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University Journal of Science Engineering and Research, , 2020 ,Vol-02, Issue-01 ISSN-2707-0565

(14pt, Time New Roman, Uppercase, Bold, Centered)
Mg Mg#1 (First Author Name) Khin Su #2 (Second Author) Tin#3 (Third Author Name)
Name of Department Name of Department Name of Department
Name of University Name of University Name of University
1st author's email address 2nd author's email address 3rd author's email address
(11pt, Time New Roman, Initial letters capitalized, Initial of Author Name must not include Ma, Daw,
U, Dr, Mr., Mrs.)
Abstract: An abstract should contain all information necessary for the reader to determine:(1) What the
objectives of the study were:(2) how the study was done;(3) what results were obtained;(4) the significance
of the results. The typical length of an abstract is 150-200 words. Mention the abstract for the article. An
abstract is a brief summary of a research article, any in depth analysis of a particular and is often used to help
the reader quickly ascertain the paper's purpose. ( 11pt, Time New Roman, line spacing 1)

Keywords: component; formatting; style; styling; insert (Minimum 4 to 5 key words)

1.INTRODUCTION Figures Good Similar Very well
The heading of a section should be in Time
New Roman 12-point bold in all-capital. Authors should
follow simple guidelines. For questions on paper 2.3. Mathematics
guidelines, please contact conference Email ( 11 pt, Time New Roman, line Math typesetting can be done by Equation
spacing 1) Editor that produce clear math types (11pt Time
New Roman line spacing 1)
2. PAGE SIZE P= VI (1)
All equations should be numbered, right
Top-0.5", Button-0.5", Right is 0.5" and Left is justified. Equation (1) should be described in text
1” A-4 Size with two coloums. body.
2.1 Page Numbering, Headers and Footers
Do not include headers, Footers or page The heading of a section should be in
numbers in yours submission. These will be added Times New Roman 12 point bold in all
when the publications are assembled. capitals.
2.2Figures / Captions
3.1. Subsections
Place Tables/Figures/Images in text as
close to the reference as possible(see Figure.1). The heading of subsections should be in
Captions should be (11pt, Time New Roman, Time New Roman 12 point bold with only the
bold). They should be numbered(eg; "Table 1" or initial letters capatialized.
"Figure 1"),please note that the word for table and
Figure are spelled out. Figure's captions should be 3.1.1. Subsubsections
centered beneath the image or picture, and Table The heading for subsubsections should be
captions should be left justified above the Table. in Times New Roman 11-point italic with initial
letters capitalized.
The heading for subsubsections should be
in Times New Roman 11-point italic with initial
letters capitalized.
Figure 1. Example of an image with acceptable
resolution The heading for subsubsections should be
in Times New Roman 11-point italic with initial
Table 1. Table captions should be placed above letters capitalized.
the table
Graphics Top In-between Bottom
Although a conclusion may review the
Tables End Last First main points of the paper, do not replicate the
University Journal of Science Engineering and Research, , 2020 ,Vol-02, Issue-01 ISSN-2707-0565

abstract as the conclusion. A conclusion might 6. REFERENCES

elaborate on the important of the work or suggest
applications and extensions. [1] (the names of all authors)Ding, W. and
Marchionini, G. (title) A Study on Video
Browsing Strategies. Technical Report.(place)
Our thanks to the experts who have
University of Maryland at College Park,
contributed towards development of the paper.

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