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RICHARD R. GOLDBERG The University of lowa YSIS SECOND EDITION JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. Copyright © 1976, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright 1964, Ginn and Company (Xerox Corporation) A\ll rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means, nor transmitted, nor translated into a machine language with- out the written permission of the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Goldberg, Richard R. Methods of real analysis. Includes index. 1, Functions of real variables. 2. Mathemati- cal analysis. I. Title. QA331.5.G58 1976 515'.8 75-30615 ISBN 0-471-31065-4 Printed in the United States of America 10987654321 PREFACE This book is intended as a one-year course for students who have completed an ordinary sequence of courses in elementary calculus. It presents in rigorous fashion basic material on the fundamental concepts and tools of analysis—functions, limits, continu- ity, derivatives and integrals, sequences, and series. Most of the difficult points usually glossed over in elementary courses are dealt with in detail, as well as many more advanced topics designed to give a good background for (and, hopefully, a taste of) modern analysis and topology. In particular, there are treatments of metric spaces and Lebesgue integration, topics that are often reserved for more advanced courses. Also included are many smaller but interesting topics not usually presented in courses at this level; these topics include Baire category and discontinuous functions, summability of series, the Weierstrass theorem on approximation of continuous functions by poly- nomials, and a proof of the standard existence theorem for differential equations from the point of view of fixed-point theory. The book is written at the same level as texts for traditional “advanced calculus” courses, but does not consider topics in “several variables.” Material on differentials and vector calculus, in our opinion, can be understood best from the point of view of modern differential geometry and belong in a separate course. REMARKS ON THE SECOND EDITION Many changes in, additions to, and some deletions from the first edition have been made in accordance with thoughtful criticism from many colleagues at large and small _ institutions. A major feature of this new edition is the addition of sections called “Notes and Additional Exercises,” which include a variety of material. There are famous theorems related to the material in the body of the text—for example, the Schréder-Bernstein theorem from set theory, the Tietze extension theorem from topology, and Stone’s generalization of the Weierstrass approximation theorem. The proofs are given in outline only, with a great deal left to the student as exercises. In these new sections there are also vi PREFACE miscellaneous exercises (many of which are quite challenging) and an occasional histori- cal note. An instructor's solutions manual for the problems in the new material can be obtained from the author. I also added an appendix that contains an axiomatic treatment of the real number system. This was a compromise between no treatment at all in the first edition and a lengthy development from basic principles that I think would retard the reader’s progress into the core of the book. All the assumptions about the real numbers and the necessary results that can be derived from these assumptions are carefully presented. There are a number of pictorial illustrations—also a departure from the first edition— and new exercises in many of the chapters, and new proofs. Richard R. Goldberg CONTENTS Introduction: Assumptions and Notations 7 1. Sets and functions 3 1.1, Sets and elements 3 1.2. Operations on sets 4 1.3. Functions 8 1.4, Real-valued functions 14 1.5. Equivalence, countability 16 1.6. Real numbers 20 1,7. Least upper bounds 24 2. Sequences of real numbers 27 21. jon of sequence and subsequence 7 2.2. of a sequence 29 2.3. Convergent sequences 33 2.4. Divergent sequences 35 2.5. Bounded sequences 37 2.6. Monotone sequences 38 2.7. Operations on convergent sequences 4 2.8. Operations on divergent sequences 47 2.9, Limit superior and limit inferior 48 2.10. Cauchy sequences 54 2.11, Summability of sequences 58 vil vill CONTENTS 2.12, Limit superior and limit inferior for sequences of sets Series of real numbers 3.1. Convergence and divergence 3.2. Series with nonnegative terms 3.3. Alternating series 3.4, Conditional convergence and absolute convergence 3.5. Rearrangements of series 3.6. Tests for absolute convergence 3.7. Series whose terms form a nonincreasing sequence 3.8. Summation by parts 3.9. (C,1) summability of series 3.10. The class /? 3.11. Real numbers and decimal expansions 3.12. Notes and additional exercises for Chapters 1, 2, and 3 Limits and metric spaces 4.1. Limit of a function on the real line 4.2. Metric spaces 4,3. Limits in metric spaces Continuous functions on metric spaces 5.1. Functions continuous at a point on the real line 5.2. Reformulation 5.3. Functions continuous on a metric space 5.4, Open sets 5.5. Closed sets 5.6. Discontinuous functions on R! 5.7. The distance from a point to a set Connectedness, completeness, and compactness 6.1. More about open sets 6.2. Connected sets 6.3. Bounded sets and totally bounded sets Complete metric spaces Compact metric spaces 65 68 68 70 73 74 7 81 87 92 94 97 108 108 108 118 121 126 126 129 132 134 138 143 146 148 148 149 153 156 160 10. CONTENTS Continuous functions on compact metric spaces Continuity of the inverse function Uniform continuity Notes and additional exercises for Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Cedculus 7.1. Sets of measure zero 7.2. Definition of the Riemann integral 7.3. _ Existence of the Riemann integral 7.4, Properties of the Riemann integral Derivatives Rolle's theorem The law of the mean Fundamental theorems of calculus Improper integrals 7.10. Improper integrals (continued) The elementary functions. Taylor series 8.1. Hyperbolic functions 8.2. The exponential function 8.3. The logarithmic function. Definition of x? 8.4. The trigonometric functions 8.5. Taylor's theorem The binomial theorem L'Hospital’s rule Sequences and series of functions 9.1. Pointwise convergence of sequences of functions 9.2. Uniform convergence of sequences of functions 9.3. Consequences of uniform convergence 9.4. Convergence and uniform convergence of series of functions 9.5. Integration and differentiation of series of functions 9.6. Abel summability A continuous, nowhere-differentiable function Three famous theorems 10.1. The metric space C[a, 5] 163 166 167 71 179 179 180 186 188 193 200 203 205 21 218 224 224 226 228 230 235 242 245 252 252 255 260 264 268 271 277 280 280 VW CONTENTS 10.2. 10.3. 10.4. 10.5. The Weierstrass approximation theorem Picard existence theorem for differential equations The Arzela theorem on equicontinuous families Notes and additional exercises for Chapters 9 and 10 The Lebesgue integral Wad, 11.2, 11,3. 11.4, 11.5. 11.6. 17. 11.8, 11.9. Length of open sets and closed sets Inner and outer measure. Measurable sets Properties of measurable sets Measurable functions Definition and existence of the Lebesgue integral for bounded functions Properties of the Lebesgue integral for bounded measurable functions The Lebesgue integral for unbounded functions ‘Some fundamental theorems The metric space £?[a,b]. 11.10. The integral on (— 00, 00) and in the plane Fourier series 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 12.7, Definition of Fourier series Formulation of convergence problems The (C, 1) summabi The £? theory of Fourier series of Fourier series Convergence of Fourier series Orthonormal expansions in £?[a,5] Notes and additional exercises for Chapters 11 and 12 Appendix: The algebraic and order axioms for the real numbers Special Symbols Index 283 287 292 355 355 358 362 364 369 373 380 388 395 399 INTRODUCTION ASSUMPTIONS AND NOTATIONS A. The book does not begin with an extended development of the real numbers. However, the reader who wishes to proceed in strictly logical order should first digest the basic definitions and theorems about sets and functions in Sections 1.1 through 1.3, and then turn to the Appendix for the algebra and order axioms of the reals and the theorems on arithmetic and inequalities that are derived from those axioms. After the Appendix the reader should go to Section 1.7 where the least upper bound axiom is presented. At this point the reader will have seen a careful treatment of all the basic assumptions about the reals. Anyone choosing this approach may skip now to paragraph Cc B. There are some who feel, however, that it is preferable at first to be less formal about the real numbers so that the reader can get to the meat of the book more quickly. From this point of view it is better to delay reading the Appendix and simply proceed directly through the main body of the text. For those who wish to take this approach we mention briefly some facts about the reals. An integer is a “whole number.” Thus 6,0, — 3 are integers. A rational number is a real number that can be expressed as a quotient of integers. Thus 3/2 and —9/276 are rational numbers. Any integer k is thus a rational number since we may write k=k/I. An irrational number is a real number that is not a rational number. For example, a solution to the equation x?=2 must be an irrational number. The reader should have some facility in handling inequalities. He should know that if x-and y are real numbers and x—y. Also, if O00 we define |x| to be x. For x <0 we define |x| to be — x. Finally we define \0|=0. Thus for any real numbers x, |x| is the “numerical value” of x. We call |x| the absolute value of x. By considering various cases according to the sign of x and of y, the reader should have no difficulty in proving the immensely important results Ix+yl< lal +>] ()y and lxy| bl 2 INTRODUCTION If a and b are real numbers, then the geometric interpretation of |a — d| is the distance from a to b (or from 6 to a). This interpretation is especially important for the understanding of the essential ideas in many of the proofs. If a, b, c are real numbers, the geometric meaning of the inequality Ja—b]<|a—cl+|c—b] 2) is that the distance from a to b is no greater than the distance from a to ¢ plus the distance from c to b. This should seem quite reasonable. See if you can prove (2). [Let x=a-c,y=c—b and use (1).] C. We assume the truth of laws of exponents such as a**”=a%a” for a>0 and for rational values of x and y. In Chapter 8 we define a* for any real number x and then prove the familiar laws of exponents for arbitrary exponents. The notations a'/? and Va both mean the positive square root of a. (The existence of a positive square root for any positive number is presented in exercise 8 of Section 6.2.) D. Here are some notations. If a and b are real numbers with aa. By (— 00,a) we mean the set of all real x with x 0, y >0}—the ser of all points such that x is nonnegative and y is nonnegative. Similarly, (0, 1]=(x|0< x <1}. DEFINITION. If 6 is an element of the set A, we write bE A. If b is not an element of A, we write bZ A. Thus a€ {a,b,c} but d@ {a,b,c}. As another illustration, suppose we define a base- ball team as the set of its players and define the American League to be the set of its twelve member teams. Then, in the notations we have just introduced, American League= {A’s, Tigers,..., Rangers}, A’s= (Jackson, Bando, ..,Campaneris}, A’s€ American League, Jackson € A's. 4 ‘SETS AND FUNCTIONS Note that the elements of the American League are themselves sets, which illustrates the fact that a set can be an element of another set. Note also that although Jackson plays in the American League, he is not an element of the American League as we have defined it. Hence Jackson @ American League. Exercises 1.1 1, Describe the following sets of real numbers geometrically: A={x|x<7}, B= {x|lx|>2}, C={x|]x]=1). Xn Describe the following sets of points in the plane geometrically: A={|x?4y7=1}, B= (xy d[x|xt+y=2}. 3. Let P be the set of prime integers. Which of the following are true? (a) 7eP. (b) 9EP. (©) NEP. (d) 7,547,193 -65,317 € P. 4, Let A={1,2, {3}, (4,5}}. Are the following true or false? (a) 1EA. (b) 364. How many elements does A have? 1.2 OPERATIONS ON SETS In grammar-school arithmetic the “elementary operations” of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are used to make new numbers out of old numbers—that is, to combine two numbers to create a third. In set theory there are also elementary operations—union, intersection, complementation—which correspond, more or less, to the arithmetic operations of addition, multiplication, and subtraction. 1.2A. peFINiTio. If A and B are sets, then AU B (read “A union B” or “the union of A and B”)is the set of all elements in either A or B (or both). Symbolically, AUB={x|xEA or x€B}. Thus if A={1,2,3}, B={3,4,5}, q) then AU B=(1,2,3,4,5}. 1.2B. DEFINITION. If A and B are sets, then AM B (read “A intersection B” or “the intersection of A and B”) is the set of all elements in both A and B. Symbolically, ANB={x|x€A and xEB). 1.2 OPERATIONS ON SETS 5 Thus if A, B are as in (1) of Section 1.2A, then A B= {3}. (Note the distinction between {3} and 3. Since An B is the set whose only element is 3, to be consistent we must write An B= {3}. This distinction is rarely relevant, and we often ignore it.) See Figure 1. When A and B are sets with no elements in common, A B has nothing in it at all. We would still like, however, to call AB a set. We therefore make the following definition. FIGURE 1. 1.2C, DEFINITION. We define the empty set (denoted by @) as the set which has no elements. Thus {1,2} {3,4}=@. Moreover, for any set A we have AUQ=A and ANG=G (verify!). 1.2D. DEFINITION. If A and B are sets, then B— A (read “B minus A”) is the set of all elements of B which are not elements of A. Symbolically, B-A={x|xEB,xZA}. Thus if A,B are as in (1) of Section 1.2A, B— A = {4,5}. See Figure 2. There are relations for sets that correspond to the < and > signs in arithmetic. We now define them. FIGURE 2. 1.2E. DEFINITION. If every element of the set A is an element of the set B, we write ACB (read “A is contained in B” or “A is included in B”) or B> A (read “B contains A”), If A CB, we say that A is a subset of B. A proper subset of B is a subset A CB such that A # B. (See Figure 3.) 6 SETS AND FUNCTIONS ACB FIGURE 3. Thus if A={1,6,7}, B={1,3,6,7,8}, C=(2,3,4,5,..., 100}, () then ACB but BC (even though C has 99 elements and B has only 5). Also @C D and D CD for any set D. 1.2F. DEFINITION. We say that vo sets are equal if they contain precisely the same elements. Thus A= B if and only if ACB and BCA (verify!). Note that for B and C in (1) of 1.2E, none of the relations BCC,C. C.B,C=B hold. 1.2G. It is often the case that all sets A,B,C,... in a given discussion are subsets of a “big” set S. Then S—A is called the complement of A (relative to S), the phrase in parentheses sometimes being omitted. For example, the set of rational numbers is the complement of the set of irrational numbers (relative to the reals). When there is no ambiguity as to what S is we write S— A =A’. Thus A” [meaning (4’))] is equal to A. Moreover, S= A U A’. See Figure 4. We now prove our first theorem. 1.2H. THEOREM. If A,B are subsets of S, then (AUB) =A'NB’ ay FIGURE 4. 1.2. OPERATIONS ON SETS 7 and (An BY =A'UB’. (2) These equations are sometimes called De Morgan’s laws. proor: If x€(AUBY’, then x@AUB. Thus x is an element of neither A nor B so that x4’ and xB’, Thus x€A’7 B’. Hence (AU BY CA’N B’. Conversely, if y€ A'nB’, then yA’ and yeB’, so that yA and y#B. Thus y@AUB, and so y €(AU BY. Hence A’n B’C(AU BY. This establishes (1). Equation (2) may be proved in the same manner or it can be deduced from (1) as follows: In (1) replace A,B by A’,B’ respectively, so that A’, B’ are replaced by A” =A and B” = B. We obtain (A’U B’)' =A B. Now take the complement of both sides. Exercises 1.2 1, Let A be the set of letters in the word “trivial,” A =({a,i,/,r,t,0}. Let B be the set of letters in the word “difficult.” Find A U B,A M B,A — B, B—A. If S is the set of all 26 letters in the alphabet and 4’= S—A,B'= S— B, find A’, B’,A’n B’. Then verify that A'n B'=(AUBY. 2. For the sets A,B,C in Exercise 1 of Section 1.1, describe geometrically 4M B, BN GANC. . Do the same for the sets A,B,C of Exercise 2 of Section 1.1. 4. For any sets A,B,C prove that (AUB)UC=AU(BUC). This is an associative law for union of sets and shows that AU BUC may be written without parentheses. 5. Prove; for any sets 4,B,C, that (ANB)NC=AN(BNC). This is an associative law for intersection of sets. 6. Prove the distributive law AN(BUC)=(ANB)U(ANC). » See Figure 5. FIGURE 5. AN(BUC)=(AN B)U[ANC) 7. Prove (AUB)-(4nB)=(4-B)U(B- A). a SETS AND FUNCTIONS 2 . True or false (that is, prove true for all sets A,B,C, or give an example to show false): (a) (AUB)—C=AU(B-C). (b) (AUB)— B. (c) (AN B)U(BNC)U(ANC)=AN BNC. (d) (AUB)NC=AU(BNC). . True or false: (a) If ACB and BCC, then ACC. (b) If ACC and BCC, then AUBCC. (©) (0,13, ). @) (x|lx1> 4) (y|lyl> 4) =(zll21> 4). 2 1.3. FUNCTIONS 1.3A. In the cruder calculus texts we see the following definition: “If to each x (in a set S) there corresponds one and only one value of y, then we say that y is a function of x.” This “definition,” although it embodies the essential idea of the function concept, does not conform to our purpose of keeping undefined terms to a minimum. (What does “correspond” mean?) In other places we see a function-defined as a graph. Again, this is not suitable for us since “graph” is as yet undefined. However, since a plane graph (intuitively) is a certain kind of set of points, and each point is (given by) a pair of numbers, this will lead us to an acceptable definition of function in Section 1.3C. 1.3B. DEFINITION. If A,B are sets, then the Cartesian product of A and B (denoted AX B) is the set of all ordered pairs* (a,b) where aG A and bEB. Thus the Cartesian product of the set of real numbers with itself gives the set of all ordered pairs of real numbers. We usually call this last set the plane (after we define the distance between pairs). See Figure 6. The lateral surface of a right circular cylinder can be regarded as the Cartesian product of a line segment and a circle. (Why?) We are now in a position to define function. 1.3C. DEFINITION. Let A and B be any two sets. A function f from (or on) A into B is a subset of A x B (and hence is a set of ordered pairs (— 00, 00). We now give three theorems on images and inverse images of sets. \.3E. THEOREM. If f:A—B and if X CB, Y CB, then SX UY )aFX)US (YY), qd) In words, the inverse image of the union of two sets is the union of the inverse images. PROOF: Suppose a€f~'(X U Y). Then f(a) X u Y. Hence either f(a)EX or f(a)E Y so that either a€f~'\(X) or ae f~'(Y). But this says ae€f~'(X)Uf—'(Y). Thus. SOX UY) Cf (X)US7(Y). Conversely, if bE f-'(X)UFT'(Y), then either bE {-\X) or bEF-(Y). Hence either f(b)EX or f(b)EY so that f(b)EX UY. Thus bef-(XU Y), and so f-'(X)UF~"Y)CF7'(X U Y). This proves (1). The next theorem can be proved in exactly the same way. 1.3F. THEOREM. If f:A—B and if XC B,Y CB, then SKA) RaS xX )af(Y)- In words, the inverse image of the intersection of two sets in the intersection of the inverse images. pRooF: The proof is left as an exercise. The last two results concerned inverse images. Here is one about images. 13G. THEOREM. If f:A—>B and X CA,Y CA, then S(XUY)=S(xUS(Y)- In words, the image of the union of two sets is the union of the images. proor: If bEf(XUY), then b=f(a). for some a€XU Y. Either a€X or ae. Thus either b€ f(X) or bE f(Y). Hence bE f(X)US(Y) which shows f(X U Y)Cf(X)U Jf(Y). Conversely, if c€ f(X)Uf(Y) then either cE f(X) or cE f(Y). Then c is the image of some point in X or ¢ is the image of some point in Y. Hence c is the.image of some point in Xu Y, that is cE f(X U Y). So f(X)US(Y)CS(X U Y). 1.3H. Conspicuously absent from this list of results is the relation S(XNY)=aK(X)ALY) — forX cA, YCA. Prove that this relation need not hold. 1.3}, DEFINITION (THE COMPOSITION OF FUNCTIONS). If f:A->B and g:B->C, then we define the function gef by sf(x)=slf()] (¥E A). 12 SETS AND FUNCTIONS That is, the image of x under gof is defined to be the image of f(x) under g. The function gef is called the composition of f with g. [Some people write g(f) instead of sh Thus gef:A—C. For example, if S(x)=ltsiny — (-0oY. If AC X,B CX, show that f(A)—f(B)Cf(A — B). identically equal to g” in the sense of 1.3. FUNCTIONS 13 Let S(x)=logx — (0 — (0 B,g: B>C,h: C+D, prove that he( gof)= (hog). 4 ‘SETS AND FUNCTIONS 13. For which of the following pairs of functions f and g is g an extension of f? x(0R, we call f a real-valued function. If x€A, then f(x) (heretofore called the image of x under f) is also called the value of f at x. We now define the sum, difference, product, and quotient of real-valued functions. 14B, DEFINITION. If f: AR and g:A—>R, we define f+ g as the function whose value at xEA is equal to f(x) + g(x). That is, (ft a(x)=f(x) a(x) (x A). In set notation ft a={R. Similarly, we define f—g and fg by (f-8\(x)=f(x)—8(x) (XE A), (Bx)=f(x) a(x) (XE A). Finally, if ¢(x)#0 for all x A, we can define f/g by df ) f(x) = = eA). ( BJ" aay) &EA) The sum, difference, product, and quotient of two real-valued functions with the same domain are again real-valued functions. What permits us to define the sum of two real-valued functions is the fact that addition of real numbers is defined. In general, if fiA—B,g:A-B, there is no way to define f+ g unless there is a “plus” operation in B. 1.4C. peFiniTion. If f:A—>R and c is a real number (cE R), the function of is defined by (f)(x)=e[F(~)] (x EA). Thus the value of 3f at x is 3 times the value of f at x. 14D. For a,b real numbers let max(a,b) denote the larger and min(a,b) denote the smaller of a and 6. [If a=6, then max(a,b)=min(a,b)=a=b.] Then we can define max(f,g) and min(f,g) for real-valued functions f,g. DEFINITION. If f:A—>R,g:A4—>R, then max(f,g) is the function defined by max(f,g)(x)=max[f(x),8(x)]_ (xe), 1.4. REAL-VALUED FUNCTIONS 15, and min(/,g) is the function defined by min(f,g)(x)=min[ f(x),g(x)] (x4), Thus if f(x)=sinx(0< x < 7/2),g(x)=cosx(0< x < 7/2) and h=max(f,g), then h(x)mcosx (0 a Xana =mMin(X4.Xe)=XaXe> Xa-s=Xa-Xp (provided BCA), Xa = lax" Xs=1, Xe =O For example, to establish (1), suppose xEAU B. Then X4y (x)= 1. But either xEA * We are using 1 here to denote the real-valued function whose value at each x€ S is equal to the number | (that is, here 1 is the “function identically 1”). Thus the symbol | has two different meanings—one a number, the other a function. The reader will be able to tell from the context which meaning to assign. + The 0 denotes the function identically 0. 16 SETS AND FUNCTIONS or xB (or both), and so either x4(x)=1 or xp(x)=1. Thus max(x4.x9)(x)= 1. Hence T=xX4ua(x)=max(x4Xe(x) (XEAUB) Q) If xZAUB, then x4. g(x) =0. But x A’- B’ by (1) of Section 1.2H and hence x € A’ and x © B’ so that x,(x)=0=x,(x). Thus max(x4.X,)(x)=0. Hence O=Xaua(x)=Max(XyXe)(X) (x ZAUB). (3) Equation (1) now follows from (2) and (3). Exercises 1.4 1. Let f(x)=2x(— 0 B and f is 1-1, then fis called a 1-1 correspondence (between A and B). If there exists a 1-1 correspondence between the sets A and B, then A and B are called equivalent. Thus any two sets containing exactly seven elements are equivalent. The reader should not find it difficult to verify the following. 1. Every set A is equivalent to itself. 2. If A and B are equivalent, then B and A are equivalent. 3. If A and B are equivalent and B and C are equivalent, then A and C are equivalent. We shall see presently that the set of all integers and the set of all rational numbers are equivalent, but that the set of all integers and the set of all real numbers are not equivalent. First let us talk a little bit about “infinite sets.” 15D. The set A is said to be infinite if, for each positive integer n, A contains a subset with precisely n elements.* Let us denote by / the set of all positive integers— 1=(1,2,...}. Then / is clearly an infinite set. The set R of all real numbers is also an infinite set. The reader should convince himself that if a set is not infinite, it contains precisely n elements for some nonnegative integer n. A set that is not infinite is called finite. It will be seen that there are many “sizes” of infinite sets. The smallest size is called countable. 1.5E DEFINITION. The set A is said to be countable (or denumerable) if A is equivalent to the set / of positive integers. An uncountable set is an infinite set which is not countable. Thus 4 is countable if there exists a 1-1 function f from / onto A. The elements of 4 are then the images f(1),f(2),..., of the positive integers— A=(F(1)S(2)--}, [where the f(i) are all distinct from one another]. * If n is a positive integer, then the statement “B has n elements” means “B is equivalent to the set (abate 18 ‘SETS AND FUNCTIONS: Hence, saying that 4 is countable means that its elements can be “counted” (arranged with “labels” 1,2,...). Instead of f(1),f(2),.-., we usually write a,,),.... For example, the set of all integers is countable. For by arranging the integers as 0,-1,+1,—2, +2,..., we give a scheme by which they can be counted. [The last sentence is an imprecise but highly intuitive way of saying that the function f defined by Sena 2Z* (n= 13,5.) 2 S(n= > (n=2,4,6,..-)s is a 1-1 correspondence between J and the set of all integers. For f(1),f(2),... is the same as 0, — 1,1, —2,2,....] See Figure 9. This example shows that a set can be equivalent to a proper subset of itself. The same reasoning shows that if A and B are countable, then so is AU B. For A can be expressed as A= {a,ay,...} and similarly B= {b,,by,...}. THUS 4,b),4y,by,45, by...» is a scheme for “counting” the elements of A U B. (Of course, we must remove any b, which occurs among the a,’s so that the same element in A U B is not counted twice.) FIGURE 9. Diagram of a 1-1 correspondence between the set of positive integers and the set of all integers 1.5. EQUIVALENCE; COUNTABILITY 19 The following theorem gives a much stronger result. 1,5F, THEOREM. If A;,43,... are countable sets, then* U%.,4, is countable. In words, the countable union of countable sets is countable. pRooF: We may write 4,={al,a!,a},...},4,= (a2,a3,a3,.,.},-..4,= (at, a3,a$,...}, so that af is the kth element of the set 4,. Define the height of aj to be j+k. Then a! is the only element of height 2; likewise a! and a? are the only elements of height 3; and so on. Since for any positive integer m > 2 there are only m—1 elements of height m, we may arrange (count) the elements of U®.,A,, according to their height as 1 @alala@aiat YT 543542, 4}, A) 50005 being careful to remove any af that has already been counted. Pictorially, we are listing the elements of U%.,4, in the following array’ and counting them in the order indicated by the arrows: in A at aleal at WM 3 ee 5 4 ge ae V7 + has The fact that this counting scheme eventually counts every aj proves that U%.,A, is countable. We obtain the following important corollary. 1,5G. COROLLARY. The set of all rational numbers is countable. PROOF: The set of all rational numbers is the union U®.,E, where E, is the set of rationals which can be written with denominator n. That is, E,=(0/n,—1/n,1/n,-2/ n,2/n,...}- Now each E, is clearly equivalent to the set of all integers and is thus countable. (Why?) Hence the set of all rationals is the countable union of countable sets. Apply 1.5F. It seems clear that if we can count the elements of a set we can count the elements of any subset. We make this precise in the next theorem. 15H. THEOREM. If B is an infinite subset of the countable set 4, then B is countable. PROOF: Let A={aj,a,,...}. Then each element of B is an a, Let n, be the smallest subscript for which a, € B, let n, be the next smallest, and so on. Then B= (d,,,d,y.--+}+ The elements of B are thus labeled with 1,2,..., and so B is countable. 1,51. COROLLARY. The set of all rational numbers in [0,1] is countable. PROOF: The proof follows directly from 1.5G and 1.5H. * We have not used the symbol U2. ,A,,'before. It means, of course, the set of all elements in at least one of the 4,. 20 ‘SETS AND FUNCTIONS: Exercises 1.5 1. Which of the following define a 1-1 function? (a) f(x) =e*(-0B and g: BC and both f and g are 1-1, is gef also 1-1? (b) If fis not 1-1, is it still possible that gef is 1-12 (c) Give an example in which f is 1-1, g is not 1-1, but gef is 1-1. Let P, be the set of polynomial functions f of degree n, x » F(x) = gx" Fax" + + +a,_\xta,, where n is a fixed nonnegative integer and the coefficients ao,a,,...,4, are all integers. Prove that P, is countable. (Hint: Use induction.) 4. Prove that the set of all polynomial functions with integer coefficients is countable. 5. Prove that the set of all polynomial functions with rational coefficients is countable. (Hint: This can be done by retracing the methods used in the preceding two problems.) However, also try this: Every polynomial g with rational coefficients can be written g=(1/N)f where f is a polynomial with integer coefficients and N is a suitable positive integer. (Verify.) The set of all g that go with a given N is countable (by Exercise 4 of Section 1.5). Finish the proof. 6. We are assuming that every (nonempty) open interval (a,b) contains a rational (Introduction). Using this assumption, prove that every open interval contains infinitely many (and hence countably many) rationals. : . Show that the intervals (0, 1) and [0, 1] are equivalent. (Hint: Consider separately the rationals and irrationals in the intervals.) 8. Prove that any infinite set contains a countable subset. 9, Prove that if A is an infinite set and x A, then A and A — {x} are equivalent. (This shows that any infinite set is equivalent to a proper subset. This property is often taken as the definition of infinite sets.) 10. Show that the set of all ordered pairs of integers is countable. 11. Show that if A and B are countable sets, then the Cartesian product A x B is countable. 12. Prove that the family of all finite subsets of a countable set is itself countable. 13. (a) If f is a 1-1 function from A onto B, show that folef(xy=x (xed), and fof-(y)=y (ye B). (b) If g:C-+A and h=feg, show that g=f~!eh. 0 1.6 REAL NUMBERS This section is out of logical order. We shall not at this time define the terms “decimal expansion,” “binary expansion,” and so on; rather, we rely here on the reader’s experience and intuition. These terms, and the assumptions concerning them, are discussed carefully in Chapter 3. Insofar as the logical development of this book is concerned, this section could be ignored. Insofar as examples and understanding are concerned, however, this sgction should definitely not be ignored. We have not as yet given an example of an infinite set that is not countable. We shall soon see that the set R of all real numbers provides such an example. 1.6 REAL NUMBERS 2 We shall assume that every real number x can be written in decimal expansion. a a a3 =b+— + + 4, 10° 10? 10° where the a, are integers, L, then M cannot be a lu.b. for A since L is an u.b. and L< M. Similarly, no set can have more than one g.l.b. It is not at all obvious that a nonempty set A which is bounded above necessarily has a Lu.b. This is the subject of the least upper bound axiom to be given shortly. First we give some examples. If B=(4,3,...,2"-1)/2",...}, then g.b..egx= 4 and Lu.b..egx=. (Verify!) Note that the gil.b. for B is an element of B but that the L.u.b. for B is nor an element of B. The set (3,4) (open interval) does not contain either its g.l.b. or its L.u.b., which are 3 and 4 respectively. The g.l.b. for J is 1. There is no 1.u.b. since J is not bounded above. The g.l.b. and the Lu.b. for (0} are both equal to 0. According to our definitions, the empty set @ is bounded since @C[M,N] for any interval [M,N]. Thus every number N ER is an u.b. for @ and so @ does not have a Lub. The following axiom would be a theorem if we were to develop set theory carefully and then construct the real numbers from the definition. Since we are not doing this we call it an axiom. 1,7D, LEAST UPPER BOUND AXIOM. If A is any nonempty subset of R that is bounded above, then A has a least upper bound in R. This axiom says roughly that R (visualized as a set of points on a line) has no holes in it, The set of all rational numbers does have holes in it. (That is, the l.u.b. axiom does not hold if R is replaced by the set of all rationals.) For example, if A=({1,1.4,1.41, 1.414,...}, then (in R) the L.u.b. for A is V2. which is not in the set of rationals. Thus if we had never heard of irrational numbers, we would say that A had no Lub. Our assumptions about the relation between real numbers and decimal expansions are consequences of the l.u.b. axiom 1.7D. We show how to deduce them in the next chapter. The statement for g.l.b. corresponding to 1.7D need not be taken as an axiom. It can be deduced from 1.7D. 1.7E. THEOREM. If A is any nonempty subset of R that is bounded below, then A has a greatest lower bound in R. PRooF: Let BCR be the set of all x ER such that — x EA. (That is, the elements of B are the negatives of the elements of A.) If M is a lower bound for A, then — M is an upper bound for B. For if x&B, then —x€A and so M< —x,x<—M. Hence B is bounded above so that, by 1.7D, B has a l.u.b. If @Q is the l.u.b. for B, then — Q is the g..b. for A. (Verify.) One interesting consequence of the least upper bound axiom is the following result called the Archimedean property of the real numbers. 1.7F. THEOREM. If a and b are positive numbers, then there exists n€/ such that na > b. (Thus no matter how small a is or how large b is, there is an integral multiple of a that is greater than b.) 26 SETS AND FUNCTIONS PROOF: Let A={na|né1). If the theorem were false, then 6 would be an upper bound for 4. Hence by 1.7D, the set A would have a least upper bound. Let B=1.u.b.A. Then, since B is the /east upper bound, the number B—a is not an upper bound for A so that B—aR. Therefore N is a sequence. Roughly, then, a subsequence of {n}_, is a sequence of integers whose terms get larger and larger. For example, the sequence of primes 2, 3, 5, 7, Il,... is a subsequence of {n}. Other examples are 2, 4, 6, 8,... and I, 3, 5, 7,...- 2.1D. DEFINITION. If S={s,}®, is a sequence of real numbers and N={n}%, is a subsequence of the sequence of positive integers, then the composite function S°N is called a subsequence of S. Note that for iG J we have N(i)=n, SON (i) =S[N()]=S()= 5, and hence SoN=(5)2 Thus our definition 2.1D conforms to the accepted notation 5,,, 5,,..-- for subsequences. In effect, N tells us which terms of S to keep. For example, let us denote the sequence 1, 0, 1, 0,... by B, and define N={n,}2, by =2i-1 (iE/) so that ,=1, n,=3, ny=5,.... Then BeN is the subsequence 1, 1, 1,... of B. For another example, if C={¢,)221= (Vn )2), and Ne (nn (4)%,, then CoN=(6)2 = (VF Jn, Exercises 2.1 1. Let {5,}., be the sequence defined by =], = aa (n—234en)s Find sy. (The numbers s, are called the Fibonacci numbers.) 2. Write a formula or formulae for s, for each of the following sequences. [For example, =5,+5,-1 2.2. LIMIT OF A SEQUENCE 29 the sequence 2, 1,4,3,6,5,8,7, 1 (n=2,4,6,...).] (@) 1,0,1,0,1,0,.... () 1,3,6,10,15,.... (©) 1,-4,9, — 16,25, -36,. (@) 1,1,1,2,1,3,1,4,1,5,1,6,. Which of the sequences (a), (b), (c), (d) in the previous exercise are subsequences of can be described by s,=n+1 (n=1,3,5, » (5) f= Q2n- V8, and N= (1) sequence of {k}#.,? 5. Let S be a sequence. Prove that every subsequence of a subsequence of S$ is itself a subsequence of S. 6. If {5,,} fa, is a subsequence of {5,}%.,, prove that =(P)Zp, find 56,59,n2,5,,. Is Na sub- m>k (kel). 2.2 LIMIT OF A SEQUENCE The concept of limit is one of the most important (and conceivably the most difficult) in analysis. In this section we define the limit of a sequence (function on /). Limits for other functions are discussed in the fourth chapter. Roughly speaking, the sequence {s,}%_, has the limit L if s,—L is “small” for all sufficiently large values of n. From this crude description, we would expect that the sequence 1,1,1,...,has the limit 1, that the sequence 1,},4,..., has the limit 0, and the sequence 1, —2,3, —4, does not have a limit. We shall see that our intuition in these cases is correct. In other cases, for example {nsin(/n)}®-,, our intuition is not sharp enough to tell if a given sequence has a “limit” or to compute the “limit” if there is one. We need a precise definition of “limit of a sequence” and enough theorems about the definition to make computations easy. 2.2A. DEFINITION. Let {5,}%., be a sequence of real numbers. We say that , approaches the limit L (as n approaches infinity),* if for every «>0 there is a positive integer N such that LlN). ay If s, approaches the limit L we write or 5,2L (n>0). Instead of “s, approaches the limit L” we often say that the sequence {s,}%., has the limit L. We emphasize the fact that our definition requires that L be a real number. Thus lim,_,..5,=L means that for any ¢>0, the inequality |s,—L|< must hold for * The phrase “as n approaches infinity” is part of the definition. We are not defining “infinity.” 30 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS all values of n except at most a finite number—namely, n= 1,2,...,N—1. The value of N will, in general, depend on the value of «. Thus for a given {s,}%.,, the proof that lim,_,.05,= L consists, upon being given an ¢>0, of finding a value of N such that I Ll). There is no need to find the smallest value of N for which (1) holds. If, for each «>0, any N for which (1) is true has been found, this proves lim, ,,,5,= L- Consider Figure 11. All of the s,, except for at most a finite number of n, must be inside the parentheses. sy SN-s SNe? sy 83 | | jena i i 4 L Lte FIGURE 11. Diagram of lim, s,=L For example, consider the sequence 1,4,4,.... That is, consider {s,}%_, where 5,=1/n (n=1,2,...). We would naturally guess that this sequence has the limit L=0. Let us prove this, Given «>0 we must find N so that (1) holds. In this case (1) reads 1 |p -\<« (n>N), or ce (n> N). (2) Thus if we choose N so that 1/NN. Now 1/N1/e. Hence if we take any NET such that N'>1/e, then (1) will hold for this sequence {s,}%_, with L=0. This proves lim,_,9 1/n=0. Note that the limit 0 is not equal to any term of the sequence. Let us now examine the sequence {s,}%_, where s,=1 (n=1,2,...). We have pre- viously guessed that this sequence has the limit L=1. To prove this we note that 5,— L=1—1=0 so that for any «>0, |s,-L] 1). Thus in this case, for any «>0 we can make (1) hold by taking N rare cases where N does not depend on e.) This proves lim,_,,. 1 For a third example, consider {5,}%_, where s, =n (n=1,2,...)—that is, consider the sequence 1,2,3,.... We shall prove this sequence does not have a limit. Assume the contrary. Then lim,_,,,,= L for some L R. Then for any ¢ there is an N for which (1) holds. In particular, for e=1 there is an N for which (1) holds: |s,-L]<1 (n>N). - (This is one of the This is equivalent to -1N) or - —IN) or L-1N). 2.2. LIMIT OF A SEQUENCE 31 The last statement says that all values of greater than N lie between L—1 and L+1. This is clearly false and the contradiction shows that {s,}7_,={"}%., does not have a limit. The last example shows that a sequence whose terms get “too big” cannot have a limit. This is not the only kind of sequence that does not have a limit. Consider the sequence {5,}2., where s,=(—1)" (n=1,2,...). The terms of this sequence are —1,1, —I,1,. Suppose there were an LER for which lim,_,,,5,= L. Then for e=4 there would be an NEI such that (1) holds. That is, K-I-Li). @) For n even (3) says = L1<45 4) while for n odd (3) says |-I-LI<}. 6) Since |a—b| is the distance from a to b, (4) implies that L is less than 4 unit away from 1, while (5) implies that L is less than } unit away from — 1. This is a contradigtion. [To deduce a contradiction from (4) and (5) without geometry, reason as follows: The inequality (5) is equivalent to |1+ L|<+. But then 2=|2|=|1+ l]=|(1+L)+(1-L)| <1 + L[+|1-L)<3+ which is a contradiction.] Hence no limit L exists for the sequence {(—1)"}%_, (even though the terms of the sequence all have absolute value 1 and hence are not “too big”). We emphasize that at this early stage in our development of limit, if we wish to show that a given sequence has a limit, then we must first guess what the limit is! We have as yet developed no general criteria that will tell us if a limit exists for a given sequence. Here is an example indicating how to go about guessing under a typical set of circumstances. { n+4ni? I. nt+4n\/ 1 Let When n is “large,” then n is “much bigger than” n'/2, We thus guess that, for purposes uf establishing what the limit is (if it exists), the 4n'/? term can be ignored. That is, we have 5,=2n/(n+0) where, as n becomes larger, the quantity 8 becomes more and more negligible compared to the other quantities (even though 9=4n'/? itself is “large” when nis “large”). Thus, for “large” n, 5, must be near 2. We therefore guess that {s,}2_, has the limit 2. From a slightly different, and a more algebraic point of view, we note that s,= 2/(1+4/n"'/?), As n gets “large” the 2 and the | are not affected but 4/n'/? gets “small.” In the “long run” 5, is roughly 2/(1+0). So again we guess lim, _,.95,=2: Now let us prove that lim,_,,.5,=2. Given «€>0 we must find (calculate) N €/ such that (5a) ne 2m nt+4n\/2 The inequality (6) is equivalent to 2n-2n-8n'/? nt+4nl/2 | N). (6) ), 32 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, or 8nl?2 Saag <é ("> N). (7) Now the left side of (7) is less than 8n'/2/n=8/n'/2, (Why?) Hence (7) will be true if 8 wa64/¢?, then (8) will certainly be true, (For 8/n'/?<8/N'/? if n>N.) We have thus shown that if N is any positive integer greater than 64/2, then (8) and hence (7) and finally (6) will be true. This proves 2. Our intuition tells us that a sequence of nonnegative numbers cannot have a negative limit. This we now prove. 2.2B. THEOREM. If {5,}%_, is a sequence of nonnegative numbers and if lim, then L>0. S,=L, PROOF: Suppose the contrary, namely that L<0. Then for e= —L/2 there exists NJ such that In-Li). In particular |sy- L1< =, which implies Sw or But, by hypothesis, sy > 0. This implies L>0, contradicting our supposition that L <0. Hence L>0. This proof is a precise way of saying the following: If s, gets “arbitrarily close” to L when nr is “large,” and L<0, then 5, <0 for sufficiently large n. Exercises 2.2 1. If {5,}2., is a sequence of real numbers, if s,0, prove L< M. 3. If (5,), is a sequence of real numbers and if, for every «>0, =L, |s,-LlN) where N does not depend on e, prove that all but a finite number of terms of {5,}7_, are equal to L. 2.3 CONVERGENT SEQUENCES 33 a (a) Find N €/ such that Qn n+3 (b) Prove lim,_,,.2"/(n+3)=2. . (a) Find N E/ so that 1/Vn+1 <0.03 when n>N. (b) Prove that lim, ,,.1/Va+I =0. 6. If @ is a rational number, prove that the sequence {sinn!@r}2_, has a limit. . For each of the following sequences, prove either that the sequence has a limit or that the sequence does not have a limit. @) {25 } © (na), 3n_\x oy { n+Tn> Jey ..(a) Prove that the sequence {10’/n}*_, has limit 0. (b) Prove that {7/107}2_, does not have a limit. (c) Note that the first 10’ terms of the sequence in (a) are greater than the corresponding terms of the sequence in (b). This emphasizes that the existence of a limit for a sequence does not depend on the first “few” (“few” = “any finite number”) terms. 9, Prove that {n—1/n}%_, does not have a limit. 10. If 5,=5"/n!, show that lim, ,.,s,=0. (Hint: Prove that s, <(5°/5!)(5/n) if n>5.) 11. If P is a polynomial function of third degree, acs (n>N). w ~ es P(x)=ax3+bx?+ex+d — (a,b,c,d,xER), prove that 2.3 CONVERGENT SEQUENCES 2.3A. DEFINITION, If the sequence of real numbers (s,}2., has the limit L, we say that (5,}221 is convergent to L. If {s,}%.; does not have a limit, we say that {s,}%, is divergent. From the examples of the last section we see that the sequences 1,1,1,... and 1,4,4,... are convergent (to the limits 1 and 0, respectively) and that the sequences 1,2,3,... and —1,+1,-1, +1,... are divergent. We now prove that a sequence cannot converge to more than one limit. 2.3B. THEOREM. If the sequence of real numbers (s,}%., is convergent to L, then {5,}%.1 cannot also converge to a limit distinct from LZ. That is, if lim,_,,.5,=L and lim,-.05,= M, then L= M. 34 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, PROOF: Assume the contrary. Then L#M so that |M—L|>0. Let e=3|M-—L|. By the hypothesis lim, _,,,.5, = L there exists N,€/ such that |s,- Ll). Similarly, since lim,_,,.5, = M there exists N,€J such that |s,-M| N)). Let N=max(N,,N,). Then N > N, and N >N, so that both |sy—L| and |sy—M| are less than e. Thus, |[M~ Ll=|(sy—L)—(sy—M)|<|5y— L| +|5y —M|<2e=|M— Ll], which implies |M—L|<|M— L|. This contradiction shows M=L, which is what we wished to show. The next result is almost obvious. In fact it is obvious, so the proof is left to the reader. 2.3C. THEOREM. If the sequence of real numbers (5,)%_, is convergent to L, then any subsequence of {3,}%., is also convergent to L. There is a useful corollary. 2.3D. COROLLARY. All subsequences of a convergent sequence of real numbers con- verge to the same limit. PROOF: If the sequence S converges to L then, by 2.3B, S converges to no other limit. By 2.3C, then, all subsequences of S converge to L (and to no other limit). This corollary yields an easy proof that S=({(—1)"}%., is divergent. For both 1,1,1,... and -1,-1, are subsequences of S and converge to different limits. The example {(—1)"}%_, shows that a divergent sequence may have a convergent subsequence. The example’ {n}%_, shows that a divergent sequence need have no convergent subsequence. ~ Here are some more examples. If @ is a rational number, 0<@<1, and S= {sinnOr}®_,, then S is divergent. For we can write 9=a/b where a and b are integers and b>2. The terms of S for n=6,2b,3b,... are sinaz,sin2a7,sin3am,.... Thus S contains the subsequence 0,0,0,.... But the terms of S for which n=b+1,2b+1,3b+ 1... are. sin(aw+an/b),sinan + an/b),sinar+an/b),... or (—1)*sin¢ar/b),(— 1)** sin(am/b),(— 1)**sin(am/6),.... These terms all have absolute value sin(av/b) and hence do not approach 0. Thus S contains a subsequence which has the limit 0 and a subsequence which (may or may not converge but certainly) does not have the limit 0. By 2.3D, S is divergent. For 8=0 or 8=1 the sequence {sinn6x}®_, is clearly convergent to 0. It may be shown that if @ is irrational, then {sinn6r}®_, is divergent. This, however, is somewhat more difficult. Exercises 2.3 1. For any a,b€ R show that llal-[6|| L as n—>oo. (That is, if the subsequence of {5,}%_, of terms with even subscripts converges to L, as well as the subsequence with odd subscripts, then {5,} 2.1 converges to L also.) 2.4 DIVERGENT SEQUENCES From the examples in Section 2.3 we see that the sequences {n)%, and {(—1)"}2., are both divergent. As we have observed before, however, these sequences behave very differently. For {n}2_, diverges because its terms get “too big,” whereas {(—1)"}2, diverges because its terms “oscillate too much.” In this section we make a classification of divergent sequences. 2.4A. DEFINITION. Let {5,)%, be a sequence of real numbers. We say that s, approaches infinity as n approaches infinity if for any real number M>0 there is a positive integer N such that 5,>M (n>). In this case we write s,->00 as n—>00. Instead of “‘s, approaches infinity” we sometimes say {5,}®., diverges to infinity. Just as we think of ¢ in definition 2.2A as being “small,” we think of the M in this definition as being “large.” Thus if s,->00 as noo, then all but the first “few” of the s, are “large.” It is obvious that {}%_, diverges to infinity. For given M >0, just choose N €/ such that N > M. Then certainly n>M — (n>N). The reader should be sure to verify that if 5,00 as noo, then s, definitely does not approach a limit. (This justifies our use of the phrase “diverges to infinity.”) We never refer to “infinity” as a limit of a sequence. A limit of a sequence must be a real number. 2.4B. DEFINITION, Let {5,}%., be a sequence of real numbers. We say that s, ap- proaches minus infinity as n approaches infinity if, for any real number M >0, there is a positive integer N such that 5,<-M — (n>N). We then write s,->—0o as n—>00 and say {5,}%_, diverges to minus infinity. Again we think of M as “large” so that — M is “large negative.” For example, the sequence {log(I/)}%., diverges to minus infinity. To prove this, 36 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS. given M>O we must find N €/ such that log <-M (n>N). () But this is equivalent to logn>M = (n> N), n>eM = (n>N). Q) Thus if we choose N > e™, then (2) and hence (1) will hold. The sequence 1,—2,3,—4,... does not approach either infinity or minus infinity. However, this sequence has the subsequence 1,3,5,... which approaches infinity and also has the subsequence —2, —4, —6,... which approaches minus infinity. It is easy to show that if the sequence {s,}%°_, diverges to infinity, then so does any subsequence of {s,}%_,. (This is analogous to the result of 2.3C.) Some divergent sequences neither diverge to infinity nor diverge to minus infinity— they “oscillate.” 2.4C. DEFINITION. If the sequence {s,}%_, of real numbers diverges but does not diverge to infinity and does not diverge to minus infinity, we say that {s,}%_, oscillates. ‘An example of a sequence which oscillates is {(—1)"}%_. Another example is the sequence 1,2,1,3,1,4,1,5,.... For, by 2.3D, this sequence diverges since it has the divergent subsequence 1,2,3,4,.... Moreover, the sequence does not diverge to infinity since there is no N €/ for which the statement S,>2 (m2) is true. The sequence obviously does not diverge to minus infinity. Hence it oscillates. We emphasize that “oscillate” does not mean “the terms go up and down.” The sequence 1,—4,+4,—},... converges to zero. Hence, by definition, it does not oscillate even though its terms “go up and down.” Oscillate is a term applied only to certain divergent sequences. Roughly speaking, a sequence oscillates if its terms “go up and down too much.” Exercises 2.4 1. Label each of the following sequences either (4) convergent, (B) divergent to infinity, (C) divergent to minus infinity, or (D) oscillating. (Use your intuition or information from your calculus course. Do not try to prove anything.) (a) {sin(n/2)} 7. (b) {sin nm) ra © {e"}rer (d) {eV/" (e) {nsin(n/n)} () ((— I"tan(a/2—1/m) 71 (e (Itat pte + 1/ayry (h) (= ya . Prove that {Vn }%_, diverges to infinity. . Prove that {Vn+I —Vn }%_, is convergent. (Hint: Recall how to find dy /dx by the Ax process when y = Vx .) . Prove that if the sequence of real numbers {s,,}%°_, diverges to infinity, then {—s,}7_, diverges to minus infinity. 5. Suppose {s,}%_, converges to 0. Prove that {(—1)"s,}%_, converges to 0. . Suppose {5,}%_, converges to L#0. Prove that {(—1)"s,}2, oscillates. . Suppose {5,}%, diverges to infinity. Prove that {(—1)"s,}%_, oscillates. nai wn » no 2.5 BOUNDED SEQUENCES 37 2.5 BOUNDED SEQUENCES Recalling that a sequence of real numbers {,}%., is a function from / into R, we see that the range of {5,}%., (namely {s;,53....}) is a subset of R. 2.5A. DEFINITION. We say that the sequence {s,}%, is bounded above if the range of {5,}221 is bounded above (see 1.7A). Similarly, we say that {s,}2., is bounded below or bounded if the range of {5,}_, is respectively bounded below or bounded. Thus {s,}2, is bounded if and only if there exists MER such that Iy1N). This implies |yI<|L[+1 0 (n>). (1) (For |s,|=|£ + (5, — L)| <|L|+|s,— £1) If we let M=max({|s;[s2),..-./5y—i[}, then we have [spl < M+|L|+1 (neél), which shows that {s,}, is bounded. Thus in summary, all convergent sequences are bounded; all sequences diverging to infinity (or minus infinity) are not bounded; some oscillating sequences are bounded and some are not. Exercises 2.5 . True or false? If a sequence of positive numbers is not bounded, then the sequence diverges to infinity. . Give an example of a sequence {5,}%., which is not bounded but for which lim, ..o5,/ = 0. v 3. Prove that if lim, ,,.5,/=L0, then {5,}%., is not bounded. 4. If {5,}@.1 is a bounded sequence of real numbers, and {1,}2., converges to 0, prove that {5,1,}%_, converges to 0. If the sequence {s,}%_, is bounded, prove that for any ¢>0 there is a closed interval J CR of length € such that s, €J for infinitely many values of n. oe 38 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS. 2.6 MONOTONE SEQUENCES In the preceding section we saw that a sequence may be bounded and still not be convergent, In this section we consider a condition which, together with boundedness, will ensure that a sequence is convergent. 2.6A. DEFINITION. Let {s,}%, be a sequence of real numbers. If s, 5,>--- >5,> 5,41 >-+*, then {5,}%, is called nonincreasing. A monotone sequence is a sequence which is either nonincreasing or nondecreasing (or both). The sequence 1,14,13,1,... (that is, (2-1/2"-"}*_,) is nondecreasing (and bounded). The sequence {n}%., is nondecreasing (and not bounded). These sequences exemplify the results of the next two theorems, the first of which (2.6B) is of tremendous importance, 2.6B. THEOREM. A nondecreasing sequence which is bounded above* is convergent. PROOF: Suppose {5,}%., is nondecreasing and bounded above. Then the set A=(5p 5p.) is a nonempty subset of R which is bounded above. By 1.7D this set has a Lu.b. Let M=Iu.b.{5;,53...} =Lub. for A. We will prove that s,>M as noo. Given €>0 the number M~e is not an u,b. for A. Hence, for some N €1,sy >M—e. But, since {5,}#_, is nondecreasing, this implies 5,>M-e€ (n>N). a) On the other hand, since M is an u.b. for A, M>s, (n€I). From (1) and (2) we conclude Is-MlN). This proves lim,,_,,,5,= M which is what we wished to show. For example, the sequence {2—1/2"~'}®_, converges to 2. Theorem 2.6B is our first important application of the least upper bound axiom 1.7D. Theorem 2.6B gives us our first set of criteria that will enable us to prove that a sequence converges without first guessing its limit. Here is an interesting application. 2.6C. COROLLARY. The sequence {(I+1/n)"}%., is convergent. PROOF: Let s,=(1+1/n)". By the binomial theorem 1,2) 1 Stee aan a For k=1,....7, the (k+I)st term on the right is * A nondecreasing sequence (5,) is always bounded below (by s,)- 2.6 MONOTONE SEQUENCES 39 which equals ratal!=HXt-3)-(-#54) If we expand s,,,, we obtain n +2 terms (one more than for s,) and, for k= (k+ I)st term is pane(! ser) gaa) (> St) which is greater than or equal to the quantity (1). This shows that 5,<5,,, (that is, {5,}2.1 is nondecreasing). But also, 1 1 K0 we must find N €/ such that 5,>M (n>). () Now, since M is not an upper bound for {5,,5,,...} there must exist N €/ such that Sy > M. Then, for this N, (1) follows from the hypothesis that {5,}%.; is nondecreasing. This proves the theorem. The proof of the following theorem follows the proofs of 2.6B and 2.6D exactly, with all upper bounds and least upper bounds replaced by lower bounds and greatest lower bounds. We leave the details to the reader. 2.6E. THEOREM. A nonincreasing sequence which is bounded below is convergent. A nonincreasing sequence which is not bounded below diverges to minus infinity. 2.6F We close this section by showing that monotone subsequences always occur. 40 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS THEOREM. Let S={s,}%_, be a sequence of real numbers. Then S has a monotone subsequence. proor: Let T, be the sequence s. Let T, denote the sequence $3, 53, 54,.... Indeed, for each n€J, let T, denote the sequence 5,, 5,415 5j42.---- We divide the proof into two cases, case I. Suppose every sequence T,, has a greatest term. Let s,, be the greatest term in the sequence 7. (If there is more than one greatest term, pick any one for 5,,.) Let s,, be the greatest term in the sequence T,, ,,. Then n,>n, and s,, n, and s,, , (why?). Continuing in this fashion, we can construct a nondecreasing subsequence {s, }72, of S. Hence in either case, S has a monotonic subsequence, and the proof is complete. Exercises 2.6 . Which of the following sequences are monotone? (@) {sinn} ya. (b) {tann}e. late ; es © { rae @ Qn+(-)}2,. 2. If (s,}2.; is nondecreasing and bounded above, and L= 5,). 6. For ne J, let Prove that {s,}%., is convergent and lim, ..95, <4. 7. For n€l, let mee oss Genet "= 73-5 (Qn—l) 2 Verify that s; > sy >53. Prove that {5,}2., is nonincreasing. 8. Let 14+2+-++ +n (nel). Show that {s,}%., is monotone and bounded, and that lim,_...5,=4- 2.7 OPERATIONS ON CONVERGENT SEQUENCES a 9. Let {s,}%., be a sequence of real numbers, and let Sytsgters +5, ty 7 (nel). If {5,}%., is monotone and bounded, show that {¢,}%., is monotone and bounded. 10. For n€/, let (a) Prove that {1}, is nondecreasing. (b) Using only facts established in the proof of 2.6C, prove that {1,}%, is bounded above and then prove that lim, _,,.f, > lim,_,,,(I+1/n)". 11. Let & denote the class of all sequences of real numbers. Let C denote the class of all convergent sequences and 9 the class of all divergent sequences. Further let Dp and 9,, denote the classes of sequences that diverge to (plus) infinity and minus infinity, respectively. Let © denote the class of oscillating sequences. Finally, let ® denote the class of all bounded sequences and let OR denote the class of all monotone sequences. By citing the proper difinitions or theorems, verify the following statements. (a) L=CuM. (&) D=D-UD,US. : (©) CcB. (d) MABce. ©) MN B’cDpu De. (f) BADp =o. 2.7 OPERATIONS ON CONVERGENT SEQUENCES Since sequences of real numbers are real-valued functions, the definition of the sum, difference, product, and quotient of sequences follows from definition 1.4B. Thus if {5,}2. and {/,}%, are. sequences of real numbers, then {5,}2%.)+{(t,}221 is the sequence {5, +1,}2.;, and {5,}2_1+(t,}22, is the sequence {5,+/,}%., and so on. Also, if cER, then c{s,}2, is the sequence {cs,}%.,. From the next theorem it follows that the sum of two convergent sequences is convergent. 2.7A. THEOREM. If {(5,}2_, and {1,)%_, are sequences of real numbers, if lim,.,..5,= Ls and if lim,_.,.f,= M, then lim,,,..(5, + ,) = L+ M. In words, the limit of the sum (of two convergent sequences) is the sum of the limits. PROOF: Given ¢>0 we must find N €/ such that M(s, +t.) -—(L+ M )|N). ql) Now |(5,+ )—(L+ M)|=|(5,— L) + (44 — ML < [5,— L1+|4,-M |. Hence (1) will certainly hold if Is, -L]+|q—M|). (2) We thus try to make both |s,—L| and |¢,—M| less than ¢/2 by taking n sufficiently large. a2 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, Since lim, 5, = L, there exists N, EJ such that Is, <5 (n> Nj). Also, since lim, =M, there exists N,€/ such that In- MI< 5 (N,E/). Hence if we let N=max(N,,N;), then the terms on the left of (2) are each less than ¢/2 when n> N. Thus for this N, (2) and hence (1) hold and the proof is complete. The next theorem is easier to prove. 2.7B. THEOREM. If (5,}., is a sequence of real numbers, if cE R, and if lim, ,..5,=L, then lim,_,.9¢5,=¢L. PROOF: If c=0, the theorem is obvious. We therefore assume c#0. Given «>0 we must find N €/ such that les, — cL] N). ql) Now, since lim,,,,.8,=L, there exists N J such that In-Li< (n>). lel But then |cl-|4,-Ll), which is equivalent to (1). Theorem 2.7B is used in the proof of the following useful result. 2.7C, THEOREM. (a) If O0 for nEJ, {x"}@, is bounded below. By 2.6E, {x"}%_, is convergent. Let L=lim, x". From 2.7B (with c=x) it follows that lim, ,.+-x"=xL. That is, {x"*}2°) converges to xL. But {x"*'}®, is a subsequence of {x"}%,. By 2.3D, L=xL and so L(1—x)=0. Since x% 1, this shows L=0, and part (a) if proved. (b) If x>1, then x"tl=x-x">x" so that (x"}2, is nondecreasing. We will show that (x"}%., is not bounded above. For if {x"}%., were bounded above, then by 2.6B {x" would converge to some LR. But the same reasoning as in (a) would show that L= Lx, so that L=0=lim,_,,.x". But x">1 and so {x"}%_, obviously cannot converge to 0. This contradiction proves that {x”}%_, is not bounded above. Conclusion (b) follows from 2.6D. We now treat the limit of the difference of two convergent sequences. 2.7D. THEOREM. If {5,}32., and {¢,}%., are sequences of real numbers, if lim, ,..5,= Ls and if lim, ,ol,=M. then lim, ..o(5j—f,) = L— M. M00! noo PROOF: Since lim,_,,.f,=M, it follows from 2.7B (with c= —1) that lim,_,..(—4,) 2.7 OPERATIONS ON CONVERGENT SEQUENCES 43 =—M. But then, using 2.7A (at the second equals sign), ‘Tim, (5,— 4) = lim [5,+(~ 4) = Jim 5,+ Jim (-4,)=L+(-M)=L-M, which is what we wished to prove. A useful consequence of 2.7D and 2.2B is the following. 2.7E. COROLLARY. If {s,}%., and {7,}%., are convergent sequences of real numbers if Si 0(n€J). Hence by 2.2B, M-~L>0, which establishes our result. This corollary, of course, remains true even if s, >, for a finite number of values of n. We now show that the limit of the product of two convergent sequences is the product of their respective limits. We give two proofs of this result; each uses a technique useful in many other contexts. The first proof requires a lemma. 2.7F. LemMA. If (s,}2.1 is a sequence of real numbers which converges to L, then {s2}2., converges to L?, PROOF: We must prove lim,_,,.s2= L?. That is, given «>0 we must find N EJ such that |s-LN) or, equivalently, |s,— L-|s, + L]N). (1) Now, by 2.5B {s,}%, is bounded. Thus for some M >0 Isl N). @) But then, using (2) and (3), € = 4 — L| n+ LI N). Thus for this N, (1) holds and the proof is complete. 2.7G. THEOREM. If {5,)2_, and {1,)%., are sequences of real numbers, if lim, ,.95y and if lim,_,of,=M, then lim,_,..3,,= LM. FIRST PROOF: We use the identity ab=}[(a+by-(a-by] (a, bER). () 46 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS. Now, as noo, Spt hy oL+M by 2.7A, (Sth o(L+M)? by 2.7F; Q) also 5,—ty>L-M by 2.7D, (5,-4,3(L-M) by 2.7F. (3) From (2), (3), and 2.7D, (5+ 4)? =(5)- Po(L+ MY -(L- MY =4LM. (4) Finally, using (1), (4), and 2.7B, Sub = EL (Sn + by) — (Sn= by)? | > A(4LM ) = LM. Note that this proof uses no ¢, The technique of using the identity (1) to deal with the product is called polarization. SECOND PROOF: Given e>0 we must find N €/ such that IS-LM |). a) The problem here is to do something algebraic [as we did in going from (1) to (2) of 2.7A] that will enable us to use our hypotheses lim,_,,.s,=L and lim,_,..,=M. The trick of adding and subtracting the same quantity (in this case Lt,) will be used many times in this book. We have 5,f,- LM =s,t, — Lt, + Lt, - LM=t,(s,—L)+L(t,—M), Isutq~ LM | < tq] 15q— £14 [L]-|oq— MI. Hence (1) will certainly hold if inl 15a LIF ILI slip MI0. Then (2) will certainly hold if Qls,—L|+|L]-|t,-Mi N). @) Thus if we choose N, €/ so that Qls,-LI< = (n>), and choose N,€/ such that [L||m-MI<5 (n> N2), then (3) will hold for N=max(N,,N;). Hence (2) and finally (1) will hold for this NV, and we are done. Now we turn our attention to the quotient of convergent sequences. 1,=M where M0, 2.7H. LEMMA. If {1,}%., is a sequence of real numbers, if lim, then* lim, ,,.(1/1,)=1/M. * The hypothesis implies that 1, can be equal to zero for at most a finite number of n. Thus 1/1, is defined for all but at most a finite number of n. 2.7 OPERATIONS ON CONVERGENT SEQUENCES 45 PRooF: Either M >0 or M <0. We will prove the lemma in the case M >0. (The case M <0 can be proved by applying the first case to {—1,}° 1.) So we assume M >0. Given «>0 we must find N €/ such that 1 1 noise (2). or lin —= MI uM <é (>). (1) Now there exists N, €/ such that |,- M| N,). This implies M “>Z (n> M). In addition, there exists N,€J such that 2 I,- M< 4 (n> N,). Thus if N=max(N,,N,), we have, for n> N, Vn=M\_ a= Ml, 1 M% VtM| [tM] '" M?/2. 2 -Mi\< Hence (1) holds for this N. This completes the proof. 2.71. THEOREM. If {s,}%_, and {#,)%, are sequences of real numbers, if lim,_,.95,=L, and if lim, ,,of,= M where M#0, then lim,_.0(5,/t)=L/M. PROOF: Using 2.7H and 2.7G we have lim 5, ne which is what we wished to show. 2.7J. In Section 1.9 we proved directly from the definition of limit that . 2n lim —2— =2. n= 1 +4n'/2 We now do a similar problem illustrating the results of this section. PROBLEM: Prove 3n?—6n _ 3 lim 77 ==. noe Sn?+4 5 First we write 3n?—6n _ 3-6/n Sn?+4 0 544/n?” We proved in Section 1.9 that lim,_,, (1/n)=0. Hence Jim £=6-0=0 — by27B. 46 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS. We also proved in Section 1.9 that lim, 1=1. Hence jim 3=3 by 2.7B. Then jim, (3- £)=3-0-3 by 2.7D. (a) Since we know lim,_... (1/n)=0, we have tim = tim +. jim 120-020 by 2.7G. i ci eae a Thus by 2.7. Reasoning as before, we conclude lim (5+4)=s+0-s by 2.7A, ) tin |5+ 3 But then, from (1), (2), and 2.71, 3~6/n im @-6/n) nse lim wae 344/n dim (5+4/n?) which is what we wished to show. Exercises 2.7 1. Prove - 2n3+5n @ fm 4n3 +n? . n ©) jim (n-1)?-6 D 2. Prove that if {s,}%_, converges to I, then {s!/2}%_, converges to 1. 3, Evaluate lim, _,,.Vn (Vnt+1 —Vn). 4. Suppose {5,}*_, is a sequence of positive numbers and 0 n+l Which theorems from this section did you use? a 2.8 OPERATIONS ON DIVERGENT SEQUENCES, 47 7. Using the identity 1+2/n=[1+1/(n+ I](1+1/n), prove that lim, ( 1+2) =e. nol an 8. If c>1, prove that lim,_,,,¢'/"= 1. [Hint: Write c!/"=1+5, and take the nth power of both sides to show that (ns,}®_, is bounded. Then conclude that s,—»0 as n—>00.] 9. Let s,=V2 and let s,,;=V2-Vs, forn>1. (a) Prove, by induction, that s, <2 for all n. (b) Prove that s,,, >, for all n. (c) Prove that {5,}%_, is convergent. (d) Prove that lim, .,.s,=2- 10. Suppose s,>s,>0, and let s,,,=4(5,+5,—1) (n> 2). Prove that (a) 5;,5y5s,--. is nonincreasing, (b) 53,54,56+.- is nondecreasing, (c) {5_}%21 is convergent. lL. If, 0, choose N,€/ such that 5,>M (n>), and choose N,€/ such that 4,>1 (n>). (The above is possible since both s,-»00 and 1,—>00 as noo.) Then, for N=max(N,,N,) we have . S,+t,>M+1>M (n>N), and Sylp>M-1=M (n> N). Since M was an arbitrary positive number, this proves the theorem. 2.8B. THEOREM. If {s,}%, and {1,}%, are sequences of real numbers, if {s,}% diverges to infinity, and if {1,}7., i bounded, then {s,+1,}77., diverges to infinity. 48 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, pRooF: By hypothesis there exists Q >0 such that Iml0 choose N €/ such that 5,>M+Q (n>). Then, for n> N, Spt ty > Spt] >(M + Q)-Q=M. That is, 5, +t, > M (n>N), which shows that s, + f,»00 as n—00. 2.8C. coroLLary. If (5,)%., diverges to infinity and if {1,}%, converges, then {s,+ t,}%., diverges to infinity. PROOF: The proof follows directly from 2.5B and 2.8B. It is easy to show that 2.8A, 2.8B, and 2.8C remain true if “infinity” is replaced by “minus infinity.” 2.8D. Almost any kind of sequence can be formed from the sum of two properly chosen oscillating sequences. For example, the sum of the oscillating sequences 0,1,0,2,0,3,... and 1,0,2,0,3,0,... is the sequence 1,1,2,2,3,3,... which diverges to infinity. The sum of the oscillating sequences 1,0,1,0,1,0,... and 0,1,0,1,0.1,... is a convergent sequence. The sum of an oscillating sequence and itself is oscillating. Exercises 2.8 1. Give an example of sequences {5,}%., and {1,)%., for which, as noo, (8) 5,900, fy >= 00, 5, + 6,200, (b) 5,30, t,00, 5,—t,>7. 2. Suppose that {s,}., is a divergent sequence of real numbers and cE R, c#0. Prove that {cs}, diverges. 3. True or false? If (s,}%_, is oscillating and not bounded, and {1,}%_, is bounded, then {5,+4,}2., is oscillating and not bounded. 2.9 LIMIT SUPERIOR AND LIMIT INFERIOR If {5,}%., is a convergent sequence, then lim, ,..5, measures, roughly, “the size of s, when n is large.” Of course, lim, .,95, is a concept used only in connection with convergent sequences. In this section we introduce the related concepts of limit superior and limit inferior which can be applied to all sequences. Roughly, the limit superior of a sequence {5,}%., is a measure of “how big s, can be when n is large,” and the limit inferior or {5,}2., is a measure of “how small s, can be when 7 is large.” If lim,,..5, exists, it is then plausible that the limit, limit superior, and limit inferior of (s,}%, are all equal, and this turns out to be the case. The real application of limit superior and limit inferior, however, is to sequences which are not known to be convergent. 2.9 LIMIT SUPERIOR AND LIMIT INFERIOR 49 2.9A. First let us consider a sequence {s,}%., that is bounded above—say 5 My, since My. y=1AL.b. (5,4 p5p42r-++) is the Lub. of a subset of {5,,5,415y42s-++}- Thus the sequence {M,}®., is nonincreasing and thus either converges or diverges to minus infinity. DEFINITION. Let {5,}%., be a sequence of real numbers that is bounded above, and let =I ese eee) (a) If (M,}2_, converges, we define lim sup,.,,.5, to be lim, ,..M,. () If (M,}2, diverges to minus infinity we write ; lim sups,=— 00. nee For example, let s,=(—1)" (n€J). Then {s,}%., is bounded above. In this case M,=1 for every n€J and hence lim, _,,,M,=1. Thus lim sup,_,..(— 1)" Consider next the sequence 1, —1,1, —2,1,-3,1,—4,.... Again M,=1 for every n, and so the limit superior of this sequence is 1. If s,=—n (n€J), then M,=Lu.b.{—n, — as noo, and so lim sup,....(— -2,...)=—n. Hence M,>—0o 00. 2.9B. DEFINITION. If {5,}2.1 is a sequence of real numbers that is not bounded above, we write lim sup, .o5,= Obviously, lim sup,_,,.” = 00. At this point the Teader should verify the following statements. (1) If {5,}2.1 is bounded above and has a subsequence that is bounded below by A, then lim sup, ,..5, > A; (2) if (5,} a1 has no subsequence that is bounded below, then lim sup, .a.8y= ~ 2. We note that changing a finite number of terms of the sequence (s,}=1 does not change lim sup, .S, Thus the limit superior of the sequence 10™'1"—1,1,—1,1, =1, 1. 2.9C. THEOREM. If (5,}%., is a convergent sequence of real numbers, then limsups,= lim, sy PROOF: Let L=lim,_,,o5,- Then given ¢>0 there exists N €/ such that |s,-LlN), or L-eN). Thus if n> N, then L+e is an wb. for (5,,5)4.Spaz-+-) and L—e is not an u.b. Hence L=€ then {m,}%., is a nondecreasing sequence (verify) and hence either converges or diverges to infinity. DEFINITION. Let {5,}., be a sequence of real numbers that is bounded below, and let y= BAD Spy Sp 4 vSnezee }e (a) If (m,}2., converges, we define liminf,.,.5, to be lim (b) If {m,}2_, diverges to infinity, we write liminf,_,,.5,= 00. 2.9E. DEFINITION. a {5,}2a1 is a sequence of real numbers that is not bounded below, we write liminf, 00. Thus liminf,_,..(—1)"=—1, liminf,_,.. 1,=1,1,-2,1,-3,1,-4, co, liminf,.,,.(—n)=—oo. The sequence « has liminf= 29F. THEOREM. If {s,)2, is a convergent sequence of real numbers, then liminfs, = lims, . ne ne PROOF: The proof of this theorem is very similar to the proof of 2.9C and is omitted. 2.9G. If we make the notation convention for the symbols — oo and oo that -e0 there exists N, EJ such that |LU.b. {5,514 Sn420---} LI N)). This implies 4,N\). (1) Similarly, since liminf,_,,,5, = L, there exists N,€J such that I81-b. {5p 5p4tSnea--}—L[ N3), which implies 5,>L-e (n>). 2) If N=max(N,,N,), then from (1) and (2) we conclude |s,-L|N). This proves lim,_,..5,= L. There is a similar result on sequences diverging to infinity. 2.91. THEOREM. If {s,}%., is a sequence of real numbers and if limsup,_,.95, =liminf, ..5) ihe 5, diverges to infinity. PROOF: Since liminf,_,,,.5, = 00, given M >0 there exists an N €/ such that BLD. (Sp Spe rSne2--}>M (ne N). This implies that M is a lower bound (but not the g.l-b.) for {5,,5,4 +++}, SO that 5,>M — (n>N), which establishes the required conclusion. There is an obvious analogue of 2.91 for sequences diverging to minus infinity which the reader should formulate and prove. The converse of 2.91 is exercise 4 of this section. We now prove a result for limit superior corresponding to 2.7E. 2.9J. THEOREM. If {s,}%_, are bounded sequences of real numbers, and if SS (NET), then limsup,.,..5, (Can you prove this?) Taking the limit as n—+co on both sides of these inequalities, and using 2.7E, we prove the theorem. Theorem 2.9J, of course, remains true even if s, >¢, for a finite number of n. It is not always true that lim sup (5, + 1,) = limsups, + limsup t, even for bounded sequences {s,}%., and {1,}%_,. For example, if s,=(— 1)" (n€J) and 1,=(-1)"*! (ned), then s, +4, =0 (n J). Here limsup 5, =1= limsup , but limsup,_...(5,+4)=0. There are, however, important inequalities that can be proved. 2.9K. THEOREM. If (s,}%., and (1,}%., are bounded sequences of real numbers, then limsup (5, +¢,) liminfs, + liminf ,. (b) PROOF: (a) Let Meo lulbal shoe taseeea|e Py =LUd. {ysbyetstneae e+}: Then 5 n), n), and so SAS M,+P, — (k> 0). Thus M,,+ P, is an u.b. for (5, + ts Sp4it fav Sn42t pazeee- fs SO that Lud. (5,4 bi Spit tne iSn42t tnazre+- } < My t Pye By 2.7E and 2.7A, Him Lub. (55 byoSpert beer Sneat irons) Slim (M,+ P,)= lim M,+ lim P, or limsup (5, + t,) 0, (a) 5, M—e for infinitely many values of n. 2. If liminf,_,.,5,=m, then for any €>0, (c) 5, >m—e for all but a finite number of values of n; (d) 5, 0, we would have 5, 0, s, N). By 2.9J, liminfs, > m+e, which again contradicts the hypothesis. Thus (d) is true. Although we do not prove it, the converse of 2.9L is true. That is, if (5,), is a bounded sequence of real numbers and if M €R is such that (a) and (b) hold for every €>0, then limsup, ,.,5,=M; similarly, if (c) and (d) hold for every ¢>0, then lim- inf, 5,= Using 2.9L we can prove the following useful result. 29M. THEOREM. Any bounded sequence of real numbers has a. convergent sub- sequence. PROOF: Suppose {s,}%., is a bounded sequence of real numbers and let M =limsup,_,..5,. We shall construct a subsequence (s, }@_, which converges to M. By (b) of 2.9L there are infinitely many values of n such that s,>M—1. Let n, be one such value. That is, m, €/ and s,, > M—1. Similarly, since there are infinitely many values of n such that s,>M-—4}, we can find n.€/J such that n,>n, and s,,>M— 4. Continuing then, for each integer k>1 we can find n, €/J such that n, > _, and s,>M-t. (1) Given €>0, by (a) of 2.9L we can find N €/ such that 5N). Q) Now, choose K €/ so that 1/KN. Then, if k> K, we have 1/k N. Hence using (1) and (2), M-€K), 54 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, which implies Ig,-MiK). This proves s,,—»M as k->oo, which is what we wished to show. Exercises 2.9 1. Find the limit superior and the limit inferior for the following sequences. (a) 1,2,3,1,2,3, 1,2,3, (b) {sin(n7/2)} 1. (©) (1+ 1/n)cosn7}>_,. (@) (41/0) 2). . If the limsup of the sequence {s,}%_, is equal to M, prove that the limsup of any subsequence of {5,}%_, is liminfs,,. (Hint: Use 2.9L.) 2.10 CAUCHY SEQUENCES The most important criterion for proving that a sequence converges without knowing its limit is called the Cauchy criterion. 2.10A. DEFINITION. Let {s,}2., be a sequence of real numbers. Then {s,)%., is called a Cauchy sequence if for any €>0 there exists an N EJ such that [5m Sal<€ (mn >N). Roughly, a sequence {s,}%_, is Cauchy if s,, and s, are close together when m and n are large. First we show that a convergent sequence must be Cauchy. 2.10 CAUCHY SEQUENCES 55 2.10B. THEOREM. If the sequence of real numbers {s,}%., converges, then (s,}%. is a Cauchy sequence. prooF: Let L=lim,_,,,5,- Then, given ¢>0, there exists an N €/ such that In -L1<5 (k>N). Thus if m,n > N, we have [5m Sul = 1059 L) + (L=5y)] $5 LL # IL = 51 <5 +S 2 so that 5m S1<€ (mn>N), which proves that {5,}2.1 is Cauchy. Theorem 2.10B says roughly that if the terms {s,}%°_., get close to “something,” then they get close to each other. It is the converse of 2.10B that is really important. The converse tells that, once we establish that a given sequence is Cauchy, the sequence must be convergent. We first prove a lemma. 2.10C. THEOREM. If {s,}%., is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers, then {5,}%., is bounded. proor: Given e=1, choose N €/ such that [Sn Sal <1 (m,n>N). Then \Sa—Svl<1 (m>N). ay Hence, if m> N, we have |i (Sm — Sv) + Sy] < [5m — Sul #151 and so, using (1) ml <1 + [Syl (m>N). If M=max(|sj|,..-5|3y_j)), then [Spl< M+ 1+ |sy| (mel), so that (s,}%., is bounded. 2.10D. THEOREM. If {s,}%, is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers, then {s,}%, is convergent. FIRST PROOF: By lemma 2.10C we know that limsup,.,,.5, and liminf,_,..5, are (finite) real numbers. By 2.9H, then, to prove the theorem it is sufficient to show that limsups,= liminfs,. a nea But, by the theorem in 2.9G, we know that limsup, _,,.5, > liminf,_,,.8,. Thus all we need to prove is that limsups, 0 there exists N €/ such that Is, =H1N) and so Isy— Sul <5 (n>N). It follows that sy +€/2 and sy—«/2 are, respectively, upper and lower bounds for the set {Sy.Sy4 Swag}. Hence if n>N, sy+e/2 and sy—e/2 are upper and lower bounds for {5,,5;415,42.-++}- This implies, for n > N Sy~ FS BLD-(Sy05qp 4 Sue } : na wane) Sy E. K). (2) We may choose K so that K >J. Now suppose KE / and k > K. Then k > J, so (1) implies « Sn, ~sl k > K, so (2) implies I-51 <5 Therefore InnslK) and the theorem follows. 2.10 CAUCHY SEQUENCES 57 We now present a famous result about the set of real numbers. It is called the nested-interval theorem [because of hypothesis (a)]. 210E. THEOREM. For each n€J let J,=[4,,b,] be a (nonempty) closed bounded interval of real numbers such that : NIWD-+++ DD Ing D0 (a) and lim, (6,—4,)= lim, (length of /,)=0. (b) Then 12. ,J, contains precisely one point. pRoor: By hypothesis (a) we have J, I,41 and 80 4, < dy41+++1,D+++ whose end points are rational numbers and such that A 1,={e}. 58 ‘SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS 6. Let {a,}%_, be a sequence of real numbers, and, for each n€ /, let 5,= a, 4+0,+++> +a, t= lay +]a|+ +> +14). Prove that if {4,)%., is a Cauchy sequence, then so is {s,}%). 7. Show by example that the conclusion of 2.10E need not hold if the intervals J, are not assumed to be closed. 8. Use the nested interval theorem to give a new proof that (0, 1] is not countable. (Begin this way: Let J=[0,1]. Suppose that J were countable, say J={x,,x,,***}. At least one of the three closed intervals [0,4], [4,3], [3,1] does not contain x,. Call one such interval J,. Now divide J, into three closed intervals and let J, be one of the three that does not contain x2.) 2.11 SUMMABILITY OF SEQUENCES In the next chapter we take up infinite series. One important branch of the field of infinite series is the study of summability of divergent series. This study is an attempt to attach a value to series that may not converge—that is, an attempt to generalize the concept of the sum of a convergent series. Many (but not all) of the well-known methods of summability deal exclusively with the sequence of partial sums of an infinite series. These methods, then, are in reality concerned with sequences as opposed to series, and we examine some of them now. 2.11. We have seen that the sequences {(—1)"}_, and {n}_, are both divergent but of very different character; the former is oscillating and bounded, the latter diverges to infinity. Writing {(—1)")2., as —1,1,—1,1,..., we feel intuitively that the terms of this sequence have an “average size” of 0. The simplest kind of summability for sequences, called (C, 1) summability (C for Cesaro), makes precise this concept of average size. DEFINITION. Let (5,}%, be a sequence of real numbers and let Sy, t-°- +5, o,=—— (ne). We shalll say that {s,}2., is (C,1) summable to L if the sequence {o,}%., converges to L. In this case we write lim s,=L (C,1). Note that a, is precisely the average of the first n terms of the sequence {s,}2.. Thus 0 =5,0=(5, + 53)/2, and so on. For example, if s,=(—1)"(n€ J), then (=I t(- 1? +--+ +(-1)" aa and so 6,=0 (n=2,4, -1 _ oS (n= 1,3,5,...). 2.11 SUMMABILITY OF SEQUENCES 59 Obviously lim, \n—>03 On =0, which shows that {(— 1)"}2., is (C, 1) summable to 0. That is, Jim (-1)"=0 (C1). This shows that a divergent sequence may be (C, 1) summable. Consider the convergent sequence 1,1,1,.... Here s,=I(nEJ) so that, also, o, =n7\(s,+--- +5,)=1. Hence {0,}%, converges to 1 and so Jim t=1 (C1). The last example is a very special case of the important result that if a sequence {s,)7., is convergent to L then {5,}%, is also (C,1) summable to L. net 2.11B. THEOREM. If lim s,=L, nite then lims,=L (C,1). PRooF: Case I, L=0. In this case lim,_.,,5,=0. We wish to prove that lim, ,,,0,=0. Given «>0 there exists N,€J such that |s,|<¢/2(n>N,). If we let M =max(|s\|,|s. s|sy,—1)), then we have, for n> N,, (silt: # bya) + (su) +o * +b) lanl < ME DM# (n= M4 De/2 n and hence (M7)M lol<—=—— +5 (n>). (1) Now choose N,€/ so that «N,>2(N,—1)M. Then (NM-M Ue <5 (nN. (2) If N=max(N,,N;), then (1) and (2) imply lol), and hence lim,_,,.|,|=0. Thus lim,_,,.0,=0, which is what we wished to show. This proves case I. Case II, L#0. We have lim,.,,.5,=L so that lim,_,..(s,—L)=0. Hence by case I, {5,—L}Z., is (C, 1) summable to 0. That is, lim (,-L)=0 (C1), which means ~ (SL) +(8.—L) +++ +(5,—L) lim, 2 n= n But (s;- L)+(s,-L)t++++ +(5,-L) 5,+5,4+-++ +5, "= 8b. n n 60 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS Thus from (3) jim, (¢,—L)=0, and so tim o,= L. This, by definition, implies lim,_,.,95,=L(C,1), which proves case II. We have now seen that all convergent sequences are (C,1) summable (to their respective limits), and that the divergent sequence {(—1)"}%_, is also (C, 1) summable. Not all divergent sequences are (C,1) summable. For example, if s,=n(n€/), then {5,}221 is not (C, 1) summable. For, in this case, Sytsto+ +5, n On and so {0,}%., does not converge. In an exercise the reader is asked to show that no sequence that diverges to infinity can be (C, 1) summable. The sequence 1, —1, 2, —2, 3, —3,... is an oscillating sequence. We shall show that it is not (C, 1) summable. [However, when we take up (C,2) summability, we shall see that this sequence is (C,2) summable.] For this sequence, =? +1 aan 42 (n=2,4,6,.. Obviously, if is even, then (s, +5,)+(s3+5,)+ +++ +(s,-;+5,)=0. Thus o,=0 (n=2,4,6,...). If n is odd, however, then n—1 is even and s,+5,+-++ +5,_,+5,=5,- Hence Sytsgte +5, 5 ntl 6, = tt (n=1,3,5,...)5 a - eB Eh (n= 13,5...) Since (n+1)/2n—>} as neo, the sequence {o,}%., has the subsequence 0, 03, 5)... converging to and the subsequence 0,, 04, dg... converging to 0. By 2.3D, {0,}a1 is not convergent, and hence {s,}%., is not (C, 1) summable. To keep the record even we give one more example of a divergent sequence that is (C,1) summable. In Section 2.3 we saw that if 8 is a rational number in (0,1), then {sinnBmr}_, diverges. We shall show, however, that this sequence is (C, 1) summable to 0. For, from the identity : : cos $x —cos(n + 4)x sinx +sin2x+ +++ +sinax = ————— (O0 as n—>0o, which proves that {sinnO)"_, is (C, 1) summable to 0. Note that the argument applies equally well when @ is irrational. The reader should have no difficulty in proving the following result. 2.11 SUMMABILITY OF SEQUENCES 6 2A1C. THEOREM. If {5,)%, and {1,}2., are (C, 1) summable to L and M, respectively, then {s, +1,}2.1 and {s, —f,}2, are (C, 1) summable to L+ M and L— M, respectively. We now turn to (C,2) summability. 2.11D. DEFINITION. Let {5,}%., be a sequence of real numbers and for each n€/ let ns, +(n—1)s)+(n—2)s3+ +++ +25, +5, 2(nsyt-++ +5,) mS T42e-$n Only We shall say that {s,}, is (C,2) summable to L if the sequence {7,}%., converges to L. In this case we write fim s,=L — (C,2). We have sts, +5, 35,425,455 1=Sp 0 B= = B= | ete. It is clear that lim,_,,1=1(C,2). Now consider s,=(— 1)"(n 1). [We have already seen that lim,_..(—1)"=0(C,1),] Then —nt(n=1)—(n—=2)+ ++ #(=1)" m1 1424-42 . Now suppose n is even. Then the numerator for 7, is [-n+(n-1)]+[-(n-2)+(n-3)] ++) +[-241]=- a : since there are n/2 brackets and each quantity in brackets is equal to — 1. If n is odd, then —nt+[(n-1)—(n-2)]+-+++ +[2-l]=—nt+ Thus =nf2 _ -1 To (n+ l/2 ntl and —(n+1)/2° _1 n(n+1)/2 on which shows that 1,0 as n-s00. Hence Jim (-1)"=0 (C2). In the last example, (C,2) summability gave the same “value” for {(—1)")®, as did (C,1) summability but was harder to apply. We shall now show by example that a sequence may be (C,2) summable even if it is not (C,1) summable. Indeed, consider 1,-1,2, 2,3, —3,..., which we have already shown is not (C,1) summable. [Here 5,=(n+1)/2 if n is odd and s,=—n/2 if n is even.] Thus if n is even then n—1 is odd and 62 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, and so ns, +(n—l)s)+ +++ +28, )+5, te n(n+1)/2 _ (re =D) Fr =2)2- (= 3)-2] + 2-(@/2)-(7/2)] ~ n(n+1)/2 1424-15 $n/2 “n(n ¥+1)/2 Since n/2 is an integer if n is even, we have n_ (n/2)(n/24+1) _ n(n+2) U0 8 9 yer ee 3 and hence __nt+2 _ "Ane (n=2,4,6,...). If n is odd, we have an-2+1_ _2@-) Sn-2 2 sn 7 and so ns; +(n—1)s,+ +++ +35, -2+25,14+5, 1, = ee p n(n+l)/2 {Laer + [a(54)-2(54)]} Et ETE (1424 t(n-D/2}F(HHD/2 (P= 1)/84 (n+1)/2 ~ n(n+1)/2 = n(n+l)/2 W+4n4+3 A(n? +n) * (Vetify this for n=5. You should obtain Ssit4sy4-"" +55 _ $-4+6-443 _ 2 ) 15 15 “3° B= Thus 1,->4 as n—soo, and so 1, — 1,2, —2,3, —3,... is (C,2) summable to 4. Thus (C,2) can do some things that (C,1) cannot. The next theorem shows that anything (C, 1) can do (C,2) can do also. 2.11E. THEOREM. If dims,=L (C1), then dim s,=L (C,2). 2.11 SUMMABILITY OF SEQUENCES 63 PROOF: case I, L=0. We have lim, ,,,0,=0 where Sytsyteo +5, an n We wish to prove that lim,_,..7,=0. Now ns, +(n=l)sy+ +++ +5, = " 142+ +n (5, +5yt+ +++ +5,)+(5)+5.4+°°* +5,-1) +(Sp tsp ++ +5, 2) +--+ +(5, +52) +5, 1+2++-- +n +20, +0, 0, +20, + 1+2+ Since ,->0 as n->00, given «>0 there exists N,€/ such that lol N). Let M=max(|o;|,|03|,---+|0w,-11)- Then, for n> Ny, I]+ lew |+ +++ + lon!) [loil+2le|+--- +(Mi— Dlow, < 14+2+-+- 47 M[1+2+ =D] + (€/2)(N, +++ +n) 7 Te24- tn ; and so MN(N~1) | ¢ Lorn (rye ae (n>N,). The remainder of the proof is exactly as in case I of the proof of 2.11B. case II, L#0. We have lim,_,..,= L(C, 1). Hence, by 2.11C, Jim (5,-L)=0 (C1). But then, by case I of this proof, lim,.,,.(s,— L)=0 (C,2). That is, n(s;— L)+(n—1)(s,—L)++++ +(s,-L) in ——__ noe 14+2+---4+n But, removing parentheses in the numerator of (1), we have . ns, +(n—1)s,+-+-- +5, in | —_ > nae T42+-+- +n ay or slim, (7,~L)=0. Thus lim, _,,.7, = L, which shows lim, M20 Tn in—sc05n =L(C,2), and the proof is complete. 64 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, 2.A1F, COROLLARY. If (5,}2., converges to L, then (s,)%_, is (C,2) summable to L. PROOF: The proof follows directly from 2.11B and 2.11E. 2.11G, Although we will not give details, we mention that the sequence 1, —2,3, —4, 5,-6,... is not (C,2) summable but is (C,3) summable. For the record we give the definition of (C,k) summability for any k EJ. DEFINITION. Let {5,}%., be a sequence of real numbers, let k denote any fixed positive integer, and for n€7/ let aa [ (EET? se (EESP )oten #(Heited/(EET!) where nt ("aaa [In summation notation, _ 1 S) (ntk-1-j Mails Then {5,)%. is said to be (C,k) summable to L if {A,)%_, converges to L. The reader should verify that the special cases K=1 and k=2 in this definition actually coincide with (C,1) and (C,2) summability as previously defined. It may be shown that if k>1 and {5,)%., is (C,k— 1) summable to L, then {5,}2., is (C,k) summable to L. Moreover, there will be a sequence which is (C,k) summable but not (C,k—1) summable. 2.11H. In general, the term “summability method” can be defined as a real-valued function T whose domain is a set of sequences. A point (sequence) is in the domain of T if T “sums” the sequence—that is, if the sequence is assigned a real number by T. Thus the domain of (C, 1) is a proper subset of the domain of (C,2). Since (C,1) and (C,2) agree at a sequence where they are both defined, we may say that, from a function point of view, (C,2) is an extension of (C, 1). The (C,k) summability methods are an important but very minute part of the class of summation methods. The various methods differ greatly in their ability to sum divergent sequences and in the ease with which they can be applied. However, we almost always insist on one minimum requirement for a summability method T, namely, that any convergent sequence be T summable to its limit. DEFINITION. Let T denote a summability method for sequences [for example, (C,1),(C,2),-..} Then T is said to be regular if, whenever {s,}%_, converges to L, then {5,}221 is also T summable to L. 2.111. THEOREM. (C,1) summability and (C,2) summability are regular. PROOF: The proof follows directly from 2.11B and 2.11F. 2.12 LIMITS FOR SEQUENCES OF SETS 65 It is interesting to note that if a method of summability sums too many sequences, it cannot be regular. Indeed, it may be shown that if every bounded sequence is T summable, then T is nor regular. A famous, very general summability theorem will be presented in Section 3.12, Notes and Additional Exercises for Chapters 1-3. Exercises 2.11 . Prove that the following sequences are (C, 1) summable. (a) 1,0,1,0,1,0,... (b) 1,0,0,1,0,0, 1,0,0,... (©) -1,2;2,-1,2,2,-1,2,2,... 2. If s,,52,53,... is (C,1) summable to s, and if rE R, prove that 1,5,,5),53,... is (C,1) summable to s. 3. Prove that a sequence that diverges to infinity cannot be (C, 1) summable. 4. Let {5,}%., be a sequence of real numbers, o,=n7'(s,+5,+--+ +5,). Prove that if {5,}Za1 is (C, 1) summable, then lim,,_,..(s, /n)=0. [Hint: Compute no, —(n—1)o,_,.] Deduce that 1, —1,2, —2,3, —3,... is not (C,1) summable. 5. Let {5,}2, be a sequence of positive numbers with lim, ,.,5,=5, where s>0. Prove lin Ta = (Hint: Take logarithms.) 6. If {5,}%., is a sequence of positive numbers and if lim, ..o(5,/5,-\)=L, prove Him) see" V5, =L. (Hint: Let y= 5152=52/S8s-+25l¢=5,/ 5,1» Apply the preceding exercise to {1,}2.1.) Without using (C, 1) summability, prove that 1,0,1,0,1,0,... is (C,2) summable to }. 8. If {s,}2., is monotone, prove that {0,}%., is monotone where Sites +5, _ 9, n ° Prove theorem 2.11B by using the result of exercise 7 of Section 2.9. 2.12 LIMIT SUPERIOR AND LIMIT INFERIOR FOR SEQUENCES OF SETS 2.12A Suppose £,,E,,... are subsets of a set S. For each n&/J let x, denote the characteristic function of E,. Then, if x € S, the terms of the sequence {x,(x)}2, consist of 0’s and 1’s. It is then clear that either limsup,_,,.x,(x)=0 or limsup,,_,..X,(x) =I, and similarly for liminf,_,,,x,(x). We have the following theorem. THEOREM. Let (E,}%., be a sequence of subsets of a set S, and let x, be the characteristic function of E, (n€J). Let x be any point in S. Then (a) limsup,,.X,(x)=1 if x€£, for infinitely many values of n, while lim SUP) seeXo(X)=0 if x E, for only a finite number of n. Also (b) liminf,_,.X,(x)=1 if x ©, for all but a finite number of values of 1, while lim inf,,_,.Xq(X)=0 if there are infinitely many values of n such that x E,. 66 SEQUENCES OF REAL NUMBERS, PROOF: We shall prove (b). If x is in E, for all but a finite number of values of n, then there exists NEJ such that x€E, (n>N). Hence x,(x)=1 (n>N) and so Himinfy, Xe) = lity. coXq(X) = 1 However, if there are infinitely many n such that E, does not contain x, then x,(x)=0 for infinitely many values of n. Hence BLD.(Xy(X)e X41) } =O for all n, and so liminf,.,..X,(x)=0. This proves (b). The proof of (a) is left to the reader. It is then natural to make the following definition. 2.12B. DEFINITION. Let (£,}%_, be a sequence of subsets of a set S. Then we define limsup, _.,.£, to be the set of all x€S such that x is in E, for infinitely many values of n, We also define liminf,_,,,£, to be the set of all x © S such that x is in £, for all but a finite number of values of n. From part (a) of the theorem it then follows that if x*(x)=limsup,..Xq(x) (x€ 5S), and E*=limsup,,,..£,, then x* is the characteristic function of E*. Similarly, part (b) of the theorem shows that if x4(x)=liminf,_,..x,(x) (x€S), and E,=liminf,_,,,£,, then Xx is the characteristic function of E.. Briefly, then, the characteristic function of limsup,_,.,£, is limsup,_,..X,» and simi- larly for liminf. Exercises 2.12 1. Prove that, if {,}%., is a sequence of subsets of S, then liminf E,,c limsup E,, py a 2. If E\= Ey= y= +++ =S and £y= Ey= Eg= , compute limsup£, and liminf £,. 3. Let (E,}2., be a sequence of subsets of S. (a) If xElimsup,_,,,E,, prove that x U?_,E, for every ne J. (b) Prove that fe ~ limsup E,= ( U &). aoe n= \ken 4. (a) If xEliminf,_,,,£,, prove there exists n€/ such that xE NZ, Ey. (b) Prove that limint E,= U ( n= As} ken 5. (a) If E; CE,CE,C---, prove that lim sup E, = liminf E,= U Ey. 2.12 LIMITS FOR SEQUENCES OF SETS 67 (b) If £,D E,> E,D---, prove that limsup E,= liminf E,= ™ E,. ao ded nel 6. Give a definition of lim, ...E,- 7. If E, denotes the closed interval [n,2n], find lim,_,,.,. What can you say about the length of E, as n—>c0? Do the answers to the first two parts of this question agree with your intuition? @ SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS 3.1 CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE We recall that the sum of the infinite series a,+a,+---+a,+--- is defined as lim,_,..(4;+**+ +4,), provided that the limit exists. This, however, is the definition of the sum of an infinite series and is not the definition of “infinite series” itself. Like the term “ordered pair,” the term “infinite series” is a highly intuitive one whose proper definition is not very illuminating. 3.1A. DEFINITION. The infinite series E%,a, is an ordered pair <{a,}% where (4,}_, is a sequence of real numbers and (S}re> Sp=Qtagt eta, (nEl). The number g, is called the nth term of the series. The number s, is called the nth partial sum of the series. In addition to E%_,a,, we sometimes denote a series by a,+a,++:-+a,++++ or simply by a,+a,+-++. Thus the nth-partial sum of the series 1—1+--- +(-1)"*! +--+ is 1 ifn is odd and 0 if n is even. It is often convenient to index the terms of a series beginning with n=0. That is, we write some series as D%_oa,. (In this case we let s,=ay+a,+--+ +a,.) Thus the series l+x+x?+--+ can be written 2%_)x”. It is always trivial to verify that any definition or theorem about series written D%_,a, has an exact analog for series written [°_a, or =%_,4, for any integer p > 0. We shall not further belabor this point. The definition of convergence or divergence of the series 5%_,a, depends on the convergence or divergence of the sequence {s,}“_, of partial sums. 3.1B. DEFINITION. Let E#_,a, be a series of real numbers with partial sums s, =a,t+--+ +a, (nE/). If the sequence {s,}%°_, converges to A € R, we say_that the series <_,a, converges to A. If {s,}%_, diverges, we say that 52_,a, diverges. 68 3.1 CONVERGENCE AND DIVERGENCE 9 If D914, converges to A, we often write D%_\a, =A. Thus we use D77_,4, not only to denote : a series, but also (in case the series converges) its sum. With this warning we leave it to the reader to convince himself that no ambiguities arise. From theorems on convergent sequences follows the next result. 3.1C. THEOREM. If Y7_,a, converges to A and D%_,b, converges to B, then the series Dyu1(a, + 5,) converges to A + B. Also, if cE R, then V¥_\ca, converges to cA. PRooF: If s,=a,++-+ +a, and 1,=6, +--+ +6,, then, by hypothesis, lim, _...5,=A and lim,_,.,f,= B. But the nth partial sum of 3% ,(a,+,) is (a, +6) ++*- +(@,+5,) =5,+1, which, by 2.7A, approaches A + B as n—>00. This proves 27_,(a, + 6,)= A + B. The second part of the theorem follows from 2.7B. An obvious consequence of 3.1C is that 52. ,(a,—5,)=A — B. The following theorem gives a necessary (but not sufficient!) condition that a series be convergent. 3.1D. THEOREM. If 32,4, is a convergent series, then lim,_..04, A, Then lim,_,,.=A where s,=a,+- But then 4 ~S_-1 We have, by 2.7D, tin, aim, 9s = =A~—A=0, which is what we wished to show. PROOF: Suppose .2%_ 14, Thus we see immediately that the series 5%_,(1—n)/(1+2n) must diverge. Here, a,=(1—n)/(1+2n), and so lim, ,.,4,= — #0. Thus by 3.1D, 32,4, cannot be con- vergent. Similarly, the series 52_,(— 1)" must diverge since lim,_,,,(— 1)" does not even exist. We emphasize that the condition lim,_,,,a,=0 is not sufficient to ensure that 27_,4, be convergent. In the next section we will see that D%_,(1/n) is not convergent even though lim iM, sco(1/n)=0. in—+004% Exercises 3.1 1. Prove that if a,+a,+-+- converges to s, then a)+a,+--+ converges to s—ay. 2. Prove that the series 29_ ,[1/n(n+ 1)] converges. [Hint: Write Ieee leeeel n(ntl) on ntl and compute the partial sums of the series.] . For what values of x does the series (1 — x) +(x—x2)+(x?—x3)+ +++ converge? 4, Prove that the series (a, — a,)+(a,—43)+(a3—44)+ +++ converges if and only if the sequence {a,}%_ converges. . Does the series 22. jlog(1 + 1/m) converge or diverge? 6. Prove that for any a,bER the series a+(a+b)+(a+2b)+(a+3b)+--+ diverges unless a=b=0. 7., Show that D#_,a, converges if and only if given ¢>0 there exists N E/ such that e on a % kam+) m>N). 70 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS ~ . Prove that if a,+a,+a,+-++- converges to A, then $(a,+42)+ }(a,+43)+ $(a3+ a,)+ +++ converges. What is the sum of the second series? Does 22 ,[(n+ 1)/(n+2)] converge or diverge? Does > +1 n & 10%(n+2) 2° converge or diverge? 10. Show that if a,+a,+a,+-++ converges to L, then so does a,+0+a,+0+a,+ 0+-+-, More generally, show that any number of 0 terms may be inserted anywhere (or removed anywhere) in a convergent series without affecting its convergence or its sum. 11. Prove that if 32 ,q, converges and S%_,b, diverges, then D%_,(a, + b,) diverges. 12. Let 3®_,a, be a convergent series. Let {n,}%., be any subsequence of the sequence of positive integers. Finally, let by=a,ta,t-++ +a, bam dart +O, b= ay ait ta, (KEL). Prove that Db, converges and has the same sum as 3° a,. 13. Verify that the preceding exercise yields the following important result. If 5%_,a, converges, then any series formed from S%_,a, by inserting parentheses [for ex- ample, (a, +43) +(a,+ +++ +a;)+(-++)++>] converges to the same sum. 14, Give an example of a series 2%_,a, such that (a, + 4,)+(a;+4,4)+--- converges but a,+a,+a,;+a,+--- diverges. (This shows that removing parentheses may cause difficulties.) 3.2 SERIES WITH NONNEGATIVE TERMS The easiest series to deal with are those with nonnegative terms. For these series, all theory on convergence and divergence is embodied in the following theorem. 3.2A. THEOREM. If 32,q, is a series of nonnegative numbers with s,=a,+-+- +a, (mJ), then (a) 3% ja, converges if the sequence {s,}%., is bounded; (b) 32,4, diverges if {s,}2_, is not bounded. PROOF: (a) Since a,,;>0 we have 5,4;=4,++++ +, +4,41=5,+ 444) > Sq. Thus {5,}.1 is nondecreasing and (by hypothesis) bounded. By 2.6B, {s,}%., is convergent, and thus 5%_ a, converges. (b) If {5,}%.1 is not bounded then, by 2.5B, {s,}%., diverges. Hence so does 3. ,a,. We now give two important examples of series with nonnegative terms. The first is the geometric series ]+x+x7++++. 3.2B. THEOREM. (a) If O01, then 32 9x" diverges. 3.2. SERIES WITH NONNEGATIVE TERMS, n PROOF: Conclusion (b) is an immediate consequence of theorem 3.1D since, if x > 1, then {x}, does not converge to 0, To prove (a) we have s,='I+x+--+ +x" and so n+l 1 n+l Sn Tox an (n€l). But if 0(n+2)/2. Thus {s,}2., contains a divergent subsequence and hence, by 2.3D, diverges. This proves the theorem. We repeat that the divergence of the harmonic series shows that 2%_,a, may diverge even if lim,_,,.4,=0. 3.2D. For series with nonnegative terms only we introduce the following notation. If 214, is a convergent series of nonnegative numbers, we sometimes write D7_14, 25,- (This is possible since by hypothesis (s,}2., diverges to infinity.) Now {s,}@., is nondecreasing. Hence Seri 75k Semi 7 Sk ee a kam kam 1 [641 Sm) + Gm42~ Sma) (Sn. Sn] - Sui F5ne 1 Sati Saat 2 Thus for any m€/ there exists n€J such that Seetaes) 1S SL Skat 2 kem The partial sums of the series EP_ (5,41 5,)/s:41 thus do not form a Cauchy sequence and hence Sei — 5k SiS =e. eee (See Exercise 7 of Section 3.1.) But 5441-5; = 441. Thus Gey % vr Be Let ¢,=1/s,. Then «+0 as k>oo and S2_36,a, = 00. This completes the proof. Exercises 3.2 1. If 32a, is a convergent series of positive numbers, and if (a,}%, is a subsequence of (4,}2_,, prove that 3% ,a, converges. 2. Prove that Lia Itap+ gtat converges. 3. If 00) and if 0 0 (n/), prove that there exists a series D2_ ja, with a, >0 (kJ) and 5, =a tates +a, (nel). Prove that 1+4+4+7+->-is divergent. For what values of x € R does the series ree) + converge, and what is its sum? ie 3.3 ALTERNATING SERIES 73 3.3 ALTERNATING SERIES An alternating series is an infinite series whose terms alternate in sign. For example, the series 1-$+4—{+---, 1-2+3-4+---, 1-4+4-—4+4--- are all alternating series. An alternating series may thus be written as £%_,(—1)"*'a, where each a, is positive [or as 3%_,(—1)"a, if the first term in the series is negative]. We now dem- onstrate the fundamental result on alternating series. 3.3A. THEOREM. If {a,}%, is a sequence of positive numbers such that (a) a) >a,>--- >a,>.a,,,>°+° (that is, {a,}%_, is nonincreasing), and (b) lim, noon then the alternating series [°_, (—1)"*'a, is convergent. PRooF: Consider first the partial sums with odd index 5,,53,55,.... We have s;=5,— a+, Since, by, (a), a; 832 °°+ > Spq-1 > S2n4, 2 °° S80 that {S2n—1}%21 iS nonincreasing. But 55,_,=(a)— 4 )+(a3— 4) + *** + (Gq_~3 7 Go_—2) + a,,_,. Since each quantity in parentheses is nonnegative and a,,_,>0, we have 52, >0. Hence by 2.6E, {s2,_1)%., is convergent. Similarly, the sequence 53,54.-+-,5yqy++- iS convergent. For 53,43= 524+ @2y41—@2n42> S3_ and SO {52,}%., is nondecreasing. But also 5, = @,—(a)— 43) = (Ggy~2- Ayn—1)— Gay. Thus 52, L and sy, < L. Thus 0< 59,_;— L<53y-;—Sy, =4z,, and so |s,,_,—L| L, and so we can conclude 0.6456 < L < 0.7456.) Actually, it may be shown that L=log2=0.6932---. If 00 and lim, ,..4, 3.3A apply?) . Show that 52 ,(— 1)"*'n/(2n— 1) diverges. 7? . Why doesn’t theorem w 3.4 CONDITIONAL CONVERGENCE AND ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE We saw in the preceding section that the series Inde gogo () and the series (2) 3.4 CONDITIONAL CONVERGENCE AND ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE 75 both converge. However, these two series differ in the following respect. If we take the absolute value of each term in (1), we obtain l+d434dt-:- (3) which converges, whereas if we take the absolute value of each term in (2) we obtain l+htdede-- (4) which diverges. This leads us to the following definition, which divides convergent series into two classes. 3.4A. DEFINITION. Let a, be a series of real numbers. (a) If 32, |a,| converges, we say that 5% ,a, converges absolutely. (b) If 3%. ,a, converges but 3%. ,|a,| diverges, we say that 52 ,a, converges condi- tionally. Thus the series (1) converges absolutely while the series (2) converges conditionally. We must justify the use of the word “converges” in the phrase “converges absolutely.” This is done in the following theorem. 3.4B. THEOREM. If E3.,a, converges absolutely, then 32_,a, converges. PROOF: Let s,=a,++:+ +a,. We wish to prove that {s,}2., converges. By 2.10D, it is enough to show that {s,}%, is Cauchy. By hypothesis ©*_,|a,|0 there exists N €/J such that Ibn Gel << (m,n>N). Inert FO < lang tlt oo + ]Gpal = I~ fal Thus Isn—S1<€ (n>). This proves that {s,}%., is Cauchy, which is what we wished to show. But (if m>n, say), [Sp — 51= 3.4C. If we separate a series 3%. ,a, into the series of positive a, and the series of negative a,, we can show up an important distinction between absolutely convergent and conditionally convergent series. is a series of real numbers, let More precisely, if 3%_,a, if a,>0, if a,<0. (Thus for the series 1—}+$--++, pp=l, p3=4, Pog) =1/(2n—1), while p)=p,=--- =0,] Similarly, let if a,<0, if a,>0. The p, are thus the positive terms of 22a, (along with some 0’s) while the g, are the negative terms. It is easy to see that max(a,,0), g,=min(a,,0) 7 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS and hence by 1.4D, 2Py=4,+|aq| and 24,= 4, —|4,|. (*) Also, n= Pat Ine It is now not difficult to prove the following interesting result. THEOREM. (a) If 52,4, converges absolutely, then both 3%,p, and 32 ,q, con- verge. However, (b) If 3%_,q, converges conditionally, then both 3. ,p, and 32,4, diverge. Finally, (0) If 32.,p, and 2g, both converge, then Ea, converges absolutely. PROOF: (a) If 3%_,a, and 3%_,la,| both converge, then, by 3.1C, so does 3%_,(a,+ |a,|). Thus from (+), 22. ,2p, converges. By 3.1C again, this implies the convergence of ZZ 1p,- The series 5%_,g, may be proved convergent by similar reasoning. (b) We now assume that D%_,a, converges but that D7_,|a,| diverges. From (+) we have |a,|=2p,—4,. If 3%.,p, converged, then, by 3.1C, so would & (2p, 4) = = lanl, nl aS contradicting our assumption. Hence 32_;p, diverges. Again, 22_,q, may be handled in the same way. (c) Since p,=(a,+|a,l)/2 and g,=(a,—|a,|)/2, we have |a,|=p,—4,- Hence if TzZ1p, and Z%_,g, both converge, then so does E%,la,|, which shows that 3%_,a, converges absolutely. Thus since 1-}+3—4+-+: is a conditionally convergent series, it follows that 14+04+4+0+1+0+--- diverges, and hence that 1+4+4+--- diverges. The last theorem tells us, roughly, that an absolutely convergent series converges because its terms are “small” while a conditionally convergent series converges because of “cancellation” between its positive and negative terms. Exercises 3.4 1. Classify as to divergent, conditionally convergent, or absolutely convergent: @ 1-f+t-teee, (b) I-p43—G+- (©) y-$ta-gte (@) 1-14+4-d4+4-44---, Tjlodyt oad id (e) I-oto-ptg gta pt 2. Can a series of nonnegative numbers converge conditionally? 3. Prove that if D%_,|4,|< oo, then |2%_,a,|<2%_,|a,|. 4, If 32,4, converges absolutely, and if ¢,=+1 for every n€/, prove that D*_,¢,a, converges. 5. If 2 \¢,a, converges for every sequence {«,}%_, such that ¢,= +1 (n J), prove that Dz 14, converges absolutely. 3.5 REARRANGEMENT OF SERIES 7 3.5 REARRANGEMENTS OF SERIES 3.5A. Roughly speaking, a rearrangement of a series 3%_,a, is a series D%_,b, whose terms are the same as those of 5%_,q, but occur in different order. (A precise definition of rearrangement is given later in this section.) We shall see that rearranging an absolutely convergent series has no effect on its sum but that rearranging a conditionally convergent series can have drastic effect. We have seen that the series 3*_,(—1)"*!/n converges conditionally to some LER (where we have stated but not proved that L=log2). In addition, we know 0.6 < L <0.8 so that L#0. We have Laln-d4}-dts-gtyopee, a) By 3.1C, bged pLap-dt pdt bt and so, certainly, FL=0+4-0-44+0+$-0-Gte::. (2) If we then add (2) to (1) we obtain, again by 3.1C, =1,1),(1 Sol ib= oe a ceeeeeene IE iL=(1+0)+(S' +9) +(3-9)+(41+5}) i ay1)(1 atyaly)y... +(sto)+(S+a)e(ro)+(a+ a) or Peal bf-d ede yod tebe @) The series on the right of (3) is a rearrangement of the series on the right of (1), but they converge to different sums! - 3.5B. Indeed, we can find a rearrangement of 3%_,(—1)"*!/n that will converge to any preassigned real number—say, for example, 512. From 3.4C we know that 1+4444--- diverges. By 3.2A the partial sums of this series must be unbounded. Thus 1+}+}+--++1/N will be greater than 512 for all sufficiently large odd integers N. Let N, be the smallest odd integer such that 1,1 Itgtgt wpe Then 1 v1 1 1 l4gest tw 3 <512 (why?). Now let N, be the smallest odd integer greater than N, such that 1 1 1 1 1 1 legtgt +h, 2* Naat aN saen Then 1,1 1 1 1 1 1 l4gtgt twoztwaat tw 4 <512. Continuing in this fashion we may construct a rearrangement of [%_,(—1)"*!/n that converges to 512, You supply the details. Now let us define “rearrangement” precisely. 78 ‘SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS 3.5C. DEFINITION. Let N={7,}%, be a sequence of positive integers where each posi- tive integer occurs exactly once among the n, (That is, N is a 1-1 function from J onto 1.) If 32.,q, is a series of real numbers and if b=a, (iE), then 5%. ,0, is called a rearrangement of 3%_,a,. If A={a}%, and B={b,}%.,, then, in the definition 3.5C, we have A°N=B. If ~'= (2, Js the inverse function for N, then (by Exercise 12 of Section 1.5) A=BeN ‘so that a,=b,,. This shows that 27a; is also a rearrangement of 2%_,b, if Drab, isa rearrangement of DH In the exercises the reader is asked to supply the proof of the following theorem, which consists of an imitation of the method in 3.5B. 3.5D THEOREM. Let 2%_,a, be a conditionally convergent series of real numbers. Then for any x€ R there is a rearrangement of 2_,a, which converges to x. For absolutely convergent series the story is entirely different. We first treat the case of a series of nonnegative terms. 3.5E Lemma. If 5%_,q, is a series of nonnegative numbers which converses to AER, and >_,6, is a rearrangement of D%_,a,, then D%_,b, converges and D*. A. prooF: For each NEJ, let sy=bj++++ +by. Since b=4, for some sequence {n,}%1, we have y= ayes Let M=max(n,,...,ny). Then, certainly, sy Thus for any N EJ, N Nw 2 [b+ ++ +lbvl< DX Py-~ DISD Py- D a= P- 2. mA et The partial sums of 2%,|bj| are thus all bounded above by P—Q and hence B%.,|d,| <.oo.* This completes the proof. 3.5G. Our theorem on rearrangements gives us a theorem on the multiplication of series. If we formally} take the product of two power series 3%_9a,x" and 22 ob,x" and collect terms with the same power of x, we have (ag + ay + ayx?-+ ++ +)(byt byx t+ bax? + = aghy+ (ayb, + ayby)x + (gb, + a,b, + dybp)x? +++. That is, ( 3 evrr)( 3 0.0") = Bat ©) n=0 n=0 n=0 where ¢,=27-4;b,-,("=0,1,2,...). For purposes of application, it is enough to examine (+) in the case x=1. We shall prove that (Se) Sa)-Ss nso /\n=0 n=0 under the hypothesis that the two series on the left converge absolutely. THEOREM. If the series 3%.oq, and D2 9b, converge absolutely to A and B, respec- tively, then AB=C where C= 5%. ¢, (the series converging absolutely) and C= Dd abr, (2 =0,1,2,...). kao PROOF: For k=0,1,2,... we have |qq| <|aobj|-+]a,0q—|+-++ +]a,bol. Thus for any n leo + lel+-** + leah S |agbol + (laobil + |aibol) + «++ + (l4obnl + 14ibn— il ++» + aobn!) ~ « < (lao + +++ + lanl)(1bol + + ** +oan<( = tal) = ial) geo Neo The sequence of partial sums of 52olc| is thus bounded above, and hence > lal +4, we have gby= AgBo, gb, + aby + a,b, = (dg + a,)(by + b,) — agby= A,B, — ApBo, gb + dyby + ab, + ayb, + ayb,= (ayt a, + a)(by + b, + by) — (ay + 4;)(b9 + b1) = A2B— A,B), and in general, for n> 1 the quantity in the nth bracket on the right of (2) is equal to A,B,—A,-\By-1. The sum of the first m brackets on the right of (2) is therefore [ApBol + [41 B,— AgBol + +++ +14,B,— Ay—1B,—1]= A,B,» which approaches AB as n—>0o. The right side of (2) is thus equal to AB and the proof is complete. 3.5H corottary. If for some xER the power series D%_oa,x" and D®. absolutely convergent, then [SerlSurl- Ser ® n=0 aga ten are! where 6 = 3% uo, O,—e: PROOF: Let 4,=a,x", B,= b,x". Then, by 3.5G 34, > 8, -3G (2) (S(2%) n=0 n=0 where DA Br c= Dax My px" =x" ZY aed = CX" k=0 K=0 k= Equation (1) thus follows from (2). Exercises 3.5 1. Prove that if |x|<1, then DH x2 tx ttt x64 34 x84 xl 4 x5 4+: * See Exercise 13 of Section 3.1. 3.6 TESTS FOR ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE 81 v . Prove that if a,+a,+a,+--- is absolutely convergent, then a,+a,+a,++++ =(a,+ y+ ds++++)+(a,+a,+a,+ +++). Is this true for all conditionally convergent series? 3. What, if anything, is wrong with the following? In }aef-de dda HI+(-FE+U- HEHE Yt a(l4] 4} Ftp tbe oid go S(l+htd4---)-(ltpt pte )=0 B . Show that there exists a rearrangement D7_ 1b, of 1— —-+++such that, if 1,=b +--+ +5,, then limsups,= 100, liminf ¢,= — 100. n00 5. Show that any conditionally convergent series has a rearrangement that diverges. 6. Prove theorem 3.5D. 7. Write the following products in the form Z2_9¢,x" (a) (Speox"(Era0r"), (0) Breox" ME Ra0(— D"x"). 8. If 0). (That is, |a,| <|,| except for a finite number of values of n.) In this case we write ey 2 2D a< D by nel” onel For example, Bil 1" /n23. Also 100+ $+ 4+-++is dominated by 1+4+}+--- . (This shows that 39_\4,«<2%_,, does not necessarily imply Ded, < E25.) At the end of Section 3.4 we mentioned that an absolutely convergent series converges because its terms are “small.” If the series 2_,a, is dominated by an absolutely * Or that Eb, dominates 22. a,. a2 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS convergent series 2%_,5,, then D%_,a, certainly ought to converge absolutely since most of its terms are no larger than those of 3_,5,. This we now prove. 3.6B THEOREM. If 37,4, is dominated by Z2_,b, where D%_,b, converges absolutely, then Z2_,a, also converges absolutely. Symbolically, if 2° ,a,<2%_\b, and D2 ,|b,| N. Hence if s, we have, for n> N, aS lait oes + lay| + lbva alt e+ + 1bgl Sault ++ Hla] tM. jay|+--> +|a,1, The sequence of partial sums of 52. ,|q,| is thus bounded above and the theorem follows from 3.2A. Theorem 3.6B is called the comparison test for absolute convergence since it involves term-by-term comparison of 2%. ,|a,| and 2%_,|b,|. It is the basis for the other tests in this section. 3.6C. From 3.6B, it follows immediately that for any x €(—1,1) the geometric series 32 1x" converges absolutely. For EI x" Sat and the series on the right converges (absolutely) by 3.2B. We emphasize that theorem 3.6B deals only with absolute convergence. Note that the series 22_,1/n is dominated by the conditionally convergent series 5°_,(—1)"/n but the former series does not converge at all. The concept of “dominated” is usable only in connection with absolute values. The following result may be deduced from part (b) of 3.2A. We omit the proof. 3.6D THEOREM. If S*_,a, is dominated by 32_,b, and E2,|a,|=00, then D°,|6,| = 00. (That is, if 52 ,a,0, la|1 then 32a, diverges; (©) Ifa<10° so, by 2.9L, there exists N €/ such that Sy N). Then |aya1/ayl < By ldy42/dya1< B, and so ayer ay ay lay 44] 1, then by 2.9L, |a,4,/a,|>1 for all n>N (for some N EJ). But then lay|1, while if L=1, we can conclude nothing. Here are some examples to illustrate 3.6F, Consider first 32 ,n"/n!, Here a,=n"/n! so that \ (rasta aun ese (tal) 1" eer ee ratty : But by 2.6C, lim,.,,(1+1/n)"=e>2 and so a=e=A. In particular, a>2 so that Zz ,n"/n! diverges. These computations show that for the series 22_,n!/n" we have A=1/e<4<1 so that 5%_,n!/n" converges. Consider next the series 2°_ox"/n! for some xR, Here we have Sn a, [apt nt xl” nT" Thus lim, ,.|@)+1/4,|=0, which shows that the series in question converges absolutely for any real x. (Recall from calculus that the sum of the series is e*.) Finally, let us try to determine the values of x for which D%_,x"/n_ converges absolutely. For this series we have lim,_.,|4,4,/4,|=|x|. Thus the series is absolutely convergent for |x|<1 and is divergent for |x|>1. The ratio test fails if |x|=1—that is, if x=1 or x= —1. But for these values of x the series becomes 5%_,1/n and 32_,(—1)"/ n, neither of which is absolutely convergent. Thus 5%_,x"/n is absolutely convergent only for —11. (This includes the case limsup,_...- Wia,l = 00.) If A =1, the test fails. PROOF: If A <1, choose B so that AN). This implies |a,|< B"(n > N). Thus D,|q,| is dominated by D2_,B", which is (abso- lutely) convergent. By 3.6B, 22_,|a,|<0o. This proves (a). If limsup W/Ja,| >1 then, by 2.9L, Y/|a,| >1 for infinitely many values of n. But this implies that |a,|>1 for infinitely many n, and so {a,}%.1 does not converge to 0. By 3.1D, 32.4, diverges. This proves (b). 3.6 TESTS FOR ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE 85 Note that for the divergent series 5%_,1/n and the series 3 ,1/n? (which will be a shown to converge) we have lim,_,,. V/ lim, _,..(logn/n)=0, we have jim, W/m = jim e-l50/” = 1, [Remembering from calculus that Thus also, Jim, 11708 = im (VI78 Y= Here is a corollary on power series 32_o4,x”. 3.6H. THEOREM. Let (a,}%.9 be a sequence of real numbers. Then (a) If lim sup, sco W/1a,] =0, the series 3#_o4,x" converges absolutely for all real x; (b) If limsup,_,., V]a,| =L>0, then E_9q,x” converges absolutely for |x|<1/L and diverges for |x|>1/L; (©) If limsup,_.,W/]a,| =00, then E%_9a,x" converges only for x=0 and diverges for all other x. PRooF: We have W|a,x"| any x,limsup,,., Wla,x"l = convergent, This proves (a). To prove (b) we have limsup,.... W/Ja,x"| =|Lx|. Again by 3.6G, 32%9a,x" will converge absolutely if |Lx|<1 and diverge if |Lx|>1. This proves (b). The proof of (c) is left to the reader. x|V\a,|. Thus if limsup,_,,, V|a,| =0, then, for =0 and by (a) of 3.6G, 2%9q,x" is absolutely In any of the three cases in 3.6H the following is true. 3.61. COROLLARY. If the power series E294," converges for x= xo, then it converges absolutely for all x such that |x|<|xgl. The following theorem shows that if the ratio test works, so will the root test. 3.6]. THEOREM. Let (a,}%., be a sequence of nonzero real numbers. Then Gy. limsup W/Ja,| limint fs : (2) Hence if the ratio test implies 2_,|a,|< 00, so does the root test, and, if the ratio test implies 27. ;|4,|= 0, so does the root test. PROOF: We will prove (1). If limsup, _,.o14,41/(a,)|= 0, then (1) is obvious. Suppose limsup,...14,41/(a,)|= A where AE R. Then by 2.9L, if «>0, there exists N €/ such that Gna ). 86 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS Thus lavail <(4 +¢)layh, lay eal <(A + avi <(4 +6) la Indeed, if n> N, we have lay] =ldy-gen—w9] <(A +6)" “ay. Thus la,| N) where B=|ay|/(A +6)", and so Wa, N). Since B'/"-40 as n—>e0, this implies limsup W/ But € was an arbitrary positive number, so limsup W/|a,| _,6,. 2. Do the following series converge? (a) a Len eo 2 142 (©) > cs 3. Show that if |x|<1, then D2 ,n!0°x" converges absolutely. ape 4, For any x >0 prove that the series 1— 2 + al - . converge absolutely. Using theorem 3.5G find Geo ren Deduce sin2x=2sinxcosx. . (a) Does the ratio test give any information about the series (4) FGP +P + G+? (b) Does the series converge? w 3.7. SERIES WHOSE TERMS FORM A NONINCREASING SEQUENCE 87 6. If (a,}#., is a sequence of real numbers, and if lim, ,..l4,41/ |= L-<1, prove that lim,_,.94,=0- 7. For what values of x does the series lean caree a xy st converge? 8. For what values of x does 1+2x+3x?+4x3+ +++ converge? 9. If B&jla,| Hay< D Hay. ket k=0 Keo 8 Hence for any mI we have 2 4< D May k=l k=O (why?). Since by hypothesis 32_ 24a; < co, the theorem follows from 3.2A. The converse of 3.7A is also true. 88 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS 3.7B. THEOREM. If {a,}%, is a nonincreasing sequence of positive numbers and if DH 02" diverges, then D*_,a, diverges. PRooF: We have a, + 44> 2ay, s+ ag + a,+ dg > 4as, and in general Aggy bs tages > Magee = 3(2"* layeei), so that antl ntl 305 3 aay LS ata. és = The remainder of the proof is left as an exercise. Note the similarity to the proof of 3.2C. 3.7C. COROLLARY. The series 22,1 /n? converges. PRooF: For a,=1/n? we have Hence by 3.7A, Note that for 32. ,1/n we have a,=1/n, and so 3% ,2"aye=23_2"-(1/2")= 00. Thus the divergence of 3%. ,1/n follows from 3.7B. The series _,1/(nlogn) diverges. For here a,=1/(nlogn) and so -S¥ (1) 3 ron Ee wig = 2 (togz) 2 n=2 which diverges. By 3.7B, 22. 4l/(nlogn)= 00. The series 32_41/[n(logn)'} converges. For s 1 2an=—— m2” (log2yP If the terms of a convergent series form a nonincreasing sequence, they must approach zero “faster” than 1/n. This result, called Pringsheim’s theorem (although it was originally discovered by Abel), we now present. 3.7D. THEOREM. If {a,}%_, is a nonincreasing sequence of positive numbers and if D714, converges, then lim, _,,.”a, =0. PROOF: Let s,=a,+--+: +4,. If 29_,4,=A, then Jim, 5,= 4 = Jim Soy Thus lim, ,.o(Saq—5,)=0. Now Gynt Anant S24 Sn = $y > yy + Ay, + °° > +Aays 3.8 SUMMATION BY PARTS a9 and so 0< naz, < 5yq~5,- Thus lim,,,,.na;,=0 and so lim 2na,,=0. (a) But 43,4) © 4,,. Thus 2n+1 (2+ Idee <( a (ana). By ()) Jim 2n+1)da,41=0- @) The conclusion of the theorem follows from (1) and (2). Theorem 3.7D is no longer true if we drop the hypothesis that {a,}%_, is nonincreas- ing; consider the series 2*_,a, where a= (1=1,4,9,16,. if n is not a perfect square. Then < 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q=rtstatetaotetotgt 2, ae, The partial sums of 32. a, are thus bounded above by 1 1 1 1 1 (b+3+3+ )e(iegege ) which, in turn, is less than 2 3%,1/n?. Thus 22,4, converges. But na, does not approach zero as n—>0o, since na, = 1 whenever n is a perfect square. Note also that the converse of 3.7D is not true. That is, there exists a nonincreasing sequence of positive numbers {a,}%_, such that lim,_,.na,=0 but such that 3%_,a, diverges. Indeed, let a,=2 and let a, =1/(nlogn) for n>2. ele Exercises 3.7 1, For what values of x does 32. ,1/n* converge? 2. For what values of x does 3%. 91/[n(logn)*] converge? 3. Prove that for any real x the series 5*_ 31 /(logn)* diverges. 4. (a) If the terms of the convergent series 3_ a, are positive and form a nonincreasing sequence, use 3.7B to prove that lim, ,2.2"d>=0. (b) Deduce another proof of 3.7D. 5. Use 3.7D to give another proof of 3.2C. 3.8 SUMMATION BY PARTS 3.8A. THEOREM. Let {a,}®_, and (b,}%_, be two sequences of real numbers and let 5,=4,++++ +a, Then, for each n EJ, E aubim taboos 3 (bres b ) kal 90 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS PROOF: Define sy=0. Since a, = 5, —5,_, we have DX 4p = ZL by (54 = 5¢=1) = F451 ~ 50) + 25281) + kai = FB A(Sp—1~ Sn—2) * On (Sn ~ Sn—1) = 54(b,~ bp) + 52(by— bs) + ++» +5, 1(n—1— On) + nbn = 2, (Bier — OK) + Snbn— SuPer t SnPn tr = 2, S(bu41~ Pk) + SnPne vr which proves (1). If we introduce the notation Aa, =a, ,,—4, for any sequence {a,}%_,, then = eet 7% (kt I)-k resembles a “derivative of a, with respect to k.” The formula (1) becomes Aa, 2 5 A5—1=S.Prei— D HA, 2) =I k=l which resembles the formula “pds =sb| “sdb i f of integration by parts. The formula (1) is thus sometimes called summation by parts. A consequence of 3.8A is the following result called Abel’s lemma. It, in turn, yields a new test for convergence and, in a later section, a theorem on summation of series. 3.8B. ABEL’s LEMMA. If {a,)%_, is a sequence of real numbers whose partial sums 5,= 34.14, satisly mé a,b,.< Mb, (n€/). () & PROOF: From (1) of 3.8A we have* 2 by = 2 em Peo) t Seber Since, by hypothesis, b, —,4>0 and 5, < M, this implies 2b SME (Oe Paes) bn = M[(by— bp) + (babs) + +++ + (By Bn) + One i] = Mb. This proves the right-hand inequality in (1). The left-hand inequality may be proved similarly. 3.8 SUMMATION BY PARTS a Thus in 3.8B, if [Z%_4a,| 0 we must find N €/ such that S 4,b,\<€ (n>m>N). = Now, by hypothesis, there exists M >0 such that |s,| N),. Hence 2Mb,,N) so that <2Mb,, — (m,nEI;mm>N), which is what we wished to show. 3.8D. For example, from the identity 2sin§ (sinx-+sin2x +--+ +sinnx)=cos¥ —cos 2a ! we see that if sinx/2%#0, then the partial sums s,='_,sinkx satsify |s,] <1/Jsinx/2). Thus the series x, sinnx logn both converge for all real x. (For {1/n}%., and {1/logn}%_, are nonincreasing and converge to zero.) A somewhat different test, called Abel’s test, can be obtained by assuming more about Dea, but less about (5,}2 1. 3.8E. THEOREM. If 2 ,a, is a convergent series of real numbers and if the sequence {,}%., is monotone and convergent, then Y*_,a,b, also converges. PROOF: Let us suppose that {6,}%., is nondecreasing and let c,=b—b, where mat b=lim, sabe (If {b,}2., were nonincreasing, we would let c,=b,—b.) Then c,>0, 92 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS lim, g¢,70, and (¢,}2_, is nonincreasing. By 3.8C, then the series 3_,a,c, converges. By 3.1C, the series S%_,ba, converges. But a,b, = ba,—a,C,- THUS D%_ a,b, =D. (ba, — a,¢,) converges (again by 3.1C), which is what we wished to show. For example, the series 1-1+4- $ converges, whereas the sequence 0,4,},3,3,3,3,-.. is monotonic and convergent. Therefore, by 3.8E, the series 11,2 1,3 ee ee eee 0 2 i+ 2 3 7 4° must converge. Note that theorem 3.3A does not apply to this last series. (Why?) Exercises 3.8 1. Prove that if 22 ,na, converges, then so does 32 ,4,. 2. Given that cosx + eos3x-+e0sSx-+ +++ +cos(2n—1)x= SB2M sinx if sinx 0, prove that 2 cos(2n— 1)x/(2n— 1) converges if x is not a multiple of 7. . Prove that D%_,(1/n)log(1 + 1/n) converges. (Hint: Use (2) of 3.8A with b, =logk.) 4. Show that the series 1-}—}+4+4-—1-—4+4+4-—-—--- is convergent. . Deduce theorem 3.3A as a special case of Dirichlet’s test (3.8C). o w 3.9 (C,1) SUMMABILITY OF SERIES Just as the convergence of the series 3%_,a, is defined to mean the convergence of the sequence {s,}%, of partial sums, the (C,1) summability of 52_,a, will now be defined to mean the (C, 1) summability of {5,}%,. (See 2.11A.) 3.9A. DEFINITION. Let S%,q, be a series of real numbers with partial sums s, =a,++++ +a,. We shall say that 2*_,a, is (C, 1) summable to 4 if Jim s,=4 (C1). In this case we write Daa (C0). Thus 32.,(-1)"=—4(C,1). For the sequence of partial sums for this series is 1,0, -1,0,-1,0,... and this sequence is (C,1) summable to —}. The series 1-2+3-4+5—6+--+ has the sequence of partial sums 1, ~ 1,2, —2,3, —3,.... As we saw after theorem 2.11B, this sequence is not (C, 1) summable. Hence the series 1—2+3-4+5—6+--- is not (C,1) summable. 3.9B. DEFINITION. A method T of summability for series is called regular if every convergent series is T summable to its sum. (That is, if D%_,a, is T summable to 4 whenever *_,a, converges to A.) 3.9C. THEOREM. The (C,1) summability method for series is regular. 3.9 (C,1) SUMMABILITY OF SERIES 93 PROOF: If 5%,q, converges to A, ce the sequence of partial sums (s,}, converges to A. Hence, by 2.11B, lim, ,5,=A4(C,1). This in turn implies 3*_\a, =A(C,1), which proves the theorem. 3.9D. We know that a series may be (C, 1) summable even if it does not converge. We now prove a theorem giving a simple condition on a series which, together with (C, 1) summability of the series, will ensure that the series does converge. We first need a lemma. LemMA. Let D7_,a, be (C,1) summable and let ¢,=a,+2a,+ +++ +na,. Then if lim =0, (a) the series 32_,a, converges. PROOF: We first show that t,=(n+l)s,-no, — (nEL) 2) where 0, =n7'(s, +5, +--+ +5,). We have 1,= 9, so that (2) is certainly true for n=1. We proceed by induction. Suppose (2) is true for some value of n. We then have thar =t, + (nt la, 41 = ("Ft 1s, — 29, + (n+ Vana = (04 MN(S, + Gp 1) — On = (FWY (Spat) = (814 Sy) (NF YS) (SA +S, t Spade n+ and so tn = (M425 p41 — (MF Dp Thus (2) is true for n+1 which completes the induction. Now suppose that 2%.,a,=A(C,1). Then lim,_.,,0,=4. From (2) and (1) we then have Gael by n n Sy Sn Setanta (ta) Ii jim —2(* =1-(0+A)=4 Ams fin ot (2+a)-roeaea. In particular, {5,}%2., converges, which proves the lemma. THEOREM. If 22_,4, is (C, 1) summable and if lim,_,,."q,=0, then 2,4, converges. PROOF: The sequence {na,}%°_, converges to 0 by hypothesis. By 2.11B, {na,}°_, is (C,1) summable to 0. That is, a,+2a,+--+ +na, lim no n But this says precisely that lim,_,,.f,/=0 where #, is as in the lemma. The hypotheses of the lemma thus hold and the theorem follows. 3.9E. The only method of summability for series that we have discussed in this section is the (C, 1) method. However, from our development it should be clear that any regular method of summability for sequences defines a corresponding regular method for series. 94 SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS Thus we would say 52_,4,=A(C,2) if the sequence {s,}_, of partial sums of 32_,a, is (C,2) summable to A. From 2.11D it then follows, for example, that 1-243-445-64+---=} (C2). (For the sequence of partial sums is, in this case, 1, —1,2, —2,3, —3,....) This (C,2) method for series is regular since (C,2) summability for sequences is regular. In a later section we consider methods of summability that do not deal with the sequence of partial sums. See Section 9.6. Exercises 3.9 . Examine whether the following series are (C, 1) summable. (a) 1-3+1-34+1-34- (b) In p+} fee, (c) 1+0-1-0+1+0—1—-0+---. . Does the series (c) of the preceding exercise have the same (C, 1) sum as 1-141-141-1+ xR » . Prove that I+1-14141-14141-14-° is not (C, 1) summable. 4, Show that a divergent series of positive terms cannot be (C, 1) summable. . Prove that if 2% ,a, is (C,1) summable, then the sequence {a,}%, is (C,1) summable to 0. (Compare this result with 3.1D.) . Prove that if 3%,a, is (C,1) summable, then lim, ta,t-+s +4,. wo a nvcoS,/N=0 where 5,=a, 3.10 THE CLASS (? Most of the important concepts we have so far introduced (set, sequence, function, series) are involved in the definition of the class 3.10A. DEFINITION. The class f is the class of all sequences s=({s,}%_, such that E252 <00. The elements of (? are thus sequences. The sequence 0,0,0,... is clearly an element of , By 3.7C, the sequence {1/n}%_, is an element of @. By 3.2C, the sequence (1/Vii }2.; is not an element of ( We shortly show that if s€( and rf, then streP, Here are two famous inequalities. 3.10B. THEOREM. (THE SCHWARZ* INEQUALITY). If s=({5,}2_, and ¢={¢,}%., are in (7, then 3%_,5,1, is absolutely convergent and <( S 2)'( 3 2) () n= n= 3 sat *Often called the Cauchy or the Buniakovski inequality. 3.10 THE CLASS 95 PROOF: We may assume that there is at least one s,—say sy—not equal to 0. Otherwise the theorem is trivial. For fixed n> N and any x € R we have D (x5, 4+ 4)? 20. ke Expanding the parentheses on the left we have ice S spt2x Ss Sete t = B>0. ke ke ke This can be written Ax?+ Bx+C >0 where DS s}>0, B=2D 54 C= DE ka kel kal A [From calculus we know that the minimum value of Ax?+ Bx +C (A >0) occurs when — B/2A (verify!). This is motivation for the next step in the proof.] If we set x= — B/2A, we have A(— B/2A)'+ B(— B/2A)+C 20, or B?<4AC. But this says n 2 n n (34) <(3.2}(3 4) @) 2) ZA, If we replace 5,, ty by seh, |%| in (2), we obtain n n W274 yn \1/2 = Nye 72] Siwsie( 32) (32) (Za) (Ze) . Zibeals| 2) (28) Ze) (2, The sequence of partial sums of 32. |5,%| is thus bounded, and so EP. |5¢t%| <0. In particular, 32 5,t, converges by 3.4B. If we now let n approach infinity in (2) and use 2.7, we obtain (1). 3.10C. THEOREM. (THE MINKOWSKI INEQUALITY.) If s={s,}%_, and ¢={¢,}%_, are in P, then s+s={s,+4¢,}2, is in and [erwt] | 3 " meat) + 54] : n=l PRooF: By hypothesis, the series D2_,s? and D%_,/? converge. Also, the series DZ 5,4, converges by 3.10B. Since (s, +f,)°=52+25,t, + 02, it follows from 3.1C that D=_(5, +f) converges and S (+4)? = S423 suet 38 n=l n= n= Applying the Schwarz inequality to the second sum on the right, we obtain dG, tuts Soe $2) "(Sa) + Se n=l n=l n=l n=l Seoeur( Se) "($2)" Taking the square root on both sides completes the proof. and so % SERIES OF REAL NUMBERS The class ( is used as an example of a metric space in the next chapter. For this purpose it is useful to introduce the notion of the norm of an element in {. 3.10D. perinition. If s= {5,)2., is an element of (?, we define |||», called the norm of 5. as wo \In iste=( 3 3) . The norm of a sequence of /? is thus a nonnegative number. (Actually then, the norm is a function with domain and range (0, 00).) The sequence 0,0,0,... has norm 0. Any other sequence in (? has positive norm. If ce R and se, then ||cs||,=|c|||sll2 (verify). 3.10E. THEOREM. The norm for sequences in /? has the following properties: lisl20 (SEP), QQ) \|sll,=0 if and only if s={0}"_,, Q) lleslk=lel-Iislh (CERSEP), (G) IIstil<[isle+lll — (80EP). (4) PROOF: Only (4) has not been verified. But (4) is just a restatement of the Minkowski inequality. 3.10F. Do not read this section unless you know a little bit about vector spaces. First of all, since s+ rE? if se? and re (, and since cs€ if cE R, SEP’, it is clear that ( is a vector space over the real numbers. In n-dimensional Euclidean vector space, a vector has length (3% ,32)!/. The dot (scalar) product of two vectors ¢51....55,) and (fy,...5f,) is equal to D%_ 15,lq and is in absolute value less than the product of the lengths of the two vectors. That is, Ssul( Sa) "(S 2) 0 kel k= k=l Thus the norm (Z%_,52)'/? of a sequence in (? is analogous to the length (Z%._,s7)!/? of a vector in n-space: The Schwarz inequality corresponds to (*). The Minkowski inequality states that the “length” (norm) of the sum of two vectors (sequences) in [? is less than or equal to the sum of their lengths. In n-space the corresponding fact is that a straight line joining two points is no longer than any broken line joining them. Exercises 3.10 1, Which of the following sequences are in (?? © (ia) ee © (er, (©) {sin 5G} * 2. Give an example of a sequence {s,}%., in @ such that 32. Is,

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