I have observed during the event of purchase of
any product by the customer is real.
 I did the operational work in MORE at SUCHITRA,
Distribution channel of vegetable products
 The vegetables are collected in villages from
farmers directly.
 They are submitted to collection centers (cc).
 Payments and quality checks are done in
collection centers.
 From CC they are transferred to distribution
centers (DC)via Reliance own logistical units.
 If the capacity is not fulfilled by the collection
centers then national sourcing is used .
 This leads to the next and final step in the
process i.e. the local Reliance fresh stores.

Mystery shopping or a mystery consumer is a tool used by
Mystery Shopping Providers and market research
companies to measure quality of retail service or gather
specific information about products and service . Mystery
shoppers posing as normal customers perform specific
tasks—such as purchasing a product, asking questions,
registering complaints or behaving in a certain way—and
then provide detailed reports or feedback about their

The purpose of mystery shoppers is to help businesses
increase sales by assisting in improving customer service
awareness. Our services provide businesses with an
unbiased opinion of how they are perceived by their
customers. We search for, hire, train, and compensate the
shoppers; prepare, mail out, and receive information; and
tabulate and analyze the results.
The purpose of mystery shopping is to assess the
standards of service provided to customers. We call
mystery shops 'assignments' and they may involve you
making a telephone call or visiting a location to evaluate
the service provided. Sometimes these assignments may
ask you to use and assess websites and even home
delivery services.
The concept of mystery shopping is actually
straightforward. Also referred to as secret shopping,
performance evaluations, service checks and frontline
evaluations to name a few, mystery shopping allows
companies to obtain a “snapshot in time” by trained
researchers who know in advance what they are to
evaluate. It provides management a method to quickly yet
efficiently evaluate their business practices, deliverables,
and employees from the perspective of a non-biased

   Person hired by a market researchfirm or a manufacturer

to visitretailstores, posing as a casual shopper to collect
information about the stores' display, prices, and quality of
their salesstaff.

Mystery shopping is a term that describes a field-based

research technique of using independent auditors posing
as customers to gather information about product quality
and service delivery by a retail firm.
An independent shopper who is paid by a company, or the
agent of a company, to evaluate one or more of the
company's establishments.
Mystery shopping or mystery consumer is a tool used by
market research companies to measure quality of retail
service or gather specific information about products and
services . ..
1. Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller; Marketing
Management, Twelfth Edition, Pearson Education,
Companies hire MS to post as potential buyers and report
any strong and weak points experienced in buying the
company’s and competitor’s product.
2. Nicholas Papa Dopoulos, William Zikmund, Michael
d’Amico; Marketing, First Canadian Edition, Canadian
Cataloguing, P.NO: 223-224
Mystery Shoppers can be used to check on the courtesy or
product knowledge of retail sales people. Researchers may
sattempt to observe the roles assumed and influences
exerted by various family members regarding the toy
purchase. Decision can be made by visually studying
families shopping at toy stores.
3. Lamb, Hair, Mcdanier; Marketing, Seventh Edition,
Thomson Asia Pvt Ltd, P.NO: 263
Researchers posing as customers who gather
observational data about a store and collect data about
customers/employees interactions.
4. Donald S. Tull, Dell Hawkins, Marketing Research:
Measures And Methods, Sixth Edition, MacMillan
Publishing Co. , P.NO: 469
MS is offered by variety of research firms, it is used by
retail and service firms to anaylse their performance in
serving customers’ relative to key competitors.
Manufacturers use this service to evaluate how their
brand is displayed by retailer and sold by retail personnel.
5. Hair, Bush, Ortinau; Marketing Research, third Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill, P.NO: 267
A popular and easy to understand example of disguised
observation is the MS technique used by many retailers.
6. William G Zikmund, Barry J Babin; Essentials of
Marketing Research, Third Edition, Thomson South-
Western, P.NO: 54, 165
A number of retailers uses observers called Mystery
shoppers to visit a store and pretend to be interested in a
particular product or service. After leaving the store the
“shoppers” evaluate the sales persons performance. MS
acts as customers to observe actions of sales personnel or
do comparative shopping to learn prices at competing
7. K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. Bateson; Services
Marketing, Indian Edition, Thomson South-Western,
P.NO: 352-353
A firm of non customer research that consists of trained
personnel who pose as customers, shop announced at the
firm, and evaluate employees.
MS evaluates employee on a number of characteristics.

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