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ARE TOO PARTIAL Common Pleml JUllge: 1st District 2dDistrict 3d District Total BE SOLD FOR FRAY FOR BOROUGH COUNCIL SEAT
John Fabel' }lillel', R. and D. 254 319 264 8a7 1500 ReseJfved Seats for
Should Emulate Us, League
Prothonotary: L. M. Students--500 KIDDERS BUSY Clarence Kaeber Defeats Dem~
Speakers Tell Women at Isaiah T. Haldeman, R. ...•......... 202 235 712 for Radnor. "Kidders" and complimentary
275 ocrat by 1 3 J Votes in
Convention. Haney UlIruh, D. 39 47 29 115 voters were busy in the election
ELE Diretltor of the Poor: Tuesday. In the South Ardmore Election Tuesday.
CT NEW OFFICERS Harry R. Thomas, R. 206 278 233 717 WILL USE NEW STANDS district Albert S. Horn received
Joseph O.mnlll, D. 55 48 28 1a1 five votes on the Socialist ticket REPUBLICANS WIN ALL
Other pol i tic a 1 organizations JUry "'v I'-mml"sl'oner'.
~ M' Tickets R dfor the annual
H' f Lower for prothonotary. In
district Frank O. Beam received the same
IlOU ld pro of fit
,Yoby t h e V t Ie. 0 fh t h e J. Ir'a J:T~I'~lle",
examp -. R. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _"03 276 234 71"v 1 I enon-h I 'a hnclrh' Igh '1ootbaIl
1 k one vote on the Socialist ticket for Despite a vigorous campaign
• l:> ' men 0 ers m av- ,John Weyand. D , ,....... 30 50 30 110 I cas , w lIC t IS year WI ta e jury commissioner and five votes and the backine- of several groups'
mg constructive political meetings,
Mrs. Louis Slade, State Chairman Burl(ess:
Henr~' A. Frye, R. and D. 247 324 257 828
place in Ardmore, will be placed
on sale 10 days before the game,
~ N
on the Labor party ticket for di-
rector of thc poor. A. E. vVohlert was defeated
In Cynwyd John C. Stl'ne, day for a seat I'n Counc'l b Cl
o f t1le N ew Y ork. L eague 0 f \V 'om- Tax Colletltor' on ~aturday, ovemher 21, it was popular chairman of the Neigh- ence Kaeller RbI' I y . ar-
en Voters, said in an address at the . . announced' by authorities at the borhood Club Banquet Commit- c , epu Ican nommee.
annual meeting of the Montgomery ~1rs. Abbie W. Nickerson, ~. and D... 233 325 260 818 high school this week. tee, was given 21 votcs on the The South Side defeated the
County League of Women Voters, Borough CO~JJ)eil (4): The new stands built on the Democratic ticket for the office of Democrat. In the two North Side
at Norristown last Thursday. Robert F. Wood, R. and D. 249 301 261 Bll Lower Merion field this year will inspector of elections. districts he polled 22 votes more
The conference was held all day,' Daniel Leitell ' ,U. ,and D.... ,........ '_~46 300 "_fl"
"" 811 enable that school to seat every In. Narb.ert.h,
election <hstrlct was whererecently
one big di- h'IS competitor, but the Dis-
WIt . h M'ISS G'ertrude E Iy, of Bryn .Jobn ClarenceR. Hall, R. and D.. ,..........
Kaeber, R. .....•.......... 237
145 294
lfi8 253
784 student of both schools who wish-
519 .
vlded into three parts, voters for- tnct Th ree voters san I{ h'1m many
Mawr, county chairman, presiding. Anton Emil Wohlert, D. 127 198 63 388 es to see the game, a feat which got precinct
voted lines who
for people and inresided
two cases out- 63 fathoms deep to the tune of 216-
M rs. la
S d e was the principal speak- School Director (2): has hitherto been unknown. Over side of their districts. ..
er. The morning was given over to Annn R. Van AlII,en. R. and D ,. 210 310 253 na 2000 seats will be reserved for Ella R. Murray drew votes for Despite the fact that the elec-
the presentation of reports from the Walter Steekbee~: R. 193 256 223 672 students. Of these, 1500 will be the office of assessor in both the tion in general lacked interest, a
chairmen of the various branches of .Jesse S. Harris, D , ,. 69 !H 48 208' held for Lower Merion rooters firstTyson
C. and wassecond districts,
voted for as and C.
in spec- few more voters turned out than
ontgomery county. The growth Auditor: and .500 for the visiting Radnor- tor in both of these districts. The app~ared for. the September pri-
of interest in the organization was 1<'. Uichard Giffol R. and D. 236 326 253 B15 ites. strange part is he was elected in manes. ReSIdents of Narbrook
stressed in the reports. Particular After students are taken care of, both precincts! Park and members of the Street
emphasis was given to the neces- Wohlert,1 'Accusatl.ons Lead it is expected that there wil1 be P~ving group were particularly in
sity of arousing all citizens, men and
women, to assume their responsibil-
t U 'I G d B k·
still a few grand stand seats left REGULAR TICKET ROLLS
for the general public. UP BIG VOTE IN COUNTY
Commenting on his defeat, Mr.
ities of citizenship, not only in na-
tional elections, but in State, city
nusua roun 0rea lng The tilt this year promises to
be one of much interest. Both Montgomery Gives One of Biggest palgn Immensely, and at least I
W?hle~t said: "I enjoyed the cam-
and county, as well. \\'alking to and from his Nar- P. O. TO CLOSE teams have lost but one game each Off-Year Majorities. made them sit up and take no-
Mrs. Slade, in her address in the brook Park home during the p,ast this season. A sweeping majority was given tice."
afternoon, criticised the form that few weeks, A. E. vVohlert has The local post office will be Hi·Y Club Meets. the Republican State and County Despite the defeat of Mr. Wohl-
many political meetings take. In- been observing the progress of closed next Wednesday, Arm- The third meeting this year of tIcket, Tuesday, by the voters 01 ert, the Narberth Street Improve-
stead of being constructive, con- the street pa\i~ig work on Con- istice Day. There will be one the Hi-Y Club of Lower Merion Montgomery county at the polls, ment Association, which has turn-
cerning themselves with definite way and Stu avenues. Last delivery of mail in the morn- was held on Thursday evening at notwIthstanding the many local ed itself into a political o-roup
assertions, she said, too manv par- week he stood or a moment on ing but the stamp windows the Ardmore Y. 11,11. C. A. banquet contests in, districts wherein party elected two of its candidatesl:> Rob~
tisan meetings are taken up with the corner where a heavv roller will close at 9 A. M. hall. Mr. Albert Adam, the Lower lInes were cast aside in the keen- ert F. vVood and John R' Hall.
boosting their own parties and was finishing off the fOtindation The day will be observed as Merion football tutor, was elected ness ot the race for district of- They also endorsed Daniel Leitch
condemning the other parties. layer of rock. a holiday in all banks, and i:l faculty adviser and proceeded to ricers. N either State nor county who was re-elected. A very stong
"Much Propaganda." As the heavy machine approach- the public schools of the town- fulfill his office by giving a lecture Repubiican aspirants suffered in effort \vas made to win a seat for
"If you flO to a Relmblican ed the intersection he looked ship there will be no classes. on current events. He spoke of the votes through this situation. Mr. ' \V ohlert, in the belief that
meeting, too often you will find
Su 1
re y enoug 1,
I thO k
IC Services commemorating Arnl-
fi k d 1'1 tl L
ne wor' one w 11 e ·le orcarno
In Lower Merion and Narberth the clique would th t If
us con ro our
that one-quarter of the time is yellow clay was oozing to the istice Day will be held in the Conference was in proceedence and the regular county ticket went of the seven seats in the Borough
given over to telling what marvels surface in several places. He scbools early in the week. pointed out some of the articles over with big majorities. The ac- legislative body.
of genius the Republican candi- rushed to a typewriter. On Fri- that particularly trend toward Euro- tual vote is given in tabulated lVlessrs. \\~Qod and Leitch poll-
dates are. while the other three- dav Street Commissioner Geor(re pean peace. form elsewhere in these columns. ed the exact same number of
quarters is spent telling that the B: St~plee received a letter whi~h WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB ~ His next topic was the recent The official. returns for the votes, 811. :Mr. VVood, President
Democrats are devils. At a Dem- read In par~:" HOLDS FIRST MEETING Greco-Bulgarian atrocities and the ~ounty: approxImately gave the of t.he Street Improvement Asso-
ocratic meeting the situation is re- ..At the mtersection of Stuart -;--- effecl, that the Lorcarno Treaty and tollowmg totals: • '. ' ""f: clatlon, has been spoken of for
versed-it is,. the· Demoerats"whc" ,.a.tld_~Conma~,_~el1ues·ri:the.~GQee !:'lear _.oL.Btat"!, ~entien''"anct-"M'ef'lI "~{~g~ '~.:Ii' ':Nation~~'I11igh~have 'tm- ----Junge;· -Su~erior ~Otlri~l.!'SseCcit1l1cil··cver 'since-the success of
are the archano-els and the Re- Roads people are to the best of ber's Trip Abroad. that subject. He also reVIewed the E. B. Cunnll1gham, R, 2C,G44; his group in, putting over the
b their ability disguising the fact I
The meeting of the Women's causes of the recent Balkan out- Jesse E. B. Cunningham, S., 452; $100.000 program to eliminate
CONTINUED ON THE THIRD PAGE that they have patches of yellow Community Club on Tuesdav hreak and brought both countries' Jesse E. B. Cunningham, P., 250; four miles of Narberth mud. His
MISS ELY TO ADDRESS clay two feet wide and six feet or November 3, was in the nature of claims to light so that each student William A. McGuire, D., 10,594; ~ame is also prominently men-
NARBERTH WOMEN VOTERS more long clean up to th~ surfa~e, a review (not "revue," please). might draw his own conclusion. Wil1iam A. lvlcGuire, L., 147. tlOned as a possibility for Presi-
th~ surf~ce merely bemg (lts- In the first place, l\hs. H. A. Mr. Adam plans to give a short cur- Judge, Common Pleas Court- dent of Council, upon the retire-
Tax Survey Report to Be Presented ~tlIsed With a few stones. A lot Jacobs reviewed the recent con- rent event review at each meeting John Faber Miller, R, 27,404; ment of VV. R D. Hall on January
Monday. of ye!low clay is also used as top vention of the Pennsylvania Fed- for his share of the program. John Faber ,Miller. D .• 10,551: 1.
Members and friends of the Nar- dressll1g. eration of \Voman's Club, at Clark Craig, Pennsylvania fresh- John Fah~r :Miller, P., 367; John Henry A. Frye, youthful candi-
berth League of \Vomen Voters are "You will ~nd that all of Con- \Vilkes-Barre, where she, -\Vi~h man football mentor, did 110t make Henry J\elson, L., 2G8; John d~te for Burgess, led the local poll
in line for a specially interesting way avenue IS more or less in a Mrs. \V. P. Bailey, represented his appearance due to a previous Henry Nelson, S .• 214. WIth 828 votes. Mr. Frye is a vet-
afternoon at the meeting to be held deplorable condit~on on account the Narberth Club. engagement, but hopes to speak to Prothonotary-Isaiah T. Halde- eran of the wo~ld war, ~s 30 years
Monday, November 9, at 3 P. M. of the velJow clay mixed with the To conden'e those f 1 the club at an early date. man, R., 26.803; Isaiah T. I-Ialde- of age, and IS aSSOCIated with
in the Y. M. C. A. st~.11~S" . . days, when e~'en br~akf~~~: \~l~~.~ A short talk was given by NIr. man, P., 292; Harvey Unruh, D .. ?tai Senat?r Fletcher. W: Stit~s
:Miss Gertrude Ely, of Bryn he II1tersect.lon of Stt~art .and made into conferences, to the brev- Edwin Peake concernino- the club's 10,899; Albert S. Horne, L., Hi3; J11 t le latter s law practice m Phll-
Mawr, whom everyone delights to Dudl.ey avenues IS also a (hsgl11sed ity of a half-hour report was an business and shortly'"afterwards Alb~rt S. Horne, S., 257. a~lelphla .. Mr. Frye has been iden-
hear, will be the principal speaker bad Job." almost impossible task. even wtth committees were appointed for ,Directors of the Poor-H. R. tlfied \~'Ith . Borough wo~k for
of the afternoon. Miss Ely is chair- 'Mr. Suplee .sent the letter post- the omission of the reports of membership; a committee on rela- 1 homas, R, 27,034; H. R. ~ome tnne. l.n ~!le ca\?aclty of
man of Montgomery county and the haste to Albn.ght and Mebus, the State officers and committees tion to the Y. M. C. A., a commit- Thomas, P., 4.54; Joseph B. Os- de'lllty s?hc~tor, handhng much
second region, which embraces New Borough engll1eers, and Charles which take up most of the o-eneral tee on relation to the high school mun. D., 10,961; Frank Q. Bean, of Mr. StItes borough work.
York, Maryland, New Jersey, Del- ~.. Mebus. who has been super- sessions of an annual con~entiol1 and a committee on athletics. L., 229; Horace \\T. Bright, S., _~Irs. Anna R Van Auken and
aware and Pemisylvania States, and vlsmg the r<;>ad w?rk replied in a and embody the real work of the Girls' Hockey. J my Commissioner-J.. Ira Walter Steckbeck were elected to
is also a member of the State board long letter, 111 whIch he said: organization. The question of a Hockey is playing a major part Fishe~,_ R, 2(;,700; J. Ira Fisher, the. ~chool Board. Jess.e S. Harris,
of the league. "The statement that yellow clay State flower, discussed in the in the fal1 sports for girls in site P., 20); John F. \Veyand, D., rettrl!lg meml~er, receIved a sub-
A report of the county convention is used as top dressing is simply" clubs last year, was left o'tlen , as of the fact that this is the first y~ar 11,249; Frank Q. Bean, S., 348. stantlal comph.mentary vote under
1 ld 1 1 '11' [ - f the DemocratIc ballot. He was
le ast wee.;: WI be gIven by :\ rs. not true. Yellow lime stone very ew votes for anyone flower that the school has. been al10wed defeated for the Republican nomi-
B. Earl Achenbach. A resume of screenings ha'"e been used', which had been received. The universal to be represented 111 that sport. ANOTHER ELECTION nation in Se t b Th 1
this meeting alone would justify at- might lead a superficial observer lilembership and per capita dues \Vithin the last week the hockey Fathers' Association Now in the Po· ti~n of Mrs ~ em \er k ~l e ~c-
tendance, and the results obtained to think it was clay. 'The surface plan, which has been a burnina team has registered two triumphs Iitical Limelight. the School' B~l 11 u ten WI gIve
on the local tax survey by Mrs. E. merely being dis!?,"uised with a few question, was adopted. Each over veteran combinations and on That's over. \Vhat? The elec- members a ld t~rc wo womT~n
. C.
t Griswold11 should be of concern "· 1 is1 equal1.v misleadin!2,', '-' as tlme.mber was urg.ed to fplant . a tree opponents' fields . . .
tlon. 011, yes, l Jut we i lave an- e other woman I member
uee men.
Mrs Gracee
o a . (urJng t le wet weather of the lIS year a,s a sIgn 0 111terest in The first vIctory was over Chel- other election coming off soon. C. Batchelor, is Chai~man' of the
An outline of the program for the past two weeks no foundation reforestation. The usefulness of tenham bJ: a close score of three 'When? \Vednesday night. Decem- Instruction Committee of th
State convention will be given and would stand up under a ten-ton the. letters 011 pending legislation to two. 1 he Cheltenham gamewas ber 2, at 7.45 o'clock. at the Scout Schools e
the question of sending a delegate roller if made as Mr. 'Vohlert whIch were sent to the clubs last hotly contested and it wasn't until House. 'Who for? For the officers Mrs 'Abbie \ii\T N' k
considered. In addition several im- states. winter was discussed and it~_ COI1- tlle Ias t few secon d s t1lat tIle W?O(1en of the Fathers' Association of Nar- given .818 votes on . the
IC erson was
two tick-
poriant questions are to be pre- "Instead of putting down a base tinuation decided upon. sphere was sent over for a Will. berth. ets for Tax Collectol·. Slle I'S at
sented for the members' considera- 0 f 1ess thOIC k-ness t 1lan speci fi ed, 1'1lere were ta Ik s 1ly experts on CO~TINCED 0" THE SECOND PAGE Annual meeting will be held on th.e present time Assessor, and
Mr. Ramsdell has been most lib- such timely subjects as the .vVorld that date. Mr. Frve as president WIll succeed RaYlllol1d C. Jone" I'n
In conclusion a social hour will era, 1 an<1 many p1aces, I'f d ug up. C our, t UI1l'onnf marnage
' and di- FUNK OPENS GARAGE (Howdy Burgess) J will officiate. the Tax Collector J' ob. ~
be provided by the hostesses" Mrs. \"ould sl _ 10 W more tllan reqlllre( . I vorce lac ws, 1essenlllg . tra ffi c (an-
1 ('},lar Ies E'. F unk, IJopular auto ,-I ice President Nash, Secretar v Following are tIle electl'oll of-
A. R Kneibler and Ivlrs. Abbie \V. tl'
Nickerson. lIC k ness. " g e rs on tle I lllg' Il\vays. and t 1le mechanic, who has had a repair Monnington and Directors CabreyJ ficers selected - at the polling
\\Then the reply of the eng-i- progress of the Sesquicentennial. shop for the past two years in the and Ferguson wil1 also be 011 ham\. Tuesday, along with the votes
League meetings are always open neers was received, Mr. 'Vohlert lV!rs. Jacobs could not praise too coal yard, has taken over the ga- The troop committee wil1 be pres- that they received:
to any woman whether members countered by stating that thev hIghly the hospitality of 'Vilkes- rage at J07 Essex avenue formerlv ent, as it will also be the First District-Assessor Louise
arnot-and members are requested were in no position to refute his Da:re ~nd its competent organi- Ttm by Ed \Vip£. . business of the evening to V. Cockrill, R, 208; Ella ~Iurray,
to invite their friends. claims. because the sections com- zatlOn 111 every detail. Mr. Funk has transferred his elect a new troop committee for D., 48; Judge, Frank A. O'Brien,
Every-Other Thursday Luncheon. plained of had been hidden under co"nNUED ON 'rHE SECOND PAGE repair shop to the new site, where 1926 for the Boy Scouts. There 2.59; Inspector, C. C, Tyson, R,
For Thursday of next week (No- three inches of top dressinO' be- he will continue to have as his as- are now two troops-Lieutenant 182; Charles C. Mason. D., ] 61.
vember 12) a special treat is offered fore they examined it. l:> FRANK H. HEWITT sistant, Earl Mecke. The garage Commander Van Auken in charge Second District-Assessor, Ella
thepatrons of these luncheons. Mrs. About the poils, Tuesdav, Mr. Frank~. Hewitt, of 1]6 Essex has been refinished. and the new of one and 1. N. \Vilson in charge R Murray, 316: Judge, J. W. Mc-
1. Harris Metcalf, director of the \Vohlert spoke at some length to avenue, died suddenly at his home owner will use it for storage of of the other, assisted by Scoutmas- Auliffe, 325; Inspector, C. C.
Rhode Island League of Women many? f the voters, charging lax last Friday. private cars. The building has a ters Wilson, Jenkins, Atkins, Mc- Tyson, R, 230; Edward S, Haws,
Voters, who has just returned from supervIsIon of the work by the Mr. Hewitt was born in Alex- capacity of 18. Gasoline and tires Niven and Lane. D., 101.
an extended visit to the Hague and borough authorities. Burgess andria, Pa, He came to this city will be carried. Please, you men of. Narberth. Third District-Assessor, Mary
Geneva, will speak and will also ex- Carl B. Metzer arrived on the in 1875 and for the last forty- keep that date open. The scout M. Livingston, 219; William Kirk-
lIIbit her lantern slides, showing for scene during one of the discus- three years was connected with HOSPITAL DONATIONS movement is growing and the boys patrick, 45; Judge, J. Baird Cald-
lhe first time in this country scenes sions, Bailey, Banks & Biddle Co., of Donations for the Presbyterian need the assistance and co-operation well, 262; Inspector, A. H. DllT-
an persona lties '· b oth at t h e Hague, "If the work is wrong, Mr. which he was cashier when he was H OSpl'ta 1 0 f 'Je11'les an d can goo d s of th' elr B'Ig B rotl i
lers, not onb y one oraw, R ,,231 j Edward U.
d 1
where the World qourt is located, vVohlert deserves a vote of thanks retirbd Ias\ MCarch. He was a will be received by the women of night in the years to come, but every Smith, D., 31.
and also at Geneva,the seat of the for warning us," he stated "but Cern er 0 hrist Reformed the auxiliary of the Narberth Pres- night and every day. The Fathers' -------
League of Nations. '!I:here will be in justice' to the contractor 'state- thurch, . Sixteenth and Green byterian Church on Wednesday, Association is intended to help. Will A GOOD MEAL
no increase in the price of the lunch- ments of this kind should 'not be ~ reets,. smce 1875. He is survived .November 11, between 10 o'clock yOlt do your part? Don't forget Thursday, Novem-
eon, which will be served\~s in the made without adequate proof." a~da wddqwhand a S~)I1, Roland K" ,~nd 4 at the Ludwig School build- . ber 19· The women of the Lu-
past for 85 cents at 12.30 ·o'.clock "But the work is covered up Th aug ter, EdIth. .mg. Mrs. H. V. Whitney, of Essex 'theran Church will serve a good
pr,o,m",Ptl . Phone reservations""'di~.i':nd the mt1~JOles will not be ex~ at 10 ~5fAe~1 'fas' he~d TueSday T~is is the annual Thanksgiving avenue, has returned from a vaca- sauer krout dinner from 5.30 to '8
rect to 17 Y 5 Spruce street. Spruce p'~ed until he traffic ruins the d hospItal. and the non in Atlantic City, whW'e she 'o'clock for 65 cents. Tickets on
5 57. 2 "'1": ,:"ce,
. B'. I" rom hIS late resl- offenng for
una was made at West- request cheerfully re- stayed whHe Mr. Whitney was on sale at Whites;de Brothers' froit
\"~'ij~~~i;~;'i';";;:""';i;::'<"';:<;""'"'.k . CO~~ED, ::HE~:R: PAGE mmster Cemetery. Ptl a two weeks' hunting trip. store, Haverford
P: Co-operative Community Journal CONTINUED FRmr THE FiRST PAGE Minimum, 90 cents. Price, 2 cents a HENRY & COMPTON FAIR PRICE POLICY
word. Three insertions for the price of
Mrs. E. C. Drew gave brief PLUMBING
()wlwd by tbe Narberth Civic Association two. Classified advertisements will be
aud publlsbed ever7 Saturday at comments, prepared by Mrs. C. received by telephone from subscribers
P. Fowler, on the candidates for of the telephone company STEAM & HOT·WATER HEATING
Narberth, Pa. The printed several reports of the
county offices and urged the JOBBING Narberth
Philip Atlee Livingston inflated Pl" 'charged by some retail dealers for
Ed /tor and Publi8her women who had not already voted ROOMS for rcnt'; furnished; in private
hOIllP; without bOllrtl. Comfol'table. COll Large Ust of l\Iaiu Line Homes their coal a he present time.
J. Richmond Magney to do so. Funds for 1st and 2d Mortgages
Associate Bdltor Mrs. Robert Fellows 'vVood re- \'eni(,l1t to statiou. Phone, Narberth 22GJ (tfl
B. &. L. Association Money Frankly, there have been opportunities for getting
Su138CRIPTION PRICE. One Dollar and \'iewed rapidly, but! graphically, Quicl, Settlements abnormal profits. But we realize that such a policy
I"ifly Cents p"r yesI' In advance her visit to England last summer I FOR HENT-Spcond.story furnishe!1 HURWITZ & THOMAS is very foolish, and nothing more than bad business.
and in greater detail her last day I·OOlll. Pl'imte fnmiI)·. 471 Broollhurst 2119 North 63rd St., below Overbrook We are building for permanence rather than the
in London. That day, in spite of avcnue. (11-21) Station. Overbrook 2405. Eve- immediate gain of the moment.
the innumerable tasks of pack- "IALE ·i-IELP WANTED-$10.000,OOO nmgs: Narberth 395-R.
'n'~·. etc .. she made time to visit compnny lI'llII'S "Oil to sell 1,,0 daily hom.: A comparison of our prices anywhere in Philadelphia
Hampton Court the scene of the npcpssitip~ in Xllrberth. Pl'ofits $3" t', TAXI SERVICE
will substantiat,e our claim of a fair price policy.
rise and fall of 'Cardinal 'Volsev. $,,0 .wpckly. E.xpel·!eIlCl> nllnpc~s,<a~·y. F,OI'
" - 1l11l'tl,,"Inl'S WI'ltf' '1 he .r. H. \\ atlonR Co ..
of the vaned loves of Henry Df'pt. K·:!, :!:ll .Tohn.<on nvpllnc. ~ell'nrl, P. F. DONAHUE
VIII. and of the lives of a suc- ~ ..J. (tf! Residence, Station,
Enlf'recJ as second-class matter, October
1 ~tb, 1014. at tbe Post Office at Narberth. cession of England's rulers and FOrt RENT-IIHlivi!lunl glll'llge ~tl1!1s. Narberth 1731 Narberth 1713·W
l'enns)·l\-onln. under tbe act of March 8, their favorites; to see from a centrally loeateel. Illodf'rntely priccd. A]I- Baggage Called f01' and Delivered
motorboat the famous houseboat ply Xarhcrth Coal and Buildin~ ;\Iaterial JOS COXWAY AVEl\;lJE NARBERTH
Saturday, November 7, 1925. life of the upper Thames; anel to I COm\lan)'. l'\nrbcrth 3",.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - '{ct glimpses of the beauties of the FOH RENT-j<'urnishf'!1 bungll~ow. 7 NARBERTH 375
LOWER MERION HIGH SCHOOL Kew Gardens. She maele us see rooll1s. lmIh. to adult fllll1ily. TllI'el' '-6'
it all with her. from the hailinl! months. $!lO 1lf'1' month. Hefpl'pnc(' 1'1'-
CONTINUED FRO)I THE FIRST PAGE of the first taxi to the peanuts ~
qnil·e,l. (},II'ngl' if dl'~il'ed. No.:! "'.\,nn('-
The second conquest was a vic- 'shich the 1110nke"s diel not get.
tory over I~ans(I owne 1Jy a score 0 f .J
:Mrs. Horner's whistled solos
woO'-l COUI't. Xnrllf'l·th. Phonl' Xarhcrth
two to nothing, the Lower Merion were a delio'ht. The liquid. bird-
dribblers holding the Lansdowne like notes ~nade one foro-ct the .iu~t I'etul'ul'll rl'llIU l<'loric!a I ca.n hclp ,'on
'1 t I I ,"'. I
,II lll'lke a safp nml pl'ofitable IIl\'pstmpnt,
HOOVER It BEATS"•• as it Sweeps tli it Cleans When Dissatisfied Try
e Ieven score Iess all(1 easl y ou p ay- Jleakness of ~ovel11ber II1 the Will 1)(' 'u ~nrh"rth dllring thf' mClIIth 01
ing their opponents by clever stick- thoughts of spnng. ~:C""'lllhel' aftt'l' which J will 1'1'1 urn 1"'1'·
work and passing. The hostess, i\Irs. J. A. Eng'- lJ"lIlt'ntl.v to Flol'ida; Partielll'lI's ~i\,(,l1 to
The line-up for the first team IS land, and her aides. served tea an-d tho,1' interestl'll. H. D. Her,g. 1'. O. nllx
as f 0 ows: i l l ' (a1l1ty san d WIC . Iles, over \V I'nch Ii_. Xnl'l)('rt1l. (ll·I:!)
Cynthia lIIetzger-Right wing. groups reviewed their stlmmer FOR SALE-Onl, huff,'t. like n('\\,. rea· T aiJ(~rs, Cleaners and Dyers
234 Have~rd Avenue
Catherine Bequc-Rig-ht ins:dc, experiences. ,I "llllah'e. ·111' Du!Jlpy av!'
Anna Sell (Capt. )-Ccntre forward. 'Phone, Narberth 1254
Frances Gibbons-Left insicle. FOlt RENT-Lal'~1' fUl'n:~ht'd I'non!.
Elma Reese-Left wing. ESTABLISH SCHOLARSHIP , ('l'ivate flllllil,·. lIenr ~tl1tiOIl. Gf'lltll'lll:!1I
Peg Foley-Centre half. The Main Line School of Music, ('1·Plf'I'l'PCl. Phonp [lilll'bel'th ::!"S7':U. lVt: C'lll for and Deli1'e1'
Irma Longlcy-Right fullback.
Edna Clarke-Left fullback. 10; Ardmore avenue. announces APART)IE~T for rellt. lipeolll! noO!',
J oc Landis-Right halfback. a partial scholarsh ip in piano. Ora.dillg :lilt! Havl'rfol'tl; " I'OOlllS :mel
Bahc Scanlon-Left halfback. The applicant must be a resi- h:Jth. All lIltHll'rn outsidp 1'00111". Pi"11 t.v
Betty McDowell-Goalkeeper. I
The cross-countr' team also is (~nt a t le 1· ai!l Line. not O\'er 1706-W.
f I l\1 of hl':lt. Reasonnble J'pnt. l'\uJ'berth 'Narberth Beauty Shoppe
. _ '. ) ,'11 CI \! hteen years ot age. and the test
~ '. stlong l' and. IS .one 1that \\. 1 un- I' '111.~e f or'Illterme( I'late "Ta( Ie..'"\ "II "'ANTE»-Rpnc'\\':lls :lml tl(~W :-;llb~ "Look Y our Best"
qtlcs\ll,l1ah shllle III c lamplOns IIp r VI
fil I t ? · · "l'riJltioll~ to :Ill magazines, Clnb "om-
circles. Last Fridav afternoon the ap l':ant~ must e app IcatlOn II1 h:lI:J ii()n~ giYfllL ~t:llltOll ;\i('kpl'~nn . Specialists in "

· . I tl- l\1 ·1 pers.on WIth the secretarv at the X:ll'h"I'lh (i(j:!."'.
1 1 . 1 •N (11·:!1 ) Ha~r DyJ!ng-Permanent Waving-Marce! Wr:ving
I1;1'"1'1('; i carne( le. aroon am
\ 'I 'l· I t ' t NTo tIl ;:~ WO <1nv tune )etween I o\'em- licientific Care of Fzce end Scalp
\ \ .1; C co ors 0 VIC ory over r ,-- 1lei·.l) tN" 1 10 GAltAGE 1'0/' I'PIlt. j.~' ~'ilt c!011:11'"
~ t 0 1 ovenl )er ,.,.
ca.oit 1,,' a per f ect score. I J 0 4;), rI'1 . .' I I '. I 1 . 1l1OIlthl.I'. Allp!,\' L. 1'. :\Jillpr.' :;1-1 J);IlIl,'"
. tl' . I t f tl
III • W ml( s O l e season S
' fi·t 1'5 I " le pal . .tJa p an lS t lat t le ~tn- ;1\'1'11111', X:ll'hpl'tll.
, t 'fl Ott tl (ent Wlshll1g to have two lessons Residential Appointments
snow . s orm. . IlOmas ey, . le I wee II ( y, th e sc I100 I WI'11 0 ff er one iIII-;'HOUSEHOI.JD GOODS lOt· <-all', Lh'·
room slIit,', like Ill'\\'. HIliI' \'PI 0 II I' is master in the
captal11, as usua, . ran a way - WIt 1, 0 f tllese f It- tI ley i '
ree. (eslre one J'PI'eJ'~iblp c":leh. litl·olll'l'. IIla,l'ten, ptc, Hooverles,'I home PHONE: NARBERTH 2565 103 ESSEX AVE.
first place and Miller. a teammate. I I I tl
took second. The finish was as esson wee.;: y le sc 100 0 ers (J Phone N:ll'hpl·th 1784.
f 11 TI 1- I D L 1\1 'J;)V one-half the amount. the ap-
I' I ff t
-------_.-- ------, -------------
o ~t\lvs:P '1: 1"('L Merr:"Cftl' ;1':: LEARN MAltCELLE :lIHl \If'l'munf'nt
plicant to receive instruction W:ll'ing-. All hl':Jlwhes of hf':llIt.\' cllitlll'(,
f OUll, al,e, . I . , t1 1• •1 <.- I l\1' FI I I I' Shop I'xlwl'ipnce givell. Phone "-oot!':lntl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR

A, , L 1\1' . ·tl D ell N E . nne er [ ISS < OI-ence ..,eonare, (1-
\O)'tl 'SJ: "'ISIXL 11\'1 :l.eY'tl 'l-I t" rector of the piano department. lOOO!l Ill' call ,,121 Chl'stf'J' avenUI'. Phila,
seven 1. mit 1. . ., elgI1 1, . e - "['1- ' f tl _I I '1' '.
Ardmore 2385 Narberth 2616 1 CENT SALE
t en 1Jac k. N - E ' .; 111n \T
. tl1. ,-'yersac·, - kc '
. e 1.)\1rpoSe 0 le f 'IIp 1~I "
sc 10 ars leOI' RENT-Garn"e. ... I' 111111!·,l '.'.'1 t.. IllI,,·
. I 1- -- " N, Eo' ,0 a 51st anyone 0 exceptlOna s{'~sioll. Call at :!::!S Habille "':('1111"
N , E..,., tent 1, \..ldl11er. . ,- (J: , l I t ' II 1'110111' v.,nr bl'rt II 1~(v..·".
.'}, -I, I'll . d ·
C) 11 F, 11(,1)
··e t 'I, ',t '1
Friday and Saturday
i'l' .1 l1, ,,, .0 (;lnl,O, allOl( llC 11
t,e n an (,ICrS 'ce ',1' 'nstru'-t; 1
,r:lve[ to l,:1n-asler to try to van· 11"~S I, ~ ,; :01 . " H~ATE~~S llttendell to. Whitf',lIlall. Z
(,tI·" ',.11 . t 1lC strOtJO'
:1 :'11
, F'ran II' ( 111 . an(1Mar- 1 . 'h,. 1.0,PCU' .hat .at a latet
, " 'j~I' f.· J< L ' 't Ie sc 001 wl11 be 111 a "OSitIOn .to 4·m Wooohillp 111'('" :'\llrhpl·th.
. . (Llt.e Ill''JT.ll'l.l
. .\I'. ,.
-II!" .,
wOI'I' ...
How'lrel ..
,, ,'
~ 5 ·6· 7
~1,1. teall1. It.~.l1 lle ower offer free scholarshi) in all I .1 I
~',It'l'i"n runners kl\'e kqlt a dean t (' t" . I ((' EXPERIENCED WHITE WOl\JAN I
slate and a victory over the Lan- par 111 11 ' . ! w:lI,1 c1'~"'" "'ol'k: 1I\1I1l , lr,\' 01'. ('(I'allillg, ' 1 ,- WONDERFUL SAVINGS
casterians will be quite an achieve- PRESIDENT NASH 2~~\,~~:.~;I"p~~~·7~, H~~d~~~~~ "D.' earp 01 $3.25 Harrisburg
Eleven Wins Again.
1M r. Robert J. Nash has been
the recipient of scores of congrat-
ItELIA8LE "'OMAN will t:1kf' CUI'!' or
ehil,!J'pn in th.. l,\·puings. POI!P X:1I'I)('rl'], I
Thp Stnt.. Cal.lto. CRANE'S
The Maroon and White football
team took another step towards the
ulations from his friends during
the past week, since his retllrn
:W7!l-.T hefol'e 8 A. M. or aft!'r :;.:~() P. :\1.\ $2.90 Elizabethtown The Busy Drug Store
Suburban championship in defeat-
With ItH MOHonic HomeH At tlJe Station
from the cOlwention of the Penn- Dividend Notice. 'Phone 1620 We Deliver Anywhere
ing the shi fty Abington eleven by
a score of 6 to o. For four years
sylvania Real Estate Association.
held at \Vashington, Pa.
The Board of Directors of The
Merion Title and Trust Company of
$2.25 Lancaster
straight the Merion team has ,\ND RETURN
Mr. Nash was elected President Ardmore, have this day declared the
broken Abington's hope for a cham- of the State Realty body, sllcceed- regular quarterly dividend of four per Sunday, November 15
pionship eleven each time smearing
Abington's clean slate for the first
defeat of the season.
ing Earl S. Kester, of Allentown.
He is a member and a vice presi-
cent., payable November 2, to Stock-
holders of record at the close of busi-
ness, September 30, 1925. lUI' The Hagnltlcent Capitol Building
will be cpen cn this date at Harris
Choose the Laundry Service
dent of the Philadelphia Real Es- Checks wiII be mailed. burS'. and at EUzabethtown an oppor.
Accompanied by the school board
~nd a host of rooters the Adam
tate Board. a member of the
Union League. and a past "'resi-
October 26, 1925.
tunity will bo given to visit tile
commodious and beautiful Hasonlc
Homes. '1i>:ll That Fills Your Needs
aggregatior: encamped in Abington dent of the Philadelphia Kiwanis TltAIN I.EAVES
and played the first away game Club. ----------- Narberth. 6,58 A· M. Read carefuIIy the following list of HELPS. We are sure one
through a blinding snowstorm and ESTATE NOTICE l"UIIIWl"fItIU: with
Plloli at S.10 A. III.
Mpecllli traiu leavlug
of these SERVICES is just what you have heen looking for:
adverse conditions of the field. SAUERKRAUT SUPPER StolJlllu[ at principal atutlons ootWet!U
Jo:~tllte of H.HtHY Y. i\IESSEC late of
In the first period the game was Next Thursday and Fr;dav Borollg'h of Narherth, Montgomery COllnty, I'lIoli and Mt. JOY. FINISHED SERVICE DE LUXE
UptnrnlnS' (ellve llurrl8hurg 1.Hl P. hi ..
largely a punting duel between the f rom 5 to 7,30 P. 1'1., a sauerkraut
LetterH of Administration on the nbove At list prices on application. Lad:es' wearing apparel, etc.,
IWzllhetht"wn 7.40 1'. M. and Lancaster
805 l' M,
two elevens, the Lower Merion SUPIJer will be held at the home e~tute hllylnA' been l:ranted the under· beautfiully washed, carefully ironed and neatly folded.
~1g'1H'll, all 1l!'I'HOIiS Indebted to said estate Ticket. on sale Friday. preoedlnS' excursion
team starting the game and holding of :1\1rs. John S. Kriebel, 115 lana :11'1' rptI1It'sh'c! to make Immediate ll11y· HOME~LIKE SERVICE
'etl11e. mt'nt. 111111 those IlIlviuA' legal claims to
the Abingtonites during the first
part of the quarter. Stthstitutio'1s
The affair is being' given by'
lll'l's!'nt the slImc withuut ,ll'la" to
I,'WHENCE 1\1. ~iESSEC, Pennsylvania Railroad A new helpful Service which so many people have asked for.
Ev,wything is carefully washed and FINISHED ready to wear.
of first-string men followed in the Mrs. Kriebel as her share in the 01' to her Attorn!'y, Narberth. I'a, Till' Rtondard RlllJrCIIltl of th" World
latter part of the quarter and the WOr,( ..
1 0 f rals111g f un d s f or t h e \"HAr\K X. HENNINGER
Norristown. l'a '. 8 POUNDS FOR $1.5'), MINIMUM CHARGE
!ca:a::e:e:a::a:a:e:roP:ca:e:El:8:A:l~B:e:a:H:a:a:l Bundle should '?onsist of 4 pounds of Flat Work and 4 pounds
lVlerion men immediately com- building fund of the Presbyterian
ri·'~''>·~~~'l$.·~~~~~~~l of Wearing Apparel. Excess weight charged for at the rate
menced an offensive drive towards Church.
Tickets may be obtained bv ~
~ ~
Abington's goal line. On coming ~ of 18c per pound for Wearing Apparel and 1"c per pound for
within scoring distance the Merion C;J \ling I1frs. Kriebel at Narberth ~ ~ Flat Work. Shirts charged for at 1') cents each. Everybody
~ ~
men after three line bucks thought
they had put the ball over but found
the fact disputed by the home eleven.


is pleased with this Service because it is less expensive than
a WASHWOMAN, and the 'work is done 1 ')0 per cent. better.
Tell our operator or salesman you wish HOME-LIKE SERV-
Another buck was made and The dancing class that has been ICE this week.
~ ~
Cnower peirced the opposing ranks "onclucted by the vVomen's Com- ~ ~ FAMILY SERVICE
for a touchdown, but even this was
disputed by the rival eleven.
munity Club will resume its activi-
ties on November 14, at JO A. M.
I~ The garage at 107 Essex Avenue has been taken over by ~
At 12c per pound. All Flat Work beautifully finished, and
~ ~ Wearing Apparel is ironed on a specially equipped float roll
The second half found the Abing- Miss Marjorie Carter will again in-
~ ~ ironer. Only a very few pieces will need touching up at home;
ton team out fighting the Merion struct the pupils. Announcements ~ ~
eleven and although the Abington
team didn't come within scoring
of details will be mailed to former
twenty minutes will do them. Minimum charge, $1.50.
~ ~
distance, a better grade of football ~ ~ At 12c per pound. All Flat Work neatly ironed and folded.
was exhibited by the Merion op- WIT AND HUMOR ~ ~ Wearing Apparel starched where necessary and returned
~ ~
ponents ,than by the local eleven. Keep in mind Friday evening. ~ who w:ll conduct a first-class repair shop, specializing ~ ready to dampen and iron. Underwear is fluffed up and ready
The final period found the Ardmore 'J ovember 13. An evening of en- ~ ~~ to wear. Minimum charge, $1.00.
combination once more the master tertainment. wit and humor-the ~ in Ford work.
lecture to be given by Re\'. M. H.
% ~
of the field and after Abington had
smashed within 20 yards of a touch- Nichols in the Narberth Metho-
~~ Personal attention to all work. skillful repairing
~~ For the Finer Quality of Laundry Work
down the leather squirted from one dist Church. ~ ~
of the Abington backs' arms and ~ and low prices have won many customers. May we ~ People Use the Services of
Jack Miller gathering the ball up
raced with almost perfect interfer-
GEORGE R. MARKLE ~~ do your work ~ ~~
~ ~

St.Mary'sLaund y, Inc.
ence for iO yards for a touchdown. ~ ~
However, one of the officials ~ ~
claimed that he had seen a Lower Estimates Cheerfully Given ~ ~
~ ~
Plans and Estimates Furnished ~ STORAGE BY THE MONTH ~
Merion player attempting to trip
for Repai1' and Construction ~ ~
one of Abington's men so only hal f lU"mber of the Ardmore Chu.mb"r of Co
of the gain was allowed anrl the
touchdown discredited. Dar~'nes~
was settling and before many more
II G~~
l' Oil Til"es II
plays the gan'e ended with Lower National Bank Building ~ ~~
Merion the victor, 6 to o. ~
NARBERTH 2287 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

:,.,._,._-,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,-,.-.... ,._.,.,.,.,.,._.,.~~,
6.45 P. M.-Epworth League de-
The Presbyterian Church.
I votional meeting. Leader, Miss Lil- CONTIl"UED I"RO~I THE FIRST PA.GE
lian Compton.
Rev. John Van Ness, minister. 7.45 P. M.-£veningworship. Theme, street," countered Mr. Wohlert. COI\TlI\t::ED FROM THE FlHST PAGE
~- CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS - : Meetings for November ~: "Interfering With God." "Not at all," the Burgess said. publicans who are the devils.
0.30 A. M.-Bible School. A place Monday, 8 P. M.-The regular "'vVe will dig 11:) the street in the "Politicians might learn a great
: PHONE, NARBERTH 1661-J ~ and
.,.,.,., -_ , . ----_ - .,, ,
a welcome for all.
11 A. M.-Morning worship. Sermon
theme, "The Pathway to Peace."
11 A. M.-Junior church, under t~e
monthly meeting of the official board. presence of witnesses and clear up deal from us. The Leae-ue of
Tuesday, 8 P. M.-Regular monthly
meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society.
Wednesday, 8 P. M.-Prayer and
the matter at once." Women Voters meets only when
And so the hour of 12.30 P. M. it has something constructive to

• w ...
to: .% ._tOr
to: .__ _ " %w "w to: % ~~ ~ .. direction of Mrs. A. S. Digby, for chll- Praise service. \Vednesday was fixed for the tell. The world will never get
dren from 6 to 12 years of age.. Thursd ay, 8 P . M.-Ch' 011' re h earsa.I ground-breaking ceremony. At anyw Ilere Wtt . h tlestructive critl- .
7 P. M.-Senior Endeavor meetmg. Friday, 8 P. M.-Rev. M. H. Nichols, . d I h I
Miss Zentmayer's Address hy Mr. Howard Rue, of the D. D., pastor of the Arch Street M. E. that time a group stood about a Clsm, an s ams at t e other fe-
Ardmore Presbyterian Church. Church, Philadclphia, Pa., will give his spot at the intersection of Con- low. Nothing can be done in any-
KINDERGARTEN 7 P. M.-Intermediate Endeavor popular lecture on James Whitcomb way and Stuart avenues, indicated thing, least of all in politics, un-
meeting. Leader, Miss Elizabeth Riley, in the church. Those who have by Mr. \Vohlert. Among those less a constructive course of ac-
Terry. not heard this lecture by Dr. Nichols I h t' I b d'd d "
Opened October 1st, 1925 7.45 P. M.-Evcning worship. Ser- have a rare treat in store on this occa- present w len t e street was ex- IOn las een eCI e upon.
mon theme, "My Deposit With Christ." sion. Better secure your tickets in ad- humed were: Commenting on lax law en-
125 Windsor Avenue, Narberth Church Notices. vance if you wish to attend. Carl B. :Metzger, Burgess of the forcement, Miss Ely said the con-
... 10: ¥ to: .. 10:
The rcgular monthly meeting of the E\'angelistic services will begin on Borough of Narberth; Anton sumers were just as much to
Women's Auxiliary will he held next Novembcr 15 and continuc until No- Emil vVohlert, nurseryman and blame as the bootleggers, and per-
\Vednesday from 10 to 4 in our ncw \'ember 20, every e\'cning except Satur- D . I' I f . . . . haps even more, for many so-call-
building. The sewing will be for the day. The pastor will be assisted by . emoc.ra,tlc cane Ie ate or ~oun-
_ ...,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11I'II.H'"II1.II'II'IIII1II1.n'II'II.I1'H"I.'I• •~ Presbyterian Hospital. members of the Philadelphia Confer- cd; VV Ilham R. D. Hall, PresIdent ed respectable citizens are setting
~ Prayer meeting next vVednesday ence, and tl~ere will be special music at of Council, ex-member of the before their children the terrible
i evening.
- To Build or Remodel? i
i something
"Favorite Hymn" night. all the ser\'l~es. .
Bring "our favorite hymn and tell us
about it.
The Mam Lmc FederatIOn of G
Churches will hold a great
IState HiO'hway Department· example of law-breaking.
I J~o\ge B ..l::>~::iuplee, Street C 0111-' "Tllere IS. not Illng .
more emor-

i A visit to our LUMBER LIBRARY may help you ! The regular monthly meeting of the !Jay service in the auditorium of the mtSSlOner ot the Borough of Nar- alizing in the United States to-
Westminster Circle will be he-Id next Junior High School on Sunday, No- berth; Tex Ramsdell. President day," she said, "than the violation

i deci~~:~~;,;~~~ ;~~~7;;~~~E~ I
Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. vember 8, at 3.30 P. M. of the Ramsdell Construction of prohibition by the persons who
George Bottoms, Baird .ro~d and Rock-I Hon. George \Vharton Peppcr will Companv who took over the Good buy liquor and have it sent to their
land avenue. Thc ass!stlllg hostesses I be the speaker. R C· ' . .[ . - I hi' . I '1
are 1Irs. J. K. Laughllll and 11rs. D. The anual bazaar of the Ladies' Aid' o~ds o. contract, I\ I. Ram~- lOuses, were t lelr grOWll1g c 11 -

necessary for either purpose or any other work you may
~ contemplate.
! Warren \\Tright.
Main Line .Federati~n. o~ Churches
~ morrow afternoon at 1I1 the audl-
~ torium of thc Junior 'High School at
Society will be held on Dccemhc'r 5. dell s foreman, accused of co\'er- dren are there to observe."
The Chur~:h of Good Fello\yship has ing up the mud: Charles F.
great celebratIon of AlnllS~ICe Day tC!- a welcome tor you at all serVIces.
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
MeInts. of the Borolwh Eno·ineers.
\V 10 acceptee
I tl l::> 1 "'f' I
Candidates Criticized.
l\Iiss Ely severely criticized the
le \VOl'';: o~' t.le four candIdates for the office of
~ ~
~ ~ A;dmorc. Speaker, Hon. George Women's Club Building. Ardmore Borough; G. F. ~annon .. hI.: lll- directors of the poor for their fail-
~ SHULL LUMBER CO. ~ \\ harton Pepper.
All S . t 'Ch h W d Pa Sunday
avcnue. Ardmore Pa.
services. 11 A. 1I. I
spector; the Eehtor ot
Town," summoned to record
Our ure to appear at the conference and
in address the women.
~ 29 BALA AVENUE BALA-CYNWYD ~ 8 A: M.-Holy Commu;{:on.
am s urc, ynnewoo,
Re\' Gibson Bell recto"
. \Vcdnesday eve n i n bY testimonial imperishable print the results of
'llectin" ~ o'clock I
'011 Ilt I d
e 1 ne re
I f.t
anc 01 v-nIne

- CYNWYD 662
~ loA. M.-Chllrcl.l School.
~ leavcs Narberth St.atlOn .at. 0.40.)
. Rea(n;l'~ room 'No, 1!J \'1 cst Lan-I t le autopsy.
(Bus caster av~nllc, o;)en each weekday 12
. to ~.:10 P. ~r. . '
thousand dollars is spent' every
A husky negro raised his pick I year by our directors of the poor
and turned up a large block of in the county," she said, "yet
:.111.. 111IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.1I111'".II'lIll1.II'lIli11I1.II.lIllllll'II'III11'II'II'"'tI'U'A"II".~ 11 A. 11.-~Ionllng pIa) er and sel- 1 he. subJ~ct of the 81!)le lesson ser- macadam surface. Under it was these men who are candidates for
man by the Iector. lIlon tor ~ o\'embcr 8 IS "Adam and If' .. ' , .
Anthem-"In Heavenlv Love Abid- Fallen Man" c1osely-ro led oundat'lOn stone. the office, are not ll1terested
lng," ~arker,. . . A cut 5 inches by 18 inches was enough to come here and let us see

~ Philadelphia Suburban Water Co. ~

ChOIr of 40 vOIces. Baptist Church of the Evangel. made, down to the bottom of the the men we are asked to vote for.
Narberth Methodist Episcopal FS{ob~rt E · Kei!,hton. minister. road work. A ruler was brought That could not happen in our
~r.\"l"c\es.'1for C~l o\'elmIS~ell' 8'1 into play. homes or in any business. \Ve
H General Office: 1612 Market Street, Philadelphia d Church.
Rev. \V. Sheridan Dawson. minister.
!l. ....) , . 1 \ . - lurc I , C100 ,
11 A. M.-:\forning worship. Ser-
I fl'
nstead 0 cay. they tount! 1n wou
Id I' k f
not t 1111' 0 engagmg a
1:1 ~::~ Sundav. November 8: mon. "A Stud\' of Pro\·idence." There I inches of foundation stone. in- cook or nursemaid whom we had
~; The Philadelphia Suburban Water Company serves ;:,1
~l filtered water of the highest quality in 46 boroughs and !).-!:; A. M.-Bihlc School; Hon. is \'err much that popular thought calls stead of the ~. inches called for in not seen."
townships located in Delaware, Chester, Montgomery and
Fletcller \\; St'tes SIll) 'rl'ntelldent
'. I , worship.e , "the
't'd Y Providence of God"
'11 no t'JUS t'f ' tllat carcflll I 'fi" \ I S evera I aces f f i 'm the C ounty
I Y IJelllg so terme d , t le specl catIOns.I :- mong t le
H Bucks Counties.
11 A. l\1.-110rning
!::ii -'God's Call to His People."
Theme, S.I WI
\Ve are often greatly confused con- sto~les was muc 1 yell~\\' clay, League were filled. MISS rVIar-
:~ :30 P. :\1.-Junior Epworth League cerning the whole doctrine of Provi- I \\'htch had olJzed up 11'0111 the garet P. Saunders, of ]\J orr:3~C\" Ii,
~"! ~

.:, To servc this territory the Company maintains 3 dams, 1::1

.: I 3 pUll' ping stations, fully equipped with modern pumping i"i de;~cc.. . . . sog:gy groun? underneath,..and was re-elected treasurer; :rl'frs. Ed-
.:; and filtering equipment, 10 reservoirs, 12 standpipes and hIS sermon IS 1I1 response to a re- whIch had '0'1 \'en the SUSpICIOUS ward C Durfee of Pottstown and
.;,; 640 miles of distribution and transmissi.on mains. qu"st to present a study of the sub- :::,. ., ,
ject. appearance to the sectIOn. Mrs. C. P. Fowler, of Narberth,
I 7. ~, M.-Young' People'~ ser\,ice'l "It looks to me," said :\Ir. ?detz- were re-elected as vice-chairmen
!hls IS th.e month of the dnn for an O'er "as thollO'h the contractor in- for two-year terms, and lVII'S. John
Eastern Southern Western 'ncrease 111 the attcndance at these 1'" ' d '
services. Help the young people all stea ot coverIng up a )a. J~),
:::, . 1 d . 1 Y. H IT
u )er, .1'.'. 0
f N tl A d
0; 1 I' more,
OAK LANE AND LANSDOWNE BRYN MAWR you possibly can. !has concealed some generosIty. was elected vI~e-chaIrman to suc-

CONSHOHOCKEN PENNA. PENNA. 7..1:; P. M.-Eycning ser\'ice. Ser- "1 was not criticisinO' the bulk ceed Mrs. JulIus S. \Vey!. Mrs.
I~FOR!\IATJON AS TO RATES, SERVICE. ETC.. !\lAY 1',- 1 mon; "Common Fallacies." of wIr Ramsdell's J' ol~ which I John G. Vvilson continues as vice-
nJ<~ OBTAINED ON AI'PLICATION TO THE ABO\'E I.,: \\ ednesday. ?\ovember 11. .: " h . NT d' t .
MILK AND CREAM fJ.:30 P. M -Church Family Dinner. thmk IS excellent,' remarked Mr. c ~lnnaI~. ew Irec ors are.
" S P. M.-C!IUfCh l:orum, The guest \Vohlert, "but the appearance of MISS Ehzabeth Forre?t Johnson,
158 LANCASTER AVE. speaker at tIllS meetl!lg' of the Church this part of the work certainlv Bryn Mawr; Mrs. Regmald Small,
r -. J9<;?52525'~'2.5C5~522S~SCS-~~~

NeEcf more light in your ..

BRYN MAWR.' !,o.r,um will. he the well-known an.d he- looked bad to me."
(n cd . preslden~ of Crozer S e m m a r y , , , .
• J en kin tow n; Mrs. Graham
Dougherty \Vyncote and Mrs.
" lJr. Mtlton G. l.'.\'ans. Are you satl:;;fied that· the work F I r P' S k H' f d
Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882 A pprop,riatc. to Ar~nistice Day, Dr. is O. K.?" queried the Burgess. ran (111 • oc ett, a, er or '.
home? Have some of the E"ans WIll dISCUSS 'The Message of "Perfectl r" answered ]\11'. .Among those from the IVIa1l1
looms got to be wired? See the. Church to the \~Torld." . \V I I t ) ' Lllle who attended the Conference
. Next Sunda\' .evelll,ng the pastor WIll 01 er . . were State Representath'e Miss
us about it. Need any elec- ~!I<CUSS Hutc.hlllson s recent novel, Mr. Ramsdell launched mto a Martha Thomas Mrs George
One Incre,slll!! Purpose" On No- I ' · I . I I III d tl' , "
.. :,m I)er. .,., 1
~- le WI
.'11 d'ISCUSS '''Q uest, "b y'd speec 1 111 " W llC 1 le a)e e
I" 1 le Mm-. Vaux ' Mrs ' .T. Aubrev J
Sutton ,
trical l'epairing? Call us in Kathartne Newlin Burt. CI ent as, a po stt~nt on 1. Mrs. Conyers Read, Miss Sydney

on the job. There are a lot \Vohlert,~ par~, m whIch I was Evans, Mrs. Edgar S. Gardner
Worn-Br~ssy Parts of Your Car with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. th~ goat. ThIS w~r. \Vohlel:t was Miss Suzanne Yocom, 1\1rs. \Vil-
l'm out to lasso a lot of light. of things that you ought to do Pure Silver. Refleetors, Lamps, 1\1. E, l\lcLinn, pastor. qtllck to den~, callIng attentIOn to liam M. Gehmann, Miss Lucy
Radiator Shell Regular services Sunday, No\'ember the fact that It happe!led ~he work Sutton.
i ~
-Electl'ic AI. Electrically. LOOK LIKE NEW! R. HJ2:;:
!lA5 A. M.-Sunday School.
was done about electIOn tune, and
'""1. Silver plates, worn-brassy bath room
fixtures, Sheffield Plate where copper 11 A. M.-1forning services. Ser- his interest in the street program S'OWLING LEAGUE
'.- NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP shows old spoons and forks. Buy a mon on "Luther's Birth and Marvelous pro.mpted him to make the com-/ In the contests of the last week
hottle' of U-KAN-PLATE Polish TO- \\T ork."
DA Y from your local Dealer or pe- fJ.45 and 7 P. M.-Luther League plamt. the Baptist Boosters, aided by a
Hoover and Westinghouse Agents partment Store. $1.00 for half PlOt. meetings. Mr. l\I.etz.ger observed tl~at after Igrandstand finish, wrested two
7.45 P. M.-Evening sen-ice. "The all. the mCldent was a tnbute to games from the Presbyterian
A. R. JUSTICE CO. \Tajesty of God and His Footsteps in the excellent work of the con- Pilots. On Monday the Metho-
Phone, Narberth 2282 250 Haverford Avenue 904 WALNUT ST. PHILA. Hi~tory."
n5!!i2S2.5i!5i!52..!i25'25im25"2.:i2S25i~52..!i25'25im~~i25m~~ Wedding Gifts in Silvel' The people want to hear this dis- tractor, and to Mr. \Vohlert's dist Marathons won two from the
course! public spirit. The meeting ad- Methodist l\Teteors.
\'itation is given.
sen'ices a most cordial in- journed to various restaurants.
The workman calmly went r '
The scores follow:
.about fillinO' up the hole. '\llh~l1ls.o.n 11(J SS 1104 (Jl)

Solluay ......•.......... 162 166 157

112 It4
lJ(J 124 112
local or out of town 'l'utals 4S11 4H2 516

Quick and Efficient Service The Narberth post office will be PUESBY'l'I':ItIAN" PIf.O'l'S
Mason .........•. ,...... 137 111' 98
closed next Wednesday, Armistice Honse
P. J. DUFFY day. There will be one delivery of Laughlin
131 12lJ 159
158 " . . ..
335 Dudley Avenue Powell ,.,. .,. 77 131
IN OUR OPINION I'''""". Sarbertb 181"'"
mail and the stamp winelow will be \\' 01111 • • • • • • • , • , ••• , ••• , HIS
open until 9 A. 1\1. .
laO 118

I !""'--_ .................--... .. ~_. _
....... ..-..- -..- - - .. -
...- -*.*----.--.
C. I., Jenkins
51)4 447-m>6

156 155 136

Wh'te .. " .. ,
Jue :>llller ........•..... 182 161 l:m
it is good business all the way around for Hail,·)' .. , ..... , .•..... ,. 18;; 151 147

this bank to place at the disposal of every ~ TO!':ll .. , ,. 781 731l 1115

earnest man and woman- To the Philadelphia Business Man EI. Jenkins
:>mTII001S'l' ~mTI']ORS
104 155 125
.John Purring 113
1';1. Hl'lsH .. ,." ,.... 112 1n~
I-Our wide experience in finance Who Resides in Narberth Rl'ger
,. 0\1',-1'
,...... 124
...•..•.....•... , .,.
E. Pnrring ......•....... 141 140 lilt)

2-The counsel of our officers 'l'oluls 5!J4 66ll 716

W. L. Pct.
3-The use of our facilities Ralltist Buttlers
lIIethodist lIIeteors
Has it ever occurred to you that it might be very Methollist Marathons . 4 2 .666
I 4-The helpful interest of our service helpful from a business standpoint if you were to
BUlltl~t Bout-ltt~rtol •.••.•••
l'rl'sb)·tl'l'i:tfl Pilots .... ,.
[Jr(lHh)~t(lrjull PPJl Hoy:-; ., II 6 .000
become identified with your home town Bank? Lutheran Lion:.: . (I 0 .000
i As you prosper, we prosper. Thus we A certain amount of publicity is circulated about a
both make money. new Bank and its latest depositors; publicity which
is bound to spread the name of both bank and patron. The regular monthly meeting of
14 The pioneers of any enterprise; whether they are
the vVomen's Auxiliary of the Pres-
byterian Church will be held on
,I settling new territories or establishing an institution, Wednesday, November II, fr0111 10
I are the men whom people talk about. o'clock until 4.
Isn't it a good thing in business to get yourself talked Sewing for Presbyterian Hos-
The Merion Title and Trust Company about-if the impression that results is going to build
good-will for you in your community?
pital. In addition to the regular
work of the auxiliary the donations
of jellies and can goods will be reo
ceived for the Presbyterian Hos-
pital. This is the usual Thanks..
Narberth Ardmore Bala-Cynwyd giving offering.
The Narberth National Bank All women of the church and
auxiliary are urged to interest their

•ffjlfOilM'i&f\i&f\iItfMQiliBilit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m1~~~1 r--- ___ 0:... ""'''' .,. _ 0:...''' '''' ~

_ ._ ._ _ _ . _ . _ __ --:;j
friends in this work. A cordial in-
~~i:ti:::in~tended to all to attend
MUCH IS DOING AT and "My Mother and Father "Ser"lce tIlft7J a 8","e" IiiBEill!mill!'~$E!==~:=ml!::It!l!!:Ii:!l'!Jlr.!!::.t!!l!!:5:z::I!::s~5':r~:i':=~:':,!'r: ill: ~': 1i':iiioll:~:iS ii! "mai'm ttli.
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Are Irish." When the last song R. S. TOUHILL
was sung, Madeleine Baughman, ';j:
Weekly School News Brimming With dressed as the Irish father, and Eleclrical ConlracloT Bits. Catherine Patton, dressed as the 501 S. Narberth Avenue "BYE-LO" BABIES ift
A Camp-Fire Group was organ- mother, appeared on the stage nELL' PHONE: MERION 121
SCHOOL FUND EXHIBIT ized in connection with -the N ar- with a pig. B,tfmate, FurnfIJ7JetJ
berth' Junior High School last The school library, besides its in- l:i.
Library Displaying Books Bought year, with Miss Josephine Tyson creasing number of new books, has
With School Appropriation. as guardian. It is now being car- now subscribed to a large number
Narberth 2510
I~I If you expect to buy a "Bye-La" Baby Doll for I
As an indication of appreciation ried on by almost an entirely dif- JOE G. HEKRSCHAIT I~I
of magazines. In some cases these Chrl'stmas-that appealing doll modeled after a m
for the School Board's generous ferent group of girls. The chief n'lagazines wiII supplement the class Slate and Tin Ii!I three-day old infant-it will pay you to wait for the f!if
co-operation the Library is now aims of this society are to present assignments, but in other cases they Roofing
Jobbing a Specialty
j;j Methodist Bazaar, December 5th. We will have a m
displaying in a special group all health and knowledge to girls in wiII give pleasure as well as intruc-
books which have been purchased such a way that it is all fun. There tion to their users. The Jist is as
318 Dudley Ave. Narberth, Pa.
large number of soft-body dolls with the genuine jilj:
i~.:.'I' . m:
so far with the $500 appropriation are meetings held every Monday
given to the Library by the School afternoon at 3.30, in Room 9, ex-
Arts and Decorations. _.",-,., ....,_._,-------,
Bye-Lo Baby head and crying voice. Carefully
dressed as near like a real baby as possible-priced Ii:r
Board this year. The most con- cept once a month, when a cere- Atlantic Monthly. : N.R.PEACOCK : !ii! at $3.50 and $4.50. FI'
spicuous group in this collection monial meeting is held at the Bookman. _ Interior and Exterior Painting _ ici i!1'
are the 25 volumes of the New home of one of the members. Classical Journal. ~ WILL BE GLAD TO ESTIMATE : i::j
Other Infants-50 cents to $7.50. m:
1nternational Encyclopedia, which This society was organized in Current History. ~ 407 Essex Avenue ~ !liii Lady-Doll Brides with Trousseau-$15 and $20. m:~
cost $145. This encyclopedia is 1911 by a group of men and English Journal. - Phone, Narberth 2687 _
~-,-,.,_.,---------_. , I if,! Schoenhut. Girl Dolls with Complete Outfits-$10. i~r

constantly in use every day the women who were interested in the Golden Book.
Library is open by both school welfare of girls. Camp-Fire is Historical Outlook. Phone Narberth 672 or 2215 W !~ Stuffed Dolls for the babY-$1.50. i!l
pupils and adults. It is rapidly carried on in twenty-two different Hygeia.
becoming the community. refer- countries, which shows its popu- Literary Review. Narberth Taxi Cab Co. ~
~ m
ence book. larity among the girls of the National Geographic.
In addition, $130 has been spent world.
to buy works of standard English Camp-Fire is entirely self-snp-
New York Times Book Review.
Popular Science Monthly. Residence
Walter Roser
126 Conway ,'.ve. 215 Haverford Ave.
Methodist Bazaar ~. l
~I ~[
literature which were on the re- porting, so the group this year is School Arts.
Y. M. C. A.
I December 5lh
<juired reading lists of the schools giving a bazaar on December 10, School Science and Mathematics.
attended by Narberth yonng in the vicinity of the Haverford Theatre Magazine.
people. That amount purchased avenue business section, in order Time.
Or Phone Narberth 1255
~o such books and every day stn- to earn money for a camping tri;). Travel. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
dents are selecting from among There will be cakes, candy and Magazine 'Norld. A1!imi~~ii1l~:ri::t!:::!::~::l!tU:]!::i:~~:m!~i:~';!::l~"!:::~::i::::E!!!~:n:1~;~"=:::;c:"'."-'=r.:~
them those books which they novelties. Buy yonr Christmas Music and Youth.
and Heating

prefer for their "required read- gifts from the Camp-Fire Girls.
ing." All of the books in this col- During the week of Hallowe'en,
The new form of pupil's report
'card issued on Friday is much 'more r"·n.".n,,,,uFE'LT"·HATSI·'CLEANE'Dll':""75;1UI"·n,",~,,III
Icction have been bought with re- some startling pranks were play- comprehensive than that of former ;
inforced bindings, which wiII ed on the school. One morning HOWARD C. FRITSCH ~~
years. The latter was confined al- Send it to a Reliable Cleaner ~
greatly increase their durability in the pupils were surprised to find most exclusively to ntllllerical av- ~ Gents' Topcoats and ~
Justice of the Peace
library and school use. The school a "For Sale" sign on the Athletic erages, but the new type of card ~ Suits cleaned to look !
fund exhibit has already attracted Field. Another morning, a "Sold"
much attention. The Library still sign had been erected on the
stresses personal traits and habits as
REAL ESTATE ~ like new for $1.50 i
Fire Insurance-Best Companies ~ I
has left $225 out of the fund. That corner of the Junior High School Many pupils who are unable to
Phone 1749W 215 Haverford Ave. ~ ADELIZZI BROTHERS i
- '"
will be used, principally for books lawn at Essex and Sabine avenues.
that collaborate with school work. These pranks afforded the school
achieve high standards in class work
are faithful and industrious and
~ Cleaners-Tailors-Dyers i
The Library received this week pupils much entertainment.
and will exhibit on the bulletin Saturday, October :31, the Nar-
often are a greater asset to the
school than pupils whose sale virtue

102 Forrest Ave. Narberth 2602

~ ~
hoard soon an original Fontain berth Junior High School soccer
Fox cartooll. It i" 011(' of the team was defeated by the Girard
lies in intellectual ability.
Co-operation, leadership, school
."1"1"1111"1"1"1"' ' 1' 1111''1111111''1111111''1' 1111111111111111111''1' l"I"IIIIIII"I"IIII"IIII"I"I"I""IIII'III"'' I' ' 'I' I' I' ' '.ua
,'oonerville dra \\' ilWS, which are Freshman team. The score was spirit and other traits are quite as
, lmiliar to all m'wspaper reader::>, :3-0. all scoring heing done in the
:;;:; '.':i!J 1.;;.: interested to see ex- first half. The Girard team was
essential for developing future good
citizens as scholastic ability and they
.; :tly !low this giitec1 comic artist skilled in heading the ball and should receive the appreciation that
; roduces his work. Another re- did some fine work. The back-
,f.'l1t gift, which is exceedingly field was exceptionally good and
is their due.
The new report will indicate to
For Permanent
useful to the members of the staff stopped the Narberth forwards
who have to be sure to close the many times. The Narberth back-
parents in large measure the com-
plete activities, attitudes and inter-
Library on time to hurry home lfield' also did some fine work and ests of the pupil in his school life. BUY A
get dll1ner, is a mantel clock, Ikept feeding the forwards with Editors for this issue :Madeleine
which was presented by Mrs. H.!the ball. The Girard team was of Baughman and Elizabeth Terry.
N. P. Dole, formerly of the \Vind- our size, but showed a better
sor-E~s~x I?ere in Narberth.. aI?~ !knowledge of ~occer. Th~y were GIRL SCOUT NEWS
now hV1l1g 111 New York. ThIS gIlt well p leased WIth our playll1g and Conforming to a custom of se\'-
was made to the Library through agreed to play us in aily ~Jlort we eral years the annual Girl Scout Built Home
Mrs. E. H. Cockrill, a member of I,:antcd. The field ";\5 very Rally will be held this Saturday,
the staff. . . : ;l1udc1y, l"~t that. did nut f11;'ke the lin which S~out~ fron~ every troop
The LIbrary has 111 the past I' ~al11e slow. Tl}er~ wer~" 'many on. the M~1I1 Lme "nll take part.
been open on some holidays and ~pectat( ,rs tlJerl:, 11 tll the excep- MISS "Tnght's School at Bryn

closed on others, dependin o' upon' tion \Ii a f,',,·: )Jarl",rth rooters. Mawr has been chosen as the site CEO. W. BOTTOMS
the convenience of those'" 111 em- The Narberth team was well for this rally.
bers of the staff who were respon- taken care of with showers and The program consists of vari- Conlraclor G Builder
sible for that yarticular d.ay of the I?ckers. and were tTeate~ cordially. 1 ous contests ?f Scou~ w~rk.
week on whIch the hohday fell. 1 he GIrClrCI team IS g01l1g to play Among these w1l1 be a slgnall1l1g NARBERTH, PA.
There is need of a more definite us a return game in soccer, and Icontest in which several volun-
policy, and for the information of we hope to treat them equally as teers from each troop will take
the public it is not now too early well. \Ve also want to see more part. Last year a Scout official Narberth 1683- W Repairing
to state definitely that the Library Narberth rooters, as a good game signalled a message which the IF IT'S ANYTHING IN
will be closed for the 'l'hanksgiv- is guaranteed. contestants wrote down and then RADIO
ing holiday.

The 'varsity hockey team of the memorized. After they had run
Narberth Junior High School will around some buildings and a
play Springfield Junior High on tennis court they returned to the
For Your Old
f or tllelree
I h'
1 rgd '1s
1 ar Jer 1 eau les-one a
hI I .
I. Friday, November 6, at 3.30 P. :\1., official to whom they then recited 22 Ardmore Ave. Ardmore, Pa.
wecNc 1111 talYb at~proac 1111g The game will be held on the Nar-/the messal2'e.
~as mg 10l1c, onet t~ W~~lS011Jea !The line-up is a~ follows:
. . A
berth JunIOr HIgh thletlc Ie d.
. F' I ~ .
Also contests 111 bandages,
knot tying, and fire building, ~ilI I)ECCIRATI1"O
rown;~~ec fl ass anc TI le 0 ler b
Left wing-Barbara Page. be staged. In the morning eight
c?quedt I~ 1 tl apPIJer: I ley ma Y tl e Left insi~le-Ruth Cook'. second-class Scouts from each WM. NEWBORG & CO.
vlewe 111 lelr n1\·1datl gowns a t le I C EI 1\1' h I
~ eanor 'lC ae sen. troop WI'11 prepare a (mner.
I' TIle
d o II ta bl e a t tlle lV e wc I'IS t B azaar I R'enter- . . 1e- PIlY I'IS G rant.
I1t mS1C I ' f f00 d WI'11 b e Ie ft en-
D b '1'1 . t I Ig se ectlOn 0 Painting and Decorating
ecel·mler 5· lelr rousseaus a SO) R.'i~'ht wing-Bettv Tones. tirely to the contestants and the
on C ISP ay
I u ,; •

Left halfback-Ruth Hopkins. winners will be chosen not for

212 Woodbine Ave., Narberth, Pa.

Phone, Narberth l'JII8-W


Mr. Stanley D. Berg has re-
Centre halfback-Bernice Pier- speed in preparation, but ef-

Right halfback-Emma Lentz,

Points will be given to the
Nov. 5 - 21
turn~d to Narbertl~ from Sanfo;rd, Left fullback-Hilga \Vohlert. scouts winning in anyone con- THE LOUISE M. BUnS
Flonda, where he Journeyed WIth I Rio-ht fullback-Annette \Vat- test and the winninO' troop will MUSIC STUDIOS Make Your Kitchen Modern Now
his family a few weeks ago. ~r'l son. '" he selected as the "'one having
B~rg reports t:hat the. automobl1e I Goal guard-Almira Gregory. earned the most points at the end 508 BROOKHURST AVENUE With These Attractive Terms!
, tnp was very mterestmg and that I Miss Church the coach, is trv- of the afternoon. l!'OR FURTJlEU INFOIUlJATION
aft~r wind!ng uP, his business at ing to get as n;any games as pas. As the Scouts already know the
Phllade~phla he wl11 loc~te per·ma- sible with outside schools, so that I"Troop Advancement" pins will We will give you a $ 10 allowance
::Iently 111 Sanford, Flonda. the girls will have a real live be awarded to the individuals of 'PlIONE: NARBERTH 16114-111
JOSEPH WYNKOOP for your old coal. wood, oil or
hockey season. 'last year's Narberth Girl Scout
MAC NIVEN-ARNOLD I The Classical Club had charge Troop. These were earned by the Registered Plumbing NO. 1837 H-E
gas range-to apply on the pur-
l\liss Agnes Mary Arnold, of the Assembly program on Oc- town troop for having accol11- Steam :: Hot-Water
. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, \Villiam tober 30. As it is a Latin Club, plished more in the past year than HEATING chase price of a new Quality Gas
Jobbing Equi!}ped with Half-Enamel
E. Arnold, of Ardmore, and Mr. everything was carried through in any other troop in the district. 201 Mongtomery Avenue finish, Automatic Oven Heat Range equipped with an Auto-
James A. MacNiven, of Haver- that language as far as possible, As the rally wiII -start sharply Control, Enamel Rust-Proof
ford, were married on Thursday, The Twenty-third psalm was read at 1.30 all Scouts from Narberth Linings, Rutz Top Burner matic Oven Heat Control.
October 2!J, by the Rev. Andrew in Latin by Ernestine Hunt, and should leave on the 2.01 train. "Buy Your Christmas Lighter.
H. Haughey at the residence of then slides of Pom eii were given However, those Scouts in the Delivered and Connected.
Cards in Comfort!" Regular Price $88.25
the bride's parents. Only the im- Jy Virginia Eyre. These slides morning dinner-making contest THE TIME IS LIMITED!
n~:'crate families, were present. gave a very good picture of the should leave on the 2.30 bus. In our shop away from
Allowance for Old
Range 10.00
1'he bride wore a peach chiffon city since it has been excavated, At the meeting held this Tucs- the hurry and bustle you
d.ress and. was attended by her "America" was sung by the day evening Captain Nash ex- will find a wide and dis- BALANCE $78.25 This Sale Positively Ends
SIster, MISS Jean Arnold, who school, followed by the Latin' pressed the desire for better co- tinctive line. Some are
found only in the exclu- Terms:
wore a poudre blue crepe de chine classes, who sang it in Latin, operation on the part of a few sive Fifth Avenue shops,
dress, After the ceremony the Nursery rhymes were read in indifferent Scouts. The succes,;;
$8.25 Down & a Year to Pay NOVEMBER 21-ACT NOW!
others run as low as five
bride and groom left for a motor Latin and pantomimed. Made- of the rally depends upon each cents.
trip in the South and on their re- :eine Baughman read them and Scout, and she must do her part.
turn will re~ide. in Haverford. the following pantomimed them: We hope to have a hundred per '.'YE ODDITY SHOPPE" Call at Our Sales Room or 'Phone Today for a
Jack and Jill, cent. attendance, as well as the
Ruth ·Walker, Kathryn Aungst fullest co-operation on the, part of The Gift Shop of Narberth Representative
Miss Thelma Fowler is attend- Jack Horner .... Elizabeth Terry every Scout. --------------
ing the Harvard-Princeton game Little Miss Muffet. ..Susan Reevs
at Princeton. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son, Through the kindness of Mr.
:Q~~8-N~CJ-iffl~r ,€
Residents of south side of Merion The Gutcher
are impatiently awaiting the comple-
Elizabeth Terry Dando, the Narberth Thimb!e
Emma Lentz Club will hold a bake in his store
The program was then closed on the afternoon of next Friday,
. Bell Phone. Spruce 38-00 and lIll-M
Ke;r.tone Phone, Haee 'JD-1'l4
tion of the widening of Lancaster by the Latin classes, singing in November 13, from 2 to 5 o'clock. Ardmore 17-" Bryn Mawr 327 Wayne 47
avenue, which is now under way be- Latin, "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All A most worthy cauSe wiII be ben-
l GARAnteed . ·Roofs
tween City Line and Ardmore. H ere," "The Old Gray Mare" efited by the proceeds.
- - ------.----.-

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