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 Landscape Works defined to enhances the outdoor

 Landscape work also are defined as a painted view

of the land which comprises the landscape art
depicts scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees,
rivers, visible features of an area of land including

WORKS physical element such as landform, living elements

of flora and fauna for instance human activity or to
built environment.

Introduction Introduction

Landscaping refers to any activity that modifies the

 Landscape works is both science and art, and visible features of an area of land, including but
requires good observation and design skills not limited to:
 A good landscaper understands the elements of
nature and construction, and blends them  Living elements, such as flora or fauna; or what
is commonly referred to as gardening
 Natural elements such as landforms, terrain
shape and elevation, or bodies of water
 Human elements such as structures, buildings,
fences or other material objects created or
installed by humans
 Abstract elements such as the weather and
lighting conditions.

Categories of landscape

Landscape works can be classified in 2 category:

1. Soft Landscape
2. Hard landscape



Soft landscape

Softlandscape or softscape refers to the

elements of landscape that comprise live,
horticultural elements

Softlandscape can include flowers, trees,

shrubs, climbers, ground covers and

Hard landscape

Hard Hard landscape defined to any structural

elements built by human such as pergolas,
gazebos, pavements rocks, sculpture,

furniture, light fixtures, fountain decks, bridge
and other related utilities including building

Hard landscape Plants: The functional roles

Wind Shelter
 Vegetation can reduce wind speed over building
because it is flexible and semi-permeable
 The careful location of hedges can help to
maximize the use of an exposed site

Air Quality
 They take up groundwater and release it back
into the atmosphere, cooling the air and
increasing humidity
 They take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen
 Leaf surface trap airborne dust


Plants: The functional roles Types of plant

Soil Stabilization Trees

 Provide shade, break the force of wind, create a
 Provide effective protection against erosion by
binding the soil surface with their roots natural appearance
 Grasses are particularly effective and are often  Their roots are also valuable in controlling soil
used because they established quickly and erosion
develop an extensive fibrous root system
 Increase privacy

Trees Types of plant

 A shrub or bush is a horticultural rather than a
strict botanical category of woody plant
 distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems
and lower height

Types of plant

 Hedges are smaller than
trees and usually have
several woody stems
 Valuable for controlling
traffic, to define
ownership boundaries,
provide shelter, reducing
wind velocity


Types of plant

 Climbers can be used on buildings, walls or
 Can also be planted on roof or balconies so as to
drape downwards

Climbers Types of plant

Ground Cover

 The term ground cover is applied to small plant

which cover the ground
 To retain the slope, fill the space where mowing
would be difficult and give a good looking
 Provide a lawn that does not require mowing

Ground Cover

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