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GEO2010 (/github/bikasbhattarai/Course-work-and-data-analysis/tree/master/Hydrology-Course/GEO2010)
EX4 (/github/bikasbhattarai/Course-work-and-data-analysis/tree/master/Hydrology-Course/GEO2010/EX4)

Surface Hydrology
GEO2010 Spring 2017

Exercise 4

Date: 2017/02/22

Author: Bikas Chandra Bhattarai, University of Oslo


To introduce different methods to estimate missing rainfall over a stat

To calculate evaporation by different methods.

Some precipitation stations may have short breaks in the records because of absence of the observer or
because of instrumental failures. It is often necessary to estimate this missing record. The missing
precipitation of a station is estimated from the observations of precipitation at some other stations as close
to and as evenly spaced around the station with the missing record as possible. The station whose data is
missing is called interpolation station and gauging stations whose data are used to calculate the missing
station data are called index stations.

There are two methods for estimation of missing data.

Arithmetic Mean Method

Normal Ratio Method

Normal ratio method:… 1/8
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RA = [ RX + RY + RZ ]

where, RX , RY , RZ , are the annual rainfall of station X,Y, Z during the time of missing rainfall at station
'A'. MA , MX , MY andMZ are the annual average rainfall at respective station A, X, Y and Z.

Station average method (Arithmetic average method):

1 n
RA = ∑ Ri
n i=1

Spatial interpolation of rainfall can be done by Inverse distance weighting (IDW) method. Detail equation is
given in your text book(equation 4.20, Dingman, page 167).

Inverse-distance weighting method

∑ Wi Ri
RA =
∑ Wi

where i = { X, Y, Z...}

W =

where d is the distance between the station with known and unknown precipitation.

Training exercise: 1

Estimate the missing rainfall by station average method and Normal-ratio method at the station A from the
data given in table below:

Station A X Y Z

Annual rainfall in 2000 (mm) ? 126 162 155

Annual average rainfall (mm) 1550 1690 1420 1477

In [3]:

% matplotlib inline
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

In [4]:

# Annual rainfall in 2000 [mm]

R_X = 126.
R_Y = 162.
R_Z = 155.

n = 3 # Number of stations

# Annual avarage rainfall [mm]

M_A = 1550
M_X = 1690
M_Y = 1420
M_Z = 1477… 2/8
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In [5]:

# Station average method:

R_A1 = round((R_X+R_Y+R_Z)/n)



In [6]:

# Normal-ratio method:
R_A2 = round((M_A/n)*(R_X/M_X + R_Y/M_Y + R_Z/M_Z))



Training exercise: 4.2

The annual average rainfall of four stations X, Y, Z and T in a drainage basin is 1523, 1425, 1362, 1722
mm respectively. In a particular year, station T does not function and the rainfall figure of X, Y, Z was 1630,
1421 and 1200 mm respectively. If the distance from station T to X, Y and Z are 10, 20, 17 km respectively
then compute the missing rainfall at station T by station average and Normal ratio method. Give some
general comments on your finding.

In [7]:

# Annual avarage rainfall [mm]:

M_X = 1523.
M_Y = 1425.
M_Z = 1362.
M_T = 1722.

n = 3 # Number of stations

# Annual rainfall a particualar year [mm]:

R_X = 1630.
R_Y = 1421.
R_Z = 1200.

# Distance from station T [km]:

X = 10.
Y = 20.
Z = 17.

In [8]:

# Average method:
R_T = (R_X + R_Y + R_Z)/n


1417.0… 3/8
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In [9]:

# Normal-ratio method:
R_T = round((M_T/n)*(R_X/M_X + R_Y/M_Y + R_Z/M_Z))



4.3 With reference to question 4.2, interpolate rainfall at station T by IDW method.

In [10]:

# Inverse-distance weighting method:

W_X = 1/(X**2)
W_Y = 1/(Y**2)
W_Z = 1/(Z**2)

R_T = round((W_X*R_X + W_Y*R_Y + W_Z*R_Z)/(W_X + W_Y + W_Z))




The rainfall at station T could be 1417, 1504 or 1692 mm depending on what method we use.

In [ ]:

4.4 Linacre (1977) has derived a simple formula for estimating evaporation rates in various climates
using mean monthly temperature in celsius (T), site elevation in meter (h), latitude in degree (L) and
mean dew point temp in celsius (Td).

700(T +0.006×h)
+15(T −T d)
E =
(80−T )

Calculate the monthly evaporation rate for the station A by using the provided data.[Latitude = 28.20
degree, Elevation = 806 m asl]

In [11]:

data = pd.read_table('station_A.csv',sep = ',',index_col= 0, parse_dates=True)… 4/8
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In [12]:

mon_data = data.resample('m').mean()
Td = mon_data['d2m'] - 273.15
T = mon_data['t2m'] - 273.15
L = 28.20
h = 806

In [13]:

Ev_mon = ((700*(T+0.006*h)/(100-28.20))+15*(T-Td))/(80+T)
plt.ylabel('Monthly evaporation rate mm/month')
plt.title('Monthly Evaporation rate by using Linacre (1997)')

Obligatory exercise 4
Use equation 1.21, pp22 in Dingman (μET = μ
− μ
) and estimated the evapotranspiration for the
following stations. Make a single Plot (bar plot) for calculated evaporation, precipitation and discharge.
[Dats is given in file 'elvdata.xlsx']

[Hint: Start by calculating the specific discharge (mm/year), by dividing by the catchment area. The specific
discharge has the unit mm/year in stead of m3/year, and is useful when we want to compare the discharge
from catchments with different areas.]

connecticut River, Yukon River, Eupharates River, Sæternbekken, Bærum,

USA Canada Iraq Norway

catchment Area
20370 932400 261100 6.23
(km2)… 5/8
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connecticut River, Yukon River, Eupharates River, Sæternbekken, Bærum,

USA Canada Iraq Norway

1100 570 300 900

Discharge (m3/s) 386 5100 911 0.11

In [14]:

# Importing data from the excel file

wb = load_workbook(filename = 'elvdata.xlsx')
sheet_names = wb.get_sheet_names()
ws = wb.get_sheet_by_name(sheet_names[0])
# Converting the data into lists
rivers = [cell.value for row in ws.iter_rows('B1:E1') for cell in row]
A = [float(cell.value) for row in ws.iter_rows('B2:E2') for cell in row]
# [km2]
p = [float(cell.value) for row in ws.iter_rows('B3:E3') for cell in row]
# [mm/year]
Q = [float(cell.value) for row in ws.iter_rows('B4:E4') for cell in row]

warn("Using a range string is deprecated. Use ws[range_string]")

In [15]:

# Converting list into numerical data

A = np.array(A)
p = np.array(p)
Q = np.array(Q)

In [16]:

# Converting the units

A = A*1e6
q = Q/A
q = q*1e3*60*60*24*365
# [m2]
# [m/s]
# [mm/year]
ET = p-q
# evapotranspiration [mm/year]
ET = np.around(np.divide(ET,100))*100… 6/8
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In [17]:

## Making plot

# Fixing the figure size

matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8.0,6.6)
n_groups = 4
# Rounding the numbers
q = np.around(q)
p = np.around(p)
ET = np.around(ET)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# making a plot with subplots
index = np.arange(n_groups)
bar_width = 0.3
# setting the width
# Plotting the different subplots
rects1 =, q, bar_width, alpha = 0.8, color = 'b', label = 'Runoff
rects2 =, p, bar_width, alpha = 0.8, color = 'r',label
rects3 =*bar_width, ET, bar_width, alpha = 0.8, color ='g', lab
# Giving names and size to title, legends and axis
plt.ylabel('[mm/year]',fontsize = 12)
# y axis
plt.title('Water Balance Calculations',fontsize = 16)
# title
plt.xticks(index+1.5*bar_width, (rivers[0],rivers[1],rivers[2],rivers[3]))
# x axis
# legends
plt.tight_layout()… 7/8
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In [ ]:… 8/8

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