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Excercises includes:
1) Running notes
2) Vocal stretching within the range of the song
3) Prolonged Breathing exercises

Part 2
1) Text (what the song is all about, message it conveys)
2) Genre (explanation of the Baroque Period music, the era and their characteristics and their
music forms and styles, including some notable composers in that genre)
3) Composer. George Frideric Handel. His composition styles, techniques and various notable

Part 3
1)Those parts with running notes, and difficult part of the piece)
2)Teaching each voice section there role in each phrase or segment of the piece (ex.
counterpoint, melody, or whether their notes will supply the identify of a certain chord).

Part 4
1)Check the vocal placement and quality that is suitable for the piece. Check also the harmony
and balance.
2)Provide inputs on how to maintain the characteristics of the music.
3) Scrutinize pitch and intonation.

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