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Imagine Digos: “The City of Choice”.

A story from the next generation.

It’s four o’clock in the morning. I took a shower and prepared for my daily jog routine. As
I savor the aroma of brewed coffee made by the indigenous people of Binaton, I look
out from the window of my condominium in Zone 2 and viewed the cosmopolitan
scenery of Metro Digos. Ah, Iife is good here!

I took off from 28th floor of the building and decided jogging towards the City Eco-Park
located in Ruparan, among the parks available in the city. I gazed upon the other high-
rise buildings along the way, their innovative structures, and the vibrant office lights
therein. The urban jungle is still quiet, yet the mood is very alive

Since the establishment of the Mindanao Railway, Digos City transformed from a
second-class component city to a highly-urbanized logistics hub. With fast-paced mass
transportation, investments poured in. Residents, as well as people from neighboring
regions, overwhelmed the city for business and employment.

Upon entering the Eco-Park, I browsed the internet through the metropolitan Wi-Fi, and
played my favorite playlist from the local musicians hitting the billboard charts. I came
across a drinking fountain and filled my water tumbler, then took rounds of jogging in the
compound. I catch a breath at the grove of Acacia trees in the Eco-Park, and continue
for another round.

After a tiring cycle, I strolled around the city, and enjoyed the green and peaceful vibes
of the highways of San Miguel. I came across several police cars patrolling the streets,
ensuring the peace and order of the districts. The trimmed mahogany trees and led
streetlights along the road are likewise eye-catching as I wandered the 8-lane

It’s still five-thirty in the morning, so I decided to go to the baywalk of Dawis to watch the
sunrise while walking around the coastal beach. Upon arrival, I welcomed the fishing
vessels of local fisherfolk boasting for their bountiful catch. At the same time, I could see
from afar the Aplaya Lighthouse and the passenger and cargo ships docking in the
bustling seaport thereof. An orchard of mangroves from Cogon were also visible to my

The sun has begun to rise. My notifications from social media account is bursting. The
electronic jeeps are starting to occupy the roads. The electronic buses are also
noticeable in the expressways. Likewise, the bike lanes are getting busy. It’s time to go!

I took the underpass from San Jose to Zone 2 for a faster way home. As I rush my way
back, I look at the electronic billboards of the establishments as the morning news are
starting to kick in. The City sweepers are done cleaning the highways for dried leaves.
The City Garbage Collectors also emptied the public trash bins. It’s already seven o-
The local merchants are now displaying their goods at the City Business Center.
Commuters from the Metro Digos Train Station, Agora and Land Transport Terminal,
and Coastal Ports are coming in. Traders are waiting at the City Trade Center. The City
Investment Promotions Office is fully booked. Tourists and other guests are checking
out in their hotels. The city is now open for business.

I marveled at the crowd before me. Investors, workers, hustlers, and entrepreneurs.
People of different roots, race, color, and gender. Indeed, Digos City is the city of
opportunities, the city of choice. The city where dreams come true.

It’s almost eight o-clock. Oh no, I should get going!

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