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The Failure of the Great Leap Forward

Limited Scholarships and seat for admission in schools and colleges imply a rise in the

competition level. Overcrowded schools lead to indiscipline and a lack of control. Teachers are

unable to cater the individual need of children. This issue has been further discussed under the

heading of several schools nationwide.

The intervention of social welfare services have a big role in crime prevention. They

detect and help abused and ill-treated children. However, in disorganized areas, social welfare

officers have many families to look after. The cry for help of many children and parents in these

areas remain unheard. It is only when the issue has become serious that the authorities intervene.

It is often too late. Some end up being traumatized for life or victims of un-repairable damage.

Since there is much insecurity in these localities, businesses tend to move away and

refrain from putting their money in developments occurring. This increases problem of


It is hard in itself to live in localities and when employees see that a job applicant comes

from a badly reputed region, the chances of the later job getting the job considerably diminishes.

Moreover, as mentioned earlier, most youngsters coming from these areas already have a police

record, poor academic knowledge and without legitimate means of obtaining success, they feel

social and psychological strain (outcast). From an economic perspective, these youths breach the

law for their financial well-being. This rational choice seems acceptable from the youths’ point

of view, when we consider the lack of proper educational system, equal and legal job

opportunities. It is his survival strategy just like it had been for his family and peers.

Another problems which arises when there is a high rate of teenage population is a

locality area that of violent crimes. Their poor problem solving skills, overly sensitive or

emotional-personality and explosive temper combined with their natural well-being of violent

and aggressive because of their age; make them gullible to committing such heinous assaults and

crimes. Small encounters between gangs and frats can lead to bloody attacks. Thus, disorganized

society will suffer from social incivility. It is not rare to hear cussing words, and see people

fighting on the streets, gang wars, broken panes and families, young children roaming till late on

the road, and sex workers everywhere.

Community fear and social facilities, unemployment and bad quality of education for the

children create a lot of cons and stress to their parents. Also, families in these areas are of high

violence rate, have unstable social relationships. It is very common to find families which have

financial problems, depressive and stressed parents who adapt drinking and other bad habits and

who have had problems raising their children. This has been further discussed in social problems.

Youths who reside in these localities get used to such heinous crimes that occur on the

streets around them. They lose trust in authorities and feel abandoned. These youths rarely report

criminal offenses that they witness or are victims of. On the contrast, the fear for their lives and

security results to them joining gangs and fraternities and other peer groups which will protect

them in case of difficulty and life-threatening situations. This leads to the development of

criminal areas and generation of criminals. Many families want to leave behind these type of

communities and look for a better place to grow their children into better adults. This type of

mind-set leads to limited collective efficiency. There is a weak ended social control. Neighbours

may not know and trust each other. This is constant and will never change unless fear and

insecurity is removed among inhabitants. Government policies and initiatives taken upon NGO’s

do not work since residents do not stay for long to implement them.

Indiscipline in schools, the lack of individual need of students, availability of drugs and

arms and a troublesome family students can result tragic accidents. Growing in a less privileged

society is tough enough without having to worry about being killed while going to places.

Unfortunately, events like these occur because of variety of factors which are extraneous.

We have seen how the education system favours academic learning and neglects

personality development. Where a class is supposed to be a team of young learners, with each

member being valuable, it has now become a competitive environment itself where making

others lose is synonymous to being victorious. Some students find these sort of system

challenging and do their best to be on top, but on the other hand, students who have since their

very young age been exposed to severe and chronic stress are likely to have developed learning

disabilities, emotional and behavioural imbalance which make it difficult for them to

successfully go through educational system.

Since long the responsibility of growing up a child into a responsible citizen has been

omitted from the shoulders of the parents and is added to the burden of the government. The

transformation of puberty age to maturity must be eased with love, care and support.

Nowadays, the concept of childhood is being slowly wiped out. The transition period

between childhood and adolescence and to adulthood seems to be shortening as years go by.

Children and adolescents are partaking activities in adulthood at a very early age.

Cognitive development- less reasoning ability. Despair of parents cry for help should be

heard by authorities and social welfare services. Thus, appropriate action should be taken, each

family has its own concerns and problems.


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