The Mitogenomic Phylogeny of The Elasmobranchii (Chondrichthyes)

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The mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii (Chondrichthyes)

Article  in  Mitochondrial DNA Part A · September 2017

DOI: 10.1080/24701394.2017.1376052


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5 authors, including:

Cesar Amaral Filipe Pereira

Rio de Janeiro State University IDENTIFICA, University of Porto


Dayse Silva António Amorim

Rio de Janeiro State University University of Porto


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Mitochondrial DNA Part A
DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis

ISSN: 2470-1394 (Print) 2470-1408 (Online) Journal homepage:

The mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii


Cesar R. L. Amaral, Filipe Pereira, Dayse A. Silva, António Amorim & Elizeu F.
de Carvalho

To cite this article: Cesar R. L. Amaral, Filipe Pereira, Dayse A. Silva, António Amorim & Elizeu
F. de Carvalho (2017): The mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii (Chondrichthyes),
Mitochondrial DNA Part A, DOI: 10.1080/24701394.2017.1376052

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The mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii (Chondrichthyes)

nio Amorimc,d,e and Elizeu F. de Carvalhoa
Cesar R. L. Amarala, Filipe Pereirab, Dayse A. Silvaa, Anto
Departamento de Ecologia, Laboratorio de Diagnosticos por DNA, Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alc^antara Gomes, Universidade do Estado
do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; bInterdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR/CIMAR), University of Porto,
Porto, Portugal; ci3S – Instituto de Investigaç~ao e Inovaç~ao em Sa
ude, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal; dInstituto de Patologia e
Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto (IPATIMUP), Porto, Portugal; eFaculdade de Ci^encias, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal


Here we present a mitogenomic perspective on the evolution of sharks and rays, being a first glance Received 29 April 2017
on the complete mitochondrial history of such an old and diversified group of vertebrates. The Accepted 1 September 2017
Elasmobranchii is a diverse subclass of Chondrichthyes, or cartilaginous fish, with about 1200 species of
ocean- and freshwater-dwelling fishes spread all over the world’s seas, including some of the ocean’s
largest fishes. The group dates back about 400 million years near the Devonian–Silurian boundary, Elasmobranchii; phylogeny;
being nowadays represented by several derivative lineages, mainly related to Mesozoic forms. Although
Downloaded by [] at 03:59 20 September 2017

systematics; sharks; rays;

considered of ecological, commercial and conservation importance, the phylogeny of this old group is mitogenome
poorly studied and still under debate. Here we apply a molecular systematic approach on 82 complete
mitochondrial genomes to investigate the phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii. By using maximum likeli-
hood (ML) and Bayesian analyses, we found a clear separation within the shark clade between the
Galeomorphii and the Squalomorphii, as well as sister taxa relationships between the Carcharhiniformes
and the Lamniformes. Moreover, we found that Pristoidei clusters within the Rhinobatoidei, having
been recovered as the sister taxon of the Rhinobatos genus in a clade which also includes the basal
Zapteryx. Our results also reject the Hypnosqualea hypothesis, which proposes that the Batoidea should
be placed within the Selachii.

Introduction monophyletic groups: batoids and sharks (Regan 1906; White

1937; Holmgren 1941). Based on morphology, Compagno
The Elasmobranchii is considered one of the most ancient and
(1973, 1977), followed by Carvalho (1996), divided the
successful vertebrate lineages (Corrigan and Beheregaray
Elasmobranchii into the Galeomorphii, the Squatinomorphii,
2009) dating back about 400 million years, near the
the Squalomorphii and the Batoidea (Table 1). It has been
Devonian–Silurian boundary (Corrigan and Beheregaray 2009;
suggested that batoids should be regarded as a derived clade
Heinicke et al. 2009). This group is the most diverse clade of
within the shark’s phylogeny, closely related to saw sharks
large predatory fishes with about 1200 species spread all over
the world’s seas (Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson 2011), including and angel sharks, hence proposing the superorder
ocean- and freshwater-dwelling fishes, such as sharks, skates Hypnosqualea, which was based on cladistic methodology
and rays. These species play a crucial ecological role by acting and followed by several authors (Shirai 1992a, 1992b, 1996;
as primary predators (Myers and Worm 2003; Myers et al. Carvalho and Maisey 1996).
2007; Schindler et al. 2008; Vaudo and Heithaus 2009; V elez- As expected, the development of molecular techniques
Zuazo and Agnarsson 2011) and occupying an important pos- also impacted studies of the Elasmobranchii. The first molecu-
ition in marine ecosystems (Libralato et al. 2005). lar studies (Stock 1992; Dunn and Morrissey 1995; Kitamura
The Elasmobranchii is an overexploited group, as a conse- et al. 1996; Arnason et al. 2001) were restricted to a few spe-
quence of unsustainable fishing activities, and a resultant cies and focused uniquely on partial gene analyses of both
population decline can be foreseen. Fished for their meat mitochondrial and nuclear genes (Stock 1992; Dunn and
and fins, several species are considered under high threat Morrissey 1995; Kitamura et al. 1996; Arnason et al. 2001;
and are now facing extinction (Robbins et al. 2006; Dulvy Douady et al. 2003; Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson 2011). These
et al. 2008; Ferretti et al. 2008), with about 93% of nominal pioneering works did not support the Hypnosqualea hypoth-
species included on the IUCN Red List (Vi e et al. 2008, www. esis (Stock 1992; Dunn and Morrissey 1995; Kitamura et al. 1996; Arnason et al. 2001). More recently, the extensive
As summarized in Table 1, the first taxonomic classifica- molecular phylogeny of Douady et al. (2003) was based on a
tions considered Elasmobranchii to be subdivided into two fragment of mitochondrial 12S, 16S and transfer RNA valine

CONTACT Cesar R. L. Amaral Departamento de Ecologia, Laboratorio de Diagnosticos por DNA, Instituto de Biologia Roberto
Alc^antara Gomes, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Table 1. Historical classification of Elasmobranchii.

References Method Main findings
Holmgren (1941), Regan (1906), White (1937) Morphology Elasmobranchii subdivided into two monophyletic groups:
batoids and sharks
Compagno (1973, 1977), Carvalho (1996), Carvalho Morphology, cladistics Elasmobranchii subdivided into Galeomorphii, (including
and Maisey (1996), Shirai (1992a, 1992b, 1996) Carcharhiniformes, Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and
Orectolobiformes); Squalomorphii (including the
Hexanchiformes, Pristiophoriformes and Squaliformes);
Batoidea (including the Myliobatiformes, Pristiformes,
Rajiformes, Rhinobatiformes and Torpediniformes)
Batoids represent a derived clade within the shark's phyl-
ogeny – Hypnosqualea hypothesis.
Stock (1992), Dunn and Morrissey (1995), Kitamura Molecular systematics Restricted to only a few species; Hypnosqualea hypothesis
et al. (1996), Arnason et al. (2001) not supported
Douady et al. (2003) Molecular systematics Sharks and batoids are monophyletic; Hypnosqualea
hypothesis not supported; Squatina and pristiophoriforms
as squalomorphs
Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson (2011) Molecular systematics Sharks and batoids are monophyletic; Hypnosqualea
hypothesis not supported; Squatina and pristiophoriforms
as squalomorphs

genes (2400 nucleotides) from over 20 Elasmobranchii. This sorted into transitional and transversional against the K-80
Downloaded by [] at 03:59 20 September 2017

taxonomic grouping led to the conclusion that batoids are distance. The loss of phylogenetic signal was assessed follow-
not recovered within the sharks, that sharks are monophy- ing Xia et al. (2003) and Xia and Lemey (2009). ML analyses
letic, thus rejecting the Hypnosqualea clade, and that were performed with PHYML 3.0 (Guindon et al. 2010) and
Squatina and pristiophoriforms are squalomorphs (Table 1). MEGA v.6 (Tamura et al. 2013) with bootstrap (1000) as a
Using four mitochondrial and one nuclear gene, V elez-Zuazo supporting measure. All trees were built with four substitu-
and Agnarsson (2011) also observed the same relationships, tion rate categories and the remaining parameters of the sub-
with sharks being recovered as monophyletic and batoids not stitution model as estimated by the program. We used a
recovered within them, consequently rejecting the BioNJ starting tree with a NNI tree topology search and opti-
Hypnosqualea hypothesis (Table 1). mized tree topology and branch length. Bootstrapping was
Over the last few years, although several complete mito- performed with 100 trials. The GTR þ G þ I was estimated as
chondrial genomes from Elasmobranchii have been pub- best model of nucleotide substitution using jModelTest
lished, a mitogenomic approach to the phylogeny of the v.0.1.1 (Guindon and Gascuel 2003; Posada 2008) based on
Elasmobranchii was not yet employed. Therefore, we herein the Akaike criterion. In order to evaluate the similarity of the
provide a comprehensive mitogenomic phylogenetic investi- results using all three codon positions (only the first and
gation of the Elasmobranchii using maximum likelihood (ML) second codon positions, or only the third codon position), ML
and Bayesian analyses. trees were pairwise compared using the overall topological
score, as provided by the Compare2Trees software, following
Nye et al. (2005).
Methods Bayesian analyses were conducted with MrBayes2 within
the XSEDE environment (CIPRES Science Gateway). The
A total of 82 complete mitochondrial sequences were
Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo process was
retrieved from the NCBI database covering the major groups
set so that four independent chains ran simultaneously for
of Elasmobranchii (Table 2), including three outgroup sequen-
10,000,000 generations, each starting from a random tree. In
ces from two species (Chimaera monstrosa and Callorhinchus
all trees, we used the GTR þ G þ I model with gamma-distrib-
callorynchus). In order to avoid misidentification of the
uted rate variation across sites approximated by four discrete
sequences, the COI barcoding region of all sequences was
categories and the program’s default prior probabilities on
extracted and the identity of the whole mitochondrial
model parameters.
sequences was cross-validated on both NCBI and BOLD data-
bases, and with sequences with voucher specimens when
available. Sequence substitution saturation was evaluated
using the Data Analysis in Molecular Biology and Evolution
(DAMBE) software (v.5.6.7) (Xia and Xie 2001) (Figure 1). The The alignment included 82 complete mitochondrial sequen-
resultant Bayesian and ML trees can be observed in Figures ces from distinct species of Elasmobranchii with a total length
2–5. All sequences were aligned using the default parameters of 16.7 kb. We started by evaluating the level of saturation
of KALIGN (Lassmann and Sonnhammer 2005) and MUSCLE for all codon positions, for the codon positions 1 þ 2 or only
(Edgar 2004) running on XSEDE (Extreme Science and position 3 separately. Although some saturation could be
Engineering Discovery Environment – observed for asymmetrical topologies with more than 32
at CIPRES Science Gateway ( OTUs, the Iss was always significantly lower than the Iss.c for
For the saturation plot, codon positions 1–2 and 3 were symmetrical topologies, suggesting little saturation and good
separately evaluated. Nucleotide differences were plotted and signal-to-noise ratio in the database (Table 3).

Table 2. List of mitochondrial sequences and GenBank accession numbers used in the present
Aetobatus flagellum – KF482070 Isurus paucus – KJ616742
Alopias pelagicus – KF412639 Lamna ditropis – KF962053
Alopias superciliosus – KC757415 Leucoraja erinacea – JQ034406
Amblyraja radiata – AF106038 Megachasma pelagios – KC702506
Anoxypristis cuspidata – KP233202 Mitsukurina owstoni – EU528659
Atlantoraja castelnaui – KM507724 Mobula eregoodootenkee – KM361353
Callorhinchus callorynchus – HM147135 Mobula japanica – JX392983
Callorhinchus capensis – HM147136 Mustelus griseus – KF889325
Callorhinchus milii – HM147137 Mustelus manazo – AB015962
Carcharhinus acronotus – KF728380 Narcine entemedor – KM386678
Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides – KF956523 Neotrygon kuhlii – KC992792
Carcharhinus falciformis – KF801102 Okamejei kenojei – AY525783
Carcharhinus leucas – KF646785 Orectolobus japonicus – KF111729
Carcharhinus longimanus – KM434158 Pavoraja nitida – KJ741403
Carcharhinus macloti – KJ865755 Plesiobatis daviesi – AY597334
Carcharhinus melanopterus – KJ720818 Potamotrygon motoro – KF709642
Carcharhinus obscurus – KC470543 Prionace glauca – KF356249
Carcharhinus plumbeus – KJ740750 Pristiophorus japonicus – NC024110
Carcharhinus sorrah – KF612341 Pristis clavata – KF381507
Carcharias taurus – KF569943 Pseudocarcharias kamoharai – KM575726
Carcharodon carcharias – KC914387 Pteroplatytrygon violacea – KJ641617
Cetorhinus maximus – KF597303 Raja pulchra – KF623030
Chiloscyllium griseum – JQ434458 Raja rhina – KC914434
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Chiloscyllium plagiosum – FJ853422 Rhincodon typus – KC633221

Chiloscyllium punctatum – JQ082337 Rhinobatos hynnicephalus – KF534708
Chimaera monstrosa – NC003136 Rhinobatos schlegelii – KJ140136
Cirrhigaleus australis – KJ128289 Scoliodon macrorhynchos – JQ693102
Dasyatis akajei – KC526959 Scyliorhinus canicula – NC001950
Dasyatis bennetti – KC196067 Sphyrna zygaena – KM489157
Dasyatis microphthalmus – KF840390 Squalus acanthias – NC002012
Dasyatis zugei – JX524174 Squatina formosa – KM084865
Dipturus kwangtungensis – KF318309 Squatina japonica – KJ619663
Galeocerdo cuvier – KF111728 Squatina nebulosa – KM264313
Glyphis garricki – KF646786 Taeniura lymma – KM881715
Glyphis glyphis – KF006312 Taeniura meyeni – JX827260
Gymnura poecilura – KJ617038 Triaenodon obesus – KJ748376
Heterodontus francisci – NC003137 Zapteryx exasperata – KM370325
Heterodontus zebra – KC845548 Zearaja chilensis – KF648508
Hexanchus griseus – KF894491
Himantura gerrardi – KP091437
Himantura granulata – KF751650
Hongeo koreana – KC914433
Isurus oxyrinchus – KF361861–1

Figure 1. Substitution saturation plot. The x-axis ‘K80 distance’ is based on the K80 substitution model and is expected to increase linearly with divergence time.
The vertical axis is for the observed proportion of transitions (s) and transversions (v), respectively.
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Figure 2. ML mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii including all codon positions.

Additionally, all topologies were highly convergent inde- All phylogenetic analyses (Figures 2–5) suggest that
pendent of using different codon positions (Figures 2–4), Elasmobranchii, Batoidea and the Selachii are monophyletic,
with the exception of the phylogenetic position recovered for while Selachii and Batoidea clades are sister taxa. The
the Heterodontiformes, the Mitsukurinidae and the species Batoidea suborder was found, including the group formed by
Scoliodon macrorhynchos. The overall topological similarity the Rajoidei and Torpedinoidei, the group formed by the
between the ML tree including all codon positions (Figure 2) Myliobatoidei, the group formed by the basal Zapteryx and
and the tree including only the first and second codon posi- the sequential group formed by the Pristoidei and the genus
tions (Figure 3) was 91.8%, while the similarity between the Rhinobatos. The Torpedinoidei was recovered as a sister
ML tree including all codon positions (Figure 2) and the tree group of the Rajoidei clade, albeit with weak support. The
including only the third codon position (Figure 4) was 93.4% Rajoidei was uniquely represented by the Rajidae members
(Supplementary File 1). and was recovered with a basal group formed by the species
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Figure 3. ML mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii based only on the first and second codon positions.

Atlantoraja castelnaui and Pavoraja nitida, followed by a species recovered in a variable position. The Himanturidae,
group formed by the species Amblyraja radiata and Leucoraja herein represented by Himantura gerrardi and H. granulata,
erinacea as the sister taxa of the remaining rajids. Within the were found as nested in all analyses, basal to the group
Myliobatoidei, the Myliobatidae was recovered as paraphyletic formed by Dasyatidae and Potamotrygonidae. Finally, the
in terms of the basal position recovered for Aetobatus flagel- Gymnuridae was found scattered over the tree, being a sister
lum. The Dasyatidae was recovered as monophyletic and taxon of Potamotrygonidae in the ML results or sister taxon
closely related to its sister family, the Potamotrygonidae. The of Plesiobatidae in the Bayesian trees.
genus Dasyatis was recovered as paraphyletic with Dasyatis The Selachii was recovered as split between
microphthalmus in a variable position, but always related to Squalomorphii and Galeomorphii, in agreement with consen-
the group formed by the species Dasyatis akajei, D. bennetti, sus. The Squalomorphii was recovered with the basal
D. zugei, Pteroplatytrygon violacea and Taeniura meyeni. The Hexanchiformes, being sequentially followed by the
genus Taeniura was recovered as paraphyletic with both Squatiniformes as sister taxa of the group formed by the
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Figure 4. ML mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii based only on the third codon position.

Squaliformes and Pristiophoriformes, while the Galeomorphii Carcharhinidae was found as paraphyletic based on the
was recovered with the Heterodontiformes in a basal pos- phylogenetic position observed for the species Scoliodon
ition, being followed by the Orectolobiformes and, sequen- macrorhynchos, which was recovered in a sequential basal
tially, by the group formed by the Carcharhiniformes and position following Scyliorhinus canicula. This result is also cor-
Lamniformes. However, the Heterodontiformes was found as roborated by the phylogenetic position of Galeocerdo cuvier,
a sequential sister taxa between the Orectolobiformes and which was recovered deeply nested within the
the Carcharhiniformes in the analysis using codon positions 1 Carcharhinidae joining a polytomy with the Triakidae and
and 2 (Figure 3). Sphyrnidae. Scoliodon macrorhynchos was recovered within
Within the Orectolobiformes, the Orectolobidae was recov- the Carcharhinidae plus Sphyrnidae group when using only
ered in a basal position related to the group formed by the codon positions 1 þ 2 (Figure 3).
Rhincodontidae (Rhincodon) and the Hemiscylliidae. The Within the Lamniformes, two groups were consistently
Carcharhiniformes presented the Scyliorhinidae in a basal recovered, one formed by basal Odontaspididae and the
position in relation to the paraphyletic Carcharhinidae. The group formed by Cetorhinidae and Laminidae, while the
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Figure 5. Bayesian mitogenomic phylogeny of the Elasmobranchii, a majority rule tree coloured by orders. Posterior probabilities represented above the nodes.

Table 3. Test for substitution saturation for (A) all codon positions, (B) codon positions 1 þ 2 and (C) codon position 3.
NrOTU Iss Iss.cSym T DF P Iss.cAsym T DF P
A. 4 0.449 0.860 72.496 14644 0.0000 0.848 70.299 14644 0.0000
8 0.479 0.845 48.241 14644 0.0000 0.761 37.157 14644 0.0000
16 0.524 0.854 34.271 14644 0.0000 0.676 15.773 14644 0.0000
32 0.570 0.82 21.122 14644 0.0000 0.575 0.429 14644 0.6678
B. 4 0.444 0.858 59.382 9705 0.0000 0.846 57.715 9705 0.0000
8 0.469 0.845 40.242 9705 0.0000 0.762 31.351 9705 0.0000
16 0.514 0.850 28.392 9705 0.0000 0.676 13.626 9705 0.0000
32 0.561 0.818 17.671 9705 0.0000 0.572 0.755 9705 0.4501
C. 4 0.407 0.851 49.826 5667 0.0000 0.843 48.94 5667 0.0000
8 0.435 0.846 34.604 5667 0.0000 0.768 27.972 5667 0.0000
16 0.470 0.835 24.332 5667 0.0000 0.681 14.085 5667 0.0000
32 0.509 0.812 16.502 5667 0.0000 0.568 3.179 5667 0.0015
NrOTU: number of operational taxonomic units; Iss: index of substitution saturation; Iss.cSym: index of substitution saturation for symmetric topologies; Iss.cAsym:
index of substitution saturation for asymmetric topologies.
T, DF and P are the test parameters for mean comparisons.

second group of Lamniformes includes Alopiidae as sister Platyrhinidae, with the Rajiformes being recovered in a low
taxa of the group formed by the Megachasmidae and the support node as the basal sister taxa of Pristiformes and
Pseudocarcharidae. Finally, the Mitsukurinidae (Mitsukurina Myliobatiformes. The observed divergence between our
owstoni) was found to vary from basal sister taxa of the results and those presented by Gaitan-Espitia et al. (2016)
group formed by the Alopiidae, Megachasmidae and seems to be related to the distinct species coverage of both
Pseudocarcharidae in the ML results to a basal phylogenetic studies and the low support of some internal nodes, at least
position in relation to all the analyzed Lamniformes in the for the Torpediniformes relationships. Although our database
Bayesian results. It was also recovered as a sister taxon of does not encompass species from the Platyrhinidae,
Odontaspididae when using only codon positions 1 þ 2 we should also observe that the Torpediniformes sister
(Figure 3). taxa relationships observed in our results were recovered
in a low support node, as well as the division observed
between Torpediniformes þ Rajiformes and Pristiformes þ
Discussion Myliobatiformes.
Both ML (Figures 2–4) and Bayesian (Figure 5) phylogenies The Pristoidei was recovered deeply nested within the
support the hypothesis of Selachii and Batoidea clades as sis- guitarfish group formed by the basal Zapteryx and
ter taxa, thus rejecting the Hypnosqualea hypothesis of Rhinobatos. Based on their Bayesian topology, Aschliman
Compagno (1977), Carvalho (1996), Carvalho and Maisey et al. (2012) showed the paraphyly of the guitarfishes, recov-
(1996), and Shirai (1992a, 1992b, 1996). This result corrobo- ering two distinct groups. The first group, including Zapteryx
rates recent molecular analyses (Douady et al. (2003), and Trygonorrhina, was sequentially followed by the second
Downloaded by [] at 03:59 20 September 2017

Winchell et al. (2004), Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson (2011), and group, including the Pristoidei, which was deeply nested
Naylor et al. (2012). The Hypnosqualea hypothesis (Shirai between the basal Rhinobatos and the group formed by the
1992a, 1992b) proposes that the Batoidea should be placed genera Rhyncobatus and Rhina. Our results do not corrobor-
within the Selachii based on morphological characters from ate this view since we found the guitarfishes in a monophy-
the skull, shoulder girdle and impaired fin musculature (Shirai letic group, with the Pristoidei deeply nested within it, thus
1992a, 1996). However, molecular analyses provide a different rejecting guitarfishes (Rhinobatoidei) without the inclusion of
scenario (Douady et al. 2003; Winchell et al. 2004), suggesting the Pristoidei as a derived monophyletic group. Naylor et al.
that these morphological characters could be regarded as (2012) recovered the same topology with the basal Zapteryx
homoplasious, or even as convergent adaptations to benthic followed by a group which includes the Zanobatidae,
life, a point herein reinforced with our mitogenomic analyses. Rhinobatidae, Pristidae and Rhynchobatidae, called
Several phylogenies are available for Batoidea, and they Rhinopristiformes, a view herein corroborated based on our
mostly agree on dividing the group into five major clades: mitogenomic results.
skates (Rajoidei), electric rays (Torpedinoidei), sawfishes As discussed by Aschliman et al. (2012), sawfishes
(Pristoidei), stingrays (Myliobatoidei) and the so-called guitar- (Pristoidei) and saw sharks (Pristiophoriformes) seem to have
fishes, a paraphyletic group of batoids (McEachran and independently achieved a highly elongated rostrum bearing
Aschliman 2004; Compagno 2005; Aschliman et al. 2012; lateral spines. They also pointed out that these structures
Naylor et al. 2012). However, consensus has not been reached have influenced morphological studies which suggested that
regarding the relationships among these groups, with several saw sharks and angel sharks (Squatiniformes) are successive
studies, including those supported by both morphological sister groups to Batoidea in that sawfishes are the sister taxa
and molecular data, producing contradictory results (e.g. to all remaining extant batoids (e.g. Shirai 1996; Kriwet and
McEachran et al. 1996; Shirai 1996; Lovejoy et al. 1998; Dunn Benton 2004), therefore implying a gradation between squa-
et al. 2003; McEachran and Aschliman 2004; Human et al. loid-like sharks and batoids with progressive dorsoventral flat-
2006; Toffoli et al. 2008; Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson 2011). tening and the development of the saw. However, as
Our results suggest the existence of a basal division observed by the authors, if the rostral saws are treated as
among the group formed by the Rajoidei and Torpedinoidei homologous, the derived position of sawfishes in the molecu-
and the group formed by the Myliobatoidei and the lar phylogeny implies at least seven independent losses of
Rhinobatoidei. Previous morphological studies found a close this structure, a view corroborated by our results regarding
relationship between skates and stingrays based on a highly the phylogenetic position recovered for the Pristoidei in our
depressed disk supported by pectoral radials and the reduced mitogenomic Bayesian approach. Saw sharks are strongly sup-
development of the tail, caudal and dorsal fins (Nishida 1990; ported as squaloid-like sharks by several studies, such as
Shirai 1996). However, McEachran and Aschliman (2004) those of Shirai (1992b, 1996), Carvalho (1996) and Maisey
believed that these characters were independently acquired et al. (2004), and also the lack of the eight well-accepted
by these groups, a view also supported by the study of batoid synapomorphies (McEachran et al. 1996). However,
Aschliman et al. (2012) and corroborated by our results. independent of the similarity of these structures, Kriwet and
Gaitan-Espitia et al. (2016) recently produced the most Benton (2004) additionally pointed out that they present key
complete phylogeny of the Torpediniformes, based on six differences in canal architecture and in the articulation of
mitogenomes and including a species from the genera spines, thus dispelling their homology.
Torpedo, Typhlonarke and four species of Narcine. The authors Based on morphology and some molecular studies,
recovered a sister taxa relationship between the Myliobatidae is often recovered as a monophyletic group,
Torpediniformes and the thornback rays of the family although herein it is suggested as paraphyletic due to the

basal position recovered for Aetobatus flagellum. This conflict other galeomorphs, has already been indicated by several
is most likely due to misidentification, since Aetobatus is a authors (cf. Holmgren 1940, 1941; Compagno 1973; Maisey
basal and well-diagnosed genus, constantly recovered within 1983; Carvalho 1996; Naylor et al. 2005; Heinicke et al.
the Myliobatidae from both morphology and molecular analy- 2009). In this sense, the phylogenetic position recovered
ses (Naylor et al. 2012). for the Heterodontiformes does not corroborate a close
The Dasyatidae was recovered as monophyletic and sister relationship with the squalimorphs, as suggested by the
family of Potamotrygonidae although recent results such as studies of Mallatt and Winchell (2007) and Human et al.
Naylor et al. (2012) and Lim et al. (2015) point to a paraphy- (2006).
letic condition for the family. We should also observe that For the relationships between the Carcharhiniformes and
our analyses did not include representatives from the the Lamniformes, our results are broadly similar to those
Urotrygonidae, the accepted sister family of the observed in recent studies (Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson 2011),
Potamotrygonidae, and the relationships herein observed although they reinforce the relationships between both clades,
between the Potamotrygonidae and Dasyatidae seems to be as already suggested by Naylor et al. (2005) and Heinicke et al.
obviously influenced by the limited taxonomic sampling. In (2009). Our analyses consistently recovered the relationships
addition, the Himanturidae was also suggested as a valid between Carcharhiniformes and Lamniformes. Nevertheless,
family, basal to the group formed by the Dasyatidae and the on the basis of molecular data advocated for a group formed
Potamotrygonidae, therefore corroborating the recent pro- by Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes, Winchell et al. (2004)
posal of Lim et al. (2015). Finally, we should observe that the related this group to the Isurida group of White (1936). The
support for the deep internodes of the suborder Isurida group was proposed by White (1936) based on mor-
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Myliobatoidei is far from being robust; therefore, the present phological similarities associated with the vertebral column,
topologies could be greatly influenced by the low number of the intestinal valves and the absence of nictitating membrane,
species included in the phylogenies. In this sense, an a view not corroborated by the study of Compagno (1973),
extended sampling of the suborder Myliobatoidei would which considered these as homoplasious characters. Of the six
greatly enhance the phylogenetic resolution of this group. morphological characters supporting the clade which joins
Regarding the phylogenetic relationships within the together the Carcharhiniformes and the Lamniformes,
Selachii clade, our results do agree with recent studies Winchell et al. (2004) pointed out that one unique character,
(Compagno 1977; Shirai 1992a, 1992b, 1996; Carvalho 1996; tripodal rostrum, is not homoplasious, arguing that the
Carvalho and Maisey 1996; Douady et al. 2003; Winchell et al. remaining five characters could be treated as convergent
2004; Naylor et al. 2005; Human et al. 2006; Heinicke et al. adaptations for pelagic carnivory, an opinion not corroborated
2009) which recovered the eight well-known shark orders div- here based on the phylogenetic sister taxon position recov-
ided into two distinct clades, the Squalomorphii and the ered to both Carcharhiniformes and Lamniformes.
Galeomorphii, a result in agreement with morphological char- Our results for the galeomorphs recovered the
acters (Compagno 1977). Regarding the Squalomorphii, our Heterodontiformes, herein represented uniquely by the mono-
results are similar to those observed by V elez-Zuazo and phyletic genus Heterodontus, in a basal position followed by
Agnarsson (2011) with the Hexanchiformes sequentially fol- the Orectolobiformes, thus contradicting previous hypotheses
lowed by the Squatiniformes as sister taxa of the group which suggest Heterodontus and Chlamydoselachus as basal
formed by the Squaliformes and Pristiophoriformes. These neoselachians, or even non-neoselachian sharks (Regan 1906;
results do not corroborate the close relationships between the Goodrich 1909; Allis 1923; Gudger and Smith 1933; White
Squatiniformes and the Squaliformes, as already suggested by 1937). In addition, sequence saturation could have influenced
Mallatt and Winchell (2007) and Heinicke et al. (2009), nor do the basal position observed for the Heterodontiformes since
they corroborate the close relationships between the this phylogenetic position was not corroborated when third
Squatiniformes and Pristiophoriformes, as suggested by codon information was discarded, thereby placing the
Douady et al. (2003), Naylor et al. (2005) and Human et al. Heterodontiformes clade between the Orectolobiformes and
(2006). Our results do also agree with Tanaka et al. (2013) the Carcharhiniformes. The order Orectolobiformes includes
about the inclusion of the Hexanchiformes within the the basal Orectolobidae and the group formed by the
Squalomorphii. Tanaka et al. (2013) discussed the evolution of Hemiscylliidae and Rhincodontidae, sequentially followed by
the Hexanchiformes deep sea sharks using mitogenomes. The the group formed by the sister taxa Carcharhiniformes and
authors analyzed the phylogenetic relationships between the Lamniformes.
Hexanchiformes and some species from the Squaliformes, Within the Carcharhiniformes, the basal Scyliorhinidae was
Orectolobiformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes and some followed by a paraphyletic group which includes a polytomy
batoids. However, the observed sister taxa relationships with the Triakidae, the carcharhinids Scoliodon macrorhynchos
between Squaliformes and Hexanchiformes presented in their and Galeocerdo cuvier, and the group formed by the
ML phylogeny are likely to be related to the limited Sphyrnidae and the remaining Carcharhinidae. However,
Squalomorphii species coverage of the study. when discarding the third codon position, the carcharhinid
The Galeomorphii was recovered exhibiting the Scoliodon macrorhynchos was recovered together with
Heterodontiformes in a basal position, followed by the Galeocerdo cuvier within the group formed by the
Orectolobiformes and sequentially by the group formed by Carcharhinidae þ Sphyrnidae. Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson
the Carcharhiniformes and Lamniformes. The phylogenetic (2011) recovered Scoliodon as the sister genus of
position of the Heterodontiformes, as sister taxon of the Rhizoprionodon while Naylor et al. (2012) recovered Scoliodon

deeply nested within the Carcharhinidae, as the sister genus the Pristoidei was recovered deeply nested in a group with
of Loxodon in a group with Rhizoprionodon as the basal the genus Rhinobatos and the basal Zapteryx, therefore reject-
genus. In this sense, as our results do not include the genera ing the Rhinobatoidei without the inclusion of Pristoidei as a
Loxodon and Rhizoprionodon, we believe that the phylogen- derived batoid clade. This result corroborates the proposal of
etic position herein observed for Scoliodon should be influ- the Rhinopristiformes of Naylor et al. (2012).
enced by the taxonomic sampling. Within the Selachii, our results suggest a main division
These results reinforce the previous observations based on of sharks, the Galeomorphii and the Squalomorphii, with
morphology in which scyliorhinids represent the basal lineage the Squatiniformes being recovered as basal sister taxa
followed by triakids and the clade formed by the derived of the group formed by the Squaliformes and the
carcharhinids and sphyrnids (White 1937; Compagno 1973, Pristiophoriformes. The Galeomorphii was recovered with the
1988). Recent phylogenetic analyses diverge about the phylo- basal Heterodontiformes followed by the Carcharhiniformes,
genetic status of Sphyrnidae. Using mitochondrial and recovered as the sister taxa of the Lamniformes.
nuclear genes, Velez-Zuazo and Agnarsson (2011) observed Finally, although based on several species representing
the same topology, with the Sphyrnidae embedded within the major groups of sharks and rays, it should be stressed
the Carcharhinidae, rather than a sister taxon relationship. that the taxonomic sampling plays a crucial role here. Some
However, based on partial mitochondrial sequences, Naylor uncertainties observed in our results could be related to the
et al. (2012) obtained the same results for the basal absence of proper taxonomic sampling in the particular
Galeocerdo and the group formed by Carcharhinidae and region of the topology. To overcome this issue, we believe in
Sphyrnidae. However, they also pointed out that Galeocerdo a short period, with the advance of the massive sequencing
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does not belong to the Caracharhinidae, thus reinforcing a techniques, the availability of mitogenomes will enhance the
sister taxon relationship for both clades, as supported by the
phylogenetic resolution along the entire phylogeny.
study of Lopez et al. (2006) and unpublished nuclear data.
Regarding the exposed above and the low support values we
obtained in this particular region of the topology, we believe Disclosure statement
further investigation is still required to enhance the resolution
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
on these particular nodes. However, we should observe that
disregarding both Galeocerdo and Scoliodon, the resultant
topology points to the well-accepted sister family relation- Funding
ships between both Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae.
This study was supported by Coordenaç~ao de Aperfeiçoamento de
In regard to the Lamniformes, the Mitsukurinidae was
Pessoal de Nıvel Superior (CAPES), Fundaç~ao Carlos Chagas Filho de
recovered in a variable basal position, depending on the type Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, FEDER-Fundo Europeu
of analysis performed. Previous morphological and molecular de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020-
studies place Mitsukurina basal to all other Lamniformes Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation
(Shirai 1996; Naylor et al. 1997; Compagno 1999; Martin 1999; (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT-Fundaç~ao
Martin and Burg 2002; Martin et al. 2002), a result reinforced para a Ci^encia e a Tecnologia/Ministerio da Ci^encia, Tecnologia e
Inovaç~ao in the framework of the project “Institute for Research and
by our Bayesian results, but conflicting with the basal pos-
Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274). FP was sup-
ition observed in relation to the group formed by the ported by Investigator FCT (IF/01356/2012) and MARINFO (NORTE-01-
Alopiidae, Megachasmidae and Pseudocarcharidae. The group 0145-FEDER-000031).
formed by the monophyletic Alopiidae was recovered as a
sister taxon of the group formed by the Megachasmidae and
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