Do You Remember Me?: TH TH

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A : “ Hey, Is that Made? “

B : “ Ah…yeah…“
A : “ Do you remember me? From Senior High School 5 Malang? “
B : “ I’m sorry. I don’t remember you. Did we study together? “
A : “ Yes. And we lived in the same dorm, too. “
B : “ Really? What floor did you live on? “
A : “ I lived on the 9th floor. You lived on the 7th floor.“
B : “ That’s right. How did you know? “
A : “ I would see you in the elevator sometimes. “
B : “ I’m sorry. I don’t remember you. “
A : “ It’s alright. It was several years ago. “
B : “ Well, anyway. It’s nice to meet you again...emm “
A : “ Imelda. “
B : “ Imelda Khairun Nisa, Right? “
A : “ Yes. See.. so you do remember me. “
B : “ Ok. So where do you live now? “
A : “ I live in an Malang. “
B : “ Oh. Do you live with your parents? “
A : “ No. My parents moved to the country. “
B : “ Oh. They must be very happy there. “
A : “ Yes. They enjoyed it very much. “
B : “ So do you live alone? “
A : “ No. I share the boarding house with an old friend. “
B : “ Really? A friend? Is it a boyfriend? “
A : “ No. She’s an old friend from school. We’ve known each other for many years. How about you
Made? Where do you live? “
B : “ Oh, I rent an boarding house. I am by myself.“
A : “ Do you like it there? “
B : “ Yeah. But it’s kind of noisy.“
A : “ Oh. Maybe you should complain with your boarding house owners. “
B : “ Oh. No… no… no… I’m the one who makes the noise. “
A : “ Oh, I see. Then I'll go first. Nice to meet you “
B : “ Nice to meet you too. “

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