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Experiment No.

3 Date

Art T6 Cenpaue lhe emis of kwe goren

Cells petentiomeLes. primasy
Apposatu Requived: lotentiomcte, a Oaniel cell, a
200cm luckonche cell, a 20nsitive gahamemube
one wY eey liding fockey , kuse way Rey
Oun Voltmete4, Cmmctel , tuwe way Jaey,auwilany
ooultey, Gmd pajpen, connecting uires etc

Fomula uOLd Ty E, and E are enp'k J tws cells

omd baltun cing leglh / polentiomel e is l
ond respecly hen

Set yp the apparatus amd mak s cicuit in
aCcdance auih _the ciauit oliaggam daaun in
ths igue.
Connect he batesy tp the potentiometes as
he the Ciscut diagiam.
The tve tenals of cell whe enfe ae ko bo
Lompatd, asi Lenneclid o one end polentiont
amd heiy ve fesminals ave om nActed to twO ~y

cell, 3ayy Es n the u u

Put any one l
CONNecl l sE lhat mininumr
wmade by yei
suOALstan e is intrOdit ced 6y
Teacher's Sign.
Experiment No.

4 ea he
Jeckey qently al ne end uve ord
nete hat deptection un qalan oneles di th
Balancing Length
ne lirecien. Sinilarly, n
S No Lechanthe Danicl tell
peasng he
he off0L Md of wire, defle chiom

Cell cm) d2Cc E/E)=(4/) feckey t

tS3 in 9alranemele sheald he in Gppeatle
138 78
63 dire cioa
62 98
62 b0btadn he balana peint em galnanenelet
127 12.2
76 ay gekly and stesly slidng he jGckey
19 132 along the sver.
6 Plu ih he eaistayad f_lo00 in re
Calculafioms aVaisLaNnce ber E ad te ohtaih the exacE
153 nul oint and ecerd ho
Fos set ( esttler
lengh dy f he wre
=63 7 Now inbeduce h e cell E i khe ciicui
by ramfesging dhe plug 420sitien in kwo
oay tslug key, Agan fin hull point.
se (E) -62
8 Repeat the whole precos atleaat 4 ires
weth E Omd t, for dilperent pesihn
= 62
meom E 9. Fos each uet uG eadings, frd he iabe
u/ Omd cal ceate the men

SouceSource of Erner
cunifola CiE
AThe fseteniomete uire nay be f non

End Ilsistancea f betehticreter tre may nat be ngizio
wire qeki hecaled up f cucuil i on fet Lerg. nd
Causes vauahoM n JLsLstarC.
Teacher's Sign.

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