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GS 91011:2019-08

BMW Group Standard Released GS 91011


Replacement for
GS 91011:2015-06

Special characteristics
Marking in technical regulations, drawings and release

Author, Standardization department

Martin Ruppel

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GS 91011:2019-08
1 Scope and purpose ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Terms, definitions .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Technical regulation .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Special characteristics .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Categories of special characteristics ................................................................................................................................ 3
4 Identification as a special characteristic ........................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Reasons for identification as a special characteristic ................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Consequences of designation as a special characteristic .......................................................................................... 4
5 Specifications for marking special characteristics of components .......................................................................... 5
5.1 General information ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Marking special characteristics in documents ............................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Stating the number of special characteristics ................................................................................................................ 7
5.4 Representation of the special characteristics in a summarizing table ..................................................................... 8
6 Specifications for marking electrical/electronic (E/E) functions ............................................................................... 10
The German version is binding.
The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to others
without express authorization is prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved
in the event of the grant of a patent, utility model or design.
This Group Standard has been coordinated with the responsible departments of the BMW Group. Author, approver
and reviewer are stored in and can be retrieved from the TEREG system master data.

The following amendments have been made to GS 91011:2015-06:
− title changed;
− Group Standard completely revised.
Previous editions
BMWN(S) 11369.0: 1993-11, 1996-06, 1997-03
GS 91011: 2008-05, 2009-03, 2012-04, 2015-06
1 Scope and purpose
This Group Standard regulates the uniform marking of special characteristics in the technical regulations, drawings
and release documents.
This Group Standard describes the minimum requirements. Any requirements beyond this can be individually
managed by the specialist department.
2 Normative references
GS 90000-1 Technical regulations; Terms, structure
GS 90036 Identification of parts; Rules for definition and implementation of traceability of parts
GS 98000 Statistical capability studies
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GS 91011:2019-08
3 Terms, definitions
3.1 Technical regulation
Definition in accordance with GS 90000-1.
3.2 Special characteristics
All product and process features are important and shall be complied with. Certain features are particularly important
and require additional measures/documentation, they are referred to as special characteristics. Noncompliance with
special characteristics, or excessive deviation about the target value can have an impact on product safety (operating
safety and safe use), compliance with specifications from authorities, and the function, installability and changeablility,
or they can considerably restrict the service life of the components in question.
Special characteristics are divided up into three categories, see section 3.3.
3.3 Categories of special characteristics
3.3.1 L-marking
L legal
Characteristics and functions necessary for meeting approval-relevant legislation and specifications from authorities
at the time of putting the product into circulation shall be marked with an L-marking.
According to the process description and in agreement with specialist department “Type Approval, Development
Abroad, Conformity of Production”, the approving specialist department defines which properties and functions shall
be marked with special characteristic L. Changes to these features shall be agreed with the specialist department
“Type Approval, Development Abroad, Conformity of Production”.
The list of features subject to mandatory L-marking is available on the Intranet via the homepage of the specialist
department “Type Approval, Development Abroad, Conformity of Production” or can be requested from the
commissioning specialist departments.
Table 1: Examples of L-marking

Special Criterion Example

L Registration- or homologation-relevant Locking system, headlight, vehicle emissions,
recycling rate
3.3.2 S-marking
S safety
Properties and functions for ensuring product safety (operating safety and safe use), noncompliance with which can
lead to a risk for life and limb.
Properties and functions that can affect the safety of product users, other road users or other persons in indirect way
are safety-relevant.
According to the process description, the approving specialist department defines which properties and functions
shall be marked with special characteristic S.
Table 2: Examples of S-marking

Special Criterion Example

Failure of the brake system or steering Brake line / steering gear
Sudden failure of the drive force Ignition failure
Leaking of hazardous goods / risk of fire Leak in fuel tank
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3.3.3 F-marking
F function
Key functional and production-related properties, whose incorrectness or absence can lead to high warranty costs
(rework, cancellation, reduction, compensation).
According to the process description, the approving specialist department defines which properties and functions
shall be marked with special characteristic F.
These include essential functional requirements (e.g. tolerances, 4 F - Form, Fit, Function, perFormance), production
engineering requirements (e.g. critical production process) and requirements, noncompliance with which cause major
economic damage to the customer or supplier.

Special Criterion Example

Essential functional requirement Tolerance of brake disk
Production-related requirement Incorrect bolted connection of rear spoiler trim
F (missing bolts)
High economic loss for customers Wrongly or not at all installed water drain
4 Identification as a special characteristic
Those properties/functions that have an impact on product conformity, product liability and product safety are
classified as special characteristics. The marking of special characteristics indicates that special attention shall be paid
to compliance with these properties.
4.1 Reasons for identification as a special characteristic
The designation of a special characteristic has consequences in the downstream processes (see section 4.2). The
special characteristic information is also relevant in the event of a change of supplier or production location. It shall
thus be ensured that the special characteristics are shown in all pertinent documents (e.g. requirements specifications,
drawings, 3D models, technical product descriptions or documents for test and process planning).
EXAMPLE Marking of a special characteristic in the service instructions. For safety reasons, the detent of the
headlight plug is a special characteristic and shall be 100% ensured. This also applies to servicing and shall therefore
also be marked in the service instructions.
The designation of special characteristics and their coupling with component tracking (see section 4.2.2) enable the
required vehicles to be systematically pinpointed in the event of recalls due to production faults, thus reducing the
resulting costs.
BMW is subject to the information disclosure obligation in the proof-providing process. The focus here is on product
conformity, product liability and product safety. Consistent marking of the special characteristics enables the quick
identification of relevant documents and components.
4.2 Consequences of designation as a special characteristic
4.2.1 Compliance with properties
Particular attention shall be paid to compliance with characteristics marked with a special characteristic.
According to GS 98000, stricter requirements apply to the capability values for special characteristics. If no proof of
process capability can be provided for the special characteristics, compliance with the special characteristics shall be
demonstrated and documented via a 100 % test.
4.2.2 Component traceability
Each component on which a special characteristic is indicated is assigned to a component tracking class according to
its feature category (L / S / F). Component traceability is regulated in GS 90036.
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4.2.3 Risk management
For all scopes classified as safety-relevant a risk filter or an FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is performed in
the scope of risk management in order to identify potential risks. These shall be assigned measures in the risk
management tool and their implementation shall be recorded.
4.2.4 Changes to properties
The approving specialist department ensures that if the characteristic properties are changed, actions are taken in
accordance with its process descriptions.
For all scopes marked with L, it shall also be ensured that the “Homologation” process (ItO 02.02.04) is taken into
account in the event of changes to marked properties.
5 Specifications for marking special characteristics of components
5.1 General information
The special characteristics are marked in all technical regulations, drawings and release documents of the BMW Group
with the code letter L / S / F, depending on the category of the characteristic.
For the purpose of differentiation, unique, countable numbering for each characteristic within each category of
characteristics shall be implemented within a document, and/or for each part number.
NOTE Consecutive numbering is recommended for each characteristic category.
The special characteristics shown shall be summarized in a table, see section 5.4.
The total for each characteristics category (e.g. in the document or for each part number) shall be shown, see
section 5.3.
5.2 Marking special characteristics in documents
5.2.1 Marking special characteristics in text documents
In text documents, e.g. Group Standards (GS) and requirements specifications (LH), special characteristics shall be
marked. The characteristics categories L / S / F with unique, countable numbering are specified before the
characteristic for each characteristic category, see Figure 1.

After each of the three tests:

L1 - the steering lock shall be able to be unlocked and locked again.
L2 - the steering shaft shall be able to revolve without any problems.
L3 - the torque required to unlock the lock shall be less than 2,45 Nm.

Figure 1: Example showing marking of special characteristics in text documents

For details on citing the table with the list of special characteristics, see section 5.4.
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5.2.2 Marking special characteristics in graphics
The special characteristics shall be marked in drawings, the graphics content of text documents and 3D models. The
characteristics categories L / S / F with unique, countable numbering for each characteristic category are specified
before the characteristic. A semicolon is inserted between the numbering and the characteristic.
In drawings, the special characteristics shall be marked with a “Zeppelin”.
Category with unique,
countable numbering
Feature indication

S1; 13,7 ± 0,3


Figure 2: Marking of special characteristics in drawings with “Zeppelin” (example)

Zeppelin refers to the elliptical frame around the feature indication. It serves as a visual highlight. The Zeppelin frame
is black, the background colorless, see Figure 2.

If direct marking of the characteristic with a “Zeppelin” is not possible (e.g. form and position tolerances, surface
roughness, text) the category with unique, countable numbering shall be marked with a “Zeppelin” in close proximity
of the special characteristic, see Figure 3. Reference to the special characteristic shall be indicated by an arrow. If the
reference is clear, the arrow can be omitted.

Ø0,08 C F15

Ø0,05 A-B

Φ Ø0,25 A-B C D F14
― Ø0,01

Figure 3: Marking of position tolerances as special characteristic

In graphic content of text documents and in 3D models, the special characteristics can additionally be marked with a
“Zeppelin”. Within a 3D model, marking shall be consistent.

Special characteristics In 3D models special characteristics

without “Zeppelin” marking can additionally be marked with a
L1;66 ±0.5

Figure 4: Example marking of special characteristics in 3D models

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5.3 Stating the number of special characteristics
5.3.1 Statement of the number of special characteristics on the cover sheet of the document
On the cover sheet of the technical regulations, the individual feature categories of L / S / F shall be indicated with the
number occurring in each document. This number shall be indicated as an index.

Marking of
special characteristic

Category: L
Number: 3

Figure 5: Marking of special characteristics on the cover sheet (example, Group Standard)
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5.3.2 Stating the number of special characteristics in the header of the drawing
In the header of the drawing, the individual characteristic categories L / S / F shall be indicated, including the number
of occurrences in each document. This number shall be indicated as an index.
NOTE Until the characteristics categories S and F and the number of occurrences can be managed in PRISMA, the
details for all categories shall be shown in the form of a drawing comment in the drawing, near the text box.

Methode 1 Bayerische Motoren Werke

Oberflaechen: VDA 2005 ISO 128 Aktiengesellschaft
Form-und Lagetoleranzen: DIN EN ISO 1101 Alle Rechte vorbehalten/ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Rohteil Nr./Zwischenzustand: Lieferant:

- - Erstellt mit/PRODUCED ON CATIA 5.14SP5P

Datum Name Datum Name Kennz. nach Massstab Gewicht mit Toleranz/WEIGHT WITH TOLERANCE
Blatt -
GS 91011 SCALE nach GS 90006
Gez. - - gepr.
- - von

Gepr. - - Werkst.
- - L 3
- Blatt

Ersatz - Ersetzt -
- - Gesehen - - DO NOT SCALE fuer durch

Marking of Category: L
special characteristic Number: 3
Figure 6: Identification marking of special characteristics in the title block of the drawing (example)
5.3.3 Stating the number of special characteristics for 3D models
In PRISMA, the individual characteristic categories used L / S / F shall be stated with the number of occurrences in the
scope of the release.
NOTE Until the characteristics categories S and F and the number of occurrences can be managed in PRISMA, the
details for all categories shall be shown in the form of an office supplement.
5.4 Representation of the special characteristics in a summarizing table
5.4.1 Summarizing table of special characteristics
In technical regulations, drawings and release documents all special characteristics shown shall be stated along with
the characteristic category L / S / F and unique, countable numbering using a summarizing table.
In addition, the summarizing table states the specific purpose, and provides further information on the implementation
(location of implementation/type of implementation/requirements for implementation) for each characteristic.
The technical implementation is documented by the specialist department providing the definition, as are the
amendments, which shall be agreed upon in advance with the releasing specialist department.
Table 3 is an example demonstrating the implementation in a drawing. It may vary depending on the document type.
The minimal requirements for the summarizing table are shown in Table 3 with the bold frame. Further information
can be added as required.
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GS 91011:2019-08
Table 3: Indication of special characteristics on a drawing (example)
Number of
features by
category on the
3 1 1
L S F Feature Specific purpose Location Type Requirements Zone4) Page4)
of implementation1) of implementation2) for implementation3)
L1 - - Position of bore Positioning in measuring Supplier Ensure tolerance cpk = 1,41 F2 1
L2 - - Paint quantity in Ensure readability of Supplier Prevent the embossing Machine-readability F3 1
embossing embossing from being filled
Paint shop cpk = 1,41
L3 - - Geometry Coordination of all Releasing specialist Check of valid 100 % - -
function-relevant department homologation
changes with the
specialist department
“Type Approval,
Development Abroad,
Conformity of
- S1 - Freedom from cracks of Exclusion of component Supplier Proof of freedom from 100 % - -
entire component breakage cracks
- - F1 Evenness Ensure capability of Supplier Ensure tolerance SPC5) / cpk = 1,67 H21 1
being engraved
L = legally relevant
S = safety-relevant
F = function-relevant
1) Who? / Where?
2) What?
3) How? / How many?
4) specifications on the drawing regarding where to be found
5) statistical process control
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GS 91011:2019-08
5.4.2 Summarizing table of special characteristics in text documents
In text documents, the summarizing table shall be maintained in the document.
5.4.3 Summarizing table of special characteristics in drawings and release documents
The summarizing table shall be maintained in PRISMA for each part number. It contains the special characteristics for
all release documents (e.g. 3D model, office supplement, drawing) that are maintained with this part number.
NOTE Until the implementation of the summarizing table in PRISMA is available, an appropriate summarizing table
is a constituent part of the release documents, it is maintained in the 3D model or in the drawing. If there is insufficient
space in the drawing sheet, the summarizing table can be maintained in a separate document. An appropriate
reference shall be stated in the drawing.
For applicable documents (e.g. quality specifications), the special characteristics are summarized in a separate
summarizing table in the appropriate document.
6 Specifications for marking electrical/electronic (E/E) functions
The L / S / F marking of E/E functions occurs in the scope of documenting the E/E architecture in the AIDA
(architecture, integration and design for automotives) function list (FL). The marking is defined by the function owner
stated in the AIDA FL in collaboration with the specifying specialist department (e.g. specialist department for
homologation), see Figure 7.

Figure 7: Entry in AIDA FL

EXAMPLE L-marking in the AIDA FL

Function Vehicle Sound Generator

Identification mark L
Approval-relevant characteristics that can be − Minimum sound pressure level
influenced by software − Frequency range
− Third bands

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