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One of the most important steps in analog to digital conversions is to sample an analog signal
and to perform this step we use the (Sample\Hold circuit) which samples at regular intervals
called sampling intervals and takes them at fixed time interval.
2. Working of the Sample & Hold Circuit
Sample and hold circuit samples the voltage of a continuously varying analogue signal and holds
its value at a constant level for a minimum specific duration of time. A capacitor is used in a
typical sample and hold circuit to store electric charge as it saves the value to further processing.
S\H circuit contains normally one op-amp and at least one switching device. The switch connects
the capacitor to the output of a buffer amplifier whenever it takes samples of the input signal.
The capacitor charges or discharged by buffer amplifier so that the voltage across the capacitor is
equal or proportional to the input voltage. The buffer is disconnected from the capacitor by the
switch in hold mode. Leakage currents are responsible for discharging of the capacitor. (Input
voltage Vi is applied at the drain terminal of E-MOSFET. Also, a sample and hold control
voltage, Vs is provided at the gate terminal of the E-MOS. It is noteworthy here that the applied
input signal is analog in nature while the control voltage applied at the gate terminal is a square
wave. So, at the time when input is provided at the drain terminal and positive pulse of control
signal Vs is applied at the gate terminal, then due to this, the MOSFET comes in conducting
state.) Source:

Figure1.Sample&Hold practical circuit

Source: Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits,Ramakant A.Gayakwad
Figure2.Basic Schematic of the Sample Hold Circuit

Sample and Hold circuit which samples the input signal and holds onto its last sampled value
until the input is sampled again. So you take the samples of the input signal, then there will be an
available particular value and this value holds at the output of the circuit until the input is
sampled again and again. And during this sampling period (Ts) the input is taken and the output
is not going to change.

Figure1.Waveform of the S\H circuit


3. Discussion
The Analog Signal is continuous in time and amplitude as carries infinite information of time
and amplitude. The analog signal has some values defined at every time instant, so it has infinite
numbers of samples point. Sample\Hold circuit is important in signal processing since it used in
so many applications such as multiplexers, operational amplifiers, and in data-distribution
systems. Basically the sample and hold circuit, samples the analog signal and the capacitor
present holds these samples. This sampled value when provided to the ADC, it generates a
discrete signal from an analog one.

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