Effect of Idle Time On Container Discharge Loading Productivity at The Banjarmasin Container Terminal Dock

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D3 Transportation Study Program, Civil Engineering Department

University of Jakarta

Email: sahrilkrisdianto@gmail.com


Sahril Krisdianto, “Effect Of Idle Time On Container Discharge Loading Productivity At The
Banjarmasin Container Terminal Dock”. The Final project, D3 Transportation study program,
Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University State of Jakarta, 2020. Lecturer:
Winoto Hadi, S.T., M.T
This study aims to determine the effect of idle time on berthing time for ships at the Banjarmasin
Container Terminal Dock, based on data that has been available at Banjarmasin Container Terminal.
The methods used in the preparation of this Final Project are observation, literature, interviews, and
documentation. In the author's observation, from the results of the analysis of the performance of
loading and unloading at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal, there are factors that cause the high
level of idle time in the loading and unloading process. From the factors that influence loading and
unloading activities, a solution can be found, namely planning and controlling the maintenance of
loading and unloading equipment, carry out inspection or checking of loading and unloading
equipment, and improve Human Resources performance, especially in terms of time discipline because
it can arise if the Human Resources feels comfortable with his work.
Keyword : Idle Time, Berthing Time, Loading Unloading
A port is a place consisting of land or water with certain boundaries as a place for government
activities and business activities that are used as a place for ships to dock, board and disembark
passengers, and / or load and unload goods. The function of a port is as a meeting place, link, gateway
and industrial entity. Sea transportation is a means of shipping goods that are in great demand by the
public, as evidenced by data from the Central Statistics Agency for 2018 as many as 775,290 tons of
goods sent via sea transportation between islands and 829,273 ship visits. The container terminal is a
special port that serves container loading and unloading services, both international and domestic. In its
activities, container terminals must be able to improve the quality of loading and unloading services by
providing and improving adequate loading and unloading facilities so that loading and unloading
activities can be carried out properly. Ideally, loading and unloading productivity can be measured from
the speed of service and the low idle time level so that loading and unloading performance can run
Idle time is the time used by the ship while mooring at the dock which is not used for loading
and unloading activities and is within the hours of loading and unloading activities, for example
activities that are stopped due to rain. However, along with the increasing business potential at the port,
it is still apparent that the management of services at the port is still not optimal. This is evidenced by
the high idle time in loading and unloading activities at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal pier, which
is 54.91 hours per month so that ships are taking longer to dock at the port. Based on the author's
analysis, the idle time level at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal from January to April data should
have a standard of 27.684 hours per month. From these data, there is a distance between the existing
standards and the implementation during this activity. This attracts the attention of the author to raise
the problem in the form of a final project entitled: "The Effect of Idle Time on the Productivity of
Loading and Unloading of Container at Banjarmasin Container Terminal Pier"
Some of the problems that can be formulated based on the description above are as follows:
1. How much influence does idle time have on ship berthing time at the Banjarmasin Container
Terminal dock?
2. Why is there idle time at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal dock?

The discussion method is a method used to present a discussion of the problems that have been
selected. In this case, the discussion method used by means of field research is a form of research
carried out by means of observation, interviews to obtain data that is more precise and reliable
according to the needs needed to support the writing of this thesis
To analyze the discussion on the effect of idle time on the productivity of loading and unloading
containers at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal Pier. The author traces the entire process which I
think has a relationship with the occurrence of Idle Time from the time of demolition to the
accumulation in the field. With this, the authors find many problems that often occur in operations,
namely; Lack of readiness in checking tools or inspecting equipment before carrying out loading and
unloading activities, and lack of worker discipline which makes time wasted when changing work
shifts. So the authors conclude from these various problems, the authors are interested in solving these
problems into a formula in calculating the time wasted (Idle Time) during loading and unloading. This
can be seen from the loading and unloading productivity data at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal
which has been processed into x and y data:
Loading and unloading productivity table

No Month X Y 𝑋2 𝑌2 X.Y
1 January 276,86 788,25 76651,45 621338,06 218234,89
2 February 41,68 181 1737,22 32761 7544,08
3 March 77,42 284 5993,85 80656 21987,28
4 April 166,28 431,42 27649,03 186123,21 71736,51
5 May 148,09 433,75 21930,64 188139,06 64234,03
Total ∑ = 710,33 2118,42 133962,22 1109017,34 383736,81
From the data contained in the table above, an analysis of the relationship between the influence of
Idle time and the ship's berthing time was carried out using statistical calculations:

1. Analysis of the coefficient of determination (KP)

KP = r ^ 2. 100%
KP = (〖0.990)〗 ^ 2. 100%
KP = 0.98. 100%
KP = 98%
From the above calculations, it can be assessed that the correlation (r) is 98%. This means that the
magnitude of the influence of Idle time on berthing time is 98%, while the remaining 2% is influenced
by other factors.
a. Lack of operator ability to use loading and unloading tools
b. The hatch cover of the ship is no longer in good condition so it requires tools such as a sling rope to
open the hatch cover
2. Simple Linear Regression Analysis
A way to determine the influence of the Idle time variable on the berthing time variable, with the
regression equation:
Y = a + bX
The value of a and b can be found using the formula in the following solution:
b = (n. (∑XY) - (∑X). (∑Y)) / (n. (∑X ^ 2) - (∑ 〖X)〗 ^ 2)
b = (5. (383736.81) - (1504777.27)) / (5. (133962.22) - (〖710.33)〗 ^ 2)
b = 413906.72 / 165242.41
b = 2.50
a = (∑Y-b. (∑X)) / n
a = (2118,42-2,50. (710,33)) / 5
a = (2118,42-1775,82) / 5
a = 68.51
Y = a + bX
Y = 68.51 + 2.50X
If X = 0, then Y = 68.51
If Y = 0, then 0 = 68.51 + 2,, 50X
X = 68.51 / (- 2.50)
X = -27,404

3. Hypothesis testing
From the calculations obtained regarding the correlation coefficient and also the determinant, then the
hypothesis test can be done to determine the significance of the relationship between idle time and
ship time.
The hypothesis test used by the author is as follows:
If tcount <ttable, then Ho = rejected, meaning that there is no significant relationship between X and
If tcount> ttable, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there is a significant
relationship between X and Y.
By using an Alpha value (α) of 0.05 (5%), then test these opinions:
t table = α (n - 2)
t = 0.05 (5 - 2)
t = 0.05 (3)
t = 2.353 (from table data t)
r = 0.990
r2 = 0.98
To = (r√ (n-2)) / √ (1 - 〖(r)〗 ^ 2)
To = (0.990√ (5-2)) / √ (1-0.98)
To = 12.2142
The results of the hypothesis test above state:
To = 12.2142 then
To = 12.2142> t table = 2.353
It means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, so it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between idle time and ship time at the jetty at the Banjarmasin Pelindo III Kalimantan
Regional Container Terminal.
4. Standard time calculation
a. Selected Operation Time
SOT 1: 110.92
SOT 2: 14,18
SOT 3: 29,17
SOT 4: 62.70
SOT 5: 57.58
Total SOT: 274.55

b. Normal Time
NT = SOT x rating
NT = 274.55 x 110%
= 302,005
Information: 60 - 80 = high rating
110 - 120 = low rating

c. Allowance Time
AT = NT x% AT
= 302,005 x 10
= 30,2005 minutes
Information: For personal use (5 - 8%)
For pending purposes (0 - 10%)
Rest (0 - 50%)

d. Standard time with formula

Standard time = NT + AT
= 302,005 + 30,2005
= 332.2055 minutes
= 138.42 hours (in a Five month period)
= 27,684 hours per month

Realization time = 54.91 hours / month

Standard time = 27.684 hours / month -
= 27,226
= 27.226 X 100%
= 1 / 2,016 X 100%
= 49.6%
Based on the data obtained, the calculation made the standard time from Idle time in Banjarmasin
Container Terminal from operational performance data for January - May 2020. By processing the
data obtained, it can be determined that the standard Idle time is 27.684 hours per month. that way the
optimization can be done at 49.6%.

Based on the results of the description of the data obtained from the Banjarmasin Container
Terminal, the authors can draw conclusions from what has been written as a Final Project, namely:
Analysis of the determinant coefficient obtained by the value of r2 = 0.98 shows that there is an
influence between idle time and ship time of 98% and the remaining 2% is the influence of other
factors. The result of the regression equation Y = -68,51 + 2,50X with the hypothesis testing about the
correlation coefficient shows that To = -12,2142> Ttable = 2,353 then Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted and based on the above test shows that there is a relationship / influence between idle time
with berthing time ship.
The occurrence of idle time at the Banjarmasin Container Terminal dock is due to:
Equipment management factor
The planning and maintenance control of loading and unloading equipment is not implemented
according to the predetermined schedule.
Checks or inspections that are not carried out according to schedule and procedures
Human Resource Factors
Lack of time discipline causes operators to be late during work shift activities
There are still some container loading and unloading equipment operators who are not experts in their
From the results of the calculation of standard time, the standard idle time in January - May is 27.684
hours per month, but in the realization of loading and unloading activities in that month, it is obtained
that the idle time is 54.91 hours per month, so it is necessary to optimize it for 49.6% to reduce the
idle time that occurs.

In this case the author can give suggestions to the Banjarmasin Container Terminal to develop and
improve again, the author can provide from several aspects, namely:
1. Preparation of an inspection schedule or checking of container loading and unloading equipment
and at the time of carrying out the inspection, it is carried out thoroughly so that the condition of the
machine parts of the equipment which is a guide makes decisions on planning maintenance actions
before damage occurs.
2. Supervision of operator performance and training is necessary to improve discipline and
performance skills so as to minimize wasted time.
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