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1.- …….……..…… did you meet Tony? At the pub.

2.-…………..…… do you usually have for breakfast? Coffee and toast.

3.- …………...….. is that red jumper? Rosemary’s

4.-…………………. is she living now? In Berlin.

5.- ………………... does she often go to the dentist? Every month

6.- ………………… was your best friend at school? Stephen Oates.

7.- ………….……. are you carrying an umbrella today? Because it’s cloudy.

8.- ………….……. is he going to do next year? Flying to New York.

9.- ……………..…… were you doing last night at ten o’clock? Watching TV.

10.- ………..……….. is Silvia studying this month? German and Italian.

11.- ………………….. is your address in Barcelona? 230 High Street.

12.- …………………. are you buying those bottles of beer? Because I’m having a party.

13.- ………………….. did you buy that nice coat? In London.

14.- ……………………. car did you borrow yesterday? My mom’s

15.- …………………. should I do to stop smoking? Going to the gym and relax.

16.- …………………… is you daughter so sad? Because her boyfriend had a bad accident.

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