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Customer Relationship Management is about

Acquiring the right customer
Instituting the best processes
Motivating employees
All of the above
Q. Percentage or number of customers who move from one level to next level in buying decision process
is called
conversion rates
marketing rates
shopping rates
loyalty rates
Q. CRM technology can help in
Designing direct marketing efforts
Developing new pricing models
Processing transactions faster
All of the above
Q. uses sophisticated mathematical and statistical techniques such as neutral networking and
cluster analysis.
Data mining
Data survey
None of the above
Q. Relationship marketing includes
Protecting the customer base
Recognizing the lifetime value of the customer
Treating customer as assets of the firm
All of the above
Q. Method of measurement of service does not includes?
Follow-up survey
Mystery shopping
Post service rating
Q. what is the main drawback of CRM?
Implementing CRM before creating a customer strategy
Rolling out CRM before changing the organization to match
Stalking, not wooing, customers
All of the above
Q. which dimension is normally considered as important in the SERVQUAL?
Q. is not included in Direct methods of monitoring customer satisfaction?
Getting customer feedback through face to face conversation or meeting.
Getting customer feedback through third party agencies.
Customer loyalty
None of the above
Q. what is the cause of customer defection?
Poor customer service
New technology in the market makes your product less competitive
Both A & B
None of the above
Q. which are the Ways to analyze and control customer defection
Find out the average retention rate
Find out reasons for defection
Cost of retention vs. defection
All of the above
Q. which of the following statement is true
service is very difficult to standardize
product is very difficult to standardize
service and product both are very easy to standardize
Q. Which factors is considered an important to interact customer regularly?
Customer complaints
Customer loyalty
Both A & B
None of the above
Q. SERVQUAL includes?
Reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness
result, assurance, tangibles, perception and responsiveness
Reliability, assurance, perception, empathy and result
None of the above
Q. Post service rating can be described as
Asking customers before consuming service
Asking customers to rate the service after delivered
Asking customers before purchasing the service
None of the above
Q. What is the role of customer service in building relationship
Provides quality
Builds trust
Creates value
All of the above an assessment of the firm’s consistency and dependability in service performance
None of the above
Q. Difference between product and service in terms of their production is
Service is produced before consumption product produced at the time of consumption
There is no difference
Product produced before consumption and service produced at the time of consumption
None of the above.
Q. How can classification have done of Repair and installation services
Value-augmenting services
Facilitating services
Assurance services
Empathy services.
Q. Which is the service classification of museums and charities
Private non-profit sector
Government sector
Manufacturing sector
Business sector
Q. Heterogeneity of service means
Difficult to standardize the service No
two services will be precisely alike
Both A & B
None of the above
Q. Three Ps People, Process and Physical Evidence are belonging to
Service marketing
Product marketing
Both A & B
None of the above
Q. Difficulty of service marketing is due to which of the following
More complex market
No demand
Difficult to enter the market
Q. What is the reason of Centralized mass production of services?
None of the above
Q. challenges of service marketing includes
Standardization and customization of services
Both A & B
None of the above

Q. How the product shown in the crowded market is belongs to

None of the above
Q. Which segmentation classifies the customers according to their personality or natures?
Psychographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation
demographic segmentation
None of the above
Q. Which of the following statement describe Targeting?
Classifying the customers according to the similar need
Evaluate each segment and determine or select potential segment
How the product to be shown in the mind of customer
None of the above
Q. Niche marketing is belongs to
Gap marketing
Differentiated marketing
Concentrated marketing
Undifferentiated marketing
Which of the following factors belongs to geographic segmentation?
City, country, region
Age, religion, gender, family size, income
None of the above
Q. when the services provided or sold to customer do not fulfil their expectations is known as:
Critical incidents
Service failures
Service recovery
None of the above
Q. Reservation system provides what type of service?
Demand for service
Post purchase service
Pre-sell of service
None of the above
Q. What is the purpose of Reservation system strategy
Managing supply
Managing demand
Both A & B
None of the above

Q. in which of the following case of services, the waiting can be removed?

Uniform and consistent
Q. Age, religion, gender, family size, income are considered under which segmentation?
Demographic segmentation
Psychographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation
None of the above.
Q. Record which is based on business customers past purchases, sales price and volumes is classified as
business database
customer database
databases marketing
company marketing
Q. what is the full form of SLR.
State Liquidity Ratio
Statutory Liquidity Ratio
State Liquidity rate
None of the above
Q. the RBI provides loans or money to the banks at specific rate is known as
Repo rate
Reverse Repo Rate
None of the above
Q. Pricing of the educational offer, is typically characterized as
Consultancy fees
Medical fees
Tuition fees
Audit fees
Q. Educational services not includes
Banking services
Hotels and motels
Car rental companies
All of the above
Q. Number of customers or potential customers who will help in company's growth is classified as
customer base
retailer base
distributors base
marketers base
Q. Record which is based on business customers past purchases, sales price and volumes is classified as
business database
customer database
databases marketing
company marketing
Q. Tourism activities is belongs to which of the following industries?
Fashion and accessories industries
Computer and internet industries
Hospitality and travel industries
None of the above

Q. hospitality service industry not includes?

Advertising agencies
Hotels and motels
Car rental companies
Travel agents and tour operators
Q. Due to Covid-19 which sector is affected more?
Hotel and tourism
None of the above
Q. Recency in RFM model can be described as
When does the customer make their last purchase?
How often does the customer make a purchase?
How much money does the customer spend?
None of the above
Q. If organization marketing efforts is toward the existing customer base is known as
Excellent customer service
Conquest retention
Courteous retention
Customer retention
Q. In RFM model monetary can be described as
When does the customer make their last purchase?
How often does the customer make a purchase?
How much money does the customer spend?
None of the above
Q. which of the following concerned with Relationship marketing
Protecting the customer base
Recognizing the lifetime value of the customer
Treating customer as assets of the firm
All of the above
Q. Advantage of database marketing includes?
To highly personalized massages for both current and prospective customers
Improve marketing efficiency
Improve customer service
All of the above
Q. Customers complaints and customer loyalty are used methods of monitoring customer
Both A & B
Q. use of Data warehousing includes
Trend analysis
Financial forecasting
Logistics and inventory management
All of the above
Q. is the fundamental determinant of a person’s wants and behavior.
None of the above
Q. Which of the following statement is not true
Hotels and motels comes under hospitality service
Travel agents and tour operators comes under hospitality service
Courses for skills improvement comes under educational services
Advertising agencies are part of hospitality service industry
Q. For the rural areas, the socioeconomic system use of the chief wage earner.
Occupation and Type of home
Education and occupation
Education and type of home
None of the above
Which of the following activity is belongs to direct marketing?
Both A & B
None of these
Q. Social class is indicated by variables.
None of the above
Q. Record which is based on business customers past purchases, sales price and volumes is classified as
business database
customer database
databases marketing
company marketing

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