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1. Team Communication
2. Motivation
3. Team Commitment
4. Leadership


1. Team members clearly understand their roles during work from home?

2. Team members address and resolve issues quickly during WFH?

3. Team members communication is effective within groups during WFH?

4. The mission and goals of my team are well aligned with the organization's mission and goals?

6. team works with a great deal of flexibility so that we can adapt to changing needs?

8. How productive as working in a team in your WFH setup?

9. Leadership does a good job of sharing information regarding COVID-19.

10. I have the materials and equipment I need to perform effectively at home as a team or group?

11. Our organization welcomes new methods of working and communicating to improve team

12. I receive useful and timely feedback from my leader?

13. Sharing ideas in a team or group is effective in WFH setup?

14. Do you have clear security guidelines for Working as a group during working from home. ?

1. Do you receive constructive feedback for your work during WFH?

2. Do you receive timely feedback from your peers during WFH?

3. Do you feel the employee evaluation process is fair during the pandemic situation?

4. Does your team participate and encourage you to complete your tasks?

5. Are you provided with the right training when new systems/tools/softwares are

6. Do you feel your organization is supportive of a healthy work-life balance?

7. Do you feel the amount of work allotted to you is reasonable during WFH?

8. Are you able to give a fair amount of time to your family during WFH?

9. Is your manager professional and cordial while communicating with you?

10. Do you feel that communication is a two-way process in this organization?

11. Do you think your manager/peers communicate information with clarity?

12. Are you motivated during this pandemic covid 19

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