Our Town December 20, 1924

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______we- - - - - - -----------------------
VOLUMN XI, NUMBER 11 ."-- ----------" - ---_._- -----------
---_.----_.-. ------------- --- ----

Candles In Every Scouts Hear Talk

EVERY STAR A GIFT 'rbe;·FIRESIDE First Concert By' Christmas Tree In
on Discipline
Library Christmas Tree Brings \[r. 'l:nd l\Irs. James F. Hagerty the Choral the Park
Narberth \\"indow Prompt Response. :lll<l daughter. \Iis~ :\nlle Ilagerty.
~lall\· star~ have blossomed forth will sp¢nd the Christmas holidays
Olr/ CIIS/OJ!/ H,IS Bc(ome CUIIII/If/IUlcr /'''11 AlIkrll on the· little Christmas tree in the in Pittsburgh. l'a,
Narberth }\/ucleus ofMaill AJJJlu{1! Event IFi!! Be
CUlllllltlllity Library since it was put
.1r1r!ro',fCJ Lu(al TJ'{jup up th(:n~ Ia,t ~Ionday. and (:\'ery ~Irs. Chark,.. \\'. E\-alls. of
Line Musica! Body jVJclrkcd
by Carol Singinf[
a Loca! fllst//u//oJ!
_______________ 1 ,t;tr rel'r(:~(:nts a gift. \Vhat i~ much Che~tnut a\·(:nUe, entertained
'I "The 1ll"~t ('\.('1"," \\a~ the \ cr- Illllre ,if,'11itlcant, every star also in- Thursdav afternoull at a lund1eun On Tucsday evening, Deccll1-
:\arLcrth will diet nn 1a~t \1<>l1da\-'" 1\,,\· ~cout dicat(:sacurdial feelingofapprecia- in h"110~ "i her lI1utlwr's :,irth- ber '.!3, ~ 1'. :'1., at the ;\rdmore Following the
ag;tin thi, year ob- I1lcding-. Th c 1.,,: l:al'in \\:;\" jam- tinll oi th(: LilJrary's service and a clay. I'reslnterian Church, the ~Iain
example set by the
~ene a c u s tom 111('d to the 1,:\,..('b, ';Ircl" alld "tand- r(:;l! pn~una~ desire to support it. Line Choral Society will mak~ it~
' ,\~ W;lS I,re\·iuus!'· stated no gifts \ I r5. J, T. H uwenstein, of titst appearance in a program. .'iuccessful Christ-
which 11:1, 111ade the ill!,: r",'111 <>111\· \\a- re"'l'1"\·C( I l<>r ) mas celebration
home,:. a thing of tIll' late CI'1111'1:" are IJ{'ing ~olicit(:d for the Library l'hestilut an'nue, ~P('lIt the (,;lrlv cumprising an interesting collec- last year, Karberth
beaut\- _ that o i ' l' I I 1' . I tnT. _\11 of them are voluntarv and part of the week in Trenton, K. j. ti'm ui Christmas mllsic. This
. ~C"l1t 111a~tcr ''''.;(' al1' ll~ a"- n<> !,er-~'Tl \vJw CU111(:S to th~ Li- program has been arrangeli by will again hav~ a
p 1 ;11: in g lighted "1"talll., I.anc, ;\nll' III llcc'c1 tl1<' l'rO-! bran- i"r lH,ub is a"ked to con- \1 r. and \1 r,.;, rallies \ \ .. Dar- \Yillial11 1'. Bentz, Jirector oi the community Christ-
candles in the win- !,:ra111 l(Jr th(: I,te: rally ull the Itribtlte ville, of :'lerion a\·entJe, have re- organization, as illustrating the mas tree and carol
do \\' s Chri~tmas '.!:th and th(: other hl1"ille S s l l ('ing- . . ' service. It will be
En~, \10st oi the di"}lenscl! with. Lt, Commander The LIbrary Chnstl11a~ tree I,las turned home from a trip through 1110St typical oi the old Christmas under the joint
resiJ(:l1ts have ex- IT. T. \·an _\uken, l·. S, :\" ,,-as already deve~oped many m.ter,estmg the South. folk songs of the various coun-
auspices 0'£ the
prc,,;ed their illten- iI~trCldllccd as the spc:lker of the 11lCldents, whlch.show h?w ltltlm~te- tries of Europe, together with
Woman's Commu-
ti<>n 0 f lighting up l'\('lllJ1g, Iy the LIbrary IS reachmg the lives Mr. and \fr,.;, R. F. \\'ood, of some compositions of more recent
nity Club and the
the ~reetin(l' can- b of many people in the community, Fore~t avenue, were among those date. All of the selections are residents of K ar-
dIes before going lIe picked his own Sll ject- A ' I' I '1
senous Itt e glr ,a out mne years b . attet¢ing the New England din- pre-eminently chorals and will be
to the COl11l11unit)' a mighty appropriate nne. 100- k 0 I(,I Ilas Iwen III 'I t le Ila b'It a f commg . ner in the city Thursday evening, given, unaccompained, by the 5(1 brook Park.
"Discipline." The boys dran'11lto t Ile I.Iurary The Civic Com-
Christmas tree, '1.
every a f ternoon to mixed voices which 1\1 r. Bentz has
mittee of the
It was nine vears in eVl'rv . word "i the able "peakcr. rea( I certam ")uvel11' 1e magazmes . f or \lrs. Juseph Cheppatte returned been training
• gathering facts from his o\\'n ex- I I· I \"1 \\'omen's Commu-
ago _ Christmas, one- la t lour, v len her time is to her home "n l1:lverford a\-e- This organization was formed
l()l~-that about 1
\ t"ld
' oi, patrol
1 work
. 1of up ~le J
care f u11 y paces1 a SIp I' a f nue; Wednesday, aiter undergo- recently by the consolidation of nitv Cluh has been
. tIe : mencan ~C]ua( ron In t le ! I I ' I fo~ some weeks
tliree ~Cl,re ='Jar- 1 fI I' paper to 111ar.; leI' pace 111 t 1e ing a minor thruat operation at the the various :\Iain Line Choruses, quietly working on
~ran( cet ( urlng the \,-ar. ' I H Jefferson II ospitaI. including the 1\1 elody Club
berthitl''' inaugur- magaz1IJe an( Roes away. er sys-
ated the candle The.' hoys heard hnw discipline tematic and caRer reading attracted oi Ardmore; the Ilryn !\Iawr plans for the Com-
Rreeting' a~ an ex- helped the sailor~ nf America and the attention of some of the staff. Mr. anc! :oIrs, \Valter A. Fox. Chorus, and the ~ arberth Choral munity Christmas
pression oi neigh- England in the :\'orth ~ea jog and b\' \\-hom it was narrated to an in- of N arbrook Park, and their sons Society, some of which had pre- tree. Finding, how-
borliness to the nl:lny exal11ple~ were cited of the tcrested per~on. who immediately will'leave todav for Buffalo where viously been under :Mr. Bentz's ever, that plans
passerby. The s e cheerfnl stoicism of the British gave a year 's b su SCrIp't'Ion t a anot h er they plan to Sl)end the holidays. direction. As a result of the con- were also on foot
loyal home folks at Jutland, juvenile magazine and thereby solidation of these previously for a tree in N ar-
re'sponded to a sug- Commander Van :\ uken han- caused al10ther star to be put on the ¥l's. R. E. Leech, of Elm Ter- separate bodies, a wealth of ex- brook Park, the
gestion made in dIed his ~t1bject cle\·erl\, and force- Christmas tree, race, \vill entertain at bridge this cellent voices is made available two committees
"Our Town," and the first silent full\' and there \\'asl/t a boy in A man came into the Library one afternoon. and :'Ir. Bentz is taking fun ad- have ,decided to merge their efforts;
salutation took the form of a single the· whnle troop who \\'otlld ha\'e day this week to look over some of \-an tage of the material to de- so thIS season Narberth's Christmas
candle placed in each window, visi- swapped last l\Ionda\' e\'ening- for the books there with the idea of Mr, J. B. \Iacl-:enzie, uf :\'ar- \·elop a decidedly superior type tree will be placed in the beautiful
bIe to the street or ~treets near the :lny line night in ·the calendar, getting information as to what brook Park, is on a business trip of choral work. setting of the park.
individual's home. ,,·ith the possible exception of hooks to buy for Christmas gifts, to Rochester, New York. It is hoped that all friends and As before, Narberth is ,to be a
supporters of the former organiza- singing town for an ,hour. The
In J9 16 II5 homes had adopted Christmas and Xew Year's Eve. He saw the tree and was very glad
the happy custom. And from the Scouting took on a new signifi- to make a gift of money. A wom- ~r rs. Russell, uf ?:~vidence, t ions will attend this first effort of choirs of all the churches are asked
simple single candle form the salu- cance that night and every hoy en, who says that in addition to Rhode Island, is VISltlUg her (he Main Line Choral Society and to march singing to Windsor and
tation grew into geometric arrange- no\\' has a keener realization of the reading the books she has enjoyed daughter, Mrs. R. E. Leech, of judge for themselves the result of Essex avenues, at exactly 6.55
ments of candles displayed in every importance of discipline in his going to the Library frequently just Elm Terrace, over the holidays. the consolidation. Admission to P.~. From this point they wi.!l be _
window of the house. One of the daily work and in his scouting. to talk about books, also has con- the concert will be by invitations, led 111 a body to the park by a c-hoir
simpler of these arrangements was This was the first of a series tributed a "money star" to the tree, :o[ r_ Robert K, Barclay, Jr., of which have been mailed to all of men's voices, with cornets.
-1-1;\ Dudley avenue, who is con- those associated with any of the By order of the Burgess, about
obtained by the use of two short oj addresses on subjects relating A little boy examined the tree
candles and one tall candle, the tall to scouting. Others will be an- with much interest, asked about its nected with the Pennsylvania old bodies, but the public in gen- 15 minutes Windsor west of Essex
candle being placed in the centre nounced as the program is ar- significance and then contributed a Railroad System, will leave the eral is invited and will be accom- will be closed to traffic until the
and the two short candles on either rClnged. nickel, saying that he "wanted to see evening of December 18, for modated so far as the seating marches reach the park. After that,
autos may park on Windsor; but no
side ofthe~ll one. . _ .. The$coutmaster is anxiol1s for t star there for himself." In the Renovo, Pa., to which point he capacity of the church will allow.
autos will be allowed within the
In the int~rvening years, thisctis~ ""ftfItli"ffpresentation of the N aI''' hurrying--crowds ,i 11 Broad Street liJ\S been transferred. Mrs. Bar- The society is very anxious to
park (Juring the -service.
tom has grown in amazing propor- berlh troop on December 27th Station, one day this week, a mem- clay, and the two sons, Robert, 3d. have its work become known by
and David H., will remain in Nar- the public, and that means the The service this year will consist
tions and became a unique, looked- and every member is expected to bel' of the Library staff was stopped
for happening to our local residents. appear in uniform. by an equally busy woman who lives berth for the present. whole Main Line community, for of a short opening prayer, commu-
Scarcely a block was without at Correction. in Narberth, who said that she had it plans to give at least three 1T'0re nity singing of favorite carols and a
least one candle greeting last year; The sCout whose advancement read in "Our Town" the announce- Mrs. Carl B. Metzger enter- programs during the season and brief address. In addition it is
tertained her bridge c Illb on \Ved- hopes to be a!Jle to sing at least hoped that a triple quartet from
most blocks had se\'eral, and some to first-class was published in last ment regarding the Library Christ-
;. '.
blQcks had no houses that were ,,'eek's issue was Bvron }\lorton. mas tree and that she wanted to
nesday of this week. once during the season in each the l\.Iain Line Choral will sing
without some form of the silent and not X ewton as printed. make a contribution of money and Main Line center from Narberth selected numbers from the concert
salute-the sign of "Peace on earth, , also of books, The tree will remain Donald If offman will return to Wayne. program which they are giving at
good-will toward men." in the Library until after Christmas home from DartmOllth College The program is as follows: Ardmore Tuesday next.
Christmas Music In the Presbyterian cl I t t f 11 f 1 this week. "Hosannu" (Orgnn) ..... , ..... Dubois The singing will be under the
The candle greeting is a very old Church. an a comp e e repor a a a t le Chorale--"llreuk Forth, a Benuteous direction of Mr. George A. Mahl, of ..'
custom in England, but is used in gifts will be printed in January. Heavpnly Light."
There will be special music to- 1\1 r. \V. H. Hartel, oi A von Narbrook Park. Rev. Robert E.
f ew places in the United States, morrow, December 21, in the Pres- road, returned t his week from a ('UI'OJ:.; : ,Johnnn 8ehnstinn Bn(·h
Keighton, the new pastor of the
Baltimore is one of the few large byterianChurch at both morning 'l'lle Car, Was Stolen. husiness trip to \\"ashington, (n) "When the Sun lIlId Sunk to Baptist Church, will give the ad-
cities to consistently repeat the prac- and evening services, under the di- Cach lIac car owned by n C Hest" .. , ... '.... Old English dress,
tice year after year, while New Eng- rection of Mr. Peter Starn, Jr., or- \1 r. H.aymond C. Jones, Borough . . (u) "In n :\Isngl'r" (Husian). To make this beautiful Christmas
land has been rapidly developing a ganist and music director. Mr. Tax Collector, \\'as stolen last J k 1 .." . 1IJolitov-Ivanov
(l') "The Three Kings" (Olll Span- eve service a great· success and to
greater sentiment for this beautiful Stam has assembled a most efficient week-end. . ac . eHenes IS coachlllg' the
t "\' . Freshman basketball teat~l t ish) .. , Arr. hy Re,'. L. Remau inspire its becoming an integral part
cus om. . church quartet consisting of the fol- . "hde H ~Irs. Jones
f d was shop- p ,
nnceton this .vear. a Jnstrumental ~olo of our community life, the co-opera-
N ar b erth h as a d opte d t h e greet- lowing: p1l1g on a. \'Cr or avenue Satttr- Two French Carols of the 16th CentUl'v: tIOn of all our citizens is earnestly
ing as · iis own and each year has Soprano, Mrs. C. .T. Bergh " con- day afternoon the car was taken (a) "Sleep of the Child Jesus," .
f . ::'v[r. \Varren Anderson is build- Arr. hl· August Gnvnert asked by the committees in charge..
f oun d 1t more widely practiced. So tralto, Mrs. J. B. Hipwell; tenor, rom in tront of one of the stores. (u) "A .J ()~-()us Christmns Song." .Come out to the sen·ice, singing,
1 b I'd I LSI b k I ing a new home on Lanthwyn
et us eat ast year s recor - et us Mr. H. G. Sparks; bass, Mr. L. \V. ~ter a tuc e a er car, eft by the lane. Mr. and ~l rs . .-\nderson Arr. by August Onvnert Imug your hymnals and light the
add every newcomer to the list · and Easby. In the morning they will thle\'es. \\"d was fuund abandoned on plan to move in about the first oj Carols: way to the tree with candles in your
h a If as many more. B etter stIll, let's sing the following numbers: I sor aVel1lle. (a) "The First "'ner' .,. Old French windows.
'.' , see to it that every occupied house "Shout the Glad Tidings," Rock- :\'0 trace could be found of the February. (0) "Hilt'nt Night"· .... Old German
The following organizations have
·h tIt dl I I . I ~ "Slumber Song of the l\Indonna"
SOWS a eas one can e on t le eve well', "Like Silver Lamps,'" Duane', car at t lat tIme, Jut i\'Ionday eve- 'I d "1 F k C (Women's Voices) ..... Colin Ta\'lor contributed to the expense of the
o f D ecember 24th, and let's keep "There \Vere in the Same Coun- ning it was found abandoned in .\ r. an .\ rs. 'ran \V. ort- Inslrumentlll Solo . t~ee: Women's Community Club,
them burning until midnight. try," Bohannon. Chestnut Hill, where the thieves right, of \Vynndale road, are re- (a) "Hen'. II Torch, Jennnette,"
;\arbrook Park Association, Civic
One caution-be careful of the In the evening the beautiful had changed to another car thev c~iving congratulations upon the Old French ,\ssociation, Tennis Club and Auxil-
curtains! Year after )'ear a bunch Christmas cantata by Spence en- appropriated there. . bIrth
. I 2d of a son.N \Villiam A. Cort~ (Altl'iouled to Nicholas
(u) "A lll'ight Star ~hining,"
Snboly, 1(10)
iary, American Legion and Auxil-
.;'~ \ of over-practical fire-marshals cry titled "The Story of Bethlehem" :\'0 clews have vet been found rlg-lt, ,on ~ o\'ember 28. Mrs, J. Seunstian Mntthews iary, League of \Vomen Voters
out in horror at the custom of plac- will be sung by the church quartet, to the apprehensia;loi these liaht- Cortright, prior to her marriage, (e) "A"p Mnria" Raehmnninofl' \Vestminster Circle, D. A. R. '
'.:' ing candles in the windows, and assisted by Mrs. P. Starn, Jr., so- ning-exchange artists. b was ~Iiss Gladys Paine. daughter "0 Come. All Ye Fnitbfu Adeste Fideh·s
. I f any. other citizens or organiza-
year after year, the organizations prano; Mrs. C. Artley Farmer, alto; of Mr. and Mrs. G~rge H. Paine. Bank Going Up. tIOns destre to contribute the money
and newspapers that have some little Mr. J. De\Vitt Murphy, tenor, and Have You the Spirit of Christmas? of the Touraine. The foundation work on the can be well spent for extra lights.
regard for the old-fashioned. warm- Mr. A. S. Digby, bass. The public TI . new building for the Narberth Na- Don't forget that on Christmas
,"': ..
h eart ed Ch rts . t mas
. _spmt, . . urge t I le 'tS cord'la 11y mVlte . . d to t Ilese meet- acqUIre 1. ere. IS more than one way to
It. Corn·er Rounded. . tional Bank has been completed eve Narberth is to be "a singing
people to join in the custom. The ings. \Vhat we want and need most is The bo~ough last week fil11shed and a good p_art of the construc- town for an hour."
fire marshals are right in· trying to a reyerent spirit, a reverent attitude the roundmg of the northeast cor~ tion work for the upper floors is
,:' ./
avoid property loss, but their minds Shower to Miss Witherow. toward that wonderful day which ner of Haverford and Narberth under \'Jay.
.'.: all run in the same cllannels, they Miss Virginia Hipple, of Media, we receive through worship only. avenu~s, where Cooper Brothers' Building Inspector George B. Saving Time.
seem to recognize the general public gave a lingerie shower in honor of \Vorship in Cod's temple built for store 1S now l~ca.ted. Suplee has received a number of The use of the recently pur-
as a bunch of low-grade idiots who Miss Augusta D'Pherow in the the worship of God and His only Space for thIS Improv.en;entwas inquiries concerning the proximity chased ash collection truck is sav- :!
lack the intelligence to put back the form of a luncheon at L'Aiglonbegotten Son. Jesus Christ. 0, enter,allowed when the bUlldmg was of the south wall of the building to ing- considerable time each week
curtains,and fasten them back. Cafe on·. Tuesday. Among the ' constructed and th 1'0 d d tl H f in borough work. The collection
If ord.inary' care is tak.en, and if mto His Courts with praise r Come , e un e cor- 1e pavement on aver ord ave-
~;:. :. dl . . guests present were Mrs, William and sing of His· Birth, and hear the ner has been. found to be much nue. These queries arise from the of ashes and, rubbish, for the first
;~ .. "

no can e~ are left .burning while Durbin, Mrs. James Phillips D' chorus choir of the MethOdist saferJor autOlsts. _ fact that the building line must be time, is being made oil schedule.
_. ~hehous~ 1S unoccupied, the danger Pherow, of Narberth; Mrs. Phillip~ C h l.1 r ch sing this wonderful story It Is hope?, when the other t.wo 10 feet from the curb. In fact, the saving of time is so
dllegligtble. blW.ehNaveb never .yet. Jenkins, MIss Alice Thwing, Miss with beautiful anthems in the moni_~ornel's are Improv~d, that a s.1m- _ It happens in this case, how- great that the w?rk which !ormer.,.
. '. a han:y trou e dinar erth froni Jeanne Davis; Mrs, Stanley Naabe, in.g•.. and a. fine cantata ~y Manney,..llar pl.~n can be put mto operation, ever, Mr. Suplee explains, that ly took an entIre d~y w~th the
sUe·· actluse,an despite the fact Miss Ma.rgaretta Van Pelt, Miss entitled "The Manger Throne," inreduc~ng the ~anger at th1s much- Haverford avenue is not resting ~orse-dra~vn wagons, IS. bemg fin-
thatneartyevery horne noW joins Hilda Reiter, Miss Chico D'Putroil. the evening. • used mtersecbon. . easily on its bed, or, in otherlshed dunng ~he mOrn111&. As. a
. in, there is no reason tCl anticipate Miss Alice Hay,~iss Irene Pile, of - Sunday, December 2J-JI A. M. words, that it is gee-gawed. It is result there IS enough bme left
danger, . Philadelphia, and Miss Jane Butter- and 7.45 P. M. Meeting Postponed, said that the Pennsylvania Rail- for the bo~ough force to keep ~p-
So let's, all do our part, and if.. in ,WOrt11 and Mrs. John Hipple, of The regular meeting of the road right-of-~ay is encroaching ,to,-date w1th the street-cleamng
the bargal11, the weather. mnn gIves MedIa. Postofflco·Nollce. \Y omen's Community Club has on the south SIde of the street to "ork, formerly. neglecte? to a
us sno~v, ,!'fat-berth wi}l b<: a town Miss Chic-o' D'Putron also enter- Narberth post office will be open been postponed to 1'uesday after.. some extent,· and eventually, if large extent dunng the W1l1ter.
worth mVltlOg your fr1ends to come tained in Miss D'Pherow's honor, to receive mail and parcels from noon, December 30. Haverford avenue is paved, the
out and see. . . with bridge and a supper. at the 7,30 A. M. until 8 P. M., on Mon- The program at that time in- line of it will be moved over to the Mrs. Roland Kelley, of Stepney
• ' , Arc~dia -Restaurant Wednesd~y day, Tuesday and Wednesday, De- eludes a play by the Bryn Mawr -proper point. Place, entertained at bridge \Ved-
.,. Mr. and Mrs. Harry ~ollar, of 'e~~n~n~; T~eguests were:Mtsscember 22-23-24. Woman's Club and orchestra mu- If this is done, a part of the rait- nesday afternoon. Those present
-~- ·Gordon· -aven1.1e;- are- bem.g C011- -Vlrgtma_"';:H1PpJ~,,:-Mrs;':-Stanley ~··Be'sure'1o-have yotl1·-·hot1se'num~sie;.·;·--;·· . ' - ' - ' ..-'. road yard will be moved back, and wet:e, Mr~. Robert Cameron.-,Mrs•
. ~ra.tul~d., uP08theharrlval of Naabe,Ml~D' Ph,etow, Mr.. Rbb-~eredan.da.inair-recept~cle.or else' •... The meeting will be in the na-the o!d pos~ office building, now I!0l'ace Moore, ~Irs. Clifford Nar-
. .. etty .ae, on ecem. er 2. Mrs.ert .. S~rlett, Mr. Frank Tee~".yoltrmatl WIll haveM be caned for ture· of a. reception to the mem- occupied by the real estate office.r1gan, Mrs. VIctor A.bel, Mrs.
:. ,''f:~~.
. ~,oUartIetu~ridsfrodm ,the Bryn~:b"bS~dnley Naa~e and Mr. -Emestl1ot the post office. Fred C. Patton, bersofNarberth'~btherwoman's of Robert J. Nash would have to Franklin D~nloPI Mrs, Scott Sed- "->1
_..._ awl' .. OSp1 a .. un ay. 1 er.. Post M a s . t e r . o r g a n i z a t i o n . go. dan and MISS Florence Jacoby. '. ::1,

' ... ' .. i",'.

,~~;~:k~~~~~~~'~~::l~,;'~:j;:~~~~~:A:~-~~::;:';':'~:':~c~:S;,~to' ; , '
--- ..
(of which the Narberth troop is
OUR TOWN a part) won first place. The prize
A Co-operative Community Journal was an American flag with a
ASHCANS Presents for the Car
-Contractor and BoUder-

large scout pin on the top of the
Owned by tne Narbertb Civic AIIaoelation pole. District eight won first H. RICKLIN'S I Stop at our store and see the complete display of
and publlabedevel7 Saturda7 at
Narbertb. Pa.
place in first aid and in sewing.
Narberth, Pennsylvania
I quality accessories.
Philip Atlee Livingston
Hardware Store oOOm1OlO9:9:A:~ I Very suitable for gifts to your friend, or to your
BdUor Gnd Publlalulr
I own car.

The unnual ml'eting of the stockholderH
J. Richmond Magney
ABa00/4tll B44tor '
of this bank will be held at Borough Hall. COOK BROS. Prices are attractive. It pays to buy your ac- t
:-;'nrberth. Pa., on Tuesday, January 20.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One Dollar and 1ll:.!i'i. bl'tween tbe hours of 5 and 6 P. M. Leadership-a PLUMBING, HEATING, I cessories in Narberth.

}<'lft7 CentB per 7ear to advance fill" thl' election Ilf direetoM to serve for
Reward of Merit ROOFING

/ ~~~;:;~~~~~
tb(' ensuing ~'elll" ond the trnnssetion of

sn('h other bURinl'R" 11" mllY properly collie
b(·fllre the IDl'l'ting. The Travelers was the first Jobbing promptlJ/ attend4ld W.
J. L. McCRERY, Cashier. American company to write Nhrht Pbone. N.r....rth 68'1

Automobile Liability Insurance.
Today it is the largest auto-
mobile liability company in the
nay Phone. N.rberth I1G2
Phones: Narberth 1633 or 1203·W
..... .-.~~~~~----.-.~
held the lead.
It writes a good policy at a
Entered aa aecond-class matter, October fair price.
1Mb, 1914. at the Post Otfice at Narberth.
Pennaylvanla, under tbe act of Marcb 3.
Its representatives are every-
1879.· where. assuring prompt service.
Saturday, December 20. 1924 It is willing to write your
policy large enough to properly
protect you.
SCHOOL NEWS It deals justly with both A visit to our greenhouses will be rich in suggestion, There
On Friday the Eighth special r claimant and policyholder in
making its claim settlements.
you will find a wide assortment of flowers and plants from which
to choose.
class had a Christmas party. A play ~"! You make no mistake when
entitled "A Christmas Carol" was i you insure in The Travelers.
POINSETTIAS (in sizes) , $1.00 to $5.00
pa~i~~ ~:tb~;t~:r;I~:S ga\"e a play :,1 A~~~~~~L . '. 1 J. Baird Caldwell CYCLAMEN
,. $1.50
called "Virginia Visits Santa Claus." , Narberth, Pa. '
On Tuesday the boys' basketball
team played Lower Merion. The
' 'I
Bepresentlnlr the
I Over the Bank
Phone Narberth 1733
, $ .75 to $2.00
$4.50 up
~?:~i;~~r~a~~:. 15 to in Lower IO !~:.L:~~n:!:~:::e.~::aam1l!~~~iI~------------- FERNS AND FOLIAGE PLANTS
The Christmas \"acation will ex- ~~~~~~~~~~...,,_~~~,~,,~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~-'~~~
tend from Fridav, December 19, to
Monday, January the 5th. Our Specialty Is
Owing to the slwrt inten'al be-
tween Thanksgi ving and Christl1la~ Hair care. Upon the correct care o! y~ur hair
no plays were gi\"cn this year. How- depends much of its beauty. A~d ~n hke p.ro-
ever. the following program was portion will improper care result m It beco~mg
gi "en in the assemhly on Friday: permanently spoiled. Let us help you keep It at
Joy to the \Vorld. entire school; its best.
Origins of Christmas, Miss Jen-
kins; \\'hite Snow Fairies (3d and
4th graocs): It Came Cpon the
Narberth Beauty & Gift Shop
l\lidnight Clear. school: L:nder the 103 ESSEX AVENUE
Stars. solo, l:k'tt v Robb: Cl Little Narberth
Town of Bethl~hem. school: Oh
Holy l'\ight, ;\tary :YlacIntosh and
schaul; llark! the Herald Angels
Sing. sehoul; The !\ight Before
OPt'n Sunday Evenlnlr8 G to 1
W ft


'"' ".,

(By the Old Meeting House)

Christmas. Ernestine Hunt: The
Night After Christmas, Carrie
MARLAN Narberth 366 Narberth, Pa.
Douglass; Gather 'Round the Xmas First-Class
Tree. From the .Starr\" Heavens
High. Sixth Grades; "\\'atchman DELICATESSEN
What of the Night? school: Oh, 31 N. NARBERTJI AVE.
Come All Ye Faithful. Latin stu- Milk and Cream Burk Products· 1'1IIill!lIIl11ltllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllll1DlllllllllllllllllflIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111 1111111 IIIHIII1111111 !llIilJllJllDIIIl~lIliIIllIllIlIlIlIlIIllIIllIIllIllIlIllIlIlIlIllIllIllIllIlIllIlIIllIllIllIIllIIllIllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl11nllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllK
dents; Good King \\'enceslas,
school; We Three Kings of Orient
Are. Three Boys: Silent Night.
groups of children; The First ~o­
well, school.
.. ", . . . .


t Holly and Fir Trees and Mistletoe-' I

The Ninth grade ci"ics class has I t'
been collecting a fund til help the
Pennsyl\"ania Charter. I
They are all symbols of Christmas.
But what would they avail without the good cheer
I ,

Some of the Elementary classes radiated in a warm house, from a softly glowing fire- ,

ga\"e programs in their ow,; rooms.
place, in front of which to bask; a merrily. b.u rning
The standard tests that were heater,.to drive the chill and draft away; a plpmg hot
given all oyer the Cnited States
oven, to deliciously brown old Mr. Gobbler?
were taken by the pupils of the
Narberth schools and found to be And the symbols of such warmth are the products I
very satisfactory. we sell: I t.
On Friday. December 5. the bas- t
Lehigh Valley Coal at Philadelphia prices. I
ketball team playcd Kingsessing Re-
creation Centre and were beaten by
Cordwood , Oak and Hickory mixed, $20.00 a cord I
them with thc score of. 32 to 15.
The following Tuesday we played I
Phone, Narberth 375 I
Montgomery Day School, whom we I I
beat, 24 to 9.
A volley baii league has been
started by Mr. Oerlein consisting of
five teams. The teams and cap-
tains are as follows: '
Ninth grade. Suplee; 8th A
grade. Caldwell; 8th B grade.
Thomas; 7th A grade, Claypoole;
7th B grade, Banfield.
The games are:
January 20--8-A vs. 8-B.
January 27-9 vs. 7-A.
February 3-8-B vs. 7-B. A GIFT
February 1<>--9 vs. 8-A.
February 17-7-A vs. 7-B.
February 24-7-B vs 9.
March 3-8-A vs. 7-A.
That Keeps on Giving and Is SANTA HIMSELF
March 10-8-B VS. 9. will be on hand today to show the kiddies through our Toyland. Bring
March 17-7~B VS. 8-A.
The 'honor students for the sec-
Appreciated Twice a Year them around to meet Chris and while you are here perhaps we can
suggest something in toys or other articles that will help you in your
ond period are as follows:
First Honors- last minute shopping.
Grade IX-Jessie Richardson. The semi-annual coupons on a high grade bond
Grade VIII-William Hender- make this a thrifty form of giving money as a
son, Ruth Hopkins, Ernestine Hunt, Chrisfmas gift.
A lew suggestions
Katharine Smith.
Second Honors- While the principal is always safe and convert- The Go-Boy .. ~ $10.00 Kiddie Cars ,. $1.49 up
Grade IX-Robert Barclay, ible into cash when needed, it is in the meantime
Harry Messec, Ema Reesc, Betty
Robb, Borace Shenaman.
earning a good rate of interest. Doll Housel $1.69 up Teddy Bike $3.98
, Grade VIII-Elizabeth Terry. . Past history shows that bond prices are expected
. Grade VI,I~John Si\yder. to advance continuously for the next ~wenty~five
Scooter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.98.
: .Editots-Ruth Hopkins, Robert
.Stalken, Virginia Eyne; William· years, so-
Books .. , .. all kinds
'...... "NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY BONDS!" .at popular prices
. .. . Gtrl Scout News.
:·'On· Sat\lrday;December 6, the
Narberth Girl Scouts went to a
"Scout Rally," at Miss Wright's
School, in Bxvn Mawr. The Nar-
. berth girls' w1tn a tie for second
associated with
Narberth .Variety Store
.... place with Haverford. The Nat., . Incorporated 232 HAVERFORD AVENUE
,be~h' girls won first place insig., . Narberth 2210· NARBERTH~ PA•
.,,' , .·nalhng.andsecondplace in .the . Real Estat;e,Trust B\lliding
~~:, '~PIl's8~ctest'''''-''''-''''-:-T' -,~-; .• ,__ .c_ .• ,.:"" . -PhUadelphla .- ._ ..... - :.... OP!ilNUNTlL9' P. M.,DUBING HOLIDAY -wmEIt-S~ .
,,,;:';':':::,:There was 'il ."p~epatednesscon;'
\>:.·:tiest'-'· at the ,Court-Of Aw~rds in -Narberth. '1.230 Walnut 6616 . .
);:;., ';, . pr~ellristitute. ahddistricteig~t
.:. ',' " " '. • I " . ; ' • ,. • .
. . ~':
' .•.. t· o':." ~, ",:', ._.

• n .. • n

Of Mo'ntgomery County Anoelatlon To Be Added to Merion Title Build·

J. ALMAN Formed for That Purpose. Ing In Ardmore.
DENNISON'S The Montgomery County Good
Roads Association during the past
Workmen started last Monday to
build scaffolding as a preliminary
Ladies' and Gents' Tailor week planned to further work of to the erection of two additional
CHRISTMAS CARDS and Furrier modern highway construction stories on the banking building of
throughout the county, at a meeting the Merion Title and Trust Com-
A full line of Dennison's fine Engraved Christmas We make alterations of all kinds and do cleaning and pressing. held at the home of Assemblyman pany, at Ardmore. When Com-
We also remodel furs. Special attention paid to all kinds of Burd P. Evans, Fairfield farms, pleted the building will be one of
Cards, Crepe Paper, Tissue and Wrapping Paper, Labels, Trappe. the highest used for business pur-
Clothes and fur work.
Seals, etc. A call will be issued within a few poses along the Main Line.
days by the officers to the authorities At the same time the plans call
105 Essex Avenue
... . .
Phone: Narberth 2564
• • • -... u
of all boroughs and townships in
.. Montgomery county for the choos-
for construction of a large safe de-
posit vault and silver storage vault
ing of representatives as members in the basement. This will permit
Q.!ia5ii!Si!2!iCSi25i!5i!S2.!i25C5i!.25C5~t!5i!!2i2!ia5'i!5'2.52!i25ii!5i!.S'l!mil!Si!SilSi!~.. of the association, these to report at the removal of the present vault on
the next meeting, which will likely the main banking floor, so that the
Candies. The Best be held in Lansdale. bank lobby will be run through the
Several large highway undertak- space it now covers. The basement,
Shellenberger' 8 Famous Chocolates and Hard Candies ings, other than those already listed, where 4000 safe deposit boxes will
"The best in prices; the best in quality" is a motto that are being pill-nned for by the State be made available, will also be laid
Whitman's Candies-All Kinds out with a commodious reception
you will find we are faithfully sticking to in our new branch Highway Department and the
store in Narberth. It will pay you to drop in and let us County Commissioners, through room, numerous coupon booths and
means to be procured by the State, several conference rooms.
convince you that this is so. The two new stories will provide
county and the respective districts.
Gilts In our store you will at ways find a most'complete line The $119,000 to be received by room badly needed because of the
of selected fruits and produce. Montgomery county from a former ever-increasing business of the com-
Legislature appropriation will be pany, and will, especially, provide
The Largest Line of Toys Ever. Come in and see them room absolutely required by the
spent on upper-end roads, and the
Full Line of Cigars and Tobacco Cooper Brothers $208,000 of more recent allotment greatly enlarged title plant and set-
in Christmas Packages to this county will be used on the tlement rooms of the real estate and
HAVERFORD and NARBERTH AVES. Welsh road from Willow Grove to title departments. There will also
NARBERTH, PA. Lansdale. be offices provided above the main
Narberth 2554.
------- banking floor by the addition for the
"Just phone; we'll deliver" GOLF PARLANCE bookkeeping, analysis and statistical
DAVIS' :\ story is told of an English
Public access to the upper floors
hutler, named Milton, who took up will be provided by an electric ele-
The Oldest Store in Narberth-and Still the Best
• Winter Clothes .4ltered Fw's Remodeled
golf. He became so engrossed in
the game that he spoke thus at the
vator system running from the front
of the bank.
afternoon gathering of the Ladies' These changes will provide for
additional service to the community
Art and Poodle Fanciers' Club:
HEWIT'S "The tee is ready, madam, watch
and will enable the company to serve
still better its large clientele.
Christmas Pastry Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
your hook, Mrs. Brigham-Young!"
He turned to the slouchy debutante:
"That's a rotten stawnce, my lady."
There are at present 91 employees
in the Merion Title and Trust Com-
pany and it has been figured that
234 Haverford A venue 'Phone, Narberth 1254 Just then Mrs. Pomp de Pomp there have been as many as 400
asked for some sugar and Milton customers enter the bank in one
shot a lump square into her cup hour's time. The company has
We Call tor and Deliver from six yards. "A beautiful ap- 15,000 accounts. $0,300,000 in de-

• proach!" he snickered, So the lady

of the house had the groom "club"
Milton and "putt" him out and as he
was dragged along he muttered:
posits, and has just recently topped
the $8,000,000 mark in total re-
sources, making the company the
second largest in the county,
"Rotten form. But nothing links
me to that course. Tomorrow to MAIN LINE GIRL SCOUTS
fresh greens and fairways new."

Win First Honors in Winter Court of
What's in a Name? Awards.
I n a prospectus recently re- Girl Scouts of District 8, repre-
cei \'cd of the Philadelphi~ Civic senting 'Main Line towns, won first
Opera Company's repertOIre, we honors at the \Yinter Court of
find, among the artists, the name Awards last Satur<la\' at the Drexel
of Fred Patton. Institute.'
Place your order now for your Christmas ..\n<l so, we murmured to our- T k' g fi t I . tl1e sewing
Pastry, then you will be assured prompt and seh'es, \.'arherth·s cornetist-tenor dafi'm ,rds !)atCee.tlsn D1'strl'ct 0
· I "0 an rs t -al con s., . 0
careful attention. Of course we can handle last Ilas rtsel1
• ,. to gran( opera. ur scoreu-' ,,-
J:J pom. t s al ld gal'ned posses-
minute rush orders, too, but naturally the early T own ~ star repo~ter was sent on sion of the chief of three flags
tl~~ trall, only to dlscm'er that our awarded annuallv by the Philadel-
orders are best for both you and for us. Try our
c:ttz~ns ':ad be~n cheated of the phia Chapter of the A.me:ican Reyo-
old-fashioned Plum Pudding and Mince Pies. glo~) . I ostmaster Patten fir~ly lution to the three dlstncts maktng
denies a~y kn~wl~dge .of the stng- the best shOWIng. .

er maskIng hIS Identltv under a D" f th Yo I- oad sec '
similar name. - , IStrtct i, a e r, r. -
tlOn, took second place wIth. 40
points. District 3, of \Vest PhIla-
delphia, with first place in the nature
210 Haverford Avenue to look over your wardrobe and let us have those and one-minute oratorical contests,
,•• 1 suits and coats that need to be pressed up and
For Permanent gained the third flag.. The contests
Narberth, Pa. were sprung as surpnses, so that no
repaired for the Christmas holidays. We do Satisfaction preparation could be made by the
ladies' and gentlemen's work. Just phone us;
:-' "

we'll call.
BUY A "Why Philadelphia Girl Scouts
should work for the National Cam-
Smedley I
paign Fund" was the toP!C C?f the
one"minute speeches. DIstnct 6,
re'presenting Delawar~ c~:)t\nty, ~vas
placed second, and Dlstnct./, thl:d.
Cheering swept the hall, In whIch
Tailors, Cleaners, Dyers nearly 1000 khaki-clad Girl Scouts
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY were gathered, when Mrs, Dayid S.
Stern, chairman of the Court of
102·04 Forest Avenue 'Phone: Narberth 2602 Awards. announced the winners.
In presenting the flags, Mrs.
George M. Ball stressed the value of
Thol. A. Kerrigan & SOD the ideals of health, womanhood and

• n .. = '"' "' ....... Building and Contracting

Homes For Sale or Rent
citizenship maintained by the Girl
Scouts and declared that "if these
are carried out you will have done
MILK DOESN'T GROW IN Plans & Estimates much to raise the standards of the
Furnished For womanhood of the future."
BOTTLES! Alterations & Repairing
It comes from cows in the country, Some
dairies are forced to get their milk from 429 BROOKHURST AVE. Incomprehensible In Japan, Disgrace.
ful In China, Supernatural in
dairies a hundred miles away. It has to be
shipped in milk trains. That takes time.
Although the kiss is unknown, or
Scott-Powell "A" Milk comes from nearby
farms and is transported in our large, glass-
:=1 = ==:=:= =0:: :=: :=: :=: :=
Oftloe PhoDe, Narberth urn
BlllIldllDCle Phone, Narber.th ::GO
= = a:: at any rate neglected, in many pa,rts
of the world, nearly every natIon
has some form of salutation which
lined wonder trucks in just four hours. The
corresponds with the _ European
nearness of our farms and our unique transpor-
tation system Saves a Day and, gives you milk
Edward·J. Hartzell kiss. The Malays and the Esklmos
greet each other by rubbing noses.

Real Estate Aplong the Burmese the for.m, ~f

"Fruherby a pay" AUSTIN &.HARTZELL ' greeting which denotes' affection 15
to apply the cheek and draw a 10rtg
lnsurallce-Notary PubUc

. breath. In Iceland the people do' ,
, 226 Hav~~forcJ,:Avenue not understand the kissasa ,mode
of salutation, but it is r.egarded as
something belonging to the super-
natural. If a child is ill you will
sometimes see its mother solemnly
,. " , kiss the little one on the hreast-'-an .
LIGH'tHAULING , OF ALL invocation to the Supreme Being
that her child may be cured. ,
local, 01' .out 'at to...
" .' - "

The Japaneselovet'do~notsa.. .
45th &:itA!uusltSTS.' Quick and EmclentSrice lute his betrothed in oUr faShion. ' ( i " ..
". 'ile'fegards .kis$ing·as1l'q\Jeer'Jo~~c,';",":._·.:r.
_iO~1920mn"·"":;StiPilQ~.·····'''·''·w'.YOiUNG ."", ."'·p:-·i:·cj)UftY ".' eigncustom;it has no meaning to .:',: ',;jJ
I~-"'" .,.'_ _..- ~....""!W........... .ww.."""'_i._-....,.--... ~.,,
335 DUdiV-Annue
Ph.a., !t'III-.......·lta',;.,· '
him. In China the kiss is eonsiaer- 'r";":;'
ed disgraceful, '' '!.ij~;~
,~ ~;~?
.': >.'.•. '1' '. , .. '. • . , ;'.','.

.~ .. ,

WYNNEFIELD BUSINESS PLAN MERION APARTMENT _ _ _. . . ._.nllll....lUlDlllllllllmllllDlU.n.n.u.n....IDIII_... - I••III_

. ._ _a..__...
DI.trlct Growing Rapidly on Fifty- LADIES
Fourth Street,
Many improvements, nearly al I 0 f
$1,000,000 Structure May be Erected
Over Prote.ts of Re.ldents.
a business character, are under way --T~erection of a $1,000,000 Sunshine Thrift- Tee Service
on Fifty-fourth street in \-,,"ynne- apartment house in exclusive Mer-
field, from a point above Jefferson ion may be allowed over the pro-
street almost to City avenue near tests of numerous residents because !
Bala. A number of end residences of the omission of the letter "a" in
on the street have been converted a deed drawn four years ago.
into stores and several operation~ Whether or not the apartment house
of stores 'and apartments are al- will be built will be decided by 8c Per Lb. White Pine Capping j
most completed. The whole trend Judges Miller and \Villiams, of
of development along Fifty-fourth Montgomery county. . Lattice Strips i
street points to the conclusion that Harry B. Hoffman, paper box
it will be the business section of manufacturer, purchased a plot of
Wynnefield within a few years. No ground on Baird avenue between
business section is complete with- Hazelhurst avenue and Heath road
out a motion picture theatre. a.nd from George R. McAbee, operating
(Minitnum Bundle, $1.50)

All your Flat Work washed, ironed and sent home ready
to use. Your Wearing Apparel is returned to you just
Fifty-fourth street is to have a pic- as the Highland Avenue .Improve-
ture house in the near future, to ment Company, some tIme ago. damp enough to iron. i
• ...._
.......II•••IIIIU.II.II.IIIII.n.II._II.IIIII...IIIII.III1I.II.II.n.lI.n•••n••• O._.... III _
be built by the Stanley Company. Hoffman plans to build on this. lot a
There is little evidence of change large apartment house equIpped This THRIF-TEE Service will save you all the hard work C R ~ *CH><B"IUO<b e:e::e:a:e::lI08"lOm:e l1JQQle 8 e '
in the rest of Wynnefie1d. which, with a public dining room, a swim- of a Wash Day, and it is so moderately priced that you can
with Overbrook, its neighbor, con- ming pool and other features.
stitutes one of the finest semisub- The deed conveying the lot to alford to send your whole Family Wash.
urban residential sections within the Hoffman stipulates that the land is
city limits. There are many who to be used for no purpose "other
desire to live within the city limits than private residence." Samuel L. TRY IT-YOU'LL LIKE IT
with suburban surroundings, and to Borton, Hoffman's attorney, claims
those Overbrook and Wynnefield the deed should have been written
have appealed. "other than a private residence." SUNSHINE DAMP WASH LAUNDRY
On Estate of Dr. Wynn. Hoffman brought action under
Wynnefield is built largely on the the Declaratory Judgment Act 'Phone: Ardmore 949 ARDMORE, P A.
old c01,1ntry. e.state of ~:. Thomas passed by the Pennsylvania Legis-
\Vynn, physlcl?n to Wllha~ Penn, lature in 1 9 2 3, and in it Mr. Mc-
who accompaOled the propnetor on Abee Russel Brinton, George V.
his fi~st trip to America, and who Gergh and 12 other residents of
was gIven large tracts of land along Merion are named as defendants.
the M~in Line, afterward known as \V. J. Conlen, attorney for the de-
th; V\ elsh tract. A large part of fendants, raised an important legal
:'\'ym?efield and some of Overbrook point in declaring the act unconsti- As a dessert for your Christm~s Dinner or to serve as
IS bUIlt on th~ old George farm of tutional in that the judgment of a a light lunch to Christmas callers, F mit cannot be
45o.acres, which hegan ~o be ?roken question other than judicial has been surpassed. An assorted basket is a delightful gift
up 111 the ea~ly ~eventles WIth th.e imposed upon the courts by the Leg- to a friend.
d~~th of D~ vld (,eorge .and the dl- isJature. He says no legal contro-
\"ISlon of hiS large holdmgs among \'ers\' has been raised and that the
his six children.
Three hundred and h twelve d' acres
Cou;,t has nothing to determine
Iega II \'. .\
"I r. Con I en d ec Iares th a t WHITESIDE BROTHERS
o f t I1C tract were pure ase 111 1 7 20 such' a project as is proposed is
by Edward Gcorge from Edward clearlv Larred b' the restriction Cynwyd 841 Cynwyd 538 Narberth 369
...... Roberts for 446 pounds Pennsvl- '. . {I d

vama . money. Ed war d G eorge su'b- clauses

, 111 the ongma dee . .
sequently acquired other small tracts Hof1man plans to b~l~d a three- 128 Bala Avenue 237 Haverford Avenue
adjoining. The land passed from story structure contalOlI~~ apart- BaJa-CynwYd Narberth
father to son for more than a cen- 'l1;ents o~ one, four and SIX rooms.
tury and came into the possession 1 he lot IS 202 by 400 feet. Order It Now
: .' of Jesse George. a grandson of the
original owner, early in the nine- The Zoning Commission. •
teenth century. In 1839 he pur- The Zoning Commission of Now is the time to give us your order for that Mince
chased an adjoining tract of 13 Lower l\Ierion. consisting of ~'Iajor or Pumpkin Pie for your Christmas dinner. Our home-
acres from \Villiam Allen for 17 John L. Evans. \\'. H. C. Ramscy,
made pies are delicious and we urge you to phone us
pounds. 3 shillings. His son. David Andrew ~lacDonald. \Villiam G.
George. died in the early sixties, Frankenfield and Frank Seeburg- immediately to avoid last minute disappointment.
leaving the estate to be parceled out er. met Tuesday e\'ening and made
among his six children.
Part of Fairmount Park.
The City of Philadelphia took
about roo acres of the tract and The commiSSion is holding wnL FmD ATTRACTIVE
added it to Fairmount Park. where weeki v meetings and hopes to be
it still is known as Georges Hill. ahlc i;l a few months to present a
~:'.. ' The other grounrl was cut up into report to the Township Commis- 239 HAVERFORD AVENUE GREATER CONVENIENCE
cit}' lots and began to be sold off sioners.
in the early seventies. though neither Phone: Narberth 699
""... Christmas Cards-the most complete iine in
\Vynnefield nor Overbrook got "~uhscrihe to "Our Town." NARBERTH Narberth. Many attractive designs.
under way until some years later. _ WAYNE
Fine Stationery, Fountain Pens, Cigars, Cigar-
One of the greatest charms of ettes, Smoking Tobacco.
\Vynnefield is the rolling natuJe of A full line of Perfumes-Houbigant, Coty and
the ground. covered by forest many others.

growth of many years and inter-
sected by broad. winding avenues. Manicure Sets and Toilet Articles.
Almost any part of it or Overbrook Candy in Gift Boxes.
can be reached from City Hall by Cameras, Films and Supplies.
motor in about 20 minutes. Razors and other shaving supplies.
New "Shorthand" Sianguage of Our BRYN MAWR.
~:. '.
"There is a shorthand appearing
among the American 'go-getters'
which sends a shudder down the rr==============rt
Tel~phone: Bryn Mawr 882


spine of anyone who cares for the ~ 222 HAVERFORD AVE. Narberth 1620 H

right word rightly used," sa};s

Charles H. Iowne. in Harper's. ~ :+i,.... e!Ei·i;:.li.,Il··;:;··i~·j['I:rt:;!:£:!:i::i::!:'!:!:i:i::l:i::::i::!:!Ii:i:::l::!I::::I:r.I:i:!!:i::i!!!;m-.i!.ijti"'.'d,ffij.,e,'~
"The fundamental decencies and GRAVITY ALONE
niceties of our language are utterly GOVERNS PRESSURE
ignored by a new riff-raff ,,'ho have
taken complete possession of the
P4blicity field: and just as when
An Help _/,
La.tin went out of certain college Many persons believe that Electric
curriculums, a fresh evidence of
carelessness aod rush appeared in
our national consciousness, so an
the company is able to pump
directly into the pipe Iin~s Vacuum
W anted- '«~~D
added menace is seen in electric from the main pumping sta-
in a hurry?
signs which announce that 'vodvil is
given twice daily at this or that the-
tions, thereby increasing or Cleaner \,
decreasing the pressure to Unexpected company in the houSe-1l
the consumer at will. party in prospect-fee1ing not quite up
'«We are confronted, not with the
old and reliable 'restaurant,' but A lasting, useful gift tostanclard ? And a week's washing
Gravity alone governs pres- 8tanng you in the face-I
with. a hideous counterpart of it- sure in the company's entire that saves hours of dis-
'eats.' Into the rubbish heap has Just step to 'the phone. can our num-
gone the ,picturesque 'frankfurters,' . system (except between the agreeable toil for years. ber. and we'll have our representative
~ndin its pla~e has come----'franks,' pumping stations and dis- there in a tiffy to take this big load off
:.Realestate dealers are no longer A vacuum cleaner gath- your shouldel1iJo
tributing reservoirs or stand-
,content to be just that; they must pipes), comprising 680 miles Don'" hesitate to call upon us simply
".. be known as 'realtors.' And con- beCause you haven"t been sending us
"of' tran8~ission and- dis-
.··::,Verselywith a sort of roguish su- your bundle regU1arly-you'll find us
.', .periofjtythe good old ut:tdertakers . tributing mains. Only $2.50 Down just as. prompt and as amaous to please
~' ...

" ':In:,: Californ~~- p#ticulady,prder as thou,gh you were one of our old~t
'. .'poWadays to call thmese1vesgradilo- You canartange to purchase an Electric Vlicuum customers.
,. "q!leriHy "morticians.' . . Cleaner on very. liberal : terms, .$2.50 the small first
"pur column conductors are part-
·.'tyresponsible for this. 'Colyum' is
WATER payment. and the balance $5;00 per month. Total, $54,50.
Cash price, $49.50.
'. 'no ,doubt oow in the dictionary, Springfield Co.naolidated
•Phone' for a Vacuum Cleaner for a hee trial in your 'Phone: Ardmore 175
<-,though.I have not had the coutageWater Company
.:. to lqokand see. We have acquir~d own home.
'a'riew ~slanguage,' someone '. Will General Office:
btightly tell us; ,and alas t it is only
. tod. tnie,'.', . 1'6'.'1'.2 Ma'r'k'et', 'S' eet tr'

The Co:untiesGas and Electrlc Co.'

,~,.::::·.::.,'~·~;t~~~±a,.,;'~v"'"'~~""',~r:':"CH~·s""'lh"";8""·'··~""~o-'-:fu';"'··'·in""·'·"".n;"'-s·ro-riJlf '- - .,.-, . ~hiiadeIphia."-,,.•, .,•. .:.t:.:.;'....:~: '. ':':'-:'~'~;"L,~",~~"'_'__::";'~;~'';'';;_~ _:.~., _."';:7 .;.".•~ :'_.'~'" ::.._. :,'~,_...:...~_ ~.~: ~;._.c•• ,~. {_,'_'•. _"':;.~ :..,.:.:_.;.__•....;. ~;•.~.~ -.~:, . '__'... ,;;, .:......... ~: ,.;_
~~:"_ '.:, .d.re~tqry· .of 'pt'UJCesslve mer- .Ardmore 1.'T~ -B~'Ma~:327. -Wayne41 ......
- . . chants. ' Refer to them often.
I~==~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~;;J , ," .. ' . .
, ~m!m!m!iUh,!hi!i,liI.i!ili!mn!il8!i!ili!i!imi!m!Ui!i!i!i!i!iii!~8i!Ui!"!mnmUi!i'
. ' . . . "

.' : "
"~i ~

.......,:. :: ...
~" ...•.. '. '" . ~ ... . ." .. .
'; ' :~~: " .. ....

11I1..1..1 ..1..11I1..1"IIIIUIIII..I ..IIII ..IIIIIII"111I1111111111..11I1..1..11I1..1..1.. IIlIUlUlUllllnIIlIIlIIlIUIUIUlUlUlnIIlIIIIUlIlIUlUllr

''Ye Oddity Shoppe" I

Rev. W. Sheridan DaW8on, Mlnilter. --
:, N. R. PEACOCK :,,
~ ,
Services Sunday, December 21: Rev..RObert E. Kelghton, Pastor.
i! WE WISH YOU ~ : Inferior and Let us help you with that 9-45 A. M.-Bible school; Hon. ServIces Sunday, December 21,

! i , ,: last-minute gift. You will Fletcher W. Stites, superinten-

11.00 A. M. - Morning worship.
I ALL A VERY ! ,: Exterior Painting ,: find many attractive little
novelties which have been 11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Pastor Robert E. Keighton will
; ! : Kitchens and Bathrooms made : greatly reduced. Theme, "The Song of the An- preach. Theme: "The Perman-

Attractive, Bright and Clean
Will be ..lad to E.tlmate
Our new shipment of
Roycroft handiwork has
gels," special Christmas music
by the choir.
Anthems-HO'er tbe \Vorld in
end Element in Li fe."
2.30 P. M.-The Bible school will
hold its Christmas services;
,: 407 ESSEX AVENUE ,:

arrived and awaits your Silence Sleeping," by Horris; songs, recitations and an ad-
: Phone, Narberth 161l·W :
inspection. "0 Little Town of Bethlehem," dress by the pastor.
. __ ••' ••••• _•• __ •• ••,.t by Galbraith; "Christmas," by 7.00 .P. ~L-Young People's So-
Shelley. Clety. Ralph O. Claypoole, di-
GOODWEAR SHOE REPAIRING SHOP HARRY B. WALL 104 Forrest Avenue 2.3 0 P. M.-Junior service.
6-45 P. M.-Epworth League
re~tor; leader, Mary Palm-
devotional meeting. Topic: "Making Our Church
i 252 Haverford Ave. Narberth 1706·W ~ Plumbing, Gas Fitting
(In the Basement)
7-45 P. M.-Evening worship. Effective," 1 Cor. 12: 12 to 28.
~ ~ and Heating The choir will render a cantata 7.40 P. M. - E\"ening worship.
• e
UIII"'••lllnl..I ..I ..I .. IIII IIII1 I ..IIII..11111I11111111111111111111111111IIIIInllllllllllllll1ll1ll1ll1.111111111111 111 111111111..' ..IIII..IIIIIIIIII" "The Manger Throne," by \:V
ill" preach, theme, "Perspec-

Phone, Narberth 1602-J
School Supplies
on Sale at
Charles Fonteyan Manney.
On Tuesday afternoon, Decem-
ber 23, the Beginners and Primary
Departments will hold their Christ-
Tuesday Decemb~r 23· 192 4, 7.30
P. M.-Chns.tmas entertain-
ment of the BIble school.
mas party at the church. \Vednesday, December 24. 192 4, 8
Christmas WM. NEWBORG & co. DA VIS' On Tuesday evening. at R o'dock, P. !"f.-Prayer and praise
the Sunday School will hold their meetll1g', Leader. Pastor Rob-
Painting and Decorating Christmas celebration. ert E. Keig-hton. This being the
Display 212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa.
The prayer and praise service will
be held on Christmas morning at 6
fi~st Sunday Pastor Keighton
WIll preach. e"ery member
Phone. N ...berth I'nIB-W
o:clock, instead of \Vednesday e,'e- should try and attend.
Bell Phone, 8pruClll 88-98 and a8-ll'l
Key.tOlle Pbone, Baee '1o-lU
The-general public is im'ited to all THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
Justice of the Peace these services. Rev. John Van Nell, Minister.
Lamps REAL ESTATE GARAnteed Roofs LUTHERAN CHURCH Meetings for December 21, 192 4:
Fire Insurance-Best Companies M. E, McLinn, Paltor. All the services of the church to-
Phone 1749-W-215 Haverford Ave. Regular sen'ices December 21, morrow wi Il ~ch? with" the glad
IC)24: story ~f the :-\atl\:lty. ~ Come,
Phone Narberth 672 or 2215 W DAVID VERNON, JR
Sunday ~chool-9.45 A. l\T. I
~T()rning \\'orship-II A. M.
Let ~. s :\ctore Hl111-Chnst Our
At Very Attractive Prices Narberth Taxi Cab Co. GARAGES A SPECIALTY
Christmas Services by Sunday 9-45 A .. ~L-Bib'e school. Special
Walter Roser . Jobbing Sd1001-7.30 r. :\f. Chnstmas lesson. The Men's
Floor Lamps-Complete with Shade; Polychrome finish. Residence Office 28 HOMESTEAD AVENUE Senllon theme for \l1orning--":\ Bible .class me~ts immediately
Special at $14.00 126 Conway Ave. 215 Haverford Ave. Beechwood, Upper Darby P. O. Descending ]-[eawn." fol\lowlrng- mornlllg worship.
_ ,lffi.fiH*h.. +.~~=, . .__. .. . l\fuch care and hard work is being 11.00 : ..:\ . - ~Torning ~·orship.
Bridge Lamps-Complete with Shade; Polychrome finish. i:5 I I __......_._._•.:iioiiI..:.!....u...:-"i....:-:..;,\..;,\.JI_I.~.J.i,.i.I"i ....I.IlI~t.d,.jll!l~-~.::J~:;;;, gl\'('n to the preparation for the SpeCIal Chnstmas musIc by the
:1 11...11 C" lnstmas . , servICes and we are sure ch urll,I quar t e.
t "T
.' r. \' an Ness
Special at $10.00 1~:1 I:J I they will he good. There was a fine will preach on "The Angel's

Boudoir, Reading and Desk Lamps on Display 1::1 attendance at the morning sen'ice :\Tessag-e."
Complete Tree Lighting Outfit, $1.95 (8 bulbs, cord and plug). ~l, 1::1' and the T~unday. ScI~ool on last Sun- 11.00 .\. ;-'T.-Junior church in the
... ~.:., day. \\ e hope It WIll grow larger. IO\\-er room and the nursery in
Lionel Train. Radios from $35 to $425 j:'i : the upper room.
Electric Household Appliances. j;j , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 6·4.i r. ;-.r.-~enior Endeavor and
t:l Minimum, .~o cents. Price, 2 cents a I ntermerliate Endeavor meet-
j::l word. Thee insertions for the price of ings. All young- people -invited.
NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP j:1 two. Classified advertisements will be There were 78 in attendance
... ;
w. G. CASE, Mgr. i:! ~.,:"'.:.' ~fec~~t'e~ ~y htelephone from subscribe/'s last Sunday, which breaks all
H : e e ep one company. previous records.
Haverford Ave. Phone 2282 fl ~ FOR SALE-Lllrlie" Rift.. R1Hl<lll' IIIHI 7·45 P. Yr.-Evening worship. A
n ,;! hriell... rhl'1I1 1• Phonp Xarbpl'lh 61 ii-\\'o double quar~et of trained voices
It;;! AIREOALE Pl"PPIES for flail'. ('h~lII-
"I Iliou I)('''i~''l'('d ,tr:liu. Heu"ollable. :'i0;;
will sing Spence's beautiful
Christmas cantata, "The Story
r..:!, ].
~ :.!iiH-\\'.
I~· IIO!ll('wIH,ft 11'·"1111.... or pholl" Xarbl'l'lh of Bethlehem." lVlr. Van Ness
rl,1 A Radio brings right into your home the world's best 1,\1' will speak briefly on "The Mes-
d humor, the best music, the best speaking and the FOR SALE-O;;;: $.1ii :1Jl\;'~;"nx- I~I sage of the }\Jagi.'·
\.. ,...., ,pPllkpr. nond ll.' np\\,. "'ill d..mon,.tl'lllp. Ch I'"
How Old Are Your 1
;1. latest news.
I'J'I- $1 :.!.iiO. PhotH' ~ IIl'bl'l·t h 17:.!~-J.
r·1 "'ulkins' $10.000.000 Compau)' \\'nnl~ mlln In ",'11
t1 rc 1 "' otes :
The Christmas entertainment will
k enables you, no matter ' where you are located, to HOllH' ~ ..r'ps"ilip, in Xurb"I·rh. be held next :-'Tonday evening be-
. !

Insurance Policies? 1'1.;
eep rIght up with the daily happenings of the world.
With so much to be enjoyed why not have me install
a R a d'I f t ? d
)101'(' thnn 1iiO IIs.. d dllil.,·.
$i",O wpt'kl,\'.
•.'·i "'rl'la~'. 1)°1 11 !' '\ 111" 1 I' ". Ik'
In('onll' $:1;;· ginning promptly at 7.30. All are
Exp"!'iplIC'l' Ilnn"('('''''';I1·\,.
a 111" (,'
d' II . .
cor la Jv II1vlted.
:;!_ 0 or you 0 ay.
Th t . l'ttl th
e cos 18 very I e, e
>-'. ..'.
.I-:.·:.·:,;.:. JI~II.'·: 1;;;;-;,1l I'..,.r,\' "Irpl'!. :\",w York.
i 0111-
Prayer and praise meeting on
nj possibilities for entertainment unlimited. Christmas i
I,,! :". \. Christmas mornillg. next Thursday
pROPERTY insurance should keep step with
;1 gift sets to fit the pocketlJook from $40 to $550. IJ
SEWING MACHINES-All -makes 1'1'- at 9 hO :.c1oc k. This takes the place

changing property values. l. l.:' i.·I',',11 Jlnired. Libl'rnl allo\\"ance on old mll- 0 f t e usua. I \ Veunesda \.. evening
l-t rhine,. W39-J.
for Ill'\\' Singer. Phone Narberth
prayer meetll1g.
Once a year is not too ofteil to inspect your C. Roy Smith f:1 FIRST--C-HU-R-C-H-O-F-C-HRIST,
property with respect to insurance protection. ,. ESTATE NOTICE SCIENTIST
We will gladly make tbia inspection for you. If : ESTATE OF ANNA :\1. THOXELL, Woman's Club BUilding, Ardmore
your insurance is adequate, we win tell you so; About YOllr 1'adio troubles deccosNI-Lplters teslamentary on Ibe Ave., Ardmore, Pa.
1::\ llbo\'e eslllle havin!: been granted to Sunday se'c 11 A M
if not, we can give you policies that are backed
i,:l 22 Ardmore Ave. 310 Essex Ave. ,. thethe undersigned, all persons indebted 10
Baid estate Ilre requl'6ted to make
, r V I es, "
.Sunday school services, 11
by 132 yean of good service in the interests of
ARDMORE, P A. NARBERTH, PA. pll)'ment, and Ihose having c111ims 10 A. M.
property owners. I,resent the snme. without drIII~', 10 I W ~dnesday evening testimonial
Narberth 1683-W FHAKKLIN CANFErL, . meeting, 8 0 clock.
Ardmore 920 CARUIE H. CA:.\'FEL. Reading Room, 19 West Lan-
Robert J. Nash EXl'culors. 307 Gra)'!ing ave..
Narberlh. Po.
caster avenue, open each week-
day, 12 to 4.30 P. M.
The subject of the Bible lesson
Owing to the fact that the rpgular mel'(' sermon for December 21 is: "Is the
At Narberth Station Phone Narberth 1710 ing in Janullr)' fulls on a holiday the "aill Universe, Including Man evolved
meeling will be po,tponed until Fridny, by Atomic Force?" ,
Repre8MltlJlO the .Ianuar)· :.!. HI2i).
Narberth Pres., 23; Ardmore Pres.,
"The Oldest Amer!enn FII'1' and Marin.. Insurnn('e Compnn~'" 30.
Found...1 17112 The :'\arberth Presbyterians
ConauU VOllr (II811mn".. auent aJl 11011 ,oould /l'Jllr lawv..r or dooto,'
AGE 40· dropped their second game to the
$5000.00 Life Insurance protection Ardmore Presbyterians by the
for $52.65 net the first year c lose score of :lO-23 last week.
(1924 basis) By defeating the Cynwyd Presby-
terian Church basketball team last
,,,.....-----_........•.•••.•.•............•.....•••••; ,, Special Agent
111 South Fourth St., Phlla.
Saturday night, the red and white
quintet of the Narberth Epworth
f(... ' , , Phone. Lombard 8600
205 Forest Avenue, Narberth
League remained undefeated, and
held its lead in the Main Line
:, Ready For Christmas? ,,~ Phone. Nnrb..rth 1781 Church League.
~: '. .',:,
, League Stal)dingl.

,, ,, Immediate Funds N. E. L,
2 0
L. peT.
,:,The question of "What to Give" and the other queries .,,
The burning subject of the day is Coal Ardmore Prl·R. .,
Ardmore !llelh. .. 1
2 1.000
, of "price" and "where procurable" are solved daily ,, -can I get the kind I want, the grade -for good First MOTtgages and Narberth Pnls. .. 0
, b y the patrons of this store. Come in, look ar()und a ,'' Building and Loan Seconds. O~r
Oynwyd Pres.... , 0 1.000
, bit and it's a safe bet you'll settle
, your gift PJ'oblems , th~t burns bestin my stoves and get it service charge is is unusually
Cynwyd Meth. .., 0
Next Week'i Schedule.
2 .000

: right away and economically,· too. . : when I need it? Our answer is-Yes, reasonable. Thuraday, December 25: Ardmore Meth-
: A.full line of Ch,istnias Cards, Peifumea, Cameras, ~ if you order frowus, C. L. WEGEFARTH & CO.
odist vs Narberth Presbyterian, at Nar-
beth J. H. S" 8 P. M.
'. : Fountain Pens, Toilet Articles and similar thingsa~- ~ Friday. Dec\!Illber 26 : Narberth Metho-
,, propriatefor gifts. !,, 609· WIDENER BLDG. dist VR. Cynwyd Methodist. Itt Cyn~yd.
Saturllay, December 24, Ardmore Meth·


Narberth Winl,

i, HOWARD'S :, Union and BaJa Avenues NarlPertb 2818 Ardmore 188-.1

Narberth won from Penn Door
& Sash in the Manufactur.ers'
League in a hard-fought game,'
:_ The Brightest
_ .Spiit , inNOIf'berth
.. . '~ VERL PUGH 16-14, last wt.·ek. John Dicki~.

";}~"t A D>ua~~~~~SSf.~ T~l' C;-,d280 '. ..~~~, _::'::"~: ......

starred for the local .team 'while
Ogden was the bigmanforpenn-·:':'c~.
Door. Narberth led at halftime, ' ....•
1:.:' .' ,: . , :- ;. :.. ' JI ===============================~181.NUbenb, ... OI'll;rUa.. Aye.. Crlllk~
IIArdmO", A.....

~"i '.
1<';':," -.~,

.:. . .
': .
....; ~
. ."'- .

<;:-'. . . .
~~~s~~~~~ ~~~~C:~i'"~~~'~~~~;";~kLR1~?
. '0:: .. C" , , . . " . ' •• '.' , : :, ,'. . " , .',. • .'. • '. . " '." ' <

1925 New' Christmas· .Club


In line with serving our friends, the . No formality about joining. Just
public, in all possible ways, we are make the first small payment.
again conducting our Christmas Club
for the convenience of everybody, ·You .wilFhe agreeably surprised to
Weekly deposits are made through see how fast the money grows.
the year. In early December the·
.sp~ak to your friends and relatives
entire principal, increased by interest,
is paid back at· a time when it is about the Club. Youcanallsave
most welcome. at the same time.

The Start is Easy ·MONDAY. ·The .Fi~ish. is Pleasant

Requires a deposit of $5.00 each week for
the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925, .
you will receive a check for ·$250.00; plus
interest. .


.,' ", ' , ' ,

Requires a deposit of $2.00 each week for . Requires. a deposit of$i.OOeachweek for
the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925, the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925,
you will receive a check for $100.00, plus you will receive a check for $50.00, plus
interest. interest.


Requires a deposit of 50 cents each week for. Requires a deposit of 25 cents each week for
the next 50 weeks. On December 1, 1925, the next 50 weeks. On .December 1, 1925,
you will receive a check for $25.00, plus you will receive a check for $12.50, plus
interest. interest.

. " ' .




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