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The Strong Points of Having a Dicatatorship Government

If I had a chance to change the government of the Philippines, I will choose dictatorship.
Why? It is because dictatorship establishes a strong government. There is no criticism, no
opposition that opposes the regulations of the government. The way they govern the people is in
his accordance. That is why, one effect of this is that there would be less crime rate because most
of the dictatorship governments are policy states. Another reason is that it builds a stable
government. The implementing of such policies lie with only one person. Thus, the processing of
laws would be straightforward. The military defense is also an important aspect of this form of
government. A dictator is very strict with regards to the rules, punishments, regulation and
reward of a coutry. This makes people under his command less responsible for corruption.
Lastly, things happen very quick, whether it is related in business, governance or anything else.
It happen much quicker and easier compared to the other types of government because there is
only one person behind these decision-making.
North Korea is a good example of a country in which dicatatorship is a success.
Comparing our country to North Korea has a lot of difference. In North Korea, they build a
strong and systematic government that everbody look up to. Having a democratic government
here in the Philippines, the people has the power and can take part in decision making regarding
on the rules implemented by the government. But as a result, there were a lot of protests
regarding to that specific act and that made such delays in making an act to a complete law.
Another disadvantage that I can see is that during elections, politicians would do their best to
win their desired position in which they put their attention on winning rather than the agenda or
projects that the people needs. We all know that Philippines does not have a strong military
defense. If we will apply this to our country, our military troops will be effective to do some
exercises and that can defend our country from the bully counties.
But having a dictatorship government would mean that a country must not be in a state of
total isolation from other countries. The purpose of having this kind of government is to teach its
citizen the proper discipline, manners, and the most important thing is that the love and respect
they must submit to their country.
Dogra,A (2011) Retrived from

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