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Part ll-Abolition of llomicile Certificate.

\] Immcdiate.
Government of Dihar,
Appoiatment D€partment
Memo No. III / RI-2052/57A -6005 Patna, the lorh Vaisakfu, l88l (s),
30th Apiil, 1969.
All Delrartmenls of Government.
Subject:- The Public Employment ( Requiremenr as to R€sidence Act, 1957.
The undersigned is directcd to forward a ofthe public Emprolnent (Requirement as ro
Rcsidence) Act, 1957, as publishedin the Bihar Gazette dated the 8th January, 1958, and to say th4t the
Act has been brought into force g'i1tr effect fiom 2lst March, 1959. There are, at present,
varLus Rules
and Regulations and Executive rnstructions wbich confine employmeDt or appointment
to atr ofrce uuder
the State Government or any other authority to persons wbo are residents ofthe
State or domiciled
or give prefcrence to such pebple. With the comitrg into force ofthe Act, all such Rules,
Regulations and Executive fnstructions ceased to bave effect in accordance
with section 2 of rhe Act.
Thete can be no discrimination now on grounds ofplace ofbirth or resirJence ofanycitizen oflhe
Union. It is, therefore, requested that action may be taken immediately to amend the exisiing pro"iri*;
and other ancillary regulations relatiag to domicile qualificatiotrs so as to bring them
in confolmify
with the changed position as froa the 2tst March, 1959.
2. All Heads of Departmentr are being informed direct.
3. Th€ receipt of thic meno may be acknowledged.
By order of the Governor of Bihar,
. Sd/-k. k. Srivastava,
28.4 59
Memr No. rrr/Rr-2062/s/A-6006. parna, the lorh vaisakha, ,",
Copy forwarded to Secretary, Bihar public Service Commission
Secretary, Bihar Legislative Assembty
Secretary, Bihar Legislative Council
All !16ft of Departments
for inforoation and necersary action,
Sb/-k. L. Srivolt4va,
D6puty S€cretary to Governmenr.

The Public Employment (Requirement as tg Residence) Act, 1957

( 44 oF t957 )


to oake in pursuance ofclause (3) of articte 16 ofthe constitutigq Epecial- provisions.
for requirement
as to residence in rcgard to certain classes of public employnent in certain
areas anjto rcpeal
cxisting l&w8 pr€scribiog aoy such requiremenl.


Be it enactod by Parliaraent in the Eighth year of thc Republic ofJndia 4s follows :-

Short title aad coEmetrcement,-(l) Thi! Act m.y be called the Public Employment (Requir€'
I, t
ment as to Residence) Aca,'1957.

2, lt shall come inlo forcc on such date as the central Government may, by qotification in the
Oflicial Gazett' aPPotnt.
2, Reteal of exiiting laws prescribing r€quifements as to residence-Upon thd commencement
(b) of article 35 of
ofthis Act, any law than in force ii auy Stat! or Union territory by virtue ofclause
ii" Conrtiiotioo prescribing, in .egard- to a class or classes of employment of appoini'ent to an ofrce
UDion territory, aDy
o"a".,1" Goveriment of, oiany local or other authority within, that State to have
,lG"-.r, as to residence- tierein prior to such employment or appoirtment shall cease
effect and is herebY rePealed'

3.PowertomakerulesinrespectofcertaiDclassesofpublicemploymeat-incettainar€as_ in
make rulcs presoribing
(1) ihe central-covernment may, by r,oiification in the offcial Gazette.
regard to appoinrment to-
'(a) any subordinate service or post under the State Governdcnt ofAndhra Pradesh'

(b) any subortlinate seryice or Post undcr the control ofthe Administrator of Himachal Pradesb'
'i ManiPur or TriPura, or
. (c) ^"'L^-:rr' /^rha'
r. -^t authority rhon a caltonment board) witbin th(: TelangaDa
(other than
Any servrce or posr under a lc'cal
areaofAudhraPradeshorwithintheUniontetritoryofHimachalPradesb,MaaipurolTripura' cale may
_, ,;;;;;^-*- io *ria.o"" within the Telangana area or the said union territo(y, as thc
be, prior to such aPPointment \
(2) Io tbis s€ction'-
notifieal in thc Official Cbzette but includes any service
of tehsildats;

the Siate Reorganisation Act, t956 (37 of 1956)'
in which they ar€ so laid' or in
."Ui"", *"f, modification as Parliamedi may make <turing the session
. the-r.s.ion immediate ly following'
shall cease to have
5Duration of section 3 and rules'-section 3 and all rules made thereunder not affcct
years from the commencement of lhis Act' but such cesser shall
. :ffact on the expiration offive rules'
pursuance of the. said
the validity of any appointment previously made !n

t*4.---a-!j .. r- ;. *-:-*:.= ..- , --*xi.aE8E-.-------j*...

- -..j

No. IIIIRI-406/6IA 10265

Gevernment of Bihar,
Appointment Depaftment
Shri B. K. Dubey,
Depuly Secretary to Covenrment
The Deputy Commissioner,
Patna, the ? Sravana, 1gg3 (S)
29 July, 1961.
Subject :-- Rules regardiog grant of .Jomicile certificate,
I am direcred ro ref€r to your lettef no. 4lM G datrd the 22nd
Jtne, t96l oa the above subject
and to say that previeu5ry rures and executive instructions cor,fineo eiploymeni
*1pfoio"r"-.n, ,o uo
oftce under the State Government, or any other aurhdrity, to persons
who wefe resident of re State
or domiciled therein. This made it necesdary fot persons, who were not
permaDent residents ofthe
state, to obtain domicired certificates with aview to seek emproyment
ood", the state cou.rn-"o,, -
with the comiDs inro foice of rhg pubric Employoent lReiuiiement ; ," ;"rt.t;;";i
wirh effect from the 2lst March, lgSg {copy enclosed lirr ready reference) a' such rules Act, I95z
instructions have ceased to be effective in accordance with section
.ria exe"utive
2 of thc a"t Dow for
purposes of appoi[tment io Govetnment services under rhe siite there ""J-trru,
is no dis".iminotion ln grounos
of place of birth or residence. In view of this the question of grant of domicile cpruniatll
purpose does not arise.
for such .

It is true tt,at for purposes

of admislio[ into educational institutions restdction of resiSence
been imposed' This res*iction has been imposed not with.a- view to discriminate has
stat€s but with a view to affording reasonable facilities to the children against Fopre of
or tnis stare ]" io,o
techaical institutions. Tbis has boe', eonsidered necessary on
account of the dearth of institutiotrs
imparting technicar education in the srate. Ia the circ-umstances,
might apply for giant of resideace- certificates for purposes. of
there -uy b" *hJ" p".roo,
admision ioto "ur.,
institutions. This'Residence certificate'is different from a.Domicile
ri" liu.utioouf
certiacate,, whenever a residence
certificate is applied for, tbere should be no difliculty in granting
such a c€rtiocate after verifying
whether the applicant has actually been residing in the Staie for a qpecified

Yours 1a;i1t1u11t.
Deputy Secretary to Government.
No' 4lo4 G
Sri S, K, Chakravartee,
Deputy Commis5ioner, Hazaribagh
The Secretary to Gove$ment,
' Political Depaftmetrt, patoa,
Hazaribagh, the 22nd June, 196l
Suject :-Rules regarding Eant of domicile ccrtificate.

g:l:!#q j.i;,i'?:,T:ff,":fl ili,:i,"?1T,*."Tl:Ti;";T:JJ":ff ."ffi Tff Tff .,fl

wae born in -rnl
residcdinthe state conrinuo*rl-io, lo-yeaiJ
rhe state orhas r*
8' 9 and r0 of the Board's Misc. Rules (195g Bdition) wourd seem prescribe
to "i.i*p"""0'l"g
conditions than
those contained in tne chief secretary's memo,
Arthough tire rures contained in the chief Sccretary.s
me{no arc invar iably follbwed as a marter of practice, doubts arise
a5 to whcther the r"* prl"rio.o

:ir;-j:' ' i-

ln the Chigf Secretary'e mcme or in the Boardi Misc. Rules shoUld be applied in oases oomilg up for
the grant of domicils oertified'es'
Again, it would ap6iar that the form of applications for grait of domicil6 certificafe, prescribed
in the Giief Secretaty's mcmo, does not unlike the form prescribed under the Boards tqle provide a
.p"a" t t mtntioning the purpose for which a domicile certifiate is required'
'i shall be grateful if clear instruclions are issued in this regard' ;

.In the mealwhile I would follow rhe prevailing praclice of granting domicile cbrdficates inthe
. light ofthe tules Pr€soribed in the Chief S€cretaty's memo mrntioned above'

Yours faithfullY,
sd'/- xlegible,
for Deputy Commissioner, Hazaribagh

ilrc dql-l I qeo xo1o/q1 flro -sltl

FAn srtr<,
ftgk f<rn I
t{r },
ffi scfi1'l fccrrA{l Fqtrtqq
sfqq clt ta qtqJtr

€Fq{, fqEI< fsflr sfl i,

ds?, fq6t< Rsrr cf(qE

s{l f{ET c<rFdl+ / sft E?E'IE(d qslkrll'} t

sz{r-Rii{ 1ete, lcce (q) i. qt, tlqq

fiqq :- c{Eri} tcrrfr e f{gfu d srcel b fqq qt${dl sl( qFasm c< qI f(d c'lr4dl Fq;dt dtfr |

h*urgen a€'la€Iqtf tl rqat ? fo qr(( iT{! ( i errr'nq{ q{ qfrqs?T ft{I6 TlJq
fcstf€ f6qr. { f{"s(srlt }erc} q f{gt6 d craBr + f{q egfqdT ql( q&-{n( qI rrgrRf, {qht
t crt * sFft ff flft rNrit I E{ qgi{}'riql{vfrea tlEtrsTilf<at vrctQ t <rqi edf{gfr-
xr@<d ct( crii|-qiFsql t a-grla Q ft <tts s(fl1 h cds tqrd * q'<'i 's( fagfe o Er+ f<q
gnr r(t tm rgffi tl qrtr{ fdcr wq | . -

R.- rF{'F<r6lr t cdr ftrfr tntqq' t qr qs c< fagqfr filq qql ilqm t} sqra qmt
Gqr qrer t lr s<rr0 t-<d it ql< c<T c( iiT-iFrf(6} dl filSFs t dt isrfqe qlr{ i-{} t r fqr
fi, q9q $6r * EFa t ql( stst;c dlfd dct slfc.c t qrar< c< qRa s<firr i ft4t f*at [ fu
iqnftil dt qft f{gf6 q{relqq sRRcfils'f il ql< {€4r{t qr it * qrqR q< r q( icrfi d sr5ri
;t{i,qgs}qntt<$ fiirtq, E{r s tr 6'slfc i 11 qlgf6q.g[}<?{lit fqctsrFnlr l. o
1- |r{I t fr fui Stt fmalfr (rv{-Aal or w<( t efn6 sr.-€ ctt ssq*
qE cltqdlc ITqrII
L t ei+ anRt} r] qrnd tlr C *cr{l fagfm t fvq frqe unr I q\i ftlr qrq, qsf{g Wictil
sifEnT i ftq srqtq fiqq t ccsn qrGq qE Fdq fffi qcr a fd Fn.ifcke t'lfe b rir-qrl RtT tl
dE{ cradr-retqq'd iet srwQ tEtd it ct( r<'f rr ftg&o qra trq6r qrtqr :-
(') ivrq q'k qerr dl xw,
(ii) Qt afo e) ct<( * eqrft qq t ss qri i fcg vtf{ttn, cct, cfrdrr a}< 1i *fntt it
tfrrr, erirr ear ige ilc-*rf{cr wr<1€d (WE{ tqrfan q}t ridlar) t qrq il ar wtt
mmi q't d< dfiqn i cfln qr<fl i amfrrr a ri qT r

(n) qi ferqfl, q] crtt t *qr* Fq t I qmt, tlql +ctil wre eig qT

es qri t lqg r

qlaiTr-nrqre srr{ rqFfiq't tt cRa ft gilF torfra rc ii i lrs qtt t} alRo *

rger< Rt vr+rr r Ql srqt€rc * q1t *<r qrql.r trlffq qrn'! n&rril anr dsrfte qtfm qr
flilitrr t crq tt fqcT qrq{r qlr st qrqrfi ok q< fag# ril frqr qr wtw ssd Fr st {r$tr €rFFq{t
rnq-qa t r

lfE q ;.}E (ii) fi srflcflr g fr et.Tarn-xqu ta qr <,i * fqi fs{r {q,rr r Ee6 cr€
st- crtfrq trqft+er nce r< *i lr {} }er i <Er qnfi i}fa (iit cJ w{leerr faqr.< r<*rr * *a.,ta
faqlw{ srdilr X}, verl fagfu o<i * ci6* srr+ sfra ark g*1e dt vlr gr.l
rr ta.l qlGq r

' Y- { ftsrsr tqt" ri $erqfcc sr<e qt{ fufcrq rFq il eqc*qr Q fo rr<a I frq.lqa * ot
t fufrrq fr sqr si m(iflr irqRn't s scm qrErrr crrd ETi I E€frg q€ {l farsc fiin rrrr
fefs{c dt gqr q'lrqar'rqm w frrr fl c<.,{r *+rfi + qr( cd w frgfre m Q fr
rra q}{f, <vdfo rrgfrr
* R gi 1i w rrrrrl trerrFr 16( kqr qI{ r
sRa ah X{5 * rtlrw t fvg rrw qrrrr i faqc f*qr fir setlrtr{
wne et lq 1g.-
q&yqtql t enr
rrrr i eit, <ufifc (fatv) frrnrr rfr faftr incr vrr r f+ie of*,iu-nr.o

fi rfa ivrr t r EF srrra d FgRe-nrrwtlr] qca f,rr{} Gcrr dr qlqie latoj n",n
t} frit t<rr vrftg r "o*rt
frgr rrwvrv $ qriq t
(rwr lqrt ahrrtc)
srw< ib wfrq r


(r) $t arq dr ec-irq,
qft dtt al(tnqqa{i)

(rqql qd|( fn crc}

a{} qci crt lr gei
mt Ee vlei q) *r
sg stt rfn Eg1
(r) adrn g<r rm (edq,
d?{, ghe-rrrr alt
fucr/rir lr rvn-delr /
r* (ia) / rc (glal
aftr vft, (rle) oqr f,rilr
gq|nlt tfr; q I

(tXm) qr<a t at qri *

1i :rF;al e<-var r

(e) wra t {fu A

FrOe ql( Tqri I

(t) draf t+a * qdtr i

freqs +1 ilds ck t
wri fadqa rsrotsil- i
'. rfqr r lr
1e) i{ c}< vercrl r

(Y) qEi E-{ Fqri} il i,qEtcr<ilca+rn@

r fr{s-rcn rfi XTT rdr (odc rrqr,

gfrq-cnl qlc fqin/ci[, fi 116Trr-

ssrfteil (nr) /w ,ge) :olr rrrt
(r't<) r

(rXv) frer w g<r nr all (r)

. eqim qfE +)€ ql r
(a) riirrr em-rar (cR
m rrt qI rl rrc'rcFdq
(.i1 wrff *<ar (.r)
(s) t{r (q)
(4 rrilrll( c{q cdr, (ut
qft e<q{ t<t d d.r

(S) (D frq qfl

SStc'dI <ei( :-
(t) frar (+)
(e) wrcr (e)
(q) sfr
(e) rfl (e)

1ii) fae rr irnT Fqr;r irirrg !-
(tr) cffl (o)
(e) rdt (e)
(u)(+) wu <fi iilr adte I (c)
(e) afna va I (e)

(c'(o) v;q.wa, f,rilr aTk (r)

<wlda vqi irrq"{qri 156r ql r,

(r,) fftrt alwr tr frr<q, fwct w( fr qi As e6r ck tlilv T frs d Fqqr cr* t r

qcfttlr w<rr c*T sif rlr.rt< s'ftmg'rrv

ardtq 11 t r

(lo) cfE crs rc1 G(dfua gq qT, d wtr hc{q i r

FrFli qc i'T itc fifs $ratw, q{ q1 6i*

qr fi{ fi frcrlr rFf
[<T rldr

--t__--ir6 |

. (cr) qr .nc 6fr fsit qqtu t fqq ftif ;qrqreq lt<r qqlelfnlcsrrJau<rrc/<hlec fit rr} I? ai<

' aT el, F,rcrdrif lnq(.;c,/clc.f{fE

qk <rsrirr {rfc tr g<r Re'<or i ; ',

(tq) Eq* eqr+ t

fdstrn c{kdcf fi
<'l <} Rftqtrd (e)
S crq e-q] ennl wai 6T r (R)

cqrfua rler p Fr e6t an til qrrm{f ar}r Fr*e Q, scg'{il qsil v{t *1< Xd fi r f,'
sl cirR*ldfr t e<lr r{t 6 flelt tel rlt(d {rtolr t **r frs'lrn * ftq }ft c'lqm tr 6re qlei I r


. rrir n$Rr*e ak rar



(F<a rrrrr<a- ilq rcrlrt (aHt eFtr+) rlpe arn ffq daftttil fl ftan{qT trrc,
igt-ves n fagGre rrfrrrt ar<r ftfte ta nfcrrf(d sT ift {r crfl cIQq) |

lclfi'rd fimcrflt fr d4 / *cdt

ql* */eitge/g*1,+1w 4
rfla] t wacr € qt( cW a+ iil crffirif lt< frrfls

t wrr.Rn Rcrff sdt ? r'

cciri fi tfuqn
*'h cdr.t



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