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NCM 113: Community Health Nursing II

Activity #3

Nursing Progress in the Care of Population Groups and Community


A. Community Health Assessment

1. Collecting Primary Data
a. Observation
b. Survey
c. Informant Interview
d. Community Forum

2. Secondary Data Sources

a. Registry of Vital Events
b. Health Records and Reports
c. Disease Registries
d. Census Data

3. Methods to Present Community Data

B. Community Diagnosis
1. Types
a. Traditional Participatory Action Research

2. Schemes in Stating Community Diagnosis (NANDA)

a. Shuster and Goppingen
b. Omaha System

C. Planning Community Health Interventions

1. Priority setting
a. WHO special consideration
2. Formulating goals and objectives
3. Deciding on community interventions/action plan

* Please submit a copy to me and to Ms. Elnar for compilation

** deadline of submission October 22, 2020 at 11:59AM

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