Analysis of Covariance

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Group Y Group Group 1 Group 2 SUMMARY

Medication 41.46 1 41.46 39.97 Groups Count Sum Average
Medication 62.32 1 62.32 42.00 Group 1 10 737.11 73.711
Medication 69.00 1 69.00 49.93 Group 2 10 630.95 63.095
Medication 69.89 1 69.89 59.15
Medication 71.03 1 71.03 60.97 ANOVA
Medication 72.27 1 72.27 61.69 Source SS df MS
Medication 82.95 1 82.95 76.33 Between 563.50 1 563.50
Medication 87.95 1 87.95 77.14 Within 4304.02 18 239.11
Medication 88.79 1 88.79 80.43
Medication 91.45 1 91.45 83.34 Total 4867.52 19
Control 39.97 -1
Control 42.00 -1 LINEST()
Control 49.93 -1 5.31 68.40
Control 59.15 -1 3.46 3.46
Control 60.97 -1 0.12 15.46
Control 61.69 -1 2.36 18
Control 76.33 -1 563.50 4304.02
Control 77.14 -1
Control 80.43 -1 SV SS df MS F p of F
Control 83.34 -1 Treatment 563.50 1 563.50 2.36 0.14
Residual 4304.02 18 239.11

F P-value
2.36 0.14
Group Y X ment 100
Medication 41.46 88.11 1
Medication 62.32 97.97 1
Medication 69.00 101.13 1
Medication 69.89 101.55 1
Medication 71.03 102.09 1 80
Medication 72.27 105.04 1
Medication 82.95 107.73 1

Outcome Y (HDL)
Medication 87.95 112.88 1
Medication 88.79 110.49 1
Medication 91.45 111.74 1 60
Control 39.97 98.51 -1
Control 42.00 102.27 -1
Control 49.93 106.63 -1
Control 59.15 107.49 -1
Control 60.97 107.82 -1 40
Control 61.69 98.55 -1 Medication
Control 76.33 114.75 -1
Control 77.14 115.14 -1
80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125
Control 80.43 116.70 -1
Control 83.34 118.07 -1 Covariate X (Weight)

110 115 120 125

Group Y X ment Y on X, Total Y on X and Treatment
Medication 41.46 88.11 1 1.52 -93.30 9.90 1.95 -138.52
Medication 62.32 97.97 1 0.34 36.51 1.35 0.18 19.46
Medication 69.00 101.13 1 R2 0.52 11.36 R2 0.88 5.74 #N/A
Medication 69.89 101.55 1 19.71 18 65.32 17 #N/A
Medication 71.03 102.09 1 2544.15028 2323.37 4307.07 560.45 #N/A
Medication 72.27 105.04 1
Medication 82.95 107.73 1 Increase in R2 0.36218
Medication 87.95 112.88 1
Medication 88.79 110.49 1
Medication 91.45 111.74 1 Total Sum of Squares: 4867.52
Control 39.97 98.51 -1
Control 42.00 102.27 -1 SV SS df MS F p
Control 49.93 106.63 -1 Covariate 2544.15 1 2544.15 77.17 1E-07
Control 59.15 107.49 -1 Treatment 1762.92 1 1762.92 53.47 1E-06
Control 60.97 107.82 -1 Residual 560.45 17 32.97
Control 61.69 98.55 -1
Control 76.33 114.75 -1
Control 77.14 115.14 -1
Control 80.43 116.70 -1
Control 83.34 118.07 -1
Group Y X ment 140.00
Medication 41.46 88.11 1 Grand Mean of
Covariate: 106.23
Medication 62.32 97.97 1
Medication 69.00 101.13 1 120.00
Medication 69.89 101.55 1 Adjusted Y,
Medication 71.03 102.09 1 Medication: 78.31 Actua
Medication 72.27 105.04 1 73.71
Medication 82.95 107.73 1

HDL (Outcome)
Medication 87.95 112.88 1 80.00
Medication 88.79 110.49 1
Medication 91.45 111.74 1 60.00
Control 39.97 98.51 -1
Control 42.00 102.27 -1
Control 49.93 106.63 -1 40.00
Adjusted Y,
Control 59.15 107.49 -1 Control: 58.50
Control 60.97 107.82 -1 20.00
Control 61.69 98.55 -1
Control 76.33 114.75 -1
Control 77.14 115.14 -1 0.00
80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 12
Control 80.43 116.70 -1
Control 83.34 118.07 -1 Weight (Covariate)

73.71 80.00
73.71 125.00 103.8729
63.10 80.00 108.5922
63.10 125.00
106.23 120.00
103.87 108.59
Adjusted Y, Medication: 78.31 Actual Y, Medication: 73.71
Adjusted Y, Control: 58.50 Actual Y, Control: 63.10
Pooled beta 1.946928665 Grand Mean of Covariate: 106.23
SS total 4867.5
Y on X, Group 1
Grand Mean of Medicati 1.997711 -133.79704
Covariate: 106.23 on
0.1011269 10.52877
0.9799116 2.2666813
390.24024 8
Actual Y, Medication: 2004.9935 41.102753
Y on X, Group 2
1.8961463 -142.8117
0.3652353 39.743061
0.7711176 8.0374055
26.952446 8
1741.125 516.7991
Actual Y, Control:
Adjusted Y, 63.10
Control: 58.50 Y on X, Total
1.5221772 -93.301771
0.3428598 36.511356
0.5226792 11.36116
19.710488 18
0.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 130.00
2544.1503 2323.3673
ght (Covariate)
Y on X and Groups
9.904272 1.9478617 -138.52332
1.354404 0.182792 19.4608527
0.8848601 5.7417227 #N/A
65.323241 17 #N/A
4307.0722 560.44545 #N/A
Group Y X Treatment
100.00 Both Groups
Medication 41.46 88.11 1
Medication 62.32 97.97 1 90.00
Medication 69.00 101.13 1
Medication 69.89 101.55 1 80.00
Medication 71.03 102.09 1
Medication 72.27 105.04 1
Medication 82.95 107.73 1 60.00
Medication 87.95 112.88 1
Medication 88.79 110.49 1 50.00
Medication 91.45 111.74 1 40.00
Control 39.97 98.51 -1
Control 42.00 102.27 -1 30.00
Control 49.93 106.63 -1
Control 59.15 107.49 -1
Control 60.97 107.82 -1 10.00
Control 61.69 98.55 -1
Control 76.33 114.75 -1 0.00
80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00
Control 77.14 115.14 -1
Control 80.43 116.70 -1
Control 83.34 118.07 -1
Y on X, Total
Both Groups 1.5221772 -93.301771
0.3428598 36.511356
0.5226792 11.36116
19.710488 18
2544.1503 2323.3673

05.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 130.00

Treat- X by
Group Y X ment Treatment
Medication 41.46 88.11 1 88.11 Y on X, Treatment and X by Treatment interaction
Medication 62.32 97.97 1 97.974 0.0508 4.507 1.947 -138.3044
Medication 69.00 101.13 1 101.132 0.1880 20.031 0.18802 20.031
Medication 69.89 101.55 1 101.551 0.8854 5.905 #N/A #N/A
Medication 71.03 102.09 1 102.087 41.1983 16 #N/A #N/A
Medication 72.27 105.04 1 105.039 4309.6158 557.902 #N/A #N/A
Medication 82.95 107.73 1 107.725
Medication 87.95 112.88 1 112.884 Y on X and Treatment
Medication 88.79 110.49 1 110.486 9.9043 1.948 -138.523
Medication 91.45 111.74 1 111.741 1.3544 0.183 19.4609
Control 39.97 98.51 -1 -98.514 0.8849 5.742 #N/A
Control 42.00 102.27 -1 -102.267 65.3232 17 #N/A
Control 49.93 106.63 -1 -106.626 4307.0722 560.445 #N/A
Control 59.15 107.49 -1 -107.485
Source of Prop. of
Control 60.97 107.82 -1 -107.824 Variation variance SS df MS
Control 61.69 98.55 -1 -98.554 R increment 0.0005 2.54 1 2.54
Control 76.33 114.75 -1 -114.75 Residual 0.1146 557.902 16 34.87
Control 77.14 115.14 -1 -115.136
Control 80.43 116.70 -1 -116.695
Control 83.34 118.07 -1 -118.071
F p
0.07 0.79
Treatment Treatment
Group Y Vector 1 Vector 2 Med 1 Med 2 Control SUMMARY
Med 1 51.6 1 0 51.6 54.8 54.4 Groups Count Sum
Med 1 25.6 1 0 25.6 52 65.2 Med 1 6 278.4
Med 1 40.8 1 0 40.8 43.2 72 Med 2 6 339.2
Med 1 45.6 1 0 45.6 64 59.2 Control 6 393.2
Med 1 44 1 0 44 69.6 56.8
Med 1 70.8 1 0 70.8 55.6 85.6 ANOVA
Med 2 54.8 0 1 Source SS df
Med 2 52 0 1 Between G 1099.54 2
Med 2 43.2 0 1 Within 2206.43 15
Med 2 64 0 1
Med 2 69.6 0 1 Total 3306 17
Med 2 55.6 0 1
Control 54.4 -1 -1 LINEST()
Control 65.2 -1 -1 0.38 -9.76 56.16
Control 72 -1 -1 4.04 4.04 2.86
Control 59.2 -1 -1 0.33 12.13 #N/A
Control 56.8 -1 -1 3.74 15 #N/A
Control 85.6 -1 -1 1099.54 2206.43 #N/A

SV SS df MS F p of F
Treatment 1099.54 2 549.77 3.74 0.048
Residual 2206.43 15 147.10
Average Variance
46.4 218.56
56.53 85.74
65.53 136.99

MS F P-value
549.77 3.74 0.048
Treatment Treatment X by
Group Y X Vector 1 Vector 2 T1 X by T2
Med 1 51.6 94.8 1 0 94.8 0
Med 1 25.6 52.8 1 0 52.8 0
Med 1 40.8 134.4 1 0 134.4 0
Med 1 45.6 163.2 1 0 163.2 0
Med 1 44 86.4 1 0 86.4 0
Med 1 70.8 189.6 1 0 189.6 0
Med 2 54.8 115.2 0 1 0 115.2
Med 2 52 151.2 0 1 0 151.2
Med 2 43.2 138 0 1 0 138
Med 2 64 176.4 0 1 0 176.4
Med 2 69.6 166.8 0 1 0 166.8
Med 2 55.6 123.6 0 1 0 123.6
Control 54.4 111.6 -1 -1 -111.6 -111.6
Control 65.2 87.6 -1 -1 -87.6 -87.6
Control 72 175.2 -1 -1 -175.2 -175.2
Control 59.2 133.2 -1 -1 -133.2 -133.2
Control 56.8 201.6 -1 -1 -201.6 -201.6
Control 85.6 218.4 -1 -1 -218.4 -218.4

0.036634 0.032 -0.5405945 -6.2586764 Source Prop of Var df Prop / df F

0.130888 0.09 3.20464592 3.37646523 R increment 0.023 2 0.011 0.375
0.634642 10 0.6117822 9.57464754 Residual 0.365 12 0.030
4.168901 12 7.35407689 14
2098.104 1208 2022.53019 1283.43426
Prob of F
Treatment Treatment Grand Mean of Weight
Group Y X Vector 1 Vector 2 90
Control Mean (Covariate)
Med 1 51.6 94.8 1 0 HDL
Med 1 25.6 52.8 1 0 80
Med 1 40.8 134.4 1 0
Med 1 45.6 163.2 1 0 70
Med 1 44 86.4 1 0
Med 1 70.8 189.6 1 0
Med 2 54.8 115.2 0 1
Med 2 52 151.2 0 1

HDL (Outcome)
Med 2 43.2 138 0 1 50
Med 2 64 176.4 0 1
Med 2 69.6 166.8 0 1 40
Med 2 55.6 123.6 0 1
Control 54.4 111.6 -1 -1 30
Control 65.2 87.6 -1 -1
Control 72 175.2 -1 -1 20
Med 2 Mean Med 1
Control 59.2 133.2 -1 -1 HD
Control 56.8 201.6 -1 -1
Control 85.6 218.4 -1 -1

Mean weight, Med 1 120.2 0

50 70 90 110 130 150 170
Mean weight, Med 2 145.2
Mean weight, Control 154.6 Weight (Covariate)

80 140
46.40 50
46.40 200
56.53 50
56.53 200
65.53 50
65.53 200
Grand Mean of Weight

Med 2
Med 1
Med 1 Mean

110 130 150 170 190 210

Weight (Covariate)
Treatment Treatment
Group Y X Vector 1 Vector 2 Y on X, Total Y on X and Treatment
Med 1 51.6 94.8 1 0 0.22 25.89 -0.54 -6.26
Med 1 25.6 52.8 1 0 0.06 8.37 3.20 3.38
Med 1 40.8 134.4 1 0 R2 0.47 10.44 R2 0.61 9.57
Med 1 45.6 163.2 1 0 14.31 16 7.35 14
Med 1 44 86.4 1 0 1560.74168 1745.22 2022.53 1283.43
Med 1 70.8 189.6 1 0
Med 2 54.8 115.2 0 1 Increase in R2 0.14
Med 2 52 151.2 0 1
Med 2 43.2 138 0 1
Med 2 64 176.4 0 1 Total Sum of Squares: 3305.96
Med 2 69.6 166.8 0 1
Med 2 55.6 123.6 0 1 SV SS df MS F p
Control 54.4 111.6 -1 -1 Covariate 1560.74 1 1560.74 17.02 0.001
Control 65.2 87.6 -1 -1 Treatment 461.79 2 230.89 2.52 0.116
Control 72 175.2 -1 -1 Residual 1283.43 14 91.67
Control 59.2 133.2 -1 -1
Control 56.8 201.6 -1 -1
Control 85.6 218.4 -1 -1
and Treatment
0.18 31.43
0.06 8.11
#N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A

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