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There are several things I learned from our Exercises in Weeks 4 and 5.

For the 4 th week, I

learned how to properly identify and assess the stand or position of a certain writer in an article
or any write up. I also learned how to identify the different statements that support the
writer’s position. This is very important to learn as this also helps identify potential bias of the

For the 5th week, I learned how to properly process any assigned texts for reading. I already
learned how to properly differentiate Assertions from Assumptions and their implications. This
is vital in identifying facts from author’s presumptions necessary for validating accuracy of
information. This is a very important skill to possess in a society with a lot of circulating fake

Learning these theories would improve my reading comprehension and my analysis of various
write ups. On the other hand, I would need to improve my writing skills to properly state facts,
assertions and assumptions so that the readers of my work would be able to evaluate and
assess my work properly. To develop these skills further, reading more articles, books and
other publications would help me a lot.

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