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Korean Language

Evening Class

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

Active Korean 1

1. Course Description
This 30 hour course focuses on teaching students without any prior knowledge of the Korean language to read,
write, and converse in Korean by providing basic vocabulary and grammar structure used in everyday
situation. The goal of this course is to facilitate students in learning basic communication expressions
commonly used in real life situations by practicing reading, writing, and listening example set of
conversations outlined with different everyday life topics.

2. Course Objective
- To learn how to read and write Hangeul, the Korean alphabet
- To understand basic vocabulary and expressions used in daily conversations
- To understand basic Korean grammar structure
- To learn how to greet, introduce oneself, and to carry on a basic daily conversation such as talking about
one's hobbies or daily activities

3. Course Materials
[Active Korean 1] & [Active Korean Workbook 1]
by Language Education Institute of Seoul National University, Moonjin Media

4. Class
- Course Duration: 10 weeks (Monday & Thursday)
- Class Hours: 6:30pm ~ 9:20pm (3 class hours a day)

5. Course Requirement
Students are required to:
- hand in daily assignment
- take a quiz after finishing each unit
- present a role-play after finishing each unit

6. Evaluation Criteria

Each Unit Final Examination

Quiz Role Play Writing Speaking Reading Listening
15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20% 100%

* Grading: A: 90~100 / B: 80~89 / C: 70~79 / F: 0~69

* Attendance: 4 times of lateness = 1 day absence
3 hours of absence = 1 day absence
More than 3 days absence = "Fail"
Korean Language Education Center
Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

7. Course Schedule

Unit Key Content

* Brief history of Hangeul

Unit 1. Hangeul 1, 2
* Basic consonants and vowels

* Tensed consonants and aspirated consonants

Unit 1. Hangeul 3, 4
* Compound vowels

* Syllable final consonants

Unit 1. Hangeul 5
* Pronunciation rules

* Greetings
* Introducing yourself
Unit 2. Greeting and Introduction
* Introducing your friend
* Exchanging personal information

* Ordering food at a restaurant

Unit 3. Restaurant
* Asking for more

* Asking prices
Unit 4. Shopping
* Describing things with demonstratives

* Talking about daily schedule

Unit 5. Daily Life * Linking two sentences
* Talking about daily routine
* Telling time and days of the week
Unit 6. Time * Expressing contrast
* Indicating time
* Making an appointment
Unit 7. Appointment * Making suggestion
* Talking about what you did in the past
* Asking whether an item exist or not
Unit 8. Location and Direction * Asking and giving locations
* Asking how long it takes

* Making a phone call

Unit 9. Phone Call
* Expressing actions in progress

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

Active Korean 2

1. Course Description

This course is designed for those who has successfully completed Active Korean 1 (60hours) or is at an
equivalent level. Based on lessons covered in Active Korean 1, the goal of this course is to be able to
understand and express practical expression used in various social settings.
Various lesson materials with topics such as family, transportation, etiquette, health, and shopping will be
utilized to facilitate better understanding of Korean society and culture.

2. Course Objective

- To learn and use public facilities in everyday life

- To handle real life situations, such as how to use the post office, how to make a reservation, and
know what to do when seeing a doctor
- To converse about familiar topics such as family, transportation, and common cultural etiquettes
- To learn basic Korean cultural etiquette, such as how to address different members of the family and
everyday etiquette

3. Course Materials
[Active Korean 2] & [Active Korean Workbook 2]
by Language Education Institute of Seoul National University, Moonjin Media

4. Class
- Course Duration: 10 weeks (Monday & Thursday)
- Class Hours: 6:30pm ~ 9:20pm (3 class hours a day)

5. Course Requirement
Students are required to:
- hand in daily assignment
- take a quiz after finishing each unit
- present a role-play after finishing each unit

6. Evaluation Criteria

Each Unit Final Examination

Quiz Role Play Writing Speaking Reading Listening
15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20% 100%

* Grading: A: 90~100 / B: 80~89 / C: 70~79 / F: 0~69

* Attendance: 4 times of lateness = 1 day absence
3 hours of absence = 1 day absence
More than 3 days absence = "Fail"

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

7. Course Schedule

Unit Key Content

* Talking about family members

Unit 1. Family * Talking about one's seniors/elders
* Introducing family members

* Talking about public transportation

Unit 2. Transportation * Talking about how to get to somewhere
* Talking about what one should do

* Telling a reason
Unit 3. Reason
* Making an appointment

* Talking about future plans

Unit 4. Post Office * Talking about means or methods
* Talking about conditions

* Reserving an airplane ticket

Unit 5. Reservations
* Reserving a hotel room

* Asking for and give permission

Unit 6. Etiquette
* Talking about proper etiquettes in certain situations

* Describing symptoms
Unit 7. Hospital * Giving a reason
* Expressing prohibition

* Asking for and giving advice

Unit 8. Advice & Suggestions
* Making suggestion

* Buying something at a store

* Recommending something to a buyer
Unit 9. Shopping
* Exchanging a product
* Comparing

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

Active Korean 3
1. Course Description

This course is designed for those who has successfully completed Active Korean 2 (120hours) or is at an
equivalent level. Through this course, students will be able to enhance basic communication skills and
differentiate between the style of Korean language used in an official and an unofficial setting. Topics such as
experience, employment, how to take care of broken things, and speaking about one’s worries will be discussed
along with a comprehensives training on speaking, reading, listening, and writing.

2. Course Objective

- To speak in an appropriate style of Korean at a job interview, presentation, or any other official
- To differentiate between regular speech, honorific speech, and semi-honorific style, then converse
- To converse about various topics, such as experience, hobbies, current trend and more.
- To understand some of the important Korean cultural aspects, such as Korean cuisine, holidays, and
honorific speech.

3. Course Material
[Active Korean 3]
by Language Education Institute of Seoul National University, Moonjin Media

4. Class
- Course Duration: 10 weeks (Monday & Thursday)
- Class Hours: 6:30pm ~ 9:20pm (3 class hours a day)

5. Course Requirement
Students are required to:
- hand in daily assignment
- take a quiz after finishing each unit
- present a role-play after finishing each unit

6. Evaluation Criteria

Each Unit Final Examination

Quiz Role Play Writing Speaking Reading Listening
15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20% 100%

* Grading: A: 90~100 / B: 80~89 / C: 70~79 / F: 0~69

* Attendance: 4 times of lateness = 1 day absence
3 hours of absence = 1 day absence
More than 3 days absence = "Fail"

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

7. Course Schedule

Unit Key Content

* Asking and answering about experiences

Unit 1. Experience
* Asking for a description or opinion

* Asking and answering about hobbies

Unit 2. Hobbies
* Talking about what one can do

Unit 3. Employment * Having an interview

* Talking in a beauty salon

Unit 4. Fashion * Giving the purpose of visit
* Talking about preferences

Unit 5. Out of order * Talking about breakdowns and repairs

* Describing changes
Unit 6. Change
* Asking for opinions

Unit 7. Information * Stating

* Indirect speech
Unit 8. True and False
* Expressing guesses

* Talking about one’s worry

Unit 9. Conflict and Worry
* Giving advices

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

Active Korean 4

1. Course Description

This course is designed for those who has successfully completed Active Korean 3 (180hours) or is at an
equivalent level. The goal of this course is to foster communication skills needed in various social settings and
maintain network of acquaintances. Various topics such as personality, work life, consuming and saving will
be discussed to facilitate better understanding of Korean society and culture.

2. Course Objective
- To utilize public facilities and learn how to communicate better to maintain good relations with
- To understand abstract ideas through news and newspapers
- To able to handle particular situations in Korean such as accidents, how to relay the news of
accidents, and reporting at work
- To understand Korean culture by learning about most used expressions in various social

3. Course Material
[Active Korean 4]
by Language Education Institute of Seoul National University, Moonjin Media

4. Class
- Course Duration: 10 weeks (Monday & Thursday)
- Class Hours: 6:30pm ~ 9:20pm (3 class hours a day)

5. Course Requirement
Students are required to:
- hand in daily assignment
- take a quiz after finishing each unit
- present a role-play after finishing each unit

6. Evaluation Criteria

Each Unit Final Examination

Quiz Role Play Writing Speaking Reading Listening
15% 15% 15% 15% 20% 20% 100%

* Grading: A: 90~100 / B: 80~89 / C: 70~79 / F: 0~69

* Attendance: 4 times of lateness = 1 day absence
3 hours of absence = 1 day absence
More than 3 days absence = "Fail"

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University

7. Course Schedule

Unit Key Content

* Describing Outfits
Unit 1. Appearance and Personality * Describing Personalities
* Describing Appearances

* Explaining the function of a product

Unit 2. Convenient Life * Comparing merits and demerits
* Expressing pros and cons about Internet shopping

* Talking about incidents and accidents after hearing it

Unit 3. Incidents and Accidents * Listening to a conversation reporting on a burglar
* Talking about a lost item

* Talking about hopes

Unit 4. Dream and Reality * Talking about plans
* Talking about yesterday's dream

* Expressing mistakes
Unit 5. Mistakes and Regrets
* Expressing apologies and regrets

* Speaking on the phone related to person in charge

Unit 6. Company * Reporting in a meeting
* Talking about in-house education notice

* Talking about consuming patterns

Unit 7. Consuming and Saving * Expressing regrets after purchasing
* Talking about using cash and credit card

* Explaining exhibited goods at a museum

Unit 8. Korea * Talking about evaluation of Korea
* Talking about life in Korea

* Making travel schedules

Unit 9. Travel * Talking about traveling experiences
* Talking about traveling experiences in Korea

Korean Language Education Center

Language Education Institute
Seoul National University


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