Our Town September 26, 1925

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Through the medium of his ad-

AND to-CENT FARE Are Won by Borough Athletes WITH BERWYN HIGH vertising circular, "The Cellar
\Vindow," Ralph S. Dunne, of the
Narherth Coal and Bui:ding :Mate-
Exciting 9-7 Match on Berwyn Grounds Last 1925 L. M. Adam Eleven Will rial Co., is helping to broadcast the Staff of 24 Teachers to Handle
Philadelphia Suburban Co. Narberth Was Victor in Saturday Afternoon. See First Action This
nalTt of our fair borough to the
Classes in the Nine
distant points of the globe.
Would Give Faster Bus Afternoon. Recently a request came irom .Grades.
Service. Again the Main Line League gon- Narberth jumped on to the of- Duhlin, Ireland, for a sample copy.
falon floats high over Narberth. ferings of Bobby Doyle 111 the The editor of the Irish Independ-
SIX NEW HERTZ CARS In a seance replete with thrills and second, round like a ton of bricks EXPECT TIGHT BATTLE ent had seen mention of the hOtlse-
organ in "Printer's Ink/' and
spills, Bill Crowell's Boroughites or something. A single by Keyes, wrote for a copy in order to see 'l'he borough schools are now in
Merion, Narberth and 'vVynne- copped the second straight game in The first edition of the 1925 how we do things here, possibly
full swing with the usual large en
wood will be given a new bus line the senes r01:n 1 . f B'll D l'
oy e s erwynB a pass to Gilfillin, a safety by Lo "1
wer "' e IOn r' H'erl
I~ 1 footb 11
a ea tIll
with the idea of suggesting some-
and Bala-Cynwyd, Narberth and I Nurseymen. Sc~j-e, 9 t~ 7. The Townsend, followed by a rousing will· be on exhibition at the high thing to merchants in the "Old rollment. The enrollmel1t by grades
Country." is as follows:
Ardmore will be given more fre- Champs had prevIOusly trnllmed the triple by· that behol11~th of swat! school field in Ardmore this after-
0 First Grade . 72
quent service if an application which Bucs 10 to 8 at Narberth on Satttr- Vernon .. Fleck, counted three noon at 2.3 o'clock. Lower Merion Second Grade . 77
the Philadelphia Suburban Transit day, September 12.
Company has presented to the Pub-
runs; then Vernon coolly stole will open its season then with Ber-
About 2590: pop-eyed bugs ~nd home while Doyle was winding wyn and a big turn-out is expected
MONTH OF STRIKE Third Grade . 7I
Fourth Grade .•......•...•• 62
lic Service Commission is granted. bugge~tes vle\~ed: the game, wl~lch Uj). for the affair. FINDS COAL SHORT Fifth Grade . 69
A uniform Io-cent fare will also be was, 111 a ma11l1er of speak~ng, The barrage of hits continu'ed Much interest will be evinced in Sixth Grade . 60
e ~ 'I'lll' '''as lJ!'Otlgllt Otlt 'It tIle SelJ- Pro.minent in.. the ensemble.. was~> in the third.. . Jack
~tabll'slle(l. a lalla]Jaloosa-or somethmg". ff .
] e ens, some . the Maroon
k'l and 'vVhite eleven as
I ' Only Big Dealers on Main Seventh Grade . 56
c behometh 111111se If , smg . 1e(l I l t sff wor' fWI \I 1represent
a ong C tle I prenller 1 Line Have a Supply Eighth Grade . 68
tember meeting of Borough Council, Phll1eas Ph11~nde: Pyott. the the first base line, at least a triple e orts 0 r I Jert . A( ams, w 10
v , .

Ninth Grade . 67
when a copy of the petition was dis- Nestor of ~1a1l1 Ll~le baseball, all but for ground rules; Eppa succeeds Frank Forstburg, as coach Left.
,.'~usse(1 by tIle Il1elll]Jers. (.Ires.sed uI;J 111 a d.mn ') ~ra.y hT con- J eptha Yowell double(I to centre, of
~ b the f Lower Merion 1 d bteam.I Forst- f 1 602
l 'he bus cOl11pallY, 'Vlll'cll opeI'ates te.ctlOn, wlth.a cens.e cravat as the I"eyes smg Ie d to 1e ft ; T ownsen(I tug or
T •
I years1 la I I' Iroug lt ort1 1 FEW ARE UNPREPARED Although some of the rooms, es-
the present line from Overbrook to pIece ~e resIstance. Th~n there walked and Fleck again calpe teams t lat p ace( l1g1 among t le pecially in the lower grades, have an
Br)'ll l\'1a"Tr ,TI'a tIle l\,r1. o11 tgoll1ery was. BIlly Doyle, also 1I1 e-ray, ~ throug I1 wit ha I(OU ll J e to centre. scholastic I f II elevensf ofI thish vicinity 1 The end of almost a month of enrollment in excess of 35-now
Pike, has asked permission to short- :vhlch &"radually seem~d to change Four runs. Bobby Doyle ducked 211C 0 owers 0 t le sc 00 are the coal strike finds the smaller generally rgarded as the maximum
ell l'tS presellt route alld 111ake .All- II1to a ,.more sombre hue as the and Bobby Paist mounte d t 1le anxious f 11 . tol'see fif Mentor Adam can dealers of the Main Line entirely that should be assigned to any
derson avenue, Ardmore, the new procee(!Jl1gs proceeded. And mound. He quickly squelched 0 ow 111 lIS ootsteps. out of anthracite and unable to teacher-yet there is no overcrowd-
terll11·nus. 1'lll'S ,vI'11 111ean faster Geon.?'e ~ Babb-he was the bucko the Narberth uprising and for t le I 1 Indications are I Ithat heh will, for f make even routine deliveries to
ing and no one is on half-time.
servI'ce fOI' Bala-Cyn,vyd and Nar- in the ir.on .li.d and. pink socks- balance of the game Ile Id t h e a( vance reports (ec are t at one 0 regular customers. However, no There are now 24 teachers in
berth, the intermediate communities. an awe-lI~spm~lg spectacle. And enemy safe, but .one more run the strongest teams that ever repre- fear of suffering amoilg consum-
the man 111 sll1rt sleeves an.d gal- . T sented the Ardmore school will be ers is anticipated unless extremely charge of the various classes.
A request 11as also been 111ade for scoring-in the eIghth-on exas 1 d h fi Id I' Elementary School.
permission to run a new line down luses he was here, thel:e and Leaguers by Jeff and George p ace on t e e t lIS year. cold weather should set in.
HT ll1e,vood road al1d across ever)Twhere. Bu.t. the easIest on F'Ieck and a WI'1 d pItch . 1Jy p' First Grade-Nellie M. Whether-
v, y1 alst.· Coach 11 f Adam.d' ,,,hen
I he1 issued The strike is expected to work
ill, Georgiana Fox.
\7I/)'nnewood to Montgomery Pike the eye ,.vas the la.lr dame a.ll doll- first ca or can I( ates at t le open- no hardships on the average
and from there to Bryn Mawr. This ed up 111 a P 01 ret c.reatlOn 0 f Berw)'n ~e-ot one in the ·first :on'II1g of sC1 100,I fIllou ( 13 1ettererm en householder, due to the fact that Second Grade - Florence M.
Paist's sine-Ie, a IJass to Hige-ins and back frOlll last year'lnon these most of them stored up coal dur- Bishop, Charlotte Eckfeldt.
would crive bus service to the south fl owere d cretonne, WIt 11 ro II e(1 ~ ~ .•• ~
sides of Merion and \~Tynnewood, silk st~ckings to l~l~tch-one just Joe Dorsaneo's roller which trickled were nine who had seen action as ing the summer in anticipation of Third Grade-Ethel V. Watts,
which districts at present have no couldn t help notlcmg the latter through Keyes' hind legs. In the regulars with Forstburg the previ- the strike. There are some, it is 1\-[. Louise McMorran.
service. This, ho,vever, may' be feat.me. Yes, s.he was there in fourth Doyle singled, De SImla fan- ous season. They formed the nu- declared, who were unable to Fourth Grade-Sara E. Hoak,
I I 1 1 f t 1 t ned, Kelley forced Doyle, Town- cleus for a tentative first team which stock up because of small bins and Marjorie Holloway.
blocked as the Lower Merion Com- ~o l( P 1a anx-I. you ge w la
., 1 d \\'e Il1eall send to Keyes; Fitzgerald walked; has been l)Ut thr.oue-h a series of limited storage space. 1'hese fe,v Fifth Grade-Mary L, Hoover,
mIssIon las gone on recor as op_· .'. . ~>
posed to more bus lines on township :'\11 at whIch has nothll1g to do with an easy out in sight Townsend grueling daily scrimmages. may experience difficulty in case Florence M. Timlin.
highways. WIth the game, say you. CO~'.rJ~r1Tm O~ THE FOURTH PAGE Coach Adam found little trouble of very cold weather but dealers Sixth Grade-J. Florence Mc-
If the application for the new - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In picking a formidable looking hope shortly to take care of their Kay, Myrtle Hege.
route and for the re-routing of the NARBERTH. COMMUNITY CLUB ATHLETICS' STARS WILL
present Bryn 1Vawr 1
·· d
I varsity, but two weaknesses appear- demands by aid of substitutes.
ed after the few days of practice. The first carloads of these are
PLAY HERE TODAY lOne was.a lack of first-class second- now beginning to arrive.
Junior High School.
changes have been
permission will be asked to estab- in the Junior High School this year.
·ISI a ' f
tml orm Io-cen t f are on a 11 - - Old T-'- - A I A in Istring subs; the other was a lack
I r . 1 TI ff On the Main Line, Smedley & Mrs. Elsbree continues in charge of
I 1 Opens Activities of Women's Club for Narberth "Imers so ppear • ~
lines. The present fare ranges from New Year. Benefit Game. . o~ g~O( me matelna" n lIe e .orts ?l1ehl 111 Ardmore, the Narberth the ninth year English, but a large
five cents to 2=:. . ot tle new coaCl WI Je given Coal Company and a few other share of her time will be devoted to
The onl)T ob]'ection to this change
The Narberth Community Club
I. t' .
would come from residents of Nar- opene( Its new year mos ausplclOUS- ti.t of Bill Humphries will c0l11e I
The big ball game for the bene- chiefly to developing these.

berth and Ardmore. At present a lyon Thursday, September 24, by a off on the Playground this S~.- ported for ~cti~n ~nd little trouble They have refused to sell to small-
large dealers are the only ones instructing pupils of all grades in
A wealth of backfield, men re- who still have coal in their bins. the use of the library.
Miss Tyson continues in charge
five-cent zone exists between those luncheon-meeting of the Executive urday afternoon,.<lnd from all.ai;;- was found In plcloi:lng fou~',men for er dealers and -al'e···holding their of· the Latitrclassc.s;;.:.:d eighth-year-
1\,'0 communities. Board with the president, ·l\hs. H. COUl1ts it is going to be a real stel- back-of-the-line playing. \Vhen the suppl ies for their regular trade. English, and Miss Eckbert the
. '11 b . .-\. Tacobs. as hostess. Every officer lar o.ccasion. \Vord comes, for in- line was considered, however, a In spite of the shortage there classes in geography and in French.
T hree routes 111 all WI e put II1tO an(i committee chairman was pres- f d . 11 f
.operation if the application is stance, that Connie Mack, desir- shortage was oun, espeCIa yo· has been no increase in prices or Miss Gertrude Yarnall, a graduate
granted. The first, the new route, ent for the discussion of plans for ous of registering his high regard ends. The coach insisted on big attempt to profiteer. There was of Swarthmore, succeeds Miss
:will be from Sixty-third street and the coming season, a good indication for his numerous friends in Nar-I ends and as a consequence Captain a slight increase in some grades Munro as instructor in mathematics.
of a spirit of readiness to work sO berth, is e-oin!! to send out two or Gene Kuen, who was a tackle last early in the month but this, it was
1 to necessary Miss Catharine Chapman, a Wel-
I...ancaster avenue, 0 vel'b roo.;:, for the welfare of an 01'- I f h~' ]~.. . 1 d' I 1 . 1 d t l"t I
City Line to \Vynnewood avenue, to . t ll'ee a IS Jig tlmel's, mc u mg, Iyear, las Jeen SWltC le 0 et en( pointed out by dealers, was the lesley Collge graduate, will instruct
Penn road, to Aubrey road to Kent ganizatlon. possibly, our noiseless neighbor, land Jimmy Faulk has been put into regular fall increase and had noth- the seventh-grade English classes
road, to Church road to Thompson 'rhe membership of the Executive "Cy" Perkins, and the irrepress. service, in the scrimmages, on the ing to do with the strike. and also act as accompanist for the
avenue, to ".r l,'~ontgomery avenue,
t 0 Board is: President, Mrs. H. A. Ja- ible JilTIllll'e Dykes, of yonder I'ight ~,
side of the line. music classes, Mr. Stanley Burn-
l\'1erion road to \iVyndham road to cobs; vice-president and chairman countryside. a pair of players They have no outstanding under- TO OPEN TREASURE CHEST ham, a graduate of Harvard, is now
Morris avenue (Bryn Mawr P. R. of Civics, l'drs. E. H. Cockrill; cor- which would tip $50,000 on any studies and should either be forced instructor in civics and history, sub-
R. station) to Montgomery avenue responding. secretary, :Miss Margaret scale. All this is printed on Con- out of the game it is likely that Ardmore Chamber of Commerce Ar- jects formerly divided among sev-
and return. RunycJII; recording secretary, Mrs. ni~'s assurance of Tuesday after- vVendell Stewart or Bob Leitch, ranging for Unique Event. eral teachers, but now organized
· l' d C. A. Farmer: treasurer, Mrs. T· A. 1100n, and the only qualification who have been playine: at !!uard, will To show their appreciation of the into a separate department.
Route 2 wil I b e f rom S Ixty-t llr Bongler; chairman 0 f H. osplta .. I'Ity. made Wi.S based on how the A's be switched over to~ their ~
street and Lancaster avenue to City Mr~. ·A. Y "
. Remk111g; .
chamn<ln f ~,)'a111es would break this week. Sub-guards, of which there are patronage given Ardmore business NIl'. Oberlin now has charge of
0 men in the past, and to foster con- the advanced general science classes
Line to Bryn Mawr m'enue to Hav- T' U11l0rs, "1 l\' rs.
I • ",r
lV1.C Conne II ; Let's hO]Je they break our wa)'. IJlent)l, win be inserted in the places tinued and increasing good-will, and continues in charge of gymnas-
erford avenue to Essex avenue, to .chairman of "'1 I l' 1\1
IV em Jers lip, 'rs.'- r-
\ Then to add to the ()'aiet)1 of then made vacant. members of the Ardmore Chamber tics and athletics.
Montgomery avenue to Anderson tl mrStap I es; cI '
lalnnan 0 f E'(Iuca-. the melee. alon'" cOlnes I:> Fletcher The "breaks" so far have been of Commerce have arranged for a
avenue, A r d more, an(I return. . F'. T . \-I an •• l'disses Church, Eames and Jant-
tlOn, K
lV!fS. A
u k'en; cIlalr- ' Stl'tes "'I'tll tIle I"e(jtlest
tllat a bat with Lower Merion. Odiorne and unique event. zen have resumed their work as
This is. an abbreviation ofB the man of Legislation, Mrs. E . C.. be ~
present lIne which runs to ryn Ptlt Otlt. for 111'111 all(1 Dl·. "Val- ' co~'rnmlm ON THE THruD I'AG,., '" In a few days the chamber will teachers of physical education,
Mawr station. In addition to cut- Batchelor; chairman of Finance. ter Can'iss, whom longtimes resi- bring to Ardmore a huge treasure household arts and art respectively.
1'.'11'5. \V. P. Bailey; chairman of dents will, no doubt, remember LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET chest filled with scores of valuable, l'vliss Frances Fricke, a graduate of
ting 0ff the run to B ryn l\1•awr t1le •
P 11"
U J lClty,
1\1 E C
'rs. '. . rew. D well, sends in a re(luest that 'fIle American Legion Auxiliary, beauti ful and useful gifts which are Columbia University and of the
line would also save terntory 111
Narberth where it would run down Two important events are ahead space be reserved for him. Joe Harold D. Speakman Post 356, will to be distributed free to customers Philadelphia Conservatory of Mu-
Haverford avenue instead of going for October. The first is the State Cullinan, Bill Kane and John Dris- resume their regular monthly meet- of Ardmore's progressive business sic, is the new supervisor of music.
out 'Montgomery avenue to Nar- Federation meeting at \Vilkes-Barre roll are other Pastmasters who ings commencing next Tuesday eve- men. l\Iiss Frances de Cou, a graduate
berth avenue adn down to Haver- the week of October 5· The Nar- will take part in the fray, and ning, September 29, at the home of As soon as the treasure chest of Peirce School and of the Univer-
ford as at present. berth Community Club is entitled to on this heavy timber, combined Mrs. Evelyn Howenstein, 129 Chest- reaches Ardmore it will be placed sity of Pennsylvania, is now school
Route 3 will be Fifty-fourth three delegates and three alternates. with our OW11 unsurpassed regular nut avenue, at 8 P. M. A very in- on view in a conspicuous spot, on scretary, the position long filled by
street and City avenue to Consho- Will anyone volunteer to ac·com- team, the League's champions for, teresting report of the State conven- Lancaster pike, in front of the Mer- Mrs. Brunelle, and also acts as in-
hocken avenue to State road, to nany 1\1 rs. Jacobs to this meeting? 10, these many years, assures the tion held in Erie, Pa., August 20, ion Title and Trust Company Build- structor in commercial work.
Levering Mill road to Meeting She will find it full of inspiration as populace of an afternoon of sport 21 and 22, will be given at this meet- ing. . .. One of the new features of Junior
House lane to Montgomery avenue well as very jolly. the likes of which they never ing. The ~Ielegates who attended Chief among these free gifts will High School work this year is the
to Narberth avenue to Windsor ave- The second event interests us all' saw before and probably never the conventton from Narberth unit be a brand pew Buick touring car- CON'flNUJ.lD ON THE FOUHTH PAGE
nue to Essex avenue to Haverford more directly. As the Community will again. I were Mrs. Evelyn Howenstein and the kind,that sells for $1260.
And there will be lots of other MUSICIAN BUYS HOME
avenue to Narberth avenue and re- Club was founded in I9IS. this is the CONTINUED ON THE THIRD PAGE :Mrs. Elizabeth 'Vipf.
turn. This is the same almost as time to celebrate its tenth birthday. fine gifts, such as lamps, hampers of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Zeuker
the present short-line· covering this Therefore the opening luncheon will fruit, wearing .apparel, ornaments, are occupying their new home on
district. The only change is.in Nar- be more festive than usual, even for
berth, where instead of running to a reciprocity party. You will hear
"Our Kingdoms lor Frost," Is Cry toys, etc. There will be articles to Elmwood avenue, recently pur
please boys and girls as well as men chased from Harry A. Jacobs
and women.
Essex avenue and into Haverford more of this later, but mark Tues-
and out Narberth the line would go day, October 20, with a large red
01 Army 01 Hay Fever Victims :Mrs. Zeuker is the daughter of
There will be gifts for pleasure, Mr. and Mrs. John Fritsche. Mr.
directly down Narberth to Essex circle and write in it Narberth Com- gi fts for persomil adornment, gifts Zeuker is a member of the first
avenue to Haverford and back. munity Club Birthday Luncheon. for household use, gifts for com- violin group of the Philadelphia
To most people this is just Sep- At least that's the way hay fever fort, gifts for sport. Such a profu- Orchestra.
The hearing on the application victims themselves explain the
was to have been held last Thursday MRS. LAURA STUART ROCKWELL tember, but to a favored few it is wide-spread indulgence in the sum- sion of articles are included among He studied with Auer and
at the Philadelphia City Hall but the month when hay fever bids its the gifts that everybody, young and Kneisel and has been a member
Mrs. Laura Stuart Rockwell, wife adieu until next summer. mer pastime. . old, of either sex, will surely find of Stokowski's orchestra for eight
was postponed. of Mr. L. V. Rockwell. formerly of Some of the weeds still remain; something among them that will years. During the summer, with
Parker S. Williams, solicitor for Elmwood avenue. died last Satur- Hay fever victims are emerging
the Lower Merion Commission, has day at Pittsburgh, Pa, from what they generally agree has some were cut. hold an especial appeal no matter Miss Letitia Radcliffe, pianist, and
been instructed to attend the hear- been the most successful season in Soine people still have hay fever; what their individual taste may be. Adolph Vogel, 'cellist, he was a
ing and inform the Public Service Mrs. Rockwell, while a resident of years. others have taken it off until next member of the trio at Buck Hill
Commission of the township board's Narber-th, attended the Methodist l\'1ore sneezes have been sneezed, year. On Motor Trip. • Falls.
opposition to new routes. Church. She is survived only by more handkerchiefs applied to wat~ Some people object to having· Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beatty Mr. Zeuker is one of three Nar
State Senator Fletcher 'V. Stites, her husband. ering eyes and more harsh words hay fever made a joke. and Miss Dorothy Beatty left yes- berth men who \\rill play in the
solicitor for Narberth Borough, will hurled against untrimmed weeds . These are the ones whom hay terday for a motor trip through Philadelphia Orchestra this year
also attend the hearing but will pre- A Prize Winner.
than in any season in the memory fever has caused to lose weight. the Middle V\T est. Miss Beatty Irving Bancroft, of Dudley' ave
sent no objections as the Narberth The proud smile on the face of of even the older victims. sleep and health. will spend two months at Akron, nue, is a second violinist, and Gar
Council has tacitly approved of the :Mr. George M. Dando arises from And there's a reason why hay Not until the first frost settles on Ohio. dell Simons, of 'Vynndale road, is
changes proposed by the company. the fact that his granddaughter, fever took a tighter grip this year. the weeds will some of the hay solo trombonist. Adolph Vogel, of
Whether the petition for new 'Winds scattered the hay fever- fever victims be relieved. The Receiving Congratulations. Ayon road, resigned his 'cello po
routes and fare· is granted or not the Betty Jane Beddall, of Castle summer's experience has proven to Mr. and Mrs. M. Louis John- sition in the orchestra to take the
bearing pollen into every corner.
communities bordering on Mont- Point, N. Y., was one of the prize It was sniffed by hay fever ad- these that frost is the only effectual son, of Avon road, are receiving leadership of the University of
gomery Pike will soon be given winners at the' baby parade of the dicts. The season was on in greater means of getting action against the congratulations on the birth of a Pennsylvania Musical Club this
CONTINUED ON THE SECOND PAGE Atlantic City Pageant. force than ever. weeds. daughter September 23, . year.
HERE AND HEREABOUTS tions, for it was not generally ESTATE ·NOTICE .
A Co-operative Community Journal ,.he Spectator Comments on Recent of the doctors at all, and to most of I,etters
known that he was in the hand.s
the Borough of Narberth. deceased.
at Administration,. eta, having
Owned b" trie Narberth Civic AssoclatiOD
and published evet'J' Saturda, at
Narberth, PL
The . ..
Narberth Events.
elections last week had
of us the sad news was ·a sharp been granted
bolt from a~lear sky. He was, SOliS Imtebted to saW Estute are requested
f 11
indeed, a gentleman 0 exc 7. :nt having legal claims to
many mterestl11g features and not attai!lments, unusual capabilities without delay to

to the undersigned, all per-
Illllllp,lIntt· pnymcnt, unft those
present the SaIDI'
.T. l\1ECI\:E. AdministratrIx. ctn,
Philip Atlee Livingston ':he least of them was the manner' and of most genial nature. There 19 Maple Ave., Nnrberth
Editor GIIII PallUlMr' :n which Mrs. Nickerson came were not many men who were bet- Or her Attorney. "
]. Richmond Magney down the stretch in the contest for tel' known in the community than
---------------1A.I00i4fe .",.,.
Tax Collector. There is no ques- he was, and none of our citizen5
1:\UBSCRIPTION PRICJD, Oue DoUu ... tion that the women rallied hand- can ctaim a higher regard for their
Fifty Cent. per fur III ....... Phones: Narberth 661.J or 1612-W
somely to her support, which is home town ~han he possessed ~lOr

not at all a usual thing for them ~ l~lore earnest purpose to bring
to do where one of their own sex It Into full. estate than, he con- PLUMBING
is concerned, despite the general stantjl y m.al~~festj:~1. . We. a~~ re-
impression to the contrary. but in mem )~~ hiS CU) articles 111 Our STEAl\1 & HOT-WATER HEATING
addition to that valuable support Town, a weekly feature of the JOBBING Narberth
came from those numerous men paper, se.veral fears ag?, and the FIRE AND SPIN
who knew her lamented husband n.l~n!1~\ In ~VhIC~l he tickled om LIGHT HAULING OF ALI
Entered es second-cIao mstter. October thoroughly well and who had nSlblhtles With hiS rare humor and local or out of town
tilth. 1914. at the Post Otflce at Narberth. great admiration for the pluck) s~~re thr~l~t~. He served on the
Pennsylvania. under the act ot March S,
1879. fi~!"ht the widow has put up since ~ch??I. Boald for a number ~f
Quick and Efficient Service W HAT a pleasant occupa-
her sorry bereavement. Lester} eal ~ etud happened t~ be the e P. J. DUFFY tion for a cool Fall evening!
Saturday, September 26, 1925 Nickerson could never be de- when the school question ~ener­ 335· Dudley A\'enue
---------------·1 scribed as an effusive or demon- ally thr~)llghout Pe111~sy.lva!1ta was Phone. N.l'b~rtb 11117-.1
And you will enjoy your
Fireplace so much more if it
A LAUREL WREATH strative man, hut he was a splen- the subject of great Irntatton ~nd is properly equipped with
Again is Narberth supreme in ,lid tvpe of Christian citizen. and querulous p~ocedu~'e, and Nar- GEO.· W. BOTIOMS screen, tools, andirons or
Main Line baseball. The account there· was no good thing in the berth "C.amc 111 for Its sh~re of the basket grate.
of the winning game of the series horough which did not receive the maelstl0111. H e ~tood hiS ground
with Berwyn is reported in this cordial and ·earnest support of the throughout the thickest of. the f~ay ConlTacior & Builder We are sure you will like the
issue by no Jess a personage than Nickerson household. He came and then. ?pparently . ~)emg 1m- assortment of Peerless Fix-
the dean of Main Line sports down this way from the Cape Cod pressed. With ~he futIltty of the NARBERTH, P A. tures for which he hold ex-
writers-ex-President Canizares, countrv. where the Nickerson contentIOn. reSigned the of!i~e to clusive sale along the l\-Iain
of the Maitl Line League. name harkens back to long ago, the great regr~t of many clt!zens ZEUNDA PEEBLES Line, at very reasonable
· " who shared hiS lack of patience prices.
T he game d emonstrate d aga1l1 and, was fo~t~1I1ate 111 a Wife. of with the whole situation. His MODISTE
the team spirit and town loyalty ster1111g qualttles. steadfast to 11Igh ,\ . tl ' , . I' t' t al d cyr'evous
which have so often put Narberth . . I 1 l' d 1 . e,t 1 I~ a C IS mc < 1 b I Original Designs CORDWOOD
pnncI'p es: ove y 111 ~meanor anc loss to Narberth.
at the pinacle of suburban sports. effective 111 every task she under- "", COA'l'S-F::~SE~IBJ,I':S-GOWNS
16-inch and f!4-inch
Bill Crowell and his cohorts have took. The husband's death long rHE SPEC 1 A TOR
109 IONA AVE. Narberth 683 CANNEL COAL
done a good job well. before his allotted time. leaving'
It has usually been thus-back behind two splendid boys of ele- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS
before the days when Fletcher mentary school age. presented a
Stites was both crackerjack pitch- problem calling for prodigious for- YE ODDITY SHOPPE
er and Chief Burgess; back in the titude and courage. and the man- Minimum, 90 cents. Price, 2 cents a
word. Tlwee insertions for the price of The Gift Shop of Narberth $5.00 Pair
days when the baseball field was ner in which Mrs, Nickerson has two. Classified advertisements will be
at Narberth and Price avenues, ccmc to the rescue of her own sit- 1'eceived by telephone from subscribers
when we walked to \Vynnewood uation certainly resulted in many of the telephone company Is now occupying its new shop

over the former basement and is
for our home games, then to M~r- Yotes last Tuesdav which could ready with many new and attrac-
ion. and now-on our permanent properly be reganled as sheer pe!'- HET PAY EVERY DAY-Distribute tive novelties.
athletic field. sonal tribute to her excellent 1,,0 nec!'t's:ll'~' lll'odllets to established
IIser", I~xtrllet~, SO:lp~. food products. etc. Open every Friday evening in
It is not because the players are womanhood. And now that she "'orIel'" larl:e~t comlllll1~' will back ~'ou the future from 7 until 9 o'clock.
professional athletes. The team is i:~ to be our new Tax Collector with surprising plall. Write J. n. Wat- Other evenings by appointment.
made up of mechanics, storekeep- t/le community can he very sure killS CODllmll~', Dept. 1(-1. Newark. X. ,T, 'Phone: Narberth 2542-J or 2591-J NARBERTH 375
ers, business men. High school that she will utilize the possibili- FOR QUALITY SIi"IRTS of nntiollallj,
and college boys share with old- ties which are available to "ani- kllown mllnufncture. sec Mrs. Howarl!
timers the honor of upholding mate" that office and make it ~lurphr, 44H ""oodbille avellue, Nnrberth I FEE, .?''I,i: ef-!ij'!4!'E![£=="!5:!5i!i!:l:i!!ZiE~i!!;:;iIi1m:IU:F:':r~:l"'·i"k~r".,."I=F4B·§~i:~
render a service which will be cJireet represclltatin of the Paeka I'd

; [I
Narberth's baseball fame. Mallufacturing Co.. Inc: Tailor 1I1>1l11' I
Let us look forward, as we have quite worthwhile to the taxpayers. shirtl'. Orders takt'lI, DI'O]I Ilosta! nllll
\Yill cnll. 0-2B\ tn
Philadelphia Suburban Water Co.
in the past, to a real bang-up ban- * §.. , General Office: 1612 Market Street, Philadelph:a 1::1
quet in honor of the event. Let In addition to the votes which HOUSEHOLD GOODS for ~flll'. 10-! U co
us listen to tales of Narberth base- j\Irs. Nickerson secured on her ~lcl'ion :I \'1'11 lie or Phone Knrbl'rth 307-.1_
ball of 15 years ago and hear of own score, she was also the re- SEWING :\IACHINE8-AII mllkps 1'1"
. l~'l'
The Philadelphia Suburban Water Company serves
filtered water of the highest quality in 46 boroughs and
plans for coming years. Above cipient· of the suffrage of very lllli!'ell; Iilll'rlll :I11U"':II1l'p 011 0111 l\1:1ehinp, !II n j; townships lo~ated in Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and !::i
all. let us show that everyone is many who could not make a for HI'''' ~illgPl', PhollP 111'1·'011 14fi8:\1 :l ;- n
p Bucks Counti('~. •..
n i

behind the team, both now and choice between Ed. Dold and Bill bl'fol'l' 10 or aftl'l' :: o'l'!ol'k, I (10.m.) !II III
::stD fi To serve th.~ territory the Company maintains 3 dams,
.. Gl

forevermore. Kirkpatrick. Both of these fine FOR HENT-~l'('OIHI-~tfll'\- fl'lIllt I'UIIl\1 ~ p.. I] 3 pumping stations, full~: equipped with modern pumping l1i
fellows are much better establish- ",'th boa)·,1 fOl' ('OUIl!l' 1>1' I\~'o l:l'ntll'l\1l'll. -:; CIO
-EIt 1:l,j l1!ld filtering equipment, 10 reser\"oirs, 12 standpipes and i;i
FOR DEMOCRATIC COUNCILMAN ed in Narberth than the ballot 111 1011:1 1I1'1'1IlU'. ~al'hl'rth. (i-!i) n1;~es of d'stribution and transmission mains_
To the Editor of "Our TOWll:" record would indicate, and if only FOH SALE-Child's l'l'ib, g'HlI] ('''HiIi- N E •
We Democrats have to admit. of one of them had run there is no tiOll, (':11 1 Xarbl'l,th l:!:n·u. ;.:.':.:1: DIVISION OFFICES II:
course. that we are so greatly outllum- duubt the race would haye been a 1..1 Enste'"'' SOl/the!'?! tr estern E
bered m ' thOIS Sta te ancI boraugI1 tl1a t tl1e much closer contest. As it was. FOR HENT-'l'\\"o ,.!..'ar...."I':'. Alllll.,' :!:!ti
results of an election are usually deter- . or :!:!~ Habill!, :1\'1'11111'. rj OAK LANE AND LANSDOWNE BRYN MAWR I:
mined when the primary has indicated and this happened Ihore frequent- 1-j CONSHOHOCKEN PENN A. PENNA. m.
which candidates are 10 receive the Re- Iy than is generally known, their
publican nominations. Still. cveryone mutual friends, not being able to
I<'OH SALE-Bt''''t cHr<lwoucl. :!'[-illdl
o:iI, alH! hit'!WI'.\', I'hlllH' :'\lIrbprth ;:foH-\" I
w s ·--·-d-t--
rna I' 0 or er,
d $3750
., 11
~e.",: .... _r:;;~I!·tt~~'!~:~':!t~::r':~~t;'~!!~:~~:!!":~:~~:e'=~!,~:~~~,~~t~::r!,:;,·tt~rr~!j!rrr.:r~:~G:'II:,e eeEE+Ep,;-,t
agrees that it is desirahle that the Dcmo- decide on either. decided on , AP,\U'I':\IEN'T fOl' I'pllt; "('('01111 H"or. I Cannot. be duplicated for less than $50.
crats should maintain an organization h th-p I'llmns :1ml bath: !argl' ,11111 Slll1n~·:1
:lUld serio!lsly campaign in behalf of thcir neit er. and the lady got the bene- 1111 liS 11:1 11,\· attr:ll,tin'; all ('<JI1\'!'l1il'Jl('p·:
",'" ------ .,~ ~~

.candidates. tit of the perplexity. Where else "lU1l1Pdiatl' IIU~~:-:.-.:joH; ~1:!:i IH'I" munth
There are enough Democrats in Nar- except Karberth would you find Phone XarlJl'l,th 1127-W. Louis Tailoring If you want to know how to
·herth so that we shou:d ha'·e at least a posture of affairs like that? make your home more at-
I"OR HE:'\'1'-Hl'atl'lI garngp. $S pl'!"
234 Woodbine Avenue
one member on the Borough Council. In the councilmanic contests. Narberth, Pa. l} tractive and more comfort-
One in seven is not asking much, and I\lollih. 1:\0 U"e1;]lllll( I'om!. :\11')""11 "-
encourages us to keep going, Council- Narberth can congratulate itseli HiO.1{ oS able we will tell you-do it
man Wentz, who is retiring this year, that it has retained Dan L e i t c h , I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i}:
electrically. There are sev-
;after serving two terms, has been our with his level head and fertile
, .In Counci'I f01' clg
\YH"~N YOl"H H031E 1I1'l'lls Ilalllt:lIg. TAXI
. ht years, 111illd, allel also that it Ilas elrc'lftec\ hI' Sill'!, of matl'ria!;; as \\"1'11 ..,- tilt' -nailltl'r
.... eral prime necessities tha!
'In local affairs the question as to whether - I l'I'C'Ollllll('1lI1 Ilutl'h Buy l:a1l1t :11111 ;,(IIUI'· P. F. DONAHUE ...rr belong in every home. Come
a man is a Republican or a Democrat is into the public service the esti- alit!'!' 1'\'1'1'." joh, 1.!',I"i,. \Y. Hl'llkl'l. ,,-Ifi Residence, Station, ~

not so important as to whether he has n~able and effective Rohert Fel- x, l:!th stl'l','I, Phil'1I11'IJlhi... POJl:1I1' 4:!0-t. Narberth 1731 1'\ arberth 1713-W ,r
in and have us demonstrate
them. Let us do your wir-
the right kind of ability and experience iows \Vood, hoth of whom will HOO:.uS fur !'l'II.t: flll'llished; ill 1'l'ivlltl' Baggage Called fOl' and Delivered Come hither tal' an electric
to serve his own com111unity, be ~ure things at the November hume; withullt blllll'll. PhUIll' X,ll'l;t'rth IUS C'O:-'WAY A"I-;:\TI-: ....r· ing.
At the primary election last week we I ' TI b . - :!:!Hl. XARUEKTII
...rr hint.-Electric AI.
endorsed three Republican candidates and e ectlOn, lese men rtng to ot- 1 ,
-------_.. . ._-------_..".- ._*---.. . . . ):
were glad to do so, hut the only Demo- fice everything our hristlin 6 r
crat \\"ho asked for a Repuh:ican en- borough can possibly require 61' _-----~': L NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP
c10rsement was turned down by twenty- desire, and we should be glad that "~
one votes. I refer to Mr. A. E, Wohlert,
who has been a resident of Narberth they are willing to make the per-
for more than fifteen years. who is one sonal sacrifices which their selec··
OYSTERS ARE IN SEASON Hoove1' and Westinghouse Agents ~
of the most prosperous local business tion will impose on them. lVIr.
!nen a.nd 'yhose interest in puhlic affairs, Kaebler's friends speak highly of And We Are Well Supplied Phone, Narberth 2282
250 Haverford Avenue m

mtegnty. mdependence and courage are I '1- "l'fi t' st· I ~~5~~~
not questioned by anyone. 1 ~ .CIUd I ca IOns a. a o\~n a~-
Mr. Wohlert's name will appear on' 1111111strator, ~ncl :Mr. ?all IS said
the election balIot in No\-ember as a to have aCCjt1Ired conSiderable ex-
Democrat and I strongly urge my Re- perience in public affairs in other
Fried or Raw. to be enjoyed as part of our
excellent cuisine or to be taken. home- (
p~lblical~ friends ~nd neighbors to gi\'e communities. There is no doubt, either way you will appreciate their quality
hIm theIr votes. 'tbe fact that Mr, Woh- however that many votes went to
lert had the endorsement of the N a r - '
berth Street Il11prO\-ement Association. a :iVIr. Hall 011 the assumptIOn that
non-partisan organization, is an indica- he was the Mr. Hall who has been
Have an
tion that he is favoral?ly regar,d.ed by the president of conncils for some
lJcople who. have be~n 1Il a pO~ltlon to )'ears anel cyenerally conceded to other hG .lse- Extension
know of IllS work lor the puhlIc good. . b • . MODERATE PRICES NARBERTH 699
(I have not heard that the Street Asso- be the most able and effectl\'e oc- hold conven- Telephone
dation has withdrawn its endorsement cupant of that office in the his- Our 90c Sunday Dinners A1'e Famous
of Mr. W.ohlert since the p:imary. al- tor\, of Narberth. Mr. \Vohlert's iences save installed in a
thou.gh theIr three other. candidates were iriends say that many of his votes
your back and handy corner
noml11ated by theYours truly, and b~' l i S , )\\, ent to "I1\'I- 1', \ .\-'.oe h·I'lng,..llll account
" . u· u • u _ft" ".i"·:~""''''· '" • '" • " •
your arms,
·,f the silnilarity. more or less, of .1111.11111118111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111III1II1IWIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllll.II..II• . , upstairs. It's
-------- the respective orthographies, and . __~
an Extension like having
PLAN NEW BUS ROUTE likewise, Mr. Woehling's friend5 To Build or Remodel? ;;
WITH TEN·CENT FARE say that many votes intended for ;; Te.lephone someone bring
CON'rI:-CED mmr THE 1"!RSl' PAGE him went to 1'1'11'. \Vohlert. Mr. A visit to our LUMBER LIBRARY may help you -!!;;;_!
will save your the Telephcne
\\' ohlert continues on the Demo-
equipment which will be the latest cratic ticket. where he, no doubt. decide. We are equipped with a complete stock of 1: feet and your to you when
word in moderness. The Philadel- feels very comfortable, and we ~ ~
PHhia Suburban has ordered six new ha\-e a notion that he is going : ~_:
ertz-"X"ellow Cab Mitten-patent to be included among the coun-
feelingsl it rings!

type electric busses. These are the cilmen-elect in November. I r he necessary· for either purpose or any other work you may
::.==_"== ::=:==

.same as those I\OW in operation on is. then we can be sure of a virile.

the P. R. T. lines to New York and aggressive representath·e. of a contemplate. COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS A DAYl
Atlantic City. man willing to expend himself ;; ;;
c" They are the easiest riding busses freely in behalf of others, and, if -: ~=_. SHULL LUMBER CO. _:~ Call Our Business Office NOW
;now on the market and are practt- we may whisper it, a man not
cally noiseless in operation. The afraid of a scrap on any occasion. RESIDENCE RATE BUSINESS RATE
fuel used in them i~ gasoline but the \!Il e shall see what we shall see. ~_ 29 BALA AVENUE BALA-CYN\VYD :.~_
gas is used to generate electricity The sudden passing of Henry SOc to 7Se 75e to $1.00
. Jor the motor which really operates
the machines.
Ro~e. brought to the entire com- J CYNWYD GG2
I11Ullity a shock of great p1'opo1'- lIIUIUlnlll.Il.II.llllllll.Il.II.lI.II.IIIIl.lIll1ll1ll1.lI.ll.lI.Il.Il.lllll.ll.1l.1I.1I.ll.II.II.II•.'"..Il.Il.Il.1I.1l.".".Il.u." ·•••
i a month a month
ice. The rally day of the school Preaching, I I A. M. Subject,
~:~~:~~~~~~~~~w..~~'ii<~\~m..~~~~ NEWS OF THE CHURCHES
will be held in the afternoon. Uncle "Faith."
~ ~
Baptist Church of the Evangel.
Robert E. Keighton, minister.
"Vip is the speaker! The evening
service is the first of our musical
Evening service, 7-45
Sermon, "Living."

Services for Sunday, September
27: 9.'15 A. M.-Church school.
'cellist, is the
guest soloist.
Our audiences
and help
are increasing.
swell them.
The members of the congregation
~ ~ It 1EM1.... III it SWC~P' tIS it CICIlMt We thought everyone was back
~ ~ First Church of Christ, Scientist. successfully surprised their pastor,
~~ Nationally known brands, COU1·teous service ~
from vacation, but the way so vVomen's Clt}b Building, Ard- the Rev. M. E. McLinn, with a
II and 1'easonable prices await you he1'e liOn the
Hill." Stop in and become acquainted.
II many more came last Sunday more avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
proves to us that our school is des-
tined to fulfill our expectations of
Sunday Services, 11 A. M.
splendid birthday present on 8un-
day morning, September 20, in the
Wednesday evening testimonial shape of furnishing the study in the
~ ~ growth in size and service; 11 meeting, 8 o'clock. church building with a very fine and
~ ~ o'clock,. morning worship, sermon,
~ ~ "The Dangers of Christianity"; 7
Reading room, No. 19 West convenient outfit in rugs, desk,
P. M., t11eeting of the Young Peo-
ple's cabinet in the social room of
Lancaster avenue, open each chairs, lounge and potted plants. It
weekday, 1 to 4.30 P. ~.
7 was a genuine surprise and a real
The subject of the BIble lesson delight. He returns his warmest
Hardware :: Accessories :: Sporting Goods I ~
the church; 745 o'clock, evening
worship, sermon, "The Cure for "Reahty."
serm~n for September 27' is thanks.
~ 31 N. Narberth Ave. Narberth 1633 ~ Religious Perplexity." This is
~ . I the second sermon on this topic.
The number of strangers at our
Narberth Methodist Episcopal SEASON WITH BERWYN HIGH
~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Church.
service last week clearly indicates
that many are seeking light from Rev. \iV. Sheridan Dawson, CON'£INUED FROl\-t THE FIRST PAOn.

• the Christian church. Tuesday, minister.

Sunday, September 27': 9.45 Mandes, two lettermen of last year
September 2n: 7 P. M.~ the Girl A M B'bl I F who were not expected back this
Scouts meet in the gymnasium. . . , I e schoo, Hon. . W. year, both changed their minds and
SPECIAL Wednesday, September 30: 8 Stites, superintendent; 11. o'clock, are now in active service with the
P. M., prayer service, topic, "~ow morning worship. Theme: "Per-
fect Obedience.' Anthem, "I squad. In addition to their timely
Do You Sign Your Letters ?" Sould Not Do ·Without Thee," addition, the !WO Miller b~othe\s,
is master in the
SEPTEMBER 21st---OCTOBER 21st Hooverless home
'I'hursday, October 1: 1 P. M., Miller; quartet,' "Just One Hour who pl~yed WIth the champIOnshIp

\\T omen's luncheon. This is the with the Saviour," Leach; 2.30 scholastIC Texas eleven of las~ year,
big opening of the Women's As- P. M., Junior Epworth League; answered the call for candIdates,
VERL PUGH sociation. The special speaker is 6A5 P. M., Epworth League devo-I Both lu~ve sl:own up to .the best
ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Mrs. H. H. Skerrett. \Vhen you tional meeting; 7.45 o'clock, eve- expectattons 111 the practices and
Phone.: hear Mrs. Skerrett you will under- ning worship. Theme, "Present b.oth have made places on the tenta-
Ardmore 2385 Narberth 2616 stand whv we consider ourselves Tense Christianitv " Anthem hve first team, one at quarterback
fortunate'in securing her. "What Hast Tho~ Given fo~ ~e other at lefehalf. .
For Your Old Water Heater
·IG"LAND . During the coming week the 1'Ie?" Ambrose; baritone solo, "0,
pastor plans to visit the home of Jesus, Thou Art Standing," notl11.cement of the line-up for the
Following usual custom no an-

Geibel; IVlonday at 8 P M, busi- openll1g gan~e has been made by the

This special allowance is offered everyinmember
Ih'es Narberth. of ourThechurch
teachers who
in ness meeting of the Epwortn Lower Menon coach. The. eleven
to any of our customers buying the church school wiII visit the League. Quarterly meetinO" of the men, who have been plaY1l1g to-
a Hotzone Heater during this members of their classes during- \Voman's Home IVlissiol~ary So- gether in scrimmages as the "first
Sale. this week also. Next Sunday is ciety of the Philadelphia Confer- team," are regarded as having the
full of good things. . ence will be' held in Simpson best chances of starting. If this
Only $5 Down
'. T erms: llMonthlyPayments MI L· K AN D·
The morning service is an Hall, ""Vesley Building, 1'101 Arch scheme should be fol!owed. by Pilot
CREAM e\'ery-member communion serv- street, Philadelphia, on \ Vednes- Adams, the team whIch WIll oppose
I i"I $90 Installed Complete 758 LANCASTER AVE. 1--------- day, September 30. Session. 1.0.30 Berwyn tomorrow will be composed
A. M.: speaker, Miss Katharine of Kuen, left end; vVilbur, left
Welsbach Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 As Usual
RalIy day in church and Sunday
tackle; Stewart, left guard; Ost-
row,. cent~e; Leitch, right gu~rd;

" HOTZONE Storage Gas Water Heater JACK FROST 'U,OJTYOI,I

Strike or n" strik(·. Knnkel
policies of fair dealing remain the
same. Despite th" fuel that our
mammoth storage facilities were
school on October 1.1. Prayer ancI Morns. nght tackle; Faulk, nght
praise service on \Vednesday at 8 end; Miller, quarterback; Fort
P. M. Choir rehearsal on Thurs- right half; Myron Miller, left half,
chocl. full of coal on Septemher day evening. and Odiorne, fullback.
20 gallons of Hot Water always 1st, we sold e\:er~' pound at the
ready for use. Automatic control IFYOU DON'T FILl. low August prices Inst"'1I1 of at The Church of Good FeIlowship This line-up, of course, is only
turns the gas up or down as hot THAT COAl. BIN! a Ilrem!ulll. lo·,tir pla~' as usual. ~las a welcome for you at all serv- gues~. work i!-J the ]lest,. 9 th e.I"
water is used. The most economical KUNKEL Ices. , ... , I' membe~s of the varsity who hlaji
see actIon are : John Paul Jones,
way to heat water. I,nl'gl'st In,lt'Ilt'D11I'nt ConI nl'nlt·r
In Phi!:"I..lllhi" The Presbyterian Church, centre; Charles Mecke. guard;
63rd & Market 51st & Gray's Rev. Tohn Van Ness, minister. Mowry, back; Paul Derham and
l1isit one of our stores Today or Phone-Boulevard 888 :\Ieetings for Sept. 27: . Mandes, back.
lU30 A. M., Bible School; ail Two years ago, when Lower
'phone us to send a rep1'esentative departments. The Men's Bible Merion opened its season with Ber-
class \ViII meet in the new build- wyn, it ran up a score of 70-0 on
ing and the \Vomen's Bihle class its rival, hut no run-away is expect-
in the storeroom on Narberth ed by Maroon and \Vhite students
NARBERTH NATIONAL avenue at 1ll o'clock. this year. Last year Berwyn held
o Quick! Hurry! Get
that coal in! Give the BANK 11. A. l\T., morning worship in the home eleven to a 15-6 tatly and
~ .Ardmore 17 Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47 opeTator OUl" number and the new social room. Sermon practically all of the regulars of
tell he'" we're waiting to "The Bank of Service"
theme: "Possessing Our Posses- last year's Berwyn team, it is point-
~ hear from you. "Busy, sions." ~ ed out. are back this season. A
eh ?-weIl, keep on ring- 7,45 P. M., evening worship. hard game is consequently expecter!

r<d..·..;iLTnHATS'uCLEANED·..~·75;u".n . l . ing 'em, ope:· ator! We Gospel lesson from some more au- tomorrow when the two Main Line
gotta get our coal in!" tomobile signs. Prayer meeting schools meet to open their seasons.
Say that to Central and Constructive next \Vednesday night with a
~ It Banking study of the llOth Psalm. BENEFIT GAME TODAY
Send it to a Reliable Cleaner
Gents' Topcoats and
I: I'
t€ II us how many tons.
Service Rally day will be observed in
this church on next Sunday, Oct. CONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE
~ Suits cleaned to look I 4-. Special exercises are being As previously announced in Our
~ like new for $1.50 I L. M. THOMPSON To the People planned for the Bible school and Town, the proceeds of the gala
I- ADELIZZI BROTHERS I. Bala and Union Aves.
of This
the Christian Endeavor Soeietie'3 affair all go to Bill Humphr.ies,
wiII resume their meetings and it who needs a lift just now, and
~ Cleaners-Tailors-Dyers ~ is hoped that there will be a real who has always conducted hi1l1-
~ Remodeling-Relining-Pressing i Cynwyd !JSO BALA, PA. rally all along the line. I self in a manner which warrants
~ 102 Forrest Ave. Narberth 2602 i the co-operation of all Narberth
~. -~
tll1ll1l1lllll..11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111",IIIIIIIIIIII..IIIIIII",IIIIIIIIIIIIUI.IIIIIIIIUIIII.""i I ,V E consider that All Saints' Church.
Wynnewood, Pa.
folks who like to give and get a
square deal. It goes without say-
this bank is a semi-
,~~~~gm~~~~~m~~~~~ii~~~~~miJw~~~Jigm~~m~~UJ~MIMM'MMI+W!~- public institution. 8.00 A. 1\'I.-Holy C01l1munion.
I 1.00 A. l\'I.-Morning prayer.
ing that Bill· made no suggestion
to anyone. that. something .might
Est a b lis h e d and Te deu1l1 in F.' Prout. I be done tor hUll, as he IS not
maintained to render
efficient .ban kin g Sermon by the Right Rev. lulius built that way, but as soon ·as
service to Ileople of I W. Atwood, D. D. . the sugg~stion came through it
this community. Sunday school will reopen 011 bucked hun up a lot, 1l1uch. I~ore
Closer Relationships! In conducting the
operations of. t his M:' Sunday October 4 at IO o'clock than any of the doctors' medlcme s,
A. , as it let him know he was not
financial institution Full choir enters church on SUl1- /llaying a lone hand. I t is hoped
we acknowledge cer- day at IO A. 11. that this benefit. will be. of the
tain obligations. There are vacancies for three generous proportIOns whIch are
When we know the financial problems of more choir boys, age 9 to 12. Phone :n order to help to restore this ex-
\Ve recognize it as
our customers, we are then better able to our duty to inform Mr. Spratt, Narberth I236-W. cellent young man a great deal
eyery resident of the closer to par than he is at present,
give them the full benefit of the many complete s e r vic e Therefore, those friends who
i Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.
helpful services of this bank. J which we are here to
M. E. l\1:cLinn. Pastor.
cannot possibly get to the game
render. Sep- can help the caUse along by stop-
Out of our experience and desire to be of Regular services Sunday.
real help, we are often able to make sug~ II I
It is our constant aim
and custom to extend
the most practical
tember 2i, I9 2 5:
Sunday school, 9-45 A. M.
ping in at Davis' and buying a
ticket at :~;'"j cents, or three of them
for a· dollar, and an earnest re-
gestions of vital importance to a custom~ I and efficient service quest is once again made for gen·
to our patrons.
er's cherished plans. After Yml1' Vacation eral community participation.
Eyery modern bank- The ladies will have the first
That is- one of the oustanding values of ing facility is at your call on the stands and it is expect-
command. ed .that a large feminine contin-
constantly closer relationships with your gent wiII be present.
Of course We Worn.Brassy Parts of Your Car
You Will Find Us Always With Pure Silver. ReRectors, The Ladies' Aid of the Holy
want your Lamps, Radiator Shell Trinity Lutheran Church will hold
Ready to Talk Things- their regular monthly meeting
Over with You , I business Look Like New! Tuesday, September 29, at the
Also the Rest Easy Cleane1' church at 8 o'clock. These meet-
for the New Nickel ings have been changed to Tues-
Silver plate the worn-brassy bath day evening so as not to confliCt"
Cordially Yours,
The Merion Title and Trust Company room fixtures, Sheffield. Plate where with the vVednesday eveing serv-
("opper shows. old spOons and furks. ices.
Surprise )·our wife-huy a bottle of
your local Dealer or Department Store. CAKIi SALE
$1.00 for Yz-pint. A cake sale for· the benefit of
Narberth Ardmore Bala-Cynwyd
A R Justi·ce Co
• .• .•
the Ladies' Aid of Holy Trinity
Lutheran Church will be held
904 ":a1nut S.treet Saturday, October 3, at Dando's
Philadelphia Store. Home-made pies and cakes
Silverware-Sterling or Plated I as usual.



for the fottntain of eternal youth,
as did Ponce de Leon. Put on some
Bell Phone, 8Jlru~e :JS-lI6 and SS-In
. . . . . . .t

. . !
threw wild, and Kel, old dear, pat- old duds this afternoon and come f
tered across the pentagon. over to the Presbyterian Church at «e)'.tone Phone, Race ':0-54 •
" The sixth was a nightmare for 2 o'clock. vVe'll take you out to GARAnteed Roofs' f T'
Library Asks for Individual Support
Charlie Townsend, and visible signs Valley Forge and show you how to
of perturbation crowded the classic be young again. Ye-es! \Ve may
features of Bill Crowell, erstwhile all be sore tomorrow, but you know
Phone NarbErth 672 or 2215 W
to Maintain Work.
\ ,\:hellever the Comn1tlnit.y
Swarthmore football star and lead- the Book says, "Take no thought
ing 0ffi cia.I I ncIee,
d B'II
I wore ou t for the morrow." Today we'll have Narberth TaxiCab Co. I rI:
Library has needed a table or a the seat of one perfectly good pair baseball for those who are young i i,
Walter Roser i
shelf or nearly anything else to sup- of pants sliding up and down the elnough to' wlilthstbanlcll fthe Irigors I,of
Plement its l)hysical eC1uil)ment, men- NJarberth bench. Townsend sliplJed t le 'tgame,
a cog in his radiator or something can al
vo ey a or t lose Wl0
ld q o'ts f the IJatn'arcll's
u I or .
Residence Office
126 Conway l ..ve. 215 Haverford Ave.
f l'
tion of the need in these columns
has always brought a prompt and
generous response. Now the time
in this round of hectic memory.
Eats? 011 l)oy I A hot supper at
Hits by Paist, Dorsaneo and De cost that will make you fight with
Simla, passes to Higgins and Doyle, your mother-in-law. Better bring
HARRY B, WALL !: It Sure 'Is' Good

has come when it is necessary to together with foozles by Jeffries and the necessary tools (knife, fork and Plumbing, Gas Fitting
make a broader appeal. The Li- Burns and a wild pith netted five spoon) Or you won't have a China- and Heating ,
brary Association needs annual runs for Berwyn and Charlie was man's chance. Don't forget, you NARBERTH, PA. That's what every boy who tastes our
memberships. several hundred of gasping for air. A neat piece of men of Narberth, today ~t 2 o'clock i Ice Cream says. And when a coating of
.tl1t~l11 at $1..00 ~ year, and would strategy perpetrated by Vernon And if you'd rather drive your own PHONE, N.ARBERTH 160201
of anyone or more of our delicious flavors
he delighted to, secur~ more life Fleck saved ~Ile day, however. Ver- car, do it; we belong to the Drive-

is added, it is even better, if such a thing

memberships at $2ii.00 a year.
It should be remembered that
non suddenly disovered that the sun It-Yourself League.
shininl! on the windshield of an auto 'rllen, I'f we Ilave Ila cl a t><Tood t'11e
Sporting .

f is possible.
the Library started without 'tunds ~ on adjacent acreage cast a t Od ay, I't' s no tl111. lgomr e tllat1 c0 u l' - 'Goods I i:
I:. . . _ _ WHITE'S
Clnd has depended for its income reflection into his pretty 1)rown eyes. tes"t], I'S I't, to cl I'oJ? I'll at class head - at
on the money derived from rent- By the time the argument was over c1tl'trte < l's tOlllorro W < at 93. 0 (tell , I'f
ing new fiction. All of the mem- Charlie had recovered his a1)lomb yOlt can't make it earlier) to show DAVIS' SWEET SHOP I
bel'S of the staff serve without
compensation, and the quarters
S0 far have been contributed rent
and quickly retired the side. After our apprecIatIOn.
. I II I t S
. . ? \i\T
this there was nothinl! domg thoug 1 we as un ay WI 1 _2 men pres-
Berwyn got one or~ two men on en tanc
i S perry teac I111,W,"
I e starte
d 0ff

. a goo d Ies- HOWARD C. FRITSCH _ ....-._ _ ~l.

free. By this means the Libral<y bases in each innin!!. son. Let's have a bang-up attel.l- Justice of the Peace
has been able to grow to its pres- ~ d I B k II
ent size and usefulness. The batting of Paist, V. Fleck ance tomorrow, w len an's :VI REAL ESTATE
Larger size. and the prospect ?f
and Jefferis, and the fielding of I expound the Book. Ever hear hl~n ?
D' ks Pa'st and Joe Dorsaneo Well, then, you have somethmg Fire Insurance-Best Companies COURTESY ALWAYS
new and per.manen! ~uar~ers l\1 ,IC 'I '0'1< I . . 'bl coming to you. Don't miss it. Get Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave. OJ' :
the Commu11lty BtIIldmg Impose ",ere lIt> 1 spots. 1~1 an ,enJo) a. : the habit. \Vhy, it was worth an Customers who come to us for their drug-store
~reater obligations of sen'ice and afternoon of pastll11lng. 1 he scm e. hour of any man's life, just to hear Narberth 1683-\~T Repairing needs know that quality, accuracy and value, are
111volve more expense than was I BERWYN. ,}.' the singer last Sunday. Let's 0'0. IF IT'S ANYTHING IN assured them. l I'.
ne cessat·y IW Ilet;! a flew,,)0
I oI-s
"1' Cfilled
'\ R. H. O. A. ., L'
Hannan. d., 2b .....•. 0 1 2 1 0
. G 0 d a square deal.
eis gIve b
a f ew s lle ,:es 111 t ~e J.. l\'. . h. )la~'o, ~~ •.....••.•..•• 0 0 0 -t 0 But added to this is the big item of courtesy-
lobby. It IS espeCially necessary Paist, lb.• II 2 -t -t -t 0 TI' . d C. ROY SMITH courtesy in filling orders-in making prompt de-
now to have available the standard Higgillf', ef. .....••....• 1 0 1 0 0 lIS IS your paper, an your ABOUT IT
works of English literature and a Dor~alJ,eo. 2b., lb......•• lIS ~ 0 advice is appreciated. liveries-in giving advice and constant service.
22 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore, Pa.
.Iff I . Doyle. p.. If. ...•.••... 1 1 1 - 0
WIC e range 0 re erence wor ,s 111 Dc' Shnla, e....•...... 0 I 7 1 1
order to give the students of the KeJ]e.\'. ab" 2b. . ..•...• 1 1 -t 2 () JOSEPH WYNKOO "Service IDltli a' SmUe"
borough the service which they Fitzgel'ahl, Jf., rf. . •...• I 1 0 0 0 P I R. S. TOUHILL
require. Such books cannot be - - - - -
bou,f!.ht from the rental funds ·l'otal~ ........•.•.•• 7 10 27 14 1 Registered Plumbing Eleclrical Contractor The Busy Drug Store
'.' XARBJ~H'l'H.
\\ hich must steadily be reinvested H. H. 0, A. E, 501 S. Narberth Avenue At the Station
it! fiction in order to maintain an \". Fll'd" cf. ..••....•• 1 8 1 0 0 HEATING and EQUIPMENT BELL' PHO~E: MERION 121 'Phone 1620 We Deliver Anywhere
uninterrupted income from that Hart, cf. •..........•• 0 0 0 0 0' Est/mates Furnished
source. Di('I,~, 2b. .. 0 1 1 :; 0
Bllrll~. e 0 () 12 0 0 OIL BURNERS
Therefore. the time has come Jeffer'(·,,:. lb 2 3 R 1 1 NarlJertb 2510
when e\'ervone in Narberth and fowell, If. 1 1 0 0 I 201 MONTGOMERY AVENUE JOE G. HERRSCHAFf
vicinity ca~l help directly. This /lHI'is. rf. () 2 2 0 0
· I' . I (;. Flp('k. rf. 0 1 () 0 0 N b Slate and Tin
appea 1 IS c lrected e,;peclal y to Kl'~'I'~' ~~. . •.•.•••••.•• ::! 2 :3 I 2 ar el' R()ofing
every person \\'ho has enjoyed the
librarv facilities and to all those
Gillilll'lI. :JIJ••••••••••••
HUI1l\lhJ'il'~. :lb,••...•.•
1 1 ::
0 () I) 0
() 2 Phone, Narberth 1664.l\:[ Jobbing a Specialty
pare!1t:-; whn:-;e childr~n have been TO\\'II~PIUI, I)· .•..•.... ::! ~ ~ ;j ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 318 Dudley Ave. Narberth, Pa.
sen'~d free of ch:ir!.:c. 'rhe COlll- T I II 1" .)- I') -t ; ~ ..
111unity Library a~ks for annual xal'~~~lh ::(i '4'4' o· 0 ~ 0\ O-ll : N. R. PEACOCK :
memberships at $1.00 a year. The
Librarv Association was formed
Berw,I'lI ••..•,' .•. 1, 0 ~ 1 O;j 0 0,0-7,
'l'\\'o·bnr;1' IlIt~-\. l· h'"k, G. 1·leek.:
Interior and Exterior Painting
:i For Permanent

last May and there are now two
Yowell. 'l'hrpl'·bnse hil-\·. Fleek. Sac,
J'itiee hit-Dit'!,s. Ba,.:es 011 balls-Off, 407 Essex Avenue
., • ,
life members at S2;"),OO and abollt Tllwllsell<1. S; oft' ))II,l'll'. a; IIff Pni~t, 2. : Phone, Narbet,th 2687 ,
50 annual 111 em bel'S at $1..00. Judg- Struck lIt1t-By Til \\' 1I,<l' 11<1. !l; b.I' Doyll' J
ing by, the list of adults \\'ho !)at- 2; by l'a'st. ii, Dllllbll' \lln~'-Pllist to
ronize the Library regularly there
should be .fOO memberships at
Kpllp~' til DOl'slllleo.
allll HO\lkiJl~.


least.' "N_._ BUILDER

i ,Now is the time to join because

the annual members' meeting of
tOxTrXUED Fuml 'fHE FIRST PAGE Estimates Cheerfully Given
Built Home
the Association will be held in the organization of various clubs which
Library on the evening of Mon- meets on Thursdays during one of
Plans and Estimates Furnished PAINTING GLAZING
day, October 5, aud at that meet- th later periods in the day. The for Repai1' and Const1'llCtion
in~ the annual reports of the teacher acts as advisor or as in- WM. 'NEWBORG & CO.
officers and of the librarian will structor in some cases, but the club Painting and Decorating
be presented and plans for fur- organization is in the'hands of the National Bank Building 212 Woodbine .Ave., Narberth, Pa.
ther work and service in the new pupils. The following clubs are NARBERTH 2287 Phone, Narberth I~5S-W
building- will be discussed. So far now uncleI' way :
as the use of books is concerned,
membership in the Library Asso-
.'\rts and Crafts, Miss Jantzen.
Camp Cookery, Miss Eames.
What Gift Do You Want
ciation does not entitle a person to
any special privileges, but mem-
Classical, Miss Tyson.
Current Events, Mr. Burnham. When Dissatisfied Try From This Treasure Chest?
bership does give to the Library Dramatic (Senior), Mrs. Elsbree.
a permanent support which it ser-
iously needs, and enables the
Dramatic (Junior), Miss Yarnall.
Glee, Miss Fricke. HEWIT'S New Buick Touring Car
member to participate directly in Gymnastic, Mr. Oerlein.
the election of trustees and in the Interpretive Dancing, l\rliss • Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers and Other Fine Things
discussions at annual and special Church.
meetings. Scribblers, lVIiss Chapman. 234 Haverford Avenue 'Phone, Narberth 1254 to be GIVEN AWAY
If this appeal does not bring Travel, Miss Eckbert.
it prompt and generous response, Big Soccer Squad Reports. We GeitZ for and Deliver A mammoth Treasure Chest, full of fine gifts
It will be the first time that the
Library has asked in vain. Any
person may become a member by
paying $1.00 to any member of
The call for soccer candidates re-
suIted in all of last year's eligibles
from last year's team and many new

for folks who BUY IN ARDMORE, is now on
its way. It will be placed on view in front of
the Merion Trust Co. Every article it contains
will be given away ABSOLUTELY FREEl
the staff on duty at the Library players responding. Fifty candi- °
or by sending $1.00 with name and
address to Mrs. Elizabeth K.
dates reported the first day, with all
grades from seventh up being repre-
Beating Time by a Day Among them is a new Buick Touring Car,
worth $ 1260.00; Lamps, Toys, Wearing Ap-
\Vood, librarian, 237 Forrest ave- sented. The squad has been work- parel, Cigars, Hampers of Fruit, and lots of
'1 ...
nue. ing conscientiollsly on. fundamentals in delivering other things to delight young and old.
such as kicking. dribbling and ~
Narberth Beat Garrett Hill. ~}?:king: ~e~ular scrimmage will
Garrett Hill A. A. lost a hard, ~.<tl t next" eel-.
J~~ From October I to October 29, Ardmore busi-
ness men will give out numbered Treasure
fought game to Narberth last Sun· You,ng will prob~bl?, ~lOld right U SCOTT.POWELL "A" MILK Chest Gift Coupons with every 25 cents' worth
of merchandise purchased. On October 30,
day at Garrett Hill by the score of end WIth Caldv~rell hiS lI1slde. Lane ~
the ' Treasure Chest will be opened and the
5 to 4· Garrett Hill was leading has been playll1g: .centre hal fback liO From milking time to drinking time in 24 hours lucky numbers revealed.
till the ninth inning, 4 to 3. when and looks promlsl~lg. Claypo?le.
Babb drove a double to left field; Heckle, Pugh and SIgel are show1l1g is a SCOTT.POWELL achievement. Small See the gifts on show in Ardmore shop win-
then Humphries came up to bat and up well. i§ dows. Do ALL your shopping in Ardmore-
drove a flukey home run into the At a meeting held by the seven-
same spot; this sent Lefty Brown letter men of last year's team, Lane
r wonder that our Milk is Purer and Riche]', for it's

to the showers. (Chick) Ed Han- was elected captain of this year's § "Fresher by a Day" Maybe
son then took the mound for the Hill team.
and fanned the next three Narberth There are five cheer leaders who YOU
?atter~. Garrett Hill c~me in .to bat have been instructed by last year's
111 • t~elr part of t~le nmth WIth no cheer leader. Junior Suplee. Will Get
Sptr1~ and gO! out 111 one. t":o, tl~ree The squad looks v~ry encourag- This
fashl?n. end1l1g the game.1I1 Nar- ing. but some hard work will have Buick
berth s favor. 5 to 4· to be done before our first O'ame of
Next Sunday, \iVildwood. of New the season the Holmes gam~ B
Jersey, will visit Garrett Hill, a n d '
it is looked to be a pitchers' battle
Erney Voltz wiII be on the mound
for \iVildwood and most likelv
Buy It In Ardmore!
Chick Hanson wiII start for Gar- STUDIO OVER GARAGE AT
rett Hill. Wildwood has won 70
games and lost 13 this season. Game ARDMORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
starts at 3.15 Standard Time. Phone, Narberth 2692

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