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TPA - No.


 Trading of PSE Shares



DATE : January 4, 2019

With reference to PSE Memorandum TPA – No. 2018-0108 dated November 28, 2018, Trading
Participants (TPs) are further required to comply with the following:

A. Updated CAIF

TPs are required to modify the Client Account Information Form (CAIF) to indicate
whether the client is related to any broker dealer.

As defined in Item 1 (b) of the said SEC Rule Governing the Trading of PSE Shares
(“SEC Rule”), the term “related persons” of a broker shall include a “its subsidiaries and
affiliates, its directors, officers, principal stockholders and nominees to the PSE, and the
spouses and relatives up to the 4th civil degree of affinity or consanguinity thereof.”

Prior to accepting a buy order for PSE shares from a client, the TP should require such
client to update the CAIF to declare whether the client is a related person to any broker
dealer, in accordance with the above definition under the SEC Rule. Alternatively, the TP
may require the client to submit a certification, to be attached to the CAIF, as to the
relationship of the client with any broker dealer.

B. Monthly Certification

TPs are required to submit monthly a certification signed by their respective nominees
on any changes in the list of TP’s related parties, their shareholdings in PSE as well as
the PSE shareholdings of the TP. If there were no changes to the list of TP’s related
parties, their PSE shareholdings and the PSE shareholdings of the TP since the
previous month’s certification, the TP should submit a certification to that effect.

Attached as Annexes “A” (With changes in the related parties and/or PSE
shareholdings) and “B” (No change in the related parties and/or PSE shareholdings) are
the templates for the monthly certification to be submitted through EDGE portal every
third (3rd) trading day of the month.
 Trading of PSE Shares

In the absence of the TP’s nominee, the monthly certification shall be signed by the
president of the TP. If both the nominee and the president are unable to sign due to
justifiable reasons, the Associated Person (AP) shall be authorized to sign the
certification provided that the AP formally informs the Trading Participant Relations
Section of the Exchange of such circumstance prior to or simultaneous with the
submission of the monthly certification.

Failure to comply with the above requirements set by the Exchange shall be meted the
corresponding penalty.

Please be guided accordingly.

(Original Signed)
President and CEO
Annex “A”


I, _______________, Nominee of [name of Trading Participant] (hereinafter, the

“Company”), with office address at ______________________, after having been duly
sworn in accordance with law, hereby certify that:

1. (a) The following are no longer related parties of the Company: (Indicate
N/A if not applicable.)

Broker-Dealer/ Name Relative/s up to 4th Number of

Related Parties Civil Degree of Shares Held
Consanguinity or

(b) The following were added as related parties of the Company: (Indicate N/A if
not applicable.)

Broker-Dealer/ Name Relative/s up to 4th Number of

Related Parties Civil Degree of Shares Held
Consanguinity or

2. As of [last day of the month], the number of PSE shares held by the Company

a. its own account;

b. the account of its related parties;
c. principal account of another Trading Participant (TP); and
d. account of clients that are related parties to another TP

has [increased/decreased] to _______________.

Annex “A”

3. I attest to the truth of the foregoing and I am executing this Certification

for the purpose of complying with the requirements of the Exchange.

[Name of Nominee]

Date: ____________________
Annex “B”


I, ________________, Nominee of [name of Trading Participant (hereinafter, the

“Company”), with office address at ______________________, after having been duly
sworn in accordance with law, hereby certify that:

1. There were no changes to the list of Company’s related parties submitted

to the PSE on ___________________;

2. Since [date of last Certification], there have been no changes to the PSE
shareholdings of the Company and, to the best of my knowledge and based on the
Company’s records, there were also no changes to the number of PSE shares held by the
Company’s related parties and clients that are related parties to another Trading
Participant (TP).

3. As of [last day of the previous month], the Company holds for:

a. its own account;

b. the account of its related parties;
c. principal account of another Trading Participant (TP); and
d. account of clients that are related parties to another TP

__________ PSE shares; and

4. I attest to the truth of the foregoing and I am executing this Certification

for the purpose of complying with the requirements of the Exchange.

[Name of Nominee]

Date: ___________________

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