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Activity 3
10:00AM – 10:45AM
Group Members:

Berlet G. Mondoy – BSED English

Jhon Stanley S. Dinopol – BPED

Gia Mae Hernandez – BPED

Arhian Kath Angg – BPED

Transactional Model of Communication
In transactional model, senders and receivers both are known as communicators
and both play equally important role in communication. Transactional model
relates communication with social reality, cultural up-bringing and relational
context (relationships). Non-verbal feedback like gestures, body language, is also
considered as feedback in this model.

Below is a dialogue that depicts a situation of both a successful and failed

transactional communication.

Situaton 1. Old classmates, Stacey and Ruffa saw eacother in a mall and started
chitchatting about their past experiences during college. The communication is very
noisy and they both even talked at the same time.

Stacey:Ruff? Ruffa Santos is that you?!

Ruffa: Stacey?! OMG! Yes it’s me! How are you? It’s really been a long time.

Stacey: Well thank goodness I’m fine. How about you?

Ruffa: I am doing good. Gosh I never really thought we’ll randomly see each other here.
Stacey: Yeah me too haha! Hey did you remember those times during college when we
ditch our class and had a scolding form our parents when we got home?

Ruffa: Lol! Yeah those times haha! But that was quite fun though.

Stacey: Exactly that was super fun.

*they suddenly talked at the same time*

Stacey and Ruffa: “And then,”

Ruff: “Haha you go say it”

Stacey: “No no hahaha you say it”

Ruffa: “Well, since we were both immature those days and were very mad of why we got

Stacey, Ruffa: *Talked at the same time again* “ We ditch the class again the next day!

Situation 2. A situation between a doctor and a patient seeking for second opinion.
Because he’s seeking for an opinion, and anticipates the doctor’s responses as well, he
managed to listen carefully and formally receive and responded to the doctor’s message
and eventually resulted to a successful communication.

Jhon: “Gee, I think I am going to want a second opinion. Last time I was here no one
said anything about needing all these treatments, and besides nothing is bothering me”

Dr. Ken: “You know Jhon, you may wish to seek a second opinion and we would
certainly respect that. My only concern is that you carefully select a practice that is
equally staying abreast of the latest technology and information available. Perhaps the
reason this may sound abrupt to you is because since the last time you were here our
office has participated in numerous continuing education hours specific to this
treatment, and what we know now is that it is in your best interest for us to provide. This
treatment before there are any symptoms and the possible need for more extensive or
costly treatment. Too often in the past, we let symptoms be the guide as to when to
proceed, but clearly early detection and early treatment is how we can expect to achieve
the best result for optimal dental health long-term.”

Jhon: “Because of what you said, it actually cleared all my doubts. I’m really a bit
anxious at first but I think I’ll go for it for real!

Dr. Ken: “Good to hear that Jhon. As for me that would be the best decision as well.
Should I schedule you already for the treatment Jhon?”

Jhon: “Yes please”

Dr. Ken: “We’ll work on that Jhon”

Jhon: “Thanks doc!”

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