Research Review: Modelling Disease Spread and Control in Networks: Implications For Plant Sciences

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Research review
Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Modelling disease spread and control in

networks: implications for plant sciences

Author for correspondence: Mike J. Jeger1, Marco Pautasso1, Ottmar Holdenrieder2 and Mike W. Shaw3
Marco Pautasso 1
Division of Biology, Imperial College London, Wye Campus, Kent TN25 5AH, UK; 2Institute of
Tel: +44 (0)20 759 42816
Fax: +44 (0)20 759 42669 Integrative Biology, Department of Environmental Sciences, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule,
Email: 8092 Zurich, Switzerland; 3The University of Reading, School of Biological Sciences, Lyle Tower,
Received: 13 December 2006 Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AS, UK
Accepted: 9 January 2007


Key words: complex networks, disease Networks are ubiquitous in natural, technological and social systems. They are of
management, epiphytotics, landscape increasing relevance for improved understanding and control of infectious diseases
pathology, network structure, plant of plants, animals and humans, given the interconnectedness of today’s world.
pathogens, small-world, spatial dispersal. Recent modelling work on disease development in complex networks shows: the
relative rapidity of pathogen spread in scale-free compared with random networks,
unless there is high local clustering; the theoretical absence of an epidemic threshold
in scale-free networks of infinite size, which implies that diseases with low infection
rates can spread in them, but the emergence of a threshold when realistic features
are added to networks (e.g. finite size, household structure or deactivation of links);
and the influence on epidemic dynamics of asymmetrical interactions. Models
suggest that control of pathogens spreading in scale-free networks should focus on
highly connected individuals rather than on mass random immunization. A growing
number of empirical applications of network theory in human medicine and animal
disease ecology confirm the potential of the approach, and suggest that network
thinking could also benefit plant epidemiology and forest pathology, particularly in
human-modified pathosystems linked by commercial transport of plant and disease
propagules. Potential consequences for the study and management of plant and
tree diseases are discussed.

New Phytologist (2007) 174: 279 –297

© The Authors (2007). Journal compilation © New Phytologist (2007)

doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02028.x

of the relations between them. From both perspectives, networks

Introduction are models applicable to a wide variety of natural, technological
Much scientific work is currently focusing on the properties and social systems (e.g. Strogatz, 2001; Albert & Barabási,
of networks (see Barabási & Albert, 1999; Newman, 2003; 2002; Table 1). Networks can be of interest to plant scientists
papers cited therein). From a physical point of view, networks when they are formed by a physical structure, when they refer
may involve transport of energy, matter or information. From to abstract relationships between connected entities (e.g. different
a mathematical standpoint, networks are sets of elements and species), and when they underline processes or flows in a structure. 279
280 Review Research review

Table 1 Examples of natural, technological and social networks that have been the object of recent analyses

Network Type Examples of references

Prebiotic mutually catalytic pathways V Shenhav et al. (2005)
Microbial phylogenies (horizontal and vertical transfer of genes between microbes) SF Kunin et al. (2005)
Cellular and metabolic dynamics (interactions of cellular components and biochemical molecules) SF Jeong et al. (2000);
Albert (2005)
The topology of food webs (who eats whom in ecological communities) V Dunne et al. (2002);
Woodward et al. (2005)
Neural networks (the connections between neurons of e.g. the nematode SW Watts & Strogatz (1998);
Caenorhabditis elegans) Humphries et al. (2006)
Ant nests (a set of chambers interconnected by galleries) N Buhl et al. (2004)
Amphibian meta-populations in ponds SF Fortuna et al. (2006)
Bats roosting in hollow trees SF Rhodes et al. (2006)
Foraging walks of primates SF Boyer et al. (2006)
Spatially remote thunderstorms SW Yair et al. (2006)
The Earth’s climate system (e.g. the correlations of monthly pressures on a 5 by 5 degrees grid) SW Tsonis & Roebber (2004)
Earthquake networks (links between strongly correlated earthquake events) SF Baiesi & Paczuski (2005)
Syllable and word webs (the co-occurrence of syllables in words and of words in sentences) SF, SW Cancho & Solé (2001);
Soares et al. (2005)
The decomposition of even numbers into two prime numbers (following the Goldbach conjecture) SW Chandra & Dasgupta (2005)
Railways (stations and connecting trains) SW Sen et al. (2003)
Urban street networks (streets and intersections) SW Jiang & Claramunt (2004)
Electric power grids (power generators, substations, high-voltage transmission lines) SF Amaral et al. (2000);
Chassin & Posse (2005)
Air transport (airports and connecting flights) V Barrat et al. (2004a);
Guimerá et al. (2005)
The Internet (transit backbone providers and their nodes) V Gorman & Malecki (2000);
Pastor-Satorras et al. (2001)
Computing grids (a set of processors connected by some kind of communication network) V Costa et al. (2005)
Software maps (the topology of complex software systems) V Valverde & Sole (2005)
Electronic circuits in computers (logic gates connected by wires) SW Cancho et al. (2001)
Family networks (who is related to whom) SF Coelho et al. (2005)
Friendship groups (who knows whom) SW Milgram (1967);
Amaral et al. (2000)
Bookworm contacts (book buyers spreading recommendations) SF Sornette et al. (2004)
Links between Wikipedia articles SF Capocci et al. (2006);
Zlatic et al. (2006)
The World Wide Web (links to web pages) V Adamic (1999);
Bornholdt & Ebel (2001)
Virtual learning communities (cultural transmission as contagion) ? Giani et al. (2005)
Medieval heresies and inquisition SF? Ormerod & Roach (2004)
Committees (who is in a meeting with whom) ? Porter et al. (2005)
Telephone calls (sets of people with whom a telephone user communicates) SF Xia et al. (2005)
Email patterns (electronic messages between email addresses) SF Ebel et al. (2002)
Co-authorship groups (who does research with whom) SF Newman (2001);
Barber et al. (2006)
Citation webs of scientists (who cites whom) SF Seglen (1992)
Terrorist groups (webs of perpetrators of terror attacks) V Qin et al. (2005)
Financial fluctuations (e.g. the cross-correlations of stock prices) SF Boginski et al. (2005)
Innovation flows (e.g. the flow of technological improvements from firm to firm) SF Di Matteo et al. (2005)
Human movements (tracked for instance following the dispersal of bank notes) SF Brockmann et al. (2006)
The UK horse racing network SW Christley & French (2003)
The world trade web (trade relationships between different countries) V Serrano & Boguñá (2003)
Sexual partnerships V Kretzschmar (2000)

Network types (SF, scale-free; SW, small-world; V, various types; N, none of the previous types) are assigned on the basis of the references
provided and do not rule out the possibility that other studies of networks of a similar nature may suggest a different structure. For other
references the reader is referred to reviews by, for example, Albert & Barabási (2002), Dorogovtsev & Mendes (2002) and Newman (2003).

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Table 2 Idealized network types discussed in the text (see Fig. 1 for a visual representation)

Type Description Properties Examples of references

Local Neighbourhood connectivity High clustering, Harris (1974); Keeling & Eames (2005);
(typically regular lattices) high path length Shirley & Rushton (2005a)
Random Nodes connected with Low clustering, Erdos & Renyi (1960); Bollobás (1985);
probability P (Erdos–Renyi network) low path length Roy & Pascual (2006)
Small-world Local network rewired with High clustering, Watts & Strogatz (1998); Barrat & Weigt (2000);
shortcuts (Watts–Strogatz network) low path length Moore & Newman (2000)
Scale-free Nodes preferentially connecting Proportion pk of vertices Barabási & Albert (1999); Balthrop et al. (2004);
to hubs (Barabási–Albert network) connected to k other Hwang et al. (2005); Newman (2005a)
vertices drops with increasing
k as k–α for some constant α

Network theory (e.g. Bollobás, 1979; Chartrand, 1985;

Chen, 1997) has many practical biological applications in
Modelling work
plant sciences, for example biochemical networks (Aloy & Epidemiological approaches based on networks study indivi-
Russell, 2004; Arita, 2005; De Silva & Stumpf, 2005; Green duals and their contacts as a set of vertices (also known as
& Sadedin, 2005; Proulx et al., 2005; Sweetlove & Fernie, nodes, i.e. susceptible/infected entities) and connecting edges
2005; Uhrig, 2006), which form much of the focus of what (links and infection events) (e.g. May & Lloyd, 2001; Pastor-
is now termed systems biology. But epidemiological studies Satorras & Vespignani, 2001a; Newman, 2002). The contact
are also interesting dynamical problems in a system of con- patterns between susceptible and/or infected individuals form
nected entities (e.g. Matthews & Woolhouse, 2005; Zheng a network, which can be classified into various types (Table 2;
et al., 2005). A number of papers have summarized recent Fig. 1). In the approach most obviously related to network
work modelling the spread of diseases in networks (to which theory, disease has been modelled on regular lattices, where
we refer for more details, elaboration and perspectives; e.g. the probability of infection being passed to neighbouring cells
Wallinga et al., 1999; Watts, 1999; Koopman, 2004; Keeling on a grid can be constant (zero-dimensional models, or mass-
& Eames, 2005; Keeling, 2005b,c; Shirley & Rushton, action mixing; e.g. Anderson & May, 1991; Filipe & Maule,
2005a; May, 2006; Parham & Ferguson, 2006). However, most 2004) or random (epidemics in random graphs; e.g. Barbour
of this work has focused on human and animal diseases, thus & Mollison, 1990), or can decrease as a certain function of the
raising the question of whether a similar approach may also be distance from an infected cell (typically producing travelling
beneficial in plant and forest pathology. waves as in continuum models; e.g. Marchand et al., 1986;
The relevance of network theory to the epidemiology of Zadoks & Van den Bosch, 1994; Van den Bosch et al., 1999;
plant diseases is demonstrated by the growing literature on: Russell et al., 2004). For plants, a further distinction can be
how landscape patterns affect the spread and establishment of drawn between models that operate in a landscape of a more
plant pathogens; large-scale site topographic, climatic and or less fragmented natural environment and those studying
edaphic characters predisposing to plant disease risk; and host the behaviour of trade-based networks.
and pathogen genetic variation across their geographical However, real populations rarely fall exactly into one of
distribution. New genetic tools enable a much more precise these idealizations, being neither completely artificial nor
study of the dispersal of organisms on a geographic scale (e.g. natural, and neither perfectly well-mixed, nor completely
Banke & McDonald, 2005; Garrett et al., 2006; Stukenbrock random, nor located on regular lattices (e.g. Mollison, 1977;
et al., 2006), and many questions in large-scale epidemiology Shaw, 1994; Kuperman & Abramson, 2001; Blyuss, 2005).
can be conveniently framed in terms of network theory. In Networks where connectivity is neither local, nor regular nor
this review, we recapitulate important results of modelling random but something in between these three extremes are
work on disease spread and control in networks, present dubbed ‘small-world’ networks, because the shortest path
empirical studies applying network theory to a number of case length between individuals increases only logarithmically
studies of human and animal pathologies, and discuss poten- with increasing size of the network (Table 2; Fig. 1). It is on
tial consequences for plant disease epidemiology (e.g. Gilli- these small-world networks, where global distances are low
gan, 2002; Jeger, 2004; Burdon et al., 2006) and for landscape and local interconnectedness (clustering) is high (Petermann
pathology, which is the study and management of tree diseases & De Los Rios, 2004; Roy & Pascual, 2006), that many
on a larger scale than previously common and making use of modellers have focused their recent epidemiological work.
the tools of landscape ecology (e.g. Geils, 1992; Holdenrieder Another type of network that has been the object of much
et al., 2004; Lundquist & Hamelin, 2005; Pautasso et al., investigation is the scale-free network. In scale-free networks,
2005). the probability that a given node has k connections follows an

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Fig. 1 Four basic kinds of network structure:

(a) local, (b) random, (c) small-world, and
(d) scale-free. Graphs are networks of 100
individuals with a constant number of links.
The circular layout does not reflect the spatial
arrangement of nodes.

inverse power-law distribution (Table 2; Fig. 1). This is called infection is influenced by the contact structure in the first
the degree distribution of the network. Illustrations of such a phases of the epidemic (Gallos & Argyrakis, 2003; Brauer,
scale-free distribution in real-world networks can be found in 2005; Saramäki & Kaski, 2005). Depending on where it
many recent papers (e.g. Shirley & Rushton, 2005b; Barber originated, the first phase of an epidemic in a scale-free
et al., 2006; Montoya et al., 2006). Most scale-free networks network is often marked by super-spreading events, in which
have small-world properties (e.g. Amaral et al., 2000), but a few infected entities with high numbers of connections are
there are scale-free networks with low clustering, which are responsible for the vast majority of infections (Barthélemy
thus not small-worlds, and there are small-world networks et al., 2004; Brauer, 2005; Duan et al., 2005; James et al.,
that are not scale-free (see e.g. Jiang & Claramunt, 2004; 2007). An immediate finding is thus that infectious diseases
Humphries et al., 2006). A particular class of networks with can spread more easily in scale-free and small-world networks
both scale-free and small-world properties is called Apollonian than in regular lattices (e.g. Watts & Strogatz, 1998; Kuperman
networks (e.g. Andrade et al., 2005), but there are many kinds & Abramson, 2001) and random networks (Kiss et al., 2006a;
of network with both scale-free and small-world properties Matthäus, 2006), although spread is less predictable because
that are not Apollonian (e.g. Matsuyama et al., 2005; Palotai of more stochasticity during the very early stages of the epidemic.
et al., 2005). Each type of complex network described here High degrees of local clustering can lead to a less than
can be embedded in space (e.g. Rozenfeld et al., 2002; exponential spread of diseases even at the very beginnings of
Barthélemy, 2003; Morita, 2006). The distance between epidemics (Szendrøi & Csányi, 2004; Verdasca et al., 2005).
two nodes will be reflected in the strength of the connection A second major result of models is that, in small-world
between them, although it will not necessarily be the only networks, the threshold for an epidemic to occur decreases as
determinant. This is of particular interest to plant scientists, a power-law with increasing number of shortcuts (long-
as a plant lives in a single physical location. distance infections) (Zekri & Clerc, 2001). As a result of the
Epidemiological models in networks can be roughly sub- heterogeneity in the number of links per node, epidemics in
divided into those pertaining to disease spread and those scale-free networks of infinite size theoretically never die out,
pertaining to disease control, although the interrelations are no matter how low the basic reproduction rate is (Pastor-
obvious. Throughout, for ease of readability, mathematical Satorras & Vespignani, 2001b; Moreno et al., 2002b; Boguñá
assumptions and notations of models are not reported from et al., 2003; Barthélemy et al., 2005). Therefore, in scale-free
the original papers, to which interested readers are referred. networks, in order to correctly estimate R0, some measure of
the variance in the degree distribution of contacts is needed
(Woolhouse et al., 2005; Ferrari et al., 2006; Green et al., 2006;
Disease spread in networks
May, 2006). The concept of a basic reproduction number R0
Recent work on disease spread in networks shows that the comes from studies of disease spread in homogenous landscapes
probability of an epidemic occurring following an initial (e.g. Heesterbeek, 2002; Brauer, 2005; Green et al., 2006; for

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plant epidemiology, e.g. Jeger, 1986; Jeger & van den Bosch, of scale-free networks of infinite size to plant networks in
1994). It is defined as the number of secondary infections today’s globalized world. It would also be interesting to know
caused by a single infective individual introduced into a how relevant the distinction established by these thresholds
wholly susceptible population, and depends normally on: the is for real epidemics. These might be theoretically unstable, but
number of potentially infectious contacts per individual; the last sufficiently long to make the threshold irrelevant in practice.
probability of infection per contact between infectious and A third take-home message is that more complicated models
susceptible individuals; and the duration of infection (e.g. also have an epidemic threshold. Thresholds are predicted
Giesecke, 1994; Hethcote, 2000; Lloyd-Smith et al., 2005; in networks with high local clustering (Eguíluz & Klemm,
May, 2006). If R0 is less than 1 in a homogeneous population, 2002), in models taking into account differences in the rate of
epidemics fail to establish. infection for individuals with different connectivity (Olinky
In networks in which the probability of a node having a & Stone, 2004), and, depending on the initial density of
certain number of contacts decreases exponentially as the number infection, in models of disease spread in scale-free networks
of contacts increases, which are therefore not scale-free, a thresh- created by the deactivation of links with probability inversely
old R0 exists even in case of an infinite size (Pastor-Satorras proportional to their number of connections (Moreno &
& Vespignani, 2001a). This is because the transmissibility Vázquez, 2003). Similarly, the combined effects of ageing
scales in non-scale-free networks with the average degree (older individuals in a network differing in their susceptibility)
(number of connections), whereas in scale-free networks it and removal of links (dead individuals may no longer be con-
scales with the variance of the degree distribution. For an epi- nected to susceptible ones) on epidemic dynamics in scale-free
demic threshold to be absent (in the infinite size limit, and networks lead to a critical value of effective links in the net-
with the exponent of the power-law smaller than 3; see work below which only local spread of disease takes place
Table 2), the connectivity of the network must thus be scale- (Chan et al., 2004; see also Amaral et al., 2000). The epidemic
free. A scale-free connectivity (i.e. a linear decrease in log-log threshold in community networks (where there are groups of
space of the number of links per node with increasing number individuals with more connections between them than with
of nodes in a network) implies the existence of hubs, or highly individuals outside the group), however, is still lower than in
connected nodes. These hubs are largely responsible for the a random network, other things being equal (Liu & Hu, 2005).
observed differences between processes (not only epidemio- This issue is of relevance for plant diseases, because plants
logical) modelled on scale-free networks and other kinds of in a field, forest or nursery may be at risk of infection from
complex networks (e.g. Amaral et al., 2000). The key role of pathogens present on plants in the same location, but also from
hubs is corroborated by the finding that not only is the epi- longer distance movements of disease propagules from other
demic threshold lower in scale-free networks, but the time fields, forests or nurseries (e.g. Parnell et al., 2006; Shaw et al.,
needed for equilibrium levels of infection to be reached is 2006).
shorter (e.g. Shirley & Rushton, 2005a). However, in scale-free networks with household structure
Work demonstrating the absence of an epidemic threshold (which enables a distinction between infection among and
in scale-free networks of infinite size is not a mathematical within households (Bian, 2004); for plant meta-populations,
irrelevance, because, although scale-free networks of finite size the concept of household may be conveniently thought of in
(with cut-offs at the lower and higher ends of the distribution terms of farms, pathosystems, or pathoregions (see Holden-
of connections) have thresholds, neglecting long-distance rieder et al., 2004)), models predict that a disease can spread
connectivity still leads to an overestimation of the epidemic through the network even if the recovery rate in single house-
threshold in finite populations (May & Lloyd, 2001; Pastor- holds is greater than the local infection rate (Liu et al., 2004).
Satorras & Vespignani, 2002a; Joo & Lebowitz, 2004; Hwang However, as for homogenous networks, Grabowski & KosiNski
et al., 2005; Ying et al., 2005). Whether or not epidemic (2004) have found that in household networks disease spread
thresholds are really lower in real-world heterogeneous land- is slower when there is much local clustering. The same
scapes than in homogenous ones is an interesting question authors have reported that, in these household network
and requires field work for it to be tested also empirically. models, diseases with a lower rate of spread have a greater
Whether or not scale-free networks are relevant for plant probability of surviving endemically. This finding is in agree-
meta-populations will be discussed in detail later in the review ment with the general theory of disease spread when there is
(see ‘Potential implications for plant and forest pathology’). a high variance in contacts between individuals (Anderson &
Suffice it to say for now that, although plant networks are finite May, 1991). Household structure also introduces into models
(the world’s circumference has an order of magnitude of 107 m, an asymmetry between individuals inside groups and individuals
and individual leaves of diseased plants are around 10−2 m, connecting groups, with a higher probability of infection
which would give potentially 10 orders of magnitude), if an from connecting individuals to those within a household than
epidemic were to spread around the world during a period vice versa (Meyers et al., 2003).
substantially longer than its time of local development, then A fourth general finding is thus that asymmetries can have
it might not be too far-fetched to apply results from models an influence on disease spread in networks. It is known that

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models with symmetrical interactions are often unrealistic individual field, and by the intermixing of resistant varieties
approximations of real systems (e.g. Bauch & Galvani, 2003; and species at the landscape level.
Bascompte et al., 2006; Chavez et al., 2006). Many real patho- Rather than random immunization, when disease spreads
systems present heterogeneities or asymmetries in the flow of on a scale-free network, an effective control strategy should
disease propagules carried by different links (e.g. Dall’Asta, immunize highly connected nodes (e.g. Pastor-Satorras &
2005; Yan et al., 2005). A number of studies have started Vespignani, 2002b; Zanette & Kuperman, 2002; Liu et al.,
investigating the spread of pathogens in directed networks of 2003; Chang & Young, 2005; Hwang et al., 2005; Lloyd-
various kinds (e.g. Newman et al., 2001; Schwartz et al., 2002; Smith et al., 2005). Models suggest that the more strategies
Boguñá & Serrano, 2005; Meyers et al., 2006). For plants, focus on immunization of highly connected individuals, the
directed networks may be of relevance, for instance, in the more likely they are to bring under control an epidemic
case of the trade among nurseries, garden centres and retail spreading on a scale-free network, and the cheaper a successful
centres, where the probability of movement from a certain strategy will be (Dezsø & Barabási, 2002). These models
nursery to a given garden centre will tend to differ greatly predict that in a finite population, even with small-world
from the probability of movement in the reverse direction. properties, above some critical immunization level the disease
In many real-world examples, not only the number and is confined locally (Zanette & Kuperman, 2002). Moreover,
direction of connections of different nodes may be heteroge- just as local clustering slows down the spread of disease in
neous, but also their strength. Recent work has started to take networks (see ‘Disease spread in networks’), a lower efficiency
into account the variation in intensity of different links (e.g. in contact tracing is required to control disease in a clustered
Yook et al., 2001; Barrat et al., 2004b; Jezewski, 2005), but network, other things being equal (Eames & Keeling, 2003).
investigations of the implications of including weight in For plant diseases, contact tracing often translates into removal
models of disease spread and control in complex networks are of infected plants and the containment of further pathogen
still in their infancy (e.g. Wu et al., 2005; Dall’Asta et al., spread across a dispersal network through quarantine
2006). Intuitively, when higher connectivity strength per link measures. Even without human intervention, it is a common
is assigned to highly connected individuals, the findings dis- observation – for example, in the saprotrophic invasion of
cussed for nonweighted scale-free networks will tend to be the soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani – that patches of
present even more strongly. But it would be interesting to susceptible plants can remain uninfected because they are
know whether or not (and under which conditions) strong surrounded by immune individuals (e.g. Jeger, 1989; Bailey
links for the many nodes with few connections can cancel out et al., 2000; Sander et al., 2002).
the effect of hubs if these have weak links. For plant diseases, A number of parameters have been analysed to enable the
hubs with weak links may be a realistic model of control targeted identification of highly connected individuals in small-world
exclusively at plant movements from and to highly connected and random networks: degree (number of contacts), between-
traders, while strong links to many other nodes would be an ness (a measure of the probability of an individual being on
appropriate model if commercial growers with many customers the path between other individuals), shortest-path between-
also tended to sell significantly more plants than small-scale ness (the same, but for the shortest path), and farness (the sum
retailers with few connections. of the number of steps between an individual and all other
individuals). Degree, the network parameter most easily
measured, was found to be at least as good as the other metrics
Disease control in networks
in identifying highly connected individuals and thus in
A number of consequences for disease management can be predicting risk of infection (Christley et al., 2005). This result
inferred from modelling work on disease spread in networks. is to be expected from the common finding in real-world net-
First, models show that random immunization of even a works that the betweenness of a node is positively correlated
high proportion of individuals is not an effective strategy to with the degree of the node (e.g. Lee et al., 2006).
control an epidemic operating in scale-free networks. This From a practical point of view, however, there is often only
result follows from the theoretical absence of an epidemic limited knowledge at the beginning of an epidemic outbreak
threshold in scale-free networks with infinite variance in about the number of connections single individuals have
connectivity: in this case, immunity is not conferred even by (Dybiec et al., 2004). For many airborne diseases, a substantial
high densities of randomly immunized individuals (e.g. Pastor- fraction of contacts may be untraceable (Eames & Keeling,
Satorras & Vespignani, 2002b; Zanette & Kuperman, 2002; 2003). When contact tracing is possible in theory, if latent
Takeuchi & Yamamoto, 2005). In networks with small-world periods are short there may not be time in practice to trace the
properties, as a result of the effect of shortcuts, the influence contacts of connected and infected individuals (Huerta &
of an untargeted immunization protocol is generally lower Tsimring, 2002; Kiss et al., 2005). But in plant epidemiology,
than when only local infection is possible (KosiNski & where long latency periods are common, it may also be diffi-
Adamowski, 2004). In a botanical context, protection may be cult to trace contacts. Researchers have thus tried to identify
conferred by biological control or fungicides at the level of the control strategies that do not require pathologists to know the

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complete structure of the network at risk. One of these is the are mechanisms that allow data dissemination (e.g. software
immunization of a small fraction of random acquaintances of updates, peer-to-peer networks and database maintenance) to
randomly selected individuals (acquaintance immunization). computers connected in a network (e.g. Acosta-Elias et al.,
As hubs have by definition a large number of links, the prob- 2004). Large-scale numerical simulations of epidemic algo-
ability that a random neighbour of a random node is a hub is rithms suggest that in scale-free networks data transfer is more
very large. This is thus a simple way to identify and remove efficient but less reliable than in homogenous topologies
highly connected individuals even without knowing who (Moreno et al., 2004). This finding corroborates the higher
they are in advance (Cohen et al., 2003; Holme, 2004; Madar speed of disease spread in scale-free networks pointed out in
et al., 2004; May, 2006). the section ‘Disease spread in network’. The lower reliability
Alternatively, ring vaccination of individuals at less than a emphasizes that disease development in scale-free networks is
certain radius from infected cases has been modelled (e.g. stochastically affected by the number of connections of the
Ahmed et al., 2002; Pourbohloul et al., 2005), which is both first individuals infected (e.g. Keeling, 1999; Verdasca et al.,
more effective and more costly the larger the radius chosen 2005).
(Dybiec et al., 2004). This is essentially a local strategy and A similar suite of studies is related to the spread of memes
has long been studied for regular lattices and carried out in through social networks. By analogy with the susceptible/
homogenous pathosystems. The same authors report that the infected/removed (SIR) model in epidemiology, individuals
effect of including long-distance interactions in models of a population can be subdivided into those not having heard
(thus moving from a regular network to a small-world one) is an idea yet; those aware of the concept and communicating
that the radius of the local control strategy has to be greatly it to others; and those having become uninterested and not
increased, with proportionally poorer cost-effectiveness. disseminating it any longer (e.g. Zanette, 2002). Also in this
Similar implications for disease control are obtained from case, models show that one strategy for a successful dissemi-
models aiming to determine the best strategy for protecting nation of memes is to target hubs (e.g. Duan et al., 2005).
computer networks. In this case, of course, the finding that Translated into terms of disease control, this finding suggests
random removal of links does not affect a scale-free network again that disease spread can best be constrained in scale-free
is a good rather than a bad thing because it makes networks networks by removing from the network individuals with the
more robust (e.g. Vázquez & Moreno, 2003). Similarly, in highest number of connections. For plant diseases that are
computer networks highly connected individuals are not to be spread through the nursery trade, the susceptible/infected/
removed to prevent disease spread, but protected to decrease susceptible (SIS) model may be more realistic, as infected
network vulnerability (e.g. Crucitti et al., 2003). This is because, nurseries, unless under complete quarantine, may continue to
in networks with a heterogeneous distribution of connections, operate even if under surveillance or if plants within a certain
when highly connected individuals are disconnected a global distance from the infected material are quarantined. The
cascade of failures is likely to follow (e.g. Moreno et al., 2002a; implications of such models will be addressed in the last section
Motter, 2004; Zhao et al., 2004). Further examples of this of the review. It is already clear, however, that there are many
kind include studies of the structural vulnerability of electric examples of spatially structured host–pathogen systems where
power grids, which were found to be robust to most random the identification of highly connected nodes in the network
perturbations, but very sensitive to disturbances affecting key underlying the long-distance spread of disease might have
power stations (e.g. Albert et al., 2004; Crucitti et al., 2004; been an effective way to delay plant disease expansion (e.g.
Chassin & Posse, 2005; Kinney et al., 2005). Similar conclu- chestnut blight, Dutch elm disease, black sigatoka of banana
sions about the general robustness of scale-free networks to and potato blight).
random disruptions of their components have been drawn The spread of viruses via email messages in computer
from studies of metabolic networks (e.g. Albert et al., 2000; networks is a further instance that has been analysed from a
Dorogovtsev & Mendes, 2002), although for plant cells the network theory perspective. A remarkable finding of some
picture may be more complicated (Sweetlove & Fernie, 2005). models is that the whole network of computers can be made
immune from infection by the targeted immunization of a
selected 10% of connected computers (Newman et al., 2002).
Case Studies But further analyses have shown that the way in which a virus
Not only has the impact of network structure on disease replicates itself can affect the topology of the computer network,
development been modelled, but the tools of network theory thus making it difficult to control an epidemic (Balthrop et al.,
have been applied to a number of case studies. In this section, 2004). In this case, epidemic control is also made difficult by
we review some recent empirical applications, drawing the increasing disparity between the speed of automated dis-
conclusions for epidemiology whenever possible. ease spread and that of manual eradication.
An exemplary application of network theory to an epide- Apart from epidemic algorithms and the spread of ideas
miologic case study is the investigation of how computer and of computer viruses, work applying network theory to
network structure affects so-called epidemic algorithms. These empirical cases can be subdivided into that pertaining to

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286 Review Research review

human and animal diseases. Few applications have referred (Gonçalves & Kuperman, 2003; Jones & Handcock, 2003).
to plant diseases. Whether the dynamic nature (sexual partnerships may evolve
through time) of these networks will tend to facilitate (by
creating new connections) or hamper (by disrupting the
Network theory applied to human diseases
structure of the network) the spread of STDs deserves further
A whole series of case studies involves human pathologies. investigation, also in the context of venereal diseases of plants
Here the motivation is the greater threat posed by human (Antonovics, 2005). However, sexual partnership networks
pathogens in a more and more interconnected world (e.g. tend to be scale-free, as the distribution of the number of
Eubank et al., 2004; Hufnagel et al., 2004; Brockmann et al., sexual partners cumulated over time typically follows an
2006; Colizza et al., 2006b; Tatem et al., 2006). Recent studies inverse power-law. In this case, only targeted action (aimed at
have been motivated by the threat of pandemic influenza. individuals connecting subgroups of the population) can be
Detailed network models of this and of other globally relevant effective in preventing further spread of STDs (e.g. Liljeros,
infectious diseases need accurate estimation of model para- 2004; Schneeberger et al., 2004). An example is the use of
meters (Ferguson et al., 2005; Longini et al., 2005; Arino network data to predict the development of an AIDS out-
et al., 2006; Colizza et al., 2006a; Germann et al., 2006). break in Houston, Texas, USA, where data on social network
However, for the recent severe acute respiratory syndrome structure were assessed as the most important requirement for
(SARS) outbreak, modellers found that random networks did more effective management (Bell et al., 2002).
not satisfactorily catch the observed dynamics of the epidemic,
and that only the addition of small-world properties allowed
Network theory applied to animal diseases
realistic description of disease development. In particular,
small-world networks are able to account for the otherwise A prime example of the application of network analysis to the
puzzling disparities between the markedly different develop- study of disease spread in animals is foot and mouth disease
ments of outbreaks that started simultaneously in different (FMD). Much modelling work has been done following the
regions (e.g. Masuda et al., 2004; Small et al., 2004, 2006; 2001 outbreak in the UK (e.g. Woolhouse, 2003; Keeling,
Bauch et al., 2005; Meyers et al., 2005). Incorporating the 2005a). But in this case too, it has been advocated that models
heterogeneity in the contact structure into models also allows need to use aspects of network theory (e.g. Haydon et al.,
an accurate matching of predictions with observed dynamics 2003; Shirley & Rushton, 2005b; Woolhouse et al., 2005).
at relatively small scales, as shown by an analysis of a dengue This is because of the long-distance dispersal exhibited by the
outbreak on Easter Island (Favier et al., 2005). viral pathogen (via farm management, commercial exchanges,
A study of childhood infections dynamics in Canada and possibly airborne dispersal), and by the scale-free contact
showed that it is possible to reconstruct the probable network structure of the farm network, including hubs such as markets
structure for a disease given the time-series data of the epi- and animal shows (e.g. Keeling et al., 2003; Shirley &
demics. The epidemic size distribution follows an inverse Rushton, 2005b; Webb, 2005, 2006; Kiss et al., 2006b).
power-law for rubella and mumps, implying heterogeneous However, Woolhouse et al. (2005) argue that, even if the
individual contacts and thus a scale-free network; whereas for network among livestock farms has a scale-free distribution of
pertussis a homogenous transmission network is suggested by contacts, the basic reproduction number is not increased by
the exponential distribution of epidemic sizes (Trottier & this because the probability of one farm infecting another was
Philippe, 2005). When the basic structure of a network is not significantly related to the probability of the first farm
known, as in the case of an outbreak of bacterial pneumonia becoming infected itself.
in a residential institution where a household structure was For the FMD outbreak of 2001 in the UK, a reconstruction
clearly present in the different wards, models can help the of epidemic trees (from putative sources of infection for
management of the disease by pointing out that nurses are the infected premises) revealed that, if the national ban on move-
super-spreaders who need to be immunized (Meyers et al., ment of cattle had been declared 2 d earlier, the size of the
2003). A similar result, showing that preventive measures epidemic would probably have been reduced by half (Haydon
need to be applied to individuals with many partners, was et al., 2003). Even more effective would have been the removal
found in analyses of an outbreak of gonorrhoea in Alberta, from the network of the three hubs from which nearly 80%
Canada (De et al., 2004). of subsequent infections are thought to have originated.
The last example is part of the research using network Unfortunately, livestock can spread the disease without show-
theory to improve forecasts of the spread of sexually transmitted ing clinical signs of it for up to 10 d (Shirley & Rushton,
diseases (STDs; e.g. Liljeros et al., 2001, 2003; Eames & 2005b), so the rapid identification of the markets that caused
Keeling, 2002; Jolly et al., 2005). Modelling work on STDs the long-range spread of the disease was not possible.
illustrates that for real populations of finite size, even though FMD is only one example of the many wildlife diseases
organized in a scale-free network, there exists a non-null potentially spread by movements of animals (Woolhouse
epidemic threshold, so the spread of STDs can be stopped et al., 2005). Network analyses related to wildlife diseases

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include a study of bovine tuberculosis of African buffalo in But studies are beginning to show that plant communities
Kruger National Park, South Africa (Cross et al., 2004). This can be part of scale-free networks, at least when considered in
showed that buffalo herds were less tightly clustered in years conjunction with other interacting species (on their own,
of dry weather, and that this mixing of the overall population plants seem to depart from a true fractal spatial distribution;
could lead to faster spread of the disease. A somewhat different e.g. Lennon et al., 2002; see also Erickson, 1945; Kunin,
example is an assessment of the role of long-distance dispersal 1998). An intriguing related question is whether such an
for the spread of raccoon rabies in Connecticut, USA (Smith absence of a fractal spatial distribution for plants would pre-
et al., 2005). In this case, establishment of disease foci from clude the existence of a scale-free network (e.g. Berntson &
small-world shortcuts was rare, and the disease can be man- Stoll, 1997). For example, a network of plants and their pol-
aged with a local containment strategy. A different finding in linator species in Greenland was found to show small-world
relation to Lyme disease is that in northern Spain there are properties (Lundgren & Olesen, 2005). High clustering and
critical stepping-stone habitats with high tick densities, whose small path length between plant species were also reported
removal can markedly alter the connectivity of the landscape from a study of the network of frugivorous birds and fleshy-
(Estrada-Peña, 2003). fruited plant species in Denmark (Lázaro et al., 2005). These
studies are only a few of many investigations of plant–pollinator
and plant–frugivore networks. However, these webs may not
Network theory applied to plant diseases
generally show scale-free properties as, in an analysis of 53
The applications of network theory discussed above prompt such networks in natural communities, only roughly one-fifth
the question of whether network theory can also improve our exhibited scale invariance in the connectivity distribution
understanding of the spread of plant and tree diseases. Of (Jordano et al., 2003). The reasons for such a finding are
course, plants are not as mobile as humans and animals being debated, but the range of scales involved in each case
(although their pathogens are not static, and plants themselves may be of relevance here (see also Khanin & Wit, 2006). Myc-
can cross long distances from one generation to the next orrhizal networks, when seen from a mycocentric point of
through seeds, pollen and, in some cases, vegetative material). view (i.e. considering individual trees as connecting fungal
In fact, at a first glance plants do not seem to form social scale- morphotypes and not vice versa), can be scale-free (South-
free networks of highly mobile interactions such as, for instance, worth et al., 2005). There is much research potential in inves-
fish are classically able to materialize, thus potentially facilitating tigating whether this scale invariance is present more generally
the spread of their epidemics (e.g. Croft et al., 2004, 2005). in microbial, mycelial and host–parasitoid networks (e.g.
This may explain why there has so far been relatively little Davidson et al., 1996; Klein & Paschke, 2004; Cairney, 2005;
use of network theory in plant epidemiology. Models of Károlyi, 2005; Killingback et al., 2006; see also Friesen et al.,
epidemics on networks, rather than in continuous space or 2006). Of course, scale-free networks may also be relevant in
on lattices, might work better for animal or human than for plant sciences in relation to food webs (e.g. Dunne et al.,
plant diseases (Bolker, 1999). But there exist threads of plant 2002) and from a metabolic point of view (e.g. Sweetlove &
epidemiological research that use meta-population theory, Fernie, 2005; Uhrig, 2006), for instance in the context of the
and in many cases follow similar lines of reasoning to pathways controlling stomata at different scales (Hetherington
modelling work on networks (e.g. Hanski, 1994; Park et al., & Woodward, 2003).
2001, 2002; Gilligan, 2002; Franc, 2004; Otten et al., 2004, Provided that it is feasible to obtain network data from
2005; Vuorinen et al., 2004; Watts et al., 2005; Brooks, 2006). plant and forest ecosystems, there are a number of reasons to
think that network theory may be a convenient tool when
dealing with the health of plant and forest pathosystems. In a
Potential Implications for Plant and Forest modern landscape, it may be relatively easy to recognize a scale
Pathology of description at which one should switch to a network. For
Network theory may be relevant to plant diseases, but not crop plants, the obvious unit are fields, farms and trading
yet have been applied. If so, one explanation of the delayed units on a production chain; for trees, nodes may be forest
application may be that the theory is not yet sufficiently stands, plantations, urban parks and tree nurseries. The great
mathematically developed to apply to epiphytotics, as plant– promise of network theory is that it can help in investigating
pathogen networks in the real world are not only complex, how disease development parameters vary within and across
but transient and dynamic. Another explanation is that individual meta-populations (Heesterbeek & Zadoks, 1987;
plant epidemiologists need the development of appropriate Parnell et al., 2006). Moreover, shipments of plants across
software tools to exploit the potential of network theory (see continents are a matter of routine nowadays, with often
Garrett et al., 2004). It may also be that data on the network unpredictable consequences for the introduction and spread
structure of plant communities are frequently harder to of exotic plants and their pathogens (e.g. Reichard & White,
obtain than the often meticulous records for human and 2001; Stokstad, 2004; Dumroese & James, 2005; Perrings
animal epidemics. et al., 2005; Dehnen-Schmutz et al., 2007).

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Fig. 2 Findings of Phytophthora ramorum on

plants at retail (crosses), nursery (diamonds),
estates/environment (squares) and other
(triangles) sites in England and Wales in
2003–2005. Data source: Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK.

There is thus a need to assess the properties of plant nursery devising effective disease management policies even if there is
networks in a number of representative regions and for various probably no single immunization strategy that can be effective
pathogens and endophytes (e.g. Stanosz et al., 2005; Giménez- for all types of scale-free networks (Volchenkov et al., 2002).
Jaime et al., 2006; Menkis et al., 2006; Pinto et al., 2006; Network thinking may also be relevant for natural plant
Stepniewska-Jarosz et al., 2006). This need is immediate communities because, although individuals cannot move,
wherever nurseries have been tested positive for the presence seeds can, and provide a means of long-distance dispersal and
of Phytophthora ramorum, the causal agent of sudden oak invasion for species with appropriate life history traits (e.g.
death (e.g. Parke et al., 2004; Daughtrey & Benson, 2005; Grotkopp et al., 2002; Pysek et al., 2004; Richardson &
Rizzo et al., 2005; Fig. 2). Figure 2 suggests that contact tracing Rejmanek, 2004; Zedler & Kercher, 2004; Hamilton et al.,
information about ongoing and eradicated outbreaks of 2005). There is evidence that the level of long-distance disper-
P. ramorum in the UK may enable the reconstruction of the sal in tree recolonization after glaciations can determine the
network underlying the spread of the pathogen, which in turn genetic pool of newly founded populations (Le Corre et al.,
might enable a more effective control strategy. Nurseries may 1997; Petit et al., 2004; Bialozyt et al., 2006). It could be useful
also be contributing to the spread of Phytophthora alni, as a to describe invasion processes with flows along the network
study from Bavaria suggests ( Jung & Blaschke, 2004), of the of locations where a plant species establishes itself; it is
western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis, which is the possible that this would reveal differences between fast and
vector of tospoviruses, both in North America and in Europe slow invaders. Network theory might be combined with
(Kirk & Terry, 2003; Jones et al., 2005), and of Ralstonia landscape genetics to improve our understanding of the con-
solanacearum, the bacterium causing potato brown rot, which sequences of rapid climate change, as now predicted, for plant
has been the object of individual-based modelling in the (and associated pathogen) distributions (e.g. Manel et al.,
Netherlands (Breukers et al., 2006). A network approach 2003; Bacles et al., 2004; Neilson et al., 2005; Simberloff
seems sensible also in relation to botanical gardens, which et al., 2005; Webber & Brasier, 2005).
acted historically as hubs in the introduction of plants outside Although contact tracing of disease is often impractical
their natural geographic range (e.g. Mamaev & Andreev, both in plantations and in more pristine forests, recent studies
1996; Ingram, 1999; He, 2002). It remains true that under- demonstrate that it is possible to track long-range spore dis-
standing the network, especially its topology, is useful in persal of wood-decaying fungal organisms (e.g. Edman et al.,

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2004). Will this enable the reconstruction of the colonization sidion annosum s.l.; e.g. Asiegbu et al., 2005). Unfortunately,
history of these endangered species, so as to allow a rough to the best of our knowledge, only data from the local foraging
understanding of the type of network involved? It is known behaviour of pathogens are available (for e.g. Armillaria spp.;
that models predicting travelling waves of pathogen spread Prospero et al., 2003a,b; Mihail & Bruhn, 2005), although
at constant speed are unrealistic if spore dispersal of plant large-scale information is accumulating, for example for the
pathogens is best fitted by a fat-tailed and not an exponential tree root endophyte and opportunistic pathogen Phialocephala
distribution (e.g. Ferrandino, 1993; Shaw, 1995; see also fortinii s.l. (e.g. Queloz et al., 2005; Grünig et al., 2006). Net-
Scherm, 1996; Gibson, 1997; Jeger, 1999; Brown & Hovmøller, work models might help in predicting the outcome of the
2002; Bicout & Sache, 2003; Filipe & Maule, 2004; Shaw dynamic interactions between pathogens of tree stumps and
et al., 2006). This issue is also relevant for investigations of the saprotrophic fungi used as biological control agents (Holden-
effect of landscape structure on the spread of P. ramorum in rieder & Greig, 1998; Boddy, 2000). Models suggest that by
California (e.g. Meentemeyer et al., 2004; Rizzo et al., 2005). manipulating the network structure it may be possible to
In the landscape of forest and grassland patches where the diminish the incidence of one of two competing species, to
pathogen is currently spreading, dispersal gradients will be the benefit of the other (Newman, 2005b). But other model-
affected by relatively efficient impaction and slow wind speeds ling work on the spread of two social norms in a network
within forest patches but by inefficient deposition and faster suggests that the contact structure may not be the only factor
winds through open areas, with potentially different spore determining the outcome of the interactions between two
dispersal functions in the two cases. competing species (Nakamaru & Levin, 2004).
Insect vectors are another way for fungal pathogens of Heterogeneous forested landscapes are hard to represent as
plants to jump from patch to patch of potential hosts in a regular grids and contain multiple layers of evolving interactions.
landscape without other dispersal pathways (e.g. Geils, 1992). Elaborations of basic models of disease spread in networks
Elm bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), the vectors of Dutch may allow us to use insights provided by network theory in
elm disease, attack clusters of debilitated trees, and in many these ecosystems. Models making use of small-world net-
cases avoid local dispersal to neighbouring healthy trees by fly- works in the simulation of the spread of forest fires are already
ing long distances to different forest patches. There is evidence established (e.g. Moukarzel, 1999; Graham & Matthai, 2003;
that the presence of elm trees (Ulmus spp.) in the landscape is Porterie et al., 2005) and have much more potential. It would
made more manifest to elm bark beetles by sesquiterpene be most fascinating to use these models to integrate the
emissions induced on infected trees by the fungus responsible combined effects of sudden oak death and fire (Moritz &
for Dutch elm disease (McLeod et al., 2005). This implies that Odion, 2005). The patchiness of the host distribution and of
the underlying network structure of the pathosystem is dynamic, environmental conditions may contribute to the heterogene-
and can differ from that deduced from the distribution of trees ous spread of epidemics in forests (e.g. Sander et al., 2003;
in the landscape. In the case of infections spread by vectors, Vannucchi & Boccaletti, 2004). Models trying to include in
managers may profitably make use of models incorporating mobile their structure the variable susceptibility of hosts have cer-
agents in the study of disease spread in complex networks tainly much scope for application in real forests (e.g. Sander
(e.g. Miramontes & Luque, 2002; González & Herrmann, et al., 2002). Models investigating the effect of the contact
2004; Frasca et al., 2006; see also Rvachev & Longini, 1985). structure of networks on pathogen diversity (e.g. Buckee
Network modelling including mobile agents may, for instance, et al., 2004; Nunes et al., 2006) also offer new insights and
help in understanding and predicting the progress of inva- possibly practical applications. Given the often long time-
sions such as that of the horse chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria scale of disease evolution in real forests, models can provide a
ohridella, which is facilitated by car movements and therefore rapid forecast of the direction towards which a pathosystem
follows major roads (e.g. Gilbert et al., 2005). Other potential may evolve, given a certain network structure (e.g. Read &
applications of network theory in plant and forest pathology Keeling, 2003; Ferrari et al., 2006; Kao, 2006). A network
include the spread of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora; e.g. Jock perspective can also help in the selection of protected areas,
et al., 2002) and of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) because of the importance for the success of conservation
hypovirulence (e.g. Milgroom & Cortesi, 2004). efforts of understanding the connectivity within meta-
A network description of a tree pathosystem from a phyto- populations (e.g. Brito & Grelle, 2004; Frank, 2004; Cerdeira
centric point of view would specify nodes (host trees) and the et al., 2005).
links between them by whatever transport mechanism is
responsible for spreading the disease, with or without any
explicit geography. If data were available at a sufficiently large
scale, it would be interesting to compare the networks of the Network theory will be a useful addition to the set of concepts
population structure of newly introduced, aggressive tree and tools available to understand and manage disease in plant
pathogens (e.g. Phytophthora cinnamomi; e.g. Hardham, 2005) populations. It may have its most obvious uses, as in our
with those of endemic, long established ones (e.g. Heteroba- examples, in human-modified pathosystems where discrete,

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