ACI 350-D Meeting Minutes Dallas - Fall 2011

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ACI Subcommittee- 350-D Structural

Chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, App. A, B, C, D, and 350R.4

Date: October 17, 2011

Location: Cincinnati, OH.
Chairmen: Carl Gentry
Prepared by: Andrew Minogue
The meeting was called to order at 8:35 am.


Carl Gentry Nazar Sabti
Andrew Minogue Jeff Ward
Karl Kuebitz
William Wallace Ramon Lucero
Ron Fiore
Reza Kianoush VISITORS
Bill Sherman
Satish Sachdev
Javeed Munshi

 Agenda Approved.
 Spring meeting minutes from Tampa Approved.
 Announcements
Appendix A will be reviewed and discussed in today’s meeting.
Reviewed the Document Status Table – Updates to Table - Chapter 14 has gone to the editorial
subcommittee. Appendix C & D are completed through the main committee and
Chapter 15 for walls will be worked on to add precast walls based on direction from
Subcommittee E.
Break from 11 am to 1 pm for Reza’s presentation and lunch
Status Report
 Update by Green Task Group – Bill Wallace –
o Approximately 50% complete with collecting information and writing paragraphs for
o Bill will try to send out a draft prior to the next meeting.

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 Update by Buoyancy Moment Task Group – Ron Fiore
o Army Corps has Factor of Safety of 1.10 for extreme conditions and 1.30 for normal
o A statement on rotation of the structure with a diagram should be added at a
o For rotation, show sample diagrams and have the designer develop the equations.

o The new section on resistance discusses utilizing a unit of concrete of 145 pcf for the
resisting load. A discussion on whether this reduction is needed since this may
already be included in the Factor of Safety by the Army Corp.
o When determining the uplift force, the bottom of the structure should be used in
lieu of unit weight of concrete – unit weight of water.
o Use of Soil as resistance to uplift was discussed – Use vertical soil directly above or
use the wedge. If the wedge is used, input from the geotech is required.
o Added a section on rate of inflow and/or drawdown when discussing pressure relief
o Ron will make the edits discussed at today’s meeting and will provide an updated
document to Carl for his review by mid-November.
Old Business
 Resolve comments and negatives for subcommittee Ballots
No new subcommittee ballots
 Discuss comments and negatives for main committee ballots in preparation for Wednesday
No new main committee ballots but will present negatives for Chapter 15 and some changes
to Chapters 9 & 10.
 Discuss status of Subcommittee Balloting schedule
Appendix A (New changes by Sherman) – Ballot for subcommittee will be addressed prior to
next convention.
Chapter 15 – The addition of precast walls from subcommittee E will be added.
 Discuss status and Main Committee balloting schedule
350.4 Appendix A - Connecting Pipes to Structures - Karl Kuebitz – File in to Jon Ardahl for
main committee ballot
350.4 Appendix B - Sliding Due to Seismic Loads - Karl Kuebitz – File in to Jon Ardahl for main
committee ballot
New Business
 Adoption of Appendix D from ACI 318-11.

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Discussed at Steering committee that Appendix E of 350 will be reviewed and balloted by
the Reinforcement Subcommittee. Adhesive anchors were added in ACI 318-11 so this will
be reviewed by the Reinforcement Subcommittee.
 Discuss changing Appendix A (old Appendix I) and Commentary so that it results in about
the same amount of reinforcement as Chapters 9 and 10 - Bill Sherman
 Which method is providing a better product? According to 350, Chapter 9 is a better
approach based since this has been adopted. Frosch Research was adopted over the
Gergely and Lutz.
 There is a provision in the Commentary that Appendix I from 350-06 can still be used.
 Bill provided an updated Appendix A to Karl for balloting.
 There may be some additional changes to Appendix A based on the changes required to
Chapter 9 that will be presented at the main committee meeting on Wednesday.
 Bill will update the code change proposal.
 The ballot will be ready by November.
 Chapter 15
 Ramon and Andrew will review what will need to be moved from Appendix G to Chapter
 Carl, Andrew and Steve Close will then create a draft document of Chapter 15 for
Subcommittee E to be balloted for the next convention in Dallas.
 Subcommittee E will resolve negatives and then it will either be balloted in D or in the
main committee.
 Proposed changes and additions to ACI 350.4 after Chapter 7 on joints is adopted - Carl
 Changes to joints as a result of new Chapter 7 in ACI 350 (Gentry)
 On hold until the joints section in Chapter 7 is completed.
 350.4R is being worked on and the goal would be to have this completed by
subcommittee by Spring 2013 and Fall 2013 for main committee. If 350.4R is too far out
of date, then ACI can pull the document from the MCP. As long as, it is shown to ACI
that the document is being worked on, this should be maintained in the MCP.
 Revisions to safety factors for sliding and overturning for global and local stability
including R and I (Gentry)
 Should R value be used on global or local stability for sliding and overturning? This
was raised by Carl and Carl would like to add this to 350.4R.
 When the friction factor is provided by the geotechnical engineer, additional
information should be obtained to determine what the factor of safety is included in
this factor. The friction factor should be provided for static and dynamic conditions.

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 Carl will have a draft for the Dallas, TX convention.
 Changes to floatation (Task group and Sherman)
 This was covered in the morning during ”Update by Buoyancy Moment Task Group”.
 Design for extreme conditions such as overflow (Sherman)
 A discussion occurred based on whether Sd should be used during an overflow
event. Currently 350 indicates that Sd can only be omitted during a seismic event.
 Define what the code currently covers in 350.
 Develop other scenarios that the code does not cover such as overtopping.
 Bill will have a draft for the Dallas, TX convention for 350.4.
 Detailing for joints and corners (Sherman)
 Develop formal details for 350.4.
 Bill will present some details that were worked up in his firm.
 When is tightness testing required (Sherman)
 Tightness Testing is not clear as to what structures these apply to.
 Should every type of structure be tested, including junction boxes?
 Bill has proposed developing standards based on size of structure for 350.4.
 Bob will propose wording based on the size of structure for 350.4.
 Trowel finishes versus air entrainment (Sherman)
 Air entrainment is typically incorporated into the slabs and power trowel and hard
steel trowel can cause blistering of the slab.
 Air entrainment benefits are discussed in the introduction potion of 350.
 Bill will propose some wording on this subject.
 Wall-to-slab construction joints taking into account Reza’s testing (Gentry)
 Concerns about autogenous shrinkage for recent cement rich mixes (Gentry)
 With the higher cement in mix designs with fly ash and silica fume and the low
water/cement ratios, shrinkage is occurring more frequently. Due to the additional
cement to obtain the higher strengths, there is not enough water in the mix which is
causing autogenous shrinkage.
 Carl will work with Karl on wording addressing this.
 Discuss suggested changes to ACI 350.4 by others (All)
 One way vs. two slabs
 For a two way slab, the bar spacing is greater than a one way slab.

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 In a two way slab, there is more redundancy in a two way slab.
 Reza proposes having the reinforcing requirements for one way slab and two
way slabs based on the additional cracking that can occur on the two way slab
based on the presentation from technical session.
 Reza will provide the paper on this to the committee and provide a presentation
on this.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm.

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