Singaporean Culture - Core Concepts: 6-8 Minutes

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Singaporean Culture - Core

6-8 minutes









Singapore is an island city-state located off the coast of

Malaysia. It is a very small country, only measuring 26 km
north to south and 50 km east to west, yet it hosts over 5
million people. This makes it the second most densely
populated sovereign state in the world.

Singapore served as a central point of trade between the

East and West in the 19th century, coming under British
colonial rule in 1826 until 1963. Today, it is independent of
Britain and Malaysia. However, the influence of its past
British governance means that it is one of the most
Westernised countries in Asia. Lifestyles are quite

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cosmopolitan and English (also referred to  as the adapted

‘Singlish’) is the common language spoken among all
ethnicities. Singapore’s economic positioning as one of the
four Asian Dragons of the global economy has also made it
a big expatriate hot spot. There are so many foreigners in
Singapore that only about 60% of the population has

The permanent citizens of Singapore are also diverse.

While 74.2% are Chinese Singaporeans, there are also
large populations of Malay, Indians, Eurasians and
Westerners. These different ethnic groups maintain the
languages, histories, traditions and religions that pertain
specifically to them. 

During their 75-year rule (1867-1942), the British

maintained and emphasised racial divides among the three
biggest ethnic groups – Chinese, Malays and Indians – for
political reasons. Subsequent Singaporean governments
tried to dissipate these attitudes in the hope of creating a
truly multiracial society. Singaporean culture is heavily
influenced by Chinese values and one’s ethnicity is a strong
social identifier.Singaporeans often attribute social
behaviour and characteristics (that extend beyond religious
or cultural customs) to people’s race as well. For example,
Chinese and Indian Singaporeans are generally regarded
as business-savvy ethnic groups as they tend to be profit-
oriented, dominating the political and economic facets of
society. The Malay population are often considered to be
less economically competitive and more content with
making ends meet. 

Despite being socially organised to a degree by ethnicity,

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Singaporeans don’t consider entitlement to be inheritable

through family or ethnicity. They like to think of their culture
as ‘meritocratic’ where people aren’t privileged over others
due to their background. It is acknowledged that those who
are academically qualified or well-educated loosely
constitute an upper class. But, status is thought to be merit-
based as a result of work ethic.

This being said, Singaporean culture is still hierarchical.

Interactions between people are tiered as a result of
Chinese influences. The Confucian way of thinking puts
emphasis on the importance of healthy human interactions
by promoting the idea that relationships between people
should be unequal with defined hierarchical roles (e.g. ruler
and subject, husband and wife, father and son). When this
natural inequality is accepted and respected, it becomes
easier to maintain harmonious, stable relations among
individuals and, therefore, in society as a whole. Everyone
has a role to fill and for superiors, that role is to protect and
be compassionate to those subordinate to them.  

Confucian concepts can explain, in part, why Singaporeans

are so efficient and successful – duty, moderation and work
ethic are all emphasised in the Confucian teachings. Many
Chinese Singaporeans particularly follow the principle of Li:
‘doing what we are supposed to do’. Confucianism also
stresses the importance of age. Singaporeans are expected
to give their parents and elders utter respect and devotion
under the cultural concept of ‘filial piety’. Its value is akin to
reverence of one’s ancestors and means that most social
organisation respects an age hierarchy. Filial piety also
sometimes involves being unconditionally obedient of

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Another core concept underpinning Singaporean culture is

that of face. Face is the quality embedded in most Asian
cultures that indicates a person's reputation, influence,
dignity and honour. By complimenting people, showing
them respect or doing something to increase their self-
esteem, you give them face. Similarly, people can lose face
and save or build face. Therefore, individuals in Singapore
usually act deliberately and with restraint to protect their
self-worth and peer perception. Conservative conduct is the
norm, as people don’t want to stand out and/or risk losing
face by doing something inappropriate.

From this, one can understand that eccentricity is not

valued highly in Singapore. Life is generally sober and
disciplined. Happiness is found in achievement instead of
indulgence; as such, self-control is recognised and admired
in people. One of the five national shared values upheld by
Singapore is the tenet that the “nation comes before your
community and society above yourself”. This exemplifies
how Singapore is more collectivistic than Western societies.
Individuals often perceive themselves to be members of
groups rather than autonomous actors. A group is a faction
of people one shares an interest or identity with (e.g. family,
business, community, country, etc.). These groups reflect or
come to define who its members are and often demand a
high degree of loyalty. For example, the group’s interests
usually supersede those of the individual, even if they
conflict. Furthermore, group members expect to receive
preferential treatment over anyone who is not part of the
group. In return for this loyalty, an individual gains a sense

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of belonging, protection and unity.

Harmony is also a guiding philosophy in Singapore. It

affects many facets of society, particularly those of family
and business. Working in harmony is viewed as the crucial
element for productivity; thus, the Singaporeans have a
predisposition to be indirect, gentle and courteous – even if
they disagree with what you are saying. Consensus is
sought over conflict in all aspects of decision-making.

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