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1.110 Are the NAEP U.S. history scores approximately Normal?

In Exercise 1.113, we assumed that the NAEP U.S. history scores for twelfth-grade students are
approximately Normal with the reported mean and standard deviation, N(288, 32). Let’s check
that assumption. In addition to means and standard deviations, you can find selected percentiles
for the NAEP assessments (see previous exercise). For the twelfth-grade U.S. history scores, the
following percentiles are.

Percentil Score
10% 246
25% 276
50% 290
75% 311
90% 328

Use these percentiles to assess whether or not the NAEP U.S. history scores for twelfth-grade
students are approximately Normal. Write a short report describing your methods and

1.111 Are the NAEP mathematics scores approximately Normal?

Refer to the previous exercise. For the NAEP mathematics scores for twelfth-graders the mean is
153 and the standard deviation is 34. Here are the reported percentiles:

Percentile Score
Percentil Score
10% 110
25% 130
50% 154
75% 177
90% 197

Is the N(153, 34) distribution a good approximation for the NAEP mathematics scores? Write a
short report describing your methods and conclusions.
Percentile Score Score with
10% 110 109
25% 130 130
50% 154 153
75% 177 176
90% 197 197
1.114 Standardize some NAEP music scores.
The NAEP music assessment scores for eighth-grade students are approximately N(150, 35). Find z-
scores by standardizing the following scores: 150, 140, 100, 180, 230.

X = c(150, 140, 100, 180, 230)

μ = 150

σ == 35


 (150-150)/35 = 0
 (140-150)/35 = -0.2857143
 (100-150)/35 = -1.42857143
 (180-150)/35 = 0.8571429
 (230-150)/35 = 2.2857143

1.115 Compute the percentile scores.

Refer to the previous exercise. When scores such as the NAEP assessment scores are reported for
individual students, the actual values of the scores are not particularly meaningful. Usually, they are
transformed into percentile scores. The percentile score is the proportion of students who would score less
than or equal to the score for the individual student. Compute the percentile scores for the five scores in
the previous exercise. State whether you used software or Table A for these computations.


Valu Percentile (Table Percentile (Software)

e A)
150 50 50
140 38.6 38.8
100 7.6 7.7
180 80.5 80.4
230 98.9 98.9

1.116 Are the NAEP U.S. history scores approximately Normal?

In Exercise 1.113, we assumed that the NAEP U.S. history scores for twelfth-grade students are
approximately Normal with the reported mean and standard deviation, N(288, 32). Let’s check that
assumption. In addition to means and standard deviations, you can find selected percentiles for the NAEP
assessments (see previous exercise). For the twelfth-grade U.S. history scores, the following percentiles
are reported:
Percentile Score
10% 246
25% 276
50% 290
75% 311
90% 328
Use these percentiles to assess whether or not the NAEP U.S. history scores for twelfth-grade students are
approximately Normal. Write a short report describing your methods and conclusions.


We already have the percentile score. The Normal distributions are described by bell-shaped,
symmetric, unimodal density curves. The mean μ and standard deviation σ completely specify
the Normal distribution N(μ, σ). The mean is the center of symmetry, and σ is the distance from
μ to the change-of-curvature points on either side. All Normal distributions satisfy the 68–95–
99.7 rule

Prercentile Score Score with N(288, 32)

10% 246 258
25% 276 276
50% 290 290
75% 311 311
90% 320 316,4

1.117 Are the NAEP mathematics scores approximately Normal?

Refer to the previous exercise. For the NAEP mathematics scores for twelfth-graders the mean is 153 and
the standard deviation is 34. Here are the reported percentiles:
Percentile Score
10% 110
25% 130
50% 154
75% 177
90% 197
Is the N(153, 34) distribution a good approximation for the NAEP mathematics scores? Write a short
repord describing your methods and conclusions.


Using the N(153, 34) distribution, we find the values corresponding to the given percentiles as given
below (using Table A). The actual scores are very close to the percentiles of the Normal distribution.
Prercentile Score Score with N(153, 34)
10% 110 109
25% 130 130
50% 154 153
75% 177 176
90% 197 197

1.118 Do women talk more?

Conventional wisdom suggests that women are more talkative than men. One study designed to
examine this stereotype collected data on the speech of 42 women and 37 men in the United
A. The mean number of words spoken per day by the women was 14,297 with a standard
deviation of 6441. Use the 68–95–99.7 rule to describe this distribution.
B. Do you think that applying the rule in this situation is reasonable? Explain your answer.
C. The men averaged 14,060 words per day with a standard deviation of 9056. Answer the
questions in parts (a) and (b) for the men.
D. Do you think that the data support the conventional wisdom? Explain your answer.
Note that in Section 7.2 we will learn formal statistical methods to answer this type of

1.119 Data from Mexico.

Refer to the previous exercise. A similar study in Mexico was conducted with 31 women and 20
men. The women averaged 14,704 words per day with a standard deviation of 6215. For men the
mean was 15,022 and the standard deviation was 7864.
A. Answer the questions from the previous exercise for the Mexican study.
Jawab :
Rentang diberikan dalam tabel di bawah ini
Women Men
68 % 8489 ke 20,919 7158 ke 22,886
95 % 2274 ke 27,134 -706 ke 30,750
99.7 % -3941 ke 33,349 -8570 ke 38,614

Dalam kedua kasus, beberapa batas bawah negatif, yang tidak masuk akal, ini terjadi
karena distribusi wanita pingsan, dan distribusi pria outlier. Bertentangan dengan
kebijaksanaan konvensional, rata-rata pria sedikit lebih tinggi, meskipun outlier
setidaknya sebagian bertanggung jawab untuk itu.

B. The means for both men and women are higher for the Mexican study than for the U.S.
study. What conclusions can you draw from this observation?
Cara menunjukkan bahwa pria dan wanita mexician cenderung berbicara lebih dari
orang-orang dari jenis kelamin yang sama dari U.S

1.120 Total scores.

Here are the total scores of 10 students in an introductory statistics course:
62 93 54 76 73 98 64 55 80 71
Previous experience with this course suggests that these scores should come from a distribution
that is approximately Normal with mean 72 and standard deviation 10.
A. Using these values for μ and σ, standardize the scores of these 10 students.
B. If the grading policy is to give a grade of A to the top 15% of scores based on the
Normal distribution with mean 72 and standard deviation 10, what is the cutoff for an
A in terms of a standardized score?
C. Which of the 10 students earned a grade of A in the course? Show your work.

1.121 Assign more grades.

Refer to the previous exercise. The grading policy says that the cutoffs for the other grades
correspond to the following: bottom 5% receive F, next 10% receive D, next 40% receive C, and
next 30% receive B. These cutoffs are based on the N(72, 10) distribution.
A. Give the cutoffs for the grades in this course in terms of standardized scores.
F = - 1.645
D = -.04
C = 0.13
B = 1.04
B. Give the cutoffs in terms of actual total scores.
F = di bawah 55.55
D = Antara 55.55 dan 61.6
C = Antara 61.6 dan 73.3
B = Antara 73.3 dan 82.4
A = Di atas 82.4

C. Do you think that this method of assigning grades is a good one? Give reasons for your
Ya, dengan metode ini akan mendapatkan nilai bervariasi

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