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Guidelines in Test


Ivan Lester Canoza

Allana Joy Lunes Santos
Gil Gerald Manlapig
To differentiate different Types of Test Question
To learn how to construct self-made test items
based on the TOS (table of specification).
To learn the rules or guidelines in constructing or
formulating test.
Different types of Test Questions
1. Multiple choice
2. Matching type
3. True or False
4. Short answer / Fill in the blank
5. Essay
6. Problem test
1. Multiple choice

• The multiple choice type of test is a form of

assessment in which students are asked to
select the correct or best answer out of the
choices from the list.
Parts of Multiples-choice questions
Rules that should be
observed in
constructing the
multiple choice
Rules for Writing Stem
• Rule #1: Checking Comprehension and Improve Higher-
level Thinking
Rules for Writing Stem
• Rule #2: Using the Question Format

For example, it is a less effective stem that:

“Black cabs” is famous in __________.
a. France
b. Japan
c. England
d. Singapore 

“The stem would be presented in the form of a clear

and complete question, focusing on getting a clear
answer rather than holding a partial sentence”
(Statman, 1988).
Rules for Writing Stem
• Rule #3: Expressing Full Information
Which of the following statements is true?

A. Melbourne is known as the Fashion

Capital of the World.

B. Milan is known as the Fashion Capital of

the World.

C. St Petersburg is known as the Fashion

Capital of the World.

D. Rome is known as the Fashion Capital of

the World.
Rules for Writing Stem

• Rule #4: Removing Unnecessary Information

Nowadays, there are many types of
pollution. Air pollution is one of the
biggest threats to the environment
and affects everyone: humans,
animals, crops, cities, forests,
aquatic ecosystems… Air pollution
can be decreased when we:

A. Use private vehicles

B. Burn fossil fuels
C. Use public transportation
D. Cut down trees and forest
“can decrease the reliability and validity of the test
scores” (Haladyna and Downing, 1989).
Rules for Writing Stem

• Rule #5: Avoiding Negative Word

Which country does not have a king or queen? 

Rules for Writing Alternatives.

• Rule #1: Using Only One Best Answer

For example, four options in the below picture make
learners bewildered which more correct. Neither is correct all of
the time.  
Rules for Writing Alternatives.

• Rule #2: Making Options Similar in Grammar and Length

Rules for Writing Alternatives.

• Rule #3: Keeping the Distractors Plausible

Waterloo Counselling Services provides Waterloo Counselling Services provides
workshops about: workshops about:
a.) cooking skills a.) preparing for marriage
b.) hockey refereeing b.) presentation skills
c.) *study skills c.) * study skills
d.) fire safety and prevention d.) psychotherapy research

It is unlikely that students would choose options a, b, or d,

even if they didn’t know the answer. A better question would
have plausible links between the stem and the distractors:
Rules for Writing Alternatives.

• Rule #4: Avoiding Using “All of the above” or “None of the


Which of the following are Which of the following are

measures of central tendency? measures of central tendency?
A. Mean A. range, percentile, median
B. Median B. variance, skewness, kurtosis
C. Mode C. mean, median, mode
D. All of the above D. correlation, mean, standard
Rules for Writing Alternatives.

• Rule #5: Varying the Order of the Correct Options

Tip: Limit the number of alternatives from 3 to 5

options to make your question objective.
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions that Test Lower Order Learning


Analyzing - Breaking information into parts to explore

patterns and relationships. Analyzing charts, data to support
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions that Test Lower Order Learning

Examples of Multiple Choice Questions that Test Higher Order Learning


Applying Using information, rules and

procedures in concrete situations
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions that Test Lower Order Learning

Simple recall of the correct definition of
polarization is required.
In the area of physical science, which one of the following definitions
describes the term “polarization”?
A. The separation of electric charges by friction.
B. The ionization of atoms by high temperatures.
C. The interference of sound waves in a closed chamber.
D. The excitation of electrons by high frequency light.
E. The vibration of transverse waves in a single plane.
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions that Test Higher Order Learning

Judge the sentence in italics according to the criteria given below:
“The United States took part in the Gulf War against Iraq BECAUSE of the lack of civil
liberties imposed on the Kurds by Saddam Hussein’s regime.”

A. The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid.
B. The assertion and the reason are both correct, but the reason is invalid.
C. The assertion is correct but the reason is incorrect.
D. The assertion is incorrect but the reason is correct.

A knowledge and understanding of Middle East politics is assumed. The student is

tested in the ability to evaluate between cause and effect in the sentence in terms of
predefined criteria.
2. Matching type
• The matching test item format provides a way for learners to connect
a word, sentence or phrase in one column to a corresponding word,
sentence or phrase in a second column. The items in the first column
are called premises and the answers in the second column are
the responses. 
• A large amount of material can be condensed to fit in less
• Students have substantially fewer chances for guessing
correct associations than on multiple-choice and true/false

• Matching tests cannot effectively test higher order
intellectual skills
Guidelines for Constructing Matching Items

1. Limit the number of items to a maximum of six or seven. It

becomes very confusing for learners to try to match a greater

2. Provide directions. Students should not have to

ask, for example, whether options may be used
more than once.

3. Limit the length of the items to a word, phrase, or

brief sentence. In general, make the items as short as
Guidelines for Constructing Matching Items

4. Provide one or two extra items (distractors) in the

second column. Their inclusion reduces the
probability of correct guessing. This also eliminates
the situation that may occur in equal sized lists,
where if one match is incorrect, a second match must
also be incorrect.
Guidelines for Constructing Matching Items

5. Keep the question to one page and on

the same page. Arrange items so that
students will not have to turn pages back
and forth as they respond.
Guidelines for
True/False Items
True/False Test

•Binomial-choice tests that’s

only have 2 options such as
True/False, Right or Wrong ,
Good and Better and so on.
Guidelines in constructing True or False type of test

• Be certain that the statement is entirely

true or entirely false.

• Convey only one thought or idea in a

true/false statement

• Require learners to write a short

explanation of why false answers are
Guidelines in constructing True or False type of test

• Beware of detectable answer patterns.

• Beware of words denoting indefinite

degree. The use of words like “more,”
“less,” “important,” “unimportant,”
“large,” “small,” “recent,” “old,” “tall,”
“great,” and so on, can easily lead to
Guidelines in constructing True or False type of test

• Do not give a hint in the body of the


• Avoid using the words “always”,

“never”, “often” and other adverbs
that tends to be either always true or
always false.
Rules in Constructing True or False Test

•  Avoid long sentences as these tend to be

“true”. Keep sentences short.

• Avoid quoting verbatim from reference

materials or textbooks.

A. The true/false item is also B. The true-false item,

called an alternative- which is favored by all test
response item. experts, is also called an
alternative-response item.
Answer : False
Answer : False

The question contains two ideas and

therefore is confusing.

A. According to your B. Alcoholism is a disease.

textbook, alcoholism is a

The statement in B is an
opinion, not necessarily a
A. The true/false item is B. The true/false item
more subject to guessing should be used in place of
but it should be used in a multiple-choice item
place of a multiple-choice when only two
item, if well constructed, alternatives are possible.
when there is a dearth of
distracters that are

 The language in B is
simple, clear, and concise.

A. A statement of opinion B. A statement of opinion,

should never be used in a by itself, cannot be
true/false item. marked true or false.

True/false statements
should avoid absolutes.
Avoid the word never.
A. Tuberculosis is a B. Tuberculosis is not a
communicable disease. non-communicable

B is confusing because of the

double negative.
Guidelines for
Constructing SHORT-
ANSWER items
• an alternative form of assessment because the
examinee needs to supply or create the
appropriate word(s),symbol(s), or number(s) to
answer the question or complete the
statement rather that selecting the answer to
the given option.

• Short answer questions generally ask for brief,

text-based responses and may also be referred
to as fill-in-the-blank; or completion questions.
Guidelines in constructing short- answer type
of test
• The items should require a single word or brief
definite statement.

• Be sure that the language used in the statement is

precise and accurate in relation to the subject matter.

• Be sure to omit only key words.

• Use direct question rather that incomplete statement.

Guidelines in constructing short- answer
type of test

• Be sure to indicate the units in which to be

expressed when the statement requires
numerical answers.

•  Prepare a scoring key that contains all

acceptable answers for each item.
Guidelines in constructing short- answer
type of test

• When a negative item is used, emphasize the negative word

or phrase, that is, underline, capitalize, or italicize, for
example, “DOES NOT.”

• Write the question in your own words; that is, don’t use
wording directly from a text or reading assignments.
• Source:



Guidelines for
Constructing Essay
Constructing an Effective Essay
1. Begin with the lesson
objectives in mind. Make
sure to know what you
wish the student to show
by answering the essay
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question
2. Decide if your goal requires a restricted or
extended response.
• if you wish to see if the student can
synthesize and organize the
information that they learned, then
restricted response is the way to go.
• However, if you wish them to judge or
evaluate something using the
information taught during class, then
you will want to use the extended
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question

3. If you are including

more than one essay, be
cognizant of time
constraints. You do not
want to punish students
because they ran out of
time on the test.
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question

4. Write the question

in a novel or
interesting manner
to help motivate the
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question

5. State the number of

points that the essay
is worth. You can also
provide them with a
time guideline to help
them as they work
through the exam.
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question

6. If your essay item is

part of a
larger objective test,
make sure that it is the
last item on the exam.
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question

Advantages of Essay Items
1. Takers can elaborate and provide
detailed answers.

2. Takers are not able to guess and

select an answers.

3. Can review individualized responses

from each users.

4. Can be used for all types of subject.

5. Take less time to create questions
Disadvantages of Essay Items
1. Takes longer to grade on paper and

2. Take longer to answer

3. Can be graded unfairly

4. Questions can be read differently resulting

in not being able to answer correctly.

5. Will not cover as much varied content in a

Test as other question types. Source:
Tips in Scoring the Essay

1. Determine
whether you will
use a holistic or
analytic scoring
system before you
write your rubric.
Tips in Scoring the Essay
Holistic Grading system -
evaluate the answer as a
whole, rating papers
against each other.
Analytic Grading system
- list specific pieces of
information and award
points for their inclusion
Tips in Scoring the Essay
2. Prepare the essay
rubric in advance.
Determine what you
are looking for and
how many points you
will be assigning for
each aspect of the
Tips in Scoring the Essay
3. Avoid looking at
names. Some
teachers have
students put
numbers on their
essays to try and
help with this.
Tips in Scoring the Essay
4. Score one item at a
time. This helps
ensure that you use
the same thinking
and standards for all
Tips in Scoring the Essay
5. Avoid interruptions when
scoring a specific
question. Again,
consistency will be
increased if you grade the
same item on all the
papers in one sitting.
Tips in Scoring the Essay

6. If an important decision
like an award or
scholarship is based on
the score for the essay,
obtain two or more
independent readers.
Tips in Scoring the Essay
7. Beware of negative
influences that can affect
essay scoring. These include
handwriting and writing style
bias, the length of the
response, and the inclusion
of irrelevant material..
Tips in Scoring the Essay

8. Review papers that

are on the borderline
a second time
before assigning a
final grade.
Constructing an Effective
Essay Question

Suggestions for
Constructing Problem Test

1. Provide directions
which clearly
inform the student
of the type of
response called
Suggestions for
Constructing Problem Test
Undesirable question:
An American tourist in Paris finds that
he weighs 70 kilograms. When he left the
United States he weighed 144 pounds.
What was his net change in weight?

Desirable question:
An American tourist in Paris finds that
he weighs 70 kilograms. When he left the
United States he weighed 144 pounds.
What was his net weight change in
Suggestions for
Constructing Problem Test

2. Separate item
parts and indicate
their point values.

Suggestions for
Constructing Problem Test
A man leaves his home and drives to a
convention at an average rate of 50 miles per
hour. Upon arrival, he finds a telegram advising
him to return at once. He catches a plane that
takes him back at an average rate of 300 miles
per hour.

If the total traveling time was 1¾ hours:
(1) How long did it take him to fly back? (1 pt.)
(2) How far from his home was the convention? (1 pt.)
Show your work for full or partial credit.
Advantages of Problem Test
1. Minimize guessing by requiring the students to
provide an original response rather than to
select from several alternatives.

2. Easier to construct than are multiple choice or

matching items.

3. Can most appropriately measure objectives which

focus on the ability to apply skills or knowledge in
the solution of problems.

Source: 4. Can measure an extensive amount of content or
e/alp/resources/Handout-Mo objectives
Disadvantages of Essay Items

1. Require an extensive
amount of instructor time
to read/grade.

2. Subject to scorer bias

when partial credit is
Reminders in Constructing
Problem Test
• State in the directions
whether or not the
student must show the
work procedures for full
or partial credit.

Reminders in Constructing
Problem Test

• Work through each

problem before classroom
administration to double
check accuracy.


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