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When rock underground abruptly splits along a fault, earthquakes are normally
triggered. The seismic waves that make the earth shake trigger this sudden release
of energy. They stick a little when two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing
against each other. They're not only sliding smoothly; the rocks are catching one
another. The rocks are still pressing, but not shifting, towards each other. The rocks
crack after a while because of all the pressure that's built up. If the rocks crack,
there will be an earthquake. An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip on a fault.
The tectonic plates are always slowly moving, but they get stuck at their edges due
to friction. An earthquake is the result of a sudden release of stored energy in the
Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. In its most generic sense, the
word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event whether a natural
phenomenon or an event caused by humans that generates seismic waves

On the morning of October 15, 2013, the island of Bohol, central Visayas,
Philippines, experienced a devastating earthquake of magnitude 7.2. As a result of
displacement along a previously unknown thrust fault, now called the North Bohol
Fault, this inland earthquake occurred. Surface rupture, coastal uplift and SAR data
analysis all show surface deformation spread over a 60 km long rupture region of
the island of Bohol. The NEIC finite fault solution, on the other hand, indicates
slip. More than 1.2 million people were affected by the earthquake, 222 people
died (195 in Bohol), 976 were injured and eight people went missing. More than
79,000 structures have been damaged, including houses, bridges, churches, schools
and public buildings, of which 14,500 have been completely destroyed, resulting in
more than 340,000 displaced people. A big blow was suffered by the health sector.
The earthquake left at least 25 health facilities completely damaged and 111
partially destroyed. The distribution of health care, the availability of vital drugs
and the degradation of the cold chain system, which is vital for the transport and
storage of vaccines, have led to significant disruptions.
Following the 7.2 magnitude earthquake, a major emergency response operation is
underway in the central Philippines It hit Bohol Island at 8:12 a.m. on 15 October
2013. At a depth of 32 kilometres, local time. The ShakingThe Philippine
earthquake reported level VII out of X ('destructive' with level X as 'fully
devastating') Intensity scale at the epicenter in the municipality of Sagbayan
(population of 20,000 people), and it was felt across the epicenter Central Visayas
region (6.8-million population) Municipalities have been hardest hit in
northwestern Bohol. Since the first powerful one, at least 2,500 aftershocks have
been reported.64 earthquakes with earthquakes strong enough to be felt. The
epicenter of these aftershocks is shifting steadily,Northwest to Cebu Island, and it
is predicted that the tremors measuring levels II to III ('slightly felt' to 'weak')
would Keep working for two or three more weeks, A total of 195 people were
killed, 651 were wounded and 12 are still missing. In Bohol, the majority of
casualties are registered,According to the Reduction and Management Council for
National Disaster Risk (NDRRMC). The death toll may have beenIf the earthquake
hit on a normal weekday and not on a national holiday, it would be much worse.
Nonetheless, theLandslides and severe damage to homes, hospitals, schools,
infrastructure and services were caused by the earthquake, withOver 53,300 houses
have been seriously damaged or demolished. Maybe this is the biggest earthquake
or disaster for me for my opinion only a lot of people died and suffer

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