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 Since it is regulated, it means there is a limiting or regulating something
 It is control when there is the power to influence or affect people’s behavior
or the course of event (In others words, communication is mainly used by
people in authority or representing authority to regulate or direct others
under them.) Just like right now, you are listening to me and your
communication is controlled. Can you give some examples?
 Among the five videos presented, which video best shows regulation and
control? Video 2 (Doctor & patient)

Other examples: parent’s instructions to their children, friends giving advice,

customers making orders and more.
SOCIAL interaction
Communication allows individuals to communicate. The primary reason
why people communicate is to produce social interaction.
Human beings develop and maintain bonds, intimacy, relations, and
associations. Social interaction allows humans to be connected.
(Sending my virtual hugs)
A family doesn’t only live under one roof, they also interact with each other.
Back to the video clips, which video best shows social interaction? No 5
lovers having intimate moments
 As a function of communication it refers to a person who uses language to
express his desires, needs, wants, like and dislikes, inclinations, choices and
 The purpose is to persuade another person to change his/her opinion, attitude
or behavior
So when a person is motivated, that person is in high energy, inspired. Are
you motivated today?
Examples: expressing one’s ambitions, talking about preferences, making
petitions and more
Which video best shows motivation? A grad speech
Information Dissemination
Communication can be used for giving and getting information. This
function is used when the speaker wants to make others aware of certain
data, concepts, and processes-knowledge that may be useful to them.
Getting info may be in the form of questions, commands and even thru
statement. Video no 1.
Emotional Expression.
Communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and
emotions. Manifestation of one’s internal emotional state. It is an important
signal that conveys a variety of information regarding a person’s state of
mind and his or her intentions. We tend to be very emotional when we have
problems or we are in a situation we abhor.
Especially in this time of pandemic. Emotions are central part of who we
are. We can express our emotions verbally or non-verbally.
The more you love, the more it hurts. Which video? It is no 4. The girl is
sharing her problem with her friends.
Now I have discussed with you the 5 functions of communication. Do you
have any questions?

How many functions did we discuss?

I hope you learned from our lesson. See you and bye.

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