Basic Elements of Research Proposal at T PDF

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Journal Academica, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp.

1-5 | July 2010 | ISSN: 2026-559X

©2012, African Institute for Researching and Development


Albert Amoah SAAH* and Joseph Adia MENSAH
Centre for Distance and Continuing Education, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST),

This exploratory study was to highlight the importance of research proposal in academic research work in
general, and at the tertiary education institution level in Ghana particularly. It focussed on basic element of
research proposal. Situated in research environment student thesis often were engaged by supervisors without
any previously submitted research proposal by student. Students plunged into their work without it. It was
observed that students neither had the skills for it nor submitted one at all. Generally, they were ignorant of a
format. The study applied literature survey to gather typical formats and its components from some academic
institutions. Qualitative factor analysis was employed. Results of study showed the existence of research
proposals, and that each institution had their own customised to meet their in-house style. Common elements
existed and were listed in a format. Researchers concluded from the findings that elements of formats existed,
and that the application engaged supervisors decisively, and further enhanced thesis format.

Keywords: components of a research proposal format


What is the purpose of a Research proposal, its (resource) and capability (readiness) to work.
components and how should it be presented? In Research proposal may be described as
the following we briefly consider all these issues an executive summary of your project endeavour
which have been a challenge to students who are without which a research may not start. Indeed, no
to submit no research proposal before embarking proposal no project. The research proposal
on a Research Project for a partial fulfilment of document should be produced in a hardcopy and
conditions for the award of a degree by their comb bound. Keep a soft copy. You will need it
respective institutions. for further work when your proposal has been
accepted by your academic advisor or tutor,
Research proposal is an engagement strategy the approved by academic department’s thesis
candidate uses to get the attention of the academic committee, and assigned to a supervisor. They
advisor or prospective thesis supervisor; would very much be interested in how you
and market their research project for prospective conceptualize your work and how researchable it
supervisor to buy into it, and consider if they is within whatever time, cost, risk and quality
would be willing to supervise your piece of work. constraints they may have set. This they would
The process of proposing a research project helps decide in 1-3 minutes of encountering your
candidate to conceptualize their research project, research proposal. The rest is between you and
crystallize their own thoughts about their thesis, your supervisor
and give evidence of some independence, capacity


The study employed literature survey method for Graduate Studies guide for Master and doctoral
MPhil and PhD degree application forms of Degree Thesis Format was also considered. Thesis
University of Ghana (UG), Legon, University of proposal format of Payap University (PYU)
Cape Coast (UCC), Cape Coast, and Kwame Thesis Proposal Form for Master of Arts in
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Linguistics/Department: Linguistics Faculty was
(KNUST), Kumasi. Further, KNUST’s School of included in the materials used for the study.

Journal Academica, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 1-5 | July 2010 | ISSN: 2026-559X
©2012, African Institute for Researching and Development

Thesis Proposal Template belonging to Faculty of questions in the quest for identifying and
Business and Enterprise Australian Graduate establishing basic elements of research proposal at
School of Entrepreneurship (AGSE) was also the tertiary education level in Ghana.
used. These were all used answer the following


Every academic department of a university will Research Objective of study

have their own research proposal format. Do What do you want to find about the problem by
contact your academic advisor for one. Study your research?)
however, established the main components of the Research questions and/or Hypotheses
research proposal to include candidate’s (Problems should lead to question which when
information, research conceptualization, and answered will solve the problem).
supervisor details. May we consider the elements
of such a proposal? Concepts, theories (and key terms/words) to be
used in the study
Candidate’s Information (These should relate the theoretical foundations
Five lines will be adequate. This information and framework related to the problem, questions,
concerns the candidate submitting the proposal, objectives and expected results. If your work were
and may be on the front cover page or top part of indexed or identified in a library, or engine
the first page. Full Name and academic number of searched on the worldwide web, what key words
the candidate, e.g., Margaret Gee, 1039790. would you identify with your piece of work?
Program being pursued, e.g., BA Communication. These are leads in conceptualizing your work, and
Department, e.g., Department of Communication would require that you cite any authorities
Sciences, Institute of Journalism, University of referred to or associated with any of the concepts,
Ghana, Legon. Scheduled dated of completion of theories, terms or words. This will be helpful for
program, e.g., May 2010. Contact information your Review of literature).
(telephone, email), e.g., 021-220-
2223352, knem@j8j.zs. Significance and scope of study
You need to show the uniqueness of your study in
Research Synopsis (Conceptualization) contributing knowledge in the field of study or
Here we have the body of the proposal. The some critical aspect of it.
output of the synopsis is the research
conceptualization. It will help your academic Materials & Methodology of Study
advisor determine how feasible the project is. This (This affects your results and depends on whether
may cover 2-3 pages and should be brief and your research approach is quantitative or
concise. Working title (this must be of a qualitative or a mix of the two. If one wanted to
researchable topic or area prescribed or acceptable replicate or verify the authenticity of your work
to your academic institution). and test the validity of your piece of work and
results how would the one have to objectively
Background of study proceed? How would you have as your unit of
study? How would you get your research
Research Problem questions answered by others?). Expected
Identify a problem. no problem no research. results of study considered.
Research must be problem solving). This will
include, (i) Research problem context and (ii) Plan of Study
Research problem statement. The prospective supervisor need to you time
schedule for the intended research project (Payap
University, 2008). The candidate also needs to be

Journal Academica, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 1-5 | July 2010 | ISSN: 2026-559X
©2012, African Institute for Researching and Development

clear in the in mind and stay within the resources them. This does not have to be elaborate,
for the research activity. This is best presented in however, should contain reasonable estimates
a tabular format. All involved in the project even if you would not receive any financial
should know what time, risk, cost and quality support but your own as shown below in Table 1.
constraints the research project will place on

Table 1: sample plan of study showing information required

Item # When What to do Responsible Cost Remarks
i. Nov 2009 prepare proposal Candidate, academic advisor 20.00 done
ii. Dec 2009 Submit proposal candidate 10.00 done
iii. Jan 2010 Prep & submit Chapter 1 -3 Candidate, supervisor 60.00 --
iv. Feb 2010 Collection of data, submit chapter Candidate, supervisor 70.00 --
v. Mar 2010 Submit comb bound draft Candidate, supervisor 60.00 --
vi. Apr 2010 Submit final draft/thesis Candidate, supervisor, head of 80.00 --
Total 280.00

Commitment: I, ………………………………………………………………….., do commit myself to abiding by the schedule in

this plan of action submitted herein, and diligently work to fulfil it, fully conscious that in note doing so, my work may be delayed
beyond the 4 months granted by the school of graduate studies, KNUST with grave consequences.
Signed:……………………………………… this ……………day of …………………………………. 2012.

(After Colin Fisher, Gantt Chart for Research Project, in “Researching and Writing A dissertation—A Guidebook for business students 2nd
edition”, Pearson Education ltd. England, 2007, p. 73)

Proposed Thesis Supervisor(s) Appendix: Evidence of Research Project

Candidate has the option to propose supervisor(s) Your research project supervisor, remember is
for consolation by the thesis committee of the only a supervisor not the researcher or co-
department. This should cover not more than 6 researcher. Evidence which demonstrates
lines. This should cover the (i) Name, (ii) researcher’s competence (manifested in their
Academic qualification, (iii) Research interest, capacity and capability) will be assuring to both
(iv) Occupation and profession, (v) Name and the department and a prospective supervisor. It
contact of employer, and (vi) Contact information should not be a fresh start show but some ongoing
(phone, email). and concrete activity. 4-6 pages of this appendix
as part of this research proposal are okay.
Academic Advisor or Tutor Information
It is important to show that you are in touch with Working Title
you academic advisor or tutor. 3 lines will be (Up to 25 words) (Working title will be refined at
adequate for this information: (i) Name, (ii) a later stage to be the Title for the Thesis report)
Department, and (iii) Contact information (phone,
email). Introduction
Introduction will in the thesis report correspond to
Name/Signature of Candidate and Date, Chapter 1. The Introduction covers i. Background
Name/Signature of Academic Advisor or Tutor to study (up to 4 pages) (survey the context of the
Show your ownership of document and who has problem giving the historical and situational
accepted the document and when; to recommend backgrounds to the study), ii. Problem statement,
for its approval to be sure that I satisfies all the iii. Objective or Research question (½ a page). In
requirements of department. 2 lines should be qualitative research proposals, the research
okay. objectives might be sufficient to provide a
conceptual framework for the study. However, in

Journal Academica, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 1-5 | July 2010 | ISSN: 2026-559X
©2012, African Institute for Researching and Development

studies which are quantitative in nature, the Bibliography

candidate might be expected to develop All the literature consulted and cited up to the
hypotheses to be examined in the study. iv. Thesis time of writing the research proposal. Consider, i.
statement (expected result of study), v. Definition Author, title of book, publishers address and year
of terms/key words, and description of concepts, of publication, and ii. 5-7 books mentioned will be
vi. Scope of the study, vii. Significance of adequate at this stage.
study (up to1 page), and viii. Milieu of study.
Research Proposal Handling
Review of literature Deliver your proposal to appropriate authorities
One (1) page for this may be considered adequate. (Focht, 2000). The draft proposal should be
Review of literature corresponds to Chapter 2 of delivered to the committee chair first for a first-
thesis report. This is the theoretical framework cut review and revision. After preliminary
for the thesis (Australian Graduate School of approval, the student should distribute copies of
Entrepreneurship, 2005). The theoretical the proposal to all members of the committee no
framework is sometimes called the conceptual less than two weeks before the date that the
framework, and describes the theories or concepts students wishes to defend the proposal. It is the
to be covered or addressed in the research. The student’s duty to personally deliver the proposal to
framework is often presented as a diagram and each committee member and to find a time when
includes a depiction of the variables to be all members can meet.
examined and their hypothesized relationships to
each other. The framework will include a Defend your proposal.
consideration of the dependent and independent 60-90 minutes should be scheduled for the
variables and any moderating or intervening defence with a PowerPoint presentation. The place
variables that may be considered. Reference of all for the meeting will be set by the advisor. The
authorities cited in your research proposal (main student may or may not be provided comments
body and appendix include the name(s) of before the defence, at the discretion of each
author(s) or editor(s), date of the work, title of the committee member. The student should present a
work, name of publisher and city, date of 10-15 minute presentation at the beginning of the
publication, and year of publication). meeting, with graphical aids if possible. The
members will follow with comments and
Methodology questions to the student. The student may be asked
Consider two (2) pages for this section. to leave the room to allow frank discussion among
Methodology will correspond to Chapter 3 of the committee members. The members will sign the
thesis report and should cover your research cover sheet and the advisor will deliver the
design, collection and editing/collating of data, proposal to the student. Any follow-up comments
analysis of data: i) State what research will be made directly to the student, if necessary.
approach(s) being employed for the research
design: qualitative or quantitative? ii) Data Conclusion
collection strategy: Questionnaire and interview The rundown done above helps student
schedule, literature or experience survey as researchers to conceptualize their work and also
appropriate, iii) Social unit and study area, iv) market it. By the Research Proposal, researcher
Sample description and sample scope, v) engages the attention of potential supervisors for
Sampling method, vi) sample treatment where their work. Definitely a Research Proposal is a
necessary for experimental research, vii) must for student’s research work and students
Statistical tools and analysis, validities to test, and must adhere to its basic elements. Academic
viii) Presentation of data and results. Two (2) departments must also develop a format if they
pages for this may be considered adequate. don’t have one and make it available to student
long before they embark In Conclusion we may
say that, Research proposal is an engagement

Journal Academica, Vol. 1. No. 1, pp. 1-5 | July 2010 | ISSN: 2026-559X
©2012, African Institute for Researching and Development

strategy the candidate uses to get the attention of conceptualize your work and how researchable it
the academic advisor or prospective thesis is within whatever time, cost, risk and quality
supervisor; and market their research project for constraints they may have set. This they would
prospective supervisor to buy into it, and consider decide in 1-3 minutes of encountering your
if they would be willing to supervise your piece of research proposal. The rest is between you and
work. The process of proposing a research project your supervisor. Prospective supervisors look for
helps candidate to conceptualize their research clarity in your proposal and not completeness or
project, crystallize their own thoughts about their correctness per se. The rundown done above helps
thesis, and give evidence of some independence, student researchers to conceptualize their work
capacity (resource) and capability (readiness) to and also market it. By the Research Proposal,
work. Research proposal may be described as an researcher engages the attention of potential
executive summary of your project endeavour supervisors for their work. Definitely a Research
without which a research may not start. Indeed, no Proposal is a must for student’s research work and
proposal no project. The research proposal students must adhere to its basic elements.
document should be produced in a hardcopy and Academic departments must also develop a format
comb bound. Keep a soft copy. You will need it if they don’t have one and make it available to
for further work when your proposal has been student long before they embark on their research
accepted by your academic advisor or tutor, work itself. To embark on a research project
approved by academic department’s thesis without a research proposal is a blind leap into a
committee, and assigned to a supervisor. They maze. Have your research proposal done and done
would very much be interested in how you well to proceed confidently!

UCC, University of Cape Coast; UG, University of Ghana; KNUST, Kwame Nkrumah
University of Science and Technology; PYU, Payap University; AGSE, Australian
Graduate School of Entrepreneurship.

Support given by Centre for Distance and Continuing Education, Institute of Distance
Learning, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.


Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship. Focht, W. J. (2000). Instructions for Preparing a Thesis or
(12/1/2005). AGSE Faculty of Business and Enterprise Dissertation Proposal. Accessed on 3rd April, 2009, from
Thesis Proposal Template. Accessed on 3rd April, 2009,
from ep.pdf Khan, A. (2008). Research Methodology. New Delhi: APH
students/documents/forms/pg/Research_ThesisProp Publishing Corporation
osalTemplate.pdf Payap University. (2008). Payap University Thesis Proposal
Fisher, C. (2007). Researching and Writing a Dissertation— Form for Master of Arts in Linguistics/Department:
A Guidebook for Business Students, 2nd Edition. Linguistics Faculty: Arts; Academic Year: 255.
England: Pearson Education Accessed on 4th January 2010 from

*Corresponding author. Email: Tel. +233202999484, +233244667570.

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